FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030

Page created by Bill Wells
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030
     December 19, 2021
Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection,
           and All Saints
        Harlem, New York 10030
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030
December 19, 2021, ~ BULLETIN
            The Parish of St. Charles Borromeo, Resurrection and All Saints
                      211 West 141st Street, New York, NY 10030
                          Telephone Number ~ 212-281-2100

                     Reverend Timothy S. Wiggins ~ Pastor
                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS
a.   Announcements ~ Pam Smith, Parish Administrative Assistant
b.   Mass Intentions for the Week of December 19th ~ December 25th
c.   The Pastor’s Christmas Message
d.   The Pastor’s Page ~ English/ Spanish
e.   Scriptural Reflection ~ English/Spanish
f.   The 2022 Mass Schedule
g.   Christmas & New Year’s Day Mass Schedules
h.   Lazarus Project ~ Bereavement Support Group
i.   SPIRIT Youth Group ~ Thoughts of A Colored Man ~ New Play Ticket Information
j.   SPIRIT Group & Youth Ensemble ~ Christmas Party
k.   St. Charles School ~ Monthly Newsletter

The Parish Council has two positions open. Please scroll down to the Parish Council
Representatives page for further information.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults become members of the
Roman Catholic Church. Have you been worshiping with us, but never officially took the step to become
Catholic? Have you been away from the church…and have now returned, but want to know more? If you
are merely curious about what Catholicism is, please feel free to come. All are welcome. Meetings are
held on Tuesdays at 7pm on Zoom, meeting ID: 882 6333 9395 Passcode: 090034 or join by Phone
(646) 558-8656. For information contact Deacon Hodge at 347.292.7766, or
email RCIA is intended to serve: The unbaptized who would like to
learn more about the Catholic faith, those baptized in another religion who think they might like to
become Catholic, those baptized Catholic who have not completed the Initiation Sacraments or who have
not been raised in the Faith.

The Parish Prayer Service on Zoom continues this Sunday at 2pm. Extend your fellowship with our
parish-wide community as we pray for special intentions and share reflections on our faith. Zoom ID 893
4384 9873 / Password 248 326 / To call in dial 646 558 8656

PRAYER REQUESTS: Let us continue to pray for our Sick & Homebound Parishioners:
Fr. Jim Goode, Malcom Cook, Ms. Mia Aiken, Doris Wooten, Ms. Joan Owens, Mr. Percy
Danzy and Mr. James Wade.
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030
December 19th ~ December 25th , 2021
                          Fourth Sunday of Advent
                           Mi 5:1-4a, Heb 10:5-10, Lk 1:39-45

                            Sunday 8:00AM Mass – SCB
                          Tyrone Alverez ~ Birthday Blessings
                          Miriam Waite ~ Birthday Blessings

                      Sunday (Spanish Mass) 9:30AM -RES
                                 +Ynovi Rodriguez
                             +Amauri Rapael Matias Roque

                           Sunday 10:00 AM Mass – SCB
                       Msgr. Wallace Harris ~ Birthday Blessings

                           Sunday 11:15 AM Mass – RES
                      Dawn & Lana Morant ~ Birthday Blessings
                                 +Angelicia Cruz
12/20- Monday- Late Advent Weekday             12/23- Thursday – Late Advent Weekday
Is 7:10-14, Lk 1:26-38                         Mal 3:1-4, 23-24, Lk 1:57-66
 8:30am- +Edward Shields                       8:30am- +Marisa Sisca
         +Julia Smith                          7:00pm- RES- Available (Spanish)

 12/21-Tuesday- Late Advent Weekday             12/24- Friday - Late Advent Weekday
Sg 2:8-14, Lk 1:39-40                           2 Sm 7:1-5, 8B-12, 14a, 16, Lk 1:67-79
8:30am- +John Martin                           8:30am -For the Parish & Volunteers
        +Cecelia E. Wiggins                    6:00pm- Family Mass- For the Parishioners

12/22-Wednesday- Late Advent Weekday           11:45pm-Carols & Proclamations
1 Sm 1:24-28, Lk 1:46-56                       12:00-Solemn Midnight mass- For the Parishioners
8:30am- +Peter Rankin
                                               12/25 Saturday-The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
                                               Is 52:7-10, Heb 1:1-6, Jn 1:1-18
                                               10:00am - For the Parishioners (SCB)
                                               10:00am- For the Parishioners (RES)
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030
The Pastor’s Christmas Message

Birthday of Jesus 2021

Dear Parishioner,

Merry Christmas! And do not be ashamed to wish
one another, “Merry Christmas”. While the word
“holiday” is a derivative of “holy day”, it is so
much more festive when we acknowledge what we
are celebrating---God bringing reconciliation
between us and Himself in the Incarnation. He
desires us to be partakers in His divine life.

Rejoice in the truth of Christmas: God so loved the
world that He gave His only begotten Son... (John

Rejoice in the message of Christmas: Jesus is the
Prince of Peace, bonding us to one another.

Rejoice in the promise of Christmas: God sent us a
Savior & Redeemer who has called us to partake
of His divine life.

Catholics celebrate Christ’s birthday with a Mass.
Hence, the word Christmas. Although Christmas
is celebrated one day each year, we should try to
keep the spirit of Christmas alive in our hearts all
year long loving, God and neighbor, the rich and
poor, friends and enemies! Merry Christmas!

       In the Lord
      Rev. Timothy S. Wiggins, Pastor
      Priests, Deacons and Staff
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030
The Pastor’s Page #1
                                   Fourth Sunday of Advent
Dear Parishioners & Friends:

Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent. In Luke’s Gospel, Mary is “blessed… among women.” She
is not blessed because she carries Christ in her womb; but because she “believed.” We are all called to be like
Mary who responded with a joyful, trusting yes.

We’re blessed to have almost a full week to prepare ourselves spiritually and sacramentally.
Have you journeyed with us during the season of Advent, sharing in the Gospel stories of wonderful Advent
prophets, attending Mass, reflecting on Sacred Scripture, or frequenting the Sacrament of
Confession/Penance/Reconciliation? If not, I encourage you during this final week of Advent. What better gift
can you give yourself? Monday, December 20th is Reconciliation Monday here in the Archdiocese. Confession
times and Confessors are:

                      11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. ~ Fr. George (St. Charles, English)
                         3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. ~ Fr. Fenlon (Resurrection, Bilingual)
                      6:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m. ~ Fr. Wiggins (St. Charles, English)

As it has been the custom here in the Parish to decorate our churches in grandeur and splendor, the
Environment Committee needs hands on the following dates and times:

There are special schedules for the Christmas Octave (see page attached) as we give thanks for the great gift of
Jesus the Lord in our lives. Please remember your Christmas Gift to the Parish. THANK YOU for your 2021
financial support which helps us to keep our doors open, facilities maintained, and help the needy, especially during
the pandemic. "Do not lay up for yourselves an earthly treasure. Moths and rust corrode; thieves break in and
steal. Make it your practice instead to store up heavenly treasure, which neither moths nor rust will corrode, nor
thieves break in and steal. Remember, where your treasure is, there your heart is also. (MT 6: 19-20.

Please keep in mind the governor has issued a statewide vaccine/mandate December 10 (see link), which
applies to churches and parish offices and meeting spaces. The mandate is in effect beginning Monday,
December 13. It will be reassessed on January 15, 2022. As per the Archdiocese (effective December 13),
    Parish office staff and visitors should wear masks at all times.
    All parishioners are asked to wear masks while in church.
    Priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers are to wear masks in entrance and
      exit processions, at the time of the distribution of holy communion; and when in
      close proximity with one another.
    Communicants receive in the open hand rather than on the tongue.
    The use of hand sanitizer before and after the distribution of holy communion is a
      prudent practice.

Let's take this Masking Update seriously, especially during this festive season as we prepare to celebrate the
Birthday of Jesus! To quote a parishioner: “I think we've been pretty faithful to that practice…. I expect that
we'll keep that up.” AND WE WILL!

Fr. Wiggins
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030
The Pastor’s Page #2 (Informational)
                         Fourth Sunday of Advent

    As we soon will usher in 2022, I wish to alert you to the following:

   Please adhere to our new COVID Protocols endorsed by the Parish Council and now
    found on our website. In Christian charity, please cooperate for the safety of others.

   The 2022 Mass Book is now open. I kindly ask you to use the new forms to process
    your request. In addition to the reservation of Masses, we are now offering two (2)
    memorials---the Bread and Wine & the Sanctuary Lamp. Names will appear in the
    weekly bulletin.

   New Offertory Envelopes beginning January 2022 were sent to all Registered
    Parishioners who are on our envelope system. We will no longer be distributing the
    entire year’s envelopes; you will receive an envelope every two months containing 8-9
    weeks of envelopes. This will allow us to fluidly update addresses, welcome new
    parishioners with current envelopes and save money on envelopes for parishioners that
    may move during the course of the year. The decision to change the delivery method
    was carefully considered. To assist us in keeping accurate records of your contribution,
    we request that you use the weekly envelope system AND CLEARLY WRITE YOUR
    DONATION ON THE ENVELOPE! This enables us to verify your donations should it be
    necessary for tax purposes or a sacramental need. Please notify the Rectory if you
    wish to receive envelopes or if you changed your address.

   New Mass Schedule---please see the separate page regarding our new schedule for

   The return of our ‘traditional’ bulletin (bilingual) will begin the weekend of January
    8/9. Bulletins will be given out AFTER each Mass. They will also be found on our

   Weekend Receptionist Hours are Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. & Sundays
    9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

   The Miraculous Medal Novena and the Sacred Heart Novena on Mondays and
    Fridays, respectively, will resume on January 3, 2022, after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. These
    prayers will be recited by the Celebrant. The congregation is encouraged to bring their
    own copies.
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030
Mensaje de Navidad del Párroco
Cumpleaños de Jesús 2021

Queridos Feligreses,

¡Felíz Navidad! Y no estén avergonzados de
desearse el uno al otro, ¡Felíz Navidad! El desea
que nosotros tomemos parte de Su Divinidad. Si
bien la palabra "día festivo" es un derivado de
"día santo", es mucho más festivo cuando
reconocemos lo que estamos celebrando– - Dios
trajo la reconciliación entre nosotros y A Sí
Mismo en la Encarnación. Él desea que seamos
partícipes de Su Divinidad.

Regocíjense en la verdad de la Navidad: Dios
amó tanto al mundo que dio a su Hijo
unigénito... (Juan 3:16)

Regocíjense en el mensaje de la Navidad: Jesús
es el Príncipe de la Paz, que nos une unos a
Regocíjense en la promesa de la Navidad: Dios
nos envió un Salvador y Redentor que nos ha
llamado a participar de Su vida divina.

Los católicos celebran el cumpleaños de Cristo
con la Misa. De ahí la palabra Navidad. Aunque
la Navidad se celebra un día al año, debemos
tratar de mantener vivo el espíritu Navideño en
nuestros corazones durante todo el año amando
a Dios y al prójimo, a los ricos y a los pobres, a
los amigos y a los enemigos. ¡Felíz Navidad!

        En Nuestro Señor Jesús,
   Rev. Timothy S. Wiggins, Párroco
   Sacerdotes, Diáconos y Empleados
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030
La Página del Párroco #1
                          Cuarto Domingo de Adviento

Queridos feligreses y amigos:
 Hoy celebramos el cuarto domingo de Adviento. En el Evangelio de Lucas, María es "bendita entre las mujeres". Ella no
 es bendecida porque lleva a Cristo en su vientre; sino porque ella "creyó". Todos estamos llamados a ser como María,
 que respondió con un sí alegre y confiado.

Tenemos la bendición de tener casi una semana completa para prepararnos espiritual y sacramentalmente. ¿Haz caminado
con nosotros durante la temporada de Adviento, compartiendo las historias del Evangelio de maravillosos profetas de
Adviento, asistiendo a Misa, reflexionando sobre las Sagradas Escrituras o frecuentando el Sacramento de la Confesión /
Penitencia / Reconciliación? Si no, le animó que durante esta última semana de Adviento. ¿Qué mejor regalo puede darse
a sí mismo? El lunes 20 de diciembre es el lunes de reconciliación aquí en la Arquidiócesis. Los tiempos de confesión y
los confesores son:
                         11:00 a.m. ‐ 1:00 p.m. ~ P. George (San Carlos, Inglés)

                              3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. ~ P. Fenlon (Resurrección, Bilingüe)
                        6:00 p.m -8:00 p.m. ~ P. Wiggins (San Carlos, Inglés)

Como ha sido la costumbre aquí en la Parroquia de decorar nuestras iglesias en esplendor y estilo, el Comité de Medio
Ambiente necesita las siguientes fechas y horas: Martes, 12/21 empezando a las 11:00am @ SCB,
                                                 Jueves, 12/23 empezando a las 10:00am @ SCB.

 Hay horarios especiales para la Octava de Navidad (ver página adjunta) cuando damos gracias por el gran regalo de Jesús
 el Señor en nuestras vidas. Recuerde su regalo de Navidad para la parroquia. GRACIAS por su apoyo financiero para
 2021, que nos ayuda a mantener nuestras puertas abiertas, mantener las instalaciones y ayudar a los necesitados,
 especialmente durante la pandemia. “No os acumuléis tesoros terrenales. Las polillas y el óxido se corroen; los ladrones
 entran y roban. En lugar de ello, hagan su práctica el acumular tesoros celestiales, que ni las polillas ni el óxido
 corroerán, ni los ladrones minarán y robarán. Recuerde, donde está tu tesoro, allí también está tu corazón.” (MT 6: 19-

Tenga en cuenta que el gobernador emitió una vacuna / mandato en todo el estado el 10 de diciembre (ver enlace), que se
aplica a las iglesias, oficinas parroquiales y espacios de reunión. El mandato está en vigor a partir del lunes 13 de
diciembre. Será reevaluado el 15 de enero de 2022. Según la Arquidiócesis (a partir del 13 de diciembre),
         • El personal de la oficina parroquial y los visitantes deben usar máscaras en todo momento.
         • Se pide a todos los feligreses que usen máscarillas faciales mientras estén en la iglesia.
         • Los sacerdotes, diáconos y ministros extraordinarios deben usar máscaras en la entrada y
           procesiones de salida, en el momento de la distribución de la sagrada comunión; y cuando en
         proximidad entre sí.
         • Los comunicantes reciben con la mano abierta en lugar de con la lengua.
         • El uso de desinfectante para manos antes y después de la distribución de la sagrada comunión es un
         práctica prudente.

 ¡Tomemos esta actualización de enmascaramiento en serio, especialmente durante esta temporada festiva mientras nos
 preparamos para celebrar el cumpleaños de Jesús! Para citar a un feligrés: “Creo que hemos sido bastante fieles a esa
 práctica…. Espero que sigamos así ". ¡Y LO HAREMOS!

 P. Wiggins
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030
La Página del Parroco #2 (Informacional)
                                     Tercer Domingo de Adviento

Queridos Feligreses y Amigos:

Con el nuevo año litúrgico, deseo alertarlos de lo siguiente:

      Por favor adhiérase a nuestros nuevos Protocolos de COVID respaldados por el Consejo
       Parroquial y que ahora se encuentran en nuestro sitio web. En la caridad cristiana,
       coopere por la seguridad de los demás.

      El Libro de Misas del 2022 ya está abierto. Le pido amablemente que utilice los nuevos
       formularios para procesar su solicitud. Además de la reserva de Misas, ahora estamos
       ofreciendo dos (2) monumentos: el Pan y el Vino y la Lámpara del Santuario.

      Se enviarán Nuevos Sobres de Ofertorio a todos los feligreses registrados que estén en
       nuestro sistema de sobres a partir del 1 de enero de 2022. Ya no distribuiremos los sobres
       de todo el año; recibirá un sobre cada dos meses con 8-9 semanas de sobres. Esto nos
       permitirá actualizar direcciones de manera fluida, dar la bienvenida a nuevos feligreses
       con sobres actuales y ahorrar dinero en sobres para los feligreses que puedan mudarse
       durante el transcurso del año. Se consideró cuidadosamente la decisión de cambiar el
       método de administración. Para ayudarnos a mantener registros precisos de su
       contribución, le pedimos que utilice el sistema de sobres semanales ¡Y ESCRIBA
       CLARAMENTE SU DONACIÓN EN EL SOBRE! Esto nos permite verificar sus
       donaciones en caso de que sea necesario para fines fiscales o una necesidad sacramental.
       Por favor notifique a la Rectoría si desea recibir sobres o si cambió su dirección.

      Nuevo Horario de Misas --- consulte la página separada sobre nuestro nuevo horario.

      El regreso de nuestro boletín "tradicional" (bilingüe) comenzará el fin de semana del
       8 al 9 de enero. Los boletines se distribuirán DESPUÉS de cada Misa. También se
       encontrarán en nuestra página web.

      El Horario de Recepción del Fin de Semana es los sábados de 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Y
       los domingos de 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.

      La Novena de la Medalla Milagrosa y la Novena del Sagrado Corazón los lunes y
       viernes, respectivamente, se reanudarán el 3 de enero de 2022, después de la Misa de las
       8:30 a.m. Estas oraciones serán recitadas por el Celebrante. Se anima a la congregación a
       traer sus propias copias.
FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - December 19, 2021 Saint Charles Borromeo, Resurrection, and All Saints Harlem, New York 10030
Reflection for The Fourth Sunday of Advent

“Blessed are you among women”
These well-known words from the prayer, the Hail Mary, or the “Ave Maria” come from the lips of Mary’s

cousin Elizabeth in our Gospel reading for today. “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of

your womb.” This second phrase of our prayer, the Hail Mary, is perfect as we prepare celebrate the birth of our

savior Jesus on Saturday. The first phrases of the prayer come from the Angel Gabriel when Mary is first

invited to become the mother of the Savior; the second phrases now come from Elizabeth, our gospel reading

reminds us today.

This encounter of Mary and Elizabeth is what we call “the Visitation”: Mary, newly pregnant, visits her cousin

Elizabeth, for the announcing angel Gabriel had mentioned Elizabeth’s marvelous late-age pregnancy to her.

Our gospel of Luke tells us that at Mary’s greeting of Elizabeth caused a stirring in the womb of Elizabeth of

her soon-to-be-born son, John the Baptist, what we now call a quickening. A part of our faith relates that the

power of the Holy Spirit filled the still unborn John with the grace of God at this moment. Mary is conceived

and born without stain of sin; John the Baptist is born without sin, born and filled with the Holy Spirit.

And our prayer praising the mother of Jesus, the “Hail Mary”, comes primarily from these two passages from

the Bible. The explicit name of her son, “Jesus” was added to the prayer in the twelfth or thirteenth century; the

remaining phrase comes from the hopeful phrase that people have added when we call on God to share the same

blessings with us that Mary shared with Elizabeth: “Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.


Fr. Thomas Fenlon
Reflexión Del Cuarto Domingo de Adviento

"Bendita Tú Entre Las Mujeres"
Estas conocidas palabras de la oración, del Ave María o el "Ave María" provienen de los labios de
Isabel, prima de María, en nuestra lectura del Evangelio de hoy. "Bendita tú entre todas las mujeres, y
bendito el fruto de tu vientre". Esta segunda frase de nuestra oración, del Ave María, es perfecta
mientras nos preparamos para celebrar el nacimiento de nuestro salvador Jesús el sábado. Las primeras
frases de la oración provienen del ángel Gabriel cuando María es invitada por primera vez a convertirse
en la madre del Salvador; las segundas frases ahora provienen de Elizabeth, nuestra lectura del
evangelio nos recuerda esto hoy.

Este encuentro de María e Isabel es lo que llamamos "la Visitación": María, recién embarazada, visita a
su prima Isabel, porque el ángel Gabriel anuncia, menciona el maravilloso embarazo tardío de Isabel.
Nuestro evangelio de Lucas nos dice que el saludo de María a Isabel provocó una conmoción en el
vientre de Isabel de su hijo que pronto nacería, Juan el Bautista, lo que ahora llamamos un
avivamiento. Una parte de nuestra fe relata que el poder del Espíritu Santo llenó al aún no nacido Juan
con la gracia de Dios en este momento. María es concebida y nació sin mancha de pecado; Juan el
Bautista nace sin pecado, nace y está lleno del Espíritu Santo.

Y nuestra oración de alabanza a la madre de Jesús, el "Ave María", proviene principalmente de estos
dos pasajes de la Biblia. El nombre explícito de su hijo, "Jesús", se añadió a la oración en el siglo XII o
XIII; la frase restante proviene de la frase esperanzadora que la gente ha agregado cuando pedimos a
Dios que comparta con nosotros las mismas bendiciones que María compartió con Isabel: “Ruega por
nosotros pecadores ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén."

Padre Thomas Fenlon,

          Beginning January 1, 2022
       The Mass Schedule is as follows:
               Saturday Masses

             8:30am-English (SCB)

       5:30pm -Vigil Mass (SCB, English)

                Sunday Masses

            8:00am (SCB, English)

            10:00am (RES, English)

10:00am (SCB, English)12:00 noon (RES, Spanish)
2022 Announced Masses & Memorials
                 The Parish of St. Charles Borromeo, Resurrection and All Saints
                                 2022 Announced Masses & Memorials

Dear Parishioners/Friends:
Arranging for a Mass to be offered for the repose of someone’s soul, the anniversary of his/her death for a
birthday blessing, or a special intention, is a traditional, practical, and consoling custom among Catholic people.
Here at the Parish, we invite you to reserve Masses for your loved ones. If you have specific dates and times, we
will try to honor them as best we can. Requests will be entered in the order received. If the date and time you
requested is not available, attempts will be made to schedule the Mass as close as possible to your requested
date and time.

We are trying to make this process as simple as possible for all involved. Please carefully read the instructions
and follow them so that we might accommodate as many requests as possible. The offering of mass intentions is
part of our Catholic liturgical practice so when Mass is reserved, the offering (stipend) of $15 is requested for
both Sunday and Weekday Masses. Unannounced Masses remain at $10. Mass cards are available. For the
time being, a total of 5 intentions will be accepted comprising 2 Sunday Masses and 3 weekday Masses. Due to
the pandemic and the suppression of the 11:45 a.m. Sunday Mass (SCB), we will continue to accept two
intentions at each Mass.
Monday through Saturday, our Daily Weekday Mass Schedule is 8:30 a.m. (SCB)
Saturday Vigil Mass is 5:30 p.m. (SCB, English)
Sunday Masses are 8:00 a.m. (SCB, English), 10:00 a.m. (RES, English), 10:00 a.m. (SCB, English) and 12:00
noon (RES, Spanish)

If you need to make changes, please come to the rectory office or call (212) 281-2100. Please be patient,
compliant and cheerful as we navigate the opening of the Mass book.
In the year 2022 no intentions will be taken on:

                                  Saturday, January 1 (Mary, Mother of God)
                                           March 2 (Ash Wednesday)
                                           April 14 (Holy Thursday)
                                             April 15 (Good Friday)
                                           April 16 (Holy Saturday)
                                           April 17(Easter Sunday)
                                   Sunday, May 8-13th (Mother’s Day) Novena
                                     Thursday, May26 (Ascension of the Lord)
                                          Sunday, June 5 (Pentecost)
                                  Sunday, June 19-24th (Father’s Day) Novena
                                       Tuesday, November 1 (All Saints)
                                Wednesday, November 2-10th (All Souls) Novena
                                Thursday, December 8 (Immaculate Conception)
                                      Sunday, December 25 (Christmas)
                                   Saturday, December 31 (New Year’s Eve)

In addition to the above, two memorials are also offered: The Bread & Wine and the Sanctuary Lamp. The offering for
each memorial is $15 for the week and can be reserved for any special occasion. The name(s) of the person(s) in which
the memorial is being reserved will be published in our weekly bulletin.

Your name: __________________________________ Phone #: ______________________
Email address_______________________________________________________________
Amount enclosed: $ __________________________________ Date: ___________________
Join Us as We Celebrate the Birthday of the King of Kings!

                 2021 CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE
                                        Christmas Eve
                                     Friday, December 24
                       6:00 p.m.- Family Mass (Saint Charles Borromeo, English)

           11:45 p.m. Carols & the Christmas Proclamation (Saint Charles Borromeo, English) *

                    12:00 Solemn Midnight Mass (Saint Charles Borromeo, English) *

                                      Christmas Day
                                  Saturday, December 25
                             10:00 a.m. (Saint Charles Borromeo, English)

                                   10:00 a.m. (Resurrection, Bilingual)

*12 Midnight Mass & 10:00AM Christmas Day Mass will be available Livestream via our Church website

                                     NEW YEARS EVE – WATCHNIGHT

                             7:00 p.m. (RES) Spanish / 8:00p.m. (SCB) English


                            10:00 a.m. (SCB)‐ English / 10:00 a.m. (RES) Spanish

Please refer to our website page for updated Covid-19 Protocols
Lazarus Project
                  Parish of St. Charles Borromeo, Resurrection and All Saints
                           211 West 141 Street, New York, NY 10030

Are you grieving the loss of someone close?
Group support can assist your healing.

Lazarus Project
Ministry of Consolation


Support Groups
Saturdays, 10:30a to 12:00p
November 6 through December 11, 2021

January 8, 2022, through February 12, 2022

May 7, 2022, through June 11, 2022
Groups are Virtual. Contact the parish at 212 281 2100 if you would like to attend.
St. Charles Monthly Newsletter
  Dear St. Charles Family,

  In our busy world, our minds and bodies can get wrapped up in the hustle and
  bustle and may have a hard time slowing down. It is also easy to get stuck
  thinking about things from the past or in the future while forgetting to focus on
  the here and now. We all start out with a healthy ambition to accomplish and
  grow our abilities. Sometimes, when things don’t seem to come naturally to us,
  it is easy to give up. We can’t! We need to think positively and persevere.
  Anyone who excels in their field has come upon hard times. They succeeded
  because they persevered and learned through experience. The children are our
  future. We are role models for them. Let us take this busy time of year to reflect
  and be prepared to hit the reset button starting January 1! We owe our children
  the gift of love, time, and the ability to persevere. Wishing you a happy holiday
  season. I hope you find time to do everything that is important to you and your

With prayer and gratitude,

Mrs. Natalia Rodrigo
     DECEMBER 2021
 Wednesday, December 22nd
       No After School
        PK-2 2:00 PM
         3-5 2:15 PM
         6-8 2:30 PM
Thursday, December 23rd - 31st
 No School - Christmas Break
     Monday, January 3rd
       School Resumes
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