(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...

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(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...
Vidya Vikas Mandal’s

R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School

    E-Bulletin 2018-19

(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...
Cultural Activities

                       CULTURAL UNION MEMBERS
                            Mrs. Suvidha Tuenkar
                             Mr. Naguesh Kamat
                          Mrs. Sandhya Korgaokar
                           Miss. Shantadurga Naik
                           Mrs. Prital Phal Dessai
A One-Day workshop on „BE ORIGINAL- BE A CREATOR‟ was held on Thursday 21th
June 2018 at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao, on the occasion of „World Music Day‟
organised by Goa Arts and Culture Department from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. Seventeen
students attended the workshop accompanied by the Cultural Union teacher Ms.
Shantadurga T. Naik. The programme was hosted by a well-known singer Mr.Varun
Carvhalo and international singer Ilena Bash. The workshop dealt with creation of
musical notes, melodies, different forms of music and how to compose the music.
(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...

                      TALENT SEARCH COMPETITION
The cultural Union of VVM‟S R.M Salgocar Higher Secondary had organised a Talent
Search Competition called „Khul Ja Sim Sim‟ on 6th and 7th July 2018 respectively for
Std. XIth in the Multi-purpose Hall during the last two lectures.

The competition held on 6th July 2018 were Dancing, Elocution, Essay Writing and
Poster Making.

On 7th July 2018 singing, Drama, Wealth out of Waste and Monologue were held.

Students participated in large numbers. The Cultural Union selected a pool of talent
which could be utilized for further Inter- Higher Secondary Competitions to be held.
(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...
The Cultural Union organised „A Greeting Card Making Contest‟ on Monday, 16 th July
2018 in the Library at 3.40 p.m. The topic of the competition was in accordance with the
festivals namely Diwali, Christmas and New Year. The winners of the competition were:

   1. Atul Chari
   2. Depak Chinnannavar
   3. Rahul Salgaocar

The winners of the in-house competition were sent to participate for „Greeting Card
Making Contest‟ at Loyola High School, Margao on 21 st July 2018 which was organised
by Bal Bhavan. Mast. Atul Chari won Second Place at the state level competition. Mrs.
Suvidha Tuenkar, accompanied the students for the same.

Greeting Card Making Competition held in library
(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...
Greeting Card Making Competition organised by Ravindra Bhavan and Mr. Atul Chari’s
Greeting Design (Second Place)

                                  GURU PURNIMA
The Cultural Union of R.M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School with the help of B.Ed.
Teacher Trainees Mrs. Trupti Fatorpekar and Miss Pranavi Dessai celebrated „Guru
Purnima‟ on 27th July 2018 in the Smart Class Room.

On this occasion, students read out information on the importance of Guru Purnima in
different languages such as Hindi, Marathi, and English. Some of the students also
presented Poems on this day. Students from class XIth E and XIth D sang songs, the
programme concluded by giving teachers Greeting Cards as a token of gratitude.
(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...
Greeting Card’s made by students given to teachers

VVM‟S R.M.S Higher Secondary School participated in two Patriotic Group Singing
Competitions on 14th August 2018. The first Competition was organised by Swami
Vivekanand Vidyaprasarak Mandal Borim, Ponda Goa and Second competition was
organised by Jagannath B. Shet Kala Saunstha Thana Cortalim. 12 students
participated in this competition. Teachers Mrs. Suvidha Tuenkar and Mrs. Sandhya
Korgaokar accompanied the students.
(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...
Shri Ramchandra Mission had organised an All India Essay Writing Event 2018. The
topic for the event was „There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the Heart-
Charles Dickens‟. Four students from our higher secondary participated for their essay
writing event and submitted the same to Ramchandra Mission on 12th August 2018.


Our students participated in All Goa Street Play Competition for Higher Secondary
Schools organised by Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir on 16th August 2018 held at Arena
Theatre, Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir Ponda Goa. Ten students participated in the Street
Play. We received a memento and cash of Rs. 2000/ for participating in the event.
Teacher Mrs. Suvidha Tuenkar and Mr. Nagesh Kamat accompanied the students.

VVM‟S R.M.S Higher Secondary School had sent five teams comprising of 2 students
each to participate in the 23rd All Goa Inter Higher Secondary School General
Knowledge Quiz Competition organised by the PTA of GVM‟S Smt. Nelly Jolido Aguiar
Higher Secondary School on 25th August 2018 held at Rajiv Gandhi Kala Mandir,
Ponda Goa. Teacher Sawani Dandekar accompanied the students.
(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...
 VVM‟S R.M.Salgaocar Higher Secondary School were the overall winners of
Mediascope 5.0 organised by St. Xavier‟s College Mapusa Goa. The event was held on
1st September 2018 in St. Xaviers College Mapusa. 15 students had participated in the

The prizes won in Mediascope 5.0 are as follows:

Sr.                Events                           Name of the students

1            1st prize IN Mad Ad               Mast. Jackson Rodrigues
                                               Mast. Soham Dhargalar
                                               Miss. Chaiali Kudalkar
                                               Mast. Kedar Sawant
                                               Mast. Manthan Mokatkar

2            1st Prize in Rangoli               Mast Atul Chari
                                                Mast. Soham Dhargalkar

3.         2nd Prize in Photography       Mast Kedar Sawant

Teachers Miss Shantadurga Naik and Mrs. Rashmi Shirodkar accompanied the students.
(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...

VVM‟S R.M. S Higher Secondary School won four prizes in various events in Topsy
Turvy 2018 organised by JCI Marmugoa Port Town on 2 nd September held at Ravindra
Bhavan, Baina, Vasco. We secured overall 3rd prize. 40 students participated in the

The prizes won in Topsy Turvy are as follows:

Sr.   Events                          Name of the students

1     1st prize in Komic Stand        Mast. Jackson Rodrigues
      (stand-up Comedy)

2     2nd Prize in Zingaat            Mast. Omkar Kalwar , Miss. Aishwarya Naik,
       (Dance)                        Miss Simran Rodrigues, Mast. Sairaj Naik,
                                      Mast. Atharva Naik, Mast. Sahil Goel,
                                      Mast. Pranav Shanbag,Mast.Vasant Satardekar,
                                      Miss. Yashoda Dammur, Mast. Azan Shaikh,
                                      Miss. Sayba Sayed, Miss. Samprati Shinde

3.    3rd Prize in Shilpkar           Mast Atul Chari
      (Doodle Art on Stone)

4.    3rd Prize in Veshbhusha         Miss. Aachal Gadkar , Mast. Irfan Shaikh,
      (Fashion Show)                  Miss. Afreen Shaikh, Mast. Kedar sawant,
                                      Miss. Kirti Nadkarni, Mast. Nathan Fernandes,
                                      Mast. Omkar shirwant, Mast. Rohit Gaunkar,
                                      Mast. Saif Mulla , Mast. Shoaib Shaikh,
                                      Miss. Shreya Naik, Mast Sohail Shaikh,
                                      Mast Vighnesh Bhandari, Miss. Zia Fernandes
(JUNE -OCTOBER) E-Bulletin 2018-19 - Vidya Vikas Mandal's R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School - Ramacrisna Madeva Salgaocar Higher ...
Cultural Union along with Konkan Railways organised Poster making competition on
26th September 2018 at 3.30 pm in the school library to celebrate Tourism Week
(Paryatan Parv), which was followed by the prize distribution. The program was
compered by Mrs. Priti Raikar and vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Prital
PhalDesai.The prizes for the students were sponsored by Konkan Railways.

The prize winners were as follows:-
 1st place Rs. 750/- secured by Master Sahil Goel from XII A
 2nd place Rs. 500/- secured by Master Atul Chari from XIID
 3rd place Rs. 250/- secured by Master Shreyas Shirodkar from XI OM
 3rd place Rs. 250/- secured by Master Muzamil Khan from XIIE
Prize distribution ceremony            Students busy in Poster Making

Second Prize winner Mast. Atul Chari

Mrs. Suvidha Tuenkar


Cultural Committee
NSS Activities
                         NSS Committee members
                            Mr. Naguesh Kamat
                           Mrs. Rashmi shirodkar
                          Miss Shantadurga Naik
                              Mrs. Jyoti Garde
                            Mrs. Swarda Bagkar

        Celebration of World Environment Day on 5th June 2018
1. Our college celebrated world Environment Day on 05/06/2018. 100 students
   participated for this Program.( 52 boys & 48 Girls)

2. During this Program a short documentary film was screened on “Dangers of
   Plastic” to create an awareness among students about how plastic is harmful to
   the Environment.
Celebration of Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 20th June 2018
1. Presentation on Gandhi‟s Ideologies by Rashmi Shirodkar, followed by screening
   of Movie “Mahatma: Life of Gandhi 1869-1948”.
2. 90 students participated. ( boys:51 girls:39).
Celebration of International Yoga Day On 21st June 2018
1. Yoga was conducted by P.E Teachers in Multipurpose hall.
2. 295 students participated.( boys:155 girls:140).

        Campus cleaning by NSS volunteer on 14th August 2018
                98 students participated . Boys:50 Girls:48
Students attended Screening of film ZUZARI on 15th August 2018
           Students participated :20     Boys:12    Girls:08

Talk on BODY LANGUAGE on 23rd August 2018 by Mrs. Rekha Rao.
           Students participated :105     Boys:54    Girls:51

              Elocution Competition 30th August 2018
                      Topic : CHILD ABUSE
            Students participated :105     Boys:54    Girls:51
             1st prize - Gaurav Kanekar and Dimple Talvde
             2nd prize - Petalia Coutinho.
             3rd prize - Ninoshka Fernandes.
Cleanliness drive on 6th September 2018
         Plastic cleaning around school campus.
    Students participated :52     Boys:30 Girls:22

Talk on 11th September 2018 by Mrs. Melanie Vaz.

       Topic: Domestic Waste Management
 Students participated :235     Boys:130   Girls:105
Students also participated in 12th Anniversary programme of speech by SWAMI
VIVEKANANDA competition organised by Department of Sports and Youth Affairs in
Minezes Braganza hall, PANJIM.

              NSS DAY CELEBRATION on 24th September 2018
Poster competition was held on the topic SWACHH BHARAT, followed by a Rally.
Students went walking to Lohia Maidan and cleaned the area.

Students participated: 240   Girls:130   boys: 110
Celebration of Gandhi jayanti and
                                             Environment Day on 2nd & 3rd
                                             October 2018
                                              RMS Higher secondary organized a
                                             survey on “Waste Management” and
                                             “Open Defecation” in COMBA area.
                                             Total 50 students participated. 27 boys
                                             and 23 girls. 25 houses were covered
                                             and brief report is forwarded to the
                                             councillor of that area Mr. Ketan

Survey on “Waste Management” and “Open Defecation” in COMBA area

                           Dry Waste Collection Drive

On 20th October 2018, Std XI-B was the biggest contributor in RMS HSS, in the
collection of segregated dry waste, which was later collected from our school campus
by Mr Clinton Vaz and taken to Durga Plastics, a small processing centre in Nesai.
Free Food For Needy People on 21st October 2018
NSS unit of our Higher Secondary in collaboration with Devine Soup Kitchen served
free food for needy people in Margao .
Total students participated: 11 with NSS PO Mr. Naguesh U. Kamat.
 Boys:03              Girls:08

Serving free food for needy people

On 14th July (French Republic Day) 2018, French teacher MaryAnne R D'souza
accompanied her French students of XI-D Mast Aldin Mallakkara and Ms Angelica
Gonsalves for the first round (Higher Secondary School Level) of IDOLE INDIENNE
French singing competition at Alliance Française Panjim. Aldin bagged the 1st place in
the U-18 category and was selected for the second round (Zonal Level) to be held in

The Indian Association of Teachers of French in collaboration with Goa University,
conducted the Finals of Idole Indienne on 2nd September 2018 at Pune. XI-D student of
French from RMS HSS Mast Aldin Mullakkara represented Goa and stood 3rd in the
Junior Category at National level.
                              French Day Programme

On 21st July 2018, French teacher Ms MaryAnne R D'souza along with her French
students, put up a French Day Programme in the Smart Class. IC Principal Mrs Cintia
Abranches and other teachers encouraged the students as they explained their recipes
in French and served their starters, main dishes, desserts and drinks to all present. Std
XI French students then sang a French song and Std XII French students presented an
original skit in French. The room was decorated with balloons, ribbons, French posters
and a running PPT on French culture. Ex French students joined in with a cake.
Teacher MaryAnne had also ordered a cake labelled "ALLEZ LES BLEUS" to celebrate
this year's World Cup won by France.

                             National Library Day
On 14th August 2018 National Library Day was celebrated in R. M. Salgaocar Higher
Secondary School, Margao to pay tribute to Father of Library Science Dr. S. R.
Ranganathan who spearheaded Library Development in India. The celebration started
wit lighting the lamp by our Principal Mrs. Cintia Abranches followed by the Librarian
Mr. Sambhaji Gaikwad and other library committee members such as Mrs. Jamuna
Gudi, Ms. Goretea Cardozo, Ms. Vasanti Hondkar, Mrs. Jyoti Garde and Mr. Prakash
Borkar (Library Assistant). To celebrate this day Inter-Class Poster Competition was
held in library for the students of XI and XII standards, wherein the theme given to the
students was My Favourite Author. Some of the common authors chosen by students
for their posters are Rabindranath Tagore, Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, Mahatma Gandhi,
J.K.Rowling, Chetan Bhagat, etc.
The competition was judged by Mr. Naguesh Kamat and Mrs. Ellis Rodrigues.

     Contribution of RMS HSS towards the 2018 Kerala Flood Victims.

Students of Std XI-B along with their Class Teachers Ms MaryAnne R D'souza and Ms
Shantadurga Naik were, through the JCI's, the biggest contributers of RMSHSS
towards the 2018 Kerala Flood Victims.
                                Committee members
                              Ms MaryAnne R D'souza
                                   Mrs. Riya Desai

                  19th ANNUAL GENERAL BODY MEETING
The 19th Annual General Body Meeting of R. M. Salgaocar Higher Secondary School
Margao was held on 18th August 2018 at 2:40 pm in Ganesh Daivajna Auditorium at
GR Kare College of Law. A total of 83 members of the PTA attended the function.

Our students sang the welcome song ”You raise me up”. Principal Mrs Cintia
Abranches addressed the gathering. She appreciated the perents for devoting their time
to guide, protect and monitor their children, she also requested them not to give in
whenever their children demanded for gadgets. She reiterated that parents were
equally responsible for 100% results that we were aiming to achieve.

In his address to the parents, Chairman of the School Managing Committee Mr.
Vinayak Angle stressed that a good and healthy interaction between parents and
teachers would help conquer all shortcomings, and together ,both could guide the
students on the right path towards a secure future.

Chief Guest Mrs. Ketaki Porob Gadekar, shared her views on “Effective Parenting”.
She spoke on the challenge of being a parent, and how a child can develop a negative
behavior if placed in a negative home environment, thus encouraging parents to be
positive since children watch and imitate them.

Through her Power Point Presentation “Cell phone addiction among teens”, the school
counselor Ms Gale Rebello guided the parents on how to tackle problems related to
social networking sites, gaming and self addiction.

Meritorious students of Std XII March 2018 Board Exam were felicitated by the chief
guest. Retired teachers Mrs Beena Naik, Mrs.Rekha Rao and Alvaro Abranches were
felicitated on this occasion.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read by PTA Secretary Mrs Ujwala More.
President of PTA Mr. Santosh Naik read the activity report for the year 2017-18. Annual
accounts were presented by PTA Treasurer Mrs. Lolita Gomes.

Mr. Naguesh Kamat conducted the election of the new PTA members. Principal Mrs.
Cintia Abranches discussed about the discretionary holidays, Mr.L. M. Bhat and
Mr.Ramnath Kalgutkar gave Power Point Presentation of how to login and use
computerised online school management system FEDENA.
Mrs. Venecia Vaz     proposed vote of thanks. The program was compered by Mrs
Rashmi Shirodkar.

PTA Annual General Body Meeting

            Teachers' Day Celebration on 5th September 2018
On 5th September 2018, the PTA Committee members celebrated Teachers' Day with
a small programme. Principal Mrs Cintia
Abranches welcomed the gathering and
introduced the PTA Committee members
to the staff.

PTA President Mrs Venecin Vaz read out
a speech appreciating the role of teachers.
This was followed by the cutting of a
delicious cake to the song "Showers of
Blessings". Then the students of Std XI-B
presented specially-made cards for the
staff. PTA Committee members distributed
roses, pens and refreshments. Except for
2 members, all PTA Committee members
were present.
Demo on Garbage Waste
                                                      Disposal and Composting
                                                      On 13th October 2018, the students
                                                      of Std XII-E were taken to Durga
                                                      Plastics, a small processing centre
                                                      in Nessai. There, Mr Clinton Vaz
                                                      explained to us that on a daily
                                                      basis he collects 100 tons of
                                                      garbage from 10,000 houses and
                                                      then divides it into DRY and WET
                                                      waste. The dry waste is further
                                                      segregated into hard plastics, soft
                                                      plastics, metals, white glass, brown
                                                      glass (which is not recyclable),
                                                      tetra packs, pet bottles, plastic
                                                      bags, biscuit packets, and so on;
                                                      while the packets with silver lining
                                                      cannot be recycled ie           Kitkat
                                                      chocolate wrappers, Lays chips
                                                      packets, etc and they are therefore
sent to Karnataka to be burnt in the incinerator. He then explained how the wet waste is
used in composting and how he practices multiple-cropping. Apparently, food waste
takes 3 months to break down and the basic requirements for composting are air,
moisture and bacteria. He encouraged everyone to make their own black mud at home
from their very own wet waste. We also learnt about the Gliricidia Sepium that was
grown as a fence around their compound, we were told how it helps in enriching the soil
due to its nitrogen-fixation; and how people plant it as its smell keep rats and ultimately
snakes away. It was an informative talk and demo. Students had made him a thank-you
card, Principal brought along some refreshments and everyone went home happy.

                                   Educational Trip

On 16th October 2018, as a PTA activity, RMS HSS organised a one-and-half hour
educational trip to VM Salgaocar Institute of International Hospitality Education at Raia.
50 interested students of Std XII were accompanied by Principal Cintia Abranches, Mrs
Jamuna Murthy and Ms MaryAnne D'souza.

We were welcomed and served refreshments in the CAFETARIA. Then we were shown
the LOBBY where students learn about Front Office; the MOCK GUEST ROOM where
they learn about House Keeping; the TRAINING KITCHEN with separate sections for
Indian Cuisine, Continental Cuisine, etc; the BULK KITCHEN consisting of veg and
non-veg compartments; we saw their WALK-IN FREEZERS; the AMPITHEATRE where
they learn about Event Management; the LIBRARY meant for silent reading; the
READING ROOM for reading and discussion; the COMPUTER LAB, the SMART
boys and girls separately, complete with swimming pool, football ground and indoor

We saw students dressed differently: blazers for the classroom, sari for the front desk,
chef-coat for the kitchen.

We learnt that it figures in the Top Ten list of hospitality institutes in India, providing
Student Exchange Programmes and Internships abroad, students can opt for higher
studies and get varied exposures to industry. Due to its high standards, world-class
infrastructure and sophisticated training equipment, it is like a mini-Switzerland.
Students learnt a lot, they were impressed and glad that they took the opportunity to

Educational trip to V M Salgaocar Institute of International Hospitality Education at Raia.

                            Career Guidance Programme
                              Committee Members
                              Mr. Devdatta Raikar
                                Mrs. Riya Desai
Career Cell organized a Career Guidance Programme for std XII students on
13th October 2018 in the Smart Class Room. Mrs. Coniza Mendes, lecturer in
Infotec Institute, Curchorem, was the key resource person. 70 students attended
the programme.
Sports activities
                                Committee members
                                Mrs. Girijadevi Dessai
                            Mr. Durguesh Prabhugaonkar

                             International Day of Yoga

On 21st June 2018, 300 students participated in the International Day of Yoga in the
Multipurpose Hall.

                                  DSYA Tournaments.
   Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs organises different tournaments in many
games. So far our institution has participated in Chess Girls and Boys, Table Tennis
Boys and Girls, Badminton Boys and Girls, Sepak Takraw Boys, Football Boys, Judo
Boys, Taekwondo Boys, Karate Boys and Girls, Sqay Martial Art Boys and Girls and
Swimming Boys.

Achievements in DSYA tournaments.

    Boys were runners up at zone 3 level in Chess Tournament.
    Sohail Mulla secured Silver medal at the State Level Judo Competition.
    Faizaan Shaikh has qualified for the State Level Taekwondo tournament by
     winning bronze at Zone 3 and Interzone tournaments.
    Fazale Kadri secured Gold, Abhishek Jamuni secured silver and Naik
     Dessai Sukanya secured bronze medal at State Level Karate Tournament.
    In the Boys category Gadkari Viraj, Mehta Vikram, Nagvekar Pratham,
     Rawool Sandesh, Kumar Karthik, Khan Ziyan and Nayak Vedant have
     qualified for the State Level Sqay Martial Art Tournament. In the Girls
     category Gawas Anuja and Shaikh Ashreen qualified for the State Level
     Sqay Martial Art Tournament.
National Sports Day

  On 29th August 2018 National Sports Day was celebrated in the institution. Inter class
Badminton and Quiz Competitions were organized. Standard XII A were the winners of
the Inter-Class Badminton Tournament, and Standard XI D were the winners of the
Inter-Class Quiz Competition.

                         Inter-Class Football Tournament
To create interest in sports our institution organized an Inter-Class Football
Tournament. All the classes participated in the tournament. Standard XI A were the
State Level Karate Tournment

Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs
organised     the     State  Level Karate
Tournament on 20th October 2018 at
Pedem Sports Complex, Mapusa. Three
students from our higher secondary school
participated in the tournament.

 In the Boys Category Kadri Fazale
Haq secured Gold Medal , while
 Abhishek Jamuni secured Silver
In the Girls Category Naik Dessai
Sukanya secured Bronze medal.

Winners of State Level Karate Tournament
red ribbon club Activities
                                Committee members
                        Mr. Devdatta Raikar , Mrs. Priti Raikar

      Poster Competition

Red Ribbon Club Organised Poster
Competition on 14th June 2018 as a
part of World Blood Donor Day.

Theme was ” Give Blood Share Life”
and “Be There For Someone Else“

                                                      Essay Writing Competition

                                                 Red Ribbon Club conducted an Essay
                                                 Writing Competition on 17th October 2018.

                                                  Topic “Importance of Creating a Drug
                                                 Free Goa”.

       Talk on ''Each One Teach One” Awareness Towards HIV AIDS
Red Ribbon Club organized a talk on ''Each One Teach One” awareness towards HIV AIDS on
17th October 2018. Dr. Sapna Chodankar from the Urban Health Centre was the resource
Student’s Council Activities
                              Committee members
                               Mrs. Ujwala More
                            Mrs. Sandhya Phaldessai
                             Miss Vasanti Hondkar
                              Mrs. Swarda Bagkar
                             Mrs. Rashmi Shirodkar

            Inauguration of Student’s Council on 19th JULY 2018

Students Council of R.M.S. was inaugurated at the hands of Mr. Tilroy
Fernandes, Principal of Cuncolim United Higher Secondary School. In his speech he
advised students on various career options for commerce students. Council-in-charge
Mrs. Ujwala More, administered the Oath of Office to the selected Council students.

             Workshop on Leadership Training on 25th July 2018

   JCI Nirmesh Tyagi (trainer) was the resource person for the „Leadership Training
  Programme‟ that was conducted for selected student leaders to enhance their
  leadership skills. At the end of the day students were asked to do group
  presentations, which they enjoyed.
Friendship Day Celebration on 13th August 2018

  Friendship day was celebrated by students council in Multipurpose Hall. From
  3:30pm onwards a small entertainment programme and games were organized for
  the students.
                A Greeting Card Competition on 4th September 2018
 A Greeting card competition with paper-art/work was conducted with the theme
“Teachers day”. About 24 students participated from std XI and XII. Prizes were given
to the winners.
                  Teachers Day Celebration On 5th September 2018

 Teachers Day was celebrated in a unique way. Principal Mrs. Cintia          Abranches,
Council-in-charge Mrs. Ujwala More along with N.S.S. and Red Ribbon Club in-charge
garlanded the photo of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and was followed by light
entertainment programme and games for teachers. Teachers were given handmade
cards which were prepared by the students on the eve of teachers day. Miss Chaitali
recited the Gurubramha prayer song. Miss Anjali Hegde spoke on the occasion as a
mark of respect to teachers. It was concluded by distributing refreshments for teachers.

           Talk on “Young People and Mental Health”on 10th October 2018
   On “World Mental Health Day” a talk was organized on the topic “Young People and Mental
   Health” by Resource Persons Dr. Abhijit Nadkarni and Miss Vibha Bhatia.
                               Committee members
                             Mrs. Sandhya Korgaokar
                                 Mrs. Jyoti Garde
                              Miss Shantadurga Naik
                              Mrs. Sawani Dandekar

    Workshop on “ Understanding Emotional Needs of a Child” and

                    “The Changing Role of a Teacher Today”

Tansor Super school      Complex of V.V.M‟S R.M.Salgaocar Higher Secondary
School organized a one day workshop on “UNDERSTANDING THE EMOTIONAL
Teachers of Lead School and the Cluster school on Wednesday, 24th October 2018 at
Shree Damodar Educational Campus , Margao – Goa

The workshop was organized to help the Teachers to understand the emotional needs
of a child and their role as a facilitator.

The Resource persons for the workshop were Mrs Olinda Toscano Fernandes, Lecturer
at Institute of Nursing Education and Mrs Antonieta Noronha, Counsellor of Carmel
College, Nuvem.

The workshop began with a welcome address by Principal Mrs Cintia Abranches,
followed by the Introduction of the Resource Person for the first session, Mrs Olinda
Toscano Fernandes , by Miss Shantadurga Naik. The formal function ended with a
vote of Thanks by the co-ordinator of Tansor Super School Complex, Mrs Sandhya
The resource person for the first session, Mrs Olinda Toscano Fernandes spoke about
Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs which were self – actualization,Esteem, Love/Belonging,
Safety and Physiological Needs. She also stated that the factors contributing to
emotional and behavioral problems of a child could be

   1) Biological Factors ---   Physical Illness or disability, malnutrition, brain damage,

   2) Family Factors     ---   conflict between parents, physical abuse, child neglect,
      sexual abuse.

   3) School Factors      --- Learning Problems, social rejection, School Phobia.

Mrs Olinda also spoke about the Needs of Adolescence, which were Need for security,
Need for Love, Need for Freedom and Independence and Need for Self – Expression
and Achievement. She also said that a problem with Adolescent could be identified on
the basis of

   1) Changes in the childs behaviour like restlessness, lack of concentration,
      agitation etc.

   2) Changes in Scholastic like drop in Grades, adverse reports, abstinence .

   3) Addiction to Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs .

   4) Psychotic changes like having suicidal thoughts and depression.
She ended the session by suggesting different ways in which a child could be helped
and they were

   1) Supporting Positive Adolescent Development.

   2) Supporting and Strengthening Families.

   3) Providing Teens with activities in which they can be successful.

   4) Encouraging children to look beyond their own circumstances and help others.

   5) Teaching children positive copying skills.

The second session began with a introduction of the resource person Mrs. Antonieta
Noronha by Mrs Jyoti Gadge . In the second session, Mrs. Antonieta Noronha spoke
about the changing role of a teacher today, she began with John Dewey‟s quote, ” If we
teach Today‟s students as we taught, Yesterday‟s, we rob them of Tomorrow”. In her
session she spoke about the 4 C‟s which are considered as 21st century skills, these
being Communication, Collaboration,Critical Thinking and Creativity. She further
stated, that the four steps to creativity are reperation, Incubation, Illumination and
Verification and the Characteristics of the creative person are they are imaginative,
sees problems as opportunities and don‟t give up easily. She further stated that the
21st Century Educators should have the following characteristics, He or she should be
an Adaptor, a communicator, a learner, a visionary, a leader, a model a collaborator
and a risk taker. Finally she concluded the session ,with the statement that we as
educators need to be reflective practioners. This was followed by a valedictory

Resource persons Mrs. Olinda Fernandes, Mrs. Antonieta Noronha and the Teachers
Voluntary Activities

                                                Rainbow Walk
                                           Std XI-B, as well as a couple of students
                                          from Std XII-D along with their parents, joined
                                          Ms MaryAnne R D'souza for the 5km
                                          Rainbow Run organised by YWCA at 6am on
                                          Benaulim Beach, in support of Breast Cancer
                                          Awareness. This was a great opportunity to
                                          teach them via example how one can run for
                                          health reasons, as well as for a Cause.

          Municipal Garden

Being (through the JCI's) the biggest
contributors of RMS HSS towards the
2018 Kerala Flood Victims, class teachers
Ms MaryAnne R D'souza and Ms
Shantadurga Naik rewarded the students
of their class Std XI-B for being generous
and so prompt to help, by spending some
quality time with them on 3rd September
2018, before class hours, in the Margao
Municipal Garden, thereby also teaching
them to appreciate the simple joys in life.

Compiled By

Mrs. Jamuna Murthy Gudi

Mrs. Riya Desai
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