Philip Rogers Elementary School Handbook for Students and Parents

Page created by Doris Carr
Philip Rogers Elementary School
                   Handbook for Students and Parents
                                    Welcome to Rogers School!
In case of an emergency, or if a child should become ill at school, the school will contact the parent or person
indicated on the student’s emergency information form. Each student is required to have on file in the school
office the following information: parent/guardian name, address, home telephone, work telephone, and
emergency telephone numbers of two friends or relatives who can reach the school in reasonable time. Medical
alert information, if appropriate, should be provided. If a child must leave school early due to illness, a
parent/guardian or authorized adult on the emergency form (no one under 18) may pick up the student. Please
notify the school if your contact information changes.

Rogers accepts students from pre-kindergarten (ages 3-4) through grade eight. In order to register your child
you need:
     1. Proof of residence [utility bill; electric or gas; current lease]
     2. Complete health examination, including all immunization dates [signed and dated by a
     3. Birth certificate
     4. Transfer, if coming from another school
     5. Specialized services children need a copy of their IEP
State pre-kindergarten screening for 3 and 4 year olds is done by the preschool teacher. To arrange for a pre-
school appointment, call (773) 534-2125. New kindergarten students must be five years old on or before
September 1 to enroll in kindergarten.

After school remedial and enrichment classes are offered [as funding allows] for students in grades 1-8 on a
limited basis and require parental permission. Do not rely on Rogers for after school childcare, as the programs
do not run 5 days a week, and are not offered every month. Look for fliers to be sent home with your child for
more information.

Punctuality is important. Please help your child arrive at school on time each day. Parents are asked to make
sure their children do not arrive for school before 8:47 each morning, unless they come to eat breakfast.
Teachers will meet their classes outside the building at 8:47 a.m. There is no supervision on the playground
until 8:30. Dismissal pick-up time is promptly at 2:45. At dismissal time, parents are requested to meet their
children outside. All Pre-K and Kindergarten children must be signed in and out. The adult or responsible
sibling (3rd grader or above) must "sign in" when bringing the Pre-K child to school at the start of the Pre-K
school day at 8:47AM or 12:10PM. The person picking up the child at the end of the half day session (at
11:40AM or 2:45PM, respectively) must be listed on the child's "Emergency Form" and must sign the child
out. At 8:55am students should line up as stated below:
         Pre-K & Kindergarten—Line up at the front of the building.
         1,2,&3—Line up by room at door 1 (by the playground)
         4&5—Line up by door 5 (gym doors)
         6,7,&8—Line up by door 2 (parking lot)

Rogers School Handbook for Parents and Students 2007-2008 page 1
Excellent attendance is necessary for excellent progress in school. Rogers School starts at 8:55 a.m. and is
dismissed at 2:45 p.m. A student is tardy at 9:05 a.m.. There are no excused tardies. Students must bring a
note for any absence or it will be considered an unexcused or truant absence. After 5 and 10 days of
unexcused absence, the school will send a truant notice to families. After 18 days of unexcused absences, legal
proceedings will begin. Students may automatically fail if they have more than 20 days of unexcused absences.

Tardy Policy
Students who arrive after 9:05am are considered tardy and must enter through the main entrance (Washtenaw
Ave.) of the school building. Students must stop at the front desk to pick up a tardy slip. The tardy slip must
be presented to the teacher to enter the classroom.

A student who is tardy the first time will be issued a warning along with the tardy slip. When that student
arrives tardy a second time, the student will be issued an after school detention to be served the next school

Habitual tardiness will be reported to the area attendance administrator and other appropriate CPS departments.

Reporting an absence - Phone Call and Parent Note are required: Whenever a student is absent, state law
10SILCS 5/26-13 mandates that a parent/guardian send a signed note when a child returns to school. Parents
should also call school before 9:00 a.m. to inform us of the child’s absence (773-534-2125).

Only specific types of absences are considered excused (with a note): Excused absences are for a doctor or
dentist appointment, school authorized functions, death in the immediate family or other family emergency,
illness or observance of religious holidays. Otherwise a child will be considered truant. Any student who has
20 or more unexcused absences (no notes on file), according to policy may be retained and will attend summer

Early dismissal before 10:30am is marked as a full day’s absence. Early dismissal after 11:30am is marked as a
half day’s absence. Late arrivals or early dismissals with a dentist or doctor’s appointment are excused with a

         High Honors= All A’s, no checks (a misconduct equals a check). On level in reading and math.
         Honor Roll= All A’s and B’s, no checks or C’s (a misconduct equals a check). On-level in
         reading and math.
         Honorable Mention = All A’s and B’s; May have one C and or one check (a misconduct
         equals a check).
         Good citizenship: Good behavior. No checks on report card (a misconduct equals a
         check). Show respect for authority and others. No detentions. No suspensions.
         Perfect Attendance = No absences or tardies.
         Excellent attendance = 1-2 days absent, 1-2 days tardy.

All textbooks are loaned to students. Students should protect their books by carrying them to school in either
book bags or plastic bags. Students will be charged for lost or damaged books.

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Breakfast is served from 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. Students will not be admitted into the building before 8:30, even in
cold or rainy weather. No supervision is available for students before 8:30. Breakfast Rates Free, Reduced at
$.30 or Full Price for $1.50. Students may pay each morning. (Cost may change).

Bussing to and from school or field trips require students to be seated with seat belts. Misbehavior on the
school bus can result in suspension from the bus and/or school.

The Board of Education prohibits students from utilizing and/or having exposed pagers, telephones,
Walkmans, Discmans, games, toys, or any other electronic devices in school. Failure to follow this
procedure will result in the confiscation of the item(s) and will only be returned to the parent/guardian.
Electronic devices must be given to the teacher and/or administration at the beginning of the day. Such
devices will be returned at the end of the day. The school will not be responsible for any of these items.

Parents who provide cell phones to their children must complete, sign and return to the school an
“Electronic Device Authorization Form”. Cell phones will only be permitted with the approval by the
school administration. Students allowed to bring cell phones must give them to their teachers at the beginning
of the school day and pick them up from their teacher at dismissal time. The school will not be held
responsible for lost or stolen cell phones.

If you and your family move, notify the classroom teacher and the Office immediately in writing, with the
following information: your child’s name(s), new address and telephone number. For emergency purposes
we require two valid phone numbers at all times. If you expect to move over the summer, please notify the
Office, in writing, as soon as possible and prior to the last week of school.

Cheating and/or copying are considered misconducts. In accordance with the Chicago Board of Education
Student Code of Conduct, students will be suspended.

We encourage parents and teachers to stay in contact with each other. To help keep parents informed, each
month the school sends home a newsletter, including a calendar of events and important notices. The
newsletter will always have a calendar printed for the coming month. It is a good idea to hang the monthly
calendar in a prominent location to remember school holidays, early dismissals, etc.

Primary students should have a dedicated homework folder. Grades 1-8 will be given an assignment (agenda)
book. School information will be sent home with your student. In addition, important notifications will be sent
by certified mail. Important school activities will be posted on the school sign at Washtenaw and Jarvis.
Notices of meetings are posted at the front desk in the main office. Additional flyers and newsletters are
available in the same location.

Conferences may be scheduled between 8:30 and 8:47 a.m. or after 2:45 by written request or phone message
to the teacher. All parents must report to the Main Office for a visitor’s pass before proceeding through
the building to talk or conference with teachers in order to keep disruptions to a minimum. School
instruction is from 9:00 - 2:45. Communication between parents and teachers is essential for the success and
progress of each child and to provide for a safe school.

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Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for all parents at the end of the first and third marking quarters.
If you desire a conference at any other time, please call the school office, or send a note to the teacher,
requesting a conference. The teacher will arrange a mutually convenient time to meet with you. When entering
Rogers School, please stop at the Main Office for a pass. No one is allowed admission to any part of the
building without first receiving permission and a pass from the Office. We believe that most problems are
solved by working collaboratively with your child’s teacher. However, there are times that more intervention is
needed. Depending upon the situation, either the teacher or the parent may request additional support from our
school counselor, social worker, or principal. Whatever steps are taken, it is the welfare of your child (our
student) that is upper-most in the decision-making process.

School computers have internet access to enhance and supplement the education of our students. Chicago
Public Schools has an Acceptable Use Policy which describes proper and improper use of computers for
students and employees. This policy can be found on the web site:

Written parental permission is required for a child to receive counseling services. The counselor (534-2125),
will assist in providing referrals for guidance services. The counselor can also assist with high school

Rogers School follows the Student Code of Conduct of the Chicago Board of Education. We expect students to
behave properly at all times. All teachers will review the Uniform Discipline Code with their classes, which
outlines the rights and responsibilities of teachers, students and parents. This booklet also describes various
kinds of misconduct and the disciplinary actions (minimum to maximum) which may be used in response to
each kind of misconduct. Each student is given a copy of this booklet at the beginning of the school year, and
it is the responsibility of the students and parents to read and follow the rules described therein.

Sexual, verbal and physical harassment (bullying) will not be tolerated. The following items are not to be
brought to school (even for school parties/events) and will be confiscated: toys, electronic hand-held games,
shoes with wheels, and any items that could be perceived as a distraction or a weapon such as pocket knives,
chains, swords, squirt or play guns and laser pointers, etc. Note: See also Student Safety.


The school has the responsibility to provide students with a healthy and safe learning environment. It is the
parents’/guardians’ and students’ responsibility to dress appropriately for school. The clothing should not
interfere or disrupt the educational atmosphere, nor pose a health or safety hazard.

Students are considered inappropriately dressed if their clothing or appearance is disrupting or is a hazardous
influence in class, school, grounds, or school sponsored functions.

The following is not acceptable:
    1. No tube, halter, “spaghetti” strap, or off the shoulder tops
    2. No bare midriffs or backless tops
    3. Pants must not sag below the waist and must not touch the floor
    4. No clothing which promotes obscenity, vulgarity, sexuality, violence, alcohol use or consumption,
        tobacco or drug use

    Rogers School Handbook for Parents and Students 2007-2008 page 4
    5. No clothing, jewelry, or other accessories that can be commonly associated with a gang
    6. No shorts, skirts, or pants that are higher than 2 inches above the knee
    7. No body hugging clothing (No spandex)
    8. No outdoor coats, jackets, or accessories (gloves, scarves, sunglasses, etc) inside the classroom
    9. Head appeal, except for religious or medical reasons, must not be worn inside the school building

Male students may not wear earrings
All students are required to wear footwear.
         o   Flip Flops and skate shoes are not allowed for health and safety reasons
Students participating in physical education class must be dressed in appropriate gym clothes and gym
shoes for health and safety reasons.
The school administration reserves the right to determine whether the students’ attire is within the limits
of the above standards.
The principal may allow exceptions for school-wide programs or special classroom activities.
Student violation of dress code policy will be subject to the Chicago Public Schools
Student Code of Conduct.

It is rarely necessary for schools to close, since most students can walk to school even in inclement weather.
Any announcements of school closings will be made by the Board of Education, and will be announced over
Chicago radio and TV stations. When no announcement is made, schools are open for all students. In case of
an emergency at Rogers that result in the evacuation of the building, the teachers will take their classes to St.
Margaret Mary which is located at 7318 N. Oakley.

Rogers offers a number of before and after school activities for students. In order to participate in any extra
curricular activity they must meet the following guidelines:
         Maintain a minimum of a C grade in reading and mathematics and have no F’s in any subject
        Appropriate behavior according to the Student Code of Conduct
The Principal has the right to remove a student from any activity.

Fee waivers are available for hardship/ homeless cases. See the school office for the guidelines.

Teachers may plan field trips that supplement or enrich the educational program. The cost of these trips will
always be kept to a minimum and are an important part of your child’s education. A permission slip,
containing information and costs of the trip, will be sent home. Students may only participate on field trips if
they have a signed permission slip. Phone calls are not accepted as permission. Parents are encouraged to
volunteer as chaperones; field trips may be canceled if there are not enough chaperones. Chaperones are asked
to leave young children and friends at home.

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The following grade equivalents have been determined:
A 100 – 93% Excellent Progress
B 92 – 87 Good Progress
C 86-78 Satisfactory Progress
D 77 – 70 Needs Improvement
F 69 and below Unsatisfactory Progress
         High Honors - All A’s. A’s in Effort. No checks. On level in reading and math.
         Honor Roll -All A’s and B’s. A’s and B’s in Effort. On level in reading and math. No checks or C’s.
         Honorable Mention -Students who earn all A’s and B’s in all subjects except “C” in any subject. Students
         may receive one check and remain on Honorable Mention. Any student receiving a remediation plan cannot
         receive higher than a C in reading or math.
         Any child who receives a misconduct is exempt from receiving honors for that quarter. A misconduct
         equals a check on the report card.
         Citizenship - Good behavior (no checks on report card, no misconduct reports, no detentions and no missed
         recesses). Showed effort in all work, concern for others, and respect for authority.

The Chicago Public Schools adopted a promotion policy which sets standards that students must meet before
they can be promoted. In order to be promoted from 3rd, 6th, and 8th grades, students are subject to these
         Must meet attendance requirements (no more than 20 days absence)
         Minimum scores on standardized tests: score at 35% or above on the ISAT in reading and math
         Minimum report card grades-- passing grades in reading and math.
         Seventh grade students must also pass state and federal Constitution tests.
         A fee schedule and list of graduation activities will be given to parents of 8th graders.

Participation in graduation activities is assured when all requirements are met. The Student Code of Conduct
will be enforced through the end of the school year. Failure to meet graduation requirements will result in
mandatory summer school and possible retention. In all other grades, students who do not meet report card,
testing or attendance requirements will be required to attend summer school (if available) and/or repeat the
grade. These criteria may be changed by Chicago Public Schools or the State of Illinois. In case of a change to
the promotion criteria, families will be notified.

Students must have a pass or be under the supervision of a teacher or aide at all times when they are in the hall.
Students must be quiet and not chewing gum. All students must enter and leave the building in an orderly and
quiet manner under adult supervision.

State law requires that families present proof of immunizations and physical exam upon enrollment in any
public school. Student information is confidential and kept in a medical file. Proof is an official document
signed by a state licensed health care provider [M.D., certified nurse practitioner, or D.O.] Students entering
kindergarten or first grade, fifth grade and ninth grade must present proof they have passed a physical
examination at the time of enrollment. State Law now requires a current dental exam for K, 2, and 6th grade

Rogers School Handbook for Parents and Students 2007-2008 page 6
Students will be medically excluded from school if they don’t meet the above requirements. A student who
does not comply with this mandated state requirement will be EXCLUDED from school until the student
presents proof of the required health examination and immunizations.

The medical requirements for enrollment in Chicago Public Schools are as follows:
         Physical (including lead level and mantoux with results)
       Up to date immunizations (DPT, OPV, MMR, Hepatitis B, HIB, Varicella)
        Up to date immunizations (second measles due after age 5; DPT and OPV boosters required after the
        students’ fourth birthday, Varicella)
Fifth Grade
        Physical ▪ Current Hepatitis B series (if not previously completed)
Ninth grade
        Physical ▪ Up to date immunizations (DT booster is usually needed at this time)
All physicals must be completed within one year of the fall date in which the student is enrolled. The physician
must clarify if activity restrictions are needed.

Homework helps students establish good study habits, independence and responsibility. Chicago Public
Schools has established the following suggested time allocations for daily homework:
Kindergarten: 15 minutes per day
Grades 1, 2 and 3: 30 minutes per day
Grades 4, 5 and 6: 45 minutes per day
Grades 7 and 8: 90 minutes per day
Each primary student should have a designated homework folder and all students in grades 1-8 will be given
an assignment notebook [an agenda] at the beginning of the year. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain
that notebook on a daily basis. Parents are encouraged to review the student’s homework and assignment
books daily.

In the event of severe weather, the building will open at 8:30 a.m. and students will be admitted and supervised
in the auditorium and gym. NO STUDENTS WILL BE ADMITTED TO THE BUILDING before 8:30 a.m.
When weather is extremely bad, especially during the winter, snow or other conditions may cause schools to
close. Please listen to the radio to learn if the Chicago Public Schools are closed. Radio stations will make
regular announcements about the status of schools. Recommended radio stations are AM670, AM720, AM780,
and FM105.3 (Spanish).

All parents/guardians are required to complete lunch forms at the beginning of the school year. These forms
are crucial to ensuring proper school funding. Students are not, required to purchase the school lunch.

Rogers School Handbook for Parents and Students 2007-2008 page 7
Students receive an application for a free or reduced lunch during the first month of school. Every family is
asked to complete an application, even if not eligible. Lunch tickets from the last school year will be honored
until October of the current school year. Eligibility is determined by federal income guidelines.
Regularly priced lunches cost $1.85; reduced price lunches cost $0.40. Students who pay must bring exact
change each day—no change is given. Teachers assign students to clean the tables after eating. FOOD MAY
NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE LUNCHROOM! Students are not allowed to bring large servings of
food (i.e. large bags of chips/snacks) to share with friends or classmates in the lunchroom. Due to dietary
restrictions and safety, students may only eat the food that they have brought from home or purchased
themselves. Students are not allowed to bring cans/ glass bottles to school and are not allowed to drink
carbonated beverages at school. They may bring water in appropriate containers at individual teachers’

If for any reason your child requires medication to be taken during school hours, there are specific forms that
need to be completed by you and your family doctor. Please see the school office or nurse to obtain these
forms. You must meet with the school nurse before sending any medication to school.

Local School Council - The Local School Council is an elected governing board which meets once each
month. The Council consists of six parents, two community members, two teachers and the principal. All
parents are encouraged (and welcome) to attend. Meetings are the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Please check the calendar in the monthly newsletter for any changes in this schedule. Meetings are held in the
school library on the second floor and relocated to the auditorium if extra space is needed.

The Washtenaw Avenue parking lot is only for the use of the staff. Parents, volunteers and other visitors are
asked to park on the street or use the parking lot adjoining the campus park on Rockwell.

Rogers offers physical education to all students, at least once a week. The program includes a variety of
individual and team exercises and sports. Students must actively participate and be properly dressed for gym:
gym shoes properly tied, gym shorts or sweat pants, t-shirt or sweatshirt, no jewelry. A doctor’s note is
required for a student not to participate in gym.

Students are expected to be lined up for classes at their assigned places when the 8:47 bell rings. Students are
to be orderly. Games that may result in students getting hurt are prohibited (NO BATS!). Students may bring
balls to play with in the field before school. These may be collected at the beginning of the school day and
returned after school. Please make sure anything your child brings to school is clearly marked with his/her
name in permanent marker.

Report cards are distributed four times each year. The first and third report cards must be picked up by the
parent or guardian. The second and last report cards will be sent home with the students. Parents are asked to
carefully read and review all information on the card. After doing so, please sign and return it to your child’s
teacher. If you have any questions about your child’s progress or grades, please schedule a conference with the
Midterm reports - About the middle of each marking period, teachers send home a midterm evaluation.
Remediation Plans - Remediation plans will be given to parents at each marking period for any student who is
one year or more below level in reading and/or math or in danger of repeating a grade.

Rogers School Handbook for Parents and Students 2007-2008 page 8
No person is allowed at any time to enter the building without reporting to the main entrance and School
Office. The only door for visitors is the main door on Washtenaw Avenue, which has a doorbell and camera.
School doors are locked during the school day. Anyone entering Rogers School must sign in and out at the
Main Office and show proper identification. All visitors will wear a visitors pass while inside the school

All student discipline consequences will be dictated from the Student Code of Conduct.

All students are to come prepared to school each day with the proper school supplies. Supply lists are
available from classroom teachers or the main office. LIQUID PAPER/WHITE OUT IS PROHIBITED
(non-liquid correction tape is a suitable alternative).
Each student and their parent/guardian must sign the Acceptable Use Policy before they are able to access the
Internet. Students can lose computer and internet privileges at the principal’s discretion. Parental permission is
necessary for students to be taped, video-taped, or have student work displayed on the internet. A permission
form is sent home each fall for parental consent.

Books are assigned, by number, to a student for his or her use. Books must be protected from damage
or loss. Each student is responsible for the care and protection of all books and may be required to pay
the school for damage or loss beyond normal wear and use of the book. Report cards will be withheld at
any marking period for which a student owes money for any lost or damaged books. All library and classroom
texts must be returned before report cards or transfers are issued.

Roller blades, scooters and skateboards are not acceptable means of transportation to school and these
items will be confiscated.

Etching, carving, spraying, painting, whiting out or writing on any surface, desk, chair, textbook, school
building or school grounds is vandalism and the Student Code of Conduct will be adhered to and a police
report filed. The student will be suspended and fined.

All visitors to school must enter the main entrance on Washtenaw Avenue. Visitors report to the Main Office
and receive a visitor's pass before proceeding through the building. Parents who wish to visit school and speak
to staff members are asked to make an appointment so that the educational program of students will not be
interrupted. Conferences may be scheduled between 8:30 and 8:55 or after 2:45 by written request or phone
message (534-2125) to the teacher. The cooperation of everyone is much appreciated.

Parents are encouraged to become involved in school by becoming a volunteer/chaperone. Contact the office
for more information. Parent committees are also an excellent way to learn about volunteer opportunities.

Rogers School Handbook for Parents and Students 2007-2008 page 9
You can also read