26 TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - Holy Name Brooklyn
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245 PROSPEC T PARK WEST, BROOKLYN, NY 11215 PH: (718) 768-3071 | FAX: (718) 369-2039 | WWW.HOLYNAMEBROOKLYN.COM | /HOLYNAMEBROOKLYN 2 6 T H S U N D AY I N O R D I N A RY T I M E SEPT EMBER 26 , 2021 There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me. - Mark 9:39 Rev. Lawrence D. Ryan, Pastor Confessions Saturdays: 5 -5:20 pm or by appointment. MASS SCHEDULE Weddings and Baptisms Monday - Friday: 9 am * Please call the Rectory to speak with a priest. Saturday: 9 am, 5:30 pm (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30 am, 9 am* (Spanish), 10:30 am*, & Noon. Funerals (* Masses are also live streamed on our Facebook page.) Please have the Funeral Home call the Rectory. The Church is also open for Private Prayer: Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to Noon
COLLECTION RESULTS SUNDAY ROSARY AT HNJ The results of the September 12 - 13 and 18 - 19 Col- SEPTEMBER 26 lections will be posted in next weekend's bulletin. Members of the Holy Name Council of the Knights of Thank you for your generosity. Columbus and the Holy Name Society will lead the recitation of the Rosary in the Church immediately after the 12 Noon Mass (approxwimately 1 p.m.) on Holy Name of Sunday, September 26, 2021. Please join them for this Jesus Parish great way to start your week! 2021 ACA Total Pledged as of 9/20/21 $104,661 2021 Parish Goal (to Diocese) -$55,623 2021 “Over Goal” $49,038 Comparison with 2020 ACA 2020 ACA Pledges Paid $112,579 2020 Parish Goal (to Diocese) -$52,974 2020 “Over Goal” $59,605 E D 2020 ACA “Over Goal” $59,605 E L 2021 ACA “Over Goal” Difference -$49,038 $10,567 N C We are nearly $11,000 behind where we were last year. Remember: All “over Goal” donations will be returned to HNJ Parish to help us reduce our debt CA obligations. If you haven’t already, please make a pledge. To donate, you can: - Complete and submit your Pledge Card; - Go online to AnnualCatholicAppeal.org; or Due to concerns about the Coronavirus—and - Text ACA to 917-336-1255 the Delta variant in particular—the Diocese has Thank you for your generosity! advised that there will be no large gatherings in parish buildings through December 31, 2021. Therefore, the Fall Fundraising Events that were Blessing of the Animals scheduled at HNJ for October through Decem- in honor of the ber have been canceled. Small gatherings may be held with COVID protocols in place (including Feast of St. Francis of Assisi masking, social distancing, etc.) We will have two brief prayer services and blessing of pets. Please join us and bring your creatures - great and small! HOLY NAME FOOD PANTRY We will distribute food from the Rectory basement from 2-3 p.m. on Saturdays, October 9 & 23. Thank you to Rose for her recent generous food donation to our pantry. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Sunday, October 3 at 1:30 p.m. We wouldn't be able to bring you our bulletin each and week without them. Right now, they need your help Monday, October 4 at 6:30 p.m. more than ever. Howard Place School Yard Please show your support and shop local during (behind Holy Name Church) these difficult times.
A NOTE FROM FR. LARRY In my note in last week’s bulletin, the ACA now will come back to ments. Prior participation is NOT I included the Brooklyn Diocese’s Holy Name, and could be a big required. Please call the Rectory reminder that—especially in light help in addressing the revenue off ice for additional information of concerns about the Delta Vari- shortfalls resulting f rom the can- about this very valuable, very ant—parishioners should contin- cellation of our large Fall events. f riendly and very convenient ue to be careful about observing Our observance of National Cat- spiritual opportunity. COVD protocols at Mass and at echetical Sunday at last Sunday’s The rains of Hurricane Ida did other liturgies. The Diocese has 10:30 AM Mass included two extensive damage to many also advised us that, due again to blessings. The f irst was a blessing churches, schools, and other concerns about the Delta variant, for the parents, grandparents, there will be no large gatherings parish buildings In Brooklyn and other family members who and Queens, as described in in parish buildings through the play such an important role in end of this year (December 31, words and pictures in the Sep- the religious formation of chil- tember 11 edition of The Tablet. 2021). Smaller gatherings may dren in the home environment. be held with COVID protocols in Many Catholics in the Diocese The second was the more tradi- are also suffering as a result of place (including masking, social tional blessing for our catechists distancing, etc.) that storm. Bishop DiMarzio has who serve so faithfully almost asked that parishes take up a Just about all of our parish meet- every week f rom September special collection to help those in ings etc. are smaller gatherings through June, teaching children our diocese negatively impacted with COVID protocols in place. about our faith more formally by Ida. As explained below, we They will take place as planned as and preparing them to receive will take up that collection aa our Fall schedule resumes. How- their sacraments. Both blessings part of our second collection at ever, as noted on the previous were well-deserved as are our our weekend Masses on October page of this bulletin, we will have thanks to all those involved in to cancel our three large Fall the faith formation of our chil- 2 and 3. As always, thank you for Fundraising events: the Oct. 22 dren. Please keep in mind that your generosity. Rockinghams Concert, the No- all Catholic children who are not The Catholic Church in the United vember 6 Radio Bingo, and the attending a Catholic School or States observes September 20- December 11 Decades Concert. Academy should be enrolled in a 26 as National Migration Week. These cancellations will seriously parish Religious Education pro- It concludes with the Universal impact our budget, and we are gram f rom grades 1 through 8. Church’s observance of World exploring ways to replace that As has been advertised in the Day for Migrants and Refugees on lost revenue. last several bulletins, there are Sunday, September 26. In recent One thing you can do right now still opportunities to join Holy weeks, our television, Internet is to make your pledge to the Name of Jesus Why Catholic? and print media have been filled 2021 Annual Catholic Appeal if Small Groups which will begin with dramatic images of refugees you have not already done so. meeting once a week f rom early from Afghanistan and migrants Elsewhere in this bulletin you will October into mid- November from Haiti. We pray for refugees see that we are still about $10,500 (with COVID protocols in place). and migrants making danger- behind where we were last year. This Fall, the groups will continue ous journeys in so many places Every dollar pledged and paid to their consideration of the Sacra- throughout the world. WEEKEND OF OCTOBER 2-3, 2021: SPECIAL COLLECTION FOR THE VICTIMS OF HURRICANE IDA Bishop DiMarzio has asked all parishes in the Diocese to take up a special, voluntary collection for the victims of Hurricane Ida. Here at Holy Name of Jesus, we will do so the weekend of October 2 - 3. The proceeds from this collection will be distributed, as direct assistance, to parishioners and parishes in the Brooklyn Diocese that have been affected by Hurricane Ida. All loose cash, as well as checks and envelopes marked "Ida Relief", that is deposited in the baskets during the Second Collection, will be sent to the Diocese for distribution and direct assistance to those affected by the hurricane. Parish Building Repair Envelopes will be retained by HNJ. Our hearts and prayers go out to the many parishes and parishioners in this Diocese impacted by the tre- mendous rain and flooding from the Hurricane. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.
Looking More Closely at the Word T oday’s readings remind us that God is free: God acts as God wills regardless of what human beings ers, and the disciples try mightily to avoid the subject. They point to an outsider, and the dangers he poses. Sunday's Readings might expect. In the reading from Jesus turns the tables and asks his First: Numbers 11:25-29 Numbers, God’s spirit enters two disciples to look within themselves: Second: James 5:1-6 men, Eldad and Medad, even though how are they a danger to Jesus and Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 they had not been with the others his work? Jesus uses graphic lan- who had received the spirit of God. guage, invoking self-amputation, to the Church about who speaks for And in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus endors- underscore his point. Jesus. Jesus himself always called es an unknown exorcist, who did Sometimes our most diff icult for unity of heart and a diversity of God’s work in the name of Jesus but obstacles lie deep within. Like our expression as a sign of the truth was not officially sanctioned by the hands and feet, some attitudes and of the Gospel. It is no secret that disciples. That God’s spirit is shared habits are deeply a part of us, and in Christian history and continu- widely does not threaten Moses or their removal would be traumat- ing today, divisions have seriously Jesus. They celebrate the notion that ic for us. Yet we know that some damaged the message and cause God’s spirit blows where it wills. Mo- beliefs (such as idolatries based on of Christ. ses was shaping the people of Israel, race, wealth, or gender) or behav- and Jesus similarly was shaping the In our own time and place, cultural iors (such as addictions) seriously community of disciples, to encounter and political divisions have re- harm ourselves and many others. a radically free God who doesn’t fit duced our ability to solve problems We need a prayerful, non-neurotic their preconceptions. This encounter, and to live together in a just and watchfulness about our inner life. when received with humility, widens peaceful society. Perhaps this is a When necessary, we need a f ierce their vision and deepens their faith. time for Christians to step up, to resistance to anything that places God continues to shape the Church remember that our unity in Christ us or others in danger. similarly today, to open us up to is far deeper than the differences God’s freedom. Unity in Christ that we perceive. We are called to Look Within Jesus, in today’s Gospel from Mark, reach out and listen to each other, A wrestling match of sorts takes says “whoever is not against us is to honor each other as members of place in this section of Mark’s Gos- for us.” Mark was speaking to his the Body of Christ. Christians can pel. Jesus tries mightily to describe own Christian community. From its lead the way, and show everyone what it will mean to be his follow- beginnings, there were tensions in watching how it’s done. © J. S. Paluch, Inc. National Migration Week 2021: September 20-26 WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES (WDMR): SEPTEMBER 26 The primary theme for this year’s WDMR is “Towards an ever wider ‘WE’”. In his letter announcing this theme, Pope Francis emphasizes that “this focus calls on us to ensure that ‘after all this, we will think no longer in terms of ‘them’ and ‘those,’ but only ‘us’’ (Fratelli tutti, no. 35). And this universal us must become a reality first of all within the Church which is called to cultivate communion in diversity.” 2021 National Migration Week Prayer Loving Father, We thank you for the gift of children And for the joy and love that they bring into our lives. Protect with your fatherly care all children who face hardship. In particular, we pray for unaccompanied migrant children who are alone, For migrant children separated f rom parents who have been placed in detention, For those who have lost loved ones due to violence, And for those who are trapped in situations of exploitation. Open all of our hearts to immigrant and refugee children in need. Show us how we can protect and comfort them. Give us the wisdom to know how we can help. Give us courage to defend them against those who would harm them. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen https://justiceforimmigrants.org
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy Educating students of all faiths in a diverse, inclu- sive environment that is designed to develop the OPENINGS STILL AVAILABLE whole child based on the catholic principles of love, respect, and service to the community. Catholic children in Grades 1 through 8 who are in non-Catholic schools should also attend religious • Small, on-site classes with COVID education classes to help them grow in their faith protocols in place and to prepare them to receive their sacraments. • Tuition Assistance available For additional information, or to register your child, contact Kathryn Sisto, Holy Name’s Coordinator of • Children of all faiths are welcome Religious Education, by: To register your child, or obtain more information, • Completing the online registration form: visit our web site: https://forms.gle/cdx3n1k6esFjEr4G6 www.sjwca.org • Emailing her at hnjreligioused@gmail.com, • Or calling 718-768-7629. or call us at (718) 768-7629 Are You Being Called to Serve? Lay Liturgical Ministers are members of the laity who are called to serve at Masses and throughout our The RCIA program prepares adults, and children faith community. Their roles include being Lectors, over the age of eight, to receive the Sacraments of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Ushers. These are all important ministries for the lifeblood of our parish and our faith, and they offer a Religious instruction will be available this Fall meaningful way for a person who is “called” to active- for adults who wish to be baptized Catholic, as ly participate in the Holy Liturgy. To be a successful well as for those who are already members of the candidate, you must: Catholic Church, but were never able to receive the fullness of the sacraments (Communion and/ < Be Catholic and have received the sacraments of Ini- or Confirmation.) tiation (Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation); < Live your life in accordance with the teachings of Please call the Rectory at 718-768-3071 for addi- our Catholic Faith; tional information. < Consent to training, and to willingly participate in the ministry with respect, knowledge and reverence; < Be at least 16 years old (EMHC and Lector Training is available for Junior and Senior High School students); < Discuss your qualifications with Fr. Larry, our pastor. For more information, call the Rectory Office, or email Nick Sisto, HNJ's Coordinator of Lay Liturgical HNJ’s Why Catholic? small groups will soon be- Ministers at nasisto@verizon.net gin preparations for their Fall 2021 Season. Each group gathers, either in-person or via 2021 Diocesan Training Schedule* Zoom, for six weekly 90-minute sessions per season. The sessions take a rich scriptural and Oct St. Francis Prep. H.S. EMHCs; 9 a.m. 9 6100 Francis Lewis Blvd to catechetical approach that includes prayer, Lectors; 2021 Fresh Meadows, NY 3:30 p.m. Scripture, and voluntary faith-sharing. These HS EMHC small groups have proven to be a valuable part Students of the spiritual life of Holy Name Parish for Dec St. Edmund Prep. H.S. EMHCs; 9 a.m. several years. 4 2474 Ocean Avenue Lectors; to 2021 Brooklyn, NY 3:30 p.m. New participants are welcome — prior partici- HS EMHC pation is not required. Students; Ushers Please call the Rectory office at (718) 768-3071 * Both English and Spanish tracks are available. All training will be for more information. scheduled by the Rectory.
MASS INTENTIONS PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL: Please pray for the health and wholeness of all the sick and those who Sunday, September 26 give them care, especially: Frank McCabe; M. A. S; Carmen Soriano Ro- 7:30 a.m. Mel Pynn, Sr. (10 Anniversary) th jas; Patrick Cregg; Adriana Laccona; Andrew Mazzella; Josephine Bar- & Donald Pynn rucco; Catherine Donovan; Adana; Judy Heegan; Mary Brunton; Helen Parish Purgatorial Society Rafferty; Allison Mary Heart; Liam Budgell; Miriam Rodriguez; Richard 9 a.m. Juan Nuñez and Frances Day; Jason, Ann and Mary Q.; Christina DeRosa; Msgr. Mi- The People of the Parish chael Curran; Tracy Pye; Nicoletta Cordero; John Passaro; Joseph Cox; 10:30 a.m. Mary, Anthony, Rosemarie, Vincent Camastro; Cheryl Jablow; Jean Thomas; and all those afflicted & Peter Camastro with the Coronavirus. Frank Kansco … AND FOR OUR DEPARTED LOVED ONES: 12 p.m. Monday, September 27 St. Vincent de Paul We ask for your prayers for those of our community who have gone be- 9 a.m. Luigi Masella fore us into the fullness of life, especially Marie Racioppo and Billy Purdy, and for those they have left behind. Please remember those enrolled in Tuesday, September 28 our Purgatorial Society as well. St. Wenceslaus; St. Lawrence Ruiz & Companions 9 a.m. Angela Mendez Anniversary THIS WEEK'S REFLECTIONS Wednesday, September 29 Memorial of St. Vincent de Paul Sts. Michael. Gabriel & Raphael, Archangels 9 a.m. Intentions of the NYPD September 27 - God works with us as we are: Saint Vincent de Paul is 72nd & 78th Precincts known for founding two religious orders, reforming the church, and serv- ing the poor to such an extent that he is the patron of all works of char- Thursday, September 30 St. Jerome ity. Many schools and parishes bear his name. But in his lifetime, he was 9 a.m. James P. & Kenneth Dolan also known for being irritable and quick-tempered—which his friends confirmed and he himself admitted. He said it was only God’s grace that Friday, October 1 made him compassionate, humble, and generous. He’s a perfect exam- St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus 9 a.m. Edward J. & Mary Duggan ple that we don’t have to be perfect to do saintly work—if we let God soften our hard-heartedness, what great things we might do. Saturday, October 2 The Holy Guardian Angels 9 a.m. Elizabeth Jackson Feast of Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael - Archangels September 29 - God’s special care for migrants: Every minute of the day 5:30 p.m. Boyd, O'Connor, Zbikowski, & Barzal Families 20 people in the world leave everything behind to escape war, persecu- tion, or terror. The archangels of the Bible represent God’s special care for Joseph J. Giamboi, Jr. these migrants. Michael was the guardian of Israel during their captivity Marta Salvado in the foreign land of Babylon. Gabriel is the patron saint of diplomats Richard Nugent and ambassadors living in foreign countries. Raphael is featured in the Sunday, October 3 Book of Tobit accompanying the story’s hero, Tobias, on his journey to a World Communion Sunday foreign land to find a wife. The church recognized World Day of Migrants Respect Life Sunday and Refugees last Sunday. Pray that the archangels guide and protect 7:30 a.m. Christine Rollo migrants and refugees making perilous journeys everywhere. Parish Purgatorial Society 9 a.m. The People of the Parish Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels 10:30 a.m. Patricia Molloy October 2 - All night and all day: Years back, … Catholic schoolchildren 12 p.m. Francesco Pira were encouraged to leave a little space on their chairs for their guardian angels. This charming bit of nostalgia reveals a deeper article of faith. Guardian Angel Prayer From biblical times to the present, the testimony on angels guiding us has been consistent. Saint Augustine said, “Go where we will, our angels Angel of God, are always with us,” while Saint Bernard encouraged Christians to “Make the holy angels your friends . . . we have nothing to fear under the pro- my guardian dear, tection of these guardians.” Perhaps the larger truth is that although suf- To whom God's love fering and even tragedy may come our way, if we leave our hearts open, commits me here, we will not be left alone. God will be at our side. Scoot over a bit! Ever this day, be at my side, To light and guard, Your word, O Lord, is truth; Rule and guide. Amen. consecrate us in the truth. ~ John 17
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