Remembrance - PARISH OF THE VISITATION - FEAST OF - Bon Venture Services
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FEAST OF ALL SOULS Remembrance PARISH OF THE VISITATION © 2014 Bon Venture Services, LLC 192 Sandford Street ~ 732-545-5090 ST. JOHN THE ST. MARY OF MOUNT ST. THERESA OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH VIRGIN CHURCH INFANT JESUS CHURCH 29 Abeel St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 190 Sandford St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 15 Fox Rd. Edison, NJ 08817
Parish of the Visitaon New Brunswick, NJ St. Mary of Mt. Virgin St. John the Baptist Saturday, October 30, 2021 Sunday, October 31, 2021 8:00am For the People 9:00am Jorge Zeledon Flores r/b Luz Zeledon 4:00pm Joseph Boka Sr. r/b Wife Anna & Family 7:00pm Genaro Reyes r/b Rafaela Reyes Sunday, November 7, 2021 9:00am For the People Sunday, October 31, 2021 8:30am Jimmy Donato r/b Wife Mary & Family Sunday, November 14, 2021 11:00am Lia & Anthony Amato r/b Carden Family 9:00am Joel Torres, Elisa Rodriguez r/b Bienvenida Torres 1:00pm Genaro Reyes r/b Rafaela Reyes 6:00pm Daria Cergnul r/b Faraci Family St. Mary’s Candle Lamps Monday, November 1, 2021– All Saints Day Madonna 8:00am Joseph , Antoinea & George Ciarlo r/b Dtr./sis Flora Cirillo For the health of of Janice Taylor r/b Her Fan Club 12:10pm Caroline & Anthony Cipolla r/b Cipolla Family 6:00pm Arthur De Gaetano r/b Bill & Virginia Kwiatkowski Padre Pio 7:30pm Luis Peralta r/b Nidia Peralta & Familia In memory of Steven Skolsky r/b Peter & Anna Romeo & Family Sanctuary I Tuesday, November 2, 2021—All Souls Day In memory of Arthur DeGaetano r/b Ramon & Julia Alayon 8:00am Thomas Sherlock r/b Dtrs. Mary & Jody 6:00pm All Souls Novena Sanctuary II 7:30pm All Souls Novena In memory of Steven Skolsky r/b Mary Jo Zrinko & Family Wednesday, November 3, 2021 St. Jude 8:00am All souls Novena For the health of Sam & Mary Caramela & Family r/b Sam & Ann Bocchieri Thursday, November 4, 2021 St. Joseph 8:00am All Souls Novena In memory of Joseph Boka Sr. r/b The Romeo & Boka Family Friday, November 5, 2021 St. Anne Happy 65 Anniversary William & Virginia Kwiatkowski r/b The Loving 8:00am Arternio Tolenno r/b Virgil Tolenno Kwiatkowski Children & Grandchildren 7:00pm All souls Novena St. Lucy Saturday, November 6, 2021 In memory of Blanca Rosado r/b Ruth & Carl Montana 8:00am God Bless Skylar r/b Nonna & Pop Pop Pingatore 4:00pm All souls Novena Sacred Heart of Jesus 7:00pm Alberto Rodriguez Duran r/b Su Esposo e Hijos & Familiares In memory of Arthur De Gaetano r/b Rosary Group II St. Rita Sunday, November 7, 2021 In memory of Rita Whitney r/b Friend Annee 8:30am Carmela Mondi r/b Josephine Catanese & Family 11:00am Patrick F. Sciarra r/b Pat & Connie Sciarra St. Anthony 1:00pm Perfecto Ramos r/b Tesla Quintana Happy Birthday Fr. Edmund Luciano r/b Fr. Michael & Parish Staff 6:00pm All souls Novena Blessed Jusn Happy Birthday Sr. Silvia Serrano r/b Fr. Michael & Parish Staff St. Theresa of the Infant Jesus Our Lady of Mount Carmel Saturday, October 30, 2021 For the health of Zoraida Marnez r/b Fr. Michael & Parish Staff 5:30pm Catherine Lucille Baraa r/b Dtr. Catherine St. Francis Not Requested Saturday, November 6, 2021 5:30pm Albert & Mary DeNicola r/b Their Family St. Rocco Not Requested Saturday, November 13, 2021 5:30pm Maryann Vadas r/b Don & Iola Shapiro St. Patrick Not Requested The cost to light any of the candles is now $20 per week; Please contact the Parish Office (732-545-5090). Thank you.
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 31, 2021 English is a strange language. Today is the 31st Sunday of ordinary time but it’s also the Eve of All Saints Day. From there we get the strange name for today Halloween. Hollow means empty inside or it can be a depression on the surface of an object. Hallow comes from the word “Holy”. The original name was “All Hallow’s Evening” the night before “All Hallows" or All Saint’s Day. In English we contract words so we get rid of a few letters in “evening” and we get “e’en,” hence, “Halloween.” It’s a feast to recall all those who have died in the hope of the resurrection and in God’s friendship and are now in His Divine Presence. Some we are sure of their dwelling in the Heavenly Abode. For one, the good thief, St. Dismas, who was promised by Jesus to be with Him in paradise, also the canonized saints. But there are multitudes who are in heaven and we don’t know their names. It is all these souls, as well, that we celebrate. We celebrate them because they are an example to us of what we hope to be, that is, happy with God in heaven. How do we do that? By doing what they did. By knowing, loving and serving God here on earth. As we hear in the Gospel today, Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: You shall love your neigh- bor as yourself . There is no other commandment greater than these." If we obey this, as Jesus Himself tells us, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." On the Second of November we pray for the poor souls in purgatory who are waiting their turn as they are purified and so be able to enter the Holy Presence of God. Let us pray for them. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ El inglés es un idioma extraño. Hoy es el 31º domingo del tiempo ordinario, pero también es la víspera de Todos los Santos. De ahí obtenemos el extraño nombre de Halloween. “Hollow” significa algo vacío o puede ser una depresión en la superficie de un objeto. Hallow proviene de la palabra”Holy” es decir, "Santo". El nombre original era "All Hallow's Evening" la vispera de "All Hallows" o el día de Todos Santos. En inglés se contraen las palabras y se deshacen de algunas letras. Por ejemplo, "evening" se contrae a “eve” o "e'en", por lo tanto, “All Hallow’s Evening” se convierte en “Halloween.” Es una fiesta para recordar a todos aquellos que han muerto en la esperanza de la resurrección y en la amis- tad de Dios y ahora están en Su Divina Presencia. Estamos seguros que algunos de estos habitan en la Mora- da Celestial. Es así con el buen ladrón San Dimas, a quien Jesús prometió que estaría con Él en el paraíso. También los santos canonizados. Pero hay multitudes que están en el cielo y no sabemos sus nombres. Son todas estas almas las que celebramos. Los celebramos porque son un ejemplo para nosotros de lo que esperamos ser, es decir, felices con Dios en el cielo. ¿Como hacemos eso? Guiados por su ejemplo llevamos una vida como lo mandó Dios. Conociendo, amando y sirviendo a Dios aquí en la tierra. Como escuchamos hoy en el Evangelio: “Escuchad, Israel: El Señor, nuestro Dios, es el único Señor; amarás al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente y con todas tus fuerzas. El segundo es éste: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. No hay ningún mandamiento mayor que éstos”. Si obedecemos, como nos dice el mismo Jesús, "No estás lejos del Reino de Dios". El 2 de noviembre rezamos por las pobres almas del purgatorio que esperan su turno para ser purificadas y así poder entrar en la Santa Presencia de Dios. Oremos por ellos.
Parish of the Visitaon October 31, 2021 A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUNDAY READINGS HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly Most Holy Name Catholic Church, Garfield, NJ Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time October 31, 2021 “Moses spoke to the people saying, ‘Fear the Lord, your God, and keep throughout the days of your lives, all the statutes and commandments which I enjoin on you, and thus have long life. Hear then, Israel, and be careful to ob- serve them that you may grow and prosper the more... Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your HEART, and with all your SOUL, and with all your STRENGTH. Take to heart these words which I enjoin on you to- day.’” We may be able to recite the ten commandments, and remember that the first three reflect our relationship with God and the other seven, how we deal with our neighbor. We may recall that Jesus summarized them in just two, love of God and neigh- bor. We can even use one word, ‘respect’, to reflect the spirit of them all. The commandments are the condition God offers if we are truly allowing Him to be our God and we, if we wish, to be His people. That is His promise and today we ask how good and sincere is our response. Cooking with Friends Rite of Christian Initiation Classes! Italian-American Club is selling cookbooks of their favorite The R.C.I.A. program is for any unbaptized recipes for $15.00. There are over 400 recipes. This is a fund- adult who wishes to become a Catholic, and raiser. For more information contact David Pierpaoli 908-421- 6714. Make check payable to Italian-American Social Club of any baptized Christian (non-Catholic) to North Brunswick or cash. become in full communion in the Catholic ________________________________________________________ Church, or Catholic who wishes to prepare for the sacra- Note-All Souls Day ments of the Eucharist and Confirmation. If there are any On Tuesday evening, November 2, 2021 at 6:00pm, there will be an questions, please contact Sr. Margaret Mary or ask one of All Soul’s Day Novena. Adoration & Confession will not be held on this date. The Latin Mass will be moved to Tuesday, November 8, the priests after Mass. Classes started September 14, 2021. 2021 at 7:00pm. For more information please contact the Parish Of- Classes are held on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 fice at 732-545-5090 ________________________________________________________ pm in the Parish Office building. All those interested in this program should contact the parish office (732-545- Knights of Columbus 5090) to obtain the proper registration forms. Please remember to Order your CHEESECAKES as soon as possible ALL Orders must be in to US by HALLOWEEN SUNDAY October _______________________________________________ 31, 2021 for us to be able to get you your Delicious cheesecake for your Thanksgiving Day Events. ___________________________________________________ All Souls Day On Tuesday November 2, 2021 at 6PM, we will have our annual Mass of Remembrance. If you have a loved MEDITATION OF THE DAY one who has passed away from November 1, 2020- "Know this: just as the wood of the ark saved the just from drowning, October 31, 2021, you may add their name to our list by so too, by the mystery of His wooden Cross, does Christ, the calling the Parish Office by October 31, 2021. You may Church’s God and King, save us from drowning in the sea of this also bring a small framed 5x7 photo of your loved one to world. In the symbol of a thing made of wood He gave human beings place on the side memorial table. This frame must have a foreshadowing of both the judgment to come and the salvation of your name and phone number on the back and it will be the just." — St. Augustine, p.137 on the memorial table for the month of November. ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ El Martes 2 de Noviembre de 2021 a las 7:30 p.m., tendremos nuestra misa anual de conmemoración, Si tiene un ser querido que falleció entre el 1 de noviembre de October 31, 2021 2020 y el 31 de octubre de 2021, puede agregar su nom- bre a nuestra lista llamando a la Oficina Parroquial antes "The goodness of God is the highest object of prayer, and it del dia 31 de octubre. También puede traer una pequeña reaches down to our lowest need. It quickens our soul and gives foto enmarcada de 5 x 7 de su ser querido para colocarla en la mesa conmemorativa lateral. Este retrato debe tener it life, and makes it grow in grace and virtue." su nombre y número de teléfono en la parte posterior y estará en la mesa conmemorativa del mes de noviembre.
October 31, 2021 Page 5 Prayer Requests In your charity please pray for those with special intenons: Ann Apoldite John Chiappetta Zoraida Martinez C.A Frank Certo Antonio Martinez Emily Amador Coarissa W. Ann Murphy Angelo and franchi Frank S. Facchini Lisa Moon AA Flora Cirillo Jim Nicoletti A.B. Ann Costanzo John Santalucia R.B. Tony Camaioni Joe Santalucia Ruth & Joseph Benigno Willa Costello Richard Scuderi Pat Barricella Dorothy DeMarco Catherine Slootmaker Dana Bush K.D Benita Santos B.B S.D P.K.P. M.B Tom Derowitsch Elsie Puleio Bella B Claudia Escardo Dawn Pratt Joseph R. Benanti Bill & Maria Gardene Rose Piparo Mia Del Borrello John Gallino P.P La alternava fiel, que apoya un auténco eslo de vida católico. Michael Del Borrello Matthew Gullo Michelina Pierpaoli S.B. Mary Gullo Celisa Pichardo La Parroquia de la Visitación se complace en presentar una nueva Anna Boka Joe Garsick Jack Parker Jr. Kim Boka Ausencio Geronimo Samantha R. forma de instuir los esfuerzos de evangelización y formación en la Sam Bocchieri Ann H. Fr. Kenneth Reihl Ann Bocchieri D.J Anne Reinfurt fe. Todos los feligreses pueden registrarse sin costo para ello, es Tony Benfatto Bill Jarocki Shirley Rennon gras registrarse y usarlo. Simplemente siga las instrucciones y en Ronnie Bonomo Gregoria J. Bellavia Linda Johnson Vincent Kazmierski Michael Ziegler Erasmo Rubino esta aplicación usted encontrara videos, películas, estudio bíblico, Rita Benfatto Maria K. Kevin Richardson Francesca Rubino Del Borrello Dylan Dell Beni Paul K. acvidades para niños, la vida de Jesús y mucho más. Para regis- Maria Battaglia Christine Koziol Lucia Rubino Marie Russo Josell Ryan Bailey John Kelly trarse siga las instrucciones a connuación ....... Joy Boggio M.L K.R Carrie Smith Alyssa B. Geraldine Lawryk Theresa Semple Registrarse en FORMED es más fácil que nunca: C.N. Susan Lacina Myrna Sciabica C.C. Angela Lanfranchi & Family Mickey Schiavone 1. Vaya a; haga clic en el segundo botón: Regis- AC Caitlin M. Michelle Schiavone JH Agnes C. Sansone trarse como feligrés John Clinton Sam Caramela Mary M.S. Pablo Tirado 2. Seleccione su parroquia: Ingrese zip 08901 y seleccione Visita- Joan Marie Carlone Christopher Michael Michael Marchetti Sylvia Velasquez Shaiman Chung Sandy Waydo ción en el menú desplegable Carmen Costa Susan Malone Lovey Williams Clarissa W. Carl Cardinale Ann Mazza 3. Regístrese con su nombre y dirección de correo electrónico James Carolan John Mupo Bernadette Uveges Elizabeth & Jim McGee 4. Verifique en esa cuenta de correo electrónico un vínculo para comenzar a usar FORMED We have reviewed our Prayer List and found that names have been on it for a year or more. In the future, names will be le _______________________________________________________ on for one month. If your loved one’s name has been re- moved and you want it back on the list, please contact the Thanksgiving Food Drive Parish Office @ 732-545-5090 on Tuesday prior to Noon. God Starting this month and through No- bless you. _______________________________________________________ vember the Parish will be collecting any script cards from food stores for baskets we will be putting together Collection Updates for our Parishioners in need. Script October 24, 2021 cards and monetary donations are being accepted at this time. St. Mary’s $3,710.00 We can make a difference in the lives of our community by col- lecting and donating these items. St. John’s $1,263.00 ___________________________________________________ St. Theresa’s $253.00 Attention all 8th graders! St. Thomas Aquinas High School ...Wants to get to know you Through P.O.V All souls day $1,218.00 The Freshman-for-a-Day program! Tour our school with a personal student guide who will take you through a full high school Schedule, meeting students & teachers and showing you the Thank you for your sacrifices full experience of the next level of education Scan the code to the left to register! and my God Bless you STAHS.NET
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