BACK TO SCHOOL 2019 2020 Guide - Hendry County Schools

BACK TO SCHOOL 2019 2020 Guide - Hendry County Schools
    2019-2020 Guide
BACK TO SCHOOL 2019 2020 Guide - Hendry County Schools
Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

     A Message from the Superintendent
       " No time spent working with children is ever wasted." Garrison Keillor

Hendry County’s public school system serves more than
7,200 students in grades K-12 at six elementary, two
middle, and two high schools. A wide range of
educationally beneficial experiences await each student
who enters our schools, and we are proud to see them
progress academically through the grade levels on their
march toward the ultimate goal of high school
Students will face academically vigorous reading, math                                  How to reach us:
                                                                                        Mailing Address
and science programs at the elementary and middle                                     Post Office Box 1980
levels. Middle schools will expose students to vibrant                                 LaBelle, FL 33975
                                                                                       District Office
math and science curriculums, and students will have an                          Hendry County School Board
                                                                                        25 E. Hickpochee Ave.
increased opportunity to earn high school credit. High                                    LaBelle, FL 33935
                                                                                        Tel: (863) 674-4642
school students will have opportunities to take Advanced                                Fax: (863) 674-4090
Placement and Dual Enrollment classes, and have the                                 Clewiston Sub Office
                                                                                 Hendry County School Board
ability to participate in many industry certification                            475 E. Osceola Avenue Clewiston, FL
                                                                                    33440 Tel: (863 ) 902 - 4244
academies and programs in Clewiston and LaBelle.                                       Fax: (863) 90 2 - 4247

Hendry County’s teachers, principals, and administrators
are working very hard to implement programs that will
enhance student growth and achievement.
We are striving to improve educational experiences for
our students by cultivating partnerships with parents,
businesses, and other community stakeholders. We can
give our students a better future by working together to
provide our leaders of tomorrow with what they need
BACK TO SCHOOL 2019 2020 Guide - Hendry County Schools
Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

                                               School Board of Hendry County

                                                                                    Index :
 The School Board of Hendry County
 holds meetings on the first and third                                               Schools & Open House Dates***2
 Tuesdays of each month beginning at
 5:30 p.m. alternating between Clewiston                                             Clewiston High School*********3
 and LaBelle, as outlined in the adopted
 School Board Meeting calendar.                                                      Clewiston Middle School*******4

                                                                                     Clewiston Elementaries********5
              Meeting Locations:
  Clewiston Sub-Office, 475 E. Osceola Avenue,
                 Clewiston, FL                                                       Clewiston Bus Schedules*******6-12

  LaBelle, Hendry County Courthouse, 2nd Floor,              D istrict Three:        LaBelle High School**********13
     25 E. Hickpochee Avenue, LaBelle, FL                    Amanda Nelson
                                                               P.O. Box 337
                                                                                     LaBelle Middle School********14
                                                            Felda, Florida 33930
                                                          Term expires 11/21/2022
                                                                                    LaBelle Elementaries*********15
       School Board Members:
                                                                                    LaBelle Bus Schedules********16-22

                                                                                    2019-20 School Calendar *********23

                 District One:                                District Four:
                Dwayne Brown                                 Stephanie Busin
               P.O. Box 684                                  429 Royal Palm                          Our Vision
          Clewiston, Florida 33440                       Clewiston, Florida 33440    The vision of the Hendry County
          Term expires 11/15/2020                        Term expires 11/21/2022
                                                                                    School District is to create a district where
                                                                                    students want to learn, parents want to send
                                                                                    their children, teachers want to teach, and
                                                                                    employees want to work by a commitment

                                                                                    Academic Achievement - Student
                                                                                    academic engagement at the highest level
                                                                                    reflecting college and career readiness.
                                                                                    Instructional Effectiveness - Teachers and
                                                                                    leadership creating a climate of rigor,
                                                                                    relevance, and       high expectations
                                                                                    based on state and national standards.
                                                                                    Collaboration - Working with parents
                                                              District Five:        and community stakeholders to create a
               D istrict Two:                                 Jon Basquin           working partnership for academic
                  Sally Berg                                 139 Oak Drive          excellence and student success.
             125 Wilson Road                             Clewiston, Florida 33440   Culture - Cultural diversity is respected by
           LaBelle,Florida 33935                         Term expires 11/21/2022    all and individual strengths are maximized
          Term expires 11/15/2020                                                   in a safe and secure environment.
              Vice Chairman
BACK TO SCHOOL 2019 2020 Guide - Hendry County Schools
Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

                        HENDRY COUNTY SCHOOLS & PRINCIPALS

           Clewiston                                       LaBelle                       2019 OPEN HOUSE
                                                                                          DATES & TIMES
  Roberto Sanchez, Principal                   David Kelley, Principal               Central E lementar y
                                               Email:     Thursday, August 8, 2019
  Email:                                                 6:00 p.m. – 8 :00 p .m.
  1501 S. Francisco Street                     4050 Cowboy Way
  Clewiston, FL 33440                          LaBelle, FL 33935                     Eastside E lementar y
  (863) 983-1520                               (863) 674-4120                        Thursday, August 8, 2019
  FAX - (863) 983-2168                         FAX - (863) 674-4571                  5:00 p.m. – 7 :00 p .m.

                                                                                     Westside Elementary
  CLEWISTON MIDDLE                             LABELLE MIDDLE SCHOOL                 Thursday, August 8, 2019
  SCHOOL                                       Dennis Veal, Principal                3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p .m.
  Lisa Brookins, Principal                     Email:
  Email: brookinslisa@hendry-                  8000 E. Cowboy Way                    Cle w iston Middle School                                  LaBelle, FL 33935                     Thursday, August 8, 2019
  601 W. Pasadena Avenue                       (863) 674-4646                        12:30 p.m. - 3 : 0 0 p .m.
  Clewiston, FL 33440                          FAX - (863) 674-4645
  (863) 983-1530                                                                     Cle w iston Hi gh School
                                                                                     Thursday, August 8, 2019
  FAX - (863) 983-1541
                                                                                     6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
  CENTRAL ELEMENTARY                           COUNTRY OAKS                          LaBelle Elementar y School
  SCHOOL                                       ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                     Thursday, August 8, 2019
  Melissa Carter, Principal                    Robin Jones, Principal                9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
  Email: carterme@hendry-                      Email:                                  2052 NW Eucalyptus Blvd.              Coun t r y Oaks E lementary
                                               LaBelle, Fl 33935                     Thursday, August 8, 2019
  1000 S. Deane Duff Avenue
                                                                                     9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
  Clewiston, FL 33440                          (863) 674-4140
  (863) 983-1550                               FAX - (863) 674-4129                  Upthegrove Elementary
  FAX - (863) 983-1558                                                               Thursday, August 8, 2019
                                                                                     9:00 a.m.– 1 1 : 0 0 a .m.
                                               SCHOOL                                LaBelle Middle School
  SCHOOL                                                                             Thursday, August 8, 2019
   Sarah Sanchez, Principal                    Jane Hatfield, Principal              12:30 p.m. – 2: 3 0 p .m.
  Email:           Email:
  201 W. Arroyo Ave.                           150 W. Cowboy Way                     LaBelle High School
   Clewiston, FL 33440                         LaBelle, FL 33935                     Freshman
   (863) 983-1560                              (863) 674-4150                        Thursday, August 8, 2019
                                                                                      8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
   FAX - (863) 983-1564                        FAX - (863) 674-4155
                                                                                     Thursday, August 8, 2019
  WESTSIDE ELEMENTARY                          UPTHEGROVE                            10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
  SCHOOL                                       ELEMENTARY SCHOOL                     Juniors
  Anthony Busin, Principal                     R i c h ar d T al a da , Principal    Thursday, August 8, 2019
                                               Email:     1:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m.
  Email:                                                   Seniors
  205 W. Arroyo Avenue                         280 N. Main Street                    Thursday, August 8, 2019
  Clewiston, FL 33440                          LaBelle, FL 33935                     7 :00 p .m. - ...
  (863) 983-1570                               (863) 612-0750
  FAX - (863) 902-4232                         FAX (863) 612-0753

BACK TO SCHOOL 2019 2020 Guide - Hendry County Schools
Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

                 Clewiston High School                                               Roberto Sanchez, Principal
             Dress Code & Student Conduct                                        1501 S. Francisco Street, Clewiston, FL
                                                                                             (863) 983-1520
Dress Code: In order to promote a positive, respectful academic and so-                   FAX - (863) 983-2168
cial environment that is adequate for scholars and best promotes student
learning, the following shall be expected:                                                    Teacher Workday
                                                                                              7:30 am-3: 00 pm
                                                                                                Student Day
1. All students are required to wear their student identification card at all                 7:40 am-2:50 pm
                                                                                      Phillip Summers (Asst. Principal)
2. Safe footwear shall be worn. No rubber flip-flops or bedroom slippers
shall be worn.
3. Halter tops, tube tops, short shorts, muscle shirts, midriff or backless                  Fred Parantha (Dean)
shirts and blouses shall NOT be worn.                                          
4. Tops must contain sleeves that fall at least 2 inches past the shoulders.                 Tori Roberts (Dean)
5. No bare skin should be exposed at the waist or abdomen.                    
6. Clothing must cover the chest area to ensure that cleavage is not ex-              Sherrie Llossas (School Counselor)
7. Unbuttoned and ill-fitted garments are not acceptable.
                                                                                         Ian Stone (School Counselor)
8. Transparent mesh or see through clothing must be worn with appropri-          
ate clothing underneath.
9. Leggings/jeggings/yoga pants are not permitted at school.                                Alyssa Clark (Registrar)
10. Students may wear shorts, skirts, or dresses that are no more than six
inches above the middle of the kneecap.
                                                                                Other Important School Information:
11. No caps, hats, bandanas, stocking caps, hairnets are allowed.               At CHS we believe strongly in preparing students
12. No dropped pants. Students whose pants are dropped and/or expose            for successful and productive lives beyond high
underwear/undergarments or skin below the waistline are in violation and        school. The ability to write and think well and the
will be referred to the Alternative Learning Lab for the remainder of the       ability to be organized are important life skills we
school day.                                                                     will focus on as an entire school. As such, all stu-
                                                                                dents will focus on developing their organization-
13. Sunglasses shall not be worn inside any building.                           al and writing skills. In order to do this, all stu-
14. All clothing and accessories must be free of any promotion of drugs,        dents will need a 3 or 4 inch binder with 3 rings
                                                                                with seven dividers to keep up with all of their
alcohol, and tobacco, sex, or offensive, profane, discriminatory, and/or
                                                                                class work. Many of our teachers also use interac-
suggestive messages.
                                                                                tive notebooks which require the use one-subject
*It is the responsibility of each student and parent to be knowledgeable        spiral notebooks. So as you do your back school
about out school dress code and to adhere to it. Any classroom time that        shopping, please keep in mind the need for one 3-
is spent dealing with dress code will be considered unexcused.                  4 inch binder and several one-subject spiral note-
Disclaimer: Other requirements may be made by administration to avoid
the disruption of the educational process and to promote a civic and or-
derly learning environment for scholars.                                        Open House on Aug. 8th from 6pm-8pm.

BACK TO SCHOOL 2019 2020 Guide - Hendry County Schools
Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

             Clewiston Middle School                                                             Lisa Brookins, Principal
          Dress Code & Student Conduct
                                                                                                    601 W. Pasadena Avenue
We believe that appropriate dress is essential to an orderly & productive school
atmosphere. How you dress is a reflection of how you feel about yourself & how
                                                                                                      Clewiston, FL 33440
others see you. Students are expected to come to school well-groomed & neatly                            (863) 983-1530
dressed.                                                                                              FAX (863) 983-1541
It is the joint responsibility of every student, parent, or guardian, teacher & adminis-
trator to see that the dress of the student is appropriate & does not interfere with the               Teacher Workday
teaching/learning process. Any time missed due to dress will be unexcused.                             8:30 am - 4:00 pm
The Clewiston Middle School student body will adhere to the following dress code.                         Student Day
CMS administration reserves the right to prohibit the wearing of any article of                        8:35 am– 3:40 pm
clothing, accessory, or hairstyle that is considered disruptive to the education pro-
                                                                                                          Key Staff:
Student Requirements Include:
 All students are required to have their ID Badge around their neck and visible
    at ALL times.                                                                               Tina Wills (Assistant Principal)
     NO Halter-tops, tube-tops, muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, midriff or backless   
      shirts and blouses. Tops must be at least three inches below the waistband or
      remain tucked in so that the midriff area is not exposed.
                                                                                                       Tina Kelley (Dean)
     All tops must have 2 inches of fabric at the shoulder.
     Clothing must cover the chest as to ensure that cleavage is not exposed.
     Students may wear shorts, skirts, or dresses that are no more than 6 inches
      above the middle of the knee cap.                                                              Samantha Ortiz (Dean)
     Transparent mesh or see through clothing may not be worn without appropriate        
      undergarments. Holes 6 inches above the knee or higher must have appropriate
      undergarments covering exposed skin.
     NO exposure of underwear/undergarments.
                                                                                                   David Villareal (Registrar)
     Zero Tolerance for drop pants.
     Leggings, yoga pants, or athletic spandex are NOT permitted.                         Basic Supply List Grades 6 - 8:
     Intentionally altered clothing, unbuttoned, and ill-fitted garments are not ac-       Pencils
      ceptable. Ill-fitted garments include but are not limited to, those that are too
      small or too large.                                                                   Capped pencil sharpener
                                                                                            Blue or black pens
     All clothing and accessories must be free of any promotion of drugs, alcohol,
      tobacco, sex, gang affiliation, or other offensive, profane, discriminatory and/      3 ring zipper pouch
      or suggestive messages.
                                                                                            Loose leaf notebook paper
     NO caps, hats, visors, stocking caps, bandannas, hair nets, or headphones.            Pink pearl erasers
      Students who wear these items will have to remove them.
                                                                                            Highlighters 3 different color
     Students must remove sunglasses when inside the school facility.
     Safe footwear shall be worn at all times. No bedroom slippers are permitted.         7th & 8th graders will also need a TI 30Xa
     Cell phones must remain off and out of sight at all times. If a student is need-     Calculator and graph paper.
      ing to contact a parent at the end of the day they are permitted to go up to a
      faculty member and request permission to use their phone at that location.           If the student is taking Geometry, they will
                                                                                           need a protractor & compass.
Please remember…                                                                           No permanent markers, please.
If there is a question on appropriate dress, the final decision will be made by the
Items of clothing and accessories (jewelry, hair color, or other adornments) that
cause a distraction, disruption in the learning process, or safety hazard are inappro-
                                                                                           Open House: August 8th, 12:30 - 3:00pm
Jackets cannot be used to cover up inappropriate clothing.
                                                                                           Eighth grade orientation 12:30 - 12:45
If you do not meet the dress code, you will be sent to the RTC office where your
parent or guardian will be contacted.                                                      Seventh grade orientation 1:00 - 1:15
Repeat dress code offenses will have consequences.                                         Six grade orientation 1:30 - 1:45

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

               Clewiston Elementary Schools                                                      STUDENT CONDUCT

                                 Dress Code & Student Conduct                                    All teachers will work
                                                                                                 with their students to es-
                                                                                                 tablish rules for good
 CENTRAL ELEMENTARY                       EASTSIDE ELEMENTARY        WESTSI DE ELEMENTARY        behavior. The rules will be
 Melissa Carter, Principal                Sarah Sanchez, Principal   Anthony Busin, Principal
                                                                                                 posted on a wall in each
                                                                                                 classroom. Encouraging
  1000 S. Deane Duff Avenue               201 W. Arroyo Avenue           205 W. Arroyo Avenue    good conduct is just as im-
 Clewiston, FL 33440                      Clewiston, FL 33440            Clewiston, FL 33440     portant as stopping poor
                                                                                                 behavior. We hope we can
  (863) 983-1550                          (863) 983-1560                 (863) 983-1570          count on the support of
                                                                                                 parents and students in
 8:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.                    8:10 a.m. - 3:05 p.m.          8:10 a.m. - 3:05 p.m.   keeping our classrooms
                                                                                                 running smoothly.
Students must be clean, neat, and dressed properly. They should observe mod-                     Students need to:
est dress, styles of hair, and standards of personal grooming which do not inter-                1. Obey all adults, not
rupt the learning atmosphere in the school. The principal shall determine when                   just their own teacher, at
a student's personal hygiene, appearance, or dress is such that it interferes with               all times.
the educational process.                                                                         2. Do their best, especial-
                                                                                                 ly to get all tests, class
The Guidelines are as follows:
                                                                                                 work, and homework com-
Shirts/Blouses:                                                                                  pleted and turned in.
 Any color shirt with a collar and sleeves. It may have vertical stripes and/                   3. Be cheerful and try to
   or horizontal stripes but, graphic designs or pictures are not allowed.                       get along with others;
 A school t-shirt may be worn on any school day.                                                fighting and bullying will
 Shirts and blouses must be tucked in at all times, so please make sure gar-                    be dealt with seriously.
   ments are long enough to be tucked in.                                                        4. Take care of books and
                                                                                                 school property.
Slacks, Shorts, Jumpers, Dresses, and Skirts:
                                                                                                 5. Leave other people's
 Any pants, jeans, or shorts. NO tears, rips, or holes.
                                                                                                 things alone and turn in
 Graphic designs or pictures are not allowed.
                                                                                                 found items to the teacher
 No sweatpants may be worn. Leggings may only be worn under clothes
                                                                                                 or office immediately.
   that already meet the dress code requirements (shorts or skirts that are long
                                                                                                 6. Learn to take turns;
   enough, etc.).
                                                                                                 avoid pushing, shoving,
 Pants must fit at the waist - NO baggy styles or drop pants.
                                                                                                 and skipping others in line.
 Shorts and skirts should be 3 inches above the knee or longer.
                                                                                                 7. Keep the school
Shoes:                                                                                           grounds, halls, bathrooms,
 Sneakers are recommended, but any shoes with closed-toe                                        and classrooms neat, free
   and closed heel are acceptable.                                                               from trash and graffiti.
                                                                                                 8. Walk at all times
The dress code will be enforced consistently. Parents will be contacted and
                                                                                                 (except at PE).
asked to bring in appropriate clothes if their child is out of compliance. Stu-
dents who consistently defy the dress code will face disciplinary action.
                                                                                                 Individual classroom
                                                                                                 teachers may have addi-
Open House:
                                                                                                 tional rules and procedures
Central: August 8th, 6:00-8:00 pm
                                                                                                 for their specific class-
Eastside: August 8th, 5:00-7:00 pm
Westside: August 8th, 3:00-5:00 pm

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

LaBelle High School                                                                              David Kelley, Principal
Dress Code, Conduct, Clubs & Organizations
                                                                                                    4050 Cowboy Way
                                                                                                    LaBelle, FL 33935
DRESS CODE AND GROOMING POLICY (2018- 2019): Students and parents
need to be aware of the importance of adhering to the LHS dress code policy.                          (863) 674-4120
LHS administration reserves the right to prohibit the wearing of any article of                    FAX - (863) 674-4571
clothing, accessory or hairstyle that is considered disruptive to the educational pro-
cess. The following dress and grooming requirements are to be followed by all stu-                    Teacher Workday
                                                                                                      7:15 am -2:45 pm
All students will wear their ID badge outside their clothing at all times from the time
they enter the school building at the beginning of school until the end of school at 2:40                Student Day
p.m.                                                                                                  7:30 am -2:40 pm

     Backpacks/ bags will not be permitted in classrooms, locker rooms, or the lunch-        Bell Schedule
      room during the school day. They must be placed in your locker upon arrival at          1st period      7:30 - 8:19 am
      school and may be retrieved after dismissal at 2:40 pm.
     Pants must be worn at the waist and fit appropriately. This is now covered ex-
                                                                                              2nd period      8:24 - 9:10 am
      pressly in Florida state law.                                                           3rd period      9:15 - 10:01 am
     Phones, iPods, and other electronic devices should be turned off and stowed away        4th period      10:06-10:52 am
      during the school day (from 7:30 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.). These devices will be confis-       Power 8         10:57-11:24 am
      cated by adults in the school and sent to the discipline office. Students may pick      5th period      11:29 -12:55 pm
      these items up after school the first time they are confiscated. A parent must come
      pick up the confiscated electronic device the 2nd time it is taken, and students will
      receive an After School Detention. Repeated violations will result in Saturday          1st lunch 11:29 am - 12:04 pm
      School and/or possibly suspension                                                       2nd lunch 12:20 - 12:55 pm
     Safe footwear shall be worn at all times. No bedroom slippers or shower shoes
      shall be worn.                                                                          6th period      1:00 - 1:46 pm
     Tops and blouses may be sleeveless, but must be at least three inches in width at all   7th period      1:51 - 2:40 pm
      parts of the shoulder. Tops must not expose the midriff and may not be see-
      through, backless or have cut-outs, unless a shirt that is in dress code is worn un-
      derneath. Clothing must cover the chest area to ensure that cleavage is not exposed.    LHS Clubs for 2019 - 2020
      At no point should you be able to see a student's undergarments. Length of shorts,       Color Guard
      skirts, and dresses must be fingertip length or longer                                   Cheerleading
     No caps, hats, bandanas, stocking caps, or hairnets are allowed. Hooded sweat-           Honor Society
      shirts are allowed, but hoods are not allowed to be worn inside the building, and
                                                                                               Yearbook
      only outside for weather related purposes. Staff will confiscate headwear worn in
      buildings.                                                                               Academic Team
     Sunglasses shall not be worn in any building.                                            FCA
     Intentionally altered clothing or unbuttoned and ill-fitted garments are not accepta-    FFA
      ble. Ill-fitted garments include, but are not limited to, those that are too small       Key Club
      (immodest) or too large (falling off the body).                                          SADD/SWAT
     All clothing and accessories must be free of any promotion of drugs, alcohol, to-
                                                                                               Mu Alpha Theta
      bacco, sex, or offensive, profane, discriminatory, and/or suggestive messages.
     Clothing (including JEANS) that is torn or ripped or has holes above the knee            Voces Unidas
      where skin is exposed is not permitted.                                                  Allied Health
     Leggings or tights must be covered with clothing that meets the dress code.              Student Government
     Costumes, sleepwear, or other clothing that creates a distraction is not permitted       Art Club
     Clothing, symbols, or other items deemed to be associated with gangs may not be          STEM Club
      worn, displayed or carried.

Students who violate the dress code policy the first time will be issued a warning, have      Open House:
their ID's scanned and be asked to change clothes. If students do not have an alternate       August 8th:
set of clothing at school, they will be sent to the RTC (Responsible Thinking Class-          9th – 8:00 am - 10:00 am
room) to wait for a parent to bring them a change of clothes. Students who violate the        10th - 10:00 am - 12:00pm
dress code a 2nd time will be issued an After School Detention and asked to change            11th - 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
clothes, Students who violate the dress code a 3rd time will be issued an Out of Com-         12th - 7:00 pm - ….
pliance referral.

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

LaBelle Middle School                                                                           Dennis Veal, Principal
Dress Code, Conduct, Clubs & Organizations                                              8000 E. Cowboy Way LaBelle, FL 33935
                                                                                                   (863) 674-4646
Students may wear…                                                                               FAX - (863) 674-4645
TOPS: Tops may be sleeveless but must be at least three inches (NOT three
fingers) in width at all parts of the shoulder. They cannot be see through (no-
mesh, lace, or cut outs) unless a top that is in dress code is worn underneath.                     Teacher Workday
Clothing must cover the chest area to ensure that cleavage is not exposed. At no                    7:05 am-2:35 pm
point should you be able to see a student’s undergarments. Camisoles ARE under-                        Student Day
garments.                                                                                           7:20 am-2:17 pm
BOTTOMS: Any pants, shorts, khakis, jeans, capris, skirt, jumper or dress.
 ALL must fit snug on the waist and be of an appropriate size and fit. No              LMS Behavioral Expectations
    intentionally altered clothing, unbuttoned, skin-tight, oversize, baggy or drop     Appropriate behavior is expected and
    styles are allowed.                                                                 encouraged. Several measures are in place
 All must be no shorter than fingertip length.                                         to assist students in identifying and
 Leggings, tights or similar clothing must be covered with clothing that meets         correcting inappropriate behavior such as
    dress code. (A top, skirt, or dress that is no shorter than fingertip length.)      the bronco behavior tracker and the
 Clothing with holes, rips or tears above the knee are not permitted.                  responsible thinking classroom (RTC).
IDs must be worn on a lanyard around the neck and kept in good condition at             This allows students ample opportunities to
ALL TIMES while on campus.                                                              adjust their behavior before resorting to
(Students must wear clean IDs without markings or stickers on them at all               sending the student to the office.
times while on LMS campus. The cost for a replacement ID is $5.00 and a
new lanyard is $1.00. If the ID is not worn for any reason, this will be docu-          Show your Bronco Pride:
mented and disciplinary action will take place.)
 Safe footwear shall be worn at all times. No bedroom slippers or shower shoes
    shall be worn. (Proper lace up athletic shoes must be worn during P.E.)             Respectful
 Sun glasses, hats, or any other type of head cover are not allowed except when        Inclusive
    authorized by a teacher with prior administrator approval if appropriate within     Dependable
    the context of the class and, in those cases, may only be worn outside if appro-    Engaged in learning
    priate to the circumstances and weather conditions. Hoods and cold weather
    hats (not baseball caps) may be worn outside if appropriate to the weather
    conditions. (The temperature is below 60°F, or it is raining.) If these items are
    worn inside they will be confiscated by staff members.                              Clubs & Organizations
 NO electronic devices in classes at any time (Unless authorized by the                There are a number of after-school, clubs,
    teacher with prior administrator approval and used for instructional pur-           and organizations that are available to
    poses. Violations will result in the item being confiscated by a staff mem-         LMS students.
    ber following the guidelines in the School District Handbook.)                      Students are welcome to join clubs and
 Cell phones must remain off and out of sight in the classroom, which in-              organizations that interest them. Stu-
    cludes the cafeteria and library. (Unless authorized by the teacher as part of      dents must arrange for
    instruction.)                                                                       transportation home from club meetings in
 Outerwear shall not be used to cover up dress code violations.                        advance. Club meetings will be posted on
 Students who violate the dress code will be warned and asked to change                the website and announced at school.
    clothes. Students who can’t or will not change will be sent to RTC
    (Responsible Thinking Classroom) until their parents bring clothes. Repeated        Here are some of the clubs that may
    violations will be addressed through the school’s discipline office.                interest you:
Some examples of inappropriate dress or grooming include:
 extremely short dresses or shorts                                                     Fellowship of Christian Students
                                                                                        Science Club
 rollers or curlers in the hair
                                                                                        Yearbook Club
 backless dresses
                                                                                        National Junior Honor Society
 bare skin at the waist, abdomen or chest                                              Future Farmers of America
 Spaghetti strap tank-top shirts or camisoles
 Costumes
 Sleepwear
Anything not listed or addressed above is not allowed. LMS administration               Open House:
reserves the right to prohibit any type of dress, accessory or grooming that it         Aug. 8th from 12:30 - 2:30 pm
considers disruptive and to make changes to the dress code at any time if cir-
cumstances dictate.

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

LaBelle Elementary Schools                                                                    SAFETY
Dress Code, Safety & Report Cards                                                Safety is a prime concern at
                                                                                 LaBelle elementary schools. The
   COUNTRY OAKS                     LABELLE                 UPTHEGROVE           school safety plan is updated
   ELEMENTARY                       ELEMENTARY              ELEMENTARY           annually and addresses everyday
                                                                                 safety as well as emergency
   Robin Jones,                     Jane Hatfield,          Richard Talada,      situations. We ask parents to
   Principal                        Principal               Principal            support our efforts to provide a
                                                                                 safe environment by reinforcing
   2052 Eucalyptus                  150 W. Cowboy           280 N. Main Street   school rules with their children
   Drive NW                         Way LaBelle,            LaBelle, FL 33935    regarding behavior at school, on
   LaBelle, FL 33935                FL 33935                (863) 612-0750       buses, and walking to and from
   (863) 674-4140                   (863) 674-4150
                                                                                 school. We ask parents to
                                                                                 follow safe driving practices
   8:15 a.m.– 3:00 p.m.             8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.   8:25a.m.– 3:05p.m.   around our school, and to drop
                                                                                 off and pick up students only in
  GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT DRESS CODE                                              the designated student drop· off/
  During school hours, all students should be suitably dressed                   pick-up area.
  and properly groomed and wear shoes at all times
                                                                                       REPORT CARDS &
  while on the school campus. We urge students to dress in
  practical, sturdy clothes.                                                     The report card used at the
  T-shirts with obscene sayings or pictures will not be                          elementary schools are a graded
  allowed. Additionally, no written or inferred references to                    report card and is the standard
                                                                                 used by the Hendry County
  alcohol or tobacco are allowed. Tank tops, baggy pants, crop                   School system. Report cards are
  tops, muscle shirts, biker shorts, and shorts that are very                    issued at the end of each nine
  short may not be worn. Shirts must have straps of at least                     weeks.
  three inches in width. Shorts must be longer than the
  student's fingertips when standing.                                               Nine Weeks End Dates &
                                                                                       Report Card Dates
  Shoes with cleats may not be worn. Athletic shoes or                                   1st Nine Weeks
  sneakers must be worn during P.E. class. On days                                  October 14th, October 18th
  students do not have P.E., they will participate in                                   2nd Nine Weeks
  recess; as a result, closed-toe shoes are required every day.                     January 8th, January 14th
  Flip-flops are not allowed. Platform shoes and any shoe                               3rd Nine Weeks
                                                                                     March 13th, March 27th
  with a heel over one inch present safety problems and
                                                                                        4th Nine Weeks
  will not be allowed at school.                                                        May 22nd, May 28th
  No make-up of any kind is allowed during school hours.
  Further, for safety reasons, earrings should not be larger                     Parent/Teacher conferences
  than a quarter.                                                                follow progress reports and are
                                                                                 listed below.
  Caps may be worn outside but not inside the buildings.
                                                                                   Parent/Teacher Conferences
  Open House:                                                                          September 17, 2019
                                                                                       November 19, 2019
  Country Oaks: August 8th, 9:00 -11:00 am                                              February 18, 2020
  LaBelle Elem. : August 8th, 9:00 -11:00 am                                        May 5, 2020 (Request Only)
  Upthegrove: August 8th, 9:00 - 11:00 am

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

Hendry County Back To School Guide 2019-2020

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