St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church

Page created by Ray Rios
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                   October 24, 2021

                  St. Mark’s Catholic Church
                      Rev. Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, Pastor
             Rev. José Fernandez-Bangueses, Resident Priest
            Rev. Bernard N. Mohan (Wednesday and Friday)
                             Deacon Michael Keary
215 Crescent Pkwy, Sea Girt, NJ 08750 ● Phone 732-449-6364 ● Web:
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church
filled with joy.
                                                               Although they go forth weeping,
                                                                  carrying the seed to be sown,
                                                               They shall come back rejoicing,
                                                                  carrying their sheaves.
                                                               R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are
                                                               filled with joy.

                                                               Reading II               Heb 5:1-6
                                                               Brothers and sisters:
                                                               Every high priest is taken from among men and made
                                                               their representative before God, to offer gifts and
                                                               sacrifices for sins.
                                                               He is able to deal patiently with the ignorant and
                                                               erring, for he himself is beset by weakness and so, for
                                                               this reason, must make sin offerings for himself as
    Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time                          well as for the people.
                                                               No one takes this honor upon himself but only when
                                                               called by God, just as Aaron was.
Lectionary: 149                                                In the same way, it was not Christ who glorified
                                                               himself in becoming high priest, but rather the one
Reading I               Jer 31:7-9                             who said to him:
     Thus says the LORD:                                          You are my son:
  Shout with joy for Jacob,                                          this day I have begotten you;
     exult at the head of the nations;                         just as he says in another place:
     proclaim your praise and say:                                You are a priest forever
  The LORD has delivered his people,                                 according to the order of Melchizedek.
     the remnant of Israel.
  Behold, I will bring them back                               Alleluia          Cf. 2 Tm 1:10
     from the land of the north;                               R. Alleluia, alleluia.
  I will gather them from the ends of the world,               Our Savior Jesus Christ destroyed death and brought
     with the blind and the lame in their midst,               life to light through the Gospel.
  the mothers and those with child;                            R. Alleluia, alleluia.
     they shall return as an immense throng.
  They departed in tears,                                      Gospel          Mk 10:46-52
     but I will console them and guide them;                   As Jesus was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a
  I will lead them to brooks of water,                         sizable crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind man, the son of
     on a level road, so that none shall stumble.              Timaeus, sat by the roadside begging.
  For I am a father to Israel,                                 On hearing that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to
     Ephraim is my first-born.                                 cry out and say, "Jesus, son of David, have pity on
Responsorial Psalm               Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6       me."
R. (3) The Lord has done great things for us; we are           And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent.
filled with joy.                                               But he kept calling out all the more, "Son of David,
When the LORD brought back the captives of Zion,               have pity on me."
   we were like men dreaming.                                  Jesus stopped and said, "Call him."
Then our mouth was filled with laughter,                       So they called the blind man, saying to him, "Take
   and our tongue with rejoicing.                              courage; get up, Jesus is calling you."
R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are               He threw aside his cloak, sprang up, and came to
filled with joy.                                               Jesus.
Then they said among the nations,                              Jesus said to him in reply, "What do you want me to
   "The LORD has done great things for them."                  do for you?"
The LORD has done great things for us;                         The blind man replied to him, "Master, I want to
   we are glad indeed.                                         see."
R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are               Jesus told him, "Go your way; your faith has saved
filled with joy.                                               you."
Restore our fortunes, O LORD,                                  Immediately he received his sight and followed him
   like the torrents in the southern desert.                   on the way.
Those that sow in tears
   shall reap rejoicing.
R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are

#613                                                       2                                              10/24/2021
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church
Weekend Masses
                    Saturday 4:30 PM
            Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, and 12 Noon
                     5PM in Spanish
                      Daily Masses
Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet after Daily Masses        Please Note: New Policy for the Pray for our Sick.
          Monday-Friday at 7:30 AM and 11 AM                   Names will remain on the sick list read at mass for 4
        Saturday 7:30 AM Only (No 11 AM Mass)                  weeks and then removed unless the requester calls to
              Tuesdays 6 PM Spanish Mass                       remain on the list for another 4 weeks. To ensure the
                                                               consent of the person whose name appears here, the
               Sacrament of Reconciliation                     pastor's policy requires that only they or a family member
             Saturdays 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM and                  may request a name be added to this list. Names will
                                                               remain in the bulletin until the person or family request it
       Thursdays after the 7:30 AM and 11 AM Masses            be removed.
                 Devotions and Novenas                         Jim & Andrea Trischitta, Mary Jane Lorenzo, Erin
Miraculous Medal Novena after daily Masses on Wednesdays       Rubas, Dennis Maloney, Dr. William Burns, Robert
   Eucharistic Adoration on Fridays after 11 AM Mass.          Czech, Deacon Mike, Janet Thomas, Edward Morea,
                 Benediction at 1:45 PM                        Rosalie Renda, Alice Healy, Benjamin Ohlweiler,
    1st Fridays Spanish Adoration beginning at 7 PM            Jeremy Pavlick, Lucy Gargano, Christine Frauenheim,
                                                               Robert MacPherson, Jake Gilbert, Bill Lesniak, Jim
                                                               Bogan, Bruce Bogan, Sr., Alexandra Gavilanes, Sarah
                                                               Gallagher, Jimmy Azzollini, Vivian Wilson, Ken Hauck,
                                                               Dorothy Waugh, Patricia Cavanaugh, Rose Courtney ,
                                                               Grace Philhower, Maria Valdez.

                                                                     Eternal Rest grant onto them, O Lord, and
                                                                        let perpetual light shine upon them.
                                                               Please remember in your prayers those of our
                   October 24, 2021                            diocese, parish, friends, and family members who
                                                               have recently died.
Monday: Rom 8:12-17; Ps 68:2, 4, 6-7ab, 20-21;
Lk 13:10-17                                                                        † Patricia Farrell
Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6;                                † Elena Loughran
Lk 13:18-21                                                                           † Faris Yany
Wednesday: Rom 8:26-30; Ps 13:4-5, 6; Lk 13:22-30
Thursday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-3, 4-5; Lk 6:12-16                    May the angels lead you into paradise…
Friday: Rom 9:1-5; Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20;
Lk 14:1-6
Saturday: Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29; Ps 94:12-13a,
14-15, 17-18; Lk 14:1, 7-11                                             St. Mark’s Bereavement Ministry
Sunday: Dt 6:2-6; Ps 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51; Heb 7:23-28;          Our Bereavement Ministry helps those who are grieving
Mk 12:28b-34                                                    the loss of a loved one during their most difficult times.
                                                                  They meet on Wednesdays at 11 AM at St. Mark’s.
If you are a parishioner who has not been able to attend           Please call Sue Nolan at 718-637-1162 for more
Mass and would like to have a Eucharistic Minister bring                     information. All are welcome!
Holy Communion to you, please contact Donna at the
rectory,      732-449-6364       x100      or      email
                                                               Thank You! We are so grateful to                                       all those who financially sacrifice
                                                               each week to support our parish and
                                                               it’s ministries!
                                                               We would especially like to thank
                                                               all of those who faithfully use their
                                                               weekly parish contribution envelopes and those who give
                                                               online through the Parish Giving Program.
                                                               October 17, 2021 collection amount $12,973.

#613                                                       3                                                  10/24/2021
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church
† This Week’s Mass Intentions
DATE                    INTENTION                            REQUESTED BY
Monday, October 25
 7:30 AM                † Kathryn and Edward McGuirk         JoAnn McGuirk
                        † Julia Buonocore                    Irene and Leo Hurley
                        Special Intention                    Family
11:00 AM                † Joan Enright                       Estate
                        † Bonnie McGonegle                   Kevin Ludwig
                        † Richard and Catherine Yaeger       Harry Tahan
Tuesday, October 26
 7:30 AM                † Muriel Mercer                      Dr. and Mrs. J. Cashman
                        † Rita Regenye                       Jack Regenye
11:00 AM                † Carol Treger                       Estate
                        † Thomas Miller                      Saint Mark's Altar Rosary Society
                        † Patrick McCormack                  Paulette McCormack
Wednesday, October 27
 7:30 AM                † Peggy Meaney                       Stephen and Sheila Kenny
                        † Janet Ferrante                     Stan and Lorraine Ciemniecki
11:00 AM                † Margaret Roll                      Thomas and Susan Ahearn
                        † Gerald Fitzpatrick                 Joe and Mary Beth Walsh
                        † Janet Ferrante                     Harriet and Conrad Yauch
Thursday, October 28
 7:30 AM                † Grace Smith                        Fell Family
                        † Julia Buonocore                    Margaret Azzarella
11:00 AM                † Mary Conti                         Bohacik Family
                        † Rita Passalaqua                    Family
                        † Mary Ellen Horan                   Peggie and Jim O'Brien
Friday, October 29
 7:30 AM                † George Gilbert                     Kathleen Santella
                        † Julia Buonocore                    Don Sabatini
11:00 AM                † Ellie McNamara                     Kathy and Bob Flammer
                        † Janet Ferrante                     Peggy Whelan
                        † Edward Charney                     The Sibole Family
Saturday, October 30
 7:30 AM                † Janet Ferrante                     Jim and Marianne Sheridan
                        † Julia Buonocore                    Russ, Krista and Family
 4:30 PM                † Margaret Ashley                    Sullivan Family
                        † Gordon J. Pingicer                 Gordon and Peggy Pingicer
                        † Eleanor Heraut                     Kathy and Bob Flammer
Sunday, October 31
 8:00 AM                People of the Parish
10:00 AM                † Paul Tortorella                    Family
                        † Dr. Bernard Reilly                 Linda and Jerry Zoufaly
                        † Harry and Anna Mae Coster          O'Brien Family
12 Noon                 † Eleanore McNamara                  Ginny and Jim Mulvihill
                        † Barbara Faccone                    Dr. Joseph Mastromonaco and Family
                        † Frank Amnedolea                    Friends
 5:00 PM                † Cesar Ruiz                         Nayeli Ruiz
                        † Benito Lito                        Children
                        † Ines Aparicio Gonzalez             Sofia Lazo and Family

#613                                                     4                                       10/24/2021
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church
Eucharistic Devotion                           We are working on the November & December

             T     he importance of Eucharistic Adoration is         Ministry Schedule. If there is anyone who has returned
                   shown in the fact that the Church has a           to Church and would like to be put on the schedule,
             ritual that regulates it: the Rite of Eucharistic       please email or call 732-449-
             Exposition and Benediction. This is an                  6364 x114. Thank you!
             extension of the adoration of the Blessed
             Sacrament which occurs in every Mass:
             "Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who                 If you know someone who doesn’t have access to the
takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to        internet and would like a copy of the bulletin, please
the supper of the Lamb." Exposition of the Blessed                   call the Rectory at 732-449-6364.
Sacrament flows from the sacrifice of the Mass and serves to
deepen our hunger for Communion with Christ and the rest
of the Church. The Rite concludes with the ordained                                            MASS MATTERS
minister blessing the faithful with the Blessed Sacrament.                     Fr. Bausch’s book “Mass Matters” is on sale in
Please join us on Friday’s immediately after the 11 AM                         the rectory for $15. Please call ahead and we
Mass for Adoration. Benediction begins at 1:45PM. It will                      will have it ready for you to pick it up! 732-
also be broadcast on livestream @                           449-6364
Come spend some quiet time with the Lord.

                                                                     Rosary Makers of Saint Mark's Guild will
                                 Homebound seniors                   meet on Monday, October 25 at 1pm in the
                                 can           remain
                                                                     church basement. As always, we welcome
                                 comfortably at home
                                                                     anyone interested in making rosaries. as well
                                 with the dignity of
                                 independence and                    as our faithful rosary makers. Maria Checton, 732-245-
                                 the    security    of               8405.
                                 having someone visit                              “The Rosary is THE weapon.”
                                 once a day with a                              ~Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio)
nutritious meal. Also, the warm smile of one of our
wonderful volunteers or caring meals-on-wheels drivers
is important to them and often serves as a wellness                  While everyone is not yet able to participate in person at
                                                                     Masses, you can watch them online by visiting our parish
                                                                     website:    Saint Mark's Catholic Church – 215
If you would like more information, please call Meals                Crescent Pkwy, Sea Girt, New Jersey 08750
                                                                     ( and click on the Livestream logo or
on Wheels 732-502-3277 or Barbara Anderson 848-444-
                                                                     highlight the link below then right click and click open
3123.                                                                Hyperlink St. Mark Church Streaming Player |
                                                                     Powered by StreamSpot.
New Jersey Right to Life Car Raffle Tickets were
sold out at Masses last weekend. You can purchase
tickets at the Rectory. Please call ahead 732-449-
6364. Thank you.

#613                                                             5                                                  10/24/2021
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church
Beginning this weekend until November 9th, St. Mark’s Social Concerns
Committee, once again, will be collecting food to be donated to Mercy
Center in Asbury Park.
Please note: We will not be collecting frozen turkeys. Fulfill Charity is
donating the turkeys to the Mercy Center this year. Frozen pies may be
placed in the large freezer in the Church basement kitchen, as well as
butter and refrigerated tube biscuits.
Stovetop stuffing, instant mashed potatoes, 1lb bags of rice, gravy,
canned yams, corn, peas, green beans, fruit, cranberry sauce, sugar
packets, instant coffee bags and dried milk packets should be placed in
the bins at the front and side entrances to the Church.
We thank you for your support and generosity.
Pat & Gary Cademartori 732-895-9424
Dennis & Denise Tonry 732-539-6153

Parish Mission Statement: We, the Parish Family of St. Mark’s in our quest to follow the
Gospel of Jesus Christ, are building a faith-based community that assists all people in life’s
journey to be open to God’s love and to share His joy. We are further committed to address
the spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs of all people through service to individuals,
families, parish and the greater community. As responsible stewards using our individual gifts,
we promise to celebrate, renew and strengthen our faith, and to live our lives as a reflection
of Christ's love for others. St. Mark’s is designated as a Center for Hispanic Ministry in the
Diocese of Trenton.

#613                                            6                                      10/24/2021
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church
CYO News

The CYO had its first Bible Night: CYO Presents Great Stories of the Bible, this past Thursday night.

Our production was hosted and directed by senior Liam Sittig who with Meghan Cattani, Thomas Fury, Sarah
DeMaria, Kyle Rotante and Joseph Gisoldi were our readers.

Monsignor Sean was kind enough to give an overview of the Bible—its origin, writers, purpose, and how to read it
and apply it to our lives. At our monthly gatherings, he will also be giving a reflection on the themes of the passages
our CYO members read.

Monsignor has always been an excellent teacher of the Bible. In his homilies he often gives the Biblical history of
the readings as well as important information about the Biblical figures themselves. This past Monday for example,
on the Feast of St. Luke, he gave a very informative overview of both the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the
Apostles (also written by Luke.)

Anyone can attend our Bible nights. They will also be livestreamed so that people at home can watch. Our next
Bible Nights are scheduled for November 11th and December 16th. They will be from 7-8 PM.

The CYO will meet this Sunday, October 24th, at 7:30 PM. There will be no meeting on Halloween but many of our
CYO members will be participating in CYO Operation Halloween Feed the Hungry. If you wish to participate in this
service event, please contact Mrs. Reilly and she will give you the form you will need.

Many thanks to all who attended our CYO Bible Night including all those watching from home. A very special thanks
to Monsignor Sean for all his support and guidance.

#613                                                       7                                               10/24/2021
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church
                                                                                       We celebrate this day by
                                                                                       remembering the revitalizing
                                                                                       mission at the heart of our
                                                                                       Christian faith – to bring the
   Monday, November 1st                                                                Gospel to all! The collection
                                                                                       today for the Society for the
                                                                                       Propagation of the Faith
  Holy Day Masses are at 7:30 AM and 11:00 AM.             ensures the work and service of the Mission Church, as it
          Masses will be Livestreamed.                     supports priests, religious and lay leaders who offer the
                                                           Lord’s mercy and concrete help to the most vulnerable
                                                           communities in the Pope’s missions. Thank you for your

                                                           That the life of every person, from conception to
                                                           natural death, will be protected in our laws and
Tuesday, November 2nd is All Souls’ Day. The               cherished in our hearts;
11:00AM Mass will be offered for the holy souls of         We pray to the Lord:
St. Mark’s who have died during the past year. Their
names will be read during the Mass. The Mass will
be livestreamed for those who would like to attend                                2022 Mass Book will open on
but are not able to do so.                                                          Tuesday, November 9th.
                                                                                 Mass Intentions may be mailed to
                                                                                 the Rectory, dropped off in the mail
Envelopes for All Souls remembrance during the
                                                                                 slot, or emailed to Donna at
month of November are available at Church                              ,        with
entrances.                                                                       preferred dates and times. Please
                                                                                 include your contact information
                                                           for any questions we might have, and a $10 stipend for
                                                           each mass. Checks should be payable to St. Mark’s
                                                           Church. Also indicate if you desire any Mass cards. We
                                                           will call you when they are ready to be picked up.

                                                           Please mail your checks to St. Mark’s Church, 215
                                                           Crescent Parkway, Sea Girt, NJ 08750 or drop off in mail
                                                           slot. Thank you!

#613                                                   8                                                 10/24/2021
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church
#613   9   10/24/2021
St. Mark's Catholic Church - Saint Mark's Catholic Church
The Upper Room is a
                                 spiritual and educational
                                 center    rooted  in     a
                                 contemplative and holistic
approach that supports and nourishes the spiritual growth
of laity, religious, and clergy. Sponsored by the Diocese
of Trenton, the Upper Room serves women and men
within and outside the diocese through on-site and
outreach programs. The For information on programs,
please visit or e-mail:
                                                                         TMIY ON SATURDAYS AT ST. MARK’S!
Offerings at Francis House of Prayer                               That Man is You (TMIY). To learn more, visit
Spiritual direction, a one-on-one conversation            Attendance and participation
with a spiritual director about God in your                        are relaxed and flexible. You will not be disappointed.
life, is always available. We offer the Spiritual
Exercises of St. Ignatius on a monthly and
weekly basis, many opportunities to learn and practice
contemplative prayer, reading programs on St. John of the
Cross and other Carmelite Saints, and contemporary
writers such as James Martin, Thomas Keating, Richard
Rohr, Thomas Merton and special one-time programs.
   Trenton Diocesan Spiritual Center and Retreat House
            609-877-0509 or
Please check or click on for programs
and registration.
                                                                     St. Mark’s will be a hosting a Virtus Training
                 Our mission as Religious Teachers                  Session on Wednesday, October 27 @ 6:00 p.m.
                 Filippini is to “Go forth and teach the
                 Word of God.” Our ministry on this                Diocesan Policy mandates fingerprinting and Virtus
                 holy ground is for the people of God              Training of volunteers, age 18 and over, who have
                 who come to St. Joseph By the Sea for             regular contact with children and volunteers their time at
soul searching, trying to find peace in their lives and a          St. Mark’s.
God who understands them.
Visit for more events or brochure.                  You must be registered to attend, please visit https://
                                                          For first time users create an
                                                                   account, for existing user sign-in.
Northern New Jersey Alcoholics Anonymous
provides information on AA as a resource for anyone who            For questions and more information please contact
thinks they may have drinking problem, as well as to               Mrs. Diana Zuna Nieves (732) 449-6364 ext. 105.
answer any questions that professionals or community
members may have about Alcoholics Anonymous. Please                       LET US PRAY TO END THE PANDEMIC
visit for more information.                                     With the Holy Innocents Rosary Group
                                                                      Monday through Friday 10:00am online or by phone.
Bishop O’Connell, under the recommendation of                             Please contact Kathy Lynch at 732-513-2970 or
Governor Murphy, recommends that both vaccinated and                      at for more details.
unvaccinated residents wear masks in indoor settings.               It is easy to join by phone or she can assist you to access
This is a recommendation NOT a mandate at this time.                            the group via video teleconference.
Let’s pray that this pandemic ends soon!
                                                                   Afghan Refugees Humanitarian Crises
Please Note: Parishioners have been inquiring about                As you may have heard from various news agencies, Afghan
                                                                   refugees are being housed at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-
the new Hymnals/Missiles They will be available on the             Lakehurst, NJ. Catholic Charities Diocese of Trenton has been
First Sunday of Advent, November 28th.                             asked to assist in this humanitarian crises by identifying and
                                                                   mobilizing legal representation for immigration, helping to
                                                                   coordinate wellness activities for the children and their families
                                                                   and assisting in the coordination of donations and volunteers.
                                                                   If you are interested In helping with this effort, please click on
                                                                   humanitarian-crisis to learn more about volunteer and donation

#613                                                          10                                                       10/24/2021
#613   11   10/17/2021
Msgr. Sean P. Flynn, Pastor                    Apostolado Hispano               Directora del Ministerio de Religion
  Rev. José Fernandez-Bangueses,                 Horario de oficina en Español:               Diana Zuna Nieves
         Sacerdote Residente                      Lunes, Miércoles & Viernes                         9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.              Teléfono: 732 449-6364 ext. 105
   Teléfono: 732 449-6364 ext. 122  
                                               Oficina: 732 449-6364 ext. 104
                                                      Fax: 732 449-1646

       Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario                   Segunda Lectura: Heb 5, 1-6.
                   Octubre 24, 2021                             Hermanos: Todo sumo sacerdote es un hombre escogido
                                                                entre los hombres y está constituido para intervenir en
Primera Lectura: Jer 31, 7-9.                                   favor de ellos ante Dios, para ofrecer dones y sacrificios por
Esto dice el Señor: “Griten de alegría por Jacob, regocíjense los pecados. Él puede comprender a los ignorantes y
por el mejor de los pueblos; proclamen, alaben y digan: ‘El extraviados, ya que él mismo está envuelto en debilidades.
Señor ha salvado a su pueblo, al grupo de los                   Por eso, así como debe ofrecer sacrificios por los pecados
sobrevivientes de Israel’. He aquí que yo los hago volver       del pueblo, debe ofrecerlos también por los suyos propios.
del país del norte y los congrego desde los confines de la      Nadie puede apropiarse ese honor, sino sólo aquel que es
tierra. Entre ellos vienen el ciego y el cojo, la mujer encinta llamado por Dios, como lo fue Aarón. De igual manera,
y la que acaba de dar a luz.                                    Cristo no se confirió a sí mismo la dignidad de sumo
Retorna una gran multitud; vienen llorando, pero yo los         sacerdote; se la otorgó quien le había dicho: Tú eres mi
consolaré y los guiaré; los llevaré a torrentes de agua por     Hijo, yo te he engendrado hoy. O como dice otro pasaje de
un camino llano en el que no tropezarán. Porque yo soy          la Escritura: Tú eres sacerdote eterno, como Melquisedec.
para Israel un padre y Efraín es mi primogénito”.
                                                                Aclamación antes del Evangelio: Cfr 2 Tim 1, 10
Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 125, 1-2ab. 2cd-3. 4-5. 6.            R. Aleluya, aleluya.
Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor.                    Jesucristo, nuestro salvador, ha vencido la muerte y ha
                                                                hecho resplandecer la vida por medio del Evangelio.
Cuando el Señor nos hizo volver del cautiverio, creíamos        R. Aleluya.
soñar; entonces no cesaba de reír nuestra boca ni se
cansaba entonces la lengua de cantar.                          Evangelio: Mc 10, 46-52.
                                                               En aquel tiempo, al salir Jesús de Jericó en compañía de sus
Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor.                   discípulos y de mucha gente, un ciego, llamado Bartimeo,
                                                               se hallaba sentado al borde del camino pidiendo limosna.
Aun los mismos paganos con asombro decían:                     Al oír que el que pasaba era Jesús Nazareno, comenzó a
“¡Grandes cosas ha hecho por ellos el Señor!”                  gritar: “¡Jesús, hijo de David, ten compasión de mí!”
Y estábamos alegres, pues ha hecho grandes cosas por su        Muchos lo reprendían para que se callara, pero él seguía
pueblo el Señor.                                               gritando todavía más fuerte: “¡Hijo de David, ten
                                                               compasión de mí!”. Jesús se detuvo entonces y dijo:
Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor.                   “Llámenlo”. Y llamaron al ciego, diciéndole: “¡Ánimo!
                                                               Levántate, porque él te llama”. El ciego tiró su manto; de
Como cambian los ríos la suerte del desierto, cambia           un salto se puso en pie y se acercó a Jesús. Entonces le dijo
también ahora nuestra suerte, Señor, y entre gritos de         Jesús: “¿Qué quieres que haga por ti?” El ciego le contestó:
júbilo cosecharán aquellos que siembran con dolor.             “Maestro, que pueda ver”. Jesús le dijo: “Vete; tu fe te ha
                                                               salvado”. Al momento recobró la vista y comenzó a
Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor.                   seguirlo por el camino.
Al ir, iba llorando, cagando la semilla; al regresar,
cantando vendrán con sus gavillas.                                                     Que la vida de cada persona,
                                                                                       desde la concepción hasta la
Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor.                                           muerte natural, será protegida
                                                                                       en nuestras leyes y apreciada
                                                                                       en nuestro corazón;
                                                                                       Roguemos al Señor:

#613                                                         12                                                  10/24/2021
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#613   14   10/24/2021
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