St. Dominic Catholic Church & School - October 10, 2021 - February 6, 2022
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February 6, 2022 St. Dominic Catholic Church & School 2002 Merton Ave., Los Angeles CA 90041 Email: (323) 254-2519 Website: October 10, 2021
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 MASS INTENTIONS Dominican Community: Rev. Roberto Corral, OP, Pastor Sunday 7:30 AM Pro Populo Rev. Isaiah Mary Molano, OP, Prior 9:00 AM Olivia Marta Rev. Francis Goode, OP, Sub-Prior, Parochial Vicar 11:00 AM Maria Estrella Santos, † Rev. Donald Bramble, OP, Retired 1:00 PM Ana Lozano, † 5:00 PM Cecilia Lonio Florentino, † Rev. Michael Carey, OP, Retired Monday 8:00 AM Letty G. Roldan, birthday Rev. Jude Eli, OP, In residence 6:00 PM Deceased parents and Br. Thaddeus Frost relatives Tuesday 8:00 AM Suzette Rapadas Parish Staff: 6:00 PM Eloisa Same, † Wed. 8:00 AM David Wilkens, † Dir. Religious Ed: Christina García & Michelle Pérez 6:00 PM Zoila Guzman, † RCIA & Adult Education: Sr. Joyanne Sullivan SND Thursday 8:00 AM Renato and Milagros RICA y Ministerios Hispanos: Sor Lidia Hernández, OP Dionisio, † Confirmation/Youth Ministry: Randy de Vera 6:00 PM Esperanza Ortega, † Ministry to the Ill & Elderly: Concie Kibbe, OPL Friday 8:00 AM Devotees of St. Jude Health Ministry: Mary Lynne Knighten 6:00 PM Rogelio Momblanco, † Music Ministry: Rudy Acosta - 323-258-9854 6:00 PM Antonio Armada and Administrative Assistant: Mario García Pio Lorca, Sr., † Communications: Jay Cooney 6:00 PM Ricardo and Maria Dulce Secretary: Cecilia Treat Eustaquio, † Plant Manager: David Lear 6:00 PM Juliet Guiman, † Lead Maintenance: Jose Vidaurri Saturday 8:00 AM Priscilla Canares, † 5:00 PM Redentor C. Valencia, birthday Parish Pastoral Council: Mimie Honda - Chairperson Silvia Collins - Vice Chairperson Jay Cooney - Secretary READINGS FOR THE WEEK Evangeline Booth Josh Dauz Monday: 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Ps 132:6-7, 8-10; Joanna Dellosa Mk 6:53-56 Joseph Descalzo Tuesday: 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Ps 84:3-5, 10- Theresa de Vera 11; Mk 7:1-13 Mario García, Jr. Wednesday: 1 Kgs 10:1-10; Ps 37:5-6, 30-31, 39- Bob Hunt 40;Mk 7:14-23 Rocelyn Ochoa Thursday: 1 Kgs 11:4-13; Ps 106:3-4, 35-37, 40; Michelle Pérez Mk 7:24-30 María Velásquez Friday: 1 Kgs 11:29-32, 12:19; Ps 81:10-15; Mk 7:31-37 St. Dominic’s School: Saturday: 1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34; Ps 106:6- 2005 Merton Avenue. LA, CA 90041 7ab,19-22; Mk 8:1-10 Phone: (323) 255-5803 Sunday: Jer 17:5-8; Ps 138: 1-5, 7-8; Website: 1 Cor 15:12, 16-20; Lk 6:17, 20-26 Principal: Ms. Tiffany Sawyer Secretary: Angela Nuño Pre-School / Extended Day Care
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 DID YOU KNOW? Blessed Sacrament Confraternity Mass & Meeting Child safety has been affected by Covid-19 Tuesday, February 8 pandemic Today, as we deal with the ongoing COVID-19 Mass is at 11:00 am in Church followed pandemic, it is noteworthy that the National by a meeting and lunch in the Upper Hall Center for Missing & Exploited Children of the Community Center. (NCMEC) reported that child safety has also been affected as a result of the COVID-19 pan- Members bring your demic. “In 2021, NCMEC stated that they had sack lunch experienced a 97.5% increase in online entice- ment reports between January 2020 and De- cember 2020, versus the same time period in Church Contributions for the month of 2019.” NCMEC maintains a 24-hour hotline at 1- January: $67,313.00 800-843-5678, and the CyberTipline receives reports of child sexual exploitation incidents via Operating Expenses for the month of an online form at January: $89,041.30. For more information, request a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Online Child Sexual Exploita- tion and the NCMEC CyberTipline” at lacatho- La seguridad infantil se ha visto afectada por la pandemia de Covid-19 Hoy, mientras lidiamos con la pandemia de COVID -19, cabe destacar que el Centro Nacional para Ni- ños Desaparecidos y Explotados (NCMEC, por sus siglas en inglés) informó que la seguridad de los niños también se ha visto afectada como resulta- do de la pandemia de COVID-19. “En 2021, el NCMEC declaró que había experimentado un au- mento del 97.5 por ciento en los informes de se- ducción en línea entre enero de 2020 y diciembre de 2020, en comparación con el mismo período de 2019”. El NCMEC mantiene una línea directa las 24 horas en el 1-800-843-5678, y CyberTipline reci- be informes de incidentes de explotación sexual infantil a través de un formulario en línea en Para obtener más in- formación, solicite una copia del artículo de VIR- TUS® en inglés, “Online Child Sexual Exploitation and the NCMEC CyberTipline” (Explotación sexual infantil en línea y la línea cibernética para reportes del NCMEC) en .
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 4 A Message from Fr. Roberto Five Kinds of Catholics In my mind, there are five different groups of people in the Catholic Church. The first group I call “cultural” Catholics. These are folks who are bap zed Catholic and, therefore, are Catholic in name, but that’s about it. They may come to Mass on Christmas, and Easter or for a funeral, wedding or bap sm, but they seem to be people who don’t care much about Where are You on Your their faith. I’m not saying they are bad people or that they are not going to go to heaven, but they simply seem not to be aware of their faith or of the spiritual dimension of their lives. The second group I would label as “marginal” Catholics. These are church-goers more or less; that is, they come to Mass every now and then. But they o en come late and/or leave early. Coming to Mass is pre y much the extent of their involvement in the Church. They might come now and then to a special event like parish carnival or some other social event, but they don’t real- ly get involved in parish ac vi es or ministries because there are other things in their lives that are more important to them. They o en to come to Mass out of a sense of obliga on, or guilt or simply out of habit. Again, they are not bad people, but they just don’t seem to be fully aware of how much their Catholic faith has to offer them and what God wants for them. Group three I call “seeker Catholics.” These are Catholics who are seeking answers. They hunger for spiritual experiences, and they might even try other Chris an denomina ons or even other religions because they sense that something is missing in their lives, but they just cannot quite put their finger on it. Maybe they’ve been away from their Catholic faith for a while, but now they want to learn more about it. This is a common experience for adults who stopped prac cing their Catholicism when they were teenagers or young adults. But as they begin to get older, se le down, get married and have children they o en come back to the Church because they want to bap ze their children or want them in Catholic school or in a Children’s Faith Forma on program to receive their sacraments. They want to have something to pass onto their children. And now they are becoming more aware of their faith and the spiritual dimension of their lives. The fourth group of Catholics I call “disciples.” These are Catholics who have had some kind of encounter with God through a religious or spiritual experience. They feel called by God to go deeper into their faith. They have begun to have a love for God and for their Catholic faith; in fact, their faith has become the central focus of their lives. They really want to grow in their faith, and they are interested in spiritual things in general. These are o en the people who come to many parish ac vi es and especially to Bible studies, classes, prayer groups and retreats because they are so hungry to deepen their rela onship with Jesus and learn more about their faith. They also begin to be involved in one or more ministries to serve in the parish. The last group of Catholics would be what I call “apostles.” This is the most spiritually mature group; they have been disciples for a me and, thus, are commi ed to the Lord. But they also have a desire to share with others what they have found in their rela onship with God. They are conscious of having a mission, of being sent by God to serve others, to share their faith with others and help them to experience Jesus. The word “apostle” actually means “one who is sent.” The apostles are not necessarily holier or be er than any- one else, but they just seem to understand the fullness of what their faith means. These are my categories and defini ons, and I hope no one is offended by my characteriza ons of the different groups. So my ques ons to you are “Where do you fit? What group would you say you are in?” I feel that my job as a priest, and especially as pastor, is to help people become apostles because Jesus calls all of us to be his apostles, as he said: Go, therefore, and make disciples of all na ons, bap zing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, un l the end of the age” (Ma hew 28:19-20).
Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Página 5 Un Mensaje de P. Roberto Cinco Tipos de Católicos En mi opinión, hay cinco pos de católicos en la Iglesia. El primer grupo le llamo católicos “culturales.” Son personas bau zadas y enen el nombre “católico,” pero eso es todo. Vienen a Misa muy pocas veces: quizá para el día de la Virgen de Guadalupe, Miércoles de Ceniza, para funerales, bodas y bau - zos, pero parece que no les importa su fe. No estoy diciendo que sean malos o que no vayan a llegar al cielo, pero parece que no están conscientes de su fe o de la dimensión espiri- ¿Dónde estás en el tual de su vida. El segundo grupo yo llamaría católicos “marginales” camino de tu fe? o católicos “al margen.” Estas personas sí vienen a Misa de vez en cuando, pero suelen llegar tarde y/o irse temprano. Sólo vienen a Misa y nada más. Puede ser que vengan a un evento especial como la Fiesta Parroquial, un baile u otro evento social, pero no se involucran en las ac vidades o mi- nisterios de la parroquia porque, honestamente, otras cosas les son más importantes para ellos. Suelen venir a Misa por obligación, por sen rse culpables si no vienen, o simplemente por costumbre. Otra vez, no es que sean malos, pero parece que no se dan cuenta de todo lo que les ofrece su fe o lo que Dios quiere para ellos. Llamo al tercer grupo católicos “buscadores.” Son católicos que están buscando respuestas. Tienen hambre de experiencias espirituales, y aun visitan a otras iglesias cris anas o hasta otras religiones no- cris anas porque saben que algo les está faltando en sus vidas, pero no saben exactamente qué es. A lo me- jor han dejado a un lado la prác ca de su fe por un empo, pero ahora quieren aprender más de ella. Esta una experiencia común para adultos que dejaron de prac car su fe cuando eran jóvenes. Pero ya que están más maduros, se han casado y enen hijos, suelen regresar a la Iglesia porque quieren bau zar a sus hijos o los quieren meter en una escuela católica o en catecismo para que reciban sus sacramentos. Quieren tener algo que transmi r a sus hijos. Y ahora se están haciendo más conscientes de su fe y de la dimensión espiri- tual de sus vidas. El cuarto grupo de católicos son discípulos. Estos son católicos que han tenido un encuentro con Dios a través de una experiencia religiosa o espiritual. Se sienten llamados por Dios a penetrar más en su fe. Han empezado a tener un amor para Dios y por su fe católica; de hecho, su fe ha llegado a ser el enfoque central de sus vidas. Quieren crecer en su fe, y están interesados en todo po de cosas espirituales. Estas son las per- sonas que suelen venir a muchas ac vidades parroquiales y especialmente a estudios de Biblia, grupos de oración, clases y re ros porque anhelan profundizar su relación con Jesús y aprender más de su fe. También empiezan a involucrarse en uno o más ministerios para servir en la parroquia. Al final tenemos el grupo que yo llamo “apóstoles.” Este es el grupo más avanzado espiritualmente. Ya han sido discípulos por un empo, y, por lo tanto, están comprome dos en su relación con Dios. Pero tam- bién enen un deseo de compar r con otros lo que han encontrado en Dios. Están conscientes de tener una misión, de ser enviados por Dios a servir, a compar r su fe con otros y a ayudarles a encontrar a Jesús. De he- cho, la palabra “apóstol” quiere decir “alguien que es enviado.” Los apóstoles no necesariamente son más santos o mejores personas que los demás, pero parece que en enden mejor la plenitud del significado de su fe. Éstas son mis categorías y definiciones, y espero que nadie se ofenda por mis caracterizaciones de los diferentes grupos. Mis preguntas para son “¿Dónde cabes tú? ¿En cuál de estos grupos crees que estás? Yo considero que mi trabajo como sacerdote, y sobre todo como párroco, es ayudar a las personas llegar a ser apóstoles porque yo creo que Jesús nos llama a todos a ser sus apóstoles, como dijo: “Vayan, pues, y hagan que todos los pueblos sean mis discípulos. Bau cenlos en el Nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu San- to, y enséñenles a cumplir todo lo que yo les he encomendado a ustedes. Yo estoy con ustedes todos los días hasta el fin de la historia” (Mateo 28, 19-20).
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6 Centennial Mass & Luncheon: Saint Dominic Men’s Retreat In February we will celebrate Our annual St Dominic Men’s Retreat is our Parish Centennial Mass on March 11-13, and always occurs at the with Archbishop Jose Gomez on Sunday February 20, 2022, beautiful Mater Dolorosa Retreat Center followed by a Banquet in Sierra Madre. The theme is “Embracing Luncheon. God’s Gift of Hope”. The Mass will be at 10:00am and it will be the ONLY Mass on that Brochures are available in the parish Sunday. All parishioners and friends office. of the parish are invited to attend the Centennial Mass. Please call John Van Dyke 213-305-3358 Seating will be limited to the pews in the church, or visit to answer any AND there will be an overflow seating area in questions or book a reservation. the Community Center, Upper Hall. A $50 deposit is requested to reserve If you wish to attend the Centennial Luncheon, tickets are available, to your room and an additional $200 is the purchase, in the parish office for suggested donation to cover the cost of $15 per person. the weekend retreat. Seating for the luncheon will be limited to 300 people - first come, first served. All attendees of the Centennial Mass and Luncheon will need to provide their vaccine card, or a negative covid test. Please arrive early for a smooth check-in. Announcement SVdP February 2022 Monday Night English Bible Study Out of love and concern for We will be meeting in-person in the people’s health - we will have our Adult Ed Building 7:00 pm t 8:30 pm. next Zoom meetings Starting on Monday February 7, 2022 On Monday February 14, 2022 Contact Darlene Finocchiaro for any questions at and Monday February 28, 2022 Please email for the link.
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Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 8 Together in Mission Annual Appeal 2022 LOS ABRAZOS (En el Día de la Amistad) “As One We Believe” Es maravilloso lo que un abrazo puede hacer. Un abrazo puede alentarte cuando estás triste. Un abrazo significa: te quiero de verdad. On February 27, it is Together in Mission ¡Oh,! Cuánto me entristece cuando te alejas; “Commitment Sunday.” Archbishop Gomez un abrazo quiere decir: bien venido que vuelvas y me alegra verte otra vez. ¿Dónde has estado? invites us to make our annual commitment Un abrazo puede aliviar el dolor de un niño y to help our parishes and schools that need Traer un arco iris después de la lluvia. our help. If you have made a gift in the El abrazo es por cierto y no hay por que dudarlo, que no podríamos sobrevivir sin él. past, a letter should have arrived at your Un abrazo puro y sincero deleita y encanta; home this past week asking you to renew Ésta debe ser razón porque Dios nos dio brazos. your support. You can return that pledge Mientras más abrazos tú das, más amor tú recibes. card via mail or make your pledge at Por eso, tiende tus brazos sin demora Y da un fuerte abrazo a alguien, conozcas o no; ahora. Rudy Vadillo Centennial Tee Shirts and Mugs are available for purchase at the parish office. • Shirts: $20 (Adult Sizes), $10 (Children Sizes), • Mugs: $10 each, - Get a free tote bag with your purchase of a shirt or mug (while supplies last).
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