St. Kieran Catholic Church
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St. Kieran Catholic Church Pentecost Sunday May 23, 2021 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit. — 1 Corinthians 12:4 Notes from Fr. John T oday we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. The celebration of Pente the lotto. As I have said at both parishes, teach him the lotto. As I have said at both parishes, teach him well. A good pastor is a reflection of all the good cost reminds us that Jesus is still with people who walk with him. us. Children have more confidence Everyone the church is slowly opening like when they know their parents are with the rest of the country. This weekend we asked that them. As adults we seek the same people who choose not to wear a mask must show assurance that someone has our back. So, the feast proof of vaccinations. If you are not wearing a mask of the Ascension of the Lord is all good and well, but you will be asked at the door to show your vaccination now what are we supposed to do if he isn’t with us. card. The week after it will be the honor system. That Pentecost is our answer. Jesus told us he wouldn’t being said, it is really bad if we lie so we can come to leave us orphaned. He told us he would be with us church without a mask. So do what is right. Anyone until the end of time. So, Pentecost is our answer. The comfortable wearing a mask should continue doing gifts of the Holy Spirit fill us with God’s presence and so. And children must wear masks. The solution to the strength. The Holy Spirit commands us to go forth and pandemic has always been about community cooper- continue the work of Jesus Christ. In “peace” Jesus ation. Community cooperation is a hallmark of our gives us his Spirit. May we walk peacefully on the faith. Sometime in June I also believe we will move paths god has given each of us. communion back to its normal position in the mass. Well, I begin to feel like St. Paul, when he wrote When we do, I still ask that when you leave the church about the end being near. The most important thing you keep a distance from each other and visit outside. for Paul was encouraging the people to keep doing Small steps, we are on our way. the good that they had been doing. That is ditto for Please keep the eighth grade of St. Agnes in me. I have been blessed by your goodness and your prayers. We are now beginning all the activities kindness and my wish is that you continue to bless associated with graduation. I am always so proud of Fr. Gary. Last weekend when I was able to be at a the children. We wish them well as they move on to couple of the masses Gary had it struck me that the high school. They always know they have a home at Holy Spirit is alive and well in our midst. Fr. Gary will St. Agnes. bring new life and spirit to our parish and community. Congratulations to all the graduates from Though we are each different, the one thing in which Marian Catholic and Bloom High Schools as well. we are the same is our love of being with all of you. I We hope you take what you learned and change our watched him preach and greet and knew we had won world for the better. Go get um!!! TODAY’S READINGS READINGS FOR THE WEEK First Reading — They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and Monday: Gn 3:9-15, 20 or Acts 1:12-14; Ps 87:1-3, 5-7; began to speak in different tongues Jn 19:25-34 (Acts 2:1-11). Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31 Psalm — Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; the earth (Psalm 104). Mk 10:32-45 Second Reading — There are different kinds of spiritual Thursday: Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52 gifts but the same Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13) or Friday: Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Mk 11:11-26 Galatians 5:16-25. Gospel — As the Father has sent me, so I send you: Receive Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33 the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23) or John 15:26-27; 16:12-15. Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22; The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Page 2 May 23, 2021 Notes from Father Tom P entecost has always been seen as the ‘grand finale’ of our Eastertime celebration; it is the fiftieth and final day of the season. It is filled with images of fire and wind and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus - and not just the disciples of long ago. In this time of apparent ‘exile’ it may be hard for us to believe that Jesus is able to keep his promise and be present in each of our lives. Why do we downplay the signs of God’s goodness active in the choices for good that we can still make and in those times of love and compassion that others extent to us? No one of us lives ‘ordinary’ lives because the Spirit of God has been poured into each of us. Take the time to notice and revel in this living presence of God in your life. Put into words and share your experience of God with someone. We have each been given the power to speak the language of faith, hope and love. Do not let fear ‘stifle the Spirit’ that is always alive in you and desiring to reach out to touch our world with signs of his love – signs that you and you alone have been chosen to bring to others. Come, Holy Spirit, come. Give us your wisdom and understanding. Loosen our tongues to bless and praise the Father and the Son for the great gift we received at our baptism, when we came to birth in your life-giving grace. Increase our faith so we might proclaim with all our hearts, “Jesus is Lord!” Prayer taken from Living the Word by Dianne Bergant, C.S.A. & Rev. James Wallace, C.Ss.R. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS IS SPONSORING A COLLECTION OF BABY ITEMS DRIVE THRU Baby items New and Old will be collected in front of the school building. Just go through the driveway between the church & school buildings. Volunteers will be parked to take your donations from your car to theirs. Any slightly used items must be cleaned and ready to go. The Women's Center of Chicago is requesting lots of disposable diapers and gift cards to Target or Jewel for the new Moms. If you work for a company looking for a way to give back to the communi- ty talk to them and let them know we can help. If you are not able to meet these donation hours or have questions, contact: David Nozar Past Grand Knight Council #997 at 708-267-8253. Please do not leave any items outside the school or church. The Knights Thank Collection Days and Times: everyone for all May 29@4:30pm & May30@9:30pm your Support!!
Pentecost Sunday Page 3 Parish News and Events Illinois bishops issue letter urging Catholics to save Tax Credit Scholarship program May 4, 2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We, the diocesan bishops of Illinois, write to you on an important matter of public policy and social justice. As many of you know, four years ago Democrats and Republicans worked together to pass the Invest in Kids Act on a bipartisan vote. This law allows for a 75 percent state income tax credit for any charitable donation to an approved scholarship granting organization (SGO). These SGOs use those donations to grant tuition scholarships to the children of working class families, whose income is no greater than three times the poverty level, so that they may attend the school of their choice. Over the past three years, the Invest in Kids program has proven to be a resounding success. Working with our partner SGOs – Empower Illinois and Big Shoulders – over 20,000 children in Illinois, from diverse racial and religious backgrounds, have been able to access some 650 different schools of their families’ choice. Participating schools have provided excellent education to these students, even during the pandemic, through in-school, high quality instruction. And the need is still not being met. Already in 2021, there are over 25,000 more students waiting in line for scholarships, a testament to the need to expand this program. Unfortunately, Governor Pritzker has recommended severely cutting the Invest in Kids program. If his budget recommendation is enacted, the program will struggle to remain viable. We are writing to urge you to support an alternative plan which includes (1) scholarships to trade schools, (2) an increase in the Invest in Kids tax credit and (3) annual renewals for scholarship students. We ask you to oppose the Governor’s plan and join us. Support this plan which will not only benefit families in our Catholic schools, but more importantly, will provide otherwise unattainable educa- tional opportunities for all working class families. All children deserve these opportunities no matter their family income. The popularity of the Invest in Kids program proves great support for this principle. Please call your state legislators. You can find contact information for your state representative and state senator by visiting – scroll to the bottom of the page, click on “Find Your Legis- lator” and input your zip code and address. Because this is an issue that will be negotiated during the budget negotiating process there is no specific bill number to give you. We ask you to simply call your state legislators and urge them to oppose the Governor’s plan to cut the Invest in Kids program and instead support efforts to extend and improve the Invest in Kids Scholarship Tax Credit. One of the most important decisions parents make is where their children will attend school. All of us concerned with the common good should advocate for greater access to excellent educational opportunities. This is at the heart of the Invest in Kids Act. Please join us in promoting this important issue with Illinois’ political leadership.
Page 4 May 23, 2021 Parish News and Events JOIN OUR FAREWELL TO FR. JOHN SIEMIANOWSKI… Due to Covid restrictions, we have created several opportunities so all of us have a chance to say good-bye. Fr John’s Mass at St. Kieran is the weekend of June 19-20 VIRTUAL PHOTO ALBUM We are collecting any photos that parishioners want to share that will be displayed on our website. Please email images to: VIRTUAL GOODBYES On our website there is a link where you can share a memory, story or message to Fr. John that will be displayed for everyone to read PARISH GIFT St. Kieran has purchased a stole for Fr. John to take with him as his gift. This will be presented on Saturday June 19th BEST WISHES On a table in the vestibule have St. Kieran stationary and an envelope that you can use to write your farewells on. Or if you prefer you can send your own cards as well. (THESE CAN BE DROPPED OFF IN THE OFFICE, MAILED BACK TO US OR THERE WILL BE A DESIGNATED BASKET IN THE VESTIBULE) At the end of Mass on June 20th we will present him with this lood of best wishes from all of you. PARADE After each Mass on the weekend of June 19-20, when Fr. John leaves church, we would like to have a “parade of cars” proceed past the rectory. Honk your horn and wave posters and make some noise! Thanks for your help with this celebration, St. Kieran Staff
Pentecost Sunday Page 5 Parish News and Events The St. Kieran Women’s Club Attention all Adult Parishioners will host its final INDOOR PICNIC We are looking for parishioners who are inter- ested in participating in the Mass as Adult Altar Sunday, June 13, 2021 Servers. This ministry is open to all Confirmed 12:00 p.m. in Crawford Hall parishioners. Ministers will be scheduled for the Mass they normally attend and based on their The event is limited to the first 50 members who availability. respond. Guests and walk-ins are not allowed. Social distancing regulations will be followed, If you are interested in using your gifts of time and masks must be worn when not eating or and talent for participation in the celebration of drinking. Mass, either call the Parish office or cut out this request and place it in the collection basket. We So mark your calendars, send your RSVP, will contact you to set up training. and get ready to enjoy a boxed lunch, BINGO, and the company of your fellow Women’s Club Yes, I would like to participate in the Mass as an members. Adult Altar Server. I usually attend ______: Mass RSVP (Mandatory!) by Tuesday, June 1. E-mail: Voice message or text: 708/912-3773. Name ________________________________ See you there! Phone # ______________________________ Email ________________________________ The St. Kieran Women’s Club wishes good health, happiness, and blessings to the following members who are celebrating a birthday in the month of May: Crystal Cady Joan Hanley Laverne Komers Rosemary Maher Mary Dolores Rosner Millicent Stocker Happy Birthday and God bless You!
Page 6 May 23, 2021 Our Troops Air Force E-3 Conor Fitzgerald Major Anthony O"Shea Marian Adamczyk Marlene Gaughan Jeannine Montgomerie Army Kim Alexander Keri Gelsosomo Chloe Ochoa PFC Roman Ambriz Dennis Bandera Kimberly Giles Sue Osborn E5 Patrick Atwater Colleen Brooks Dominick Hamilton Paula Pera Pavel (P.J.) Borak Jay Burleyson Beverly Hollingsworth Carol PeBenito Sgt. Brenden Flanagan Bob DeBoer Timothy H. & Crisra Jerry Plucienik Sgt. James R. Hibbs Jan DeBoer Pamela Jacks Jerry Piunti Sgt. Lucas Johnson Philip Cameli Belinda James Mary Prisco-Rodriguez PFC Lee James Roché Janel Compton Lucy Janaszak Ramón L. Santiago CWO Thomas J. Seehausen Jack DeLaney Eric Jelinek James Schunk Coast Guard Kathie Diette Crystal Kelly Sally Sklar Luke Stocker Chris Dymek Jim Kelly Ray Smith Marine Corps Janet Eichberger Daniel Klauck Sandi Smith SSgt. John Henry Ava Emroll Rose Klauck Gayle Tama LCpl. Joseph Johnson Bob Flaws Jane Leahy Nancy VanHoutegan Sgt. Patrick Russell Bill Flaws Nick LoBue Sister Joy Weideman SSgt. Nathan Taylor Mary Flaws Chris Mann Police & Fire Departments, National Guard John Formentini Sara Mann and All First Responders Captain Paul LaBelle Patty Formentini Cathy Marka-Voken Navy ... and all who are ill or injured, in a hospital or a nursing home, as well as their relatives and caregivers. Rachel Steinmetz Prayer list is being updated. Peace Corps To add a name to our Pray for the Sick/Injured or Our Troops List, please contact the rectory office. Hannah Basham Tuesday, May 25 – St. Bede the Venerable; St. Gregory VII; St. Mary Magdelene de’Pazzi 8:00 a.m. • Dorothy Husarik, req. by Zinker family Friday, May 28 – Weekday Mary Louise Gianfrancesco 8:00 a.m. • Luke, Catherine & Bob Niep, req. by the Stocker Family Saturday, May 29 – St. Paul VI; Blessed Virgin Mary 5:00 p.m. • Patricia & Frank Longo, req. by Lori Longo • Ken Peterson, by Dawn Perterson Banns I • Nancy Salin, req. by the Salin Family There are promises of marriage between: Sunday, May 30 – The Most Holy Trinity; Julian Calendar Pentecost Richard Hadcett & Jillian Nozar 10:00 a.m. • Heather Jerz, req. by her Mom • Officer Gary Hibbs, req. by the Barker Family • Dennis R. Arakelian, CONGRATULATIONS req. by his wife Roe & Family AND SALUTATIONS ... to Leilany Porrata, who is graduating from Bloom Trail High School with 5.07 GPA. Leilany will start next fall at Purdue University Northwest Nursing Program and Honor College. Your parish family is proud of you!
St. Kieran Catholic Church 724 West 195 Street, Chicago Heights IL 60411 Visit our Website at Parish Mission Statement: St. Kieran Parish is a Catholic community within the Archdiocese of Chicago. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, nourished by Scripture and Sacrament, we are called by Christ to become disciples and stewards. Through worship, fellowship, catechesis, and service to all God’s children, we embrace our Lord’s challenge to live as family and be his witnesses, beginning here in Chicago Heights. Parish Staff: Rev. John Siemianowski, Pastor Rev. Erasto Nyoni, Associate Pastor Rev. Thomas Kasputis, Associate Pastor Deacon David Dutko Rev. William O’Mara, Resident Associate Deacon Emil Vasek Weekend Masses are celebrated Saturdays at 5 PM; Sundays at 10 AM Weekday Masses are celebrated Tuesday through Friday at 8:00 a.m. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated by appointment Rectory Office: 708/755-0074, Fax: 708/856-0267 Hours of Operation: 9 AM to 3 PM (Monday—Thursday) Sheila Porrata, Bulletin Editor, Emily Hernandez, Parish Secretary, Religious Education Office, located at St. Agnes, 708/754-0713 Teri Klopp, Coordinator, Director of Music: Mrs. Joanne Rossbach, 708/755-0074 Parish Ministries: Knights of Columbus: Rick Schulp, 708/957-2056, email: Parish Council: Keith Betton, Kevin Deenihan, Sue Habegger, Tony Narcisi, Dave Nozar, Terry Shelley, and Joe Sopron. Contact us at St Kieran Women's Club: Teri Klopp, 708/912-3773, email: SACRAMENTAL/IMPORTANT INFORMATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Contact the Rectory Office to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: Contact the Rectory Office at least six month prior to date of marriage. SACRAMENT OF EUCHARIST TO THE HOMEBOUND: Please contact the Rectory Office to set-up visits. ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION: For adults who wish to know more about the Roman Catholic faith, please contact the Rectory Office and the Director of Religious Education will contact you. NEW PARISHIONERS: To become a member, please contact the Rectory Office for a registration form. BULLETIN/PARISH CALENDAR: Bulletin information should be submitted by email to the Bulletin Editor. Contact the Office for arrangements to use parish facilities.
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