The Most Holy Trinity- The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit - Original Site of the Birth of Jesus
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June 7, 2020 The Most Holy Trinity— The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit Original Site of the Birth of Jesus 1
PASTOR’S UPDATE PARISHIONERS OF THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF DOUGLAS-PIRTLEVILLE (Immaculate Conception, St. Bernard and St. Luke) June 6/7, 2020 Dear Parishioners, Greetings of Grace and Peace! This weekend, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, One God in Three Divine Persons, Undivided in Unity. The mystery of the Triune God is best expressed in awe, wonder and reverence. The signs, symbols and words used in liturgy are meant to take us into this deeper and larger reality in which we bow in worship and bend our knees in adoration. Be informed of the newly-updated Schedule of Sunday Masses with a congregation. Effective immediately, the two Friday 5:30pm Masses at St. Luke and Immaculate Conception Parishes and the 5:30pm Sunday Mass at Loreto School yard have been removed. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH DAY / TIME EVENT LOCATION SATURDAY, 5:30 PM MASS (ESPAÑOL) Reserved for Seniors IGLESIA SUNDAY, 6:30 AM MASS (ESPAÑOL) SALON CYC SUNDAY, 9 AM MASS (ESPAÑOL) SALON CYC SUNDAY, 11:30 AM MASS (ENGLISH) CHURCH SUNDAY, 5:30 PM MASS (ESPAÑOL) IGLESIA ST. LUKE PARISH DAY / TIME EVENT LOCATION SATURDAY, 5:30 PM MASS (ENGLISH) Reserved for Seniors CHURCH SUNDAY, 6:30 AM MASS (ENGLISH) CHURCH SUNDAY, 9 AM MASS (ENGLISH) PARISH HALL SUNDAY, 11:30 AM MASS (ESPAÑOL) IGLESIA 2
PASTOR’S UPDATE FOR HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY. . .2 ST.BERNARD PARISH DAY / TIME EVENT LOCATION SATURDAY, 5:30 PM MASS (ESPAÑOL) Reserved for Seniors IGLESIA SUNDAY, 9 AM MASS (ESPAÑOL) IGLESIA SUNDAY, 11:30 AM MASS (ENGLISH) CHURCH The 5:30pm SATURDAY VIGIL MASSES and the SUNDAY MASSES with a congregation at St. Luke and Immaculate Conception Parishes will be the MASSES that will be livestreamed via St. Luke and Immaculate Conception Parishes Facebook and YouTube accounts. WORK IN PROGRESS (TRYING TO LIVESTREAM ON MULTIPLE PLATFORMS) (St. Luke (Immaculate Conception) IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ST. LUKE 5:30PM, SATURDAY, VIGIL (SPANISH) MASS 5:30PM, SATURDAY, VIGIL (ENGLISH) MASS 11:30AM (ENGLISH) MASS 11:30AM (SPANISH) MASS UPON ARRIVAL 1. As you enter, please don’t expect a warm welcome. There will be no hugging, no kissing, no touching, no holding hands, no handshaking, etc. Sorry, but not right now. 2. As you enter, an usher will direct you to a person who will help you register, confirm attend- ance and assign seat. 3. As you enter, please observe physical distancing except in the case of a couple or families of 3 or more, by stepping on the blue tape in the shape of a cross marked on the floor. 4. As you enter, please use hand sanitizers available in the vestibule. 5. After confirming your attendance, an usher will assist you to your seat. 3
PASTOR’S UPDATE FOR HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY. . .3 HOLY COMMUNION 1. Beginning this weekend, HOLY COMMUNION will be administered (outdoors) after the 5:30pm Vigil Saturday Masses and 11:30am Sunday Mass in the parking lot of all three parish- es. Please refer to the schedule below: PARISH HOLY COMMUNION /COMUNIÓN IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SATURDAY / SABADO, 6:45PM – 7:00PM SUNDAY / DOMINGO, 12:45PM – 1:00PM ST. BERNARD SATURDAY / SABADO, 6:45PM – 7:00PM SUNDAY / DOMINGO, 12:45PM – 1:00PM ST. LUKE SATURDAY / SABADO, 6:45PM – 7:00PM SUNDAY / DOMINGO, 12:45PM – 1:00PM 2. The schedule assumes the individual receiving Communion watched the online Mass. 3. Watching the livestreamed Mass is required before receiving Holy Communion. 4. Individuals receiving Holy Communion after Mass, must be in the state of grace. 5. No one should bring Holy Communion to the homebound unless he/she is a family member and/or living in the same household with the homebound and with the express approval of the Pastor. 6. Holy Communion will only be administered in the hand. 7. If you are feeling sick or actually sick or experiencing symptoms of covid-19 (sore throat, fever, persistent coughing and sneezing, shortness of breath, loss of taste, etc) or have compromised immune system and underlying health conditions (that may put you and others at risk), you are asked to remain at home. 8. There will only be one entrance and one exit in the parking lot. 9. An entrance and exit sign will be placed at a visible location in the parking lot. 10. Volunteers will assist you to a designated area in the parking lot. 11. If you are receiving Holy Communion, you will have to park your car at a designated area in the parking lot and remain inside the car. 12.Ministers of Communion carrying the Eucharist (consecrated host) will come to each individual car in the parking lot. In order to receive Holy Communion, individuals will have to exit the car and stand by the car for the minister to give the Eucharist. 13. Holy Communion will not be handed through open car windows except in extenuating circumstances such as in the case of handicapped/disabled person. 14. The Eucharist must be consumed immediately in front of the minister. You cannot bring the Eucharist anywhere. If you do, the Minister will call your attention. 15. Only liturgical ministers below 65 years of age will be allowed to serve at the public celebration. 16. All liturgical ministers are required to wash hands thoroughly in the sacristy before and after Mass. 4
PASTOR’S UPDATE FOR HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY. . .4 OTHER PARISH RELATED INFORMATION 1. FUNERALS AND WEDDINGS will now allow the same capacity as the Sunday Masses. 2. WEEKDAY MASSES will continue to be celebrated privately as scheduled and livestreamed at 8:00am, Monday – Friday (English) and 9:00am, Monday – Saturday (Spanish) WORK IN PROGRESS (WE’RE TRYING TO LIVESTREAM ON MULTIPLE PLATFORMS) (St. Luke) (Immaculate Conception) Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH… Blessings, In the service of Christ, the Lord Fr. Jojo 5
A MESSAGE FROM BISHOP WEISENBURGER. . . I join with Bishops across our Nation in denouncing racism and the vio- lence it engenders. The killing of Mr. George Floyd is an image that remains deeply etched in the minds of all Americans. I pray that this horrific image will lead to our reex- amination of the lingering presence of racism in our culture and become a call to action for all of us to work for deep and lasting change. I have prayed at Mass for Mr. Floyd by name. It is my prayer that God will raise him up to eternal life, even as God raises up a host of voices that cry out for justice and dignity for every human being and an end to violence in our com- munities. +Edward J. Weisenburger, Bishop of Tucson June 20, 2020 IN ANTICIPATION OF THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) ON JUNE 13/14, PLEASE BE INFORMED OF THE SCHEDULE OF BENEDICTION (TO TAKE THE PLACE OF THE FINAL BLESSING) AND PROCESSION AFTER MASS IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH DAY/TIME LITURGICAL SERVICE LOCATION CORPUS CHRISTI SATURDAY, 5:30PM MASS (SPANISH) CHURCH BENEDICTION Reserved for Seniors SUNDAY, 6:30AM MASS (SPANISH) CYC HALL BENEDICTION SUNDAY, 9:00AM MASS (SPANISH) CYC HALL PROCESSION after Mass SUNDAY, 11:30AM MASS (ENGLISH) CHURCH BENEDICTION SUNDAY, 5:30PM MASS (SPANISH) CHURCH BENEDICTION 6
REFLEXION SOLEMNIDAD DE LA SANTISIMA TRINIDAD. COMUNIDAD DE AMOR El Dogma de la Santísima Trinidad es el misterio más grande, que Dios nos ha querido revelar. Es el principio y fin de todos los misterios. Aunque se nos ha hado a conocer este misterio, su comprensión es inagotable. Para conocer este misterio y contemplarlo han sido creados los ángeles del cielo y todos los mortales. Para darlo a conocer, Dios ha bajado del cielo, revelándonos que Él, es el Hijo Eterno del Padre, engendrado, no creado, de la misma naturaleza del Padre. Dios Padre nos lo revela su amor, cuando manifiesta: Este es mi Hijo Amado. El Espíritu Santo nos abre el entendimiento para conocerlo y conocer esta unión intima de amor trinitario. La liturgia de hoy, nos introduce en la realidad de amor reflejada en este misterio de nuestra fe. El Padre, el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo son uno, porque Dios es amor, y el amor es la fuerza vivificadora. Las lecturas de la misa nos hablan de Dios Trino y Uno y por lo tanto nos hablan de ese amor entre las Tres Personas en un solo Dios. El Evangelio no se centra tanto sobre el misterio de las tres Personas, sino en el amor que constituye su esencia, y la unidad y trinidad al mismo tiempo. San Juan de la Cruz nos dice: “Pon amor donde no hay amor, y encontrarás amor”. Solo el amor de Dios da sentido a nuestras vidas, pues fuimos creados para amar y ser amados. Dios ha enviado a su Hijo al mundo, para que tenga vida eterna. Hoy le contemplamos como el Dios Verdadero, que nos revela el auténtico amor. La primera lectura del Libro del Éxodo, nos muestra el amor de Dios, fiel a su alianza. Después de que su pueblo se olvida de su alianza de amor, y peca contra su Señor, a través de la idolatría, Moisés intercede ante El para que no lo destruya. Dios le muestra su bondad y misericordia. Dios le muestra a Moisés su amor y el amor por su pueblo. Es el mismo amor que Jesús nuestra a todos los que creyeron en Él. Tanto amó Dios al mundo, que le dio a su único Hijo. Todos los que contemplaron el rostro de Jesús veían el rostro amoroso del Padre. En el mundo entero hay una gran ausencia del amor de Dios en muchas almas. No hay una clara visibilidad de este amor trinitario porque no han conocido a Jesús como el Hijo único de Dios salido del Padre, verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre, quien es Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero. Jesús nos amó hasta el extremo, hasta dar su vida para que tuviéramos vida. Que más muestra de Amor Trino y Uno. Como una muestra al amor que viene del Padre Eterno, el Hijo dio su propia vida por nosotros. . El amor misericordioso de Dios, alcanza su culmen en la cruz. En la cruz, Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, nos obtiene la participación en la vida eterna, que se nos comunica con el don del Espíritu Santo. Es en la Cruz, donde se hace presente ese amor del Padre, al entregarnos a su Hijo para que fuéramos salvados de la muerte y del infierno. 8
R E F L E X I O N. . .2 Cada vez que celebramos los sacramentos, es la Santísima Trinidad presente con su infinito amor. Cuando oramos juntos como Iglesia y celebramos la Santa Eucaristía, las Tres Personas Divinas, se hace presente mostrándonos su rostro misericordioso. San Agustín, como consideración antes de introducirnos al misterio de la Santa Trinidad, en su obra “De Trinitate”, cita el salmo 104, 4 que nos invita a buscar el rostro de Dios. Nos invita a que cuando hablemos de la Santa trinidad, lo hagamos con prudencia y humildad. Al final de la obra nos dice que muchas cosas se dirán sin acabar nunca, pero Dios lo es Todo. Al Celebrar este gran misterio de la Santísima Trinidad, pidamos a Dios, que nuestras vidas reflejen el amor de Dios Trino y Uno, viviendo en comunión plena, superando las diferencias que muchas veces nos dividen y nos alejan tanto de Dios como de nuestros prójimos. Solamente viviendo en el amor de Dios Trino Uno, podemos ser eso cristales lucidos y transparentes que reflejen el amor puro y santo. Ese amor no es posible contenerlo porque emana de la fuente del Corazón de Dios para ser compartido para iluminar las vidas en desesperanza. Es el amor comunitario que mana de Dios el que da vida a nuestras almas y nos fortalece en nuestra vida de fe. Que Dios nos de su sabiduría que ayude a profundizar mas en su misterio de amor y poder mostrar ese amor misericordioso de Dios a todos los que nos ven. Que vivamos con más fidelidad a Dios y entrega al servicio de nuestros prójimos, mostrándoles cuanto Dios los ama, Amen. Padre Marco Antonio 9
MASS INTENTIONS Saint Luke Saturday, June 6 Monday, June 8 5:30 p. m. English Vigil Mass (Church) 8:00 a. m. English Mass (Private) + Edward & Rafaela Calderón + Valentin Cruz (Ann.) + Rubén Gracia (Ann.) + Amelia, Juan & Joe Cruz + Bob Krentz, Sr. (B-day) Recovery of Health: + Adrian Durazo Concha Muñoz + Dc Ramón & Lupita Miranda, Dc Tony Rivera Andrea Romero Recovery of Health: Special Intention: Tomás Castillo (6th B-day) Susan Daneker John Monjarres Louise Kimble Concha Muñoz Tuesday, June 9 Andrea Romero 8:00 a. m. English Mass (Private) In Thanksgiving: + Gregorio & Mercedez Taruc The intercession of our Blessed Mother for the Recovery of Health: protection of our country & its leaders Concha Muñoz Andrea Romero Sunday, June 7 Special Intention: Donna Nava 6:30 a. m. English Mass (Church) People of the Parish Wednesday, June 10 8:00 a. m. English Mass (Private) 9:00 a. m. English Mass (Hall) Recovery of Health: + Chuck Hoyack Concha Muñoz Recovery of Health: Andrea Romero David Oventile Concha Muñoz Rick Harmon Thursday, June 11 Special Intention: 8:00 a. m. English Mass (Private) Patrick Hoyack Hoyack fam. Recovery of Health: Solomon Grossman Concha Muñoz In Thanksgiving: Andrea Romero The intercession of St. Therese the Little Flower, Pauline, Leonie, St. Philomena, St. Peregrine, & St. Blaise Friday, June 12 8:00 a. m. English Mass (Private) 11:30 a. m. Spanish Mass (Church) Recovery of Health: + Joel Martínez Concha Muñoz + José Ángel M. Arvayo Andrea Romero + Jorge Sodari (1st Ann) Special Intention: + Guadalupe Acosta Clergy & Religious of the Parish Por su Salud de: All Souls in Purgatory Brenda Torres Father’s Day Intentions. . . IN SINCERE APPRECIATION Father’s Day is Sunday, June 21, 2020. Collection for the week of May 31, 2020 If you wish to remember that special man in $2,876.20 your life, living or deceased, please advise us of your intentions before June 17, 2020. Donation is $10.00 per name. Thanks Society of St. Vincent de Paul $616.75 10
MASS INTENTIONS Immaculate Conception Saturday, June 6 Monday, June 8 5:30 p. m. Spanish Mass (Iglesia) 9:00 a. m. Spanish Mass (Privada) + Fernando Reyes (Cumpleaño) In Thanksgiving: The intercession of St. Maximillian Kolbe Tuesday, June 9 9:00 a. m. English Mass (Privada) Sunday, June 7 + Jerry Smith 9:00 a. m. Spanish Mass (Salón CYC) + Bea Smith People of the Parish + Dr. George Spikes Wednesday, June 10 11:30 a. m. English Mass (Church) 9:00 a. m. Spanish Mass (Privada) + Lewis Boatner + Frances Boatner + Héctor González + Arturo C. Morales + Louisa B. Morales + Jordan Whatcott (B-day) + Robert C. Boatner + Olivia B. Amarillas + Edward L. Boatner + Celia Boatner + Jimmy J. Boatner + Josefina Owen Thursday, June 11 + José Jesús Acuña + Bette Romero 9:00 a. m. English Mass (Privada) + Guillermo “Bill” Owen + Memo Martínez + Liz Ames + Raúl Pérez + Bernardina Elías + Luciano González III + Juan Villareal Friday, June 12 + Gilda Elíias Molina + Olga Elías Duron 9:00 a. m. Spanish Mass (Privada) + Bernardina E Elías Intención Especial: Personal de Primeros Auxilios 5:30 p. m. Spanish Mass (Iglesia) Saturday, June 13 + Letty Sánchez + José H. Cornejo, Sr. 9:00 a. m. Spanish Mass (Privada) + Magdalena Majalca + José H. Cornejo, Jr. + Letty Sánchez + Luís Carlos Majalca, Jr. + Jorge “Koki” Salazar + Roberto y Irma Flores + Héctor y Lorenza León + Héctor y María Romero + Jesús y Ernestina Escarcega Por la Salud de: IN SINCERE APPRECIATION Mabel Callaway Irma Ruth Gómez Collection for the week of May 31, 2020 Mary Menduett Reynaldo Majalca Maritza Arellano $2,356.03 11
MASS INTENTIONS Saint Bernard Saturday, May 30 5:30 p. m. St. Bernard (Español) Intención Especial: Por todas personas que perdieron sus vdas por la Coronavirus Sunday, May 24 IN SINCERE APPRECIATION 9:00 a. m. St. Bernard (Español) Collection for the week of May 31, 2020 + Trevor Jones St. Bernard $ 1,531.10 + Raúl Pérez Intención Especial: Nuestro Señor y la intercesion a la La Salette $ 0.00 Virgen María y la sombra de San Pedro 11:30 a. m. St. Bernard (English) Special Intention: Gilliland fam. Father’s Day Intentions. . . El día del Padre es el domingo 21 de junio, 2020. Si desea recorder a ese hombre especial en su At this time, the faithful from Our Lady of vida, vivo o fallecido, avísenos de sus La salette are asked to join one of the intenciones antes del 16 de junio, 2020. Masses in Douglas or Pirtleville. La donación es $10.00 por nombre. Gracias Thank you 12
ANNOUNCEMENTS • There is a basket on the table, in the vestibule, as you enter the Church. Please place your offering in the collection bag as you enter or exit. We are truly grateful for your ongoing commitment to the sustainability of our Church. • Once outside the Church premises, and after receiving Communion, kindly accept a bulletin from one of the ushers to take home and read. We have enclosed some important information in Fr. Jojo’s update, especially the addition of a procession next Sunday for the Feast of Corpus Christi. • Our daily Masses are live-streamed Monday—Friday, 8 am, St. Luke; and Monday—Saturday, 9 am, Immaculate Conception. • Holy Eucharist will be distributed in our three parish parking lots for those who have watched a live-streamed Mass and are in the state of grace, after the Saturday evening Masses, 6:45 pm - 7 pm and after the 11:30 am Sunday Masses, 12:45 pm - 1 pm. • Confessions continue each Saturday, 3:30 pm—4:45 pm in front of the parish office at St. Luke. • We ask that you observe the 6 foot distancing in effect as you step up to the Church premises, while you are inside the Church, and until you are safely away from the building. • St. Luke and St. Bernard are once again offering Mass intentions for Father’s Day, June 21st. Please make your wishes known to us no later than June 17th. Each name is a $10.00 donation. Have a safe and blessed week. 13
ANUNICOS • Hay una canasta en la mesa, en el vestíbulo, al entrar la Iglesia. Por favor coloque su oferta en la bolsa de recolección al entrar o salir. Estamos realmente agradecidos por su compromiso continuo con la sostenibili- dad de nuestra Iglesia. • Una vez fuera del local de la Iglesia, y despues de recibir la comunion acepte amablemente un boletín de uno de los acomodadores para llevar a casa y leer. Hemos incluido informacion importante en la actualizacion del Padre Jojo, es- pecialmente la adicion de una procesion el proximo domingo para la Fiesta de Corpus Christi. • Nuestras Misas diarias se transmiten en vivo de lunes a viernes, a las 8 am, en san Lucas; y de lunes a viernes, a las 9 am, en Inmaculada Concepción. • La Santa Eucaristía se distribuira en nuestras tres estacionamientos parro- quiales para aquellos que han visto una Misa en vivo y se encuentran en estado de gracia, despues de las Misas sabado, de las 6:45 pm hasta las 7 pm y despues de la Misas de 11:30, del domingo, de las 12:45 pm—1 pm. • Las confesiones continúan cada sábado, de las 3:30 pm hasta las 4:45 pm, en frente de la Oficina Parroquial de san Lucas. • Le pedimos que observe el distanciamiento de 6 pies en efecto mientras sube a el local de la Iglesia, mientras esta dentro de la Iglesia y hasta que este seguro lejos del edificio. • San Lucas y San Bernardo por otra vez están ofreciendo la intención de Misa para el Día del Padre, el 21 de junio. Por favor déjenos saber no mas tarde que el 17 de junio. Cada nombre será la donación de $10.00. Tenga una semana segura y bendita. 14
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