JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church

Page created by Regina Taylor
JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church
April 10, 2022   JESUS I TRUST IN YOU
 “Souls perish in spite of My bitter Passion.   I am giving them
 the last hope of salvation; that is, the Feast of My Mercy. If they
 will not adore My Mercy, they will perish for all eternity.
 Secretary of My Mercy, right, tell souls about this great mercy
 of Mine, because the awful day, the day of My justice, is near.”
 Diary of St. Faustina #965

                    Very Rev. Nicholas P. Clavin, Pastor
          Presiders: Msgr. Michael Gallagher and Rev. James Rafferty
      Deacons: Dcn Ron Diem, Dcn Doug Pingel, and Dcn Dominic Guzzardo
                                April 24, 2022

11451 Blue Cypress Dr., San Diego, CA 92131 • 858-653-3540 •
JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church
02      MISSION STATEMENT                                    APRIL 24, 2022

     We are a vibrant, faithful,    “I  desire that the Feast of Mercy be a
       Eucharistic, Catholic        refuge and shelter for all souls, and
                                    especially for poor sinners. The soul that
         Community who              will go to Confession and receive Holy
bring people to Christ and send     Communion shall obtain complete
                                    forgiveness of sins and punishment. On
         them out to
                                    that day all the divine floodgates through
       transform the world.         which graces flow are opened. Let no soul
                                    fear to draw near to Me, even though its
       MASS SCHEDULE                sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great
                                    that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will
      Weekday Mass Daily:           be able to fathom it throughout all eternity.
          8:00 a.m.                 The Feast of Mercy emerged from My
                                    very depths of tenderness. It is My desire
                                    that it be solemnly celebrated on the first
          Reconciliation:           Sunday of Easter. Mankind will not have
        Saturday 4:00p.m.           peace until it turns to the Fount of My
                                    Mercy.” Diary of St. Faustina #699
         First Friday Mass:              7 Day Candles
                                                        In Loving Memory
     Weekend Mass Schedule:
         Saturday 5:00pm
               7:30am               Mary Fischer
     9:00am (signed for the deaf)   Barbara Heimpel Hauck
               11:00am              Peter Kremp       Kevin Gutawski
               5:00pm               Noah Aceves Happy Birthday
JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church
                                                   STEWARDSHIP of TREASURE
                                                            Our Parishioners and visitors made
                                                               a joyful return to the Lord in
                                                             gratitude for the gifts they have
                                                                    received from God:
   I wish to express sincere gratitude to all                             April 10 2022
 those who have already made their pledge
    to our fair share of the Annual Catholic    Church                $18,559.41
                     Appeal !                   Online Giving         $17,471.05
Feb 27, 2022        71 donors    $30, 205       Total:                $36,030.46
March 6, 2022       69 donors    $25,350                 Approximate amount needed weekly:
March 13, 2022      44 donors $14,536
March 20, 2022      16 donors    $9,305
                                                                Difference:    +$30.46
March 27, 2022      16 donors    $11,660
                                                   Sincere gratitude for your fidelity to your
April 3, 2022       12 donors    $4,700.        offertory of sacrificial giving in support of St.
April 10, 2022      10 donors    $4,290           Gregory the Great Parish. Fr. Nick, Pastor

                                                                              The Bricks have
Total:              $104,721.28 245 donors
Our obligation this year is $106,000 and the
                                                                              been placed!
good news is that whatever we raise in                                        Take a
excess of our share will be returned to the                                   moment to be
parish! Brochures are in the pews. God
bless you for your generosity.
                                                                              with your loved
 Fr. Nick, Pastor
                                                                              ones in our

                                                    The grid for locating the bricks will be on the
     O, Come Adore the Lord                                 website in the near future.

                                                The Saint Gregory the Great
Thursday, April 28th from 8:00am
                                                Women’s Book Club is
      until Friday, 8:30am.                     meeting again on May 2nd.
 Please use the link to sign up to              The book being discussed is:
                                                Being Heumann by
  take part in adoring the Lord.
                                                Judith Heumann
                                                The next book is called:
                                                Three Hours in Paris
                                                by Cara Black
JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church
04             DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY                                          APRIL 24, 2022

                                                     The Faith Community and Staff of St.
                                                       Gregory the Great extend a warm
                                                     welcome to our newest parishioners
             The World Is Watching
                                                               and their families:
If you’re a parent, you know this to be true: the    Juan Vargas & Kirsten Walkowiak
world is watching. All it takes is one slip-up —
one bad word, one selfish action, one                           Szilard Vegh
uncharitable commentary, and that’s the thing
your child seems to notice. When he or she
                                                              Robert Hopkins
calls you on it, the only thing you can do is
come clean. “Yep, I did that,” you have to say.
“I’m a work in progress, but luckily, God never
stops working.”

I think it’s fair to say that we don’t think
enough about the wounds of Christ. It’s a little
understandable, of course. Our human bodies
flinch at the sight of such pain and
mortification. It’s a lot to handle, the physical
trauma of a crucifixion. It carries an R rating in      Don’t Miss our New Parishioner
a PG world.                                           Orientation on Sunday, April 24th at
But the wounds of Christ are the only thing that
                                                           12:20pm in the Parish Hall
could make Thomas believe. Literally nothing
else was so powerful, not even the testimony of          New? Sign up:
his most trusted friends. Only by looking at and
feeling the torn flesh — by beholding that
messy reality — did this Apostle, this actual
companion of Christ, come to believe in the                              IN MEMORIAM

“Christ has no body now but yours,” goes the
famous quote attributed to St. Teresa of Avila.          The Community and Staff
What she’s saying is that we have become the           of St. Gregory the Great Parish
means through which God chooses to
accomplish His will in the world. Us, the            extend our heartfelt condolences
broken. Us, the weary. Us, the imperfect. Yes,           to all the loved ones of the
miraculous events and apparitions still occur
from time to time, but by and large, if a person                  families of:
is going to come to believe in Jesus Christ in       Isabelle Klopper    Mario Rosal
this day and age, it will be because of
something we Christians do or say. Christ has        Candy Ellis         Kevin Gutawski
no wounds now but ours. Our brokenness, our
weariness, our imperfection — our reality. It all
                                                     Joseph Villanueva    Cherie Juan
belongs to him, and the world is watching.           May they rest in God’s eternal peace.
JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church
All Things Gala!!                  05

JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church
06          MASS INTENTIONS                                          APRIL 24, 2022

Saturday,     April 23                             FOR THE NEEDS AND
5:00 pm      The Gruter Family †                     INTENTIONS OF:
Sunday       April 24                      Ghean Maksimow, Louis Maher, Steve Ford,
7:00am      Mary Sapsara Ayres †           Kathleen Tadeusiak, Maria Ligaya Ruiz,
9:00am      Carl Hoge †                    Jamie Crowley, George Gregory, David
                                           Pemberton, Amanda Richards, Dave Nelson,
11:00am     Loreta Guevarra †              Marie Randise, Karen and Therese Davis,
5:00pm      Deolinda Medeiros †            Estela Tangilinan, Rogelio Avenido, Eileen
Monday,      April 25                      Reeder, Michael and Carmen Evans, Lavinia
                                           Reyes, Derrick Elder, Teresa and Joseph
8:00am      Pete Dang †
                                           Couri, Jacqueline Faucher, Diane Smith,
Tuesday,     April 26                      John and Jeanette McSweeny, Roger
8:00am      Daniel Clavin †                Stevens, David Flaherty, Thai Tran, Torrey
                                           Westfall, David Anderson, Amando Mirasol,
Weds.,       April 27                      Jr., Anne Lintner, Joyce Bautista, Sandy
8:00am      Madeline Hurley †              Soares, Rosemary Finger, Kathy Binks,
Thurs,       April 28                      Jerry Louis, Jr., David Feather, Mayette
                                           Valera, Alice Myers, Bailey Tom, Nancy
            Jaime Hernandez SI
                                           Hara, Marybelle Squires, Gemini Prado,
Friday,      April 29                      Charles Astudillo, Carmen and Jon
8am         Bradley Halter †               Morrissey, Doug Gruter, Cristela Tan,
                                           Remy Yuching, Ron Marcoux, Pat and
  Readings for April 25-May 1, 2022        Wayne Gilbert, Betty Kelly, Linda
                                           Hamabe, Shannon Peterman, Dianne
Monday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14/Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16    Nugent, Cindy Sittmann, Margaret Lynn,
                                           Robert Kokoles, Bob Rivello, Veronica
-17/Mk 16:15-20
                                           Lopez, Sue Ericson, Amy Rodenbeck,
                                           Judith DiMatteo, Gloria Galvan, James
Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2,    O’Keefe, Mara Casas, Alex Rubio, Russell
5/Jn 3:7b-15                               Mars, Felicidad Floresca, Danny Wagner,
                                           Ha Bich Tran, Alex Bernabe, Kathy
Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26/Ps 34:2-3, 4-      Cazin, Valerie DelaPena, Emilio Sales,
5, 6-7, 8-9/Jn 3:16-21                     Stephanie Miller, John Vattuone,
                                           Jeffrey Tara, Rowena Gabriel, Rudy
Thursday: Acts 5:27-33/Ps 34:2 and 9,      Sigarlaki, Laurel Ayres, Shelley Wilson-
                                           Smith, Corazon and Hermengildo
17-18, 19-20/Jn 3:31-36                    Valera, Maggie Delaney, Rick Igou, Karin
                                           Baker, Jay Janssen, Norma Trujillo, Skip
Friday: Acts 5:34-42/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/    Anderson, Alex Borja, Alfredo Garrido,
Jn 6:1-15                                  Myrna Gloria, Armando Camacho
                                            May they feel God's love and Mercy.
Saturday: Acts 6:1-7/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-
19/Jn 6:16-21
Next Sunday: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41/Ps
30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13 [2a]/Rv 5:11-14/
Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14
JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church
DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY                                                             07
             Thank you for your generous gifts toward our Easter Flowers

From:                                  In Honor/ Memory of:
Linda Drabek                           Alice and Stephen Drabek
Maria Hoffman                          Thomas Moore Family
Pamela Ricci                           David Ricci, Sr.
Marcoux Family                         Smith Family
Anne and Travis                        All deceased family members
Theresa Blando                         Peregrina Blando
Andrea Maffei and family               Ann Jandron
Joanne and Bill Bernard                Ralph and Catherine Bernard
Jeannine Sullivan                      Sullivan and Faucher Families
Robert and Donna Willouck              Gena and Fred Botelho
Joseph and Judith Herrera              Andrew Hlavay, Sr. and Jesus Herrera, Sr.
Eli Darron                             Bob Darron
Lindee Carder                         James Reese Jones and James Warren Jones
Brian and Denise Fogerty               All Family Members
Rowena Galendez                        Kathleen Galendez
John Lyons                             Departed Kearney and Lyons family
Steve and Amy Mann                     Lauren and Derek
Ailene McManus                         Joe McManus
Cathy Palmer                           All Family Members
Melanie Giolitto                       Tony Valenti and Judy Giolitto
Laura Carlton                          All Family Members
Ficano Family                          Frank Ficano
Meyer Family                           Michael Meyer
Greg Wisniew                           Wisniew Family
Edna Rickling                          Jim Rickling
Cathy Wilkison                         Wilkison Family
Anastacia Fernandez                    Dad, Mom, Sister Bong, Brother Bong, Celso
Lynda Polselli                         Paul and Mary Geml
JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church
                Our Mental Health
              needs new Leadership!
          Serving as a Ministry Leader is
          a great way to meet new
people, build friendships, and experience
growth as you use your abilities to lead
and serve others. Check out the Mental
Health Ministry webpage to learn more
about the ministry.
Contact our Parish Office
858-653-3540 or

The Rosary makers Ministry will be
having a rosary sale on Sunday,
May 1st, 2022 after all morning

This Ministry makes
rosaries distributed                                     
all around the world
and locally. Thank
you for your
continued support.
                                                    Divorced, widowed, and separated persons
                Please support The Mission of       can register now for a healing Beginning
                       Bethlehem Artworks           Experience Weekend retreat April 29th to
                 Association on May 14th and        May 1,2022.
               15th by purchasing hand crafted      The weekend focuses on healing and
               Holy items that have been made       moving beyond grief in a supportive and
                             in Israel.
                                                    caring environment with others that are
 This Organization provides assistance to the       going through and have gone through the
 Suffering Christian Families in the Holy cities
                                                    same experiences. The retreat will be held
   of Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Our support
helps provide for schools, and other religious      at the beautiful and serene Prince of Peace
  education classes in Bethlehem. The wars,         Abbey, in Oceanside, CA., If you know
  unrest, and instability have been incredibly      someone experiencing the pain of loss,
   hard on Christians, and in these times of        Beginning Experience can help. For further
crisis, the pontifical blessing of our Parish can   information :
 help to provide humanitarian aid to refugees.
Please be an instrument of peace and join with
 Catholics around the world in solidarity with      Or call Vicki Fach (858) 748-2273
  the people in the Holy
JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church
09                        Parish Ministries & Groups                                                                                             APRIL 24, 2022

Adoration                                David Rowe                      858-549-2215   Ministry of Mothers                 Cynthia Kurose              858-859-0517
Altar Linens                             Maria Quitugua                  858-663-4135   Music Ministry                      John Chicca                 858-653-3583
Altar Servers                            Greg Wisniew                    619-922-1529   New Parishioner Orientation         Rich Abrom                  858-603-9640
Audio-Visual Ministry                    John Chicca                     858-653-3583                                       Peggy Abrom                 858-414-7629
Baptism Seminars                         Jim & Paula Baker               858-653-3540
                                         Tom & Joni Deiters              858-740-8965   Our Lady of Fatima Devotion         Carolyn Standifer           858-536-1113
Bible Study                              Dennis Poirier                  858-243-2455
                                                                                        Outreach for Nazareth Orphanage     Deborah Sampson             858-229-0345
Blood Drive                              Alan Muir                       858-695-1633
                                                                                                                            Father Brian Kelly          760-448-5462
Boy Scout Troup #616                     Paul Honeycutt                  858-692-1112
                                                                                        Parish Tours                        Deacon Ron Diem             858- 653-3582
Boy Scout Troup #664                     Bill Boggs                      858-530-9061
Boy Scout Female Troup #226              Paula Trubitt                   858-566-9231   Prayer Wheel                        Matt Gaynor                 858-344-2165
Build-A-Miracle                          Chris & Julianne North          619-992-0845   Prayers & Squares                   Margaret Lynn               858-530-2560
Catholic Men’s Fellowship                Frank Deniston                  619-857-5473                                       Pat Kikendall               858-771-1167
Children’s Liturgy of the Word           Maddie Hoeger                   858-653-3594   RCIA                                Deacon Dom Guzzardo         858- 751-4785
                                         Bella Luna                      858-653-3594   Relevant Radio                      Greg Lettau                 858-663-6978
Communion to the Homebound               Paulette Deniston               619-857-5443   Respect for Life / Social Justice   Maria Manyari               858-549-2812
Computer Help Ministry                   Michael Yang                    619-607-0875   Rosary Cenacle                      MaryAnne Dunlop             858-880-2265
Confirmation Preparation-Adult           Dcn Doug Pingel                 559-731-9791   Rosary Makers                       Mary Ann Quinto             619-252-7874
Confirmation Preparation-Youth           Vinny Kyamko-Yap                858-653-3591   STGG Food Share                     Joe Kloberdanz              858-449-6246
Connection to Christ Small Groups Deacon Ron Diem                        858-653-3582
                                                                                        Sister Parish Outreach              Angie McAllister            858-395-5916
Cooking Group                            Margaret Byrne                  858-549-3375
                                                                                                                            Bill McAllister             858-790-4068
Cub Scouts                       `       Stephanie Karpow                858-776-2808
                                                                                        Special Needs Ministry              Erin Zwahlen                619-540-0676
Cursillo                                 Frank & Paulette Deniston       619-857-5473
                                                                                        St. Vincent/Meals for Homeless      Margie Mills                619-733-7410
Daily Mass Ministry                      Jenny Quimpo                    619-972-9719
Divine Dining                            Mark & Gail Russell         `   619-972-1457   Vacation Bible School               Maddie Hoeger               858-653-3594
Divine Mercy Cenacle                     Zofia Piastowska                858-547-0052                                       Bella Luna                  858-653-3594
                                         Carolyn Standifer               858-536-1113   Wedding Ministry                    Judy Roitz                  858--653-3584
Donuts & Coffee                          Kim Witham                      619-508-1999   Women’s Book Club                   Kate Schemensky             858-748-5227
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Greg Tom                        858-271-9490   Women’s Friendship Circle           Debbie Malone               858-663-5230
Faith Formation-Adult                    Deacon Ron Diem                 858-653-3582                                       Pam Klevesahl               858-748-7733
Faith Formation–Children                 Maddie Hoeger                   858-653-3594   Young Adult Ministry                Maddie Hoeger               858-653-3594
                                         Bella Luna                      858-653-3594   Youth Ministry                      Vinny Kyamko-Yap            858- 653-3591
Faith Formation-Middle School            Maddie Hoeger                   858-653-3594
                                         Bella Luna                      858-653-3594
Family Cancer Support                    Megan Clark                     773-405-7151                  Pastoral Stewardship Council
                                         Mary Brewer                     858-395-2547
                                                                                                                        PSC Chief Stewards
Filipino-American                        Hermie Moscoso                  858-586-7473
Film Fans                    `           Kate Schemensky                 858-748-5227
                                                                                        Pastor                              Very Rev. Nicholas Clavin   858-653-3540
Gala                                     Brie Atwater                    858-342-7484
                                                                                        Deacon                              Ron Diem                    858-653-3582
                                         Lynn Bautista-Barroso           858-380-7728
                                                                                        Chief Steward                       Michael Kielty              858 -271-1004
Gardening Ministry                       Mike Yang                       619-607-0875
                                                                                        Financial Council                   Gene Fantano                858-335-2253
Greeters & Ushers                        John Brown                      858-525-5710
                                                                                        Parish Development                  Maria Sittmann              619- 846-4706
Health & Safety Ministry                 Linda Mulvain                   858-248-0040
                                                                                        Communications                      Rob Thornhill               858-679-0407
Helping Hands                            Margaret Byrne                  858-549-3375
                                                                                        Catholic School                     Maeve O’Connell             858- 397-1290
Kitchen Coordinator                      Pat Rasmussen                   858-774-8381
                                                                                        Christian Formation                 Ken Marra                   858-442-3871
Knights of Columbus                      James Gilb                      858-229-4822
                                                                                        Groups & Organizations              Marla Garvey                858- 689-8449
Lector                                   Rene Trevino                    858-602-6437
                                                                                        Liturgy                             Cheryl Magner               858-271-7250
                                         Terry McKearney                 619-822-3568
                                                                                                                            Greg Tom                    858-271-9490
Liturgical Environment:                  Eric Thunberg                   619-813-8477
                                                                                        Parish Life                         Matt Gaynor                 858-344-2165
                                         Christine Thunberg              619-813-8478
                                                                                        Parish Outreach                     Mike Harris                 858-513-1153
Liturgical Scheduling                    Greg Tom                        858-271-9490
                                                                                                                            Chris Villasenor            858 -382-9405
Marriage Encounter                       Parish Office                   858-653-3540
                                                                                        Parish-wide Involvement             Bill Carpenter              858 -922-8860
Martha’s Ministry                        Caroline Yandell                858-653-3540
                                                                                                                            Maureen Carpenter           858- 922-8860
Mental Health Ministry                TBD                                858-653-3540
                                                                                        Business Manager/Bookkeeper         Loretta Neag                858-653-3590
Military Friendship & Support         Ryan Lawrenz                       850-384-3269
                                                                                        Stewardship/Webmaster               Nichol Swift                858-653-3546
                                      Kelli Lawrenz                      850-384-2660
                                      Christopher Keane                  858-382-1887
Ministry of Consolation               Judy Riotz                         858-653-3584
Ministry Fair                         Bill Carpenter                     858-922-8860
JESUS I TRUST IN YOU - Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Church
10             PARISH STAFF                         DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY              APRIL 24, 2022

    11451 Blue Cypress Dr. • SD, CA 92131              15315 Stonebridge Pkwy • San Diego, CA 92131
       858-653-3540 •                             858-397-1290 •

                                                    Maeve O’Connell, Principal
Very Rev. Nicholas Clavin, Pastor
                                                    858-397-1290 •
858 653-3540 •
                                                    Darlene Howard, Assistant Principal
Deacon Ron Diem, Adult Formation Coordinator
858 653-3582 •
                                                    Becky Walton, School Office Manager
Deacon Doug Pingel Adult Confirmation Coordinator
559-731-9791                  Melissa Fugitt, Kindergarten
                                                    Michelle Langley, Kindergarten
Deacon Dom Guzzardo, RCIA Coordinator
858-751-4785                     Cynthia Herman, First Grade

Maeve O’Connell, School Principal                   Nicole Demirbey, Second Grade
858-397-1290 •                    Jacqueline Renteria, Third Grade

Loretta Neag, Business Manager/Bookkeeper           Christina Defensor Fourth Grade
858-653-3590 • loretta@stggorg                      Camille Girard, Fifth Grade

Nichol Swift, Stewardship Coordinator, Webmaster    Austin Simpson, 6th Grade / Jr. High History
858-653-3546 •                      Melissa Colombo, 7th Grade / Jr. High ELA

Judy Roitz, Baptisms, Funerals , Weddings and       Darlene Howard, 8th Grade / Jr. High Math
Scheduling                                          Sudipta Dasgupta, Jr. High Science
                                                    Kelli Lawrenz, Jr. High Religion / Volunteer Cord
858-653-3584 •
                                                    Daniel Cavar, P.E.
                                                    Frank Amador, Music/Stem Teacher
John Chicca, Music Director
858-653-3583 •               Amy Igou, Pre-School Director
Maddie Hoeger,Young Adult Coordinator               858-397-1291
                                                    Pre -School Classes:
Maddie Hoeger, Faith Formation Coordinator:
                                                    2 Yr Old Teachers: Erica Howland, Casey Sanchioli
                                                    3 Yr Old Teachers: Elsa Chira, Irene Yutadco
Bella Luna, Faith Formation                         4 Yr Old, TK Teachers: Melanie Bruce, Madelyn Cresci
                                                    Instructional Aides: Debbi Howard, Angela Sloskey,
José Barrera, Anna Diaz, Maria Munoz, Maintenance
                                                    Cynthia Angeles, Daniel Lee
858 653-3540 •
                                                    Extd Daycare Program: Director: Debbi Howard
Vincent Kyamka-Yap, Youth Ministry Coordinator :
                                                    Assistant: Noemi Palihnich
Suzanne Guzzardo, Reception                         Custodian: TBD
858-653-3540 •
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