August 2021 - All Saints, Martock Parish Magazine

Page created by Leo Adkins
August 2021 - All Saints, Martock Parish Magazine
The Messenger   August 2021

                All Saints, Martock Parish Magazine
August 2021 - All Saints, Martock Parish Magazine
This month’s letter
Having just returned from an emotional Year 6 Leavers Service in church, I am
struck by the thought of new beginnings for not only young people who will be mov-
ing on to new schools, colleges and universities but within our Benefice as well.
The arrival of our new vicar is evoking an air of expectation with much thought and
discussion about how the way forward will develop in our churches, in terms of
both managing the effects of the pandemic and continuing our journey as we seek
to live and tell the story of Jesus.

The hymn ‘One More Step Along the World I Go’ by Sydney Carter illustrates life as
a journey, calling upon God to be our companion and guide. It is often sung at the
end of the school year, during the period of transition as children move from the old
familiar aspects of their school life to new, exciting adventures ahead.

Perhaps the words of this song remind us that whilst we can't do everything, if we
have the courage to begin the journey, even when things get tough, if we can ‘leap
and sing in all we do’, our efforts can grow into something far beyond what we ever
imagined. Indeed, our actions are an opportunity for the Lord's grace to enter and
bring about untold transformation.

The passion of our diocese is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ afresh to
every generation. This is our calling as God’s people. We are sent by a God of
love to make a difference to His world. So, as we all travel from the old, the days
past, to the new – may we all remember that we do not journey alone; may we all
know that we can call upon God to give us strength, courage and to keep us on the
right path as we journey along together in the knowledge that we can make a differ-
ence and leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

Let’s be brave, step forward and keep travelling together …
Sally Howells
Lay Worship Leader
August 2021 - All Saints, Martock Parish Magazine
The Lord’s Larder needs:
Tins of chilli con carne - tinned potatoes - tinned sweetcorn - Size 5 nappies - UHT
 milk - Tins of macaroni cheese - tins of mixed veg - shampoo - Wet and dry dog
                            and cat food - cereal/snack bars

  All donations can be left at All Saints’, the drop off point in Martock Co-Op or at
                 The George between 9am and 12pm on Fridays.

                            Safe Places Scheme
Safe Places is a scheme which helps vulnerable
people deal with difficult situations that make them
feel                  scared or at risk whilst they
are out               and about in the community.
This                  could be anything from      be-
ing lost              to losing a mobile phone or
being                 harassed or bullied..
Safe Places locations will carry the 'Safe Places' Logo
in the window.
How do I get a Safe Places Card?
Individual members of the scheme will carry an "I need help" card with the details
of a trusted contact. If you would like to get a Safe Places card please contact
Beth Poole (9593) or your local Neighbourhood Policing Team https://

'Safe Place' location - The Information Centre
Centrally located by The Pinnacle, The Information Centre on the ground floor of
the Market House is staffed by trained volunteers who will be happy to help you.
Contact: Duty Volunteer/Parish Clerk 01935 310040
'Safe Place' location - The Library
Situated in the main shopping area. The staff at the Library are pleased to offer
support to those using the Safe Places Scheme.
August 2021 - All Saints, Martock Parish Magazine
What’s up….
     In August garden birds suddenly seem to disappear.
            You might well be wondering – why?
In spring and early summer the air is saturated with birdsong. First, in April and
May, there is the dawn chorus - birds simply bursting with song. Then, a month or
so later, the chorus is joined by the clamour of hungry fledglings as their parents
rush to keep up with the morning feed. Then August arrives, and the birds suddenly
seem to disappear. The air that was brimming with bird song has a sudden hush.
You might well be wondering – why?

They’re keeping themselves safe
The first reason that birds are less visible in the summer is that they are growing a
new set of feathers, which can be very draining and make it harder for them to fly.
This means that for a few weeks they are much more vulnerable to predators and
territorial birds. To stay safe, they keep as quiet as possible and hide themselves

There’s more natural food available
Secondly, in late summer grain, berries, and fruit are more readily available so the
birds don’t need to rely on your bird feeders quite as much.
In areas where farmland is nearby, for example, house sparrows, starlings and
many finches move out to fields to feast on the abundance of grain before it is har-
vested, and on the spilt grain after the harvest. Even in cities, sparrows and finches
are attracted to any piece of rough ground that provides a good crop of weed
seeds, and blackbirds and song thrushes tend to move to where there is an abun-
dance of fruit or berries.

How can I attract them back to my garden?
Keeping a little food in your feeders over the summer will remind your regulars that
you’re still open for business and provide a welcome food source to passing
birds. When summer fades away and food sources start to dwindle, the birds will
remember where your feeders are and come flying back, bringing your garden to

Just make sure that the food remains fresh so it doesn’t start rotting, or become a
carrier of diseases. To minimise food waste, try putting in just a little bit of food at a
time and changing it frequently.

You can also provide lots of ‘natural’ food and water sources right in your garden!
Try leaving piles of leaves or putting out insect hotels to encourage bug life, plant-
ing greenery such as rowan or holly that will produce berries in the colder months,
or putting out water so they have something to drink and clean their feathers with.
August 2021 - All Saints, Martock Parish Magazine
Diocese of Bath & Wells Prayer Calendar Aug 2021
Sunday, 1 August
God of the Sabbath, we pray for all on holiday in Somerset, and for all who work
within tourism to enable their relaxation, refreshment and fun. We pray that we
may all find our way safely through this season.
Monday, 2 August
Creator God, we pray for the ‘Send a Cow’ charity, for all gathering today to learn
about and promote its work. Guide those who enable and encourage others to
work the land and care for the part of God’s creation entrusted to them.
Tuesday, 3 August
God, who makes all things new, we pray for the beginnings of town centre
chaplaincy in Nailsea, for those considering this ministry and for the hard-pressed
staff and owners of shops and businesses in our town and city centres.
Wednesday, 4 August
Holy Spirit, as we remember Jean-Baptiste Vianney, Spiritual Guide, we give
thanks for those across our diocese who offer spiritual guidance, accompaniment
and direction. Sustain and encourage them in their work.
Thursday, 5 August
We remember Oswald, King of Northumbria, who with Aidan brought Christianity to
North-East England in the 7th Century, so we pray for all leaders and governors,
that they may do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with you, our God.
Friday, 6 August – The Transfiguration of Our Lord
We give thanks for mountains, where the boundaries between earth and heaven
are somehow thinner. We pray that we may encounter God’s glory and hear his
call in such places, as the disciples did on the mountain of the transfiguration.
Saturday, 7 August
God of harmony, on this day we remember the hymn writer John Mason Neale, we
give you thanks for the gift of music and ask you to pour out your blessing on all
those who have found ways to give us music during these last months.
Sunday, 8 August
Father, on this day we thank you for every living creature on this earth that allows
our planet to grow and flourish. We thank you for those in the wild and those in our
homes, and on International Cat Day, we especially thank you for our felines.
Monday, 9 August
All this day, O Lord, let me touch as many lives as possible for you; and every life I
touch, may you, by your Spirit bring to life, whether through the word I speak, the
prayer I breathe, or the life I live.
Tuesday, 10 August
Loving God, we pray for the congregations and communities of the Axbridge
deanery. Especially during this holiday season, we pray for all who are part of the
hospitality and tourism industry and for the many visitors. May congregations offer
friend and stranger the hospitality that is at your heart.
August 2021 - All Saints, Martock Parish Magazine
Wednesday, 11 August
Loving Father, we pray for our sisters and brothers in Zambia preparing for tomor-
row’s general election. We pray for a free and fair election, unscarred by violence,
and for a parliament and government that will show wisdom and compassion in
combatting Coronavirus and the effects of inflation on the poor.
Thursday, 12 August
God of all, on UN International Youth Day, we pray for young people here and
abroad. We pray especially for those in our communities receiving GCSE, A Level
and BTEC results today. Lord, guide our young people as they look to the future.
Friday, 13 August
Healing God, as we remember Florence Nightingale, we pray for all nurses and
carers, in hospitals, hospices, care homes and the community, and those who are
carers for loved ones. We give thanks for their dedicated skill and care, and pray
your blessing upon them.
Saturday, 14 August
Jesus, who suffered and died, as we remember Maximillian Kolbe, Catholic priest
who died in Auschwitz, we pray for all who suffer persecution around the world and
for all who love, despite fear. Help us to offer the ‘single acts of love that make the
soul return to life’.
Sunday, 15 August – The Blessed Virgin Mary
Jesus, son of Mary, we give thanks for the courage and obedience of Mary, young
in years but deep in wisdom. Help us to honour your teachings and so give a
voice to the ignored, lift up the lowly and serve you with hearts full of true humility.
Monday, 16 August
We pray for the Readers’ Deanery Wardens elections taking place this month –
may those called to this role be of a discerning mind and pastoral heart.
Tuesday, 17 August
Father God, through your Spirit reveal your heart’s desire for parishes of Ivelches-
ter Deanery, and your calling of all in the service of your Gospel. May our church
communities have courage to follow, commitment to one another, and faith to see
your Kingdom come through Jesus Christ your Son.
Wednesday, 18 August
God of the church, we pray for the on-going work of the Vacancy in See group as
they create a Statement of Needs that distils the essence of our diocese and its
priorities so that those looking for our new bishop may be well informed.
Thursday, 19 August
Lord God, on this world humanitarian day we pray for all aid agencies who willingly
go into places of war, terrorism and natural disaster to offer their expertise and
support. Protect and encourage them in their endeavours.
Friday, 20 August
God of the poor, we give thanks for all who minister in areas of social and econom-
ic need. We pray especially today for the Salvation Army, for the friendship, practi-
cal support, and spiritual encouragement they give in places where other churches
do not reach.
August 2021 - All Saints, Martock Parish Magazine
Saturday, 21 August
Creator God, on world honeybee day, we are reminded of our call to be guardians
of creation. In our message of hope for your world, may we announce the kingdom
by pointing to the wonders of creation, and playing our part in its protection.
Sunday, 22 August
Loving God, we pray for church officers across the diocese, those who bear the re-
sponsibility of keeping things running and with love, so that their churches are able
to shine as lights in their communities.
Monday, 23 August
God of mystery, we pray for all those who seek to draw close to you in prayer but
struggle to know where to begin. Help us all to bring ourselves to you in prayer, in
whatever ways we can.
Tuesday, 24 August – Bartholomew the Apostle
Lord God, today when we remember the missionary apostle Bartholomew, we pray
for all those who continue to tell the Good News of Jesus Christ in those countries.
May many come to faith as a result of their faithful work.
Wednesday, 25 August
Generous God, help us to respond to your infinite love by living in love and faith
with one another, showing the grace that includes everyone and the unity that calls
others to fullness of life and faith in Christ.
Thursday, 26 August
God of justice and truth, we pray for the Bishops Council as their next agenda is
planned today. We pray that their work may be focused always on the coming of
your kingdom, conducted in a spirit of love and guided by your Spirit.
Friday, 27 August
Creator God, we pray for Great Wood Camp, in the Quantock Hills, and all who
learn, explore and discover themselves and you there. We pray for their chaplain,
Patrick, and for the trustees meeting today. Be with the thousands of young people
who visit each year with school groups or Scripture Union Camps.
Saturday, 28 August
Faithful God, as we remember Augustine of Hippo today, help to remember his
words and know that ‘You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till
they find their rest in you.’
Sunday, 29 August
Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for those called, like John the Baptist – a voice crying in
the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord’. Give us grace to see how we can
prepare in our own contexts for you to come amongst us with your good news.
Monday, 30 August
We give thanks for Sabbath days and Bank Holidays. We pray for all who are able
to rest today and for those who need to continue to work to keep us safe and well,
and enable others to relax.
Tuesday, 31 August
God of all, as we remember St Aidan with thanksgiving, we pray for all who live and
share faith in ‘foreign lands’, even when those are on the other side of our streets
Farewell to a much loved Lay Reader!
We recently celebrated a Benefice Communion and Farewell service for Denise
Peacock. Denise has been a Licensed Lay Reader for 27 years in our Benefice, as
well as in Wincanton and
France. As she retires from
ministry, she was presented
with a Reader Emeritus certifi-
cate for her service by Chris
Stock, Assistant warden of
Readers from the Wells Arch-
deaconry. She also received a
rose, chocolates and garden
vouchers from the Benefice.
We wish Denise well as she
pursues new adventures!
Photo: Rev. Paul Fillery, Lay
Reader     Denise   Peacock,
Assistant Warden of Readers,
Chris Stock and Lay Reader
Bridget Jones

The Muddy Stilettos awards, as their website says, are
“the most coveted awards for indie businesses across
25 counties.” Now in their eight year, they celebrate
great local, independent businesses across the
country with an emphasis on “quality, creativity and
The winners were announced on 29th July, and among
those in our region (Somerset and Dorset) there are
some local businesses that you may be familiar with!
Best Boutique Stay– The Newt, Castle Cary
Best Café– Pip’s Railway Carriage, Lopenhead
Best Farmshop/Deli– The Trading Post, Lopenhead
Local Food/Drink Producer– Harry’s Cider Company, Long Sutton
So huge congratulations to these and all the other worthy winners across Somer-
set and Dorset! Don’t forget to pay them a visit now that businesses are being able
to open up again! For a full list of winners check out the website
What’s On….
                         Martock Farmers Market
Saturday 14th August, 10am-1pm, Martock Precinct
Our market stalls will be in single file against the west wall of the precinct and
north wall of Moorlands House. We will follow government advice on distancing
restrictions and ask the public to do the same: keep your distance from others at
all times. You will be asked to queue well away from the stalls, and only one
person at a time making a purchase, just as at the bakery and the Co Op, it would
help if you can bring bank cards, cash will be handled carefully. We will have stalls
selling all our key foods such as vegetables, plants, cheese, coffee, chicken, beef,
cordials, jams, bread and savouries. Any enquiries, please phone Fergus Dowding
on 01935 822202.

                           Martock Health Walk
Friday 20th August 2021, 9.30am, Martock Precinct
Health Walk Please join us on a friendly walk lasting about 60 mins led by trained
volunteers at a pace suitable to the group. We follow the Government guidelines
regarding social distancing etc and consequently you now need to book a place so
that we can record your contact details for the 'NHS track and trace' to ensure
everyone's safety. We start our walk at Martock Precinct at 9.30 the third Friday of
the month. Please contact Maggie 01935 824252 or Pam 01935 826429 to book
your place. We look forward to seeing you.

      Martock & District Gardening Society Annual Show
Saturday 28th August, Martock Recreation Ground
131st Martock & District Gardening Society Annual Show, Entries will be displayed
outside on tables covered by gazebos and we will also have the use of the Pavilion
which will give us the indoor space that we need.In addition, running alongside the
Show we are holding competitions for best front garden, best containers or
hanging baskets in front of a house (plus a separate category for business
premises) and a best home made Scarecrow competition for children of all ages.
We hope that these competitions (and the Show) will help to brighten up our village
this summer!

                  Martock and District U3A Meeting
Wednesday 8th September, 2pm, Martock Parish Hall.
Martock & District u3a plan to hold a ' Welcome Back, Welcome to Join' event.
Members are encouraged to bring along any friends who are interested in joining
and to discover what our many groups get up to. Tea, cake and a raffle will be
available. Many of our interest groups are either now operating or making plans to
do so as soon as possible. For information about groups, please contact          and,     for   membership      information, or 01460 240788.
Parish Round Up
Covid Guidelines – Revd Paul has produced a pastoral letter outlining the careful
procedures that will be followed in our churches in order to keep all safe and
confident to worship together. All Saints’ church will be operating a new ‘traffic light’
system, allocating rows to ensure everyone remains as safe as possible. Please be

Meet the Vicar – every Wednesday from 7 th July, appointments will be available
to meet and chat with Revd Paul Fillery in the Benefice Office at The Vicarage in
Martock. To make an appointment, please email or phone Sarah on 01935 826113

The Lord’s Larder – please leave ALL contributions in the CHURCH PORCH of All
Saints’ anytime, Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm or on a Sunday when there is a
morning service. Thank you for your continuing support; there are many families
who have greatly appreciated your generosity!

Martock Friends is back, meeting every Thursday in Martock Parish hall from
10.30am to 12noon but they are in need of help! They are looking for volunteer
drivers – if you have a friendly face, a little patience, about 1.5 hours spare per
week and a suitable taxed, insured & mot car, please contact Caroline Bennett on
07946 121 612 or email for more info. DBS
check will be required too.

Churches Re-Open! From Monday 2nd August, All Saints’ church in
Martock will be open to the public every day 10am to 3pm. However
  please remain cautious and wear a face covering when moving
                  around the building. Thank you.
Still Waters – the new monthly service of music, word and silence meets again
next Sunday 8 th August at 6.30pm in All Saints’ church. It’s a very special time to
be quiet and still and to listen…. All are very welcome!

                        From the Memorial Book
June French, Rebecca Brittain, Audrey Wells, Frederick Bailey, Selina Handcock,
Marian Bagnall, Graham Ledger, Jacqui Dunton, Joan Sharman, Kenneth Knight,
Dennis Kiernan, Carole Draper, John Young, Doris Swain, Ada Pullen, Audrey
Third, Bill Williams, Jack Chudleigh, Tudor Bonnell, Mary Rodford, Jock Tofts

LOOK AT OUR WEBSITES: for All Saints’ Martock for St Martin’s, Kingsbury Episcopi for Holy Trinity, Ash

 Vicar:                     Rev. Paul Fillery                        01458 241253
 Licensed Lay Reader:       Mrs Bridget Jones                        01935 508688
 Church Warden:             Mrs Grace Dunton                         01935 825287
 Children’s Worker:         Position vacant                          01935 508688
 Church Treasurer:          Ellen Howard                             01935 823287
 Parish Administrator:      Mrs Sarah Nicholas                       01935 826113
 Parish Office Email:
 Director of Music:         Mr Steve Salisbury                       01935 421816
 Tower Captain:             Mr David Ledger                          01935 826814
 Magazine Distribution:     Mrs Sue Allwood                          01935 825949
 Gift Aid Secretary:        Mrs Jane Cockerham                       01935 824233
“I only travel, so I don’t run out of dinner part conversations.”

“If life is a journey, I want a window seat and free cocktails!”

“If you look like your passport photo, you probably need a holiday”.

“I wish travel therapy was covered by my health insurance”.

     Copy for the Sept 2021 magazine should be with the Editor, Chrissy Allen,
Tel: 07766 811270 or Email: before the 13th Aug.
    Please note– if you do not have access to email you can still submit content
either by giving it to me in Church or dropping it off at the Parish office (marked for
                       The Messenger). Charity No. 1160333
You can also read