October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church

Page created by Melissa Vaughn
October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church
Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church
311 Second Street
Schwenksville, PA 19473

Sunday, October 31st, 2021

                      Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church

                                          Mission Statement
                      SOW: The Gospel of Jesus the Christ to all generations
                          GROW: His followers into spiritually mature disciples
                          GO: Back into the world to serve others in His name

                              October 2021
Volume 59                                                                         Issue Number 10
October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church
Looking Ahead
   Sunday, October 3rd - 7:30 AM-11:00 AM: ASP Breakfast
   Monday, October 4th - 7:00 PM: JLNSDC Board Meeting (SH)
   Tuesday, October 5th - 7:30 PM: Finance Committee Meeting (Virtual)
   Wednesday, October 6th - 7:30 PM: Worship & Music Meeting
   Saturday, October 9th - 11:00 AM: Blessings of the Animals
   Tuesday, October 12th - 7:30 PM: Council Meeting (SH)
   Tuesday, October 26th - 10:00 AM: Book Club (Souder’s Residence)
   Thursday, October 28th - Halloween Parade
   Sunday, October 31st - Reformation Sunday

                                    Come out and enjoy a meal during a great
                                              time of fellowship.

                            WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY
        On Sunday, October 3rd we will celebrate World Communion Sunday.
        This is a day of celebration observed by several Christian denominations
        that promotes Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation. Please plan to
        join us for worship as we remember the vast community of which we are a
        part all around the world.

Good News Deadline
            GOOD NEWS DEADLINE For the NOVEMBER Edition is
                           SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17TH.
       Please send all submissions to jelcsecretary@verizon.net or drop off at
                                 the Church office.

                                               Blessing of the Animals will be held Saturday, October 9th
                                              at 11 AM on the lawn between the chur ch office and
                                              Youth Center. This rite is offered each year by many
                                              churches on dates closest to the commemoration of St.
                                              Francis (Oct. 4th) who cared for creation and all creatures.
                                              Please bring your dog, cat, or whatever animal you like for
                                              a blessing and thanksgiving for what they do to enrich our

October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church
October 31, 2021
                 Martin Luther's Seal (or the Luther Rose)
 Luther’s seal, or as it is sometimes called, Luther’s Rose, is the most widely known symbol of Lutheranism.
Luther was invited to create a personal symbol to summarize his faith in 1520. As his writings became
increasingly popular, there was a desire on the part of the Wittenberg printers to somehow indicate what was
an authorized publication of Luther’s works. So, they asked Luther to tell them what he would like to have as
his personal mark on his published works which is shown below. The meaning of each of the parts of the Seal
are explained below as well.

                           IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN…..
                               ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING
                                  SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2021
                                         In the Sanctuary
                          Following a Single Worship Service at 9:30 AM
                                        No Sunday School
                   You are important to this process...Hope to see you all there!

October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church
Pastoral Thoughts…
                   I love the fall with the cooler weather bringing out the sweaters, the leaves turning, football
                   and all the rest. It’s a time to cool off from the summer heat and prepare for winter’s cold.
                   As this is my first year in Schwenksville I am looking forward to the experience here not
only with nature but with you, the people of Jerusalem. It is taking more time to become acquainted with you
and to meet some of you, but I do know the strength of this congregation and the commitment of each of you
to being Christ’s disciples here.

One other fall event is the celebration of Reformation, at least for us Lutherans. This is the date we think of
Martin Luther and the changes he brought to the Church and the world. The Reformation was an event that
brought seismic change to Europe and beyond. Luther’s teachings put more value on the individual rather
than the institutions of the world. This is deeply embedded in our beliefs as a country and has shaped how we
and other nations have developed. The world changed dramatically during the Reformation, changes we
continue to live within. So while it was seen as primarily a religious event, it went much deeper into the
structure of society and the social beliefs of the time into today.

Phyllis Tickle, a religious scholar, wrote that the church goes through a Reformation once every 500 years.
Well, it has been just over 500 years since the last Reformation so according to Tickle we are due for one
now which I believe we are in the midst of discovering. The role of the Church in society, the beliefs that
have been held, the structure of the Church along with the tremendous changes in the world are upon us and
in my humble opinion we are in the midst of the new reformation. It is a time we need to rethink the role of
the church in the world, we need to reconsider how we relate to the realities of today and those who are living
in this time. The strategies of the past do not hold as they once did. As in Luther’s day we are called to
reimagine who we are as disciples of Christ and who He is calling us to be at this time. And I might add,
there is the Pandemic we are still enduring that has transformed how we view life and live life.

This means that we here at Jerusalem will need to reimagine how to do ministry during this time of
tremendous change and even uncertainty. Some of our past practices are still valid and need to be
strengthened and continued. And some of our past practices need to be retooled and rethought. I don’t have a
specific list at this time, but I do believe we need to come together to discuss the present reality and how best
to be church now and into the future. I listened to a podcast this week as a leading voice within the church
said that one change is that while the weekly gathering of folks for worship and fellowship will continue there
will now be other ways to experience the church. He spoke of the effect of the live streaming of worship
during the pandemic and how this has affected how some will now relate to the church. So if this is true, and I
think it may very well be, how do we connect to those who choose to be part of the ministry of Jerusalem
virtually rather than be a part of our in-person weekly worship. To me this is an opportunity to reach folks
that we would not have reached before. This is just one of many new ways the church will develop in the
future. I could offer a list and I will at a future time. For now I ask that we prayerfully consider the time we
are within, the reformation that is occurring now and courageously and faithfully seek God’s Spirit to lead us
into this new world. Yes, change is difficult and unnerving even, but change is part of life, and in our modern
time change is almost a daily experience. I hope we can embrace our new reformation and find the joy of
reshaping how we live as followers of Jesus. Remember we are not alone, we are in this together, and more
importantly we have Jesus by our side with the Holy Spirit supporting us and leading us with joy into where
God desires us to live and experience His presence.

Have a great fall, enjoy the cool weather, and marvel at the beauty of the leaves
and the rustle of the wind and leaves. But also feel the winds of God’s breath up-
on you to guide and uplift you.

With Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Stan

October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church
In the News                        We are pleased to announce the dedication and renaming of the Rotary
                                   Pavilion to The Franklin H. Renninger Pavilion.
                                   We would like to share Mr. Renninger’s legacy as he was influential to
                                   both Rotary and the Central Perkiomen Youth Association. Frank was
                                   a life-long member of the Central Perkiomen Rotary Club, serving in
                                   multiple leadership roles including President, and spearheaded many
                                   initiatives to serve the community.
                                   Frank was also an avid baseball player and fan. He helped organize the
                                   Central Perkiomen Little League and served as its first President.
                                   May the Pavilion stand as a lasting tribute to Mr. Renninger.

                                   Photo and post credits: Rotary Club Facebook Page

 Jerusalem Lutheran Nursery School & Daycare in
 Schwenksville recently honored its PreK-1 teacher —
 Judy McKeever — on her 35-year anniversary of teaching.
 This photo shows Judy McKeever at her anniversary
 celebration earlier this summer.

 Photo Credit: Pottstown Mercury

                                                        CARE TEAM
                                                Sunshine Friends Birthday:
                                               Joe Dildine - October 21, 2021

                                    The Care Team had their meeting on September 16, 2021. They
                                   decided to start to visit our Sunshine Friends and also give them
                                   Communion. We are pleased to share that all our Sunshine
                                   Friends are doing well.

                                   We have a trip on July 12, 2022 to go to Sight and Sound to see
                                   “David”. If anyone would like to go, please sign up on the sheet
                                   on the Bulletin Board in the Narthex.

                                   We are all trying to get back into the swing of things.
                                   Enjoy the beautiful fall weather.

           Next Care Team meeting will be October 21, 2021 at 9:30 AM in the Youth Center.

October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church
Dear JELC Congregation:
           As you may remember the Green Team uses Signup Genius to allow
         volunteers to sign up to mow the grass. Each volunteer or family signs up to mow
         the grass. Volunteers can sign up for one or more weeks during the mowing
 This is the Signup Genius link:
              Green Team: Green Team - Lawn Mowing (signupgenius.com)
 The sign ups were understandably halted during the Pandemic to reduce the traffic through
 the JELC office and facility.
 Please consider signing up for mowing. It is a big job, and it is suggested that you partner
 up with another volunteer to lighten the job. A special thank you for all those who have
 signed up so far.
 There are two hand mowers and one riding mower stored in or next to the basement of the
 office building. Please contact the church office for access to the equipment. The donated
 riding mower has been recently serviced and is used primarily to mow the bottom lot
 (Second and Centennial) and the lawn near the office basement door. There also is fuel, a
 weed whacker and a backpack blower available for finishing work. Please contact me or
 Paul Ensminger for any questions about operating the equipment or Green Team
 Thanks in advance for your assistance.
 Tim Arnold

     Our Christian Sympathy is extended to the family & friends
        of Elinore Carner, grandmother of Dave Rasmussen
     (Audrey Stroman’s son-in-law) who entered into Eternal Life
                       on September 18, 2021

     I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
                                                                2 Timothy 4:7

     Memorial gifts were received by Jerusalem Lutheran Church
                ....in loving memory of Frank Renninger from….

  Gilbert & Shirley Pfaff, Don & Nancy Peters, Tim & Nancy Arnold,
  Jane Markley, Diane Martin, Gene & Pat Miesse, Marion Roberts,
Ernest & Joan Schmitt, Raymond & Lida Shetzline, Roy & Norma Miller,
   Mary Jane Kehs, Matthew & Carol Savino, John & Carol Graham,
        Deborah Beck Kauffman, & Harold & Margaret Jolley.

October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church
Member’s Page
 To my friends at Jerusalem,
    I want to thank you for all the phone            God picks you from the patch and brings you in
calls and cards that I received for my                       ~ ( John 15:16) ~
birthday. It made my day extra special.
                                                     Then he washes all the dirt off of you
I also want to thank Pastor Stan for my                   ~ (2 Corinthians 5:17) ~
visits and for bringing me                           He opens you up and scoops out all the yucky stuff.
communion.                                           He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc.
Bless you all,                                                ~ (Roman 6:6) ~
Betty Rowden                                         Then he carves you a new smiling face
                                                               ~ (Psalm 71:23) ~
                                                     And he puts his light inside you for all the world to see
             Evelyn Rose Acampora, born on                       ~ (Matthew 5:16) ~
               May 14, 2021, daughter of
               Matt and Crystal Acampora,
                     granddaughter of
                  Jim and Rose Koehler.                                       Vayda JoAnn Tarlecki,
                                                                            born on November 6, 2020,
                Levi James Smith, born on                                 daughter of Al & Melissa Tarlecki,
               September 23, 2021, son of                                            &
                Owen and Deanna Smith,                                       Myles Thomas Keen,
            grandson of Jim and Rose Koehler.                             born on August 15, 2019, son of
                                                                             Ryan & Krystal Keen

                               Please extend a warm welcome to our new church members who
                                            joined Jerusalem Lutheran Church on
                                                     September 19, 2021
                                        Chris & Delilah Freer - Children: Issac & Adelina
                                             Diane Burger - Son: Miles Burger
                                                   Miles & Carey Burger

                                          OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS
1 Keith Martin
2 Ella Benz                                          13 Carol Sprainer
4 Allison & Sarah Grosick                            16 Hannah Poust
5 Cameron Bartlett, Andrew Scott                     17 Owen Gillespie, Bill Luyben,
6 Effa Mae Hunt                                         Grace Lundeen
8 Nancy Albright                                     18 David Crist
9 Sharon Balla                                       19 Julie Sanders, Kristen Sanders
11 Ida Lance, John Markley, Kimberly Tyson           20 Kyle Kohler, Samantha Pfister
12 Lars Hagner                                       21 Joe Dildine, Deanna Koehler
                                                     23 Jeffrey Erb
                                                     24 Jack Bowman, Michael Damiani,
                                                         Martina Moffo

October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church
Council Meeting Highlights
                              COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS
                                   September 14, 2021 Regular Meeting
 There were 12 children registered at Sunday school on Rally Day, September 12th. There are 8 members
  of the current Confirmation class.
 Council approved using the Fuel/Heat envelope (or mark donations “Heat”) to contribute to local flood
  relief for Ida. JELC will then double the monies received with Benevolence funds through December 1.
 Council approved vacation pay for the Church Secretary starting 2021.
 Council approved the removal of two dead trees behind the Church office to be done by
  Halteman Lawn Care at a cost of $3,500.00.
 Council approved Haller Enterprises’ preventative maintenance contract to handle all heating and air
  conditioning units at a quarterly cost of $862.50.
 Several dates for Pastor Stan’s installation service are being considered.
 The November Council meeting was changed to November 16th so that it falls after the Annual Meeting
  on November 14th.

                         FINANCE COMMITTEE
Church Council approved the Finance Committee’s
recommendation for members to use the Fuel/Heat
envelope (or mark their donations “Heat”) to contribute to local flood
relief from Hurricane Ida. JELC will double the monies received
with Benevolence Funds through December 1, 2021.

Mutual Ministry
  In December 2014 Pennsylvania passed Child Protective Services Laws which requires
volunteers having contact with or responsibility for children under 18 years of age to have two, and
in some cases three, background clearances as well as a Disclosure Statement. The Child Abuse
and Criminal History clearances for volunteers are valid for five years. There is presently no
expiration for the Disclosure Statement. You can apply for a no-cost volunteer certification 57
months after your initial clearance. Some of our volunteers are reaching the five year mark and
must apply for new clearances. Anyone who is up for a renewal in the next few months will
receive a phone call from Mutual Ministry.
  Please remember that you will receive your clearances at your home address. You should KEEP
THE ORIGINAL FOR YOURSELF and submit a copy to Mutual Ministry in a sealed envelope in the
MM mailbox in the Cloister. You are responsible to keep track of your own clearances. MM keeps
the files in a locked file and we won’t be able to provide copies.
                          For online clearance requests (preferred method):
Paper copies for submission by mail will be in the Narthex or church office when the quarantine is
over. Most volunteers need the (1) Child Abuse and (2) Criminal History. Volunteers who have not
lived in PA for the past 10 consecutive years also need the FBI fingerprints.
Additionally, new volunteers will need to sign a Disclosure Statement and have it witnessed.
If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Ehrhart, 610.287.7176.

October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church

                 Now that fall has officially arrived, the children and staff at Jerusalem Lutheran Day Care are
                 looking forward to a season filled with fun and frolicking. To begin with, as the weather turns
                 cool and crisp, we will be spending time hiking on the Perkiomen Trail and enjoying the
colorful fall foliage. In addition, we are excited about the start of the football season. We love cheering for
the home team. Our pep rallies for the Eagles are always filled with energy and enthusiasm. Please check
out our recent post on Facebook. Next, we will enjoy tasting some flavors of fall when we prepare our own
applesauce using a variety of apples. Later in October, due to COVID restrictions for field trips, we will
again be bringing a pumpkin patch to our playground. It will be a lot of fun watching each child search for
just the right pumpkin. Then the children will delight in decorating their pumpkins. Lastly, we are anxious
for Halloween to arrive. Everyone always has a good time dressing up, parading and partying. It is going to
be an awesome autumn!
We are happy to welcome Miss Emily Ingraham to the JLNS&DC staff. Emily is assisting with our
ever-growing toddler class. She has a lot of experience working with young children. She was previously
employed as a nanny as well as a caregiver for her three nephews. Emily resides in Schwenksville and is a
graduate of Perkiomen Valley High School. Best of all, she is an alumnus of Jerusalem Lutheran Nursery
School! We are so thankful that God answered our prayers for an additional staff member. Emily has already
eased our staff’s workload.
We would like to offer special thanks to the following JELC members:
Paul Ensminger and Tim Arnold for performing maintenance on our playground.
Natalie and Terry Bird for obtaining another $250 grant from the Thrivent Financial Team Action Program.
The money will be used to purchase art supplies which in turn will be used for cards and crafts for our senior
friends at the Greenfield Retirement Community, veterans at the Southeastern Veterans’ Center, and the
JELC Sunshine Friends. The JLNS&DC children love to spread joy and cheer to others!

Save the Date
                   For many couples, the Coronavirus put a lot of stress on their relationship. Lutheran
                   Marriage Encounter is designed to renew and revitalize your marriage no matter whether
                   your relationship is very strong and you would just like some time together or whether
                   you are struggling. Now is the perfect time to sign up to attend a Weekend. The
                   registration fee has been waived for this year, so you pay only the amount specified on
the website for 2 nights in your group-rate hotel room and 5 meals for each of you. Also, scholarship funds
are available for anyone in need. Simply e-mail or call us at the information below before you register.
October 1-3, 2021 -- Heritage Hotel Lancaster in Lancaster, PA--Famous for its Robin Hood-inspired
restaurant, Loxleys
October 15-17, 2021 -- Hyatt Place, Pittsburgh/Cranberry--spacious, modern decor guestrooms with
couches--an hour north of Pittsburgh.
REGISTRATIONS WILL BE LIMITED, so sign up NOW while there are still openings. Simply go to:
www.GodLovesMarriage.org. For questions, please contact Northeast US Directors of Lutheran Marriage
Encounter, Fred & Julie Schamber, fjschamber@comcast.net or call: 724-325-3166.

            ‘DAVID’ performance by Sight & Sound,
               Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 11:00 A.M.

Follow the adventures of the shepherd boy, to giant slayer, to
legendary ruler of Israel to writer of Psalms. Sponsored by the
Care Team. Signup poster on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Jack Bowman

October 2021 - Jerusalem Lutheran Church
October 2021 Worship Volunteers
   DATE               October 3                 October 10                October 17               October 24               October 31
 Assisting                                                                                                             Reformation Sunday
               8:30           11:00          8:30        11:00         8:30         11:00        8:30       11:00         8:30      11:00
                                                        Robin                                    Paul
                                             John                                   Tricia                                          Renee
                                                        Fry &                                   Lotz &     Chas &      Volunteer
  Ushers                     Linda &       Markley &                  Bill &      Hawks &                                          Bartlett &
               TBA                                      Gina                                     Joan       Gina        Needed
                            Mike Kehs        Paul                  Janet Luyben    Robin                                            Glenda
                                                       Weygand                                 Connolly    Weygand
                                           Ensminger                              Schlichter                                         Ortiz
 Greeters      Joan                                                    Joan                                              Joan
                                  N/A        TBA             N/A                                 TBA         N/A                     N/A
              Connolly                                               Connolly          N/A                              Connolly

               Effa               N/A        Tim                     Volunteer         N/A     Volunteer               Volunteer
  Lectors                                                    N/A                                             N/A                      N/A
               Hunt                         Arnold                    Needed                   Needed                   Needed
Stream Team
   8:30 AM     Tony            Tim                        John                                             Volunteer               Volunteer
                              Arnold         TBA          Fry          TBA        Volunteer      TBA                      TBA
Tech Team     Damiani                                                              Needed                  Needed                   Needed
 11:00 AM
 Acolytes                                                          Volunteers Needed
                                                                          Linda Kehs
                                            Bruce & Sue Fulmer         Mary Jane Kehs
                     Tony &                    Diane Martin                                                               Jack Bowman &
 Counters                                                              Ardie Musselman         Tim & Nancy Arnold
                Anna Marie Damiani                                                                                        Babs deFrenes
                 Altar Guild: Michelle Charles, Diane Martin, Gail Maser Banners: Louise Hunsicker, Carol & John Souder
October 2021
         SUNDAY                       MONDAY                TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY                THURSDAY                    FRIDAY           SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                   1                 2
3                                4                     5                         6                       7                         8                 9
7:30 - 11 AM ASP Breakfast       7 PM JLNSDC           7:30 PM Finance Virtual   6:30 PM Chancel Choir   6:30 PM Steepleringers                      11 AM
8:30 AM In-person worship         Board Meeting (SH)    Committee Meeting        7:30 PM Worship &       7:30 PM Adoration                             Blessing of the
service with live streaming                                                              Music Meeting                                                 Animals
9:45 AM Christian Education                                                      8 PM AA Meeting (SH)
11 AM worship service
10                               11                    12                        13                      14                        15                16
8:30 AM In-person worship                                                        6:30 PM Chancel Choir   6:30 PM Steepleringers
                                                       7:30 PM Council Mtg
service with live streaming                                                      8 PM AA Meeting (SH)    7:30 PM Adoration
9:45 AM Christian Education
11 AM worship service

17                               18                    19                        20                      21                        22                23
8:30 AM In-person worship                                                        6:30 PM Chancel Choir   9:30 AM Care Team
service w/live streaming                                                         8 PM AA Meeting (SH)         Meeting (YC)
9:45 AM Christian Education                                                                              6:30 PM Steepleringers
11 AM worship service                                                                                    7:30 PM Adoration
     Good News Deadline
24                               25                    26                         27                     28 Halloween              29                30
8:30 AM In-person worship                              10 AM Book Club           6:30 PM Chancel Choir         Parade
service with live streaming                            (at Souder’s Residence)   8 PM AA Meeting (SH)    7:30 PM Adoration
9:45 AM Christian Education
11 AM worship service
31 Reformation Sunday
8:30 AM In-person worship
service with live streaming                               Parament Colors:
9:45 AM Christian Education                    October 3: Green October 10: Green                                                 Parament Colors:
11 AM worship service
                                              October 17: Green    October 24: Green                                              October 31: Red
Finance Committee                           TREASURER EXPENSE REPORT AUGUST 2021
                                Aug-21       YTD 2021     BUDGET     YTD 2020   YTD 2019

  Total Current Expenses          $25,799   $168,501    $161,080   $190,886      $142,573

   Benevolence Expenses           $2,834    $11,336     $15,464     $12,035      $10,663

      Capital Expenses              $0       $2,559      $2,584     $2,150       $32,930

       Total Expenses             $28,633   $182,396    $179,128   $205,071      $186,166

Expenses for non-budgeted programs YTD through 8/31/21 were as follows

Food Pantry
World Hunger
Lutheran World Relief
ASP                                                     $1,575
Memorials                                                  $0
Puppet Ministry
World Vision
Ensminger Scholarship                                   $1,000
Puppet Ministry
Lutheran Disaster Response                                  $0
Total for non-budgeted programs                         $2,575

                         2017       2018     2019       2020       2021   2020 SUM 2021 SUM
January                   617        585      403        469         99       469       99
February                  555        630      461        509         40       978      139
March                     667        805      546          0        118       978      257
April                    1306        953      871          0        280       978      537
May                       550        451      357          0        251       978      788
June                      421        425      405          0        147       978      935
July                      562        538      368         56        145      1034     1080
August                    343        342      305        126        215      1160     1295
September                 565        576      493        101                 1261
October                   811        508      423        110                 1371
November                  586        545      455        117                 1488
December                 1066       1248      924      UNKNOWN
       Yearly Totals:    8049       7606     6011

                                           Aug-21           YTD         YTD        YTD 2020        YTD 2019
 Current Giving                            $15,092       $98,033       $118,528    $106,449        $107,645
 Other Current Income                       $3,931       $29,915        $20,432     $20,586         $37,487
 Total Current Income                      $19,023      $127,948       $138,960    $127,035        $145,132
 Benevolence Giving                          $142         $887           $840        $779            $1,351

 Other Benevolence                           $0          $13,854       $17,304      $11,888         $10,661

 Total Benevolence Income                   $142         $14,741       $18,144      $12,667         $12,012

 Building Income                            $506            $2,766      $2,392       $2,444          $3,157
 Bequest Building                                                         $0                        $12,850
 Total Building Income                      $506         $2,766         $2,392      $2,444          $16,007
 Total Income                              $19,671      $145,455       $159,496    $142,146        $173,151
●    Income for non-budgeted programs YTD through 8/31/2021 was as follows

Music Ministry
ASP                                                     $940               Financial Secretary's Report
Food Pantry                                             $365                        8/31/2021
MAJC                                                    $370
Puppets                                                   $0             Budgeted Current Offering,
Ensminger Scholarship                                   $570             Year-to-Date:    $ 118,528
Foundation Fund                                          $70
VBS                                                      $50             Actual Current Offering,
World Hunger                                              $0             Year-to-Date:    $    98,033
Memorials                                                $825
Staff Appreciation                                         $0                            $      (20,495)
TOTAL                                                  $3,190

                              ACTUAL MONTHLY CURRENT OFFERING
                      2017         2018        2019            2020        2021      2020 SUM      2021 SUM
    January          17,266       14,347      12,726          13,124      10,921       13,124       10,921
    February         13,848       15,848      11,939          14,430      9,359        27,554       20,280
    March            15,268       17,437      15,819          12,223      11,912       39,777       32,192
    April            22,384       19,143      16,724          11,495      15,454       51,672       47,646
    May              14,701       12,407      11,919           9,246      12,924       61,539       60,570
    June             12,627       12,799      15,474          14,104      13,644       75,644       74,214
    July             16,732       14,469      11,745          17,264      8,727        92,908       82,941
    August           12,544       10,252      11,299          13,541      15,092      106,448       98,033
    September        14,217       15,857      16,013          13,190                  119,639
    October          16,885       13,466      14,806          14,187                  133,783
    November         15,625       18,973      16,084          14,624                  148,406
    December         33,163       32,082      33,711          28,383                  177,790
    Totals:      205,259         199,065     187,808         177,790                  177,790
Church Council Members for 2021
                                                            Give the Gift of Sight to Others –
Tony Damiani              President                            Donate your old & unused
Andy Englehart            Vice President                              Eyeglasses
Sue Fulmer                Secretary                           We thank you for your eyeglasses
Caesar Gorski, Jr.        Treasurer                                          donations.
Renee Bartlett            Financial Secretary               The boxes filled with the collected glasses
                                                             will be sent to the Lions Club Eyeglass
                                                                  Recycling Center in central NJ.
Robin Fry                 Diane Martin
                                                            Your donated eyeglasses will make a great
Becky Johnson             Don Peters                            difference in many people’s lives.
Paul Lotz                 Robin Schlichter
                                                               Give the gift of sight to others.
Janet Luyben                                               For more information about the NJ Lions Club
                                                          Eyeglass Recycling Center visit www.njlerc.org.
               - Other Leaders -
                                                             Please call the church office to
                                                                  schedule a drop-off.
    Babs deFrenes - Care Team Chair
      Bruce Fulmer - Finance Chair
  Donna Wisniewski - Assistant Treasurer
 Becky Dice - Assistant Financial Secretary

           OFFICE HOURS
   Tues., Wed., Thurs. (Closed Fri.)
        9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.,
   Office Telephone: 610-287-7104
      Office FAX: 610-287-7992
        Website: www.jelc.org
  Reverend Stanley Steele, Pastor
       Glenda Ortiz, Secretary
     David Crist, Director of Music
      cell phone: 610-489-3320
     Email: dcrist27@gmail.com
     Jerusalem Lutheran Nursery                        WORSHIP SCHEDULE
    School & Day Care (JLNS&DC)
      Telephone: 610-287-6360                8:30 AM Tr aditional Ser vice with live str eaming
                                              9:45 AM Sunday School - Chr istian Education
                                                    11:00 AM Contempor ar y Ser vice

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