Dear Padre - St. Romuald Catholic Church Catholic Church

Page created by Gerald Gutierrez
Dear Padre - St. Romuald Catholic Church Catholic Church
394 N HWY 259 · HARDINSBURG KY 40143
                                   September 30, 2018 - Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Office:
                                            dear Padre
Phone: 270-756-2356                The older I get, the more distracted I
Fax: 270-756-2099                  become by crying babies at Mass.
Hours: Monday - Friday
8:00am - Noon, 1:00 - 3:00pm       Sometimes I leave Mass so irritated that I
Email:         wonder what benefit is gained in going at
Pastoral Staff:
Pastor, Father Tony Jones          At the movies, the opera, or some other formal live performance, a
Email:     crying infant is regarded as persona non grata. But the Eucharist is
Deacon, Tony Anthony               a family event, not a theatrical one. Children should feel welcomed
Administrative Asst, Jane Haynes   at Mass. After all, Jesus said, “Let the children come to me; do not
CRE: Adult, Rosa Hockenberry       prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as
CRE: RCIA, Marie Rose              these” (Mark 10:14).
CRE: 7-12, Gayle Poole
CRE: K-6, Kim Brumfield
                                   While small children may belong at Mass, it should also be
Pastoral Council:                  acknowledged that certain courtesies apply when crowds gather to
Janet Bland, Joellen McGary        pray in the house of the Lord. Parents may consider sitting at the
Chris Brumfield, Danny O’Reilly    end of a pew for a quick exit to minimize disruption when a child
Gera Jarboe, Pam Pollock           needs immediate attention. When a child is of a certain age,
Harry Mattingly, Mark Rhodes       parents may consider taking advantage of parish nurseries or
                                   designated cry rooms in churches on a temporary basis, if
St. Romuald                        available.
Interparochial School:
Phone: 270-756-5504                By the same token, impatient parishioners (and preachers) should            be sensitive to the needs of parents, who admirably desire
Principal, Rob Cox                 participation in the family celebration and weekly nourishment by
                                   Christ’s word and sacrament—temporary toddler temper tantrums
School Board                       notwithstanding. “Be still and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:11)
Representatives:                   is a divine invitation to worshipers of all ages. —Fr. Byron Miller, CSsR
Jamie Barr, Amy Flood,
Jennifer Payne
Dear Padre - St. Romuald Catholic Church Catholic Church
Masses for the Week                                                        Worship and Sacrament
October 1st - 7th                                                            Anointing of the Sick: Anointing of the Sick is celebrated with the
                                                                             parish community every first Wednesday at 5:00 pm Mass. Yet,
Mon      8:00 am             NO MASS                                         anytime, anointing is available for illness, preparation for surgery
Tues     1:00 pm             NO MASS (Extended Care)                         or for recovery, by calling Fr Tony.

Wed      5:00 pm             NO MASS                                         Baptism: Congratulations on the birth of your child! Your Church
Thurs    9:30 am             NO MASS (Medco)                                 Family is excited about your family growing and our family
                                                                             growing! We look forward to celebrating your child’s baptism!
Fri      9:00 am             NO MASS                                         Preparation for new parents or those new to the parish is held by
Sat      5:00 pm             St. Romuald Parishioners                        appointment. Call Fr Tony.
Sun      7:00 am             Rodney Mercer (AM)                              Marriage: Congratulations on your engagement! Your Church
         10:00 am            Brenda Monin (BM)                               Family wishes to help you fully prepare spiritually and walk with
                                                                             you into this lifetime commitment to each other. In order to allow
                                                                             sufficient time, couples must contact the parish office at least 6

     Stewardship of Finance
                                                                             months before the anticipated wedding date.

                                                                             Confession/Reconciliation: Every Wednesday 4:00-4:45 pm;
                                                                             every Saturday 4:00-4:45 pm, every first Saturday after 8:00 am
September 16th Collection                                                    Mass, or anytime by simply asking or calling Fr Tony for
Sunday Collection ......................................$8,548.82            appointment.
Children .......................................................... $0.00
Building Fund .............................................. $105.00         Visitation of the Sick: Please notify Father or the office upon
                                                                             admission of a family member into nursing homes or hospital.
                                                                             Often we rely upon word from the family about illnesses of a
September 23rd Collection                                                    member. Please call.
Sunday Collection ......................................$7,617.50
Children .......................................................... $1.00    RCIA: Interested in the Catholic Faith? The RCIA process is a
Building Fund ................................................ $30.00        "spiritual journey" that fully initiates those who are not baptized or
                                                                             who have baptism from another tradition and wish to join fully the
             Parish Financial Summary                                        Catholic Church. Classes are offered through the year
                  July-August, 2018                                          culminating at Easter! Please call the office for details!
          Total Income             $87,700                                   Membership in the Parish: Welcome to all new families or
          Total Expenses           $86,200                                   persons moving into our parish. We are glad that you are joining
                                    $ 1,500                                  the parish community. We want to visit with you and help you
      Thank you for your financial stewardship!                              settle into the church. Please register in the parish office as soon
                                                                             as possible.

                 Ministers of the Liturgy - October 6th & 7th
             Eucharistic               Lectors                 Ushers                    Servers                   Rosary           Music
             Ministers                                                                                             Leaders          Ministers
5:00 pm      Volunteer                 Lynn Tuell              C-Davye Duggins*          Aubrey Tabor              Karen            Shannon
             Volunteer                 Brenda Wheatley         C-Carroll Whitfill        Lily Tabor                Huddleston
                                                               S-Danny O’Reilly
                                                               S-Stefan Cesarz

7:00 am      Amelia Anthony            Janet Board             C-Don Payne*              Andrew Carwile            Crystal
             Tiffany Davenport                                 C-Bobby Joe Rhodes        Luke Carwile              Greenwell
                                                               S-Doug Flood
                                                               S-Jeff Rhodes

10:00 am Joellen McGary                Suzanne Rose            C-Joey Walz*              Parker Davis              Sandy            Deacon Tony
         Rhonda Walz                   Danny Shain             C-Noah Matthews           Tyler Davis               Horsley
         Tabetha Walz                                          S-Bill Monin
         Rosa Hockenberry                                      S-Justin Brown
Radio Minister: Chuck Robbins                            Children’s Liturgy: NO CHILDREN’S LITURGY

 2      Welcome to St. Romuald Catholic Church
Parish News and Events
                             .                       Parents of St. Romuald School
                             If you are              Students: A makeup meeting
                             willing to serve        will be held on October 14th
                             on a RCIA               after the 10:00 am Mass for any
                             refreshment             parents who miss the meeting
                                                     on September 15th & 16th.
team one time between November 2018 -
May 2019, please call Marie Rose at 756-
2356 or 270-617-0538 to be placed on the
                                                           Grades 7-12 Religious Education
schedule. We need you!! Thank you for                           2018-2019 Calendar
volunteering for this ministry!!!
                                                     October 14, 2018               Class from 11:30-2

           RCIA Refreshment Team for Oct 3:          November 4, 2018 Outdoor Movie at 6:30
           Anne O’Reilly, Kathy Kiper, Missy
           Masterson                                 November 11, 2018              Class from 11:30-2
           RCIA Refreshment Team for Oct 10:
           Jennifer Roberts, Maria Flood, Rita       December 2, 2018               Class and service
Thanks to Gail Pollock, Dorothy Payne, Jennifer
Payne and Dolores Mattingly, Joellen McGary,
Carolyn Wilcheck for providing refreshments for
RCIA!                                                ATTENTION LECTORS: We will
                                                     be ordering Lector Workbooks
                                                     soon. If you need one please call
“...Come, follow me.” (Mark 10:21)                   the office as soon as possible so
2018-2019 Disciples Response Fund                    we can order the amount we
The 2018-2019 Disciples Response Fund                need.
campaign has begun with a mailing to all
registered parishioners from Bishop Medley. All
are asked to give generously in support of the        This Week at St. Romuald
important items funded by your contributions.
                                                     Mon               NO MASS
  Support of the work of our Diocese is
                                                             1:00 pm   Blue Army Rosary
important. There are many things that even the
largest parishes cannot do on their own. For                 5:00 pm   Dave Ramsey Finance Peace Class
example, the Disciples Response Fund puts                    7:00 pm   Al-Anon
money into an endowment for the care of              Tues    1:00 pm   No Mass (Extended Care)
retired priests. Also, the fund assists with the
expenses for the education of our seminarians                4:00 pm   Rosary
and provides operating income and scholarship                6:00 pm   St. Vincent de Paul
funds for the Gasper River Catholic Youth Camp.      Wed     5:00 pm   No Mass
Your gift to the 2018 DRF will make it possible              6:00 pm   RCIA
for us to accompany others on their journey of       Thur    9:30 am   No Mass (Medco)
faith.                                               Fri     9:00 am   No Mass

                                           September 30, 2018 - Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time     3
Around and About
Pray to end abortion: Join other Catholics and                         Knights of Columbus
those from other faiths that gather each Saturday at
2nd and Market in Louisville from 7:00-8:00 am (EST)
to pray for families entering the abortion clinic. Many    Food for Families: The Knights of Columbus
children have been saved and mothers spared future
grief by this prayer action and support. With God, all     wants to thank everyone who supported the Food for
things are possible! Archbishop Kurtz is known to          Families Drive. We collected almost 300 lbs. of food
show up and pray with everyone too!                        at St Romuald, St Mary and St Anthony Parishes. On
                                                           behalf of St Anthony’s Food Bank and the Good
                                                           Samaritan, thank you.
Abortion Update: Last week 65 women went into
EMW Clinic for abortions at 2nd and Market Street in
Louisville. Please pray to end abortion.                   FOOTBALL FRENZY.
                                                           Once again the Kentucky Knights of Columbus are
                                                           selling Football Frenzy tickets. Membership Card Cost–
Al-Anon Meeting: Mondays 7:00 pm St Romuald                Buy 2 Get 1 Free: Membership Card is $10. By
Parish Hall. Come find support and understanding to        purchasing the Membership Card, the card holder is
recover a sense of serenity in your life.                  automatically entered into the Football Frenzy Game.
                                                           By purchasing two membership cards you can go to
                                                  to get a FREE third
    Readings for the Week                                  ticket! Free Tickets) will be emailed to you (while
                                                           supplies last, valid until 10/24/2018. Contact a KofC
READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                      Member or Pat O’Reilly at 270-617-0754 to get your
Monday:     Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50       The Kentucky Knights of Columbus over the last few
                                                           years have disbursed over $40K to charity; we have
Tuesday:    Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88:2-8;             supported Stewards of Appalachia, the Wheelchair
            Mt 18:1-5, 10                                  Program and Food for the Poor to name a few.

Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-15;
          Lk 9:57-62                                       BECOME A KNIGHT:
Thursday: Jb 19:21-27; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Lk 10:1-        “Why Join the Knights of Columbus?” We covered
          12                                               Lead with Faith, Protect your Family and to Server
                                                           Others and the now the final part “Defend Your
Friday:     Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3, 7-10,      Values”. Defend the faith. Defend the truth. As a
            13-14ab; Lk 10:13-16                           member of the Knights of Columbus, your voice is
                                                           joined with 1.9 million fellow members. You receive
Saturday:   Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75,      tools and resources to stay informed, take action, and
            91, 125, 130; Lk 10:17-24                      support local, national, and international efforts on
                                                           issues that are important to you. The Catholic faith is
Sunday:     Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128:1-6; Heb 2:9-11;            worth defending, and with the Knights you never act
            Mk 10:2-16 [2-12]                              alone. As a member you:
                                                           · Stand up for the unborn and the dignity of all human
                                                           · Fight for religious liberty and our persecuted
     Scripture Sunday|Favorite                             brothers and sisters in the Middle East
         Verses from Psalms                                · Join in our ongoing work in support of the Church
                                                           Deep within the heart of every man is a call to live
                                                           with purpose and meaning; a call to lead, to protect,
Sunday, October 14 is Scripture Sunday and this year       to serve and to defend.
the focus will be the Psalms. We are asking                Men today need a band of brothers – other Catholic
parishioners to send in their favorite verse(s) from the   men to share in that call, who walk together on the
Book of Psalms and share WHY it is their favorite.         journey towards something better.
Responses will be posted on the diocesan website,          YOU ARE BORN A MAN, YOU BECOME A KNIGHT.
                                                           Join today. Visit or contact James Be sure to include your name         O’Reilly at 270-617-0754, Hardinsburg Council 2499
and parish and send to Elaine Robertson, Director of
Faith Formation,                                           We will be having a Membership Drive on the 14th of

Welcome to St. Romuald Catholic Church                                                                           4
Sunday, Sep 30, 2018                                      higher source.
              TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                            TODAY'S READINGS: Job 9:1-12, 14-16; Luke 9:57-62 (457).
              Religion shouldn’t scare you                                    “[God] does great things past finding out, marvelous things
              Talk of hellfire was motivating in earlier                      beyond reckoning.”
              generations. If it’s a choice between eternal
              flames or fear of the Lord, what sane person              Thursday, Oct 04, 2018
              wouldn’t take the high road? These days, we               MEMORIAL OF FRANCIS OF ASSISI
              seem to be post-hell and past fear. It’s difficult for    Extreme makeover
some of us to find the proper motivation to live justly, especially     “Repair my church,” said the voice of God to Francis of Assisi,
when it requires an uncomfortable amount of sacrifice. So               who was praying in the dilapidated church of St. Damian.
here’s a fear worth fearing: hurting the one we love most. We           Francis got to work, immediately cleaning and repairing and
say we love God; God cherishes the vulnerable and the poor.             restoring that disheveled building. It took him a while to realize
Pray for, share with, and raise your voice for those in need.           God had greater plans for Francis’ repair and reform
     TODAY'S READINGS: Numbers 11:25-29; James 5:1-6; Mark
                                                                        movement than just one tiny chapel. But we can learn from
     9:38-43, 45, 47-48 (137). “You have lived on earth in luxury
     and pleasure; you have fattened your hearts for the day of         Francis. When God’s call comes, we don’t have to understand
     slaughter.”                                                        it completely. We would do well to get busy tending to the
                                                                        challenges right in front of us: at home, on the job, in the
                                                                        neighborhood, and in the church.
Monday, Oct 01, 2018                                                          TODAY'S READINGS: Job 19:21-27; Luke 10:1-12 (458). "The
MEMORIAL OF THÉRÈSE OF THE CHILD JESUS, VIRGIN,                               harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.”
God is in the details                                                   Friday, Oct 05, 2018
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (1873-97), also known as the “little
flower of Jesus,” entered a convent at the tender age of 15 and         Big cities, bright light of the world
only lived to 24. She lived with the kind of childlike innocence        The biblical towns of Tyre and Sidon might bring to mind some
that Jesus praises in today’s gospel, as evidenced in her               modern-day big cities: prosperous, bustling, cosmopolitan—
autobiography, Story of a Soul, which is filled with insight and        and spiritually hungry. Early in Jesus’ ministry people from
charm. Thérèse believed in doing simple things with great care          these distant port cities heard about the things Jesus was
and love. “To pick up a pin with love can convert a soul,” she          doing and, though they were in some sense outsiders, they
said, as she fulfilled her humble chores. As you go about your          responded with more enthusiasm than many of those who
daily routine today, try to do one small thing with great love—         were closer to Jesus. Jesus held up these “pagan” cities as
who knows whose soul you may end up touching!                           models of what was possible when people react out of a
     TODAY'S READINGS: Job 1:6-22; Luke 9:46-50 (455). “For the         genuine desire for spiritual nourishment. Respond to the
     one who is least among all of you is the one who is the            gospel with enthusiasm, and your spirit will be rewarded.
     greatest."                                                               TODAY'S READINGS: Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Luke 10:13-16
                                                                              (459). “If the mighty deeds done in your midst had been done
                                                                              in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented.”
Tuesday, Oct 02, 2018
Someone to watch over me                                                Saturday, Oct 06, 2018
                                                                        MEMORIAL OF BRUNO, PRIEST
According to Catholic tradition, everyone has a personal angel
guarding their bodily and spiritual well-being. “Beside each            Silence is golden
believer,” said the fourth-century theologian and bishop Saint          Maybe because Saint Bruno (1030-1101) led such an active
Basil, “stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading               life—nearly 20 years a teacher at the prestigious cathedral
[them] to life”—and he should know, having been called the              school in Reims, France; joining Pope Gregory VII to
“revealer of heavenly mysteries”! Guardian angels remind you            denounce the decadence of bishops who acted more like royal
that you are always in the presence of God and should act               princes than the Prince of Peace; helping depose the violent
accordingly. They also remind you that God is with others,              aristocratic Archbishop Manassess—this celebrated priest and
whom you should treat accordingly.                                      chancellor resigned his church positions, gave away his
     TODAY'S READINGS: Job 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23 (456); Matthew           money, and retired with six companions to a hermitage.
     18:1-5, 10 (650). "See that you do not despise one of these        Though nudged to become a bishop himself, at the urging of
     little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always   his former pupil Pope Urban II, Bruno and friends went on
     look upon the face of my heavenly Father.”                         living together in silence, founding the Carthusian order of
                                                                        monks. Bruno reminds us that the more chaotic our life
                                                                        becomes, the more we need to balance it with silence.
Wednesday, Oct 03, 2018                                                       TODAY'S READINGS: Job 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Luke 10:17-24
Science in service of the sacred                                              (460). “Although you have hidden these things from the wise
An appreciation of science does not detract from our sense of                 and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.”
wonder and awe at the mystery and beauty of the universe.
Rather it enhances our understanding of how “all things work
together for the good”: from the tiniest invisible particles to the
vast forces that govern galaxies. As the Catechism of the
Catholic Church says, “Science and technology are precious
resources” that benefit humanity. Yet “by themselves they
cannot disclose the meaning of existence and of human                    ©2009 by TrueQuest Communications, L.L.C. P            : 800-942-2811; -   :
progress.” Scientific accomplishments must always be at the    ;           : Licensed for noncommercial
                                                                         use. All rights reserved. Scripture quotes come from the New Revised Standard Version of the
service of the human person. To discern that, we look to a               Bible.

                                                              September 30, 2018 - Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                 5
PRAYER REQUESTS                                                   PRAYER AND SPIRITUALITY
We Pray For:
 Frank Adkins, Charles Alloway, Keith Androski, Frank Baker,
Baby Barr, Roy Bennett, Pat Bland, Debbie Bowlds, Becky
Brown, Ava Bruner, Juanita Burch, Kathy Burns, Mike Clark,
Anna Carrico, Elias R. Carter, Ashley Carwile, Donnie
Claycomb, H.L. DeJarnette, Pat Driskell, Debbie Dubree, Davye Duggins,
Sammy Duggins, Glenda Farris, Tessa Farris, Bonnie Gail Fentress, Ginny
Flood, Don Ford, Dorothy Greenwell, Linda Greenwood, The Henry Family,
Austin Harris, Kay Harris, JoAnn Henning, Patricia Miller Henning, Joe Hess,
Kitty Himmelhaver, Bill Hinton, Jacqueline Huddleston, Mary Hurt, Robert
Jackey, Alfred Jarboe, Joe Jarboe, Virginia Jeffries, Mary Ann Johnson, Ashley
Jones, Becky Keenan, David Lane, Daniel Lewis, Rebecca Logsdon, Mary Ann
Flood Lynch, Jim Mattingly, Jude Mattingly, Janie Maysey, Bevan Michael
Miller, Joe Miller, Richard Miller, Joe & Sharon Morgan, Anna Christine Mundt,
Eddie O’Bryan, Joe Oelze, Patsy Oelze, Janet O’Reilly, Peggy Phillips, Jason
Pirtle, Bobby Potts, Joan & Tom Powers, Marilyn Preher, Joe Priest, Mary Jo
Rankin, Rita Roach, Kimberly Rolen, Suzanne Rose, Darcy Satterly, Dale                   GOSPEL MEDITATION
Severs, Max Sharp, Bob Smith, Deborah Sue Stevens, Casey Sturgeon, Pam
Sturgeon, Adalee Taul, Gina Thornsberry, Rufus Tivitt, Pat Watkins, Raymond              September 30, 2018
Wethington, Charles Whitehead, Diane Whitney, Darrell Whitfill, Leona
Whitworth, Madelyn Whitworth, Carolyn Wilcheck, Kevin Wilcheck, Tom
                                                                                     26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Winchell, Anne Wolfe, Brandy Young Serving in the Armed Forces: Mandie
Adams, Kevin Arnold, Fred Barham, Austin Brown, Timothy Cashen, Ryan
Critchelow, Cody Garst, Parker Findlay, James Hanor, Christian Hansen, Jack
                                                                                 As we go about our days, we necessarily label,
Hayes, Charles Kuhlman, Bradford O’Reilly, Jordan Pate, Jeff Smith, Lane D.      classify, and prioritize. What's "in" and what's
Taul, Liana Tindle, Chase Upchurch, Garrett Wadsworth                            "out" on our priority list? Because humans are
                                                                                 social beings, we tend to do the same thing with
                                                                                 people. We can only invite six people to the
                           Celebration                                           dinner party. Our young child wants to invite
                                                                                 certain friends to her birthday, but we're keenly
BIRTHDAYS:                                                                       aware of who the parents are, and the prospect
Lucille Wheatley, October 5th                                                    of spending several hours with them is enough
Jean Powers, October 7th                                                         to give us pause.
Alvin Mattingly, October 9th                                                     In today's Gospel, Jesus' disciples face a
                                                                                 classification problem. They've seen another
                                                                                 person driving out demons in the name of Jesus.
                     We extend our prayers and sympathy                          They recognize him, a non-Apostle, as clearly
                     to the Family of Wade Pile (Billy Pile’s                    "out." And yet "Jesus replied, 'Do not prevent
                     brother). You are in are thoughts and                       him ? whoever is not against us is for us." Jesus
                     prayers.                                                    recognizes real faith in the would-be exorcist. In
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
                                                                                 our own lives, Jesus invites us to recognize
                                                                                 others' good intentions. They should not be cut
                                                                                 off simply because they do not line up with all
         JOIN THE FINANCIAL PEACE                                                our personal preferences. What, then, is
                                                                                 deserving of such a fate?
           UNIVERSITY CLASS AT                                                   "If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off ? if
                                                                                 your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out."
    ST. ROMUALD CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                  When his listeners blame others, Jesus tends to
                                                                                 pivot the conversation to their own lives. In this
  STARTING MONDAY, OCTOBER 1ST                                                   case, the message is clear. What we really need
            6:00 PM                                                              to cut out is that which keeps us from Jesus. If
                                                                                 over-commitment causes us to lose patience
                                                                                 with our family, doubt God's providence, and
Coordinator:                                                                     become consumed with self-reliance, cut
Rosa Hockenberry 270-863-0117                                                    something out. If certain friendships lead us
                                                                                 time after time into gossip and slander, cut it
Tracy Shirley email:                                                             out. In today's Gospel, Jesus invites us to live                                                          intentionally in our discipleship. Are we ready?

6     Welcome to St. Romuald Catholic Church
The Blue Army organization in our parish is encouraging all to
participate in Rosary Coast to Coast on
Sunday, October 7th at 3:00 pm
Please plan to come pray the Rosary at 3:00 pm in St. Romuald
Church or outside, weather permitting.

7   Welcome to St. Romuald Catholic Church
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