December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish

Page created by Tracy Solis
December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish
December 5, 2021

                                                    Second Sunday of

Mission Statement….page 2    Parish Staff……… 5   Mass Schedule.…… 4
Organizations…… 8   Mass Intentions…….page 6   Daily Readings………page 6
Español……….…….page 7         Português ……….…page 10     Stewardship Report….page 12
December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish
From Monsignor Fran Cilia

                               The appearance of John the Baptist in the desert indicates the
                           nearness of the Lord Jesus. John, called the “last and greatest of the
                           prophets,” urged his followers, using the words of the prophet Isaiah,
                           words that are also echoed in our first reading from the prophet

                               Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.
       Parish                  Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall
 Mission Statement             be made low.

                           John remains a key figure in Advent 2021, inviting us to recognize the
  Founded in 1777,         valleys of neglect and the mountains of excess in our lives. We
                           consider what we have not done, the people we have not reached out
Saint Clare Parish is      to, the ones we ignore in our lives – these are the valleys that need to
                           be filled in. This season also gives us the opportunity to reflect upon
an ethnically diverse      the “mountains” of opinions, judgments, and self.
Catholic community of
                           As we prepare for the annual celebration of the Birth of Christ,
 faith, united in wor-     readying the Lord’s way in our lives, let us clear the path so that He
                           may find a home in us, even as our hearts rest in Him.
ship, discipleship and
service. In welcoming           About Our Return to the Church for Masses
immigrants, newcom-
                           Now that we have returned to the church for all of our Masses, it
ers and strangers, we      would be good to recall the steps we have taken to foster the health
                           and welfare of our worshipping community, in keeping with
 strive to live the vir-   recommendations health authorities and the Diocese of San Jose.
  tues of justice and      In mid-2020, we installed UV and electrostatic filtration in our church
                           HVAC system, both upper and lower church. We also cycle the
 love, so as to be the     HVAC fans throughout the day, every day, to introduce as much fresh
                           air into the building as possible. Finally, unless the outside
 face of Christ in the     temperature is an issue, we try to leave some of the outside doors open
 world, becoming in        during our liturgies.

 Him a sign of unity       We will also continue routine cleaning and electrostatic disinfection of
                           the pews and other surfaces.
and an instrument of
                           Out of an abundance of caution, we recommend that families observe
     God’s peace.          some social distance from other families. Following county and
                           diocesan guidance, we continue to require masks to be worn inside the
                           church, except for lectors and presiders when they are proclaiming the
                           word or leading prayer or preaching.

December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish
Retirement Fund for Religious

Next weekend, we have the privilege of taking up the annual collection to benefit the Retirement Fund
for Religious. Those who benefit from this collection served for decades with little or no pay for their
work and, in retirement, many do not receive Social Security, because they were exempt from partici-
pation. More information is included here;

December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed
                                              Virgin Mary
                                        Wednesday, December 8

                                 This Wednesday, December 8, we celebrate the
                                 Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is
                                 under this title that the Blessed Virgin Mary is
                                 patroness of the United States.
      Mass Schedule              Masses for the holy day will be at 6:00 pm on
                                 Tuesday, December 7 (English), 8:00 am
Sunday Masses                    (English) and 6:00 pm (Spanish) on Wednesday,
(celebrated in the Church)       December 8. Our School Community will also
                                 have Mass on Wednesday morning, in the Tent,
Saturday Vigil Masses            to allow for participation by more that would be allowed in the church.
(Livestreamed and
in– person)                                       Advent Reconciliation Liturgy
5:00 p.m. (English)                              Thursday, December 16 at 6:30 pm
6:30 p.m. (Español)                           ________________________________________________________

7:30 a.m. (English)              Our bilingual Advent Reconciliation Liturgy, including the
9:00 a.m. (Portuguesa)           opportunity for Confession, will be on Thursday evening, December
                                 16, beginning at 6:30 pm, in the church. Please take advantage of
10:30 a.m. (English)             this opportunity to help prepare for Christmas. Additional times for
12:00 p.m. (Español)             confession are on Saturdays, December 4, 11, and 18, from 3:00 –
Liturgy of the Word for Children 3:30 pm, in the tent
During 10:30 a.m. Mass
                                                                  Care for Creation Corner

   Weekday Masses                                   On November 14 the Vatican officially launched
Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m.                           the Laudato Si Action Plan,
                                           just as the
                                                    United Nations Climate Change Conference in
        Confessions                                 Glasgow (COP26) came to a close. While there
Saturdays 3:00 p.m.– 3:30 p.m.                      are mixed perspectives on the success and out-
(In the Tent)                                       comes of COP26, one thing is clear: there is much
      Office Address:                               to do to halt the degradation of “our common
725 Washington Street                               home,” and we, as individuals and as a faith
Santa Clara, CA 95050                               community, can take steps to make a difference.            Pope Francis has spoken plainly about how care for creation is
                                 inseparable from our care for one another and love for God who cre-
                                 ated all things.
           E-mail         In this season of Advent, we await the coming of Emmanuel with
                                 hope - hope for peace and healing for our damaged world. Our
Emergency (for the sick          bulletin insert, on page 9, includes an Advent Calendar of daily
and dying):                      reflections and sustainability actions from Catholic Climate
408-248-7786                     Covenant, to help us grow in
Follow the prompt, then          our commitment to care for the poor and for our common home -
press 9                          may we be instruments of healing and peace for our community and
                                 our world.
December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish
Saint Clare School News
                                    ________________________________________   Main Office Number
                                                                               (408) 248-7786
                                  As we continue Saint Clare School’s          Pastor/Párroco
                         campaign theme of                  Monsignor Francis V. Cilia
                                  supporting kids and families, it is our   honor to partner with StandUp for Kids.      (669) 270-2700
The mission of the StandUp for Kids is to end the cycle of youth               Parochial Vicar/
homelessness. Its volunteers and staff work to empower homeless                Vicario Parroquial
and at-risk youth towards lifelong personal growth. The organization           Father Jonathan Cuarto
also provides counseling, mentoring, and life-skills, as well as food
and basic necessities for the youth.                                           (669) 270-2701
                                                                               Saint Clare School Principal
In support of the StandUp for Kids’ mission, our school will be                Cecile Mantecon
collecting donations for youth in our community so they may feel     
cared for and loved, and experience a support system that strives to           (408) 246-6797
help them move quickly from surviving to thriving.                             Catechetical Coordinator
                                                                               Sandra Quintanilla
Our drive will end on December 19th in partnership with Saint        
Clare Parish Youth Ministry’s Christmas & Cocoa.                               (669) 270-2702
                                                                               Youth Minister
We encourage all families to take some time at home to discuss
                                                                               Director of Confirmation
youth homelessness in our community. On November 19th, at
                                                                               Ryan Bao
morning assembly, we hosted a speaker from StandUp for Kids who      
shared more about the organization. Below are some statistics to               (669) 270-2708
think about and reference if you decide to discuss with students at
home:                                                                          Christian Initiation of Adults
    1.7 million youth in the United States experience home-                   (RCIA)
    lessness every year with 50,000 youth sleeping on the                      Diane Madruga
    streets for six months or more each year.                        
    One in every five children between the ages of 10 and 18                  Music Ministry
    will run away                                                              Christopher Wemp
    One-quarter of youth experience homelessness within a           
    year of aging-out of the foster care system                                Administrative Staff
    Compared to housed youth, homeless youth are 75% more
                                                                               Linda Ortiz Brisuela
    likely to self-medicate and abuse substances as a way to         
    deal with trauma.                                                          Laura Quiroz
We thank our Mission & Catholic Identity Committee for their
dedication and leadership to form students who “act with justice to            Parish Facilities/
become responsible STEWARDS of the resources entrusted to us by                Emergencies
God.” (from the Saint Clare School Schoolwide Learning                         Matt Dutra
                                                                               (408) 904-9181
Visit to continue our 165-year            In Residence
social justice journey!                                                        Father Daniel Urcia
Mrs. Cecile Mantecon, Principal
Saint Clare School Forming hearts and minds since 1856                         Father Martin Ezeador
750 Washington Street, Santa Clara CA 95050 |     
Facebook and Instagram: @stclareschoolsantaclara
                                                                               Father Paul-Cuong Phan
December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish
Mass Intentions
                           December 4-11, 2021
                           5:00 pm       Rodrigues Family+                   Monday 8:00 am
                           6:30 pm       George Alabanza+                    Carlos Mancebo– Health
                           Sunday                                            Tuesday
Daily Readings
                           7:30 am       Julia Silveira+                     8:00 am Carmen Ignacio+
Monday                                                                       6:00 pm English
Isaiah 35:1-10             9:00 am       Messalina Eleazar+
                                                                             Julia & John Gonsalves+
Psalms 85:9-14                           Lobato Family+
Luke 5:17-26                             Maria A. Madruga+                   Wednesday
                                         Maria Liduina Monteiro+             8:00 am Eden Esposo
Tuesday                                  Dora de Oliveira+                   Pantaleon+
Isaiah 40:1-11                           Manuel & Cristina Jeronimo+
Psalms 96:1-3, 10ac,                                                         6:00 pm Español
                                         Jose R. Barcelos+                   Malena– Cumpleaños
Matthew 18:12-14                         Jose C. Barcelos+                   Thursday 8:00 am
                                         Rosa da Conceicao Machado+
                                                                             Joao Faustino-Health
Wednesday                                Maria Amarante+
Genesis 3:9-15, 20                       Jose S. Sanches+                    Friday 8:00 am
Psalms 98:1-4                            Feijio Family+                      Julio Matos– Health
Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12                   Manuel Clemente Machado+            Saturday 8:00 am
Thursday                                 Vidalia Gaspar Rocha+
                                                                             Angela de Buitrago+
Isaiah 41:13-20                          Evangelina Mancebo+
Psalms 145:1, 9-13ab                     Manuel Santos+
Matthew 11:11-15                         Julio Matos– Health
                           10:30 am      Saint Clare Parishioners
Isaiah 48:17-19            12:00pm       Miguel Angel Ochoa Amaya+
Psalms 1:1-4, 6                          Urbano Amaya+
Matthew 11:16-19                         Aniceto Botero+
                                         Maria Luisa de Botero+
Sirach 48:1-4, 9-11
Psalms 80: 2ac, 3b, 15                              Youth Ministry News
-16, 18-19
Matthew 17:9a, 10-13     It’s time to bring in Christmas Cheer by sipping on some hot cocoa with
                         friends. Join us on December 18th from 3pm-5pm for a nice cup of hot co-
Sunday                   coa and cookies while catching up with some friends. Spread the warmth
Zephaniah 3:14-18a       by donating a pair of mittens or hand warmers to Saint Clare School’s
Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6    StandUp for Kids Drive. This event is completely FREE and open for all!
Philippians 4:4-7
Luke 3:10-18             Signed up for Confirmation yet? There’s a little more than a month left to
                         do so. Open to all 8th-12th graders. Sign up here:

December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish
De Monseñor Fran Cilia

                                    La aparición de Juan el Bautista en el desierto indica la cercanía del
                                    Señor Jesús. Juan, llamado el “último y más grande de los profetas”,
                                    instó a sus seguidores, usando las palabras del profeta Isaías,
                                    palabras que también se repiten en nuestra primera lectura del
                                    profeta Baruch:

                                    Preparen el camino del Señor, endereza sus sendas.
                                   Rellenen todos los valles y conviertan en llanura la región montañosa.

Juan sigue siendo una figura clave en el Adviento del 2021, invitándonos a reconocer los valles del
abandono y las montañas de exceso en nuestras vidas. Nosotros consideremos lo que no hemos hecho,
las personas a las que no nos hemos acercado, las que ignoramos en nuestras vidas: estos son los valles
que deben llenarse. Esta temporada también nos da la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre las "montañas"
de opiniones, juicios y mismos.

Mientras nos preparamos para la celebración anual del Nacimiento de Cristo, alistando el camino del
Señor en nuestras vidas, despejemos el camino para que Él pueda encontrar un hogar en nosotros,
aunque nuestro corazón descanse en Él.

                   Acerca de Nuestro Regreso a la Iglesia para las Misas

Ahora que hemos regresado a la iglesia para todas nuestras misas, sería bueno recordar los pasos que
hemos tomado para fomentar la salud y el bienestar de nuestra comunidad de adoración, de acuerdo
con las recomendaciones de las autoridades de salud y de la Diócesis de San José.

A mediados del 2020, instalamos filtros UV y electrostáticos en el sistema de aire acondicionado de
nuestra iglesia, tanto en la iglesia de arriba y la iglesia de abajo. Se mantienen encendidos los
ventiladores del aire acondicionado durante todo el día, todos los días, para circular la mayor cantidad
de aire fresco posible. Finalmente, a menos que la temperatura de afuera sea un problema, tratamos de
dejar algunas de las puertas abiertas durante nuestras liturgias.

También continuaremos con la limpieza de rutina y la desinfección electrostática de las bancas y otras

Por precaución, recomendamos que las familias mantengan cierta distancia de otras familias. Siguiendo
las guías del el condado y diocesanas, seguimos requiriendo el uso de cubre bocas dentro de la iglesia,
excepto para los lectores y sacerdotes cuando proclaman la palabra o dirigen la oración o la homilía.

                       Las Mañanitas a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

Las Mañanitas en celebración de la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el
12 de diciembre comenzarán a las 5:30 de la mañana en la Iglesia seguida
inmediatamente de la Misa. Se realizará una recepción en el salón parroquial con
pan y chocolate caliente. También habrá misa a las 12:00 del mediodía.

December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish
Fondo de Jubilación para Religiosos

                                 El próximo fin de semana, tenemos el      Parish Organizations
                                 privilegio de realizar la colecta anual   Organizaciones Parroquiales
                                 en beneficio del Fondo de Jubilación
                                 de Religiosos. Quienes se benefician      Parish Pastoral Council
                                 de esta recaudación sirvieron durante     Jasmine Vu
                                 décadas con poca o ninguna paga por
                                 su trabajo y, en la jubilación, muchos
                                 no reciben el Seguro Social, porque       Parish Finance Council
                                 estaban exentos de participación. En      Jerome Alabado
                                 este folleto se incluye más     
                                    Muchos religiosos ancianos             Social Justice Committee
                                    trabajaron por casi nada y ahora sus   Anne McMahon
                                    comunidades no tienen dinero 
                                    suficiente para su atención. Les
                                    rogamos su aporte al Fondo para la     Saint Vincent de Paul Society
                                    Jubilación de Religiosos en la misa    Mick Gonzales
                                     del próximo fin de semana.            (408) 645-0506
                                                                           Hispanic Council
     Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de la                          Elania Tablada
                                                                           (408) 984-3519
               Santísima Virgen María
               Miércoles 8 de diciembre                                    Portuguese Council
                                                                           Eduina Faria
Este miércoles 8 de diciembre celebramos la                                (650) 420-9908
Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción. Es
bajo este título que la Santísima Virgen                                   San Jose Chinese
María es patrona de los Estados Unidos.                                    Catholic Mission
                                                                           Mandarin Community
Las misas para el día santo serán a las 6:00                               Father Alberto Olivera, Pastor
pm el martes 7 de diciembre (inglés), a las                      
8:00 am (inglés) y a las 6:00 pm (español) el
miércoles 8 de diciembre. Nuestra                                          Cantonese Community
comunidad escolar también tendrá misa el                                   Tony Lau
Miércoles por la mañana, en la Carpa, para                       
permitir la participación de más de los que se
permitirían en la iglesia.                                                 Serra Club of Santa Clara
                                                                           Cathleen Lencioni
          Liturgia de Reconciliación de Adviento                           (408) 248-6728
                     Ingles y Español
           Jueves 16 de diciembre a las 6:30 pm                            Young Ladies Institute (YLI)
          __________________________________________________________       Dolores Wriglesworth
Nuestra Liturgia de Reconciliación de Adviento bilingüe, incluida la
oportunidad de confesarse será el jueves 16 de diciembre por la            Knights of Columbus
noche, a partir de las 6:30 pm, en la iglesia. Aproveche esta              Tony Colombo
oportunidad para prepararse para la Navidad. Los horarios        
adicionales para la confesión son los sábados, 4, 11 y 18 de
diciembre, de 3:00 a 3:30 pm, en la carpa.

December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish
December 5, 2021 Second Sunday of Advent - St. Clare Parish
Boletim Paroquial Português
                                       Segundo Domingo do Advento – C
                                       Reflexão por: João Pereira Arruda

                                    “Preparai o caminho do Senhor, endireitai suas veredas e toda a
                                    criatura verá a salvação de Deus”. Para se poder receber o
                                    Emanuel é necessário preparar-mos o nosso coração. Ele vem a nós,
                                    fazendo-se um de nós, traz-nos um plano concreto de salvação e
                                    remissão dos nossos pecados, mas devemos estar devidamente
                                    preparados para o receber e seguir-Lo com todas as consequências
que esta preparação para uma mudança de vida implica. Há uma enorme diferença na preparação para
celebrar o Deus Menino e a preparação para celebrar a festa do Natal nos centros comerciais e aderir
aos pedidos comerciais que inundam todos os meios comunicativos existentes nas sociedades de hoje.
O aderir e cooperar na alienação das sugestões do mundo comercial só nos leva a esvaziar as carteiras,
os bolsos, os cartões de crédito que depois do Natal já vazios do nosso interior e frustrados com as
contas para pagar; toda esta celebração mundana de desperdício causa-nos doença, depressão,
desilusão, e tudo isso porque na realidade a oferta do mundo é uma afronta á realidade do Natal do
Deus Menino. O Tempo do Advemto que a Igreja nos oferece é um tempo intenso de preparação de
penitência e oração. Assim como João Baptista preparava no deserto anunciando um baptismo de
penitência, assim tambem nós, aqui e agora, somos chamados a fazer uma preparação para receber o
Emanuel. Ele é o Prícipe da paz o Deus connosco e por assim ser temos que nos preparar para sermos
instrumentos de paz para sermos contribuidores na contrução de um mundo de paz, justiça e euidade
para todos. Devemo-nos preparar sermos parte integrante do plano de salvação do nosso Deus para
toda a Humanidade, e neste esforço, nesta preparação está toda a diferença entre o plano de Deus neste
Ntal para cada um de nós do que a mensagem e oferta do natal comercial que o mundo nos oferece. O
resultado também difere um do outro pois que o natal comercial causa: desperdício de vida e haveres,
desilusão e frestração e o Natal do Senhor Deus nos dá a esperança da salvação, nos dá a confiança que
obtida pelo baptismo nos faz irmãos de Cristo herdeiros do reino. Neste Tempo de Advento é um
tempo favorável para nos preparar-mos a fazermos as escolhas certas que dão mais qualidade de vida
no nosso dia a dia, e não tenham ilusões, que as escolhas certas sempre são feitas com a graça e auxílio
do Espírito Santo de Deus e por assim ser devemos estar sempre alertos a usar desse auxílio e graça
através da oração quotidiana, através do nosso modo de viver, através das nossas obras de caridade, da
nossa generosidade em oferecer os nossos dons ao bem comum da comunidade em que vivemos. É
neste espírito e plano de vida que caminhamos em direção á gruta para ver o Menino (Senhor e dono
das nossas vidas) e entregar do que temos tal qual os pastores e os magos o fizeram.

            Programa para as missas em Português para o Tempo de Natal

       1. 24 de Dezembro de 2021 – Vigília do Natal 9:00 am
       2. 26 de Dezembro de 2021 – Solenidade da Sagrada Família; 9:00 am
       3. 1 de Janeiro de 2022 – Solenidade de Santa Maria Mãe de Deus 9:00 am
       4. 2 de Janeiro de 2022 – Solenidade da Epipania do Senhor ; 9:00 am
       5. 9 de Janeiro de 2022 – Solenidade do Baptismo do Senhor; 9:00 am

Por favor guardem este programa para poderem seguir e participar neste tempo alto de celebrar-mos em
comunidade este tempo importante liturgicamente da nossa igreja e da nossa fé.

O Conselho Paroquial Português irá comunicando mudanças, ou adições a este programa através das
notícias que serão comunicadas nas missas e no tempo alocado da missa ao boletim da comunidade.
Ainda se houver algumas perguntas podem-nas fazer comunicando com a Eduina Faria, Claudia
Madruga ou João Arruda.
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Weekly Stewardship Report

                                                                                 Weekly Goal: $7,850.00
                                                                            Sunday, November 21: $33,711
                                                                           Sunday, November 28: $5,147.00

                                                                                  Fiscal Year to Date:

                                                                                   Goal: $172,700.00
                                                                               Actual: $202,880.00, 117%

                                                                                  Second Collection:
                                                                             Catholic Campaign for Human
                                                                                 Development (CCHD)

                                                                                Thanksgiving Collection:
                                                                                 Saint Vincent de Paul

                                                                               Thank You Very Much!!!!

                      Welcome!                                                        ¡Bienvenido!
Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us,               Nuestra más cordial bienvenida a todos los que están
whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the             celebrando con nosotros, ya sea que han estado por largo
parish. We thank God for you. If you are not registered,        tiempo o estén recién llegados a la parroquia. Damos
please fill out this form and place it in the collection        gracias a Dios por ustedes. Si aún no está registrado, por
basket or mail it to the parish office.                         favor, llene este formulario y póngalo en la canasta de la
                                                                coleta o mándelo por correo a la oficina de la parroquia.
Name: ________________________________________
                                                                Nombre (s): ___________________________________
Address: ______________________________________
                                                                Dirección: _____________________________________
City: ________________________Zip______________
                                                                Ciudad: ________________Código postal: ___________
Phone: _______________________________________
                                                                Numero teléfono: _______________________________
Email: ________________________________________
                                                                Correo electrónico: ______________________________
         Would you like to receive envelopes?                           ¿Desea recibir sobres de contribución?
            ______ Yes         ______ No                                     ______ Si        ______ No
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