Turlock Unified School District - Technology Plan 2017-2020
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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. TUSD’s Mission and Beliefs ...............................................................................................1 2. Planning Committee and Process Overview ........................................................................2 3. Existing Frameworks ...........................................................................................................4 4. TUSD BrightBytes Data ......................................................................................................5 5. TUSD’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) ..........................................................6 6. LCAP Goals, Identified Needs, and Tech Integration .........................................................8 7. TUSD’s Student Device Scaling Plan for 2017-2020........................................................16 8. TUSD’s Educational Technology Professional Development Initiative (Project GROW) ................................................................................................................18 9. Career and Technical Education (CTE) .............................................................................20 10. Infrastructure ......................................................................................................................21 11. Monitoring .........................................................................................................................24 Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page i
TUSD’s Mission and Beliefs Turlock Unified School District is guided by a mission and beliefs that highlight our commitment to high-quality instruction, based on individual student needs, that prepares students to meet standards and graduate ready for success. TUSD’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), serves as our guide for all decisions, programs, and initiatives. The areas in the LCAP related to technology support TUSD’s beliefs and missions in ensuring that our district continually positions technology in a manner that benefits our students and staff. TUSD Mission: The mission of the Turlock Unified School District, a premier progressive educational system, is to ensure all students graduate as self-motivated, responsible citizens equipped to compete successfully in an ever-changing global society by delivering effective instruction that engages all students to reach their individual potential and highest achievements within a safe and caring student-centered environment in partnership with our families and diverse community. TUSD Beliefs: We believe that Every person is unique and has equal worth. Every person can be a successful learner. People are responsible for their actions. The family experience has a profound impact on the development of the individual. Honesty and integrity build trust in all relationships. Motivation, hard work, and persistence are necessary to achieve full potential. High expectations yield greater levels of performance. A quality education enriches lives by creating and expanding opportunities. The positive actions of role models inspire people to excel. Service to others is vital in building a thriving community. Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 1
Planning Committee and Process Overview TUSD Technology Planning Committee Agustin Arreola Assistant Principal, Dutcher Middle School Marshall Beyer Educational Technology Instructional Coach Jay Brem Director of Technology and Innovation Carolina Cortes Teacher, Osborn Dual Immersion Dany Dara Teacher, Turlock Junior High School Angela Dorsey Parent, Osborn Dual Immersion Laura Fong Principal, Dennis Earl Elementary School Luke Hibbard Instructional Technology Staff, SCOE Ryan Hollister Teacher, Turlock High School Heidi Lawler Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Burt Lo Instructional Technology Staff, SCOE Bill McGinnis Teacher, Turlock High School Marya Moreno Teacher, Crowell Elementary School Jeff Santos Director of Special Education Shellie Santos Director of Curriculum and Instruction Sumeet Singh Assistant Principal, Pitman High School Noah Stoffel Student, Turlock High School Dave Sutton Teacher, Walnut Elementary Education Center Julie Thompson Teacher, eCademy Charter Karen Welch Administrative Secretary- Technology Technology Planning Process The work to revise TUSD’s Technology Plan for 2014-17 began in 2015 with the formation of this committee, originally called the 18 Month Technology Planning Committee. In the 2015-16 school year, members of this group met monthly to address the following goals: 1. Create a vision of technology for TUSD that supports educational goals. 2. Answer the question, “When we get all of this access, what do we do with it?” 3. Synthesize TUSD’s current technology plans into meaningful, actionable items that all stakeholders can understand and refer to. The efforts of the committee were focused on coalescing the technology elements of several district plans, including the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), the TUSD Strategic Plan, and the TUSD Technology Plan, into simple student- and teacher-focused statements that summarized the goals of the various plans. Ultimately, the committee determined the following statements that Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 2
served to focus future efforts related to technology, including the work of revising the Technology Plan in the year to follow: For students and teachers, technology will be current, functional, and equitably available. For students, technology will promote individualized learning goals through diverse course offerings and programs, preparing students to contribute positively to an ever-changing global society. For students, access to technology will provide an opportunity to develop positive and appropriate digital citizenship, emphasizing best practices for student safety and information protection. For teachers, technology needs to be integrated within classroom instruction supported with ongoing professional development and coaching. In the 2016-17 school year, this committee, now titled the TUSD Technology Planning Committee, met monthly to revise the TUSD Technology Plan and align it with TUSD’s LCAP for 2017-20. Using the committee’s work from the previous year as a foundation, it created both a three year device access scaling plan and determined specific elements of technology to ensure continued support for and advancement of the goals outlined in TUSD’s LCAP. The result of that work is this updated TUSD Technology Plan for 2017-20. Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 3
Existing Frameworks In the course of its work, the TUSD Technology Planning Committee leveraged a variety of resources to collaborate and make determinations. These resources include existing standards- based frameworks, and teaching and learning standards related to technology. Existing Standards-Based Frameworks Fresno County Office of Education (FCOE) Recommended Digital Literacy and Technology Skills to Support the California Common Core Standards This framework outlines the discreet technology skills, arranged within grade spans, students must learn and demonstrate to address the three core digital literacy categories in the state standards. Long Beach Unified School District Common Core State Standards K-12 Technology Skills Scope and Sequence This framework, based on the FCOE skills outlined above, presents a scope and sequence for the digital literacy and technology skills for the K-5 and 6-12 grade spans. Teaching and Learning Standards related to Technology The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) provides standards for a variety of education stakeholders, including students, teachers, and administrators. These standards promote future-ready learning for students, supported by teachers and administrators creating technology- rich learning environments that engage and improve learning. ISTE Standards for Students (2016) ISTE Standards for Teachers ISTE Standards for Administrators Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 4
TUSD BrightBytes Data TUSD partners with BrightBytes to collect information about technology and learning from its students, staff, and parents. Based on the results, the district and school sites can target specific areas of need related to technology, as well as identify strengths they are benefitting from. TUSD has engaged in two data collections, one in the spring of 2016 and the second in the spring of 2017. The district as a whole has increased its proficiency by 16 points since the first collection, with the most significant gain in the domain of “Access,” in which the district moved from proficient to advanced. Based on the most recent data, TUSD’s domain of greatest need is “Classroom,” which showed improvement (an increase of 15 points), but remains a domain with an emerging score. The Classroom domain includes teacher and student use of the Four Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity) and digital citizenship, both key areas for teaching and learning in which TUSD expects to see growth with increased access to technology and more robust professional development that helps build teacher foundational skills and provides opportunities to support teachers in implementing tech skills to augment student learning (see Project GROW, below). Additional data from the TUSD 2017 spring BrightBytes collection is below: Strengths (advanced/exemplary)- Teacher foundational skills, teacher and student access at home, student multimedia skills, student and teacher beliefs about technology use for learning Samples: 88% of teachers and 80% of students report that technology use in class can enhance student learning. 62% of teachers and 81% of students agree with the statement “I learn technology easily.” Proficiencies (proficient)- Teacher knowledge of digital citizenship, teacher and student access at school, teacher and student online skills, teacher multimedia skills; policies, procedures and practices Samples: 48% of teachers report obtaining computers when they need them all or more than half the time, while 36% report obtaining them less than half the time they need them. 25% of teachers report discussing tech use during classroom observations or visits always for more than half of the time, while 56% report discussing it either less than half the time or rarely. Areas of need (beginning or emerging)- Classroom (teacher and student use of the 4 Cs, student digital citizenship, assessment, assistive technology); Environment (support, professional learning) Samples: 75% of teachers report never asking students to collaborate online with classmates, while 60% of students report being asked to do so either weekly or monthly. 50% of teachers report participating in 1-8 hours of school-assigned technology professional development per year, and 18% report never participating. Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 5
TUSD’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) When Governor Brown reformed school funding in 2013, he required school districts to engage in open, transparent public budgeting and planning. The LCAP guides this work and is the district’s roadmap for how it will use state funding to serve all students, including low-income, English learner, and foster youth students. The LCAP presents goals, actions, and expenditures. Each district must describe what needs each goal addresses and the metrics used to measure progress. LCAP is the plan for TUSD, and ultimately all of the efforts of the district must align with it. TUSD’s Technology Plan, then, is designed to support and advance TUSD’s LCAP, and not act as a stand-alone document. TUSD’s revised LCAP goals for 2017-20 are the following: 1. Curriculum & Instruction: Provide guaranteed and viable learning, using effective instructional practices, from highly qualified teachers who have the necessary resources to implement CCSS successfully. 2. Safety & Security: Provide and maintain consistent policies, procedures, and facilities that reflect a safe, secure environment and culture. 3. Academic Achievement: Increase student academic achievement and utilize a multi-tiered system of supports to promote college and career readiness among all students. 4. Parent Involvement: Expand opportunities to increase parental involvement, collaboration, and partnerships with families and the community to support District initiatives. 5. Social/Emotional Supports: Support students’ social success to live a healthy life-style and become self-motivated, responsible citizens. Based on many measures and a variety of stakeholder input, TUSD’s LCAP targets several high priority focus areas. One of these high priority areas is technology support, including professional development for staff and troubleshooting personnel. Additional technology elements from the LCAP can be found below, and on TUSD’s website. LCAP Technology Highlights: Increased access to technology for students and staff to aid in providing a guaranteed and viable curriculum using effective instructional practices and a multi-tiered system of supports. Equipping and maintaining classrooms with a minimum of a teacher workstation, projector, and document camera. Expanding district-wide professional development opportunities and/or trainings for TK- 12 to include a variety of target areas, including technology. Use of Aeries Analytic System, and related professional development, to provide all- inclusive data related to academic achievement and deficiencies, discipline, and attendance to target at-risk students, track interventions, and provide immediate support. Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 6
LCAP Goals Supported By Technology The TUSD Technology Planning Committee reviewed LCAP goals and needs, and through a collaborative process of considering that information in light of data, educational frameworks, and existing practices, determined elements of technology integration that would address specific identified needs, thereby supporting the goals of the LCAP. Not all goals and needs from the LCAP were determined to require specific support through technology integration. The goals and needs below were targeted for review by the committee, ultimately leading to the specific technology integration statements that follow. Provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum using effective instructional practices and a multi-tiered system of supports, from highly qualified teachers who have the necessary resources to implement CCSS successfully. Identified Needs: Increased opportunities, including transportation, to engage in programs that provide enrichment and college-readiness (AP, STEM, Immersion, GATE, etc.) Timely PD and collaboration time to review student achievement data and develop rigorous lessons aligned to CCSS Increased access to technology for students and staff CCSS- aligned instructional materials Increased math and technology support for students during and outside the regular school day Staff input for relevant and timely professional development Meet and/or exceed academic standards across all curricular and co-curricular areas to close the achievement gap and promote college and career readiness among all students, utilizing an effective data system that measures various indicators of performance. Identified Needs: Learning targets and expectations improved and aligned horizontally and vertically Embedded interventions and enrichments during the regular day as well as before and after school Expansion of CTE courses and programs to provide for more “career readiness” and increased work force skills and preparation Increased data, PD, and collaboration time to monitor and discuss student achievement to identify struggling student who need timely, immediate intervention Development and implementation of formative assessments Increased and revised communications to parents regarding students’ academic achievement, progress, or lack thereof Vertical and horizontal articulation, including specialized programs such as SPED, GATE, CTE Increased academic counseling and post-secondary guidance for career and college preparation Maintain safe and supportive campuses that promote a productive learning environment and the character traits necessary to live a healthy life-style to become self-motivated, responsible citizens. Identified Needs: Student learning and practice of positive character traits to lessen bullying, disruptive behavior, and poor choices Career planning and life skills for students Increased safety for students and staff, including bullying and social media abuse Activities, during and outside of school day, to keep students engaged and connected Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 7
LCAP Goals, Identified Needs, and Tech Integration LCAP GOAL: Provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum using effective instructional practices and a multi-tiered system of supports, from highly qualified teachers who have the necessary resources to implement CCSS successfully. NEED: Increased access to technology for students and staff Grade Span: Elementary Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Director- Strategically increase student access to devices through the TUSD device scaling plan. Technology Director- Provide devices to all staff to support professional development, collaboration, and connectedness. Technology Grade Span: Middle Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Director- Strategically increase student access to devices through the TUSD device scaling plan. Technology Director- Provide devices to all staff to support professional development, collaboration, and connectedness. Technology Grade Span: High Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Director- Strategically increase student access to devices through the TUSD device scaling plan. Technology Director- Provide devices to all staff to support professional development, collaboration, and connectedness. Technology Site Teachers and administration, working together, will ensure students have the appropriate tools to succeed. Administrators, Teachers Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 8
LCAP GOAL: Provide a guaranteed and viable curriculum using effective instructional practices and a multi-tiered system of supports, from highly qualified teachers who have the necessary resources to implement CCSS successfully. NEED: Staff input for relevant and timely PD and collaboration time to review student achievement data and develop rigorous lessons aligned to CCSS. Grade Span: Elementary Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Promote a digital environment by providing ongoing professional development and support that aligns with the Director- California Standards. Technology, Educational Technology Instructional Provide ongoing, differentiated educational technology professional development that meets teachers' needs, Coach, Lead interests, and class settings. Tech Teachers, Site Administrators, Director- Provide support and training for teachers to incorporate technology into Professional Learning Communities Curriculum (PLCs). and Instruction Grade Span: Middle Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Promote a digital environment by providing ongoing professional development and support that aligns with the Director- California Standards. Technology, Educational Technology Instructional Provide ongoing, differentiated educational technology professional development that meets teachers' needs, Coach, Lead interests, and class settings. Tech Teachers, Site Administrators, Director- Provide support and training for teachers to incorporate technology into Professional Learning Communities Curriculum (PLCs). and Instruction Grade Span: High Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Promote a digital environment by providing ongoing professional development and support that aligns with the Director- California Standards. Technology, Educational Technology Instructional Provide ongoing, differentiated educational technology professional development that meets teachers' needs, Coach, Lead interests, and class settings. Tech Teachers, Site Administrators, Director- Provide support and training for teachers to incorporate technology into Professional Learning Communities Curriculum (PLCs). and Instruction Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 9
LCAP GOAL: Meet and/or exceed academic standards across all curricular and co-curricular areas to close the achievement gap and promote college and career readiness among all students, utilizing an effective data systems that measures various indicators of performance. NEED: Development and implementation of formative assessments. Grade Span: Elementary Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Director- Assessment, Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments that align with content and tech Site standards and use results to drive instruction. Administrators, Teachers Grade Span: Middle Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Director- Assessment, Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments that align with content and tech Site standards and use results to drive instruction. Administrators, Teachers Grade Span: High Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Director- Assessment, Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments that align with content and tech Site standards and use results to drive instruction. Administrators, Teachers Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 10
LCAP GOAL: Meet and/or exceed academic standards across all curricular and co-curricular areas to close the achievement gap and promote college and career readiness among all students, utilizing an effective data systems that measures various indicators of performance. NEED: Expansion of CTE courses and programs to provide for more "career readiness" and increased work force skills and preparation Grade Span: Elementary Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Site Administrators, Teachers, Students will build a foundation for career readiness through exposure to fundamental concepts of technology Educational operations (ISTE Standards for Students, 1). Technology Instructional Coach Director- CTE, Director- Curriculum The District and sites will develop curriculum and provide extracurricular offerings to promote and support and career readiness, STEM/STEAM, and increased workforce skills and preparation. Instruction, Site Administrators Grade Span: Middle Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Site Administrators, Students will develop and model competency and knowledge of fundamental concepts of technology operations, Teachers, demonstrate the ability to choose, use, and troubleshoot current technologies, and transfer their knowledge to Educational explore emerging technologies (ISTE Standards for Students, 1). Technology Instructional Coach Director- CTE, Director- Curriculum The District and sites will develop curriculum and provide extracurricular offerings to promote and support and career readiness, STEM/STEAM, and increased workforce skills and preparation. Instruction, Site Administrators Grade Span: High Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Site Students will develop and model competency and knowledge of fundamental concepts of technology operations, Administrators, demonstrate the ability to choose, use, and troubleshoot current technologies, and transfer their knowledge to Teachers, explore emerging technologies (ISTE Standards for Students, 1). Students will demonstrate these skills in a Educational variety of applications, demonstrating industry-readiness and emphasizing collaboration, communication, Technology critical thinking, and creativity. Instructional Coach Director- CTE, Director- Curriculum The District and sites will develop curriculum and provide extracurricular offerings to promote and support and career readiness, STEM/STEAM, and increased workforce skills and preparation. Instruction, Site Administrators Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 11
LCAP GOAL: Meet and/or exceed academic standards across all curricular and co-curricular areas to close the achievement gap and promote college and career readiness among all students, utilizing an effective data systems that measures various indicators of performance. NEED: Increase academic support with embedded intervention and enrichment during the regular day and before and after school. Grade Span: Elementary Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Educational Services Administrators, Provide students with access to online tools that provide interventions, enrichments, and support. Site Administrators, Teachers Grade Span: Middle Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Educational Services Administrators, Provide students with access to online tools that provide interventions, enrichments, and support. Site Administrators, Teachers Grade Span: High Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Director- Technology, Director- Curriculum Design webpages for specific needs, including troubleshooting hardware/software problems and math tutorials and for specific grades and subject levels. Instruction, Educational Technology Instructional Coach Educational Services Administrators, Provide students with access to online tools that provide interventions, enrichments, and support. Site Administrators, Teachers Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 12
LCAP GOAL: Support students' social success to live a healthy life-style and become self- motivated, responsible citizens. NEED: Student learning and practice of positive character traits. Grade Span: Elementary Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Site Administrators, Develop a form of measurement for certificated staff and students to demonstrate an appropriate competency of Educational grade level digital citizenship. Technology Instructional Coach Director- District and site administration will provide tools, curriculum, and other resources to support staff, students, and Technology, parents in learning and demonstrating digital citizenship. Site Administrators Teachers will implement lessons for training students in safe, legal, and ethical use of technology and will Teachers model these behaviors in the classroom. Grade Span: Middle Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Director- District and site administration will provide tools, curriculum, and other resources to support staff, students, and Technology, parents in learning and demonstrating digital citizenship. Site Administrators Site Administrators, Develop a form of measurement for certificated staff and students to demonstrate an appropriate competency of Educational grade level digital citizenship. Technology Instructional Coach Grade Span: High Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Director- District and site administration will provide tools, curriculum, and other resources to support staff, students, and Technology, parents in learning and demonstrating digital citizenship. Site Administrators Site Administrators, Develop a form of measurement for certificated staff and students to demonstrate an appropriate competency of Educational grade level digital citizenship. Technology Instructional Coach Site Administrators, Lead Positive digital citizenship will be promoted among all school citizens. Technology Teachers, Teachers Students will demonstrate responsible behavior when using digital resources (copyright/plagiarism). Teachers Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 13
LCAP GOAL: Support students' social success to live a healthy life-style and become self- motivated, responsible citizens. NEED: Increased safety for students and staff, including bullying and social media abuse. Grade Span: Elementary Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Educational Services Administrators, Lead Provide ongoing PD to allow teachers to help students recognize and describe the risks and dangers associated Technology with various forms of online communication. Teachers, Educational Technology Instructional Coach Site Administrators, Educational Technology Expand Positive Behavior Program to include digital citizenship, focusing on needs and learning levels of TK-6 Instructional students. Coach, Director- Student Services Grade Span: Middle Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Educational Services Administrators, Lead Provide ongoing PD to allow teachers to help students recognize and respond appropriately to various forms of Technology online communication and act in a safe, legal and ethical manner in the digital world. Teachers, Educational Technology Instructional Coach Site Administrators, Educational Technology Expand Positive Behavior Program to include digital citizenship, focusing on needs and learning levels of 7-8 Instructional students. Coach, Director- Student Services Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 14
LCAP GOAL: Support students' social success to live a healthy life-style and become self- motivated, responsible citizens. CONTINUED NEED: Increased safety for students and staff, including bullying and social media abuse. Grade Span: High Person Tech Integration to Support Need Responsible Educational Services Administrators, Lead Provide ongoing PD to allow teachers to help students prepare for appropriate, safe, and ethical use of Technology technology and digital resources in post-secondary settings, include college and career. Teachers, Educational Technology Instructional Coach Site Administrators, Educational Technology Expand Positive Behavior Program to include digital citizenship, focusing on needs and learning levels of 9-12 Instructional students. Coach, Director- Student Services Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 15
TUSD’s Student Device Scaling Plan for 2017-2020 At the beginning of the 2016-17 school year, TUSD maintained a student to device ratio of a minimum of 5 to 1 at each school site in the district. This ratio considered only general access devices- those not tied to a specific class or set of students who had exclusive access. At most sites, Chromebooks and PC labs are the general access devices students use to access the internet, work on digital resources, and engage in web-based interventions. While most sites were below the 5:1 ratio, the Technology Planning Committee recognized that increased access for students was necessary to support 21st Century learning and address the feedback from the TUSD LCAP and BrightBytes surveys. Over the period of several meetings in the fall and winter, the Technology Planning Committee designed the student device scaling plan. This plan strategically increases student access over the life span of this plan, culminating in the final year in a district 1:1 initiative. 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 TK-6 (including Dutcher 6th) TK-6 (including Dutcher 6th) TK-6 (including Dutcher 6th) Ratio goal: 3:1 at all TK-6 sites Ratio goal: 2:1 at all TK-6 sites Ratio goal: 1:1 at all TK-6 sites Provide PD to match & support Provide PD to match & support Provide PD to match & support technology needs/growth technology needs/growth technology needs/growth Develop plan/schedule to ensure Develop plan/schedule to ensure Develop plan/schedule to ensure 50% purposeful, authentic 60% purposeful, authentic 70% purposeful, authentic engagement student daily use. engagement student daily use. engagement student daily use. 7-12 7-12 7-12 Middle School: Middle School: Middle School: 2.5:1 teachers reserve carts for 1:1 in ELA/HISTORY 1:1 at all sites core subjects 2.5:1 in Math/Science High School: High School: High School: 9th and 10th Grade English 9th, 10th and 11th Grade English 1:1 at all sites teachers have chromecarts teachers have chromecarts US History teachers have World History teachers provided chromecarts with chromecarts Science teachers have chromecarts As of the writing of the plan, Chromebooks are the general access device, and the Technology Services Department maintains a more detailed forecast that includes line items of devices that must be purchased for each year by site. The forecast also accounts for refreshing existing Chromebooks during the timeframe of the plan, as well as costs per year to assist with budgeting. Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 16
Overall, addressing the plan with fidelity involves the purchase of over 10,000 devices and 200 storage carts, with a total cost of over $2,000,000. Supporting this scaling plan will involve monitoring and planning over the first two years, as the district prepares to meet the needs of a 1:1 initiative (see Monitoring, below). Specific questions that will be addressed: Purchase or Lease? While the district’s past and current practice has been to purchase devices outright, it may also consider leasing options in years two and three of the plan (as of the time of this writing, purchasing for year one has already started and been budgeted for). Will the 1:1 initiative have a take-home component? If stakeholder feedback and data suggests that a take-home program for some or all students is necessary, the district must prepare for management, security, and loss-prevention. Additionally, it will have to consider how to support students who may not have wireless access at home. How will teachers be prepared to teach in more digital environment? The Technology Planning Committee considered teacher preparedness is its work on the scaling plan. Knowing that a 1:1 initiative of this nature can only be successful if all teachers have the capacity and confidence to work with this technology, the team decided it was necessary to scale into the initiative, thereby providing time to prepare all stakeholders. See the information on Project GROW, below, for more information about TUSD’s Ed Tech PD initiative. Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 17
TUSD’s Educational Technology Professional Development Initiative- Project GROW- Promoting Technology Professional Development that Includes: Growth Mindset Responsible Tech Use Opportunities to Build Capacity and Confidence Web-Based Resources In the winter of 2017, a group of Technology Ambassadors, composed of site lead technology teachers, district instructional coaches and district office administrators, began the work of developing an educational technology professional development initiative specific to TUSD. Through a review of data and andragogy, as well as discussions about existing professional development efforts in the district, the team established four program components to start the 2017 school year. 1. A technology framework that identifies what students are expected to know about technology in grade levels TK-12. These help teachers focus on what their professional and skill development needs will be based on goals for students. The team reviewed existing frameworks from other educational agencies, and determined that the Fresno County Office of Education Recommended Digital Literacy and Technology Skills and the Long Beach Unified Common Core State Standards K-12 Technology Skills Scope and Sequence frameworks would serve as TUSD references to start the initiative (see “Existing Frameworks” above). As the initiative progresses, the Technology Ambassador team may determine that a separate, TUSD-specific framework may be more appropriate. Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 18
2. A badging program that allows staff to learn discrete technology skills on their own or with a minimum of formal support. This allows staff to target their needs and build foundational skills. Initially these will be easy to access for the reticent or new-to- technology learner, and likely oriented toward products TUSD is using (G Suite, SchoolCity, etc.). Staff who complete certain badging thresholds will demonstrate a more general level of technology competency, making them eligible for #3, below. 3. A more robust, longer-term program (or set of programs) that allows staff who qualify under #2 to dive deeper into technology use and allow them to create documentation of their progress and experience. This may include cohorts of teachers who go through 6-8 week (or longer) sessions focused on specific ways of employing their skills in the classroom. Participants will look closely at the SAMR model, with staff engaged in these kinds of experiences moving away from Substitution and into the more engaging levels. 4. Incentives- this component is aimed at recognizing the work of staff who participate in elements of the program, particularly the badging component. Data suggests that currently staff does not feel recognized when it does use technology in the classroom and an incentive program may help develop the culture of the initiative as a whole. Pending approval at the necessary levels, the incentive component will include both incentives provided by the school district (board recognition, conference attendance) and by local businesses and organizations. TUSD Technology Ambassadors Megan Bernard Instructional Coach Marshall Beyer Educational Technology Instructional Coach Jay Brem Director of Technology and Innovation Kim Cabral Instructional Coach Susan Castro Instructional Coach Angela DeTomasi Instructional Coach Jennifer Hughes Lead Technology Teacher- Earl Leisa Machado Instructional Coach Tim McCabe Lead Technology Teacher- Pitman HS Marya Moreno Lead Technology Teacher- Crowell Ramanjot Sanghera Instructional Coach Shellie Santos Director of Curriculum and Instruction Donny Swanson Lead Technology Teacher- Roselawn HS Reid Volk Lead Technology Teacher- Cunningham Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 19
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Education and Demand TUSD is committed to preparing students for success in the new economy by providing opportunities for students to engage in both career and college readiness. TUSD recognizes that students who have both knowledge and discreet skill training possess an advantage as graduating seniors. To that end, TUSD is refocusing its efforts in Career and Technical Education (CTE), including, but not limited to, the following actions: Creating a Director of Career and Technical Education position separate from Turlock Adult School that will focus entirely on CTE. Working with local businesses and organizations to provide internship opportunities for TUSD students to gain real-work experience in a variety of fields. TUSD launched this campaign in the spring of 2017 with a Business Symposium. Expanding CTE pathways at each comprehensive high school, with increased capstone classes that provide certification in a specific skill. Expanding STEM education into the elementary level. Refer to page 12 of this plan for technology integration statements to support skill development and career readiness. Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 20
Infrastructure In 2013 TUSD conducted an audit of its technology infrastructure with the goal of identifying necessary areas to address in order to establish a foundation to support increased technology use and access. Highlights of the results of the audit included, but are not limited to, the following recommendations: Upgrade site connectivity to 1 GBPS with the ability to scale to 10 GBPS Upgrade to a 1 GBPS direct internet connection Upgrade CAT 5 Ethernet cabling to CAT 6 Deploy standard wireless that included high-density access points and centralized management Move from physical servers to a virtualized storage and backups Since the time of that audit, TUSD has engaged in multiple projects to address many of these recommendations, establishing a scalable network and backbone suited to support increased technology use by many stakeholders, as well as potential 1:1 initiatives in the future. These projects include the following: Server Virtualization: TUSD initiated a server virtualization project during the summer of 2012. This included 3 host servers, 1 storage area network (SAN) and a new backup solution with offsite mirroring. In the summer of 2014 TUSD purchased an additional host server and SAN to increase available capacity. In August of 2016 TUSD upgraded its backup solution to refresh the hardware and increase capacity. Network Upgrades: TUSD started the network upgrade project during the summer of 2014 at two school sites. All network equipment was upgraded to 10Gbps local area network (LAN) with POE+. In the spring of 2015 work began to upgrade the network at all remaining school and non-instructional sites. Wireless/Fiber Project: In May 2016 TUSD began working on the wireless/fiber upgrade project. A new WLAN was installed with dual 10 Gbps centralized controllers and 802.11ac wave 2 wireless access points. All fiber optic cabling was upgraded with new single mode fiber. WAN/ISP Contracts: In March 2017 TUSD renewed the contract with its wide area network (WAN) provider. This new contract included the option to increase WAN connection speed from 1Gbps to 10 Gbps as needed. During the summer of 2017 TUSD is increasing the WAN connection speed at four sites: Turlock High School/District Office, Pitman High School, Turlock Junior High School and the fiber transport from TUSD to SCOE for Internet services. TUSD will also be increasing its Internet connection from 1 Gbps to 2 Gbps. Roselawn HS WAN: In October 2015 TUSD was awarded the Broadband Infrastructure Improvement Grant (BIIG) for Roselawn High School. The sites WAN connection was upgraded from two T1 lines to a 1Gbps fiber connection. Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 21
TUSD applied for and received funding for several of the above projects through the federal ERATE program. Once the reimbursement process is complete, TUSD expects to have received approximately $1.3 million in federal subsidies, freeing the funds the district would have otherwise used for the projects for other technology needs, including the device scaling plan. Anticipated Network and Connectivity Needs As the district transitions from addressing infrastructure needs to support 21st Century learning and teaching, to the implementation of that learning and teaching, TUSD recognizes its responsibility in ensuring that these support systems function continuously and with minimal issues. In particular, increased wireless device use and web-based resources require the district to continue to prioritize the management of and funding for its technology infrastructure. Anticipated needs include, but are not limited to, the following: • Increase in student device access: 5,500 in 2017-18, 8,800 in 2018-19, 14,000 in 2019-20 • Staff/Student personal devices on the new wireless network • Increased use of web-based resources • Student resources: Accelerated Reader, Dreambox, G Suite, Typing Agent, etc. • Anti-Virus subscription renewal in 2018- considering a hosted version • Destiny • Chromebook management and filtering • Digital assessment systems Network and Connectivity Anticipated Projects, 2017-2020 To address these anticipated needs, the Technology Services Department has identified the following projects as critical during the span of this technology plan. Increased internet service and WAN capacity The chart below outlines TUSD’s current connection rate capability. Existing Assets/Services Current Connection Rate Capability (Gbps) Switches 10 New Cabling for Wireless Access Points 10 New Single Mode Fiber Cabling 10 Internet (from SCOE) 1 Wide Area Network (from Spectrum/Charter) 1 (can be upgraded to 10 by site) Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 22
In 2017-18, TUSD will increase its internet service to 2Gbps. Additionally, it will increase its WAN connectivity to 10 Gbps to THS, PHS, TJHS, DO, and the SCOE internet transport. For subsequent years, TUSD will monitor data flow rates and bottlenecks to determine if additional internet data or WAN connectivity as less populated sites is necessary. If necessary, TUSD will investigate corporate internet service providers outside of the county office of education. Virtualized Server and Backup- Expansion: TUSD is planning to upgrade all VMware host servers in order to refresh hardware and increase capacity. This upgrade will allow TUSD to be fully virtualized in its server environment. Social Engineering/Network Security: TUSD is planning to enroll in the Technical Assistance and Professional Development (TAPD) program in an effort to increase cybersecurity awareness among TUSD staff. TAPD also provides network monitoring and diagnostic tools to participating districts and county offices of education. Mobile Device Management: TUSD is currently implementing a new mobile device management (MDM) solution to streamline management of district iOS devices. As the district scales toward a 1:1 initiative, it will research solutions for managing devices taken outside of the school district. This management solution must include offsite filtering, asset control, and functionality that allows the Technology Services Department to easily identify and address points of failure in a take-home program. Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 23
Monitoring Monitoring the progress of successful technology use and integration that positively impacts learning and teaching requires review, feedback, and possible revision from multiple entities. As this plan is designed to support the goals of TUSD’s LCAP Plan from 2017-2020, monitoring and revising that plan will the primary method for ensuring the maintenance of the vision of this plan. Monitoring elements for the TUSD Technology Plan include the following: Monitoring Purpose Timeframe Persons Responsible Body/Action TUSD LCAP LCAP review- TBD- likely several Director- Assessment Committee provide guiding meetings in the spring and Accountability; feedback for of each school year TUSD LCAP necessary Tech Plan 2017-2020 Committee discussions and revision TUSD Technology Review TUSD Tech 2017-2019: Quarterly Director- Technology; Planning Committee Plan in light of data, meetings TUSD Technology feedback, law, etc. 2019-20: Monthly Planning Committee meetings for major plan revision Reports to TUSD Provide information Biannually or as Director- Technology Board of Trustees to Board and receive necessary feedback/direction Data Collection Collect specific data At least annually, Director- Technology Specific to related to staff and recommendation for a Technology student use of biannual collection- (BrightBytes or other technology once in the fall and vehicle for once in the spring collection) Technology Meetings and work As necessary; face-to- Director- Technology; Ambassadors related to Project face and web-based Ed Tech Instructional GROW meetings (i.e., Google Coach Hangouts) Turlock Unified July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Page 24
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