Scientific Review of the - Wildlife

Page created by Barry Richardson
Scientific Review of the - Wildlife
Yarra Bend Park
Flying-fox Campsite:

Review of the

 A Victorian Government Project
Scientific Review of the - Wildlife
Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite:
        Review of the Scientific Research
        Prepared for the Department of Sustainability and Environment by:
        Rodney van der Ree, Caroline Wilson and Vural Yazgin
        Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology,
        Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne
        (Note that this document is based upon a scientific paper with
        complete references. For easier reading, citations have been
        removed and a list of sources is provided at the end of the
        Published by the Victorian Government Department of
        Sustainability and Environment Melbourne, November 2009
        Also published on
        © State of Victoria, Department of Sustainability
        and Environment 2009
        This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any
        process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright
        Act 1968.
        Printed by Stream Solutions
        Printed on 100% recycled paper
        Vivien Jones Wildlife Photography, Cover Image
        and pages 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18 & 21
        Other Images are from photographs supplied by staff
        from ARCUE and DSE
        ISBN 978-1-74242-142-1 (print)
        ISBN 978-1-74242-143-8 (online)
        For more information or to obtain copies of this plan contact the
        DSE Customer Service Centre 136 186
        Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the
        State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the
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        The views expressed in this document are not necessarily those
        of the Department of Sustainability and Environment.

B | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
Scientific Review of the - Wildlife
Assessment approach (methods)

Executive Summary                                                                                       3

Background and purpose of the review                                                                    4

Introduction                                                                                            5

Data collection and results                                                                             6
  Research and monitoring themes                                                                        6

Camp and population dynamics                                                                            8
  Number and distribution of Grey-headed Flying-foxes                                                   8
  Accuracy and reliability of counts                                                                    9
  Reproductive output                                                                                  10
  Male to female sex ratios                                                                            11
  Rate of mortality within the Yarra Bend Camp                                                         11
  Rate of mortality as a result of heat events                                                         12

Roost and camp conditions                                                                              14
  On-site tree assessments                                                                             14
  Photo analysis                                                                                       15
  Artificial roosts                                                                                    16
  Climatic conditions within selected camps                                                            16

Future management activities                                                                           18

Future research                                                                                        19

Acknowledgements                                                                                       20

List of sources                                                                                        20

                                              Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 1
Scientific Review of the - Wildlife
About this review

    This Review is part of a set of three review
    papers addressing the effectiveness of the
    2005 Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite
    Management Plan. The other two are:
    • Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite:
      Review of the Management Plan
    • Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite:
      Review of the Revegetation Plan
    These three Reviews have been prepared
    for consultation purposes and to inform
    the development of a new Yarra Bend Park
    Flying-fox Campsite Management Plan.

2 | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
Scientific Review of the - Wildlife
Executive Summary
            approach (methods)

Since 2004, the Australian                  Camp and population dynamics                 Roost and camp conditions
Research Centre for Urban                   The number of flying-foxes within the        Dieback and defoliation of canopy
Ecology (ARCUE) has been                    camp varies seasonally and annually.         trees used by roosting flying-foxes is
                                            The peak in summer/autumn is                 a common occurrence at flying-fox
undertaking a research and                  approximately 20,000–27,000 for static       campsites. Monitoring the health of
monitoring program of the                   counts, and up to 30,000–35,000              roost trees is important for managing
Grey-headed Flying-fox (GHFF)               for fly-out counts. The minimum              the campsite at Yarra Bend Park. It will
                                            population size is typically around          assist in identifying which sections of
colony at the Yarra Bend                    10,000 flying-foxes, but has been as         the campsite may need to be restored.
Campsite.                                   low as approximately 5000 flying-foxes
                                                                                         To determine the rate of roost tree
                                            in mid-2007 and mid-2009.
The GHFF were relocated to Yarra Bend                                                    defoliation at Yarra Bend, on-site tree
Park from the culturally and historically   Estimating reproductive output is an         assessments have been carried out
significant Royal Botanic Gardens           important element in understanding           every 4–5 months since October 2006.
Melbourne where they were causing           the demographic status of GHFF
                                                                                         The results of the research suggest
serious damage to vegetation.               populations. The reproductive output
                                                                                         that flying-foxes are having an impact
                                            results suggest that the Yarra Bend
In 2005, the Department of                                                               on roost trees, causing over 50%
                                            colony has a consistent annual birth
Sustainability and Environment (DSE)                                                     defoliation for some trees within
                                            rate, with approximately 85% of
developed a Flying-fox Campsite                                                          sections of the campsite. In particular
                                            females each year giving birth and
Management Plan for Yarra Bend                                                           there is a lower percentage of leaf
                                            carrying young.
Park to “provide a clear framework                                                       cover in areas that the flying-foxes
for managing Melbourne’s flying-fox         The number of males is also recorded         occupy year-round.
colony at Yarra Bend Park and creating      in order to give an estimate of
                                                                                         A potential measure to reduce the
a sustainable campsite”.                    female to male sex ratio during the
                                                                                         impact of roosting flying-foxes on
                                            breeding season. Studies on sex ratio
ARCUE has conducted a review of the                                                      the vegetation is to provide artificial
                                            variations help to understand the social
Flying-fox scientific research as part                                                   roosting structures. However, data on
                                            organisation and dispersal behaviour of
of the overall review of the Campsite                                                    the roosting characteristics of flying-
                                            GHFF. At Yarra Bend Park the average is
Management Plan.                                                                         foxes at Yarra Bend Park suggest
                                            0.83 males to each female during the
                                                                                         that if 20% of GHFF colony (5000
This is a summary of the research           breeding season.
                                                                                         flying-foxes) required roosts this would
report prepared by ARCUE. It provides a     Since January 2006 there have been           equate to approximately 3.1 km of
snapshot of the results of the research     searches for dead flying-foxes within        roosting space, which makes this
conducted and makes conclusions and         the Yarra Bend camp at fortnightly to        option logistically impractical at Yarra
recommendations about potential future      monthly intervals and also following         Bend Park.
management activities.                      heat events. Flying-foxes are particularly
                                                                                         Climatic conditions play an important
This research work has been conducted       sensitive to the effects of extreme
                                                                                         role in the dynamics of flying-fox
in two broad research themes:               temperatures, as they roost among
                                                                                         camps. To explore the importance
                                            the exposed branches of canopy trees.
• Camp and population dynamics and                                                       of microclimate of the camp sites,
                                            The extreme heat events in January
                                                                                         loggers were installed to record
• Roost and camp conditions.                and February 2009 caused a significant
                                                                                         temperature and humidity at 15
                                            number of flying-foxes to die.
                                                                                         minute intervals. There is now more
                                                                                         than three years of data from

                                                     Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 3
Scientific Review of the - Wildlife

                                         Executive                               Background and
                                         Summary continued                       purpose of the review

                                         Yarra Bend, Geelong, Royal Botanic      In March 2003 the flying-foxes were
                                         Gardens Melbourne (RBGM), and           dispersed from the Royal Botanic
                                         four camps in East Gippsland.           Gardens Melbourne (RBGM) as part
                                         The data is still being analysed,       of a strategic relocation program.
                                         however, it is likely that an           A small proportion of the colony
                                         increase in understorey/mid-storey      moved to Eastern Park in Geelong,
                                         vegetation at Yarra Bend, plus          and the remainder of the colony
                                         efforts to restore the tree canopy,     settled at Yarra Bend Park.
                                         will be effective at reducing
                                                                                 A Flying-fox Campsite Management
                                         temperature and increasing
                                                                                 Plan for Yarra Bend Park was prepared
                                         humidity. The combination of
                                                                                 in 2005 to “provide a clear framework
                                         temperature and humidity which
                                                                                 for managing Melbourne’s flying-fox
                                         may reduce or prevent heat-related
                                                                                 colony at Yarra Bend Park and creating
                                         mortality is not known at this stage.
                                                                                 a sustainable campsite”.
                                         Based on the scientific research
                                                                                 Now, in 2009, the Campsite
                                         data, the following management
                                                                                 Management Plan is in the process of
                                         activities are proposed:
                                                                                 being renewed. To feed into the renewal
                                         • Continue planting indigenous          process, three reviews have been
                                           grasses and understorey plants.       prepared. These are:
                                         • Plant more trees for future           1. Review of the Campsite
                                           roosting opportunities, amongst          Management Plan
                                           existing roost trees as well as in
                                                                                 2. Review of the Revegetation Plan
                                           sparse areas further up the Yarra
                                           River.                                3. Review of the Scientific
                                                                                    Research (this report).
                                         • More shrubs and small trees
                                           (particularly Silver Wattle) could    The Review of the Campsite
                                           be planted, especially in areas       Management Plan looks specifically at
                                           with little mid-storey on the         the goals and actions outlined in the
                                           golf course side of the Yarra         2005 Flying-fox Campsite Management
                                           River to provide more roosting        Plan and assesses the effectiveness
                                           opportunities/shelter during          of the actions. The Review of the
                                           future heat events.                   Revegetation Plan assesses the works
                                                                                 that were implemented to improve
                                         Ongoing research is important for       vegetation quality and habitat at
                                         understanding population dynamics       the site.
                                         and roosting requirements of GHFF
                                         at Yarra Bend Park.                     This review has been carried out to
                                                                                 provide objective information about
                                         Potential additional research which     the scientific research associated with
                                         may assist in managing this GHFF        delivery of the plan. The results will be
                                         camp has also been identified in        considered in the development of the
                                         this review.                            next Management Plan.

4 | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
Scientific Review of the - Wildlife

The Grey-headed Flying-fox                This 450 km expansion of the GHFF          proportion of the total GHFF population
(Pteropus poliocephalus)                  range may have been due to a               (the national population of GHFF was
                                          combination of local climate change        estimated at 674,000 in 2005) it is
(GHFF) is endemic to south-               (the city is now warmer, with less         clear that urban areas are becoming
eastern coastal Australia, from           frost and higher humidity; as well as      increasingly important for GHFF. There
Maryborough, Queensland,                  increased diversity, abundance, and        are flying-fox camps (GHFF, Black
                                          availability of food resources). Smaller   Flying-fox, Little Red Flying-fox) within
though New South Wales to                 camps also occur in Geelong and            or in close proximity to urban centres in
southwest Victoria.                       East Gippsland (Bairnsdale, Dowells        eastern and northern Australia (such as
                                          Creek, Karbethong and Swans Track).        Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin
Grey-headed flying foxes are nationally   GHFF will form camps, usually near         and other smaller towns in eastern
threatened and listed as endangered       water, often in dense stands of native     Australia). It is thought that GHFF have
in Victoria. This is due to population    vegetation. During summer these            moved further into urban areas as a
declines resulting from threatening       camps may consist of several thousand      result of the large-scale clearing and
processes such as habitat destruction,    individuals, however over winter adults    fragmentation of the species natural
roost disturbance, and culling. The       will disperse up to 1000 km away,          habitat, and the availability of food
species is highly mobile and genetic      though some will remain in winter          sources and suitable climatic conditions
exchange occurs across the entire         camps when food is plentiful.              in these areas. Urban areas offer a more
geographic range of the species.          At night, GHFF forage for nectar,          reliable food source (120 plant species,
For this reason the entire Australian     pollen and fruit; sometimes travelling     native to Queensland and NSW, which
population is considered to be one        up to 50 km from their camp to feed.       are favoured by GHFF have been planted
single interbreeding population.                                                     in Melbourne’s parks and streets),
                                          To avoid further damage to the
GHFF have been an occasional visitor                                                 provide protection from shooting,
                                          culturally significant Royal Botanic
to the Melbourne area since 1884,                                                    and street lighting may provide easier
                                          Gardens Melbourne, GHFF were
although it wasn’t until 1986 that a                                                 navigation. However, the modified
                                          relocated to Yarra Bend Park, Kew
permanent camp was established at                                                    environment of urban areas limits
                                          in 2003. Since 2004, the Australian
the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne                                                  the available choices of roosting sites
                                          Research Centre for Urban Ecology
(RBGM).                                                                              for flying-foxes. Thus the appropriate
                                          (ARCUE) has been undertaking a
                                                                                     management of existing campsites
This newly-formed Melbourne camp          research and monitoring program at
                                                                                     (including the provision of new roosting
was located 450 km west from the          the Yarra Bend campsite.
                                                                                     opportunities) within urban areas is
closest known colony at the time          Although Melbourne’s Yarra Bend            important for the conservation of GHFF
(located near Mallacoota, Victoria).      Campsite represents a relatively modest    in Victoria and across Australia.

                                                   Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 5
Scientific Review of the - Wildlife
Data collection
          Background                                                         and results

                                                                             Research and monitoring themes

                                                                             Since 2004, the Australian
                                                                             Research Centre for Urban
                                                                             Ecology (ARCUE) has been
                                                                             undertaking a research and
                                                                             monitoring program at the
                                                                             Yarra Bend campsite.
                                                                             This research work has two broad
                                                                             research themes:
                                                                             • Camp and population dynamics
                                                                             • Roost and camp conditions
                                                                               (see Table 1) .
                                                                             The first theme investigated the camp
                                                                             and population dynamics at Yarra
                                                                             Bend and other camps across Victoria,
                                                                             and the second theme focused on
                                                                             vegetation and microclimate condition
                                                                             within camps. This report summarises
                                                                             the outcomes of selected key themes
                                                                             to enable a review of the Flying-fox
                                                                             Campsite Management Plan and
                                                                             support the consultation process
                                                                             for the development of the next
                                                                             Management Plan.

6 | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
Scientific Review of the - Wildlife
Table 1. Broad themes of research and monitoring of
the Grey-headed Flying-fox camp at Yarra Bend Park, Kew

 Research Theme 1: Camp and population dynamics

 Flying-fox population size    1 The number and distribution of GHFF
                                 at Yarra Bend Park and at other
                                 Victorian camps.
                               2 The reproductive output at Yarra
                                 Bend Park.

 Flying-fox mortality          1 Rate of mortality at Yarra Bend Park.
                               2 Rate of mortality at Yarra Bend Park
                                 (and other Victorian camps) as a result
                                 of heat events.

 Research Theme 2: Roost and camp conditions

 Vegetation condition          1 To quantify the extent to which
 and tree health                 GHFF and management actions
                                 (e.g. revegetation works, construction
                                 of wetlands) alter the species
                                 composition and health of the
                                 vegetation at Yarra Bend.
                               2 To quantify basic parameters of roosting
                                 GHFF (e.g. angle and diameter of
                                 roosting branches) for the design of
                                 artificial roosting structures. This is
                                 a potential measure to reduce the
                                 impact of roosting flying-foxes on the

 Effect of camp management        To quantify the microclimatic conditions
 on microclimatic conditions      within GHFF camps (Yarra Bend Park,
                                  Geelong, and East Gippsland camps) to
                                  assist in understanding patterns in camp

                                                        Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 7
Scientific Review of the - Wildlife
Camp and
                                                         Background dynamics

                                                                                                           Number and distribution of Grey-headed Flying-foxes

                                 Number of GHFF roosting at Yarra Bend Park.                               One of the most basic requirements      The camp at Yarra Bend Park has
                                 Solid squares are static count results, while                             when managing a population of           been permanently occupied since
                                 open diamonds are from fly-out counts.                                    wildlife is to have good knowledge      2003 after being relocated from
                                                                                                           of the size of the population and       RBGM. The number of flying-foxes
                        35000                                                                              its distribution. There are two main    within the camp varies seasonally
                                                                                                           approaches to assessing the size of     and annually (see Figures 1, 2), and
                                                                                                           colonies of flying-foxes:               also depending on the counting
                                                                                                                                                   method used.
 No. of roosting GHFF

                                                                                                           1. Static counts (when the number
                        20000                                                                                 of roosting flying-foxes is          Nevertheless, the seasonal pattern
                        15000                                                                                 counted from the ground by a         is predictable and similar for both
                                                                                                              single observer during the day);     types of counts, with peaks in
                                                                                                              and                                  number from January to April,
                         5000                                                                              2. Fly-out counts (when a group         reducing to the lowest point in
                                                                                                              of observers are strategically       July and August. The peak in
                                                                                                              located around the camp and          summer/autumn is approximately

                                                                                                              each observer counts the flying-     20,000–27,000 for static counts,
                                                                                                              foxes as they leave the roost at     and up to 30,000–35,000 for
                                                           Date (month/year)
                                                                                                              dusk).                               fly-out counts. The minimum
                                                                                                                                                   population size is typically around
                                                                                                           Both methods have inherent biases,
                                                                                                                                                   10,000 flying-foxes, but reaching as
                                                                                                           and it is difficult to determine
                                                                                                                                                   low as approximately 5000 flying-
                                                                                                           which method is the most accurate.
                                      Figure 2                                                                                                     foxes in mid-2007, and reaching
                                                                                                           Thus, to ensure the most reliable
                                                                                                                                                   similarly low numbers in mid-2009
                                      Seasonal pattern in number of GHFF                                   results, both static counts (at least
                                                                                                                                                   (Figure 2).
                                      roosting at Yarra Bend Park. Data                                    twice per month) and fly-out
                                      presented is the mean number of                                      counts (once per month) have been
                                      individuals recorded each month from                                 conducted at Yarra Bend Park since
                                      static counts (± 1 s.e.).                                            the colony was established in 2003.

No. of roosting GHFF

















                                      8 | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
Accuracy and reliability of counts                                                                             Figure 3

Because there is an inherent bias         The reliability of static counts was                                 The similarity between two ‘blind’ static
with all methods of counting flying-      assessed by the regular observer,                                    counts and one regular static count.
foxes, a combination of both fly-         who conducted a second and third                                     All three static counts were conducted
out counts and static counts have         static count once a month for two                                    on the same day by a single observer,
been used at Yarra Bend Park to           years. The second and third counts                                   and the results of the blind count were
give the most reliable data possible      at this time were ‘blind’, in that the                               not revealed to the observer until after all
on the number of flying-foxes             observer did not sum up the results                                  counts were completed.
within the camp. Static counts are        himself. Rather, the raw data from
conducted twice per month by a            the blind counts were forwarded to
single observer and fly-outs once         a second researcher who tallied the
                                                                                                                                                          Regular Static Count
per month by 10–20 volunteers             scores. The results were not shared
                                                                                                                                                          Blind Count 1
with a mix of experience. As the          with the regular counter until the
identity of the fly-out volunteers is     end of the two-year period. The                                    30000                                        Blind Count 2

different each month, it is difficult     estimates of the number of GHFF
to assess count to count variation.       roosting at Yarra Bend Park were
                                                                                      No. of roosting GHFF

However, because a single observer        very similar among the regular                                     20000
does static counts, it was possible       static count and the two blind
to assess the reliability of the static   static counts (see Figure 3). This                                 15000
counts.                                   demonstrates that static counts,
                                          conducted by a single, experienced
                                          observer at Yarra Bend, are very                                    5000
                                          repeatable or consistent.
                                                                                                                     Aug 06

                                                                                                                              Oct 06

                                                                                                                                       Dec 06

                                                                                                                                                Feb 07

                                                                                                                                                         Arp 07

                                                                                                                                                                  Jun 07

                                                                                                                                                                           Aug 07

                                                                                                                                                                                    Oct 07

                                                                                                                                                                                             Dec 07

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Feb 08

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Arp 08

                                                                                                                                                                           Date                                         Jun 08

                                                               Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 9
Camp and

                                                                                       Reproductive output

                              Mean proportion of females with young                    Since 2004, surveys of the Yarra          The first births each year are usually
                              at Yarra Bend Park per month (± 1 s.e.).                 Bend flying-fox colony have been          recorded in early September, and by
                              Data is from the 04/05, 05/06, 06/07,                    conducted to determine female             late October and early November an
                              07/08 and 08/09 breeding seasons.                        reproductive output. Flying-foxes         average of approximately 85% of
                                                                                       have a slow life-history, which           females are carrying young (Figure 4).
                                                                                       means that they only produce a            The average number of females with
                                                                                       single pup annually; however they         young declines to about 40–50%
                                                                                       have a long reproductive lifespan.        by mid-April each year. During the
Proportion of females

                                                                                       Females generally do not reach full       2008/09 breeding season 28% of
                                                                                       sexual maturity until three years         females were carrying young in late
                                                                                       of age. It is thought that during         September and by mid-November
                                                                                       unfavourable conditions (e.g. when        there were 91% females with young.
                                                                                       resources are limited), female flying-    By early April, 13% of females were
                                                                                       foxes might maximize their own            carrying or were associated with
                                                                                       fitness by foregoing reproduction,        (hanging next to) a juvenile flying-
                                                                                       thus enhancing their chances for          fox. The reproductive output results
                               AUG   SEP   OCT   NOV    DEC    JAN   FEB   MAR   APR   survival and future reproduction.         suggest that the Yarra Bend colony
                                                                                       Estimating reproductive output is an      has a consistent annual birth rate,
                                                                                       important element in understanding        which is similar to findings from
                                                                                       the demographic status of GHFF            other studies, which have found
                                                                                       populations. Reproductive output          that approximately 80–90% of
                                                                                       counts are carried out every              female flying-foxes produce one
                                                                                       10–14 days from late August/early         young each year.
                                                                                       September until mid-March/late
                                                                                       April. During these surveys, the sex
                                                                                       and reproductive condition (carrying
                                                                                       or closely associated with a juvenile
                                                                                       flying-fox) of individuals is assessed.

                               10 | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
Rate of mortality within
Male to female sex ratios                the Yarra Bend camp                                                      Figure 5

The number of males is also              Since January 2006 there have                                            Mean male: female GHFF sex ratios for
recorded during the reproductive         been searches for dead flying-foxes                                      weekly to fortnightly intervals (± 1 s.e.).
output surveys in order to give an       within the Yarra Bend camp at                                            Data is from the 04/05, 05/06, 06/07,
estimate of female to male sex ratio     approximately fortnightly to monthly                                     07/08 and 08/09 breeding seasons.
during the breeding season. Studies      intervals and also following heat                                        A sex ratio of 1.2 equals 1.2 males
on sex ratio variations help to          events. The date of death of each                                        to 1 female.
understand the social organisation       flying-fox is estimated based on the
and dispersal behaviour of GHFF.         level of decomposition and whether
The average ratio of male to female      the dead flying-fox was found soon                               1.4
GHFF during the breeding season at       after a heat event. Estimating the                               1.2
Yarra Bend Park (Oct 2004 – April        annual rate of mortality is important                              1
2009) is 0.83. That is, there are 0.83   in understanding the demographic
                                                                                    M:F ratio

males to each female.                    status of GHFF population. Figure 6                              0.6
                                         displays the predicted dates of deaths
The overall bias towards females in                                                                       0.4
                                         for flying-foxes found between
the colony varies seasonally, with a                                                                      0.2
                                         January 2006 and May 2009; it
greater proportion of males at the
                                         also includes dates when no dead
beginning of the birthing season
                                                                                                                22 Aug
                                                                                                                         1 Sept
                                                                                                                                  25-30 Sept
                                                                                                                                                6-11 Oct
                                                                                                                                                           16-20 Oct
                                                                                                                                                                       27-30 Oct
                                                                                                                                                                                   2-10 Nov
                                                                                                                                                                                              16-20 Nov
                                                                                                                                                                                                          28-30 Nov
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2-7 Dec
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9-15 Dec
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19-31 Dec
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2-9 Jan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 12-20 Jan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             23-28 Jan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1-3 Feb
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7-14 Feb
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              19-27 Feb
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4-12 Mar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     19-23 Mar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1-4 Apr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           10-27 Apr
                                         flying-foxes were found to emphasize
(September/October) and after
                                         the large numbers of deaths caused
young are weaned (March/April)
                                         by heat events over the summer
(Figure 5).                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Date
                                         months. During 2008/09 the
                                         highest number of deaths occurred
                                         between December and February,
                                         this is consistent with previous years.                                  Figure 6
                                         Mortality rates are generally very
                                                                                                                  The predicted dates of deaths for dead
                                         low between late February
                                                                                                                  Grey-headed Flying-foxes found during
                                         and November/December.
                                                                                                                  mortality surveys (between January 2006
                                                                                                                  and May 2009) at Yarra Bend Park.

                                                                                                                                               Predicted date of death
                                                                                                                                               Date of survey where
                                                                                                                                               no bats were recorded
                                                                                    Number of dead GHFF


                                                                                                                Dec 05

                                                                                                                            Mar 06

                                                                                                                                               Jul 06

                                                                                                                                                             Oct 06

                                                                                                                                                                             Jan 07

                                                                                                                                                                                              Apr 07

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Aug 07

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Nov 07

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Feb 08

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Jun 08

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sep 08

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dec 08

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mar 09

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jul 09

                                                                                                                                                                                              Predicted date of death

                                                             Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 11
Camp and

                                                                                                    Rate of mortality as a result of heat events

                            The sex and age of flying-foxes collected after                         Flying-foxes are particularly            colonies being formed near urban
                            major heat events (2006–2009) at different                              sensitive to the effects of extreme      areas. During both heat events at
                            stages over summer, at Yarra Bend Park.                                 temperatures, as they roost among        Yarra Bend Park in 2009, GHFF were
                                                                                                    the exposed branches of canopy           observed to display behaviours such
                                                                                                    trees. During January and February       as wing fanning, seeking shade in golf
                                                                                                    2009, 4868 flying-foxes died as a        course trees (mainly cypress pines)
No. of GHFF deaths

                                                                                                    result of two major heat events.         and trees further along the Yarra
                                                                                                    A four-day heatwave from 27–30           River, and panting. These behaviours
                                                                                                    January 2009 resulted in 1213            are thought to help maintain body
                      750                                                                           deaths, and on 7 February 2009,          temperature and have been recorded
                      450                                                                           3539 flying-foxes died as a result of    elsewhere during such heat events.
                      150                                                                           extreme temperature (a maximum
                                                                                                                                             Throughout the 2009 heat events,
                                                                                                    of 46.4oC). Prior to this, the largest
                                Adult Male
                              Adult Female
                            Unknown Adult
                                Adult Male
                              Adult Female
                            Unknown Adult
                                                          Adult Male
                                                        Adult Female
                                                      Unknown Adult
                                                          Adult Male
                                                        Adult Female
                                                      Unknown Adult
                                                                                      Adult Male
                                                                                    Adult Female
                                                                                  Unknown Adult

                                                                                                                                             information including sex, age (adult
                                                                                                    number of heat-related GHFF deaths
                                                                                                                                             or juvenile) and forearm length was
                                                                                                    recorded at Yarra Bend Park was 192
                                                                                                                                             collected from a random selection of
                                                                                                    (on 10 December 2006, a maximum
                                                                                                                                             dead flying-foxes. This data is useful
                                                                                                    temperature of 42.1oC). See Table
                                                                                                                                             for determining which individuals
                             10 Dec 06   10-11 Jan 08 22-23 Jan 06 27-30 Jan 09     7 Feb 09        2 for the numbers of GHFF that
                                                                                                                                             (juveniles or adults, males or females)
                                                                                                    died during these heatwaves. The
                                                      Heat Event                                                                             are more susceptible to extreme
                                                                                                    number of GHFF deaths recorded
                                                                                                                                             weather conditions. For both the
                                                                                                    at Bairnsdale and Geelong camps
                                                                                                                                             2009 January and February heat
                                                                                                    during these two heat events are
                                                                                                                                             events, more adult males were found
                                                                                                    presented in Table 3.
                                                                                                                                             dead than adult females and juveniles
                                                                                                    The mass mortality of GHFF during        at Yarra Bend Park (see Figure 7).
                                                                                                    extreme heat events has been             This pattern was also evident among
                                                                                                    recorded at other campsites in           the dead flying-foxes collected at the
                                                                                                    eastern Australia; with evidence         Bairnsdale and Geelong camps.
                                                                                                    for at least 19 other heat-related
                                                                                                                                             It appears that juveniles and adult
                                                                                                    mortality events since 1994, resulting
                                                                                                                                             females appear most vulnerable
                                                                                                    in over 24,000 GHFF deaths. One
                                                                                                                                             to high temperatures that occur in
                                                                                                    example includes the death of 4800
                                                                                                                                             December and early January (females
                                                                                                    GHFF after an extreme heat event in
                                                                                                                                             are lactating and young are still
                                                                                                    Sydney, NSW (in early January 2006;
                                                                                                                                             been weaned). In contrast, high
                                                                                                    max temperature 44.4–45.2oC).
                                                                                                                                             temperatures in February appear to
                                                                                                    Before 1994, there is only evidence
                                                                                                                                             cause higher mortality in adult males
                                                                                                    of three mass die-offs in eastern
                                                                                                                                             (possibly related to higher levels of
                                                                                                    Australia, suggesting that these
                                                                                                                                             testosterone for mating).
                                                                                                    events have recently become more
                                                                                                    common and could be attributed           Research on GHFF mortality rates
                                                                                                    to local climate change. However,        during heat events is important for
                                                                                                    recent die-offs are also more likely     understanding the impact of extreme
                                                                                                    to be reported, due to increased         temperatures on population dynamics.
                                                                                                    environmental awareness and more

                             12 | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
Table 2.                                                                                                                   No. of
The estimated date of                                                                                                    dead GHFF
death for flying-foxes collected                                                           Max temperature               (% of total
after two major heat events                      Estimated date of death in 2009           (degrees Celsius)            population**)
(27–30 January and 7 Feb 2009),
at Yarra Bend Park. Note -                                     27th Jan                            36.6                    200 (1.2%)
temperatures are recorded                                      28th Jan                            43.5                    434 (2.6%)
from the data loggers at
Bellbird Yarra Bend Park.                                      29th Jan                            44.7                    330 (1.9%)
*   The individuals in these categories were                   30th Jan                            44.4                    51 (0.3%)
    found days to weeks after the heat
    event and the extent of decomposition
                                                          January heat wave
    prevented us from confidently assigning                 (27–30th Jan)*                                                 198 (1.2%)
    a date of death.
                                                               7th Feb                             46.6                  3539 (22.4%)
** Percentages of total population are
   based on static counts carried out on                   Either heat event
   the 19/1/2009 and the 1/2/2009 at Yarra             (27–30th Jan or 7th Feb)*                                              116
   Bend; colony sizes were 16,920 and
   15,770 respectively.

Table 3.                                         Estimated date           Max temperature                No. of dead GHFF
The estimated date of death for                 of death in 2009          (degrees Celsius)           (% of total population**)
flying-foxes collected after two major
heat events (27 – 30th January and 7                                  Bairnsdale      Geelong        Bairnsdale           Geelong
Feb 2009), at Bairnsdale and Geelong                27th Jan              29.3          31.6              –                   –
camps. Note - temperatures are
recorded from the data loggers on                   28th Jan              39.6          39.6              –              66 (2.75%)
site.                                               29th Jan              43.3          46.1              –              136 (5.7%)
*   For the Bairnsdale camp, the percentages
    of total population are based on a static       30th Jan              43.5          39.5           4 (0.1%)               –
    count carried out on the 26/1/09; the
                                                    7th Feb               46.0          46.3         329 (12.1%)          53 (1.5%)
    colony size was 2,720. For Geelong,
    percentages are based on fly-out counts
    carried out on the 7/1/2009 and the
    4/2/2009; colony sizes were 2,400 and
    3,500 respectively.

                                                               Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 13
                                                                                         and camp

                                                                                         On-site tree assessments

                       The differences in defoliation (percentage of                     Dieback and defoliation of canopy          The results from this study suggest
                       foliage lost) for trees in permanent, non-                        trees used by roosting flying-foxes is     that flying-foxes are having an impact
                       roosting and seasonal roosting areas at Yarra                     a common occurrence at flying-fox          on roost trees, causing over 50%
                       Bend Park; and the changes in defoliation over                    campsites. The weight and movement         defoliation for some trees within sections
                       a period of time.                                                 of flying foxes, while they are            of the campsite permanently occupied
                                                                                         roosting, can strip leaves off trees and   by GHFF. The percentage of defoliation
                                                                                         result in broken branches. Monitoring      differed among the three different kinds
                                  Permanent               Non Roosting        Seasonal   the health of roost trees is important     of roosting areas, with a statistically
                                                                                         to inform appropriate management           significant higher rate of defoliation for
                                                                                         of the campsite by identifying which       trees in the permanent roosting area
                  50                                                                     sections of the campsite may need to       (see Figure 8).
Defoliation (%)

                  45                                                                     be restored. To determine the rate of
                  40                                                                                                                Trees that were used as roosts only during
                  35                                                                     roost tree defoliation at Yarra Bend
                                                                                                                                    the summer months will generally get
                  30                                                                     Park, on-site tree assessments have
                  25                                                                                                                a chance to recover and develop new
                  20                                                                     been carried out every 4–5 months
                                                                                                                                    growth over spring/winter. In contrast,
                  15                                                                     since October 2006.
                  10                                                                                                                many trees in the permanent roosting
                                                                                         A transect line, approximately 2.5 km      area are under constant stress, causing
                          Oct        Feb      May 08      Aug 08    Dec 08   May 08      long, is located along each side of        the death of several large branches in
                        /Nov 06   / Mar 08
                                                                                         the Yarra River approximately              this section of the campsite.
                                                                                         10 m from the river edge. Along this
                                                                                                                                    There were also changes in the rate
                                                                                         transect 199 trees have been selected
                                                                                                                                    of defoliation over the last three years,
                                                                                         for repeated observations; these trees
                                                                                                                                    especially for trees within the permanent
                                                                                         are located within the permanent
                                                                                                                                    roosting area, where the percentage
                                                                                         roosting area, in the outer seasonal
                                                                                                                                    of defoliation appears to be decreasing
                                                                                         roosting areas which are utilised
                                                                                                                                    over time (see Figure 8); these trees may
                                                                                         during summer, and in non-roosting
                                                                                                                                    have developed new growth (or epicormic
                                                                                         areas just outside the flying-fox
                                                                                                                                    growth). Epicormic growth often appears
                                                                                                                                    on trees after stresses/disturbances such
                                                                                         The condition of the canopy of roost       as fire and defoliation, and is
                                                                                         and non-roost trees was determined         an indication of tree recovery.
                                                                                         by scoring the extent of defoliation
                                                                                                                                    Other studies have found that colonies of
                                                                                         (percentage of foliage lost) as a
                                                                                                                                    roosting flying-foxes will gradually shift
                                                                                         category from 1 (0–25% of foliage
                                                                                                                                    and occupy different parts of the available
                                                                                         lost) to 4 (75–100 % of foliage lost).
                                                                                                                                    habitat over time, thus allowing recovery
                                                                                         Dead trees were scored as -1.
                                                                                                                                    of the tree canopy. A similar pattern may
                                                                                         This has proved to be an effective         be occurring at Yarra Bend Park, although
                                                                                         method which can be repeated by            this is yet to be confirmed.
                                                                                         different observers. The percentage
                                                                                         of dead branches and new foliage is
                                                                                         also recorded during these surveys.

                        14 | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
Assessment approach (methods)

Photo analysis                          Figure 9

A second method is also used to         Three representative examples of tree canopies at Yarra Bend Park: (1) is
further quantify the health of roost    located in a non-roosting area just outside the flying-fox colony; (2) is used as
trees. This method can also be          a seasonal roost during summer; and (3) is permanently occupied by flying-
easily repeated by any observer.        foxes. All three photos were taken in May 2009.
Along the 2.5 km transect line
61 permanent plots (marked by
a wooden stake) are set up at
approximately 50 m intervals.
At each of these stakes canopy
photos are taken. Since March
2007, these photos have been
taken every 4–5 months.
Photos are taken in permanent,
seasonal and non-roosting areas.
The photos are downloaded onto
the computer and a grid of one
hundred points is overlaid on the       1. Non-roost
photo on-screen. The number
of leaves, flying-foxes, sky and
branches (fine and large) at each
grid point is counted. These values
can then be translated into an
index of cover. After repeated
sampling, these photos can be
used to determine the difference
in leaf cover between roosting
and non-roosting areas, and the
change in leaf cover over time.
The latest analysis (including recent
photos taken in May 2009) shows         2. Seasonal
that there is a lower percentage of
leaf cover in permanent roosting
areas, when compared to seasonal
and non-roosting sites (see Figure
9). This result is consistent with
the on-site tree assessment results.
However, there was no significant
change in leaf cover over time.

                                        3. Permanent

                                                     Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 15
        and camp

                                                                                           Climatic conditions within
Figure 1
        Artificial roosts                                                                  selected camps

        One option often identified as a          The roosting behaviour of GHFF           Climatic conditions play an important
        potential measure to reduce the           was quantified at Yarra Bend Park        role in the dynamics of flying-fox camps.
        impact of roosting flying-foxes on        and Geelong camps in winter and          One of the hypotheses explaining the
        the vegetation is to provide artificial   spring 2008, summer 2008/09,             establishment of the permanent camp
        roosting structures. Artificial roosts    and autumn 2009. At each site, a         in Melbourne has been the warming
        are structures that provide roosting      randomly located focal flying-fox was    of Melbourne. Recent deaths of large
        opportunities for flying-foxes. They      identified and its roosting behaviour    numbers of flying-foxes at Yarra Bend
        may be as simple as ropes suspended       recorded. The roosting parameters of     Park (and other camps in Victoria and
        among the trees, or as elaborate as       the next closest flying-fox was then     Australia) due to excessive heat have also
        engineered structures with multiple       assessed, until 20 individuals were      prompted queries into the importance
        arms and cables, similar to a multi-      sampled. Next, another initial focal     of microclimatic conditions on flying-fox
        storey Hills hoist clothesline.           flying-fox was randomly selected until   survival. Furthermore, most camps of
                                                  20 groups, each with 20 individuals,     GHFF are located near to a water source,
        However, before designing and
                                                  had been sampled, to a total of 3200     suggesting that humidity may be an
        testing the suitability of certain
                                                  observations.                            important factor influencing the suitability
        structures, it is essential to have
                                                                                           of sites as camp locations.
        a good understanding of the               The research data indicates that if
        roosting behaviour of flying-foxes        20% of GHFF colony (5000 flying-         To explore the importance of microclimate
        within the target camps. The aim of       foxes) required roosts this would        at the camp sites, loggers were installed
        this research component was               equate to approximately 3.1 km of        to record temperature and humidity at
Figure 2to quantify basic parameters of           roosting space. This makes this option   15 minute intervals. There is now more
        roosting GHFF, specifically:              logistically impractical at Yarra Bend   than three years of data from Yarra Bend
                                                  Park. In the future, artificial roosts   Park, Geelong, Royal Botanic Garden
        • type, angle and diameter of
                                                  may still have merit in very specific    Melbourne (RBGM), and four camps in
          roosting branch
                                                  circumstances, such as the protection    East Gippsland. The temperature and
        • height of flying-fox in the tree        of certain high-value trees in garden    humidity data across all camps for the
          and height of surrounding               settings.                                most recent heat events (late January
          vegetation and                                                                   2009 and 7 Feb 2009) was extracted to
        • maximum, minimum and average                                                     characterise the conditions on those days
          distance to the next closest                                                     and compare among camps.

16 | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
The maximum temperatures                Table 4.
experienced at each of the camps        Mean maximum temperature and mean minimum relative humidity at each GHFF camp
varies, with maximums typically         in Victoria at two heat events (late January 2009 and 7 February 2009). Data presented
recorded at Yarra Bend Park             are the mean from 3 loggers (except Yarra Bend Golf course with 4 loggers) positioned
and minimums recorded in East           within the canopy (i.e. at typical roost height for that camp).
Gippsland (see Table 4). Geelong,
RBGM, Bairnsdale and Yarra Bend
                                                               Maximum Temperature at each camp
Park reached > 40 degrees in both
late January and February 2009.                             27/01/09   28/01/09   29/01/09   30/01/09   6/02/09   7/02/09   8/02/09
Minimum relative humidity recorded
at the camps follows a similar but       Dowells Creek        26.8      35.8       37.8       35.6       28.4      40.9      25.6
reversed pattern, with the hottest       Geelong              31.6      39.6       46.1       39.5       26.3      46.3      22.4
camps also experiencing the
lowest levels of relative humidity.      Yarra Bend
Further analysis of the large data       Golf Course          37.3      44.2       45.6       45.8       30.9      47.3      22.4
set may enable us to identify the        Bellbird, Yarra
combination of temperature and           Bend Park            36.6      43.5       44.7       44.4       30.2      46.6      22.0
humidity at which GHFF begin
to struggle. It is likely that an        Karbethong           27.2      35.8       38.4       36.5       24.9      40.9      27.9
increase in understorey/mid-storey       Swans Track,
vegetation at Yarra Bend Park,           East Gippsland       32.3      37.6       41.8       41.7       25.1      44.6      26.0
plus efforts to restore the tree
canopy, will be effective at reducing    Bairnsdale           29.3      39.6       43.3       43.5       24.9      46.0      29.0
temperature and increasing               RBGM                 34.1      41.1       42.6       42.7       27.2      45.0      21.3
humidity. However at this stage,
the combination of temperature                               Minimum Relative Humidity at each camp
and humidity which may reduce
or prevent heat-related mortality        Dowells Creek
is not known.                            East Gippsland       59.9      39.5       21.5       24.6       57.1      30.9      59.4
                                         Geelong              41.0      20.5       16.2       27.1       56.7      12.7      46.2
                                         Yarra Bend
                                         Golf Course          13.6       9.9       14.1       12.1       34.5      10.1      52.2
                                         Bellbird, Yarra
                                         Bend Park            13.8      11.1       14.9       12.9       35.3      10.5      52.5
                                         Karbethong           60.2      27.6       23.7       28.5       64.4      30.5      52.7
                                         Swans Track,
                                         East Gippsland       42.5      26.2       16.1       17.1       61.1      14.5      55.9
                                         Bairnsdale           45.1      22.2       16.5       16.5       66.7      12.5      46.0
                                         RBGM                 18.2      14.4       18.2       15.9       41.5      12.9      57.5

                                                           Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 17

                                                     Based on the scientific                • During the two major heat events
                                                     research data, the following             in 2009, many flying-foxes moved
                                                     management activities are                to a few large cypress pines on the
                                                     proposed:                                golf course that were close to the
                                                                                              riverside campsite, as a result large
                                                     • Continue planting indigenous
                                                                                              numbers of GHFF were clustering
                                                       grasses and understorey plants,
                                                                                              within these trees causing a high
                                                       this may help contribute to the
                                                                                              number to suffocate and overheat.
                                                       health of roost trees.
                                                                                              To avoid dispersal to and clustering
                                                     • Plant more trees for future            in these nearby cypress trees, more
                                                       roosting opportunities, amongst        shrubs and small trees (particularly
                                                       existing roost trees as well as in     Silver Wattle) could be planted,
                                                       sparse areas further up the Yarra      especially in areas with little mid-
                                                       River. This will give flying-foxes     storey on the golf course side of the
                                                       the opportunity to move into           Yarra River. This may provide more
                                                       new roost trees, allowing              roosting opportunities/shelter
                                                       existing trees to recover.             during future heat events.
                                                     • Continue research on artificial
                                                       roosts. Artificial roosts could
                                                       be trialled in specific areas as
                                                       alternative roosting habitat to
                                                       help ameliorate the effects of
                                                       defoliation on roost trees, and
                                                       avoid the potential death of
                                                       these trees.

18 | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
Future research

Ongoing research is important for          Potential additional research:                Potential additional research
understanding population dynamics and      • Documentation of preferred                  during heat events:
roosting requirements of GHFF at Yarra       roosting trees (collect extra               • A better management system needs
Bend Park. Information gained from           data during counts) could have                to be designed and implemented
this research is essential to inform the     future implications for campsite              that incorporates collection and
appropriate management of this GHFF          management                                    processing of dead flying-foxes,
camp.                                                                                      transport and disposal.
                                           • Using satellite collars, investigate
                                             GHFF movements within their                 • The location of dead flying-foxes
It is recommended that the
                                             feeding range, to see in more detail          across the camp needs to be mapped
following research should                    where they are feeding (for example           more accurately, to allow for
continue:                                    are certain foraging sites favoured           comparisons among preferred roost
• Static counts, twice per month.            over others). This could also be              locations (e.g. locations resulting in
• Fly-out counts, once per month.            carried out at Geelong and East               more/less deaths).
• Mortality surveys, twice per month.        Gippsland camps.                            • Monitor the effectiveness of spraying
• Reproductive output, 10-14 day           • Continue tagging flying-foxes with            individual flying-foxes by volunteers
  intervals.                                 thumb bands to determine the                  (monitor disturbance/estimate
                                             proportion of GHFF that return to             percentage that survive).
• Camp microclimate surveys.                 the colony after seasonal dispersal;        • Additional information could be
                                             which individuals (sex/age) stay              collected from GHFF during such
Potential amendments to current              during winter; and which individuals          events. Access to large numbers
research are:                                are susceptible during heat events            of recently-dead flying-foxes is a
• Sex ratio surveys could also be            (For example, are the heat susceptible        valuable opportunity to answer
  undertaken outside of the breeding         flying-foxes Melbourne permanents             ecological and biological questions
  season (May–August); the male to           or migrants from other camps?).               that would otherwise be costly to
  female sex ratio for this period         • Investigate the role of GHFF as               answer. This could include: teeth
  is currently unknown.                      pollinators/seed dispersers in urban          extraction to measure cementum
• Tree heath assessments could be            areas. GHFF are thought to be                 layers and accurately determine
  carried out less regularly; once or        critical to forest ecology, assisting         the age of adults; extracting DNA
  twice a year should be enough to           to regenerate our diminishing                 (tissue samples) to compare levels of
  see a change in defoliation.               forests, but is their role as pollinators     relatedness among dead individuals
• Humidity loggers could also be placed      important in highly fragmented                and movement patterns among
  low in the vegetation at wetland           urban areas?                                  all GHFF camps (genetic samples
  areas to assess the impacts of the       • In February 2008, 340 Little Red              are now routinely collected during
  wetlands on camp microclimate.             Flying-foxes Pteropus scapulatus              trapping events); and take blood
                                             (LRFF) were recorded at Yarra                 samples to potentially determine
                                             Bend Park (these individuals were             hormone levels in dead flying-foxes
                                             likely migrants from a campsite               (e.g. testosterone levels in male
                                             near Numurkah). Research on                   flying-foxes during the later part
                                             the population dynamics of this               of summer).
                                             population would be beneficial for
                                             the management of the Numurkah
                                             camp. It would also be valuable to
                                             determine their foraging range using
                                             satellite tracking.

                                                   Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 19
List of
        Acknowledgements                                                      sources

        The authors would like to thank                                       Barclay, R. B. R., Ulmer, J., MacKenzie,
        the following people for their                                        C. J. A., Thompson, M. S., Olson, L.,
                                                                              McCool, J., Cropley, E. and Poll, G.
        assistance and support:                                               (2004). Variation in the reproductive
                                                                              rate of bats. Canadian Journal of
        Gina Murphy                                                           Zoology 82: 688–693.
        Fiona Caryl                                                           Birt, P. (2005). National Population
        Lisa Evans                                                            Assessment: Grey-headed flying foxes
        The Department of Sustainability                                      Pteropus poliocephalus. A report
        and Environment                                                       to: The Department of Environment
                                                                              and Heritage, Queensland Parks and
        Parks Victoria                                                        Wildlife Service, NSW Department
        and the 261 volunteers who                                            Environment and Conservation,
        have assisted with fly-out counts                                     Victorian Department Sustainability
                                                                              and Environment.
        over the past four years.
                                                                              Churchill, S. (2008). Australian
                                                                              Bats, Second Edition. Jacana Books,
                                                                              Melbourne, Australia.
                                                                              Eby, P. (1995). Biology and
                                                                              Management of Pteropus in
                                                                              New South Wales, Species Report.
                                                                              NSW National Parks and Wildlife
                                                                              Service, Hurstville, NSW.
                                                                              Fox, S., Luly, J., Mitchell, C., Maclean,
                                                                              J. and Westcott, D. A. (2008).
                                                                              Demographic indications of decline
                                                                              in the spectacled flying fox (Pteropus
                                                                              conspicillatus) on the Atherton
                                                                              Tablelands of northern Queensland.
                                                                              Wildlife Research 35: 417–424.

20 | Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research
Martin, L. (2000). Aspects of the             Tidemann, C. R. and Nelson, J. E.          Welbergen, J. A., Klose, S. M., Markus,
Reproductive Biology of the Grey-             (2004). Long-distance movements of         N. and Eby, P. (2008). Climate change
headed Flying-foxes that explain              the grey-headed flying fox (Pteropus       and the effects of temperature extremes
documented population declines,               poliocephalus). Journal of Zoology,        on Australian flying-foxes. Proc. R. Soc.
and support a threatened status. In:          London 263: 141–146.                       B. 275: 419–425.
Proceedings of a Workshop to Assess
                                              van der Ree, R. McDonnell, M. J., Temby,   Williams, S. G., McDonnell, M. J.,
the Status of the Grey-headed Flying-
                                              I., Nelson, J., Whittingham, E. (2006).    Phelan, G. K., Keim, L. D. and van der
fox in New South Wales, Unpublished
                                              The establishment and dynamics of          Ree, R. (2006). Range expansion due to
report to the NSW Threatened Scientific
                                              a recently established urban camp of       urbanization: Increased food resources
                                              flying foxes (Pteropus poliocephalus)      attract Grey-headed Flying-foxes
Ochoa-Acua, H. And Kunz, T. H. (1999).        outside their geographic range.            (Pteropus poliocephalus) to Melbourne.
Thermoregulatory behavior in the small        Journal of Zoology 268: 177–185.           Austral Ecology 31: 190–198.
island flying fox, Pteropus hypomelanus
                                              van der Ree, R., Wilson, C., Yazgin,
(Chiroptera: Pteropodidae). Journal of
                                              V. and Keim, L. (2008). Grey-headed
Thermal Biology 24: 15–20.
                                              Flying-foxes at Yarra Bend and across
Pallin, N. (2000). Ku-ring-gai Flying Fox     Victoria 2004-2008: a report to the
Reserve, Habitat Restoration Project 15       Department of Sustainability and
Years on. Ecological Management and           Environment. Australian Research
Restoration 1 (1): 10–20.                     Centre for Urban Ecology, Royal Botanic
                                              Gardens, Melbourne.
Parris, K. M. and Hazell, D. L. (2005).
Biotic effects of climate change in           van der Ree, R., Wilson, C. and Yazgin,
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                                                      Yarra Bend Park Flying-fox Campsite: Review of the Scientific Research | 21
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