Page created by Martha White
Doctor of Business Administration

             Surrey Business School



                     BEGINN JANUAR 2013
Doctor of Business Administration

             What business says about

“Best for Jobs – Top of the
 graduate employment league
 tables for 6 successive years”
The Sunday Times university league
Tables                                               “UniS conducts the most
                                                      efficient research of any UK
                                                      university.. The University of
                                                     Surrey was head and
                                                      shoulders above the rest”
“The University of Surrey ranked                      Times Higher Education
 Number One for Tourism”                              Supplement,
 The Guardian university league tables

    “Surrey’s programme
    achieves high
    standards and is                                     
                                                              “An enormous
    respected both in the                                     contribution to the body
    UK and overseas”                                          of knowledge and a
                                                              supply of excellent
    British Airports Authority plc                            graduates”
                                                              British Hospitality

  Änderungen vorbehalten                       -1-
Doctor of Business Administration


Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)                      3

Die University of Surrey in Guildford (UK)                   4

Kooperation mit der IBS International Business School        4

World Class Research                                         5

Kurse zum DBA                                                7

Studienverlauf des DBA                                       8

Übersicht über die Kursinhalte des DBA                       9

Why the Surrey Business School?                              11

Einschreibung/Studiengebühren DBA                            12

Anmeldung zum DBA der University of Surrey                   13

Application Form der University of Surrey DBA                14

Änderungen vorbehalten                 -2-
Doctor of Business Administration

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
der University of Surrey (UK)
Der Bedarf an hochqualifizierten und praxisnah ausgebildeten Mitarbeitern, die
funktionsübergreifend und in strategischen Zusammenhängen denken können
und auch für einen Auslandseinsatz geeignet sind, ist sehr hoch. Der Doctor of
Business Administration (DBA) ist ein Doktorat, das für den Praktiker entwickelt
wurde. Dieser Abschluss eröffnet Karrierechancen im gehobenen internationalen
Management, besonders in Unternehmensberatungen, Finanzdienstleistungsun-
ternehmen und bei multinationalen Firmen. Viele europäische Unternehmen
rekrutieren grenzüberschreitend besonders in Hinsicht auf wirtschaftswissen-
schaftliche Fachrichtungen.
Der Doctor of Business Administration soll einen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag zur
Professionalisierung des Managements leisten. Die Forschungsarbeit des Doc-
tors of Business Administration trägt direkt zur Weiterentwicklung der aktuellen
Managementtheorien bei. Forschungsthemen sind vorzugsweise aus den Ar-
beitsgebieten der Professoren der Surrey Business School der University of Sur-
rey zu entnehmen.
Sie studieren das Doctoral Programme der Surrey Business School der Universi-
ty of Surrey an der IBS International Business School im berufsbegleitenden
Studium mit Seminaren. Fünf Seminarwochenenden finden im ersten Dokto-
randenjahr von Freitag bis Sonntag in den Räumlichkeiten der IBS International
Business School statt. Drei weitere Forschungsseminare schließen sich in den
beiden Folgejahren an. Der zeitliche Rahmen, den Sie für den Doctor of Busi-
ness Administration (DBA) insgesamt einplanen müssen, beläuft sich auf vier

Die University of Surrey ist eine der führenden berufsbildenden, technischen
und wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen Großbritanniens mit internationalem For-
schungsprofil und genießt einen hervorragenden Ruf im Bereich Forschung und
Lehre. Viele der bahnbrechenden Forschungsleistungen der Universität haben
direkten Einfluss auf alle möglichen Lebensbereiche – etwa indem sie der In-
dustrie einen dauerhaften Wettbewerbsvorsprung verschaffen oder in Bereichen
wie Medizin, Raumfahrtwissenschaft, Umwelt, Telekommunikation sowie im Ver-
teidigungs-, Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen für Fortschritt sorgen. Doch nicht
nur die Forschungs- und Technologieprogramme der Universität finden breite
Anerkennung, sondern auch die Studiengänge wie Musik, Sozialwissenschaften,
Betriebswirtschaft, Sprachen und Jura. Neben dem 150 Hektar großen Campus
am Rande von Guildford in der englischen Grafschaft Surrey unterhält die Uni-
versität zudem den universitätseigenen Surrey Research Park, der Einrichtungen
für 140 Unternehmen mit insgesamt 2.700 Mitarbeitern bietet. Nicht von unge-
fähr gab die Sunday Times der Universität den Beinamen ‚The University for
Jobs’ und unterstrich so das wachsende Renommee der Hochschule als Anbieter
hochwertiger, berufsorientierter Abschlüsse.

Dr. Matthias Zünkler koordiniert dieses Programm und beantwortet Ihre Fragen
unter der Telefonnummer +49 2941 9444-44.
Änderungen vorbehalten                 -3-
Doctor of Business Administration

Die University of Surrey in Guildford (UK)

Die University of Surrey ist eine im Vereinigten Königreich anerkannte staatliche
Universität. Sie ist durch den Privy Council bestätigt und wird von der Quality
Assurance Agency (QAA) ständig überprüft. Das Studium zum Doctor of Busi-
ness Administration (DBA), das an der Surrey Business School der University of
Surrey durchgeführt wird, ist vom British Higher Education System anerkannt
und vom Ministerium für Innovation, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie
nach Hochschulgesetz staatlich bestätigt.

Nach Auskunft des Ministeriums, nach Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz
vom 21.09.2001 in der Fassung vom 15.05.2008 ist der DBA als Dr. vor dem
Namen führbar. Die Führung der deutschen Abkürzung „Dr.“ ist für Inhaber von
in einem wissenschaftlichen Promotionsverfahren erworbenen Doktorgraden aus
Mitgliedstaaten der EU bzw. des EWR ohne Herkunftszusatz möglich.

Das DBA-Programme wird in England und Deutschland durchgeführt. Die Surrey
Business School der University of Surrey wurde 1990 gegründet. Die Sunday
Times hat Surrey Business School zum sechsten Mal hintereinander unter die
Top 10 der Best for graduate level jobs gewählt. Die Surrey Business School ist
durch die AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools
of Business akkreditiert.

Kooperation mit der IBS International Business School

Sie haben die Möglichkeit, an der renommierten University of Surrey (UK) in
Kooperation mit der IBS International Business School Lippstadt den Doctor of
Business Administration (DBA) berufsbegleitend zu erwerben.

                         IBS International Business School Lippstadt
                                       Im Eichholz 10
                                      59556 Lippstadt
                                  Tel.: +49 2941 9444-44
                                  Fax: +49 2941 9444-99

Änderungen vorbehalten                      -4-
Doctor of Business Administration

World Class Research

The University of Surrey is well known for being among the most efficient re-
search institutions in the UK. The Surrey Business School has the highest re-
search rating of all service sector management schools in the UK with nearly
60% of academic staff research-active. The school has a distinguished record of
high quality research which includes both theoretical studies to advance the
conceptual base of its research areas and applied research commissioned by
clients in the UK and overseas. It makes a major contribution to business com-
petitiveness in one of Europe’s most prosperous regions with its efficient turn-
around of large-scale research projects and delivery of cost-effective solutions.

In 2006, the School gained recognition from the Economic and Social Research
Council (ESRC) in recognition of the high standard of its MPhil/PhD pro-
grammes. In RAE 2008, the Surrey Business School obtained a rating of 4* out
of possible 5* rating.

The extensive engagement of the School’s academic staff injects greater quality
into teaching, consultancy and conferences. Furthermore the process is mutual-
ly beneficial with feedback from business managers attending programmes and
events in the School often enhancing its research activities. Further details of
the research activities are available on the School’s website

The Surrey Business School has close links to UniSdirect which co-ordinates
promotion and support for the University of Surrey’s research and enterprise,
including the protection and commercialisation of Intellectual Property generat-
ed at the University. It also has responsibility for the provision and promotion of
University    expertise     to    small   and      medium       sized   enterprises.

The School faculty currently consists of more than 80 academic staff allocated
to ten research subject group areas. This structure provides a clear focus for
research. In addition, the School is currently in the process of establishing a
number of centres of excellence, including the recently launched Centre for
Management Learning and Development (CMLD).

Änderungen vorbehalten                  -5-
Doctor of Business Administration

Forschungsschwerpunkte der Surrey Business School
        International Business, Strategy and                  Finance and Accounting
The International Business, Strategy and Entrepre-
neurship Research Group conducts research into          The Finance and Accounting Research Group con-
entrepreneurship and business strategy. Areas of        ducts research into corporate finance, corporate
research interest within the group include, but are     governance and economics. Areas of research
not limited to, the following: Learning and devel-      interest within the group include, but are not lim-
opment in international organizations, Inter-           ited to, the following: Debt markets and instru-
organisational collaboration, Organisational analy-     ments including credit risk, Credit default swaps
sis, Strategic Organisation, Comparative interna-       and asset backed securities, Bank failures, Fixed
tional management, Strategic decision-making            interest strategies and financial contracting, Corpo-
processes, Comparative business systems, Busi-          rate governance, Emerging capital markets, IPOs,
ness Network Analysis, Ethnic and minority enter-       Mergers and acquisitions.
prise, Franchising and small business management.
        Health Care Management                                Tourism Management

The Health Care Management Research Group               The Tourism Management Research Group draws
conducts research into primary care organisations,      on the Surrey Business School history of tourism
quality and management practices in the                 education and research. It conducts research into
healthcare sector. The group has strong links with      tourism and the events / other industries which
the NHS and Royal College of Practitioners and has
                                                        affect or relate to it around the world. Areas of
been funded to explore the effectiveness and ac-
                                                        specific study include eTourism, transport for tour-
creditation and training and development for a          ism and tourism in islands and small states. Other
number of clinical groups. Areas of research inter-     areas of research interest within the group include,
est within the group include, but are not limited to,   but are not limited to, the following: Sustainability
the following: Development of management com-           and ethics, Education and theory, Human re-
petence in clinicians, Development of primary care
                                                        sources and employment, Demand Modelling and
organisations, The role of accreditation in health
                                                        forecasting, Culture and heritage, Visuals and Vis-
service quality.                                        uality, Social tourism, International events man-
        Operations Management and MIS                         Marketing

The Operations Management and Management                The Marketing Research Group conducts research
Information Systems (MIS) Research Group con-           into many areas of marketing including retail, rela-
ducts research into the ways in which businesses        tionship and services marketing. Areas of research
manage their operations and the use of infor-           interest within the group include, but are not lim-
mation and Information Technology (IT) to support       ited to, the following: Consumer Behavior, Services
these operations. Areas of research interest within     marketing, Customer loyalty, Branding, Online
the group include, but are not limited to, the fol-     consumer Behavior, E-marketing and e-business,
lowing: Data and Information Fusion, Information        Fashion marketing, International Marketing and
management and exploitation, Usability and Hu-          Globalisation, Higher education marketing, Adver-
man Computer Interaction, Large-Scale Infor-            tising, promotion and product placement.
mation Systems and Virtual Environments, Digital
Economy, IT and Marketing, Operations Manage-
        People and Organisations                              Management Learning
The People and Organisations Research Group
interest include, but are not limited to, the follow-   The Management Learning Research Group con-
ing: Organisational innovation and creativity, Emo-     ducts research into the way in which learning,
                                                        management training and change impact on busi-
tional and aesthetic dimensions of organisation,
                                                        ness. Areas of research interest within the group
Human resource strategies, The psychology of
intuition and decision making, Human resource           include, but are not limited to, the following: Man-
development, Coaching and leadership, Organisa-         agement Intuition, Management roles, Managerial
tional trust and justice, Professional knowledge-       Cognition.
sharing, Diversity and workplace relationships,
Visual research methods.
Änderungen vorbehalten                              -6-
Doctor of Business Administration

Kurse zum DBA

Der DBA setzt sich aus sechs Modulen, Hausarbeiten (Assignments), dem Rese-
arch Proposal, Forschungsseminaren (Workshops) zur Dissertation und der Dis-
sertation als der Doktorarbeit des DBA Studiums zusammen.

Sechs Module
        Philosophical Underpinnings of Management Research,

        Quantitative Research Methods,

        Qualitative Research Methods,

        Critical Evaluation of Literature,

        Applied Research Project,

        Proposal Writing and Proposal,

Research Overview / Literature Review

Contacts and Reports to Supervisor


Thesis Final Methodology Proposal

Thesis Draft

School announces its triple accreditation

On Friday 15th December 2006 the Surrey Business School was delighted to receive confirmation of the
accreditation of its MBA programme by AMBA (Association of MBAs) following a recent visit from their
review panel. More good news followed as the School also received confirmation of the renewal of its
tourism programme's accreditation by the UN World Tourism Organization (WTO).

Alongside the AACSB accreditation received in November 2005, these new accreditations mean that the
Surrey Business School is the only business school in the world to hold accreditations from these three
organisations simultaneously.

Welcoming the news, Head of School Professor Bob O'Keefe said; "We are delighted to have received
confirmation of these accreditations which have been awarded in recognition of the high standards of
our programmes and the hard work that both staff and students put into getting the most out of work-
ing and studying at Surrey."

Änderungen vorbehalten                           -7-
Doctor of Business Administration

Studienverlauf des DBA

Voraussetzungen für die Aufnahme in das DBA-Programm

      MBA oder Master (auch FH) oder vergleichbarer Diplomabschluss
      mindestens drei Jahre Berufserfahrung
      Nachweis der Englischkenntnisse z. B. durch IELTS, TOEFL oder
       TOEIC Listening and Reading und Speaking and Writing Test

Studienform und Studiendauer

Der DBA wird berufsbegleitend in einem Zeitraum von vier Jahren erreicht.
Die Seminarwochenenden (Workshops) werden an der IBS International Busi-
ness School Lippstadt durchgeführt.

Die Themenstellung sollte im Zusammenhang mit dem beruflichen Umfeld des
Studierenden und im Kontext der Forschungsschwerpunkte der Surrey Business
School der University of Surrey (UK) stehen.

Forschungsschwerpunkte der Surrey Business School:

-   International Business, Strategy and Entrepreneurship
-   Finance and Accounting
-   Health Care Management
-   People and Organisations
-   Tourism Management
-   Operational Management and MIS
-   Marketing
-   Management Learning


Der Zeitaufwand ist individuell sehr verschieden. Er hängt von der Themenstel-
lung und den Vorkenntnissen des Kandidaten ab. Das Parkhotel Ortkemper in
Lippstadt z. B. bietet mit drei Minuten Fußweg zur
IBS International Business School Lippstadt günstige Übernachtungsmöglichkei-
ten an den Seminarwochenenden für DBA Studenten an.

Studium in Kohorten und Studienbeginn

Die University of Surrey fordert, dass dieses Programm in einem Verband mit
einer Mindestzahl an Teilnehmern (Kohorte) zu absolvieren ist.

Änderungen vorbehalten                  -8-
Doctor of Business Administration

Übersicht über die Kursinhalte des DBA

MODULE TITLE: Philosophical Underpinnings of Management Research

Summary of Aims
The aim of this first module is to introduce students to a number of relevant
issues and debates related to the philosophical aspects of research and the
conduct of research in the management disciplines.
The module is designed to:
     To introduce students to the overall programme of studies and to explain
      the nature of a DBA qualification
     To provide conceptual understanding and examples of both inductive and
      deductive research design approaches
     To provide an understanding of the aspects and implications of the epis-
      temological and ontological features of research
     The ability to debate approaches to knowledge creation, science, truth
      and verification and to discuss the implications of alternative philosophical
      research models
     Introduce participants to a range of perspectives from Kuhn, Popper etc;
      in order to enable them to develop their own work in an appropriate con-
      ceptual framework related to a management topic.

MODULE TITLE: Quantitative Research Methods

Summary of Aims

     To understand in detail the technique of providing a link between the de-
      velopment of a research question and the parallel choice of the selection
      of an appropriate research design approach. This will impart knowledge
      to allow the student to conceptualise, design and implement a DBA pro-
     To assure the acquisition of a set of statistical techniques which will allow
      a student to understand data sets, judge if data has normality or skew-
      ness and from this to make decisions regarding descriptive or interpre-
      tive statistical application
     To be able to systematically acquire data by knowledge and practice of
      the construction of a non-biased measurement instrument
     To be able to utilise software such as SPSS in order to systematically in-
      terrogate data from a descriptive and inferential perspective (and to un-
      derstand differences between parametric and non-parametric tests)
     To provide a detailed understanding of quantitative techniques which can
      be utilised in advanced academic enquiry

Änderungen vorbehalten                 -9-
Doctor of Business Administration

MODULE TITLE: Qualitative Research Methods

Summary of Aims

To provide the acquisition of knowledge of the range of qualitative techniques
available to the doctoral student. - Philosophical aspects of phenomenological
techniques. Qualitative analysis techniques: discourse analysis, text analysis,
cognitive mapping, argument maps, event sequence analysis, knowledge of
computerised support packages, integrating both qualitative and quantitative
approaches in research design. Case study planning and analysis, group discus-
sion – focus and projective techniques, in-depth interviews, reflective diaries,
action learning.

To give students a grounding in the practical use of a range of alternative me-
thods for collection and analysis of qualitative data e.g. role playing, simulations
and demonstration of software.
To provide the student with an appreciation of the theoretical knowledge of re-
search methods to addressing a business problem through using ‘soft’ ap-
proaches to qualitative management issues and data.

MODULE TITLE: Critical Evaluation of Literature

Summary of Aims

     To provide participants with the ability to engage critically as a reader of
      management texts, research reports and proposals
     To introduce core components of a structured approach for the critical
      examination and review of literature that focuses on in-depth critical ana-
      lysis of individual texts, with special reference to management
     To be able to develop the ability of making informed independent evalua-
      tive judgements on what appear to be complex managerial issues
     To be able to understand the ways to systematically approach literature
      from a critical perspective and to develop methods to assess advanced
      academic text
     To highlight learning from the parallel between constructively critical rea-
      ding of others’ writing in the literature and self-critical writing as creators
      of academic literature for other critical readers

MODULE TITLE: Applied Research Project

Änderungen vorbehalten                  - 10 -
Doctor of Business Administration

MODULE TITLE: Proposal Writing and Proposal

Summary of Aims
   To ensure that the student has thought through an academically rigorous
    and practically relevant thesis design, bearing in mind the feasibility con-
    straints of such a task.
   To ensure the understanding of the requirement to demonstrate the abili-
    ty to conceptualise, design and implement an appropriate research topic
    and design which meets the requirement of a DBA thesis
   To have the knowledge to be able to write an acceptable research propo-
    sal which meets the criteria for doctoral research in a relevant area of

Why the Surrey Business School?
at the University of Surrey is the Right Choice for Business

    1. World class research

    2. Outstanding opportunities for postgraduate study

    3. First class learning resources

    4. The best career prospects of any UK university

    5. A strong international community

    6. Excellent location

    7. Great social and sport facilities

    8. High quality accommodation at affordable prices

    9. A supportive environment

    10.A unique educational experience

Änderungen vorbehalten                     - 11 -
Doctor of Business Administration

Einschreibung / Studiengebühren DBA

Anmeldungen zum DBA sind jederzeit möglich. Das DBA Programm beginnt im
Januar 2013.

Nach erfolgter schriftlicher Anmeldung erhalten Sie eine Rechnung über die zu
entrichtende Bearbeitungsgebühr. Bei erfolgloser Bewerbung wird diese Bear-
beitungsgebühr zurückerstattet.

Der/Die DBA-Kandidat/in wird mit Anmeldung zu diesem DBA-Programm und
anschließender Einschreibung durch die University of Surrey Student/in der Uni-
versity of Surrey (UK).



Bearbeitungsgebühren            fällig nach Rechnungsstellung                   €     275,00

Jährliche Zahlung               fällig vier Wochen
über vier Jahre                 vor Studienbeginn                           £       10.500,00


Dr. Matthias Zünkler, IBS International Business School Lippstadt, koordiniert
dieses Programm und ist unter der Telefonnummer +49 2941 9444-44 zu errei-

* Eine Anpassung der Gebühr durch die Surrey Business School ist möglich.

Änderungen vorbehalten                         - 12 -
Doctor of Business Administration

Anmeldung zum DBA der University of Surrey

Ich melde mich für das Studium „Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)“
der Surrey Business School, University of Surrey (UK), an.

Name:            _________________________________________________________

Vorname:         ______________________ Staatsangehörigkeit: _________________

Geburtsort: ______________________ Geburtsdatum: ______________________

Anschrift:       _________________________________________________________


Telefon:         _______________ Fax: ____________ E -Mail: __________________

Folgende Unterlagen habe ich beigefügt:
       Application Form der University of Surrey
       Curriculum Vitae (Lebenslauf) in Englisch
       Englischsprachiger Nachweis eines abgeschlossenen MBA- oder Master-Studiums
       (Zeugnis und Urkunde)
       Nachweis der Englischkenntnisse
              TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) oder
              IELTS (International English Language Testing System) oder
              TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) Listening and Reading und
              Speaking and Writing Test oder
              anderer __________________________
       One Page Dissertation Proposal (Auf Anfrage erhalten Sie ein Beispiel)
       3 Passbilder (bzw. 1 digitales Passbild)
       Kopie des Personalausweises
       € 275,00 überweise ich nach Rechnungsstellung

_____________________________                               ___________________________
         Ort / Datum                                                 Unterschrift

Fax an: +49 2941 9444-99
E-Mail an:

Änderungen vorbehalten                             - 13 -
Application for a Research Degree                                                                                       University of Surrey
Please refer to the guidance notes when completing this form

 1 Your personal details
a) Title (eg Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr)                  b) Gender                      j) Permanent home address
                                                          male             female

c) Family name (see note 1c)

d) First names

e) Previous family name (if you have changed it – eg through marriage)              k) Home telephone no (with code) l) Home fax no (with code)

f) Date of birth                            g) Nationality (see note 1g)            m)Correspondence address if different from above.
                                                                                      Please give the dates when you will be at this address (see note 1m)
               /              /
h) Daytime / work telephone no (with code)

i) Email

 2 Research degree you are applying for
a) School and Department / area                                                     e) Topic of research (see note 2e)
   (please state both if appropriate) (see note 2a)

b) Qualification aim (see note 2b)             c) Mode of study                     f) Collaborative research programme (see note 2f)
                                                    full-time          part-time    If you are applying to pursue a research programme on a collaborative
                                                                                    basis with industry, a research establishment or similar institution,
                                                                                    please tick
d) Start date (see note 2d)
        full-time             / part-time                                                 Collaborative registration

University use only                                                                                                 Application no:

For completion by School / Department
Decision:                                                                           Collaborative registration?             Bench fees p.a.
        unconditional offer            conditional offer          reject                  yes          no                     £
Conditions:                                                                         Signature:authorised selector (1)

                                                                                    Signature:authorised selector (2)
Programme, qualification aim, start date and study mode if other than indicated
by applicant in Section 2 above:
MPhil           or Direct PhD                                                       Other School / Department use

                                                                                    For completion by Registry
                                                                                    Date application received               Date application returned
                                                                                    Fees status                             Initials
Co-Supervisor(s)                                                                                                                                        date
including collab                                                                     1      2     3     4         query
(if appropriate)
3 Further and Higher Education qualifications (see note 3)

university / institution       subject                                    start date end date   qualification aimed for
current education

university / institution       subject                                    start date end date   qualification obtained    class/result
previous education

4 Professional qualifications (see note 4)

title / category of membership                                                date attained                mode

5 English Language qualifications (see note 5)
To be completed by all candidates whose first language is not English

title of English Language test / course                      examining body          date to be taken   date taken        grade obtained


6 Employment history (see note 6)

name & location of employer                      job title                               start date end date   full/part-time / temporary

7 Finance and fees status (see note 7)
a) Proposed source of fees                                                 c) Status of sponsorship application
                                                                              If you have made an application for sponsorship, give details of
                                                                              sponsor(s) approached and the outcome or current status of your
b) Proposed source of living expenses

In order for us to determine your fee status, please answer the following:

Have you lived in the UK / EC / EEA all your life?

      no             yes ➔ if ‘yes’, which country(ies)?                                                           Now go to section 8

    continue down

Have you lived outside the UK / EC / EEA all your life?

      no             yes ➔ if ‘yes’, which country(ies)?                                                           Now go to section 8

If you have answered ‘no’ to both the above questions please provide full details of your residence in a separate sheet.

    continue down

Are you a UK or EC national, or the child of an EC national?

      yes            no ➔ if ‘no’, but you have the right to live in the UK without restriction or you have applied for refugee status,
                     you should enclose documentary evidence

8 Additional personal information

a) Do you have a disability or special need which may require special arrangements?                  no          yes ➔ please refer to note 8a

b) Please tell us how you found out about the programme of study for which you are applying

c) Do you have any criminal convictions (or serious criminal charges against you)?                   no          yes ➔ please refer to note 8c
   Do not count motoring offences for which a fine and / or up to three
   penalty points were imposed

d) Are you applying for any other courses at the University of Surrey or elsewhere?                  no          yes ➔ please give details below

9 Personal statement this is optional (see note 9)
10 References (see note 10)

Please fill in contact details for two people who can provide a reference for you about your
academic ability and / or work experience in relation to your proposed study. At least one of the
referees must be able to comment on your academic ability in relation to your proposed study.

Referee 1:

a) Name and title                                                         g) Address

b) Organisation

c) Position

d) Telephone no (with code)           e) Fax no (with code)

f) Email

Referee 2:

a) Name and title                                                         g) Address

b) Organisation

c) Position

d) Telephone no (with code)           e) Fax no (with code)

f) Email

11 Declaration
Please ensure that you read the declaration below and sign and
date the form.

I confirm that the information I have given is correct and that
no material information has been omitted. I understand that
the University reserves the right to withdraw any offer or               Date
cancel a registration made on the basis of information which                           /       /
proves to be false or misleading.

What to do now
Please tick as appropriate to indicate the additional                    This form should then be returned to: Postgraduate Admissions Office
information you are supplying with this application form:                                                      The Registry
                                                                                                               University of Surrey
I enclose:                                                                                                     Guildford
                                                                                                               Surrey GU2 7XH
      Copies of transcripts and / or examination certificates                                                  United Kingdom

      English Language Proficiency Certificate(s) if applicable
      (see note 5)
      Evidence of right to live in the UK with no restrictions or of
      refugee status application if applicable (see note 7)
      Information about any disability, special need or medical
      condition if applicable (see note 8a)

      Information about any criminal offence (see note 8c)
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