Documentation of the Questionnaire Scales - Hand in Hand

Page created by Terrance Lewis
Documentation of the Questionnaire Scales - Hand in Hand
Evaluation of the HAND in HAND Programme

   Documentation of the
    Questionnaire Scales

 Nina Roczen*, Mojca Rožman*, Svenja Vieluf*, Julia Lalla,
Helene Dahlström, Birgitte Lund Nielsen, Ana Kozina, Fabian
                 Müller, Saša Puzić, 2020

      *These authors contributed equally to this work.

1     Student Questionnaire .......................................................................................................... 5
    1.1      Self-Awareness .............................................................................................................. 5
      1.1.1 Student’s Self-Awareness ............................................................................................. 5
      1.1.2 Mindfulness (Subscale: Describe) ................................................................................ 6
      1.1.3 Mindfulness (Subscale: Accept without Judgment) ..................................................... 7
      1.1.4 Mindfulness (Subscale: Act with awareness) ............................................................... 8
      1.1.5 Mindfulness (Subscale: Observe) ............................................................................... 10
    1.2      Self-Managment .......................................................................................................... 11
      1.2.1 Strengths and Difficulties (Subscale: Emotional Problems) ....................................... 11
    1.3      Social-Awareness......................................................................................................... 12
      1.3.1 Empathy (Subscale: Empathic concern) ..................................................................... 12
      1.3.2 Empathy (Subscale: Perspective taking) .................................................................... 13
    1.4      Relationship skills ........................................................................................................ 14
      1.4.1 Caring ......................................................................................................................... 14
      1.4.2 Aggression .................................................................................................................. 15
    1.5      Classroom climate ....................................................................................................... 17
      1.5.1 Orderliness of the Classroom ..................................................................................... 17
      1.5.2 Perceived quality of student-teacher relations (Positively worded)......................... 18
      1.5.3 Perceived quality of student-teacher relations (Negatively worded) ....................... 19
      1.5.4 Inclusive Classroom Climate ....................................................................................... 20
      1.5.5 Bullying ....................................................................................................................... 21
      1.5.6 Teacher’s Relational Competence.............................................................................. 22
    1.6      Intercultural competence............................................................................................ 24
      1.6.1 Attitudes Towards Immigrants ................................................................................... 24
      1.6.2 Perceived Inequality & Egalitarianism........................................................................ 25
2 School Staff Questionnaire .................................................................................................... 26
    2.1      Self-Awareness ............................................................................................................ 26
      2.1.1 Mindfulness (Subscale: Describe) .............................................................................. 26
      2.1.2 Mindfulness (Subscale: Accept without Judgment) ................................................... 27
      2.1.3 Mindfulness (Subscale: Act with awareness) ............................................................. 28
      2.1.4 Mindfulness (Subscale: Observe) ............................................................................... 30
2.1.5 Classroom Diversity .................................................................................................... 31
2.2      Self-Management ........................................................................................................ 33
  2.2.1 (Subscale: Emotional Problems) ................................................................................. 33
2.3      Social-Awareness......................................................................................................... 34
  2.3.1 Empathy (Subscale: Empathic concern) ..................................................................... 34
  2.3.2 Empathy (Subscale: Perspective taking) .................................................................... 35
2.4      Relationship skills ........................................................................................................ 36
  2.4.1 Teachers’ Relational Competence.............................................................................. 36
2.5      Classroom climate ....................................................................................................... 38
  2.5.1 Teacher Evaluation of a Positive Climate in the Classroom ....................................... 38
  2.5.2 Unproductive Student Behaviors: Orderliness of the classroom ............................... 39
  2.5.3 Unproductive Student Behaviors: Verbal and physical violence among students .... 41
  2.5.4 Culturally Inclusive Teaching Strategies ..................................................................... 43
2.6      Intercultural competence............................................................................................ 44
  2.6.1 Critical Consciousness Scale: Critical Reflection......................................................... 44
  2.6.2 Adaptability/ Flexibility .............................................................................................. 45
2.7      Other Measures........................................................................................................... 46
  2.7.1 Job Satisfaction........................................................................................................... 46
This overview documents the self-reported questionnaire scales used in the
evaluation of the EU Erasmus+ project HAND in HAND. In addition to the
 questionnaire scales documented in the following, many other instruments
such as other-reports, interviews, sociometric measures and vignettes were
used for the evaluation of the project. General information on the HAND in
HAND project, the complete questionnaires including the above mentioned
measures and the evaluation report in which all measures and the respective
  results are described can be found on the HAND in HAND project page
1          Student Questionnaire

            1.1        Self-Awareness
            1.1.1 Student’s Self-Awareness

Description of the scale         Measuring students’ self-awareness
Original questionnaire           Positive Youth Development Questionnaire (PYDQ); subscale positive identity from confidence scale
                                 Geldhof, G. J., Bowers, E. P., Boyd, M. J., Mueller, M. K., Napolitano, C. M., Schmid, K. L., & Lerner, R. M.
                                 (2014). The creation and validation of short and very short measures of PYD. Journal of Research on
                                 Adolescence, 24(1), 163-176.
Reference                        Lerner, R. M., Lerner, J. V., Almerigi, J. B., Theokas, C., Phelps, E., Gestsdottir, S., ... & Smith, L. M. (2005).
                                 Positive youth development, participation in community youth development programs, and community
                                 contributions of fifth-grade adolescents: Findings from the first wave of the 4-H study of positive youth
                                 development. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 25(1), 17-71.
Question stem                    Thinking about yourself: to what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Number of items                  6
Scaling                          Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
Answer format                    1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Agree 4 = Strongly agree
Reversed items                   ST17aQ02, ST17aQ04, ST17aQ05
Date of data collection          T1/T2/T3
Target group                     Students
Parallel question                No
Remarks                          Originally nine items and a 5-point Likert scale

                                                                                         SWE                      HRV                       SVN
Variable No.                                  Label                                 M     SD       rit     M       SD       rit     M        SD        rit
 ST17aQ01           On the whole, I like myself.                                 3.05     .75      .70    3.04     .69     .51     2.84     .80        .63

 ST17aQ02           At times, I think that I am no good at all.                  2.61     .98      .70    2.54     .82     .51     2.37     .83        .51

 ST17a Q03          All in all, I am glad I am me.                               3.14     .78      .67    3.54     .62     .55     3.36     .74        .56

 ST17a Q04          I feel I do not have much to be proud of.                    3.01     .84     .71     3.14     .82     .50     2.88     .83        .56

 ST17a Q05          Sometimes, I feel like my life has no purpose.               2.77     .98      .68    3.16     .94     .60     2.91     .98        .59

 ST17a Q06          When I am an adult, I’m sure I will have a good life.        3.17     .67      .57    3.31     .66     .50     3.23     .69        .49

Scale                ST17a
SWE                  M = 2.96                                     SD = .65                                     N = 242
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .87
HRV                  M = 3.12                                     SD = .53                                     N = 249
                     Min = 1.17                                   Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .78
SVN                  M =2.93                                      SD = .58                                     N = 266
                     Min =1.00                                    Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .80

1.1.2 Mindfulness (Subscale: Describe)

                                The Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS) is a multidimensional self-report inventory that assesses
                                four mindfulness skills: observing, describing, acting with awareness and accepting without judgement. The
Description of the scale
                                subscale assesses the ability to communicate aforementioned experiences (e.g. “I’m good at finding the words to
                                describe my feelings.”).
Original questionnaire          Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills
                                Baer, R. A., Smith G. T., & Allen, K. B. (2004). Assessment of mindfulness by self-report: The Kentucky
                                Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. Assessment, 11, 191-206.
Question stem                   Thinkig about yourself: How often are the following statements true for you?
Number of items                 7
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = Never or rarely ever true 2 = Rarely true      3 = Sometimes true
Answer format
                                4 = Often true 5 = Very often or always true
Reversed items                  ST37bQ04, ST37bQ05, ST37bQ06
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               Parallel question in the school staff questionnaires
Remarks                         Originally eight items

                                                                                       SWE                     HRV                       SVN
Variable No.                                 Label                               M      SD      rit     M       SD     rit       M        SD    rit
 ST37bQ01           I’m good at finding the words to describe my feelings.      2.71    .95     .44     3.09   1.08    .63   3.08        .99    .43

                    I can easily put my beliefs, opinions, and expectations
 ST37bQ02                                                                       2.91    .95     .55     3.36   1.09    .61   3.03        1.01   .56
                    into words.

                    I’m good at thinking of words to express my
 ST37bQ03                                                                       3.10    .98     .49     3.53   1.05    .49   3.22        1.01   .43
                    perceptions, such as how things taste, smell, or sound.

                    It’s hard for me to find the words to describe what I’m
 ST37bQ04                                                                       3.26    .97     .32     3.42   1.05    .33   3.29        .98    .42

                    I have trouble thinking of the right words to express
 ST37bQ05                                                                       3.28    .97     .39     3.74   1.07    .45   3.33        1.05   .52
                    how I feel about things.

                    When I have a sensation in my body, it’s difficult for
 ST37bQ06                                                                       3.23    1.01    .44     3.45   1.02    .36   3.14        1.06   .43
                    me to describe it because I can’t find the right words.

                    My natural tendency is to put my experiences into
 ST37bQ07                                                                       3.09    1.06    .28     2.77   1.11    .42   2.61        1.02   .23

Scale                ST37b
SWE                  M = 3.09                                    SD = .61                                   N = 221
                     Min = 1.00                                  Max = 5.00                                 Cronbach’s α = .70
HRV                  M = 3.34                                    SD = .67                                   N = 246
                     Min = 1.43                                  Max = 5.00                                 Cronbach’s α = .75
SVN                  M = 3.10                                    SD = .63                                   N = 263
                     Min = 1.57                                  Max = 5.00                                 Cronbach’s α = .72

1.1.3 Mindfulness (Subscale: Accept without Judgment)

                                The Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS) is a multidimensional self-report inventory that assesses
                                four mindfulness skills: observing, describing, acting with awareness and accepting without judgement. Accepting
Description of the scale
                                without judgement assesses the ability to perceive things without further analysis or judgement (e.g. “I criticize
                                myself for having irrational or inappropriate emotions.”).
Original questionnaire          Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills
                                Baer, R. A., Smith G. T., & Allen, K. B. (2004). Assessment of mindfulness by self-report: The Kentucky
                                Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. Assessment, 11, 191-206.
Question stem                   Thinking about yourself: How often are the following statements true for you?
Number of items                 9
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = Never or rarely ever true 2 = Rarely true      3 = Sometimes true
Answer format
                                4 = Often true 5 = Very often or always true
Reversed items                  All items
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               Parallel question in the school staff questionnaires
Remarks                         -

                                                                                       SWE                     HRV                       SVN
Variable No.                                  Label                              M      SD      rit     M       SD     rit       M        SD    rit
                    I criticize myself for having irrational or inappropriate
 ST37cQ01                                                                       3.69    1.07    .64     3.80    1.06   .37    3.70       1.08   .50

                    I tend to evaluate whether my perceptions are right or
 ST37cQ02                                                                       3.10    0.95    .52     2.94    1.04   .42    3.13       1.02   .45

                    I tell myself that I shouldn’t be feeling the way I’m
 ST37cQ03                                                                       3.45    1.06    .68     3.34    1.20   .58    3.55       1.15   .61

                    I believe some of my thoughts are abnormal or bad and
 ST37cQ04                                                                       3.51    1.13    .68     3.44    1.19   .63    3.32       1.15   .66
                    I shouldn’t think that way.

                    I make judgments about whether my thoughts are good
 ST37cQ05                                                                       3.35    0.98    .56     3.01    1.11   .51    3.20       1.08   .57
                    or bad.

                    I tend to make judgments about how worthwhile or
 ST37cQ06                                                                       3.20    1.13    .63     3.38    1.19   .58    3.61       1.05   .59
                    worthless my experiences are.

                    I tell myself that I shouldn’t be thinking the way I’m
 ST37cQ07                                                                       3.67    1.00    .68     3.61    1.07   .65    3.52       1.16   .65

                    I think some of my emotions are bad or inappropriate
 ST37cQ08                                                                       3.76    1.03    .69     3.79    1.08   .62    3.55       1.12   .66
                    and I shouldn’t feel them.

 ST37cQ09           I disapprove of myself when I have irrational ideas.        3.74    1.04    .62     3.57    1.15   .41    3.78       0.96   .44

Scale                ST37c
SWE                  M = 3.50                                     SD = .74                                  N = 217
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 5.00                                Cronbach’s α = .88
HRV                  M = 3.44                                     SD = .72                                  N = 235
                     Min = 1.56                                   Max = 5.00                                Cronbach’s α = .83
SVN                  M = 3.47                                     SD = .74                                  N = 258
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 5 .00                               Cronbach’s α = .85

1.1.4 Mindfulness (Subscale: Act with awareness)

                                The Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS) is a multidimensional self-report inventory that assesses
                                four mindfulness skills: observing, describing, acting with awareness and accepting without judgement. Acting
Description of the scale
                                with awareness includes the ability to be fully present in the moment and engage in activities (e.g. “When I’m
                                doing something, I’m only focused on what I’m doing, nothing else.”)
Original questionnaire          Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills
                                Baer, R. A., Smith G. T., & Allen, K. B. (2004). Assessment of mindfulness by self-report: The Kentucky
                                Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. Assessment, 11, 191-206.
Question stem                   Thinking about yourself: How often are the following statements true for you?
Number of items                 10
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = Never or rarely ever true 2 = Rarely true      3 = Sometimes true
Answer format
                                4 = Often true 5 = Very often or always true
Reversed items                  ST37dQ01, ST37dQ03, ST37dQ06, ST37dQ07, ST37dQ08, ST37dQ09
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               Parallel question in the school staff questionnaires
Remarks                         -

                                                                                       SWE                     HRV                   SVN
Variable No.                                 Label                               M      SD      rit     M       SD     rit   M        SD     rit
                    When I do things, my mind wanders off and I’m easily
 ST37dQ01                                                                       2.97    1.12    .61     3.09    1.12   .58   2.89    1.09   .55

                    When I’m doing something, I’m only focused on what
 ST37dQ02                                                                       2.77    .93     .44     3.30    1.10   .53   3.13    1.05   .53
                    I’m doing, nothing else.

                    I drive on “automatic pilot” without paying attention to
 ST37dQ03                                                                       3.31    1.00    .20     3.71    .99    .39   3.65    .96    .27
                    what I’m doing.

                    When I’m reading, I focus all my attention on what I’m
 ST37dQ04                                                                       3.01    1.10    .35     3.46    1.11   .43   3.38    1.17   .35

                    When I do things, I get totally wrapped up in them and
 ST37dQ05                                                                       2.69    .92     .20     3.27    1.05   .52   3.03    .99    .38
                    don’t think about anything else.

                    I don’t pay attention to what I’m doing because I’m
 ST37dQ06                                                                       3.26    1.09    .53     3.60    1.08   .52   3.35    1.04   .53
                    daydreaming, worrying, or otherwise distracted.

                    When I’m doing chores, such as cleaning or laundry, I
 ST37dQ07                                                                       3.05    1.13    .31     2.99    1.36   .27   2.81    1.25   .40
                    tend to daydream or think of other things.

                    I tend to do several things at once rather than focusing
 ST37dQ08                                                                       2.93    1.01    .56     3.03    1.21   .37   3.00    1.08   .44
                    on one thing at a time.

                    When I’m working on something, part of my mind is
 ST37dQ09           occupied with other topics, such as what I’ll be doing      2.84    .90     .53     2.91    1.10   .61   2.88    1.05   .52
                    later, or things I’d rather be doing.

                    I get completely absorbed in what I’m doing, so that all
 ST37dQ10                                                                       2.64    .95     .01     3.12    1.05   .59   2.84    1.00   .53
                    my attention is focused on it.

Scale   ST37d
SWE     M = 2.94     SD = .54     N = 213
        Min = 1.20   Max = 4.40   Cronbach’s α = .71
HRV     M = 3.26     SD = .66     N = 241
        Min = 1.50   Max = 5.00   Cronbach’s α = .80
SVN     M = 3.09     SD = .62     N = 263
        Min = 1.50   Max = 4.90   Cronbach’s α = .78

1.1.5 Mindfulness (Subscale: Observe)

                                The Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS) is a multidimensional self-report inventory that assesses
                                four mindfulness skills: observing, describing, acting with awareness and accepting without judgement. This
Description of the scale
                                domain measures the inclination to vigilant towards internal and external sensations (e.g. “I notice changes in my
                                body, such as whether my breathing slows down or speeds up.”).
Original questionnaire          Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills
                                Baer, R. A., Smith G. T., & Allen, K. B. (2004). Assessment of mindfulness by self-report: The Kentucky
                                Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. Assessment, 11, 191-206.
Question stem                   Thinking about yourself: How often are the following statements true for you?
Number of items                 7
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = Never or rarely ever true 2 = Rarely true      3 = Sometimes true
Answer format
                                4 = Often true 5 = Very often or always true
Reversed items                  None
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               Parallel question in the school staff questionnaires
Remarks                         Originally 12 items

                                                                                       SWE                       HRV                     SVN
Variable No.                                 Label                               M      SD      rit     M         SD      rit       M     SD    rit
                    I notice changes in my body, such as whether my
 ST37aQ01                                                                       2.77    1.15    .53     2.59     1.13    .26    2.76     1.11   .49
                    breathing slows down or speeds up.

                    I pay attention to whether my muscles are tense or
 ST37aQ02                                                                       2.64    1.14    .55     2.43     1.13    .17    2.35     1.12   .48

                    I pay attention to sensations, such as the wind in my
 ST37aQ03                                                                       3.10    1.19    .65     2.77     1.24    .57    3.16     1.17   .60
                    hair or sun on my face.

                    I pay attention to sounds, such as clocks ticking, birds
 ST37aQ04                                                                       3.35    1.16    .61     3.02     1.29    .50    3.30     1.21   .55
                    chirping, or cars passing.

 ST37aQ05           I notice the smells and aromas of things.                   3.40    1.04    .56     4.02     1.00    .35    3.41     1.07   .50

                    I pay attention to how my emotions affect my thoughts
 ST37aQ06                                                                       3.17    1.16    .61     3.33     1.23    .66    3.24     1.16   .50
                    and behaviour.

 ST37aQ07           I notice when my moods begin to change.                     3.48    1.06    .54     3.63     1.20    .50    3.41     1.11   .53

Scale                ST37a
SWE                  M = 3.11                                     SD = .79                                     N = 230
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 5.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .83
HRV                  M = 3.12                                     SD = .73                                     N = 251
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 5.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .72
SVN                  M = 3.09                                     SD = .76                                     N = 267
                     Min = 1.14                                   Max = 5.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .79

1.2        Self-Managment
            1.2.1 Strengths and Difficulties (Subscale: Emotional Problems)

                                 The scale measures adolescents’ of 11 years and above self-reported problems with conduct, emotions, peer
                                 relations, prosocial behaviours and hyperactivity. Of the questionnaires 25 attributes, 10 are classified as strengths,
Description of the scale         14 as difficulties and one statement is deemed neutral. One of the overall five subscales were chosen to assess
                                 participants’ level of self-management: emotional problems scale (e.g. “I am often unhappy, depressed or
Original questionnaire           Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
                                 Goodman, R. (1997). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: a research note. Journal of child psychology
                                      and psychiatry, 38(5), 581-586.
                                 Goodman, R., Meltzer, H., & Bailey, V. (1998). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A pilot study on the
                                      validity of the self-report version. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 7(3), 125-130.
Question stem                    Thinking about yourself: to what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Number of items                  7
Scaling                          Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
Answer format                    1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Agree 4 = Strongly agree
Reversed items                   None
Date of data collection          T1/T2/T3
Target group                     Students
Parallel question                Parallel question in the teacher and other school staff questionnaires
Remarks                          The original response scale ranged from 0 (not true) to 2 (certainly true).

                                                                                         SWE                     HRV                      SVN
Variable No.                                    Label                             M       SD       rit     M      SD       rit      M      SD       rit
  ST20Q01           I get a lot of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness.         2.16     .87     .46     2.00     .83     .44    2.21     .81     .39

  ST20Q02           I worry a lot.                                               2.44     .91     .71     2.39     .85     .58    2.84     .80     .60

  ST20Q03           I am often unhappy, depressed or tearful.                    2.06     .85     .60     1.94     .82     .63    2.10     .75     .56

  ST20Q04           I am nervous in new situations.                              2.65     .84     .60     2.63     .87     .56    2.71     .80     .44

  ST20Q05           I easily lose confidence.                                    2.52     .86     .73     2.22     .94     .64    2.13     .85     .56

  ST20Q06           I have many fears.                                           2.03     .85     .71     2.08     .92     .59    2.25     .84     .42

  ST20Q07           I am easily scared.                                          2.12     .88     .67     2.03     .90     .39    2.04     .83     .50

Scale                ST20
SWE                  M = 2.28                                     SD = .64                                     N = 239
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .87
HRV                  M = 2.18                                     SD = .59                                     N = 249
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .81
SVN                  M = 2.36                                     SD = .54                                     N = 220
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .77

1.3        Social-Awareness
            1.3.1 Empathy (Subscale: Empathic concern)

                                The Interpersonal Reactivity Index with its four subscales fantasy (e.g. “After seeing a play or movie, I have felt
                                as though I were one of the characters.”), perspective taking (e.g. “I believe that there are two sides to every
                                question and try to look at them both.”), empathic concern (e.g. “I am often quite touched by things that I see
Description of the scale
                                happen.”) and personal distress (e.g. “In emergency situations, I feel apprehensive and ill-at-ease.”), assesses
                                different aspects of the global concept “empathy”. Each subscale consists of 7 items. In order to assess level of
                                social awareness of participants, two subscales of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) were selected.
Original questionnaire          Interpersonal Reactivity Index - Multidimensional assessment of Empathy
                                Davis, M. H. (1980). A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. JSAS Catalogue of
                                       Selected Documents in Psychology, 10, p. 85.
Question stem                   Please also indicate how well the following items describe you.
Number of items                 7
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = Not at all like me 2 = Not much like me 3 = Somewhat like me
Answer format
                                4 = Mostly like me 5 = Very much like me
Reversed items                  ST21b1Q02, ST21b1Q04, ST21b1Q05
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               No
Remarks                         -

                                                                                       SWE                     HRV                      SVN
Variable No.                                 Label                              M       SD        rit    M      SD       rit      M      SD      rit
                    I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less
 ST21b1Q01                                                                     3.19     1.16      .36   3.61    1.13     .44    3.06    1.03     .40
                    fortunate than me.

                    Sometimes I don't feel sorry for other people when they
 ST21b1Q02                                                                     3.47     1.20      .25   3.38    1.41     .04    3.89    1.09     .10
                    are having problems.

                    When I see someone being taken advantage of, I feel
 ST21b1Q03                                                                     3.83     .98       .48   3.50    1.09     .29    3.68     .96     .39
                    kind of protective toward them.

                    Other people's misfortunes do not usually disturb me a
 ST21b1Q04                                                                     3.83     1.04      .43   3.77    1.06     .36    3.96     .85     .38
                    great deal.

                    When I see someone being treated unfairly, I
 ST21b1Q05                                                                     3.45     1.27      .11   4.00    1.12     .29    4.08     .79     .26
                    sometimes don't feel very much pity for them.

 ST21b1Q06          I am often quite touched by things that I see happen.      2.98     1.07      .42   3.28    1.17     .45    3.14    1.02     .47

 ST21b1Q07          I would describe myself as a pretty soft-hearted person.   3.70     .99       .46   3.35    1.23     .48    3.26    1.08     .37

Scale                ST21b1
SWE                  M = 3.49                                    SD = .61                                    N = 237
                     Min = 1.43                                  Max = 5.00                                  Cronbach’s α = .63
HRV                  M = 3.55                                    SD = .64                                    N = 242
                     Min = 1.43                                  Max = 5.00                                  Cronbach’s α = .61
SVN                  M = 3.57                                    SD = .54                                    N = 261
                     Min = 2.29                                  Max = 5.00                                  Cronbach’s α = .62

1.3.2 Empathy (Subscale: Perspective taking)

                                The Interpersonal Reactivity Index with its four subscales fantasy (e.g. “After seeing a play or movie, I have felt
                                as though I were one of the characters.”), perspective taking (e.g. “I believe that there are two sides to every
                                question and try to look at them both.”), empathic concern (e.g. “I am often quite touched by things that I see
Description of the scale
                                happen.”) and personal distress (e.g. “In emergency situations, I feel apprehensive and ill-at-ease.”), assesses
                                different aspects of the global concept “empathy”. Each subscale consists of 7 items. In order to assess level of
                                social awareness of participants, two subscales of the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) were selected.
Original questionnaire          Interpersonal Reactivity Index - Multidimensional assessment of Empathy
                                Davis, M. H. (1980). A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. JSAS Catalogue of
                                       Selected Documents in Psychology, 10, p. 85.
Question stem                   And the following items? How well do they describe you?
Number of items                 7
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = Not at all like me 2 = Not much like me 3 = Somewhat like me
Answer format
                                4 = Mostly like me 5 = Very much like me
Reversed items                  ST21c1Q01, ST21c1Q04
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               No
Remarks                         -

                                                                                       SWE                       HRV                     SVN
Variable No.                                  Label                              M      SD       rit     M        SD      rit       M     SD     rit
                    I sometimes find it difficult to see things from the
 ST21c1Q01                                                                     3.31     .98     .25     3.47      .98    .16    3.36     .84     .27
                    "other guy's" point of view.

                    I try to look at everybody's side of a disagreement
 ST21c1Q02                                                                     3.08     .99     .59     3.47      1.09   .49    3.05     .86     .51
                    before I make a decision.

                    I sometimes try to understand my friends better by
 ST21c1Q03                                                                     3.35     1.00    .57     3.72      1.06   .45    3.27     1.00    .53
                    imagining how things look from their perspective.

                    If I'm sure I'm right about something, I don't waste
 ST21c1Q04                                                                     3.17     1.15    .22     2.92      1.20   -.05   3.27     1.01    .22
                    much time listening to other people's arguments.

                    I believe that there are two sides to every question and
 ST21c1Q05                                                                     2.97     .98     .48     3.39      1.05   .53    3.36     .93     .53
                    try to look at them both.

                    When I'm upset at someone, I usually try to "put myself
 ST21c1Q06                                                                     2.50     1.00    .57     2.55      1.20   .42    2.34     .93     .44
                    in his shoes" for a while.

                    Before criticizing somebody, I try to imagine how I
 ST21c1Q07                                                                     2.92     1.04    .55     3.12      1.22   .47    2.94     .97     .56
                    would feel if I were in their place.

Scale                ST21c1
SWE                  M = 3.03                                     SD = .63                                     N = 236
                     Min = 1.29                                   Max = 5.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .74
HRV                  M = 3.23                                     SD = .62                                     N = 249
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 4.86                                   Cronbach’s α = .63
SVN                  M = 3.09                                     SD = .57                                     N = 267
                     Min = 1.14                                   Max = 4.57                                   Cronbach’s α = .72

1.4        Relationship skills
            1.4.1 Caring

                                 The subscale caring, comprised of nine items (e.g. “When I see someone being picked on, I feel sorry for them.”),
Description of the scale         was chosen from the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development (Geldhof et al., 2014) to measure students’
                                 relationship skills.
Original questionnaire           Positive Youth Development Questionnaire
                                 Geldhof, G. J., Bowers, E. P., Boyd, M. J., Mueller, M. K., Napolitano, C. M., Schmid, K. L., & Lerner, R. M.
Reference                               (2014). The creation and validation of short and very short measures of PYD. Journal of Research on
                                        Adolescence, 24(1), 163-176.
Question stem                    To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Number of items                  9
Scaling                          Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
Answer format                    1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Agree 4 = Strongly agree
Reversed items                   None
Date of data collection          T1/T2/T3
Target group                     Students
Parallel question                No
                                 The original response format ranged from 1 (not well) to 5 (very well). The scale has shown good internal consistency
                                 (α = .80 - .88) across grades 5 through 12.

                                                                                        SWE                      HRV                     SVN
Variable No.                                 Label                               M       SD      rit     M        SD      rit       M     SD      rit
                    I feel sorry for other people when they are having
  ST22Q01                                                                       3.04     .58     .69    3.30      .58    .74    3.05     .63     .60

                    When I see someone being taken advantage of, I want
  ST22Q02                                                                       3.10     .59     .76    3.28      .55    .67    3.14     .57     .61
                    to help them.

  ST22Q03           It bothers me when bad things happen to good people.        3.19     .69     .63    3.47      .61    .62    3.18     .66     .51

  ST22Q04           It bothers me when bad things happen to any person.         3.00     .63     .63    2.89      .81    .55    2.77     .73     .54

                    When I see someone being treated unfairly, I feel sorry
  ST22Q05                                                                       3.12     .64     .73    3.31      .63    .69    3.03     .65     .64
                    for them.

                    I feel sorry for other people who don’t have what I
  ST22Q06                                                                       2.57     .75     .53    3.06      .80    .51    2.66     .83     .54

                    When I see someone being picked on, I feel sorry for
  ST22Q07                                                                       3.08     .67     .70    3.15      .67    .68    3.05     .62     .65

                    It makes me sad to see a person who doesn’t have
  ST22Q08                                                                       2.85     .78     .67    3.27      .76    .59    3.21     .73     .58

                    When I see another person who is hurt or upset, I feel
  ST22Q09                                                                       2.92     .75     .62    3.26      .65    .65    2.83     .70     .64
                    sorry for them.

Scale                ST22
SWE                   M = 2.98                                    SD = .49                                     N = 232
                      Min = 1.00                                  Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .89
HRV                   M = 3.20                                    SD = .49                                     N = 242
                      Min = 1.00                                  Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .88
SVN                   M = 2.99                                    SD = .47                                     N = 265
                      Min = 1.00                                  Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .86

1.4.2 Aggression

                                The LA aggression scale measures self-reported aggressive behavior of students. It is comprised of four subscales:
                                internal, physical, verbal aggression and aggression towards authority. The subscales internal (e.g. “A lot of people
Description of the scale        annoy me.”), verbal aggression (e.g. “If someone offends me, I offend him right back.”) and aggression towards
                                authority (e.g. “I like to provoke my parents a lot.”) are each comprised of four items, while the subscale physical
                                aggression consists of six items (e.g. “I fight a lot when I’m in school.”).
Original questionnaire          LA aggression Scale
                                Kozina, A. (2013). The LA aggression scale for elementary school and upper secondary school students:
Reference                              examination of psychometric properties of a new multidimensional measure of self-reported aggression.
                                       Psihologija, 46(3), 245-259.
Question stem                   Now thinking about yourself: to what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Number of items                 18
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
Answer format                   1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Agree 4 = Strongly agree
Reversed items                  None
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               No
                                The original scale was scored on a 5-point Likert-scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) and
Remarks                         have shown adequate internal consistency (α = .70 - .83; Kozina, 2013). Please note that the item text below is
                                truncated as the instrument is not publicly available.

                                                                                       SWE                     HRV                      SVN
Variable No.                                Label                               M       SD       rit     M      SD       rit     M       SD      rit
 ST25aQ01           A lot of people …..                                        2.64     .87     .51     2.62    .86      .46    2.31     .76     .54

 ST25aQ02           My classmates……                                            2.42     .66     .29     2.19    .79      .31    2.35     .78     .46

 ST25aQ03           Sometimes my parents….                                     2.45     .90     .39     2.41    .93      .45    2.36     .93     .43

 ST25aQ04           I fight a lot….                                            1.41     .61     .39     1.61    .74      .57    1.35     .56     .45

 ST25aQ05           If someone screams….                                       2.46     .85     .53     2.64    .88      .52    2.41     .88     .56

 ST25aQ06           I’m often ….                                               2.06     .80     .53     1.99    .86      .53    2.16     .82     .47

 ST25aQ07           If someone offends me…..                                   2.46     .82     .51     2.56    .90      .55    2.45     .89     .57

 ST25aQ08           I like fighting…..                                         1.55     .77     .55     1.82    .78      .48    1.43     .67     .48

 ST25aQ09           If I don’t agree….                                         1.79     .71     .55     1.64    .74      .56    1.55     .65     .62

 ST25aQ10           When I argue with….                                        2.28     .83     .53     2.07    .87      .62    2.23     .82     .54

 ST25aQ11           I often think that….                                       2.29     .89     .46     2.25    .94      .39    2.35     .90     .52

 ST25aQ12           If I notice ….                                             2.35     .82     .31     2.27    .88      .40    2.18     .86     .45

 ST25aQ13           If nobody sees me….                                        1.39     .61     .29     1.38    .63      .52    1.60     .68     .52

 ST25aQ14           I like to provoke…                                         1.53     .66     .44     1.38    .65      .43    1.44     .58     .49

 ST25aQ15           If someone makes…...                                       2.07     .83     .53     2.38    .96      .39    2.23     .86     .47

 ST25aQ16           Sometimes I get so angry ….                                1.75     .79     .59     1.81    1.01     .60    1.78     .88     .49

 ST25aQ17           I often hit….                                              1.37     .54     .51     1.41    .62      .56    1.57     .72     .57

 ST25aQ18           If I don’t agree …..                                       1.74     .73     .48     1.64    .78      .52    1.71     .73     .57

Scale   ST25a
SWE     M = 2.02     SD = .43     N = 227
        Min = 1.00   Max = 3.28   Cronbach’s α = .86
HRV     M = 2.00     SD = .46     N = 239
        Min = 1.00   Max = 4.00   Cronbach’s α = .87
SVN     M = 1.97     SD = .45     N = 261
        Min = 1.00   Max = 3.44   Cronbach’s α = .88

1.5        Classroom climate
            1.5.1 Orderliness of the Classroom

                                The scale Orderliness of the Classroom was derived from the 2003 PISA survey (OECD, 2005). Originally used to
Description of the scale        assess students’ perception of the disciplinary climate in their mathematics lesson, it was adapted to apply to the
                                general classroom climate.
Original questionnaire          Orderliness of the classroom
Reference                       OECD (2005). PISA 2003 Technical Report. Paris, France: OECD.
                                Thinking about your experiences in your classroom during the past 4 months: How often did the following things
Question stem
Number of items                 5
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = Never or almost never 2 = Once a month 3 = Once a week
Answer format
                                4 = Every day or almost every day
Reversed items                  None
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               No
Remarks                         The original behavioural frequency scale ranged from 1 (every lesson) to 4 (never or hardly ever).

                                                                                       SWE                    HRV                     SVN
Variable No.                                 Label                              M       SD      rit     M      SD       rit      M     SD       rit
  ST27Q01           Students don’t listen to what the teacher says.             3.13   .93     .69     3.40    .83     .49     3.33    .84     .59

  ST27Q02           There is noise and disorder.                                3.28   .90     .68     3.08    .99     .76     3.35    .86     .67

                    The teacher has to wait a long time for students to quiet
  ST27Q03                                                                       3.08   .99     .62     2.93    1.10    .78     3.17    .99     .71

  ST27Q04           Students cannot work well.                                  2.70   1.02    .67     2.55    1.16    .73     2.67    1.04    .67

                    Students don’t start working for a long time after the
  ST27Q05                                                                       2.68   1.09    .63     2.49    1.12    .70     2.71    1.08    .66
                    lesson begins.

Scale                ST27
SWE                  M = 2.97                                    SD = .77                                   N = 218
                     Min = 1.00                                  Max = 4.00                                 Cronbach’s α = .85
HRV                  M = 2.88                                    SD = .84                                   N = 249
                     Min = 1.00                                  Max = 4.00                                 Cronbach’s α = .87
SVN                  M = 3.05                                    SD = .76                                   N = 267
                     Min = 1.00                                  Max = 4.00                                 Cronbach’s α = .85

1.5.2 Perceived quality of student-teacher relations (Positively worded)

                                Overarching theme: School/classroom climate, Construct: The perceived quality of student-teacher relations.
Description of the scale
                                ONLY POSITIVELY WORDED ITEMS.
Original questionnaire          Inclusive Classroom Climate
                                Fischer, Natalie / Decristan, Jasmin / Theis, Désirée / Sauerwein, Markus / Wolgast, Anett: Skalendokumentation
Reference                       (online): Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen - Teilstudie StEG-S , In: Datenbank zur Qualität von
                                Schule (DaQS), Frankfurt am Main
                                Thinking about your experiences in your classroom during the past 4 months: To how many teachers teaching you
Question stem
                                do the following statements apply?
Number of items                 8
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = To none or almost none of them 2 = To some of them
Answer format
                                3 = To most of them 4 = To all or almost all of them
Reversed items                  None
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               No
                                It is also possible to calculate two subscales: “Recognition: Emotional Support” (ST28a2Q01, ST28a2Q02,
                                ST28a2Q03, ST28a2Q04, ST28a2Q05) and “Recognition: Social Esteem (ST28a2Q06, ST28a2Q07, ST28a2Q08)”

                                                                                     SWE                    HRV                     SVN
Variable No.                                  Label                            M      SD       rit    M      SD        rit     M     SD       rit
 ST28a2Q01          My teachers take me serious.                              3.17    .85     .72    2.74     .89      .52   2.85    .91      .52

 ST28a2Q02          My teachers accept me the way I am.                       3.46    .81     .74    3.12     .97      .58   3.31    .83      .56

 ST28a2Q03          I can trust my teachers                                   2.91    1.02    .74    2.76     .98      .68   2.83    1.00     .63

 ST28a2Q04          I get along well with my teachers.                        3.11    .88     .82    3.03     .84      .68   2.96    .86      .68

 ST28a2Q05          My teachers care about me.                                3.00    .97     .80    2.71     .95      .75   2.95    .87      .62

 ST28a2Q06          My teachers know my strengths.                            2.79    .91     .74    2.53     .96      .59   2.83    .89      .62

 ST28a2Q07          My teachers appreciate my competences.                    2.99    .88     .84    2.75     .90      .74   2.89    .89      .75

                    My teachers give me the opportunity to demonstrate
 ST28a2Q08                                                                    2.99    .93     .75    2.90     .91      .71   2.95    .88      .70
                    my abilities.

Scale                ST28a2
SWE                  M = 3.05                                  SD = .74                                   N = 218
                     Min = 1.00                                Max = 4.00                                 Cronbach’s α = .93
HRV                  M = 2.81                                  SD = .69                                   N = 245
                     Min = 1.00                                Max = 4.00                                 Cronbach’s α = .89
SVN                  M = 2.94                                  SD = .65                                   N = 260
                     Min = 1.00                                Max = 4.00                                 Cronbach’s α = .87

1.5.3 Perceived quality of student-teacher relations (Negatively worded)

                                Overarching theme: Classroom climate, Construct: The perceived quality of student-teacher relations. ONLY
Description of the scale        NEGATIVELY WORDED ITEMS. This question is adopted from PISA 2015 (but 1 item was added from other
Original questionnaire          Inclusive Classroom Climate
Reference                       OECD (2018). PISA 2015 Technical Report. Paris: OECD
                                Thinking about your experiences in your classroom during the past 4 months: How often did the following things
Question stem
Number of items                 7
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = Never or almost never 2 = Once a month
Answer format
                                3 = Once a week 4 = Every day or almost every day
Reversed items                  None
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               No
                                It is also possible to calculate two subscales: “Misrecognition: Emotional Support” (ST29a2Q05, ST29a2Q06,
                                ST29a2Q07) and “Misrecognition: Cognitive Respect (ST29a2Q01, ST29a2Q02, ST29a2Q04)”

                                                                                     SWE                    HRV                     SVN
Variable No.                                  Label                            M      SD      rit     M      SD        rit     M     SD      rit
                    A teacher called on me less often than he*she called on
 ST29a2Q01                                                                    1.85   1.02     .48    2.06    .98       .22   2.09   .99      .20
                    other students.

                    A teacher graded me harder than he*she graded other
 ST29a2Q02                                                                    1.54    .87     .74    1.61    .76       .60   1.61   .79      .54

                    A teacher gave me the impression that he*she thinks I
 ST29a2Q03                                                                    1.49    .81     .68    1.82    .95       .53   1.55   .85      .58
                    am less smart than I really am.

                    A teacher disciplined me more harshly than other
 ST29a2Q04                                                                    1.37    .79     .80    1.44    .80       .64   1.38   .78      .58

 ST29a2Q05          A teacher ridiculed me in front of others.                1.35    .74     .80    1.28    .63       .62   1.35   .69      .55

                    A teacher said something insulting to me in front of
 ST29a2Q06                                                                    1.25    .65     .84    1.26    .60       .59   1.24   .61      .62

 ST29a2Q07          A teacher yelled at me.                                   1.37    .79     .72    1.65    .86       .48   1.53   .81      .51

Scale                ST29a2
SWE                  M = 1.45                                    SD = .64                                 N = 220
                     Min = 1.00                                  Max = 4.00                               Cronbach’s α = .90
HRV                  M = 1.59                                    SD = .53                                 N = 251
                     Min = 1.00                                  Max = 3.86                               Cronbach’s α = .78
SVN                  M = 1.55                                    SD = .52                                 N = 264
                     Min = 1.00                                  Max = 3.29                               Cronbach’s α = .77

1.5.4 Inclusive Classroom Climate

                                The scale is an adapted version of a measure described by Vieluf (2015) derived from the 2018 PISA student
                                survey (OECD, 2018) and measures student’s perceived quality of student-teacher relations with focus on teacher’s
Description of the scale        sensitivity towards cultural and ethnic groups. The questionnaire is comprised of ten items that are formulated as
                                statements (e.g. “They talk in a respectful way about people from all .”) and students are
                                asked to rate to how many of their teachers the statements apply.
Original questionnaire          Inclusive Classroom Climate
                                OECD (2018). PISA 2018 Global Competence Questionnaire. Retrieved from:
                                Thinking about your experiences in your classroom during the past 4 months: To how many teachers teaching you
Question stem
                                do the following statements apply?
Number of items                 4
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = To none or almost none of them 2 = To some of them
Answer format
                                3 = To most of them 4 = To all or almost all of them
Reversed items                  All
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               No
Remarks                         -

                                                                                     SWE                     HRV                     SVN
Variable No.                                Label                              M      SD       rit     M      SD       rit      M     SD      rit
                    They have misconceptions about the history of some
  ST30Q01                                                                     3.74    .53     .66     3.61    .64      .68   3.42     .66    .65

                    They say negative things about people of some
  ST30Q02                                                                     3.78    .50     .77     3.64    .62      .73   3.52     .64    .68

                    They blame people of some 
  ST30Q03                                                                     3.77    .49     .79     3.61    .63      .69   3.55     .61    .65
                    for problems faced by .

                    They have lower academic expectations for students of
  ST30Q04                                                                     3.68    .58     .65     3.61    .69      .62   3.36     .71    .53
                    some  than for others.

Scale                ST30
SWE                  M = 3.74                                  SD = .44                                    N = 214
                     Min = 2.00                                Max = 4.00                                  Cronbach’s α = .86
HRV                  M = 3.62                                  SD = .53                                    N = 249
                     Min = 1.00                                Max = 4.00                                  Cronbach’s α = .84
SVN                  M = 3.46                                  SD = .52                                    N = 267
                     Min = 1.75                                Max = 4.00                                  Cronbach’s α = .81

1.5.5 Bullying

                                 The Adolescent Discrimination Distress Index (ADDI, Sangalang, Chen, Kulis & Yabiku, 2015) is a scale
                                 developed to assess the prevalence of discrimination based on ethnicity as reported by Cambodian Americans. It is
                                 comprised of items that describe discriminatory situations and actions that students might encounter. The ADDI
Description of the scale
                                 measures discrimination from three sources: peer (5 items, e.g. “Teasing”), school (7 items, e.g. “People assumed
                                 your English was poor”) and police (6 items, e.g. “Stopped”). In order to assess students perceived quality of
                                 student-student relations, only the subscale peer and an additional of two self-developed items were chosen.
Original questionnaire           Adolescent Discrimination Distress Index
                                 Sangalang, C. C., Chen, A. C., Kulis, S. S., & Yabiku, S. T. (2015). Development and validation of a racial
Reference                               discrimination measure for Cambodian American adolescents. Asian American Journal of Psychology,
                                        6(1), 56-65.
Question stem                    During the past 4 months, how often did you experience the following from your classmates?
Number of items                  7
Scaling                          Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                 1 = Never or almost never 2 = Once a month
Answer format
                                 3 = Once a week 4 = Every day or almost every day
Reversed items                   None
Date of data collection          T1/T2/T3
Target group                     Students
Parallel question                No
                                 The three subscales as well as the total scale have shown good internal consistency (α = .87 - .94, Sangalang et al.,

                                                                                        SWE                       HRV                     SVN
Variable No.                                   Label                              M      SD       rit     M        SD      rit       M     SD      rit
 ST32a2Q01          Rejection                                                    1.53    .93      .65    1.54      .76    .65    1.64     .77     .60

 ST32a2Q02          Unfair treatment                                             1.41    .76      .65    1.64      .79    .64    1.71     .80     .62

 ST32a2Q03          Teasing                                                      1.51    .85      .69    1.73      .91    .62    1.76     .96     .69

 ST32a2Q04          Isolation/exclusion                                          1.40    .84      .73    1.45      .79    .62    1.61     .92     .74

 ST32a2Q05          Name calling/insults                                         1.43    .84      .72    1.63      .89    .61    1.60     .90     .73

 ST32a2Q06          Threats                                                      1.17    .52      .54    1.22      .57    .54    1.21     .57     .52

 ST32a2Q07          Physical abuse/ violence                                     1.17    .53      .50    1.14      .48    .33    1.15     .48     .45

Scale                ST32a2
SWE                   M = 1.39                                    SD = .58                                      N = 206
                      Min = 1.00                                  Max = 4.00                                    Cronbach’s α = .86
HRV                   M = 1.49                                    SD = .54                                      N = 244
                      Min = 1.00                                  Max = 3.43                                    Cronbach’s α = .83
SVN                   M = 1.53                                    SD = .57                                      N = 264
                      Min = 1.00                                  Max = 3.71                                    Cronbach’s α = .85

1.5.6 Teacher’s Relational Competence

                                The Teacher’s Relational Competence Scale (TRCS, Vidmar & Kerman, 2016) is newly developed questionnaire
                                that assesses teachers’ ability to perceive each student as a unique being and adjust their own behavior accordingly
                                as well as taking responsibility for teacher-student relationships. It is comprised of 11 items that measure teachers’
Description of the scale        relational competence on two dimensions: respect for individuality (4 items, e.g. “I take into consideration that
                                each student’s thoughts, feelings and understanding of a given situation may differ from mine.”) and responsibility
                                for student-teacher relationships (7 items, e.g. “When a student behaves or expresses in an inappropriate or
                                unsuitable way, I try to understand what lies under his/her behaviour or words.”).
Original questionnaire          Teachers’ Relational Competence Scale
                                Vidmar, M. & Kerman, K. (2016). The Development of Teacher's Relational Competence Scale: Structural
                                Validity and Reliability. Solsko Polje, 27(1/2), 41-62.
Question stem                   And how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your ?
Number of items                 8
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
Answer format                   1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Agree 4 = Strongly agree
Reversed items                  None
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               Parallel question in the teacher questionnaire
                                An initial study has reported satisfying internal consistency for both scales (Individuality: α = .70 and Responsibility:
                                α = .76; Vidmar & Kerman, 2016). The original response scale ranging from 1 (very rarely) to 5 (always or very
                                often) was adapted to a behavioural frequency scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (most of the time or always). After
                                the pilot study, the items were shortened to eight from initial ten.

                                                                                         SWE                      HRV                      SVN
Variable No.                                 Label                                M       SD       rit     M       SD       rit     M       SD       rit
                    He*she is open to student ideas and suggestions and
  ST36Q01                                                                        n.a.     n.a.    n.a.    3.42     .72     .72     3.06     .68     .64
                    considers them when teaching.

                    When a student behaves or expresses in an
                    inappropriate or unsuitable way, he*she tries to
  ST36Q02                                                                        n.a.     n.a.    n.a.    3.12     .80     .66     2.76     .72     .57
                    understand what lies under the students’ behaviour or

                    When he*she can’t build a good relationship with a
  ST36Q03                                                                        n.a.     n.a.    n.a.    3.04     .85     .65     2.82     .68     .62
                    student, he*she asks the student for help.

                    He*she seems to take into consideration that each
  ST36Q04           student experiences a given situation from a different       n.a.     n.a.    n.a.    3.16     .79     .74     2.95     .65     .69

                    He*she takes into consideration that each student’s
  ST36Q05           thoughts, feelings and understanding of a given              n.a.     n.a.    n.a.    3.24     .81     .74     2.98     .69     .73
                    situation may differ from mine.

                    He*she has repeated conflicts with a certain student or
  ST36Q06                                                                        n.a.     n.a.    n.a.    2.42     .97     -.06    2.92     .70     .63
                    a group of students.

                    He*she adjusts his*her behaviour to the needs of
  ST36Q07                                                                        n.a.     n.a.    n.a.    3.19     .71     .64     3.06     .67     .72

                    He*she takes responsibility for the quality of the
  ST36Q08                                                                        n.a.     n.a.    n.a.    3.19     .74     .68     2.85     .74     .59
                    student-teacher relationships.

Scale   ST36
SWE     M = n.a.     SD = n.a.    N = n.a.
        Min = n.a.   Max = n.a.   Cronbach’s α = n.a.
HRV     M = 3.09     SD = .54     N = 243
        Min = 1.00   Max = 4.00   Cronbach’s α = .84
SVN     M = 2.93     SD = .51     N = 262
        Min = 1.00   Max = 4.00   Cronbach’s α = .88

1.6        Intercultural competence
            1.6.1 Attitudes Towards Immigrants

                                The Attitudes Towards Immigrants (ATI) scale is obtained from the 2018 PISA student survey (Schleicher &
                                Ramos, 2016) that will assess global competence in students for the first time. The measure is developed to
Description of the scale        evaluate student’s attitudes towards people from different cultural backgrounds. The scale is comprised of the four
                                original items (e.g. “Immigrant children should have the same opportunities for education that other children in the
                                country have.”) as well as an additional two self-developed items that are constructed as statements.
Original questionnaire          Attitudes Towards Immigrants
                                Schleicher, A., & Ramos, G. (2016). Global competency for an inclusive world. Organization for Economic Co-
Reference                              operation and Development (OECD). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
                                       (OECD). Retrieved from:
                                People are increasingly moving from one country to another. How much do you agree with the following
Question stem                   statements about immigrants (here defined as people who have left the country they were born in to live in
Number of items                 6
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
Answer format                   1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Agree 4 = Strongly agree
Reversed items                  ST33Q06
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               No
Remarks                         -

                                                                                      SWE                      HRV                     SVN
Variable No.                                Label                               M      SD       rit     M       SD      rit      M      SD      rit
                    Immigrants should be encouraged to continue speaking
  ST33Q01                                                                      2.64     .85     .59    2.82     .76     .48    2.58     .81     .45
                    their own language.

                    Immigrant children should have the same opportunities
  ST33Q02                                                                      3.50     .75     .69    3.47     .66     .63    3.35     .64     .52
                    for education that other children in the country have.

                    Immigrants who live in a country for several years
  ST33Q03                                                                      3.11     .81     .74    3.01     .83     .60    2.94     .72     .56
                    should have the opportunity to vote in elections.

                    Immigrants should have the opportunity to continue
  ST33Q04                                                                      3.10     .81     .77    3.16     .74     .70    2.93     .77     .63
                    their own customs and lifestyle.

                    Immigrants should have all the same rights that
  ST33Q05                                                                      3.37     .75     .77    3.32     .73     .69    3.18     .73     .56
                    everyone else in the country has.

                    When there are not many jobs available, immigration
  ST33Q06                                                                      2.49     .89     .09    2.22     .81     .09    2.39     .83     .05
                    should be restricted.

Scale                ST33
SWE                  M = 3.03                                   SD = .59                                    N = 206
                     Min = 1.00                                 Max = 4.00                                  Cronbach’s α = .82
HRV                  M = 2.99                                   SD = .52                                    N = 246
                     Min = 1.00                                 Max = 4.00                                  Cronbach’s α = .77
SVN                  M = 2.90                                   SD = .48                                    N = 264
                     Min = 1.33                                 Max = 4.00                                  Cronbach’s α = .71

1.6.2 Perceived Inequality & Egalitarianism

                                The Critical Consciousness Scale (CCS, Diemer, Rapa, Park & Perry, 2017) measures peoples’ critical analysis of
                                social conditions of marginalized members of society, endorsement of equal societal conditions and actions
                                undertaken in order to change perceived inequities. The questionnaire is comprised of three subscales: critical
                                reflection (perceived inequality) (8 items, e.g. “Certain racial or ethnic groups have fewer chances to get a good
Description of the scale        high school education.”), critical action (socio-political participation) (9 items, e.g. “Participated in a civil rights
                                group or organization”) and critical reflection (egalitarianism) (5 items, e.g. “It is a good thing that certain groups
                                are at the top and other groups are at the bottom.”). For the Hand-in-Hand intervention, all items of the first scale
                                as well as two items from the third scale were chosen to assess students’ and teachers’ attitude towards people
                                from marginalized groups.
Original questionnaire          Critical Consciousness Scale
                                Diemer, M. A., Rapa, L. J., Park, C. J., & Perry, J. C. (2017). Development and validation of the Critical
                                       Consciousness Scale. Youth & Society, 49(4), 461-483.
Question stem                   To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Number of items                 4
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
Answer format                   1 = Strongly disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Agree 4 = Strongly agree
Reversed items                  None
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    Students
Parallel question               Parallel question in the school staff questionnaires
                                Initial findings have indicated good internal consistencies for all three subscales (α = .76 - .89; Diemer et al.,
Remarks                         2017). The original response scale consisted of a 6-point Likert-scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6
                                (strongly agree). After the pilot study, the items were shortened from ten to four items.

                                                                                         SWE                      HRV                      SVN
Variable No.                                 Label                                M       SD       rit     M       SD       rit     M       SD       rit
                     have fewer chances to get         2.22     .83     .60     2.15     .86      .41    2.37     .75      .47
                    a good high school education.

                    Children from poor homes have fewer chances to get a
  ST34Q02                                                                        2.25     .79     .69     2.03     .90      .66    2.52     .77      .59
                    good high school education.

  ST34Q03           Women have fewer chances to get good jobs.                   2.30     .75     .76     1.68     .81      .54    1.91     .77      .49

  ST34Q04           Poor people have fewer chances to get good jobs.             2.24     .80     .70     1.97     .90      .65    2.42     .79      .72

Scale                ST34
SWE                  M = 2.25                                     SD = .65                                     N = 209
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .85
HRV                  M = 1.96                                     SD = .66                                     N = 250
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .76
SVN                  M = 2.30                                     SD = .59                                     N = 265
                     Min = 1.00                                   Max = 4.00                                   Cronbach’s α = .77

2        School Staff Questionnaire

            2.1        Self-Awareness
            2.1.1 Mindfulness (Subscale: Describe)

                                The Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS) is a multidimensional self-report inventory that assesses
                                four mindfulness skills: observing, describing, acting with awareness and accepting without judgement (Baer,
Description of the scale
                                Smith & Allen, 2004). The subscale describe assesses the ability to communicate aforementioned experiences (e.g.
                                “I’m good at finding the words to describe my feelings.”).
Original questionnaire          Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills
                                Baer, R. A., Smith G. T., & Allen, K. B. (2004). Assessment of mindfulness by self-report: The Kentucky
                                       Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. Assessment, 11, 191-206.
Question stem                   Thinking about yourself: How often are the following statements true for you?
Number of items                 7
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = Never or rarely ever true 2 = Rarely true     3 = Sometimes true
Answer format
                                4 = Often true 5 = Very often or always true
Reversed items                  TC09bQ04 TC09bQ05 TC09bQ06
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    All School Staff
Parallel question               Yes
                                Internal consistency of the four scales has been reported as good with Cronbach’s’ alpha ranging between .83 and
                                .91 (Baer et al., 2004). After the pilot study, the items were shortened from original eight to seven.

                                                                                       SWE                    HRV                    SVN
Variable No.                                 Label                              M       SD     rit     M       SD      rit      M     SD      rit
 TC09bQ01           I’m good at finding the words to describe my feelings.      3.92   .87     .72     3.87     .84    .67   3.91    .74     .65

                    I can easily put my beliefs, opinions, and expectations
 TC09bQ02                                                                       3.84   .92     .76     4.01     .87    .72   3.80    .83     .74
                    into words.

                    I’m good at thinking of words to express my
 TC09bQ03                                                                       3.98   .84     .68     3.73     .86    .73   3.89    .82     .71
                    perceptions, such as how things taste, smell, or sound.

                    It’s hard for me to find the words to describe what I’m
 TC09bQ04                                                                       3.82   1.04    .69     3.71     .89    .71   3.68    .82     .72

                    I have trouble thinking of the right words to express
 TC09bQ05                                                                       3.89   .97     .67     3.77     .81    .70   3.70    .83     .72
                    how I feel about things.

                    When I have a sensation in my body, it’s difficult for
 TC09bQ06                                                                       3.90   .93     .64     3.70     .84    .55   3.68    .82     .69
                    me to describe it because I can’t find the right words.

                    My natural tendency is to put my experiences into
 TC09bQ07                                                                       3.71   1.04    .40     3.61     .93    .56   3.39    .88     .56

Scale                TC09b
SWE                  M = 3.87                                     SD = .71                                 N = 92
                     Min = 2.29                                   Max = 5.00                               Cronbach’s α = .87
HRV                  M = 3.77                                     SD = .65                                 N = 90
                     Min = 2.00                                   Max = 5.00                               Cronbach’s α = .88
SVN                  M = 3.72                                     SD = .64                                 N = 145
                     Min = 2.00                                   Max = 5.00                               Cronbach’s α = .89

2.1.2 Mindfulness (Subscale: Accept without Judgment)

                                The Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS) is a multidimensional self-report inventory that assesses
                                four mindfulness skills: observing, describing, acting with awareness and accepting without judgement (Baer,
Description of the scale
                                Smith & Allen, 2004). The subscale accepting without judgement assesses the ability to perceive things without
                                further analysis or judgement (e.g. “I criticize myself for having irrational or inappropriate emotions.”).
Original questionnaire          Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills
                                Baer, R. A., Smith G. T., & Allen, K. B. (2004). Assessment of mindfulness by self-report: The Kentucky
                                       Inventory of Mindfulness Skills. Assessment, 11, 191-206.
Question stem                   Thinking about yourself: How often are the following statements true for you?
Number of items                 9
Scaling                         Mean (no scale value provided if more than half of the items have not been answered)
                                1 = Never or rarely ever true 2 = Rarely true    3 = Sometimes true
Answer format
                                4 = Often true 5 = Very often or always true
Reversed items                  All
Date of data collection         T1/T2/T3
Target group                    All School Staff
Parallel question               Yes
                                Internal consistency of the four scales has been reported as good with Cronbach’s’ alpha ranging between .83 and
                                .91 (Baer et al., 2004).

                                                                                       SWE                   HRV                     SVN
Variable No.                                  Label                             M       SD     rit    M       SD       rit     M      SD         rit
                    I criticize myself for having irrational or inappropriate
 TC09cQ01                                                                       3.73   .95    .69     3.67      .93    .65   3.39    .94     .65

                    I tend to evaluate whether my perceptions are right or
 TC09cQ02                                                                       2.94   1.10   .55     2.56      .83    .57   2.45    .82     .40

                    I tell myself that I shouldn’t be feeling the way I’m
 TC09cQ03                                                                       3.66   .98    .78     3.28      .82    .65   3.43    .93     .73

                    I believe some of my thoughts are abnormal or bad and
 TC09cQ04                                                                       4.36   .78    .58     3.92      .94    .73   3.98    .98     .71
                    I shouldn’t think that way.

                    I make judgments about whether my thoughts are good
 TC09cQ05                                                                       3.39   1.09   .66     2.90      .87    .51   3.09    1.02    .61
                    or bad.

                    I tend to make judgments about how worthwhile or
 TC09cQ06                                                                       3.28   1.11   .53     3.38      1.05   .55   3.28    1.11    .68
                    worthless my experiences are.

                    I tell myself that I shouldn’t be thinking the way I’m
 TC09cQ07                                                                       3.96   .97    .66     3.68      .89    .72   3.74    1.02    .80

                    I think some of my emotions are bad or inappropriate
 TC09cQ08                                                                       4.38   .83    .60     4.00      .83    .77   3.98    .95     .79
                    and I shouldn’t feel them.

 TC09cQ09           I disapprove of myself when I have irrational ideas.        3.97   1.00   .51     3.89      .86    .53   4.22    .95     .71

Scale                TC09c
SWE                  M = 3.72                                     SD = .70                                N = 90
                     Min = 2.00                                   Max = 5.00                              Cronbach’s α = .87
HRV                  M = 3.47                                     SD = .63                                N = 88
                     Min = 1.89                                   Max = 4.89                              Cronbach’s α = .88
SVN                  M = 3.51                                     SD = .73                                N = 145
                     Min = 1.22                                   Max = 4.89                              Cronbach’s α = .90

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