South Orangetown Central School District - CDN

South Orangetown Central School District - CDN
2018-2019 CALENDAR

South Orangetown Central School District
An environment where the excitement of teaching and learning is shared by all

                                                       Central School District

South Orangetown Central School District - CDN
Central School District

South Orangetown Central School
       District Calendar

                        Dear Residents,
                          Welcome to the 2018 - 2019 school year in the South           Another critical component of a high-quality education is an ability to adapt to
                          Orangetown Central School District! Our school district       the changing needs of modern society. We must embrace teaching strategies
                          serves to unite our community around the common               that foster innovation and risk-taking so that our children may realize happy
                          belief that we can achieve any goal to which we aspire.       and productive futures. Innovation is a thought-process that creates something
                          Our motto is: “Together we can,” and we truly believe         new and better. Community partnerships develop trust which, in turn, can help
                          that it takes the collective efforts of many caring           to empower learners to take risks that move our district forward. We must also
                          community members to ensure the success of our                encourage an approach to student learning that goes beyond the boundaries of
                          students. Whether you are a student, family member,           the physical classroom.
                          district employee, or a community member, our school          The start of the new school year brings a great deal of enthusiasm and energy.
district represents the very best in all of us. We hope that you will use this          Our shared commitment to providing a high-quality education to every child
calendar to get involved and stay involved with all of the activities and events        continues to be our ultimate priority. All this is possible because of community
that we have to offer. Our calendar is a valuable tool to this end. This calendar       partnerships that are responsive to the needs of our children and their families.
is also available digitally on our website at Our most significant        As such, I look forward to serving the South Orangetown Central School
measure of success is our ability to strengthen the many partnerships with the          District and am excited at the prospects that the new school year brings!
people who live and work in South Orangetown. The students and staff in our
schools truly rely on our community’s participation in school events to promote         Sincerely,
learning opportunities in the classroom and beyond.                                     Robert R. Pritchard, Ed.D.
                                                                                        Superintendent of Schools
Last year, the district administration worked closely with the board of education
and the community to develop the districtwide strategic plan. This plan is
designed to empower each of our students to explore their passions and interests.
At the core of the strategic plan is our vision to “elevate, engage, and inspire” our
students by building a culture of high expectations where students will possess
the knowledge and skills that will prepare them for a variety of post-graduation
options. Our children will benefit from healthy, productive, and supportive
relationships between students, staff, families, and the community. Finally,
every student learns and develops differently. Keeping this in mind, each student
must have equitable access to educational opportunities that will allow each to
pursue their full potential as responsible citizens and lifelong learners.
South Orangetown Central School District - CDN
South Orangetown Central School District
                        Central School District                                                 Board of Education

THE SOCSD BOARD OF EDUCATION                                 TERMS OF OFFICE                          HOW DECISIONS ARE MADE                       SOCSD BOARD OF EDUCATION
Rosemary Pitruzzella                               Board members are elected to office for        ★ Identifies areas in need of improvement          Meetings Calendar 2018–19
President          a term of three years. Each Board trustee          and/or review                              2018
Dan Lamadrid                                       represents ALL of the children of South
                                                   Orangetown.                                    ★ Addresses critical issues                       September     13 &       27
Vice President
                                                                                                  ★ Accesses all relevant data and                  October       4     &    18
Trustees:                                                                                             information
Leon Jacobs                 DUTIES OF THE BOARD                                                                       November      1     &    15
                                                                                                  ★   Discusses issues deliberately and openly
Christine Lee   ★ Establish, review, revise and update                                                           December      6     &    20
                                                                                                  ★   Considers alternative actions
Tom Henry            policies
                                                                                                  ★   Seeks public input
                                                   ★ Voice concerns, suggestions and                                                             2019
                                                      opinions of constituents                    ★   Communicates with staff, administration
                                                                                                      and parents                                   January       10 &       24
            THE ROLE OF YOUR                       ★ Report to constituents on important
                                                      issues and decisions                        ★ Works toward consensus                          February      7     &    28
             SCHOOL BOARD
★ Guides the accomplishments of the                ★ Monitor finances and put forth the best                                                        March         14 &       26*
                                                     possible budget each year                        INDIVIDUAL BOARD MEMBERS
    school district’s purpose, focusing                                                                                                             April         4     &    11
    particularly on the education of the           ★ Maintain and update long-range plans         ★ Attend all Board meetings, retreats
    district’s children. It guides the                                                                and committee meetings as assigned            May           7*    &    21* & 30
                                                   ★ Plan for future needs concerning growth,
    fundamental change in goals, program              facilities and funds for mandated           ★ Show commitment to all Board activities         June          6     &    13
    and structure                                     programs                                    ★ Are well informed on issues and                 July          TBD
★ Screens and supports key projects                ★ Ensure children receive a quality                agenda items in advance of meetings
    identified to improve existing programs                                                                                                      *denotes Tuesday meeting
                                                      education                                   ★ Contribute skills, knowledge and
    and operations and monitors progress
                                                   ★ Ask questions, review best practices,            experience when appropriate                All Board meetings are scheduled to
    to these ends
                                                      disseminate data to the community           ★ Are accessible to the community as           begin at 7:30 pm in the SOMS Library
★ Directs and evaluates the Superintendent
                                                   ★ Hire and evaluate the Superintendent             a whole                                    unless otherwise noted.
★ Oversees the planning and deployment                                                                                                           (All times & dates are subject to change.)
    of material and human resources
★ Serves as a bridge between the district
  and the community in reflecting                                                                                                                       WE SERVE BECAUSE
  community desires as well as promoting
  understanding and support. The Board                                                                                                           ★ Our students’ successes make it all
  leads the coalescing of disparate
  community views while building and                                                                                                             ★ Education is a gift our children will
  maintaining partnerships and                                                                                                                      forever unwrap
  collaborative relationships with other                                                                                                         ★ A good education is the basis for strong
  organizations                                                                                                                                     leadership and future success
★ Ensures fiscal, legal and programmatic                                                                                                         ★ The children of South Orangetown
    accountability                                                                                                                                  deserve only the best

                                                       For updated information, visit
South Orangetown Central School District - CDN
Central School District

          SUNDAY                           MONDAY
                                                    2018        TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                              THURSDAY       FRIDAY       SATURDAY

          AUGUST 2018                                                                          SOCSD                                                      1
SUN MON TUES WED THU FRI        SAT                                                      SCHOOL BUDGET VOTE
              1 2 3              4                                                          REGISTRATION
 5 6 7 8 9 10                   11                                                          INFORMATION
 12 13 14 15 16 17              18                                                     A voter registration card may be
                                                                                       picked up from the U.S. Post Office
 19 20 21 22 23 24              25
                                                                                       and mailed directly to the Rockland
 26 27 28 29 30 31                                                                     County Board of Elections OR you
          OCTOBER 2018                                                                 may register through the District
     1      2    3    4    5    6                                                      Clerk’s Office, Administration
                                                                                       Building, Blauvelt NY from 8am - 4pm
7    8      9    10   11   12   13                                                     on school days from September
14   15     16   17   18   19   20                                                     through June and from 9am - 3pm
21   22     23   24   25   26   27                                                     Monday - Thursday during July
28   29     30   31
                                                                                       and August.

2                                     3                   4                             5                                     6              7            8

                                              LABOR DAY     FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL         ✒ SOCES PTA Volunteer Night
                                                          ✒ Gr. 9 Orientation           ✒ Kindergarten Meet the Teacher
                                                          ✒ Gr. 10–12 – 2 hour delay      7pm – WOS
                                                                                        ✒ SOCES PTA General Meeting
                                                                                        ✒ Modified Sports Registration

                                          SCHOOL CLOSED
South Orangetown Central School District - CDN
9                        10                                    11                                   12                                   13                                   14                                   15

     Grandparents’ Day                                                    Patriot Day               ✒ TZHS Picture Day (Underclassmen)   ✒ TZHS Picture Day (Underclassmen)   ✒ TZHS Picture Day (Underclassmen)
                                                                                                      8am – 3pm – Auditorium               8am – 3pm – Auditorium               8am – 3pm – Auditorium
                                                                                                    ✒Gr. 1 Meet the Teacher Night
                              ROSH HASHANAH                          ROSH HASHANAH                    7pm

                                                                                                                                                Board of Education
                                                                                                                                               – Regular Meeting –
                              SCHOOL CLOSED                         SCHOOL CLOSED                                                             7:30 pm SOMS Library

16                       17                                   18                                    19                                   20                                   21                                   22    First day of Autumn

                              Constitution Day &               ✒ TZHS Counseling Workshop                   YOM KIPPUR                   ✒ TZHS Meet the Teacher Night                                             ✒ TZHS Sophmore Class Ring Sale
                               Citizenship Day                   Parents of Seniors:                                                       6:45pm                                                                    9 – 11am – Cafeteria
                                                                 Post Graduate Planning
                         ✒ SOMS Meet the Teacher Night           The Application Process
                           6:45pm                                8:15am – Rm. 951

                                                                                                         SCHOOL CLOSED

23                       24                                   25                                    26                                   27                                   28                                   29

                         ✒ TZHS Sophmore Class Ring            ✒ TZHS Sophmore Class Ring           ✒ Gr. 3 Meet the Teacher – CLE                                            ✒ TZHS Club Fair – Lunch Periods
                           Sale – Lunch Periods – Cafeteria      Sale – Lunch Periods – Cafeteria
                         ✒ SOMS PTA Meeting                    ✒ TZHS Financial Aid Evening:
                           7:30pm – Library                      Open to families of all grades
                                                                 7pm – TZHS Cafeteria
30                                                             ✒ Gr. 2 Meet the Teacher
                                                                 7pm – WOS

                                                                                                                                                Board of Education
                                                                                                                                               – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                                                                              7:30 pm SOMS Library

                                                              For updated information, visit
South Orangetown Central School District - CDN
Central School District

     SUNDAY           MONDAY
                                    2018              TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                            THURSDAY                               FRIDAY                    SATURDAY

                1                                2                                3                                4                                    5                            6

                ✒ TZHS Senior Portrait Retakes   ✒ TZHS Senior Portrait Retakes   ✒ TZHS Senior Portrait Retakes   ✒ CLE Picture Day                    ✒ Gr. 8 Washington Trip      ✒ TZHS SAT & Subject tests
                  9 – 4pm – Wrestling Room         9 – 4pm – Wrestling Room         9 – 4pm – Wrestling Room       ✒ WOS Gr. 1 Health Walk                Fundraising begins         ✒ TZHS Homecoming Dance
                ✒ Winter Sports Registration     ✒ Transportation Safety Expo     ✒ WOS Picture Day                  2:30pm                             ✒ WOS Gr. 1 Health Walk
                  opens                            6pm – WOS                      ✒ Gr. 4 Meet the Teacher                                                (rain date)
                ✒ PTA Council – 7pm – TZH                                           7pm – CLE                                                           ✒ Zee Night
                                                                                  ✒ TZHS/SOMS Progress Reports
                                                                                    available online

                                                                                                                         Board of Education
                                                                                                                        – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                                                       7:30 pm SOMS Library

 7              8                                9                                10                               11                                   12                           13

                                                                                  ✒ TZHS PSAT Exam for Juniors     ✒ TZHS Workshop for Parents          ✒ WOS Gr. 2 Health Walk      ✒ SOCES Fall Carnival
                                                                                    8:15am                           of Juniors: Standardized Testing     (rain date)                  10am - 3pm – WOS
                                                                                  ✒ TZHS Senior Picnic – 10:30am     & Start of Post Graduate           ✒ SOMS Gr. 6 Welcome Party
                                                                                  ✒ Gr. 5 Meet the Teacher           Planning – 8:15am – Rm. 951          7pm
                      COLUMBUS DAY                                                  7pm – CLE                      ✒ WOS Gr. 2 Health Walk

                    SCHOOL CLOSED
South Orangetown Central School District - CDN
14   15                      16                              17                                 18                               19                              20

                              ✒ TZHS RCC College Fair        ✒ SOMS Picture Day                    SUPERINTENDENT’S              ✒ TZHS Italian Heritage Month
                                7pm – RCC Field House        ✒ TZHS English Honor Society         CONFERENCE 1/2 DAY               Pot Luck Dinner – 6:30pm
                                                               Induction Ceremony                                                  Cafeteria
                                                               7pm – Library                    ✒ SOCSD Family Engagement
                                                                                                  Center Grand Opening
                                                                                                  6:30 – 7:30pm – SOMS Library

                                                                                                    Board of Education
                                                                                                   – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                                  7:30 pm SOMS Library
                                                                                                       1/2 DAY FOR

21   22                      23                              24      United Nations             25                               26                              27

     ✒ SOMS Book Fair         ✒ SOMS Book Fair               ✒ SOMS Book Fair                   ✒ SOMS Book Fair                 ✒ SOMS Book Fair                  ✒ TZHS ACT Exam
                              ✒ SOMS PTA Meeting             ✒ SOCES PTA General Meeting        ✒ TZHS PTSA Meeting              ✒ SOCES PTA Boo Bingo             ✒ SOCSD Halloween Fun Run
                                7:30pm – Library               7pm – CLE                          7:30 pm – TZ Library             6:30pm – CLE
                                                             ✒ SOCES PTA Family Science Night                                    ✒ TZHS/SOMS 1st Quarter Ends
                                                               5 - 7pm – WOS

28   29                      30                              31       Halloween                                                                                          SEPTEMBER 2018
                                                                                                                                                                 SUN MON TUES WED THU FRI         SAT
                              ✒ Fall Varsity Sports Dinner   ✒ TZHS/SOMS Progress Reports                                                                          2      3    4    5    6    7    8
     ✒ TZHS Winter Sports
                                6:30pm – Casa Mia              available online                                                                                    9     10   11   12   13   14   15
       Registration closes
                                                             ✒ CLE Gr. 3 Parade – 10:15am
                                                                                                                                                                  16     17   18   19   20   21   22
                                                             ✒ SOMS Halloween Parade
                                                               Lunch Periods                                                                                      /
                                                                                                                                                                 23 30
                                                                                                                                                                         24   25   26   27   28   29
                                                             ✒ Halloween Parade                                                                                          NOVEMBER 2018
                                                               2pm – WOS                                                                                                                1    2    3
                                                                                                                                                                   4      5    6    7    8   9    10
                                                                                                                                                                  11     12   13   14   15   16   17
                                                                                                                                                                  18     19   20   21   22   23   24
                                                                                                                                                                  25     26   27   28   29   30

                             For updated information, visit
South Orangetown Central School District - CDN
Central School District

    SUNDAY                    MONDAY
                                           2018                 TUESDAY                            WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                          FRIDAY                     SATURDAY

                                                                                                NOTES                      1                              2                             3

                                                                                                                           ✒ TZHS Fall Blood Drive        ✒ TZHS Fall Play – 8pm        ✒ TZHS SAT & Subject Tests
                                                                                                                             8:30am – 8:30pm – TZHS Gym     Auditorium                  ✒ TZHS Fall Play – 8pm

                                                                                                                                 Board of Education
                                                                                                                                – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                                                               7:30 pm SOMS Library

4   Daylight Savings     5                                6                                      7           Diwali        8                              9                             10
      Time ends

                         ✒ SOMS Gr. 6-8 P/T Conferences          ELEMENTARY                      ✒ TZHS Parent Teacher     ✒ TZHS French Honor Society    ✒ Gr. 8 Washington Trip
                           6 – 8pm                            SUPERINTENDENT’S                     Conferences – 6 – 8pm     Induction Ceremony             Fundraising ends
                                                               CONFERENCE DAY                                                7pm – Library                ✒ TZHS Acoustic Underground
                                                                                                                                                            7pm – Rm 951
                                                          ✒ CLE Gr. 3 Publishing Celebrations
                                                            School Hours
                                                              1/2 DAY SECONDARY
                                                               P/T CONFERENCES
                                                                 ELECTION DAY

                                                                 1/2 DAY FOR
South Orangetown Central School District - CDN
11                  12                              13                              14                             15                              16                         17

     VETERANS DAY         VETERANS DAY               ✒ SOCES PTA Coffee Chat        ✒ SOCES Family Tech, Toys &    ✒ TZHS Senior Picture Retakes   ✒ NYSSMA Area All-State      ✒ NYSSMA Area All-State
                            (observed)                 9:30am – WOS                   Gadgets – 5-7pm – CLE          8am – 3pm – TZHS Auditorium                                ✒ Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner
                                                     ✒ TZHS Italian Honor Society   ✒ SOCES PTA General Meeting                                                                   6pm
                                                       Induction Ceremony             7pm – WOS
                                                       7:30 – Auditorium

                                                                                                                        Board of Education
                                                                                                                       – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                                                      7:30 pm SOMS Library
                         SCHOOL CLOSED

18                  19                              20                              21                             22                              23                         24

                    ✒ Modified Sports Registration    ✒ TZHS Thanksgiving Concert
                      closes                           7pm – Auditorium

                                                                                       SUPERINTENDENT’S               THANKSGIVING DAY
                                                                                      CONFERENCE 1/2 DAY
                                                                                                                        Thanksgiving Recess             Thanksgiving Recess
                                                                                          Mandated Early
                                                                                           Dismissal Drill
                                                                                          (ALL SCHOOLS)

                                                                                          1/2 DAY FOR
                                                                                           STUDENTS                     SCHOOL CLOSED                   SCHOOL CLOSED

25                  26                              27                              28                             29                              30                                  OCTOBER 2018
                                                                                                                                                                               SUN MON      TUES   WED   THU   FRI SAT
                                                                                                                                                                                    1        2      3     4     5 6
                                                     ✒ SOMS PTA Meeting:            ✒ TZHS Spanish Honor Society   ✒ TZHS PTSA Meeting                                           7 8          9     10    11   12 13
                                                       “Digital Citizenship”          Induction Ceremony             7:30pm – TZ Library
                                                       7:30pm – Library               7pm – Auditorium                                                                          14 15        16     17    18   19 20
                                                                                                                                                                                21 22        23     24    25   26 27
                                                                                                                                                                                28 29        30     31
                                                                                                                                                                                      DECEMBER 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                 2 3         4      5     6     7    8
                                                                                                                                                                                 9 10       11     12    13    14   15
                                                                                                                                                                                16 17       18     19    20    21   22
                                                                                                                                                                                /30 24/31   25     26    27    28   29

                                                    For updated information, visit
South Orangetown Central School District - CDN
Central School District

          SUNDAY                          MONDAY
                                                  2018        TUESDAY                     WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                   SATURDAY

      NOVEMBER 2018                   NOTES
                      1    2    3
 4    5      6    7    8    9   10                                                                                                                                                    ✒ TZHS SAT & Subject Tests
11   12     13   14   15   16   17
                                                                                                                                                                                      ✒ NYSSMA All-State
18   19     20   21   22   23   24
25   26     27   28   29   30
          JANUARY 2019
             1    2    3   4     5
 6    7      8    9   10   11   12
13   14     15   16   17   18   19
20   21     22   23   24   25   26
27   28     29   30   31

2                                     3                  4                               5                              6                                 7      Pearl Harbor Day     8

✒NYSSMA All-State                                        ✒ TZHS National Honor Society   ✒ SOMS Picture Retakes         ✒ SOCES PTA WOS Book Fair         ✒ SOCES PTA WOS Book Fair
                                                           Induction Ceromony            ✒ TZHS/SOMS Progress Reports   ✒ Gr. 5 to SOMS – Foreign
                                                           6pm – Auditorium                available online               Language & Music Presentation       ELEMENTARY 1/2 DAY
                                                                                         ✒ Elementary report cards                                              P/T CONFERENCES
                                          FIRST DAY OF                                     sent home
                                           CHANUKAH                                                                                                              SECONDARY
                                                                                                                                                               CONFERENCE DAY

                                                                                                                              Board of Education
                                                                                                                             – Regular Meeting –                1/2 DAY FOR
                                                                                                                            7:30 pm SOMS Library                 STUDENTS
9    10                            11                         12                         13                             14                            15

     ✒ PTA Council – 7pm – TZH      ✒ SOMS Winter Concert I   ✒ SOMS Winter Concert II   ✒ Elementary P/T Conferences   ✒ TZHS Night of Scenes
                                      7pm – Auditorium          7pm – Auditorium           6 – 8pm                        7pm – Auditorium

16   17                            18                         19                         20                             21      First day of Winter   22

     ✒ SOCES PTA General Meeting    ✒ TZHS PTSA Meeting       ✒ TZHS Winter Concert
       7pm – CLE                      7:30pm – TZ Library       7pm – Auditorium
                                                              ✒ Gr. 5 Publishing Party
                                                                School Hours

                                                                                                Board of Education
                                                                                               – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                              7:30 pm SOMS Library

23   24                            25                         26                         27                             28                            29
           CHRISTMAS EVE

                                         CHRISTMAS DAY             KWANZAA begins
30   31
           NEW YEAR’S EVE

          DECEMBER RECESS               DECEMBER RECESS            DECEMBER RECESS            DECEMBER RECESS                DECEMBER RECESS

          SCHOOL CLOSED                 SCHOOL CLOSED              SCHOOL CLOSED              SCHOOL CLOSED                SCHOOL CLOSED

                                   For updated information, visit
Central School District

                      MONDAY        TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                           FRIDAY                 SATURDAY

                               1                         2                     3                                4                        5

                                    NEW YEAR’S DAY                                  SCHOOL RE-OPENS

                                   DECEMBER RECESS           DECEMBER RECESS

                                   SCHOOL CLOSED             SCHOOL CLOSED

6    Epiphany     7            8                         9                     10                               11                       12

                               ✒ SOMS PTA Meeting:                             ✒ TZHS Workshop for              ✒ RCMEA Sr. All-County   ✒ RCMEA Sr. All-County
                                 “Social Changes”                                Parents of Sophmores:
                                 7:30pm – SOMS Library                           The Transcript & College
                                                                                 Readiness – 8:15am – Rm. 951

                                                                                     Board of Education
                                                                                    – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                   7:30 pm SOMS Library
13   14                                   15                                16                               17                                 18                                19

                                                                            ✒ SOCES PTA Family Mindfulness   ✒ TZHS PTSA Meeting                 ✒ SOMS Gr. 7 Winter Party             ✒ Liam Frawley Sports Hall of Fame
                                                                              Night - 5-7pm – WOS              7:30pm – TZ Library                 7pm – SOMS                            Induction – Pearl River Elks – 6pm
                                                                            ✒ SOCES PTA General Meeting
                                                                              7pm – WOS

20   21                                   22                                23                               24                                 25                                26

                                           ✒ TZHS Regents & Midterm Exams   ✒ TZHS Regents & Midterm Exams   ✒ TZHS Regents & Midterm Exams      ✒ TZHS Regents & Midterm Exams
                                                                                                             ✒ SOMS Souper Bowl Night            ✒ TZHS 2nd Quarter ends
                                                                                                               6pm – Cafeteria

      BIRTHDAY (observed)

                                                                                                                  Board of Education
                                                                                                                 – Regular Meeting –
          SCHOOL CLOSED                                                                                         7:30 pm SOMS Library

27   28                                   29                                30                               31                                                                              DECEMBER 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                   SUN MON TUES WED THU FRI               SAT
     ✒ TZHS 2nd Semester begins                                                                              ✒ TZHS Gr. 8 into Gr. 9
                                                                                                                                                                                       2     3     4     5    6     7      8
     ✒ Spring Sports Registration opens                                                                        Parent/Student Orientation:
                                                                                                               The Transition to HS including                                          9    10    11    12    13    14    15
                                                                                                               the Role of the Counselor &                                         16 17 18             19    20    21    22
                                                                                                               Others – 7pm – Auditorium                                           /30 24/31 25
                                                                                                                                                                                                        26    27    28    29
                                                                                                                                                                                              FEBRUARY 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1     2
                                                                                                                                                                                    3        4     5     6     7    8     9
                                                                                                                                                                                   10       11    12    13    14    15    16
                                                                                                                                                                                   17       18    19    20    21    22    23
                                                                                                                                                                                   24       25    26    27    28

                                          For updated information, visit
Central School District

           SUNDAY                           MONDAY
                                                          2019          TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                      FRIDAY                           SATURDAY

           JANUARY 2019
                                                                                                                                                      1                                   2      Groundhog Day
             1    2    3    4    5
  6   7       8    9   10   11   12                                                                                                                   ✒ RCMEA Jr. All-County              ✒ RCMEA Jr. All-County
                                                                                                                                                      ✒ TZHS/SOMS Report Cards
 13   14     15   16   17   18   19                                                                                                                     available online
 20   21     22   23   24   25   26
 27   28     29   30   31
           MARCH 2019
                            1    2
 3    4      5    6    7    8    9
 10   11     12   13   14   15   16
 17 18       19   20   21   22   23
 /31 25
             26   27   28   29   30

 3          Super Bowl Sunday          4                           5           Chinese              6                      7                          8                                   9
                                                                              New Year

                                       ✒ PTA Council – 7pm – TZH   ✒ TZHS Gr. 8 into Gr. 9          ✒ TZHS AMC Exam                                   ✒ TZHS Interact Valentine’s Dance
                                                                     Parent/Student Orientation       8:15am – Cafeteria                                5:30pm – Cafeteria
                                                                     (snow date) 7pm – Auditorium

                                                                                                                                 Board of Education
                                                                                                                                – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                                                               7:30 pm SOMS Library
10   11                                   12       Lincoln’s Birthday        13                                14        Valentine’s Day    15                     16

                                           ✒ SOCES PTA Coffee Chat            ✒ Kindergarten Orientation        ✒ Gr. 4 Publishing Party    ✒ Rockland Read-In
                                             9:30am – CLE                       7pm – WOS                         School hours
                                           ✒ SOMS PTA Meeting                 ✒ SOCES PTA General Meeting       ✒ TZHS PTSA Meeting
                                             7:30pm – SOMS Library              7pm – WOS                         7:30pm – TZ Library

17   18                                   19                                 20                                21                           22                     23

           PRESIDENTS’ DAY                                                                                          Washington’s Birthday

          MID WINTER RECESS                    MID WINTER RECESS                  MID WINTER RECESS                 MID WINTER RECESS          MID WINTER RECESS

          SCHOOL CLOSED                        SCHOOL CLOSED                      SCHOOL CLOSED                      SCHOOL CLOSED               SCHOOL CLOSED

24   25                                   26                                 27                                28

          SCHOOL RE-OPENS                  ✒ CLE Dance Festival Grs. 3 & 4    ✒ Kindergarten Registration
                                             6pm – 7:15pm – TZHS Gym            6 – 8pm – WOS
                                                                              ✒ Winter Varsity Sports Dinner
      ✒ High School Sports Registration
                                                                                6:30pm – Casa Mia

                                                                                                                      Board of Education
                                                                                                                     – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                                                    7:30 pm SOMS Library

                                          For updated information, visit
Central School District

                                          MONDAY                      TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                         THURSDAY                  FRIDAY                          SATURDAY

      FEBRUARY 2019                 NOTES
                                                                                                                                                       1       Read Across               2
                                                                                                                                                               America Day
                         1    2                                                                                                                            Dr. Seuss’ Birthday
 3   4     5    6    7    8    9                                                                                                                                                         ✒ RCMEA Intermediate All-County
10   11   12   13   14   15   16                                                                                                                       ✒ RCMEA Intermediate All-County
17   18   19   20   21   22   23                                                                                                                       ✒ Rockland Read-In (Snow day)
24   25   26   27   28
          APRIL 2019
     1    2    3    4    5    6
 7   8     9   10   11   12   13
14   15   16   17   18   19   20
21   22   23   24   25   26   27
28   29   30

3                                    4                           5                              6       Ash Wednesday          7                       8                                 9

                                     ✒ PTA Council – 7pm – TZH   ✒ SOMS Gr. 8 Washington Trip   ✒ TZHS/SOMS Progress Reports   ✒ School Maker Faire    ✒ SOCES Family Fun Night
                                                                   Information Meeting – 7pm      available online               630 – 8:30pm – TZHS     6:30 – 8:30pm – CLE
10        Daylight Savings     11                        12                             13                               14                                  15                       16
            Time begins

                               ✒ Modified Spring Sports    ✒ SOCES PTA General Meeting   ✒ WOS Dance Festival             ✒ TZHS Winter Blood Drive           ✒ TZHS Spring Musical    ✒ 8th Annual Flying
                                 Registration closes        “Parent Tech Night”           7:15pm – TZHS Gym                8:30am – 8:30pm – TZHS Gym          8pm – Auditorium         Dutchmen 5K – 9:15am
                                                            7:30pm – Library                                                                                                          ✒ TZHS Spring Musical
                                                                                                                                                                                        8pm – Auditorium

                                                                                                                              Board of Education
                                                                                                                             – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                                                              Budget Workshop
                                                                                                                            7:30 pm SOMS Library

17        St. Patrick’s Day    18                        19                             20        First Day of Spring    21            Holi                  22                       23

✒ TZHS Interact Theatre Cafe                              ✒ SOCES Family Math Night     ✒ SOCES PTA Family Math Night    ✒ TZHS PTSA Meeting                      SUPERINTENDENT’S    ✒ We the People
  12:30 – 1:30pm                                          ✒ Kindergarten Registration     5-7pm – CLE                      7:30pm – TZHS Library                   CONFERENCE DAY       11am – 2pm – SOMS
✒ TZHS Spring Musical                                       6 – 8pm – WOS               ✒ SOCES PTA General Meeting
  2pm – Auditorium                                                                        7pm – CLE                                                          ✒ All Day Kindergarten
                                                                                        ✒ SOCES Report Cards sent home                                         Registration – WOS

                                                                                                                                                                    NO SCHOOL
                                                                                                                                                                   FOR STUDENTS

24                             25                         26                            27                               28                                  29                       30

                                                                                                                         ✒ TZHS Reflections Gallery Opening   ✒ SOMS Spring Musical    ✒ SOMS Spring Musical
                                                                                                                           2:15pm                              7:30pm – Auditorium      7:30pm – Auditorium


✒ SOMS Spring Musical
  2pm – Auditorium                                             Board of Education
                                                              – Regular Meeting –
                                                               Budget Workshop
                                                             7:30 pm SOMS Library

                                                         For updated information, visit
Central School District

                                                MONDAY                      TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                     THURSDAY                      FRIDAY                      SATURDAY

               MARCH 2019
                                          1       April Fool’s Day    2                                3                           4                          5
                                                                                                                                                              1                              6
                               1    2
     3    4     5    6    7    8    9     ✒ PTA Council – 7pm – TZH   ✒ NY State ELA Exam              ✒ NY State ELA Exam                                    ✒ TZHS Hepcat Library – 7pm
                                                                                                                                                              ✒ TZHS/SOMS 3rd Quarter ends
     10   11    12   13   14   15   16
     17   18    19   20   21   22   23
          25    26   27   28   29   30
                MAY 2019
                     1    2    3    4
     5    6     7    8    9    10   11                                                                                                   Board of Education
     12   13    14   15   16   17   18                                                                                                  – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                                                                         Budget Workshop
     19   20    21   22   23   24   25
                                                                                                                                       7:30 pm SOMS Library
     26   27    28   29   30   31

     7                                    8                           9                                10                          11                         12                             13

                                          ✒ NYSESLAT Testing begins   ✒ Gr. 5 Parent/Student Evening   ✒ TZHS History                                         ✒ TZHS MultiCultural Show      ✒ TZHS ACT Exam
                                                                        Orientation – 7pm – SOMS         Honor Society Induction                                5 – 9pm – Cafeteria
                                                                                                         7:30pm – Auditorium
                                                                                                       ✒ TZHS/SOMS Report Cards
                                                                                                         available online

                                                                                                                                         Board of Education
                                                                                                                                          Regular Meeting
                                                                                                                                            Adoption of
                                                                                                                                       – 2019-2020 Budget –
                                                                                                                                       7:30 pm SOMS Library
14    Palm Sunday      15                      16                       17                                18                        19                    20

                                                ✒ SOCES/SOMS            ✒ TZHS MuFest – 8:15am – 3:05pm
                                                  PTA Meeting – 7pm       Rm. 951

                                                                                                                VACATION DAY               Good Friday         First day of
                                                                                                          IF 0, 1 OR 2 SNOW/EMER.                              PASSOVER
                                                                                                                  DAYS USED

                                                                                                                                          SPRING RECESS

                                                                                                                                     SCHOOL CLOSED

21                     22      Earth Day       23                       24     Administrative             25                        26       Arbor Day    27
                                                                              Professional’s Day


                             SPRING RECESS            SPRING RECESS           SPRING RECESS                     SPRING RECESS             SPRING RECESS

                            SCHOOL CLOSED           SCHOOL CLOSED            SCHOOL CLOSED                     SCHOOL CLOSED             SCHOOL CLOSED

28   Orthodox Easter   29                      30

                            VACATION DAY        ✒ TZHS PTSA Meeting
                        IF 0 OR 1 SNOW/EMER.      7:30pm – TZ Library
                              DAYS USED

                                               For updated information, visit
VOTER REGISTRATION                            If you have NOT voted in a school            To file for an application: Contact the     SCHOOL BUDGET VOTE &
                                                                                                                A voter registration card may be picked       election in the past 4 years, or if you      District Clerk at 680-1012. A resident     SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION
                                                                                                                up from the U.S. Post Office and mailed        are not registered to vote in general        may apply in person or receive the         Tuesday, May 21, 2019 • 7am-9pm
                                                                                                                directly to the Rockland County Board of      elections, you must register to vote.        application by mail.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Residents will vote at their official
                                 Central School District                                                        Elections OR you may register through
                                                                                                                the District Clerk’s Office, Administration
                                                                                                                Building, Blauvelt NY from 8am - 4pm on
                                                                                                                                                              ABSENTEE VOTING
                                                                                                                                                              If a resident is unable to vote in person
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Submit application form:
                                                                                                                                                                                                           The District Clerk must receive the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      voting location:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Blauvelt residents at South
                                                                                                                                                              on May 21, 2019, and wishes to vote,         application form at least 7 days before

                                                                                                                school days from September through            they may do so by absentee ballot.           the election (May 13) if the absentee        Orangetown Middle School
                                                                                                                June and from 9am - 3pm Monday -              This is a two-step process.                  ballot is to be mailed to the resident,    • Orangeburg residents at
                                             BOARD ELECTION & BUDGET VOTE                                       Thursday during July and August.                                                           or the day before the election if the        Tappan Zee High School
                                                                                                                                                              To vote by absentee ballot, the resident
                                                                                                                To be eligible to vote, you must be:

                                             MAY 21, 2019 • 7am – 9pm                                                                                         must first request an application form        absentee ballot is to be picked up         • Tappan residents at William
                                                                                                                • A District resident for 30 days             for an absentee ballot. Once the             by the resident.                             O. Schaefer Elementary
                                                                                                                • A U.S. Citizen                              application form is filed with the District   Submit absentee ballot: Absentee ballots   • Grandview, Palisades, Piermont, and
                                                                                                                • 18 years of age or older                    Clerk, the resident will receive the         must be received by the District Clerk       Sparkill residents at Tappan Zee Elementary
                                                                                                                                                              absentee ballot.                             no later than 5:00 p.m. on election day,
                                                                                                                • Registered to vote in either a                                                                                                      For further information on voter
                                                                                                                                                                                                           May 21, 2019.                              registration or voting, call the District
                                                                                                                  general or school election
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Clerk at 680-1012.

               SUNDAY                            MONDAY                            TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                                        THURSDAY                                         FRIDAY                                  SATURDAY

               APRIL 2019
                                                                                                              1                                              2                                             3                                          4
          1     2    3     4    5     6
                                                                                                              ✒ NYS Math Exam                                ✒ NYS Math Exam                                                                           ✒ TZHS SAT & Subject Tests
     7    8     9    10    11   12    13                                                                      ✒ Council PTA Candidates
 14       15   16    17    18   19    20                                                                        Forum – 7pm – TZH
 21       22   23    24    25   26    27
 28       29   30
               JUNE 2019
     2    3     4    5     6     7    8
     9    10   11    12    13   14    15
 16       17   18    19    20   21    22
 /30 24
               25    26    27   28    29

 5             Cinco de Mayo                6       Ramadan begins           7                                8                                              9                                             10                                         11

     ✒ Gr. 5 Fun Night – 6:30 – 8:30 pm     ✒ TZHS AP Exams                  ✒ TZHS AP Exams                  ✒ TZHS AP Exams                                ✒ TZHS AP Exams                               ✒ TZHS AP Exams
       CLE                                  ✒ Kindergarten Screening – WOS   ✒ Kindergarten Screening – WOS   ✒ Kindergarten Screening – WOS                 ✒ Kindergarten Screening – WOS                ✒ Kindergarten Screening – WOS
                                                                                                              ✒ SOMS Gr. 8 Panoramic Photo                   ✒ SOMS to CLE for Lock Distribution           ✒ SOMS to CLE for Lock Distribution
                                                                                     SOCSD Staff              ✒ SOMS Spring Concert I                        ✒ SOMS Spring Concert II                      ✒ TZHS Night of Scenes
                                                                                   Appreciation Day             7pm – Auditorium                               7pm – Auditorium                              7pm – Auditorium

                                                                                  Board of Education
                                                                                   Regular Meeting
                                                                                  Public Hearing on
                                                                               – 2019-20 Proposed Budget –
                                                                                 7:30 pm SOMS Library
12                  13                                 14                                   15                                16                                17                           18

                    ✒ TZHS AP Exams                    ✒ TZHS AP Exams                      ✒ TZHS AP Exams                   ✒ TZHS AP Exams                   ✒ TZHS AP Exams
                    ✒ TZHS/SOMS Italian Awards         ✒ SOMS National Junior Honor         ✒ TZHS/SOMS Progress Reports      ✒ Gr. 8 Washington Trip           ✒ Gr. 8 Washington Trip
                      7:30pm – Auditorium                Society Induction Ceremony           available online                ✒ Kindergarten Field Day          ✒ Kindergarten Field Day
                                                         7pm – Auditorium                   ✒ Calendar Party – 7am – SOMS       10am – WOS                        9:30am – WOS (rain date)

     Mother’s Day

19                  20                                21                                    22                                23                                24                           25

                    ✒ SOMS Spring Book Fair            ✒ SOMS Spring Book Fair              ✒ SOMS Spring Book Fair           ✒ SOMS Spring Book Fair
                    ✒ Gr. 3 Field Day                  ✒ Gr. 3 Field Day (rain date)        ✒ Gr. 1 Field Day – 10am – WOS    ✒ Gr. 1 Field Day
                    ✒ SOCES K-5 Family Summer          ✒ SOMS You Make A Difference         ✒ TZHS Peer Leadership Training     9:30am – WOS (rain date)
                      Literacy Extravaganza – 5-7pm      Awards – 7:30am – Auditorium         10:30am – 3pm                   ✒ Gr. 5 to SOMS for Orientation
                      WOS                                                                   ✒ TZHS Spring Concert I           ✒ TZHS Science Symposium
                    ✒ SOCES PTA General Meeting                                               7pm – Auditorium                  7pm – Library
                      7pm – WOS
                                                           Board of Education
                                                             Regular Meeting
                                                          – Annual Budget Vote                                                                                        VACATION DAY
                                                            & Board Election –                                                                                       IF 0 SNOW/EMER.
                                                              7:30pm SOMS                                                                                                DAYS USED

26                  27                                 28                                   29                                30                                31

                                                       ✒ Gr. 4 Field Day – CLE              ✒ Grs 4 & 8 State Science         ✒ Grs 4 & 8 State Science         ✒ SOCES PTA Talent Show
                                                       ✒ Gr. 5 Health Night – 5-7pm – CLE     Performance Tests                 Performance Tests                 7pm – SOMS Auditorium
                                                                                            ✒ Gr. 2 Field Day – 10am – WOS    ✒ Gr. 2 Field Day
                                                                                            ✒ TZHS Mu Alpha Theta Induction     9:30am – WOS (rain date)
                          MEMORIAL DAY                                                        3:20 – 4:15pm – Library         ✒ Sports Physicals – 5-8pm
                            (observed)                                                      ✒ TZHS Spring Concert II            TZHS Gym
                                                                                              7pm – Auditorium

                                                                                                                                   Board of Education
                                                                                                                                  – Regular Meeting –
                                                                                                                                 7:30 pm SOMS Library
                         SCHOOL CLOSED

                                                      For updated information, visit
Central School District

                                          MONDAY                             TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                       THURSDAY                       FRIDAY     SATURDAY

          MAY 2019
                1   2    3    4
                                                                                                                                                                                ✒ TZHS SAT & Subject Tests
 5    6    7    8    9   10   11
12   13   14   15   16   17   18
19   20   21   22   23   24   25
26   27   28   29   30   31
          JULY 2019
      1    2    3    4    5    6
 7    8    9   10   11   12   13
14   15   16   17   18   19   20
21   22   23   24   25   26   27
28   29   30   31

2                                   3                                   4                              5                            6                              7            8

                                    ✒ Grs. 4 & 8 Science Test Written   ✒ TZHS Varsity Sports Dinner   ✒ Gr. 4 Field Day – CLE      ✒ Spring Blood Drive
                                    ✒ Gr. 10 The New Framework            6:30pm – Casa Mia              (rain date)                  8:30am – 8:30pm – TZHS Gym
                                      Global History and                                               ✒ TZHS SADD Assembly         ✒ Districtwide Celebrations
                                      Geography Regents                                                ✒ TZHS Academic Reception      Tenure, Founder’s Day
                                    ✒ Spring Sports Award Dinner                                         7pm – Auditorium
                                      6:30 pm – Casa Mia
                                    ✒ Gr. 3 Music Share – 6:30pm

                                                                                                                                         Board of Education
                                                                                                                                          Regular Meeting
                                                                                                                                     Districtwide Celebrations
9                   10                              11                                 12                               13                          14          Flag Day              15

                    ✒ TZHS Senior Awards Ceremony    ✒ Incoming Gr. 3 Parent Meeting   ✒ CLE Concert for Grs. 4 and 5   ✒ WOS Gr. 2 visits CLE      ✒ CLE Earth Day at Tallman Park
                      9am – Auditorium                 6;30pm – CLE                      6:30pm – TZHS Auditorium                                   ✒ Gr. 8 Dance – SOMS
                    ✒ Gr. 5 Field Day – CLE          ✒ Gr. 5 Field Day (rain date)
                    ✒ TZHS Senior Prom –5:30pm

                                                                                                                             Board of Education
                                                                                                                              Regular Meeting
                                                                                                                           7:30pm SOMS Rm 165

16                  17                              18                                 19                               20                          21       First day of Summer      22

                    ✒ TZHS/SOMS 4th Quarter ends     ✒ TZHS/SOMS                       ✒ TZHS/SOMS                      ✒ TZHS/SOMS                 ✒ TZHS/SOMS
                                                       Regents/Final Exams               Regents/Final Exams              Regents/Final Exams         Regents/Final Exams
                                                     ✒ CLE Book Fair                   ✒ CLE Book Fair                  ✒ Gr. 5 Philadelphia Trip   ✒ Gr. 3 Wax Museum
                                                                                                                                                    ✒ Gr. 5 Tallman Park
     Father’s Day     TZHS Last Day of Classes

                                                       MODIFIED SCHEDULES                MODIFIED SCHEDULES               MODIFIED SCHEDULES          MODIFIED SCHEDULES
                                                         SOMS and TZHS                     SOMS and TZHS                    SOMS and TZHS               SOMS and TZHS

23                  24                              25                                 26                               27                          28                                29

                    ✒ TZHS/SOMS                      ✒ TZHS/SOMS                       ✒ SOMS Moving Up Ceremony
                      Regents/Final Exams              Regents/Final Exams               9:30am – TZHS
                                                     ✒ SOMS Gr. 8 Moving Up
                                                       Breakfast                         LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
                                                     ✒ CLE Moving Up Ceremony
30                                                     6pm – TZHS
                                                                                            FOR STUDENTS
                                                                                                 Rating Day

                                                                                            TZHS GRADUATION
                                                                                                 6:30 pm

                      MODIFIED SCHEDULES               MODIFIED SCHEDULES                MODIFIED SCHEDULES
                        ALL SCHOOLS                      ALL SCHOOLS                       ALL SCHOOLS

                                                    For updated information, visit
       SUNDAY                 MONDAY
                                                                   Central School District

                                                             TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY                     THURSDAY                   FRIDAY                   SATURDAY

                    1                                   2                3                            4                       5                            6

                                                                         ✒ SOMS Report Cards Mailed        Independence Day   ✒ TZHS Report Cards Mailed
                                                                           Not Available Online

7                   8                                   9               10                            11                      12                           13

14                  15                                  16              17                            18                      19                           20

                     ✒ All Sports Registration begin                     ✒ SOCES PTA Training
                                                                           6 – 9 pm – TBD

21                  22                                  23              24                            25                      26                           27

28                  29                                  30              31                            NOTES

     Parents’ Day

                                                       For updated information, visit
                 2019    MONDAY
                                                   Central School District

                                             TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                        FRIDAY        SATURDAY

NOTES                                                                           1                                2             3

4                 5                     6                7                      8                                9             10

11                12                    13              14                      15                               16            17

                  ✒ Sports Physicals

18                19                    20              21                      22                               23            24

                                                                                ✒ Kindergarten Bus Orientation
                                                                                ✒ Summer Blood Drive
                                                                                  8:30am - 8:30pm – TZHS

25                26                    27              28                      29                               30            31

                  ✒ Gr. 6 Locker Day                     ✒ Gr. 1 Meet & Greet   ✒ Gr. 2 Meet & Greet
                    9am – SOMS                             5 – 7pm – WOS          5 – 7pm – WOS

                                       For updated information, visit
                  2019        MONDAY
                                                               Central School District

                                                         TUESDAY         WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY        FRIDAY        SATURDAY

1                       2                         3                 4                   5               6             7

                              LABOR DAY

8                       9                         10                11                  12              13            14

     Grandparents Day                                                     Patriot Day

15                      16                        17                18                  19              20            21

22                      23                        24                25                  26              27            28

                             First day of Fall

29                      30                       NOTES

                                                 For updated information, visit
Central School District

South Orangetown Central School
       District Calendar
                                                                         We Achieve!

ACADEMICS                                                                                                                                           • For the second year in a row, WOS was awarded a New York State
• SOMS earned re-designation as a National Schools-to-Watch                                                                                           Council on the Arts grant for Grade 2 theatre enrichment
  Model School for excellence in middle-level education                                                                                             • Eleven CLE musicians participated in the Rockland County Music
• Six TZHS seniors earned National Merit Scholarship commendation:                                                                                    Educators Association Intermediate Music Festival and fifth-grader
  Riya Gandhi, Gary Hu, Jake Laddis Kaylee Liang, Nicole Malpeli and                                                                                  Michael A. was selected as First Chair Clarinet and Concertmaster
  Sarah Pan                                                                                                                                           for the Band

• TZHS junior Kevin Huang was a 2017 Siemens Competition                                                                                            • Matthew Rotjan, Ed.D., presented at the National Association for
  semifinalist                                                                                                                                         Music Education’s Music Research and Teacher Education
                                                                                                                                                      National Conference
• TZHS’ FIRST Robotics Competition team, SO BOTZ, won the
  Rookie All-Star Award at FIRST Championship Detroit                                                                                               ATHLETICS
                                                                               • SOMS seventh-grader Anthony D. placed 2nd in the Patriot’s Pen
• TZHS DECA Club was named a Top Community Service Project                                                                                          • Championship teams: Boys JV Soccer (County) and Boys Varsity
                                                                                 Youth Essay Contest for VFW New York State District 2
  Contributor at the New York State DECA Competition and                                                                                              Soccer (League)
  members Alex Gottlieb, Mitchell Jacobs and Jake Laddis advanced              • Six SOMS Science Olympiad members medaled at the Lower
                                                                                 Hudson Division B Regional competition                             • Kaitlyn Borruso (Softball) was named 1st Team All-State and
  to compete in the International Career Development Center
                                                                                                                                                      Oziah DeLoatch (Basketball) earned an All-State Class A Honorable
  Conference and Competition in Atlanta                                        • TZHS’ Science Olympiad team placed 9th overall out of 48 schools     Mention
• SOMS seventh-grader Matthew T. advanced to compete in the                      at the Lower Hudson Valley Division C Regionals
                                                                                                                                                    • Madison Kousoulas, Trinity Lundemo, Conor Malanaphy and Nicole
  National Geographic New York State Bee                                       • Two staff members earned doctorate degrees: Karen Tesik, Ed.D.       Malpeli were named Journal News/lohud Rockland Scholar-Athletes
• TZHS senior Francesca Battelli won first place in the research                  and Russell Wagoner, D.M.A.
                                                                                                                                                    • Coaches of the Year: George Gaine (Boys Basketball), Gene
  paper category at the Lower Hudson Valley Regional History                   • Brian Culot, Ed.D., Samantha Levine, Brian Newburger,                Kousoulas (Softball, Section 1 League 2B & Rockland) and
  Day Contest and advanced to the state competition                              Kottie Christie-Blick and Jacob Tanenbaum presented at the           Andrew McIntosh (Boys Lacrosse)
• TZHS students Jamil Alexandre, Justin Lee, Isaiah Olds-Campanile,              National Science Teachers Association Conference
                                                                                                                                                    • Rockland Players of the Year: Dylan Goldstein (Skiing),
  Kennedy Outlaw, Angelina Picott, Kayla Montina and Lola Wright
                                                                               ARTS                                                                   Tadhg O’Riordan (Lacrosse) and Joe Stahl (Soccer)
  and SOMS students Caleb A., Ethan C., Coryn E., Olivia L.,
  Jahna N., Jayden P., Ella S. and Marley W. received Rockland                 • SOCSD received Best Communities for Music Education                • All-Section honors: Kaitlyn Borruso (Softball), Kyle Daly (Baseball),
  Community College 2018 Black Achievement Awards                                designation for 5th consecutive year                                 Leah Dillon (Softball), Nicole Malpeli (Softball), Tom McGivney
                                                                                                                                                      (Baseball, HM), Jonathan Weissberg (Baseball) and Emily Trozzo
• Nineteen TZHS sophomores and seniors were honored with                       • Tappan Zee High School junior Cassandra Bartels was selected         (Softball)
  Rockland Community College 2017 Hispanic Heritage Awards:                      for the 2018 All-National Honor Mixed Choir, the first TZHS
  Anna Acosta, Gabrielle Arroyo, Marc Barbosa, Nicholas Cabrera,                 student to earn this recognition                                   • All-County 1st Team honors: Kaitlyn Borruso (Softball),
  Dylan Constable, Liana DeLaRosa, Yovana Godinez, Tatiana Guzman,                                                                                    Pat Castellano (Track & Field), Kyle Daly (Baseball), Leah Dillon
  Zuleyma Magana-Sanabria, Luis Mazariego, Anjali Molina, Samantha             • Five TZHS juniors were 2017 New York State All-State eligible:       (Softball), Tara Harris (Soccer), Ryan Maloney (Lacrosse),
  Morales, Sophia Morales, Julia Oquendo, Samantha Rivera, Sarah                 Cassandra Bartels (Mixed Chorus), Kevin Huang (Orchestra             Nicole Malpeli (Softball), Tadhg O’Riordan (Lacrosse), Matthew Russell
  Rivera, Yansi Rodriguez, Daniel Suarez and Christopher Torres                  alternate), Estelle Lee (Band alternate), Palak Oza (Orchestra       (Bowling), Ciaran Shalvey (Soccer), Elizabeth Tompkins (Lacrosse),
                                                                                 alternate), and Yena Shin (Band alternate)                           Jonathan Weissberg (Baseball), and the Girls 4x800 team (Tori Fears,
• 2017 Hispanic Heritage Awards were earned by 22 South
                                                                               • TZHS sophomores Hannah Ahn, Justin Lee and Kevin Liang won           Alexandra Thomas, Trinity Lundemo and Maddy Roth)
  Orangetown Middle School eighth-graders: Christopher A., Mia A.,
  Edward A., Sean A., Endy C., Madison C., Maya C., Ariana C., Steve D.,         2017-2018 Scholastic Art and Writing Competition awards            • Track & Field’s Alex Gottlieb placed first at Counties for discus
  Alanis D., Luis F., Diana L., Max M., Alivia M., April M., Kaily M., Dayna   • Members of Tappan Zee High School Concert Choir and Chorale        • League Champs: Girls Track & Field, Boys JV Lacrosse, Boys
  M., Jessica M., Kaitlyn P., Monica R., Maia S. and Karen T.                    performed at Radio City Music Hall and Cottage Lane Elementary       Varsity Lacrosse and Individual League Champ Alexandra Thomas
                                                                                 School’s Fifth Grade Chorus performed in the American Young          (Cross Country)
                                                                                 Voices Concert

                                                                   For updated information, visit
Central School District

South Orangetown Central School
       District Calendar

                                                        South Orangetown Central School                                         Cottage Lane Elementary School
 Concerns or Questions?                                 District Directory (Use area code 845
 Know where to go – who to call.                                                                                                120 Cottage Lane, Blauvelt, NY 10913
                                                        for all phone numbers.)
                                                                                                                                   Grades 3-5
 All numbers are listed in the calendar Directory
                                                                                                                                   School Hours: 9:15 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.
 Elem. Academic Programs or Behavior:                 Tappan Zee High School
 > Teacher > Assistant Principal or Principal                                                                                      Lunch Hours:              11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
                                                      15 Dutch Hill Road, Orangeburg, NY 10962
 Middle & High School Academic Programs:                                                                                        Main Office: 680-1500 ext. 3 Fax: 680-1940
                                                         Grades 9-12
 > Teacher > Guidance Counselor >
                                                         School Hours: 8:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.                                    Principal:
 Assistant Principal > Principal                                                                                                Karen Ramirez .......................................680-1503
 Middle & High School Behavior Issues:                   Lunch Hours:              11:19 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                Assistant Principal:
 > Teacher > Assistant Principal &/or Student                                                                                   Robert Schliessman .............................680-1561
 Support > Principal
                                                      Main Office: 680-1600 ext. 4 Fax: 680-1950
                                                      Principal:                                                                Nurse: ........................................................680-1508
 Special Education Issues:
                                                      Dr. Jennifer L. Amos ............................680-1606
 > Teacher > Ass’t Principal > Principal > Dir.
 of Special Education and Student Services            Assistant Principal:                                                                                                                                Continuing Education
                                                      Juliet Gevargis .......................................680-1650                                                                                     Director:
 Co-Curricular Activities (Clubs):
 > Advisor > Assistant Principal > Principal          Assistant Principal:                                                                                                                                Terry Campanella.................................379-1012
                                                      Richard Neidhart ..................................680-1655
 Student Athletics:
                                                      Guidance ..................................................680-1614
 > Coach > Director of Physical Education                                                                                                                                                                 Before and After School
 & Athletics                                          Library: .....................................................680-1670
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Child Care Programs:
 Student Transportation:                              Nurse: ........................................................680-1647
 > Transportation Office > Director of                                                                                                                                                                    Rockland County YMCA
 Facilities & Transportation                                                                                                                                                                              The Children’s Corner
 District Policies:
 > Superintendent > Board of Education
 The Superintendent may review unresolved
 issues after all other sources have been
 contacted. Decisions are based on Board of
 Education policy. The Board may also review
 issues referred to them by the Superintendent.
 For teacher voice mailbox numbers, dial 680-1000
 and follow the prompts.
 To email District employees, use first initial and
 full last
Board of Education
Rosemary Pitruzzella, President .... 359-9269
Dan Lamadrid, Vice President ..... 598-3500
Leon Jacobs .......................................... 398-0443
Christine Lee ........................................ 461-4952
Tom Henry ............................................. 558-6899

Central Administration
Superintendent of Schools:
Dr. Robert R. Pritchard. .....................680-1050
Assistant Superintendent for
Curriculum and Instruction:
Dr. Brian Culot ......................................680-1017                                                                                  William O. Schaefer
Director of Human Resources:                                                                                                                    Elementary School                                                         Parent-Teacher Association
Jeremy Barker .......................................680-1030
                                                                                                                                                140 Lester Drive, Tappan, NY 10983                                        Presidents
School Business Administrator:                                        South Orangetown
                                                                                                                                                   Grades K-2                                                             Council PTA President: TBA
Alicia Koster ...........................................680-1005     Middle School
                                                                                                                                                   School Hours: 9:15 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.                                    TZHS President:
Interim Director of Special Education                                 160 Van Wyck Road, Blauvelt, NY 10913
and Pupil Personnel Services:                                                                                                                      Lunch Hours:              11:15 a.m. – 2:10 p.m.                       Helena Bardusco ..................................359-4170
Dr. Karen Tesik......................................680-1025            Grades 6-8
                                                                                                                                                Main Office: 680-1300 ext. 3 Fax: 680-1920                      
Director of Facilities:                                                  School Hours: 8:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                Principal:                                                                SOMS PTA President:
Curtis Harrington .................................680-1016              Lunch Hours:              11:16 a.m. – 1:25 p.m.                       Sheila Beglin ...........................................680-1303
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Gloria Bidmead .........................(917) 337-7178
Director of Technology:                                               Main Office: 680-1100 ext. 3 Fax: 680-1905                                Assistant Principal:                                            
George Brady .........................................680-1011        Interim Principal:                                                        Maggie White ........................................680-1325
Director of Athletics, Health and                                     Dr. Chad Corey......................................680-1101              Library: .....................................................680-1305    SOCES PTA President:
Physical Education:                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tiffany Morrison...................................641-9392
                                                                      Interim Assistant Principal:                                              Nurse: ........................................................680-1304
Keith Johnson ........................................680-1640                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                      Joe Onativia............................................680-1102
District Clerk:                                                       Guidance:
Kathleen Muscari .................................680-1012            Patricia Iannucci ...................................680-1106
District Treasurer:                                                   Philip Farrugia .......................................680-1107
Laura Zarcone .......................................680-1008         Siobhan Maiorano... .............................680-1109                                                                                           Every building in the SOCSD has a
Registration Information:                                             Library: .....................................................680-1115                                                                              Registered Professional Nurse overseeing
Rose Ngai .................................................680-1137                                                                                                                                                       the health office, with a responsibility for the
                                                                      Nurse: ........................................................680-1130
Supervisor of Transportation:                                                                                                                                                                                             health and medical safety of the students in
Paul Guglielmo ......................................680-1662                                                                                                                                                             the building. Please notify the nurse in your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          child’s building of any specific medical needs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Teachers and staff will then be made aware
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of any particular requirements or adaptations
Tappan Zee                                                                                                                                                                                                                of your child’s medical condition. Nurse’s
Red & White Club                                                                                                                                                                                                          phone numbers are listed above as part of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          each building’s contact information.

                                                                              For updated information, visit
Central School District

South Orangetown Central School
       District Calendar

  Student Privacy Rights Policy                                                                                                 Parent’s Right to
 Notification to Parents                    The School District shall provide         2. The administration of any survey       Certain Information
 In accordance with the Protection          parents/guardians with notification,         containing one or more of the items    As the parent of a student attending our School District,
 of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)           at least annually, at the beginning          listed above.
                                                                                                                                you have the right to receive, upon request to the District,
 of the No Child Left Behind Act,           of school year, of the specific or        3. Any non-emergency, invasive
                                            approximate dates during the school                                                 certain information as authorized by Federal law regarding
 the School District is committed to                                                     physical examination or screening
                                            year when the above activities are                                                  the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom
 protecting the rights and privacy                                                       that is required as a condition of
 interests of parents/ guardians and        scheduled or expected to be scheduled.       attendance, administered by the        teachers. Upon the District’s receipt of your request,
 students with regard to the following:     The School District shall provide            School and scheduled by the            we will provide you, in a timely manner, the information
                                            notification to parents/guardian and         School in advance, and not necessary   listed below.
 1. Student Surveys
                                            offer them the opportunity to opt            to protect the immediate health
 2. Instructional Materials                                                                                                     You have the right to request the following information
                                            their child out of participation in the      and safety of the student and/or
                                            following activities:                        other students.                        about each of your child’s classroom teachers:
 3. Physical Examinations or Screenings
 4. Collection, Disclosure or Use of        1. Activities involving the collection,   Please Note: For more specific            1. Whether the teacher has met New York State Education
    Personal Information                       disclosure or use of personal          information, please refer to the Policy      Department qualifications and licensing criteria for the
                                               information collected from students    located on the district’s website.           grade levels and subject areas he/she teaches.
                                               for the purpose of marketing or
                                               selling that information;                                                        2. Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or
                                                                                                                                   other provisional status through which New York State
                                                                                                                                   Education Department qualifications or licensing criteria
                                                                                                                                   have been waived due to special circumstances.
 SOCSD Educational Records                                                                                                      3. The teacher’s college major (undergraduate level);
 The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act grants                                                                                whether the teacher has any graduate certifications or
 parents of students under 18 or eligible students (18 years                                                                       degrees and, if so, the field of discipline of the certification
 or older) the right to review all official records, files and                                                                     or degree.
 data incorporated into a student’s cumulative record                                                                           4. Whether your child is provided services by any Teaching
 folder. Students’ records are confidential and will not be                                                                        Assistants and, if so, their qualifications.
 made available to persons other than parents or students
                                                                                                                                If you wish to receive this information, please contact
 without prior written consent except as permitted by law.
                                                                                                                                Dr. Brian Culot, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum
 These persons may request a hearing to challenge the
                                                                                                                                and Instruction, at (845) 680-1017.
 contents of such records. You may direct any questions
 in this regard to the building principal.

                                                      For updated information, visit
Central School District

South Orangetown Central School
       District Calendar


                              For updated information, visit
South Orangetown
                                                                   Central School District
                                                                    An Environment Where the Excitement
                                                                   of Teaching and Learning is Shared by All!

Our Mission Statement                                                             Central School District
                                                                                                                                                         U.S. Postage
In a rapidly changing world, the South Orangetown school            160 Van Wyck Road, Blauvelt, NY 10913                                                    Paid
                                                                    (845) 680-1000                                                                          Monsey
community affirms its positive vision of the future by providing                                                                                        New York 10952
                                                                                                                                                        Permit No. 1375
a safe and caring environment where the excitement of teaching      Dr. Robert Pritchard, Superintendent

and learning is shared by all, and where we encourage and           BOARD OF EDUCATION
                                                                    Rosemary Pitruzzella, President
nurture the uniqueness of each child.                               Dan Lamadrid, Vice President

Through diverse and challenging programs, we promote high
                                                                    Leon Jacobs
                                                                    Christine Lee
                                                                                                                Postal Patron
                                                                    Tom Henry
academic standards, creative and critical thinking, self-respect    SOCSD website:
and respect for others, and acceptance of our responsibilities      This calendar was produced in cooperation with the Rockland BOCES Communications Department.
in a global society. We are committed to fostering a love of        Calendar Editor & Photographer: BJ Greco, Public Information Specialist, SOCSD

learning in our students.
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