March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

Page created by Carolyn Manning
March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton
        WITH COVE

      March 2022
March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

                    Magazine Subscriptions
Dear Parish Magazine Reader,

Since the first lockdown in 2020 and throughout 2021 the Parish Magazine
has been available, free of charge, online and, for the last few months, in hard
copy (both delivered to your door and in church).

From 1st January 2022 the annual subscription of £6 per annum (50p per
magazine) will be reinstated.
Please pay your subscription in January.
Thank you.

               Please note cheques for the magazine should be
              made payable to Saint Peter’s P.C.C. Thank you
March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

Interregnum Update
We are now, hopefully, halfway through our interregnum and we thought
you may appreciate an update.

Firstly, I must thank everyone for their tremendous support, by helping in all
sorts of different ways. Our weekly services have continued; regardless of
half the building being out of bounds, due to the re-ordering project.

The interregnum has given us the opportunity to invite various local retired
clergy, and priests from the Diocese and Cathedral to take our services.

Bill and I have been well supported through this process by Archdeacon
Andrew Beane and his assistant the Reverend Mike Clark.

It was suggested the three parishes of St. Peters, St. Andrews and St.
Thomas’s Chevithorne provide parishioners with an opportunity to complete
a questionnaire, in deciding how they saw the future of the parishes and what
qualities they would see as appropriate for the new rector. The results of
these questionnaires from all three Churches have now been included in a
Parish Profile. This will give prospective candidates an insight into the
requirements for this post.

Bill and I hope to continue to work on your behalf and look forward to the
next part of the “Interregnum journey”.

                                                  Gill Heard and Bill Zarrett
                                                           Church Wardens
March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

Update on Reordering for March magazine

As I write these notes we are still waiting for the delivery of the special
stainless steel beams needed to form the structure of the baptistery floor over
the raised vaults. These items have had to be fabricated to order and have
taken a long time to be delivered. They are expected very soon. By the time
you read this I’m hoping the floor will be well underway and may even be
complete with the font moved to its new location.
The completion of the new baptistery and the moving of the font is critical to
the overall programme we are hoping to achieve. Moving the font allows the
west end to be handed back to us, to use as our temporary church whilst the
east end and dais works are undertaken. We are still planning to complete all
the major works by Easter, the middle of April and the works completed in the
following two or three weeks are critical to achieving this objective. It may not
be possible.
St Peter’s has been here for 1000 years so I suppose a few more weeks to
reach completion is of little consequence.
The new stone flooring at the west end is now finished and looking very good.
Some areas have been covered with protection so it’s
a bit difficult to appreciate the finished effect at the
moment but standing at the west end with the sun
streaming through the windows one can now
appreciate this wonderful new open space and the
gracefulness and grandeur of the freestanding
columns and the arcade.
The contractor has started to repair the low level areas
of walling where the removal of the pews has exposed
damaged plasterwork and is about to commence the
widening of the door opening in the north-west
corner, leading to the new toilets.
We’ve now agreed with the architect the revisions to
the furniture to go along the south wall in the
children’s area, made necessary by wanting to hide
the step in the floor over the vaults. This includes the
new book and chair stores and a new notice board by
the porch. This furniture will be installed along with
the servery against the north wall when the flooring of
                                                                 (Continued on page 7)
March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

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March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

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March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

(Continued from page 4)
the north aisle is completed.
Externally the structure of the new toilet block is making good progress with
the special stone window surrounds and stone facing being constructed. Work
on the toilet block roof structure should commence very soon. I’m pleased to
report that the work was inspected by John Scott of the DAC who commended
both the choice of materials and the standard of workmanship being achieved
by Crowstep, our contractor.
                                              David Ricks – 9th February 2022

            NB Copy for the April 2022 Magazine
                  should only be sent to
                            or by post to
    Cotswolds, 49 Park Hill, Tiverton EX16 6RW
                            by March 10
March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

Revision of St. Peter’s                   We have 3 new recruits, one each for
Electoral Roll                            St Peter’s, Cheriton Fitzpaine and
                                          Silverton. We now have 5 teachers in
The Electoral Roll is now due for         the band using the ‘Learning the
revision. If you wish your name to be     ropes’ scheme and whilst learning to
added to the Roll or there have been      ring is not a quick process it is much
any changes to your details since the     more fun in a group.
last revision in March 2021, please       On Sunday 6th February we marked
complete an application form,             the 70th anniversary of the accession
available on St Peter’s website or by     of Her Majesty the Queen with a
asking Catherine Makepeace for a          “quarter peal” of 1260 changes of
paper copy. If your name is already       Grandsire Triples. The special
on the Roll, there is no need to          performance took place before the
complete a form unless your details       Sunday morning service and took 50
have changed. The relevant Privacy        minutes to complete. Churches across
Notice is also on the website.            the country held special services and
Completed application forms should        rang dedicated performances on their
be emailed, posted or handed to           bells to mark the occasion. This is the
Catherine.                                first quarter peal on 8 bells that we
                                          have rung with a completely ‘home
Forms need to be completed by 3           band’ for many years.
April at the latest in order to be        The performance at St Peter’s was
included on the Roll for 2022-2023.       also a 70th birthday compliment to
The revised Roll, with names only,        Les Boyce who has been a ringer at
will be available for inspection in the   St Peter’s for over 40 years. In the
Church Porch, or by contacting            past Les has been captain of ringers
Catherine, from 10 April.                 and held most offices in the local
Thank you for your attention to this;     branch of the ringers’ guild. He is
any queries should be directed to         currently Librarian of the Guild of
                                          Devonshire Ringers. tel.
                                          During this month we are also
01884 257689.                             holding our annual dinner at The
February news            from      the    Mumbai Kitchen.
                                          If you know of anyone else in the
Ringing Room                              area who is interested in learning to
The bellringers have been busy since
                                          ring please tell them to get in touch.
Christmas, running two teaching
sessions a week, as well as regular
                                                Sheila Scofield, Tower Captain
service ringing and practice nights.
March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton

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March 2022 - ST. PETER'S, TIVERTON & ST. THOMAS'S, CHEVITHORNE WITH COVE - St Peter's Church Tiverton
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The Parish Magazine is looking for your contributions!
We all enjoy hearing about the reordering, the Mothers Union, a new recipe
etc. but we would like to hear more about you.

Ideas include writing an anecdote, it might be about lock down, holidays, your
work/first job, school days, other churches or anything else that springs to

You could choose your favourite poem, hymn or even a book/film and write
about why it is special to you and what might recommend it to other readers.
Photos are always welcome too.

Please don’t expect all submissions to immediately appear in the next
magazine. We would hope to use them all over the course of time so keep
them coming in - it’s never too late.

Please email

                                    This year Ash Wednesday is on 2nd March
                                    marking the beginning of Lent.

                                   Lent, of course, is traditionally a time when
                                   Christians have given something up.
                                   However I always remember Beth Millier
saying to me that she preferred to take up something new for Lent.

Here are a few ideas that you might consider, or indeed that may spark an idea
of your own.

                       I like to take one book from the Bible to read and

                       “I like to learn a new skill such as growing vegetables,
                       calligraphy and taking up yoga.”

“I like to do a course of Bible Study and Compline every evening in Holy
Week.” Sue Beale

“During Lent I like to spend time reading about other faiths. This year it’s
Buddhism with a bit of meditation thrown in. It’s a nice way to end the day.”
Bill Zarrett

“Jesus spent time in the wilderness
– thinking.
I like to get outside with my dogs,
whatever the weather, and indulge
in quiet contemplation.
A precious commodity in a busy
world!” Joanna H-T

I hope you can get some inspiration from these ideas and work through Lent
whilst looking forward to Easter.

Thank you for your contributions.

                                                                 Kate Henshall

                                      ST GEORGE’S HOUSE
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March 2022 Diary
Wed 2 March    10:00am   Coffee Morning Tiverton Golf Club

Sun 6 March     8:00am   Holy Communion (BCP)
               10:00am   Morning Prayer Online
               10:15am   Holy Communion

Wed 9 March    10:30am   Coffee morning online

Sun 13 March    9:30am   Morning Prayer Online
               10:15am   Holy Communion
Wed 16 March   10:30am   Coffee Morning online
                7:30pm   PCC Meeting

Sun 20 March    9:30am   Morning Prayer Online
               10:15am   Holy Communion
Wed 23 March   10:30am   Coffee Morning online
Sat 26 March   10:30am   Coffee Morning at 3 Colliepriest View,
                         Ashley, Tiverton.

Sun 27 March    9:30am   Morning Prayer Online
               10:15am   Holy Communion
Wed 30 March   10:30am   Coffee Morning online

Sat 2 April    10:00am   Bellringing peal

Sun 3 April     8:00am   Holy Communion (BCP)
                9:30am   Morning Prayer Online
               10:15am   Holy Communion
Wed 6 April    10:30am   Coffee Morning online

Sun 10 April    9:30am   Morning Prayer Online
               10:15am   Holy Communion
Wed 13 April   10:30am   Coffee Morning online
                2:00pm   Mothers' Union Meeting

Coffee Mornings

Good afternoon everyone,

Just to confirm our next coffee morning will be at Sally’s house

                 3 Colliepriest View, Ashley, Tiverton

                         Saturday 26th, March

                              Time: 10.30am

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Prayer Diary for March

1.    SHROVE TUESDAY. Lord, please forgive our sins.
2.    ASH WEDNESDAY. May Jesus be our example and our strength.
3.    A special prayer for Wales and for the Welsh people.
4.    Pray for our families.
5.    We ask for your blessing on teenagers.
6.    Lord, may I be quick to notice your help in my life.
7.    Help us to be wise to our own faults.
8.    Pray for the bereaved.
9.    For neglected children.
10.   Bless our clergy with compassion and wisdom.
11.   Pray for all who feel lonely.
12.   For the one who will lead the service tomorrow.
13.   Lord, help us to be open to your inspiration.
14.   COMMONWEALTH. Thank you for its great variety of friends.
15.   Pray for the terminally ill.
16.   For those who are in despair.
17.   ST. PATRICK. A special prayer for Ireland and for the Irish people.
18.   Pray for persecuted churches.
19.   Pray for churchwardens everywhere.
20.   SPRING BEGINS. We thank you for its beauty.
21.   May our Sunday worship remain in our mind.
22.   A private prayer for a personal concern.
23.   Pray for victims of poverty.
24.   Lord, help our politicians to do what is right.
25.   May all governments work tirelessly for peace.
26.   Pray for the unemployed.
27.   MOTHERING SUNDAY. Dear God, bless all mothers.
28.   Pray for our farmers.
29.   May we become more fully what we are meant to be.
30.   Lord, help me to recognise your presence with me.
31.   We pray that you will bless all carers.

                                          left church. Donations in memory of
                                          dear Alice was for the work of
                                          Mother’s Union .Our prayers are with
                                          Maurice and family. R.I.P. Alice a
Wednesday March 9th 2 pm Baptist          very loved member of our group and
Church rooms our speaker will be          St Peters Church.
Rev. Caroline Luff from Teignmouth
one of our MU Diocesan chaplains          The Commissioning Service which
“LENT IN THE CHRISTIAN                    should have been February 15th in
CHURCH”. Caroline writes, “Do you         Exeter Cathedral was postponed until
feel virtuous when you give up            later in the spring or summer a date to
chocolate or some other luxury for        be arranged by Bishop Robert.
Lent? When you hear about earlier
practises you may change your mind.       The February meeting was held in the
We are going to have a look at how        home of Gill Heard with 12 members
various generations in different          attending and Kate our new leader on
countries have observed Lent and          zoom. Nickie Johnson spoke on the
why its always been regarded as an        MU theme for this year
important feature in the Church’s         “Transformation Now”. Nickie began
year.” All are welcome to join us to      by saying how well we have coped
what I am sure will be an interesting     with every part of our lives during the
and thoughtful afternoon.                 last 2 years.MU members showed
                                          amazing resilience “For with God
In February we were very sad to hear      nothing is impossible”. We now need
of the passing of one of our members      to examine what we do and how we
Alice Cockerill who was a member of       do it to “break out of the box”. After
MU for 40 years ,until recent times       members reading from Isaiah 65 we
due to ill health had taken a full part   went on to consider the following --
in our meetings and outings, as a             What we used to do
committee member. She joined us in            What we have done already
2008 and had previously been The               What we will do in the future.
Branch Leader in Sampford Peverell
before her and husband Maurice, now       Lively contributions followed and all
of over 60 years, moved to                agreed we need to inform folk what
Tiverton.10 of us attended Alice’s        MU is about both in our churches and
Funeral at St John the Baptist Church     in our community.
9th February, proudly standing by our
MU banner as the coffin arrived and       In Kate’s physical absence Gill

thanked Helen very much for her years as Leader with a bouquet of yellow
roses and a card signed individually by us all with messages of thanks, we
look forward to Helen joining our meetings in the future. We closed our
meeting with tea & cake and chat and a chance to catch up on each others
news and thanked Gill for her hospitality.

March 27th is Mothering Sunday with Rev. Alan Sheath.

Betty Thrall

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Jam & Jerusalem

Our dear Friend Gill Heard emailed me this lovely recipe, saying it was a well-
loved family recipe. So this was tonight’s supper, and it’s absolute delicious,
go on try it and I’m sure it will become a favourite of yours too. Thank you
Gill so much.

I used half the amount of butter and low calorie double cream, just trying to be
good after Christmas…….

Celeriac Veg Dish.

8 rashers of streaky
400gms carrots
1/2 Celeriac
50 gms butter
1 Savoy
200mls double cream.

Chop celeriac & carrots into 1cm cubes. Fry chopped bacon & add carrots &
celeriac cook for 8 mins. Add butter, stir in shredded savoy & cook for a
further 3-4mins. Add cream, simmer & reduce slightly. Season to

Please send your favourite recipe to.

Here are a few photos of our last Baptism!

Sunday Feb 6th — Bowen Matthew Parr
Was baptised at St Peters by Jane Wilson.
                     VILLAGE HALL
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                              Tel: 01884 252161
                   Please visit our website for more details

Chevithorne News
We send belated birthday greetings to Betty Hyde who will have celebrated
her 90th birthday by the time you read this and all others who have celebrated

To these families we offer sympathy Manning, Brookes, Denyer and
Taylor families all have lost loved ones very recently.

Stanley is grateful for the replies to his request for information on Bible field,
research is ongoing.

St. Thomas’s AGM will be held at Chevithorne Village Hall on Tuesday
March 15th at 7.00pm.
                                                         Margaret Stacey

                       Spring Concert
                    The Wyndham Singers
                             and Special Guests
                             Davida Guppy
                              Clare Viner
                         Kentisbeare Village Hall
                      Saturday March 5th 7:00pm
                    Tickets £10.00/£5.00 under 18s
                From Kentisbeare Post Office or singers
                Or email
                        Bar/Refreshments available
                        All proceeds to Hospiscare


         Morning Prayer         1st Sunday of the month
         Holy Communion         3rd Sunday of the month
           For other services please refer to the Diary


                    CHURCH OFFICIALS


       Lady Louise Heathcoat Amory
       Hayne House EX16 7RE                               254492
       Mrs Margaret Stacey
       Home Farm, Knightshayes EX16 7RF                   252569

       Lady Louise Heathcoat Amory
       Hayne House EX16 7RE                               254492

       Mr John Ewins
       Hayne Cottage, Bolham EX16 7RE                     232922




YOUNG CHURCH                              PRAYER CHAIN
We welcome all children and young         For those in need of some supportive
people of whatever age, and like to       prayer. Offered in total confidence.
have them in the congregation with        (Contact Jean Jenner 256597)
us. Our policy is to enjoy our
children – to see and hear them.          FLOWER ARRANGING TEAM.
Supervised activities tailored to the     A team who decorate the church at
needs of individual children are          festivals and throughout the year.
provided during the 10.15 service.        New members always welcome.
                                          Beginners offered tuition.
ALTAR TEAMS                               Contact Mary Seaton (252018)
Sacristans care for the altar, and with
Servers assist at Holy Communion          SUNDAY INTERCESSIONS
on Sundays. (Contact Susan                If you are unwell and would like to
Beale252619)                              be included by name in the prayers
                                          at Parish Communion, or if you
CHOIR                                     would like the name of a friend to be
New members always welcome.               included (having first got their
(Contact: Gill Heard                      permission) please contact Jean            Jenner 256597.
BELL RINGERS                              TAPISSERS GROUP
Bells are rung on Sundays and for         The tapissers make kneelers for the
Weddings. Practice on Tuesday             church. To order a kneeler for a
7.30.                                     loved one, or to commemorate an
(Contact Sheila Scofield, email–          event, or for a group connected with          church activities, also if you are
                                          interested in making kneelers, please
MOTHERS’ UNION                            contact Jane Bonnick 243705.
A Christian fellowship for all
women, married or single. Meets on
the 2nd Wednesday of each month
2.00 – 4.00 at Baptist Church Room.
(Contact Kate Henshall
              1st SUNDAY                  8.00 Holy Communion (BCP)
              SUNDAY New Time            10.15 Holy Communion (CW)
              3rd SUNDAY
              TUESDAY                    11.00 Eucharist at Saint Andrews
              THURSDAY                   10.00 Holy Communion at St Paul’s
                      (Other Services as on Notice Board in Porch)

RECTOR:                     VACANT
CHURCH OFFICE        Tim Bayton, St. Peter’s Church Office EX16 6RP
READER:              David Catchpole, 15 Uplowman Rd. EX16 4LU                        252100
CHURCH-WARDENS:      Gill Heard, 6, Norwood Road, EX16 6BD                            258600
                     Bill Zarrett, 6 Kestrel Close EX16 6WY                           256803
P.C.C.VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mary Seaton, Long Meadow Blundell’s Road, Tiverton
                                                              EX16 4NB                252018
ADMINISTRATOR        Gill Heard
P.C.C. SECRETARY:    David Catchpole, 15 Uplowman Rd.,EX16 4LU                        252100
TREASURER:           Chris Shields, 20 Westcott Road, Tiverton EX16 4EY               253945

PARISH GIVING               Helen & David Wakely, The Firs,
RECORDER:                   Elm Grove Road, Topsham EX3 0EJ                 01392 879179

SAFEGUARDING                Catherine Makepeace, 5 St Aubyn’s Villas, EX16 4JB 257689
WEBSITE CONTACT:            Tim Bayton St. Peter’s Church Office EX16 6RP

MAGAZINE PRINTING: Garfield Barnett, Cotswold Computing                               253148
          To arrange a Consultation regarding Baptisms, Weddings and other matters
           please ring the Office on 242991 or email
     Baptized and communicant members of other Churches are always welcome to receive
                           the Sacrament at Holy Communion
You can also read