Page created by Derek Burton


     ESCE International Business School Paris
    Dr. Kirsten Ralf, Directrice de la recherche

Presentation of the ESCE Research Group

Research at ESCE is imbedded in the overall strategy of INSEEC U. Research. Activities are based on
two pillars: Multidisciplinarity and Transversality. Through teaching, masterclasses, conferences,
seminars, case studies, and publications, researchers within INSEEC U schools are encouraged to develop
multidisciplinary projects mobilizing the expertise of the various disciplines of management and
engineering sciences. Transversality emphasizes the alliance between the various research centers in
France and Monaco, promotes innovation and transversality in research and teaching while promoting
research training. In this context, members of the ESCE research group contribute actively to
multidisciplinary research in the areas of international economics and business, on the one hand, and
participate in seminars and other events organized by INSEEC U., on the other hand.

ESCE Research activity includes publications in ranked journals in economics and management, as well
as serving as peer reviewers for these journals. To promote research further, research results are made
available to a larger public through press articles, podcasts, and videos, and a number of books and book
chapters were published. Another way of interaction with the scientific community is the participation in
international conferences, the link to firms and Think Tanks, and the publication of case studies. All
research professors contribute to the development of new pedagogical tools and methods.

Research at ESCE is structured around four areas of research, namely, Finance and Economics in Times
of International Change, International Business, Innovative Processes and Emerging Behavior in a Global
Environment, and Global Value Change and Distribution. These axes are closely related to the teaching
departments and the specializations of the master program proposed by ESCE.

The academic year 2020/21 was dominated by the sanitary crises of Covid-19. Academic conferences
were either cancelled or shifted to an online format, which limited the usual discussions and interactions
between researchers. It was difficult, if not possible to invite guest speakers to the Paris campus, and even
internal seminars had to be organized online. Nevertheless, a certain number of events took place and
researchers of ESCE succeeded in publishing a number of articles, book chapters and other
communications. Dora Triki stepped down from the post of associate dean of research in January 2021 in
order to concentrate on the development of the doctorate program with the University of Valencia. A
great thank you to Dora for the accomplishments and time and energy devoted to ESCE Research. Kirsten
Ralf succeeded as associate dean of research.

Research Areas at ESCE

   1) Finance et économie à l’ère des mutations internationales / Finance and Economics in
        Times of International Change:

Financial markets are affected by changes in the international economic and technological environment.
Misfunctioning of financial markets, such as financial crises, however, have an impact on the economy
and the firms working in the economy. Research in this area aims at studying these interactions. The legal
context of businesses is also part of the research agenda.
This area of research is embedded in the INSEEC U Research axis Risk, Forecasting, and Assessment in
Complex Environments.
Publications of the members of this group focus on three main areas, namely: monetary policy,
performance of the firms, and the assessment of new opportunities and risks. The credibility of the policy
maker for different monetary policies and their consequence is analyzed in publications (2), (3), (4), (5),
(7), and (9), whereas an overview of macroeconomic theories of monetary policy is given in (6).
Macroeconomic topics of general interest were published in press articles (18) and (19).
Firm’s performance of Romanian wine exporters (11) and the difficulty to predict corporate failure (14)
and (15), as well as the measurement of the performance of NGOs (1) were topics of interest not only
published in research articles, but also brought to the interest of a wider public through press articles (21)
and (22). The management of NGOs was also treated in a book (16) labeled by the FNEGE as « ouvrage
de recherche collectif ».
New opportunities and risks were identified in the trading of CO2 emissions (12), the impact of
microfinance on energy access (10), and the price dynamics of electronic money, especially bitcoin,
research paper (13), but also a newspaper article (20). The role of legal issues was discussed in a video

   ➢ Members of the research area

   -    Bruno Cazenave
   -    Gaelle Deharo
   -    Albert Lessoua
   -    Kirsten Ralf
   -    Linda Salahladin
   -    Alexandre Sokic
   -    Dhoha Trabelsi
   -    David Veganzones

Former member : Mihai Mutascu

   ➢ Publications in CNRS/FNEGE ranked journals in 2020 and forthcoming

(1) Cazenave B. and J. Morales (online 2021), “NGO responses to financial evaluation: auditability,
purification and performance”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, forthcoming. FNEGE 2,

(2) Chatelain J.-B. and Ralf K. (2020) “Ramsey Optimal Policy versus Multiple Equilibria with Fiscal
and Monetary Interactions”, Economics Bulletin 40(1), 140-147. CNRS 3

(3) Chatelain J.-B. and Ralf K. (online 2020) “Hopf Bifurcation from New-Keynesian Taylor Rule to
Ramsey Optimal Policy”, Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming, CNRS 2

(4) Chatelain J.-B. and Ralf K. (2020) “Policy Maker’s Credibility with Predetermined Instruments for
Forward-Looking Targets”, Revue d'èconomie politique 130(5), 823-846, CNRS 2

(5) Chatelain J.-B. and Ralf K. (2020) “The Welfare of Ramsey optimal policy facing Autoregressive
Shocks”, Economics Bulletin 40(2), 1797-1803. CNRS 3

(6) Chatelain J.-B. and Ralf K. (2020) “How Macroeconomists Lost Control: Towards Dark Ages”,
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 27(6), 938-982, CNRS 1

(7) Chatelain J.-B. and Ralf K. (2021) “Imperfect Credibility versus No Credibility of Optimal Monetary
Policy”, Revue Economique 72(1), 43-63. CNRS 2

(8) Chatelain J.-B. and Ralf K. (2021), “Inference on time-invariant variables using panel data: a pre-test
estimator”, Economic Modelling 97, 157-166, CNRS 2

(9) Chatelain J.-B. and Ralf K. (online 2021), “Ramsey Optimal Policy in the New-Keynesian Model
with Public Debt”, Macroeconomic Dynamics, forthcoming, CNRS 2

(10) Lessoua, A., Laré, A., Boutabba, A., and Diaw, D. (2020), “The impact of microfinance on energy
access: A case study from peripheral districts of Lomé, Togo”, Applied Economics 52, 4927-4951. CNRS

(11) Lessoua, A., Mutascu, M., and Turcu, C. (2020), “Firms’ performance and exports: the case of
Romanian winemakers”, Journal of Wine Economics 15 (2), 207-228. CNRS 3

(12) Mutascu, M., & Sokic, A. (2020), “Trade Openness-CO 2 Emissions Nexus: a Wavelet Evidence
from EU”, Environmental Modeling & Assessment 25, 1-18. CNRS 2
(13) Sokic, A. (2021), “Bitcoin and hyperdeflation: a monetary theory approach”, Revue Economique
72(1), 135-146. CNRS 2

(14) Veganzones, D. and Severin, E. (2020), “Corporate failure prediction models in the twenty-first
century: a review”, European Business Review 33(2), 204-226. FNEGE 3, CNRS 3

(15) Brédart, X., Séverin, E. et Veganzones, D. (Online 2021) “Human ressources and corporate failure
prediction models : Evidence from Belgium”, Journal of Forecasting, CNRS 3.

   ➢ Books and book chapters

(16) Cazenave Bruno, Garbe Emmanuelle, Morales Jérémy, Le management des ONG. La Découverte,
« Repères », 2020, 128 pages. ISBN : 9782348059018.

The book has been "labelled" by the FNEGE (French foundation on research and teaching in
management), in other words, the book is placed in the short list of the best books in management
published in France in 2020.

   ➢ Press articles

(17) Deharo G., Video 03/12/2020, Faire du droit un élément de l'agilité des entreprises XERFI

(18) Sokic A, Tribune dans la presse 10-juin-20 « L’euro, un rempart contre l’hyperinflation » The

(19) Sokic A and M. Mutascu, Tribune dans la presse 06-juil-20 « Quand on parle de monétisation de la
dette, il faut bien distinguer base monétaire et masse monétaire », Le Monde.

(20) Sokic A., Article de presse 03/02/202, « Deux propriétés essentielles du bitcoin expliquent la
dynamique impressionnante de son prix » Le Monde.

(21) Veganzones D. and E. Severin, Tribune dans la presse 07/09/2020 « Les PGE vont-ils changer les
entreprises françaises en zombies ? » The Conversation.

(22) Veganzones D. and E. Severin, Tribune dans la presse 27/10/2020 « Prévision économique : le
risque de faillite des entreprises reste très mal mesuré » The Conversation.

   ➢ Other activities

Members of this group participated in international conferences, such as the Alternative Accounts
Conference (B. Cazenave), the International Conference of Economic and Business Trends Shaping the
Future, the Colloque International sur la Défaillance des Entreprises en Afrique (D. Veganzones), The
Annual International Real Option Conference (L. Salahaldin), and were invited give a talk at the Center
of Financial and Monetary Research at Bucharest University and at the Lunch Time Seminar at the
University of Linz (A. Sokic and M. Mutascu).

Researchers also served as peer reviewers of international journals, such as Oxford Economic Papers,
Bulletin of Economic Research, Revue d’Economie Politique, and the Journal of Macroeconomics (K.
Ralf), as well as the Journal of Corporate Finance and Finance Research Letters (L. Salahaldin). L.
Salahaldin served also as a member of the Scientific Committee of the “Journée de recherche Innover
pour une finance responsable et durable (2020)” organized by AIM (Association Information et

A. Sokic was invited to a round table on Bitcoin at the TV emission “Journal Investir” (Groupe Les Echos
Le Parisien).

G. Deharo, expert in law and HDR, has published a large number of research articles in relevant law
journals of her domain, as well as bi-monthly press articles in Dalloz actualité and Lexis. Furthermore,
she is – together with Sébastien Point, EM Strasbourg – codirector of the doctoral thesis of François

   2) Management international/ International Business:

   International business is a multidisciplinary field of research that deals with all aspects of interactions
   of firms in different countries. The main focus is here on the management decision at the firm level,
   rather than a macroeconomic or microeconomic approach. Research addresses the challenges of
   globalization and provide solutions to businesses. A close relation between academia and practice is
   This axe is embedded in the INSEEC U Research axis Social Transitions and Emergent Behaviors.

Publication of this research area focusses in particular on export management. In this context, the role
   of information sharing in the internationalization of small and medium enterprises is analyzed (1), the
   factors of survival and success of international joint ventures are discussed with a special focus on
   Middle-Eastern and North African countries (2), (4), and (6). The special role of family-owned
   companies is emphasized (5) and the difficulties of dealing with corruption in host countries are also
   put forward, (7) and (8). That more is cooperation is not always better in an export relationship is
   shown in (3). In a press article (9) the question of administration in hospitals was discussed.

   ➢ Members of the research area

   - Serge Besanger
   - Claude Obadia
   - Dora Triki
   - Alfredo Valentino

This group will be reinforced in September by a new researcher: Kubilay S. L. Ozkan.

   ➢ Publications in CNRS/FNEGE ranked journals in 2020 and forthcoming

(1) Dominguez, N., Mayrhofer, U., Obadia, C. (2020), « Internationalisation des PME : Le rôle du
partage d’information dans les réseaux”, Revue International PME 33(1), 13-40. FNEGE 3

(2) Korbi, F., Ben Slimane, K., Triki, D. (2021). « How do international joint ventures build resilience
to navigate institutional crisis? The case of a Tunisian-French IJV during the Arab-Spring", Journal of
Business Research 129, 157-168. FNEGE 2, CNRS 2

(3) Obadia, C. and M. Robson, (forthcoming), “The two sides of cooperation in export relationships:
When more is not better”, Journal of International Business Studies. FNEGE 1, CNRS 1

(4) Triki, D., Moalla, E., Mayrhofer, U. (2020). “Host country factors and international joint venture
survival in the Middle East and North Africa”, European Journal of International Management.
FNEGE 4, CNRS 4 DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2020.10025993

(5) Valentino, A., Pongelli, C., Calabro A., and M., (forthcoming) “Family-centered goals, geographic
focus and family firms' internationalization: A study on export performance”, Entrepreneurship and
Regional Development (ERD). FNEGE 2

   ➢ Books and book chapters

(6) Triki, D. and Moncef, B. (2021), "The evolution of relational governance mechanisms in International
Joint Ventures (IJVs): Trust and communication in IJVs in Morocco"", in: Apitsa, S., Millot, E. (eds)
Doing Business in Africa: From growth to Development, Palgrave Macmillan, 309-333.

(7) Valentino, A. (2020) Ch. 13 “Family-owned MNEs and transparency: a focus on corruption risk on
host countries”. In A. Calabro (ed.) A research Agenda for Family Business, Elgar Research Agendas.

(8) Valentino A., (2020). "I modelli organizzativi e le relazioni sede-filiali nelle imprese multinazionali",
in Lucia M. G., Valderamin S., "L'impresa nel sistema economico mondiale. Dalla conquista dei mercati
internazionali al radicamento all'estero", Egea Editore

   ➢ Press articles

(9) Besanger S., Tribune dans la presse 06/05/2020 « Fact check : Y-a-t-il trop de postes administratifs
dans les hôpitaux ? » The Conversation

   ➢ Other activities

Members of this research area participated in international conferences such as the American Marketing
Association Winter Academic Conference (C. Obadia), the annual conference of the Academy of
International Business (AIB) (D. Triki, A. Valentino) and the 36th Journées Scientifiques ATM (D. Triki).
S. Besanger served as academic referee for the 7th trophy of ESG in China initiated by the University of
D. Triki served as a referee for the International Business Review, Management et Avenir, and
Management international.

   3) Processus innovants et comportements émergents dans un environnement global/
      Innovative processes and emerging behavior in a global environment:
   In times of digital transformation and changes of the environment, new organization of labor can be
   observed and new management and leadership behaviors are observed. The research area innovative
   processes and emerging behavior in a global environment aims not only at identifying the relation
   between different stakeholders in the firm, the employee and his/her organization, but also at
   explaining the success of an entrepreneur in a changing environment. Special emphasis is given to
   questions of sustainability.
   This axe is embedded in the INSEEC U Research axe Creation & Innovation.

   Publications of this research area analyze sustainable leadership (1) and the impact of leadership on
   the firm’s financial performance (2) and apply the theory of curvilinear relationship of
   transformational leadership to the case of the French police (4). The determinants of subjective career
   success are identified in (3) and the role of commercial diplomacy in overcoming outsidership of SME
   enterprises is identified in (6). Entrepreneurship (9) and sustainability in the agricultural sector (10)
   are made available to a wider public in two books and one chapter in a book (11), whereas the

moderating role of national culture when analyzing the macro-level determinants of user
   entrepreneurship is discussed in (7). How learning platforms may foster the development of soft skills
   is shown in (9).
   A number of press articles deal with the current Covid-19 crisis and its effect on individual behavior
   (12), (13), and (14).

   ➢ Members of the research area
   - Andrés Davila
   - Sinem Kilic
   - Mathieu Molines
   - Athanasios Tsirikas
   - Céline Viala

   Former member Sasha Kraus.

   ➢ Publications in CNRS/FNEGE ranked journals in 2020 and forthcoming

(1) Davila A., Durst, Chowdhury, Kraus, Cheng (forthcoming). “Employees’ Psychological
Characteristics and Sustainable Leadership in Entrepreneurial Organizations”, Journal of Small Business
& Entrepreneurship. FNEGE 4 CNRS 4

(2) Katsaros, K.K., Tsirikas, A.N. and Kosta, G.C. (2020), “The impact of leadership on firm financial
performance: the mediating role of employees' readiness to change”, Leadership & Organization
Development Journal 41(3), 333-347. FNEGE 4

(3) Kilic, S., Karakas, S. (2020), “The determinants of subjective career success among managers: a
moderating effect of the lifestyle anchor”, RIMHE: Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme &
Entreprise 39 (printemps 2020), 51-78. FNEGE 3

(4) Molines, M., El Akrami, A, Storme, M., and P. Celic, (forthcoming). “Beyond the Tipping Point: The
Curvilinear Relationships of Transformational Leadership, Leader–Member Exchange, and Emotional
Exhaustion in the French Police”, Public Management Review. CNRS 2

(5) Tsirikas A.(forthcoming). "Perceived change uncertainty and behavioural change support: The role
of positive change orientation", Journal of Organizational Change Management. FNEGE 3, CNRS 3

(6) Viala, C., Hugues, M., and Georgiadou, E. (forthcoming). “Commercial diplomacy as a mechanism
for passive reactive SME internationalization: Overcoming liabilities of outsidership” European Journal
of international Management. FNEGE 4 CNRS 4

(7) Viala C., D. Kalisz, F. Schiavone, G. Rivieccio, J. Chen, (2021). “Analyzing the macro-level
determinants of user entrepreneurship. The moderating role of the national culture”, Entrepeneurship &
Regional Development 33(3-4), 185-207. FNEGE 2
DOI: 10.1080/08985626.2021.1872934

   ➢ Books and book chapters

(8) Dávila, A., Crawford, M. (2020). « Fostering Soft-Skills Development Through Learning
Experience Platforms (LXPs) » in Allen, S. et al. (Eds), Handbook of Teaching with Technology in
Management, Leadership and Business, 480 pages.

(9) Pierre-Olivier Giffard (ed.) (2021) with Serge Bésanger, Bruno Cazenave, Pierre-Olivier
Giffard, Gaëlle Dalbignat-Deharo, Nadia Tebourbi, « L’entrepreneuriat : Tout ce que vous avez
toujours voulu savoir sur l'entrepreneuriat sans avoir jamais osé le demander... », MA Éditions-Eska,
ISBN2822406758, 9782822406758, 255 pages.

(10) Viala Céline and Camal Gallouj, (2021), Economie circulaire et agriculture, France Agricole
Editions. ISBN 978-2-85557-716-6

(11) Book Chapter: Céline Viala (2020) and Camal Galouj, « Trajectoires d’innovation et développement
durable : Un cadre d’analyse pour les services de tourisme » in: "Management des services: convergences,
contrastes et controverses", PU PROVENCE, 145-158.

The book has been "labelled" by the FNEGE (French foundation on research and teaching in
management), in other words, the book is placed in the short list of the best books in management
published in France in 2020:

   ➢ Press articles

(12) Davila A., Tribune dans la presse, 21 mai 2020, Les 4 Compétences Indispensables Des Champions
De La Transformation Culturelle      Forbes

(13) Davila, A., Molines, M. & Regis, M., Tribune dans la presse, 17-avr-20, Vulnérabilité, Stress,
Respect : Pourquoi Nos Réactions Sont Inégales Face Au Covid 19 ? Forbes (Avril, 2020). Forbes

(14) Molines M., Davila A. & Régis, M., Tribune dans la presse, 12-mai-20, Faut-Il Vraiment Faire Peur
Pour Renforcer Les Comportements Responsables ? Forbes

   ➢ Other activities

M. Molines presented a paper on the impact of self-regulatory focus on self-sacrifice and public service
engagement at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management and A. Davila worked on “Predictors
of COVID-19 Voluntary Compliance Behaviors: An International Investigation” (Global Transitions).

C. Viala represents ESCE Research Group at the project of the “Incubateur Doctoral” of INSEEC U
Research. She also participates in the Laboratory on disruptive learning pathways that aims at finding
new pedagogical tools.

This research area also hosts the CHAIRE « Transitions et Compétences Humaines »

Its aim is to serve as a true point of contact between research and teaching, on the one hand, and the
business sector, on the other hand, in particular in the field of new competences in times of transition and

The Chair TeCH organized October 22nd a conference with Etienne Bressoud, co-founder and director of
BVA Nudge Unit, on the theory of Nudge. He presented also his latest book “Nudge et autres coups de
pouce pour mieux apprendre”.

4) Chaine de valeur mondiale et distribution /Global value chains and distribution:
   In the present situation, firms have to care for their impact on social and environmental performance.
   The interaction with other market participants is, however, twofold. On the one hand, there are the
   challenges of the supply chain, i.e. the transportation and sustainability of delivery. On the other hand,
   there is the relation to clients and consumers and the new issues of e-commerce, and sensorial
   marketing. Questions of branding strategy and identity building is crucial to the success of the
   company also and foremost in an international environment.
   This axe is embedded in the INSEEC U Research axe Smart Interactions.
   Publications in this area explore purchasing managers’ tactics (6) and packaging trends in
   international transportation (12). Other contributions are interested in the logistics of construction
   sites (13), freight traffic (14) and railroad passenger transport (15). The role of visual merchandising
   is discussed in (3), (4), and (5) and even linguistic strategies of banks are identified (11). Aesthetic
   branding, aesthetic heritage and the importance of brand identity are put forward in a number of
   articles (1), (2), (7), (8), (9), and (10).
   Research is made available to a wider range of audience through a number of press articles, (16)-(20).

   ➢ Members of the research area
   - Caroline Ardelet (till December 2020)
   - Angela Bargenda
   - Adib Bensalem
   - Régis Kpossa
   - Erhard Lick
   - Jean-Eric Pelet (till December 2020)
   - Bernd Philipp
   - Thomas Zeroual

This group will be reinforced in September by a new researcher: Mehdi El Abed.

   ➢ Publications in CNRS/FNEGE ranked journals in 2020 and forthcoming

(1) Bargenda, A. (2020), “The artification of brand identity: aesthetic convergences of culture and
capital”, Qualitative Market Research 23(4), 797-819. FNEGE 4, CNRS 4.

(2) Bargenda, A. (forthcoming), “Styling the corporate heritage brand: Identity building through
architectural design”, Journal of Brand Management. FNEGE 3
(3) Kpossa, R., Lick, E. (2020), “Visual merchandising of French macarons: The influence of plate
colours on consumers' flavour expectations and perceptions”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer
Services, FNEGE 3, CNRS 3.
(4) Lick, E., Bargenda, A., & Trabelsi, D. (2020). Windows to the sold: verbo-visual multimodality in
storefront windows. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 48(5), 501-505. FNEGE
3, CNRS 3

(5) Pelet, J.-E., Durrieu, F., & Lick, E. (2020). Label design of wines sold online: Effects of perceived
authenticity on purchase intentions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 55 (July 2020), 102087

(6) Philipp, B. and B. Moncef, (forthcoming) “Exploring Purchasing Managers’ Influence Tactics
Towards Their Internal Clients: The Case of Non-Production Related Items”, Supply Chain Forum: an
International Journal. FNEGE 3

   ➢ Books and book chapters

(7) Bargenda, A. (2020), “Aesthetic branding”, in Foroudi, P. and Palazzo, M. (Eds.) Contemporary
Issues in Branding, Taylor & Francis Group Publishing, London, pp. 99-115.

(8) Bargenda, A. (2021), “Place heritage and CSR: Synergies between cultural tourism and corporate
branding”, in Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Branding: Ethical, Social, and Environmental
Perspectives, Foroudi, P. and Palazzo, M. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group Publishing, London, 11-23.
(9) Bargenda, A. (forthcoming), “Aesthetic heritage and corporate branding: Luxury heritage brands
between tradition and modernity”, in Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital
Era, Melewar, T. C., Foroudi, P., Dennis, C. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group Publishing, London.
(10) Bargenda, A. (2021), “Transmateriality of architectural representation and perception” in New Ways
of Working: Organizations and Organizing in the Digital Age, ed. N. Mitev, J. Aroles, K. Stephenson, J.
Malaurent, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Pelgrave book series Technology, Work and Globalization,

(11) Lick E., Wochele, H., Fischer, F. (2020). "Branding Strategies of European Retail Banks: A
Linguistic Comparison Between Brand Names for Financial Products", . In: Martinez-Lopez F., Gázquez-
Abad J., Breugelmans E. (eds) Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing. Springer
Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham, pp, 12-21,

(12) Philipp, B., Fulconis, F., Zeroual, T. (2020), "Packaging Trends in International Transportation and
Logistics". Handbook of Research on the Applications of International Transportation and Logistics for
World Trade., G.C. Ceyhun (edited by), Hershey (PA, USA): IGI-Global, pp 54-73.

(13) Blanquart C., Zeroual T., (2020), « Les enjeux logistiques des chantiers de construction ». In La
terre dans tous ses états, Presses des Ponts.

(14) Blanquart C., Zeroual T., (forthcoming), « Des marchandises sur la voirie », In « La voirie dans
tous ses états » Presses des Ponts.

(15) Blanquart C., Zeroual T., (forthcoming), “The performance of international passenger rail
transportation: a statistical assessment”. In Operating Rules and Interoperability in Trans-National High-
Speed Rail, Springer.

   ➢ Press articles

(16) Pellet, J.-E, and S. Zamani, Tribune dans la presse 15-juin-20, VTC : comment mieux harmoniser
la qualité de service ? The Conversation:

(17) Zeroual, T., Tribune dans la presse 05/11/2020, Il n'y aura pas de relocalisation massive en France,

(18) Zeroual, T., A. Gonçalves, F. Wallet, and G. Raton, Tribune dans la presse 30/09/2020,
Alimentaire :     circuits    courts,     une durabilité    sous conditions,    The     Conversation

(19) Zeroual, T, Tribune dans la presse, 14/05/2020, Gestion de la crise sanitaire : contrôle ou liberté ?
Les Echos,

(20) Zeroual T., (2020), Tribune dans la presse, 23/07/2020, « Relocaliser les chaînes de production
mondiales ? », Les chercheurs de l’INSEEC U. face à la COVID-19, Livre Blanc, pp 124-126,

   ➢ Other activities

A. Bargenda has been peer reviewer for the Journal of Brand Management and Guest editor of the
Special issue on Corporate Heritage, Corporate Heritage Design (with Prof. John M. T. Balmer, Brunel
University, London) of the Journal of Brand Management
Case studies: A. Bargenda: The Future Smells of Past: Maison de Parfum Berry. Luxury niche perfume
100% Made in Normandy. (forthcoming at CCMP and Case Center)
B. Philipp has been participating in the Logistics Research Network Annual Conference.
T, Zeroual has been peer reviewer for Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal and Les Cahiers
Scientifiques du Transport and presented a paper at the RFTM conference in June 2021.

Podcast : O. Jacquemond et T. Zeroual, 18/05/2021, Etre douanier en 2021.

                                 Seminars and Meetings

Meeting of the ESCE research group, online and in person October 8, 2020. Presentation of research
of Caroline Ardelet (Marketing) and David Veganzones (Finance). Presentation of the doctorate program
by Claude Obadia and Dora Triki.
Participation in the international seminar of the INSEEC U. Research group on November 7, 2020.
Topic of the seminar: Recherche et Innovation à l’heure de la Covid 19.

Participation in the International Digital Symposium of the INSEEC U. Research group on February
4, 2021. Topic of the symposium: Disruptive Learning Pathways

Meeting of the ESCE research group, online March 12, 2021. Discussion of new developments and
preparation of accreditations.

Participation in INSEEC U online seminar May 6, 2021: « Lancement du pole valorisation de la
Recherche » .

INSEEC U Training session on Qualitative Comparative Analysis using R, June 3, 2021.

                                     The Scientific Council

       Composed predominantly of well-known university professors, the Scientific Council pilots
       research at ESCE. In this context, it advises on the orientation of research policy in order to
       promote research at ESCE and to reinforce the positioning of ESCE research.


   -   Eric SEVERIN, President of the scientific council, professor at IAE Lille and the University of
       Lille 1.
   -   Nicolas BERLAND, Vice-president of the scientific council, professor at the University Paris
   -   Céline BARREDY, Professor at the University of Lorraine
   -   Pierre FENIES, Professor at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas
   -   Evelyne LANDE, Professor at IAE Poitiers and the University of Poitiers
   -   Ulrike MAYRHOFER, Professor at IAE Nice and the University Côte d’Azur
   -   Eric MILLIOT, President of Atlas-AFMI, Professor at the University of Nantes

                            ASSOCIATED MEMBERS of the scientific council

   -   Christophe BOISSEAU, Director, ESCE International Business School
   -   Kirsten RALF, Associate Dean of Research, ESCE International Business School

News from the ESCE research group
Launch of a PhD and DBA program with the University of Valencia: organized by
Claude Obadia and Dora Triki
The DBA is a three-year program, with a dissertation presentation at the end of the final year. Candidates
first obtain a Certificate in Research (ESCE) upon completion of ten seminars in International Business
Research and then a Diploma in Management Research (University of Valencia) following validation of
their dissertation project.

Participation in an Erasmus+ Project: proposed by Athanasios Tsirikas
Geo-Tours Guides: Enhancement of Tour Guides and Agents Competences on Geological Tours and
Brand Building.

The project is embedded in Erasmus+ priorities of respecting the environment and fight against climate
change and addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and
capacity. Partner institutes are located in Cyprus, Poland, Italy, Slovenia and Malta.

The objectives are to design a novel training package for tourist guides, tourist guide students and tourist
agencies to obtain expertise on geological thematic tours, to develop the target groups’ branding related
skills to make transition from theory to commercialization, to strengthen and extend geological
competences, and to enhance the target group’s tour portfolio with quality and unique tours based on the
current trends of the customer preferences for nature tourism.

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