Sunday, May 2, 2021 -

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Sunday, May 2, 2021 -
Date          Church          Time         Intentions                         Requested by

Saturday,     St. Valentine   4:00 PM      Fr. Rudy Smoley                    St. Valentine Women’s Guild
May 1
              St. Gabriel     5:00 PM      Patty McGee                        Mike & Ian
                                           For the Spiritual & Temporal
              St. Germaine    7:30 AM                                         Matthews Family
                                           Welfare of Leonard Strazza

              Nativity        9:00 AM      Bernie & Elizabeth Sacunas         Yocco Family
May 2         St. Valentine   10:30 AM     Robert J. Meyer                    Donna & Doug Coyle

                                           Deceased Members of the
              St. Gabriel     11:00 AM                                        Family
                                           Reynolds and McAndrews Family

Monday,       St. Germaine    8:00 AM      Ralph, Alice & Gail Engel          Beverly Engel
May 3         St. Valentine   11:30 AM     James McAndrews                    Carolyn & Jack Paternal

Tuesday,      St. Germaine    8:00 AM      Nicholas Babiak                    Gordon Lepri
May 4         St. Gabriel     11:30 AM     Paul J. & Lena Och                 Bill

              St. Germaine    8:00 AM      Margaret Lepri                     Sue Petrick Family
              St. Valentine   11:30 AM     Kathleen Marilyn Ernst             John Walsh Family
May 5
              Nativity        7:00 PM      Norma Yochum                       Family

Thursday,     St Germaine     8:00 AM      Don Krieger                        Tim & Hildy Sullivan
May 6
              St. Gabriel     9:00 AM      Kevin Miles                        Mary Kay Gardiner

              St. Germaine    8:00 AM      Gertrude Klingensmith              Diane & Mary Frances Farina
May 7
              Nativity        11:30 AM     Harry Melani                       Thompson Family

              St. Gabriel     10:00 AM     Catherine “Mildred” Reynolds       Raymond & Patricia Werkmeister
May 8

                                     Next Weekend - Vigil & Sunday Masses

Saturday,     St. Valentine   4:00 PM      Lawrence & Kenneth O’Toole         Family
May 8
              St. Gabriel     5:00 PM      Fran Downs (Anniversary)           Wife

              St. Germaine    7:30 AM      Anna Rader                         Patrick & Mary Wood

              Nativity        9:00 AM      Rita & Ed LaClair                  Joan Ells
May 9         St. Valentine   10:30 AM     All Mothers, Living and Deceased
                                           Intentions of all Living and
              St. Gabriel     11:00 AM
                                           Deceased Mothers of OLH Parish

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -

                        Congratulations to our eighth graders
                        who will be receiving the Sacrament of
                        Confirmation at Our Lady of Hope Par-
                        ish during the next few weeks. Please
                        pray for all the gifts of the Holy Spirit to
                        descend upon these young people!                      Week Ending April 23, 2021
                                                                         Offertory                                          $27,151.00
                      Our newly formed Finance Council
                      held its first meeting Tuesday evening.            Parish Share                                      $15,334.00
                      Director of Operations, Ms. Debbie
O’Brien, provided a financial rundown of the cash flow of                         Total                                  $42,485.00
our new parish – which is in healthy shape - along with the
good news that we have already received enough proceeds
to meet our parish share
                             and urge everyone to continue
making their pledged parish share donations. All remaining
parish share donations received for the rest of this fiscal                                April 24-25, 2021
year remain at Our Lady of Hope Parish without being sub-              Nativity
jected to further Diocesan assessment. We will also receive            9:00 AM ........................................................ 206
a Diocesan discount on our original assessed amount for                Total ............................................................... 206
reaching our parish share goal. Thanks to all! Next month,
the Finance Council will meet again diving deeper into the             St. Gabriel
financials of parish operations.                                       5:00 PM. ........................................................ 180
                                                                       11:00 AM. ........................................................ 275
                We honor our Blessed Mother in the month               Total ................................................................455
                of May with a May Crowning at St. Gabriel
                                                                       St. Germaine
                School on Friday, May 7th and a special parish
                                                                       7:30 AM ........................................................... 155
                May Crowning ceremony at the 4:00 PM
                Saturday Mass at St. Valentine on May 22nd.            Total ................................................................. 155
                                                                       St. Valentine
Our Lady of Hope, pray for us!                                         4:00 PM .........................................................234
                                                                       10:30 AM ........................................................179
Gratefully in Christ,
                                                                       Total .................................................................413

                                                                          Total Attendance……….1229
                                                                         YouTube Mass Views……...342

                                         Our Lady of Hope
                                                                                                         See page #6
                                          Weekly Confession
                                              Schedule                                                  in this issue of
                                                                                                       the BULLETIN if
                                           Nativity Church
                                        Wednesday  6:15-6:45 PM                                        you need help
                                            St. Gabriel Church                                            securing a
                                           Saturday  11:00-Noon                                      COVID-19 Vaccine.
                                           St. Valentine Church
                                           Saturday  11:00-Noon

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -

         Newly Baptized                                         Rest in Peace
                                                                    Thomas Natali
                                                                   Carla Ann Palinski
                                                                     Joyce Salapow

                                                                    Act of Spiritual Communion

   Anthony Rudolph DeStefano, Jr.
  Son of Anthony & Stephanie (Mancine) DestefanoSun.
                Navy James Linn
      Daughter of Brian E. & Jamie (Smoker) Linn
                                                                    My Jesus, I believe that You are present
         Siena Constance Walsh                                             in the Blessed Sacrament.
     Daughter of Joseph T. & Gina (DeSensi) Walsh
                                                                           I love You above all things,
       Norah Marie Muehlbauer                                             and I long for You in my soul.
   Daughter of Walter & Elizabeth (Dunn) Muehlbauer              Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
                                                                     come at least spiritually into my heart.
                                                               As though You have already come, I embrace You
   Please pray for Anthony, Navy, Siena, and Norah along       and unite myself
             with their parents, and godparents.                                    from You.        Amen

        Readings and Observances for the Week of May 2, 2021
Sunday: Acts 9:26-31/Ps 22:26-27, 28, 30, 31-32 [26a]/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8
 5th Sunday of Easter
Monday: 1 Cor 15:1-8/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5 [5]/Jn 14:6-14
 Saints Phillip and James, Apostles
Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28/Ps 145:10-11, 12-13ab, 21 [cf. 12]/Jn 14:27-31a
 Easter Weekday
Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6/Ps 122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5 [cf. 1]/Jn 15:1-8
 Easter Weekday
Thursday: Acts 15:7-21/Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 10 [3]/Jn 15:9-11
 National Day of Prayer
Friday: Acts 15:22-31/Ps 57:8-9, 10 and 12 [10a]/Jn 15:12-17
 Easter Weekday
Saturday: Acts 16:1-10/Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 5/Jn 15:18-21
 Easter Weekday
Next Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4 [cf. 2b]/1 Jn 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17
 6th Sunday of Easter, Mother’s Day

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -

    Our Lady of Hope Parish
                                                   Our Lady of Hope Parish
                Feast of the
           Ascension of our Lord                   Looking Ahead
              A Holy Day of Obligation

        MASS SCHEDULE                         5        ALL IN 4 GABES (see page 6)
         Wednesday, May 12                    11       Confirmation/St. Gabriel Church
                                              13       The Ascension of the Lord (HDO)
       7:00 PM at Nativity Church
                                              13       Confirmation/St. Valentine Church
           Thursday, May 13                   18       Confirmation/Nativity Church
                                              31       Memorial Day/Offices Closed
    8:00 AM at St. Germaine Church
      9:00 AM at St. Gabriel Church
         School Mass-All Invited              1        8th Grade Graduation/St. Gabriel School
   7:00 PM at St. Valentine Church            10       Last Day of School/St. Gabriel School
Confirmation will be held during Mass         21       First Day of Summer
                                              26       Flea Market & Book Sale/St. Valentine Church
          Help is Available!                  4    Independence Day
                                              5    Offices Closed (observance of 4th of July)
an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine        19-23 Vacation Bible School/St. Valentine Church
           may call Our Lady of Hope
           Parish’s Pastoral Associate,      August
           Mary Beth Green, who will          11-14 OLH SummerFest/St. Valentine Church
             vaccine retired nurse volun-
             teer.                           September
Presently all vaccines being given at area    6        Labor Day (Offices Closed)
                                              22       First Day of Autumn
(no Johnson & Johnson vaccines are
being administered). Call Our Lady of
Hope Parish Office, 412-833-0661, if you
need help to set up a vaccine appoint-
                                             “Following a joint conference call
                                                                                        and until
                                             further notice, I wish to share with you that in union
                                               with all my brother bishops I am dispensing the
                                                 faithful of the Diocese of
                                                                                   Mass. “

                                                                                          Bishop David Zubik
                                                                                     Thursday, March 12, 2020

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -

                                  Tuesday May 4 (St. Germaine Youth Room)
                                    5:30-6:30 PM • Red Door Packing Service Project
                                    6:30-8:00 PM • Youth Group Meeting–
                                                   Youth Group members with an Open House

                                  Tuesday May 11
                                    No Youth Group meeting, pray for the Saint Gabriel
                                    Confirmation group!

                                  Wednesday May 12 (St. Germaine Youth Room)
                                    5:30-6:30 PM • Red Door Packing Service Project
                                    6:30- 8:00 PM • Youth Group Meeting

                                  Thursday May 13
                                    Pray for the Saint Valentine Confirmation group!

Tuesday May 18
 No Youth Group Meeting, pray for the Nativity Confirmation group!

Wednesday May 19 (St. Germaine Youth Room
 5:30-6:30 PM • Red Door Packing Service Project
 6:30-8:00 PM • Youth Group Meeting

Tuesday May 25 (St. Germaine Youth Room)
 5:30-6:30 PM • Red Door Packing Service Project
 6:30-8:00 PM • Youth Group Meeting

Wednesday May 26
The CHOSEN and Sorting!
 Welcome Middle and High School Students (Grades 6-12)
 5:30-6:30 PM • Viewing party on The Chosen: Episode 1
 6:30-7:30 PM • Service Project: Sorting books for our Book Sale

                                                SAVE THE DATE
                                                             July 19-23
                                     All Aboard for Our Lady of Hope Vacation Bible School!
                                 July 19-23 at St. Valentine Church from 5:00 - 8:00 PM (New Time)
                                     VBS is for children who will be in grades K-6 in the fall of 2021
                                           Further details and sign-up information coming soon!

                                Meanwhile, if you’re an adult or teen who would like to volunteer for VBS,
                                   please contact Julianna Heiby at j u l i a n n a h e i b y @ g m a i l . c o m
                                                       or by calling 412-480-6530

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -

                                                       Inspiration for the week
                               Anyone familiar with gardening knows proper and timely pruning is
                               essential. The health of the plant depends upon it. An unpruned tree
                               can quickly produce suckers zapping many of the essential nutrients
                               from its body.
                               Pruning requires patience and vision. Studies reveal plants often
                               respond defensively to being pruned, displaying reactions similar to
                               hurt or discomfort. Pruning is not easy but necessary.
                               A hard lesson for us to learn is that we also need to be pruned. We
                               become far healthier when we allow God to stretch, refine and form
                               us into the best version of ourselves. Then the fruit coming from our
                               vines will be more abundant, nutritious and robust. Left to our own
                               devises we can easily find ourselves running amuck and spiraling out
                               of control.
                               Without a proper vision and trust in the Master Pruner, we will never
                               find the contentment we desperately desire. Nor will the work of the
                               Gospel stand a chance of succeeding.

                    Ladies of Charity Welcomes New Members
                    Our Lady of Hope Ladies of Charity welcome Ada Baiano, Robbie Campbell, Judy
                    Frost, Sylvia Otto, Jean White and Nancy Zader as new members.
                    They were invested into the Ladies of Charity, Diocese of Pittsburgh by the Most
                    Reverend David A. Zubik, DD, MSEd, Bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, on Sun-
                    day, April 25th at the 61st Annual Investiture Mass at Saint Paul Cathedral.
                    We are blessed to have Ada, Robbie, Judy, Sylvia, Jean and Nancy in our group.

                May 2021 Eucharistic Rosary Congress
The Catholic Church has dedicated the month of May to the Blessed Virgin Mary for
centuries. Beginning Saturday, May 1st until Sunday, May 9th we will honor the
Mother of God with a “mini” Eucharistic Rosary Congress at St. Anthony Chapel in
Troy Hill, 1704 Harpster Street, Troy Hill (part of the “Shrines of Pittsburgh”).
At least two people are required every hour (except during Mass & other scheduled
services). There are two slots per hour to account for the MINIMUM OF TWO PEOPLE
Convenient and free parking is available in the Chapel’s parking lot.
Sign up at: -may2021
  For information on the Legion of Mary contact Marlene Yannone at 412-310-7793
                        or Barbara Hogan at 412-884-3154.

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -

               Is Gossip a Sin?
               Is gossip a mortal sin?
               To really ask this question, we must consider the Eighth Commandment: “You shall not bear
               false witness.”

In its reflections on this commandment, The Catechism of the Catholic Church invites us to not only think
about what bearing “false witness” means, but to also consider how we understand the truth and how we
communicate more broadly. This is why so much of this section of the Catechism has to do with the gift of
language. With this in mind, we will notice that the word “gossip” isn’t used by the Catechism. Instead, we find
the words “detraction” and “calumny,” which are actually two forms that gossip can take, and both can be quite
First, detraction is the revealing of “another’s faults and failings to persons who did not know them,” without
morally valid reasons. Calumny, by extension, is saying something about another person that is untrue, and it is
sinful because it “harms the reputation of others and gives occasion for false judgements” (see no. 2477).
In all of our communication, we have to always recognize that we have a moral obligation to the truth and to
always work to protect the reputation and honor of our neighbors (see no. 2479).
Gossip can, in fact, prove to be a very serious sin. After all, the Catechism reminds us: “No one is bound to reveal
the truth to someone who does not have the right to know it” (no. 2489). When we have gossiped, especially if
we are aware we have damaged another person’s good name or reputation, we want to make every effort to
undo the damage we have done, including seeking the grace and forgiveness offered in the Sacrament of

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -

      Choosing godparents for your
               Baby/Child                                                               Our Lady of Hope
From time to time, questions and controversies arise
 as to who may serve as a godparent for the
Sacrament of Baptism. This is a review
                                                                                                    Thank you!!
concerning godparent eligibility. Below is the criteria
  to be considered before the parents of a child ask              Our St. Vincent de Paul Society wishes to thank
someone to be a godparent for their son or daughter:
                                                                  everyone who helped make our Spring Parking
The decision of choosing a godparent should be                   Lot Food Drive a huge success.
based upon who would provide the best example of                  Through all your generosity, Our Lady of Hope
Catholic living for the child and not merely for
                                                                  Parish was able to donate 285 bags of groceries,
reasons of maintaining family harmony. A god-
                                                                  a $25 gift card and monetary donations totaling
parent is not chosen to honor the godparent, but for
the well-being and faith development of the child.                $485 to the St. Winifred Food Bank. Thanks to
                                                                  the numerous volunteers who also made this
                                                                  day possible.
must be a practicing Catholic, at least 16 years of age
and have received the Sacraments of Initiation (i.e.              As we all know, hunger knows no season and
Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation).
Furthermore, if this person is married, the marriage              delicious meals to our friends in need.
must be a valid, sacramental marriage (i.e. one
recognized and blessed by the Catholic Church).                   May God bless you and your families!!
The potential godparent must be registered in a
Catholic parish and able to obtain a letter of
eligibility from his or her parish priest to be a
Only one godparent is required by Church law. This
godparent may be a man or a woman. However, if                    HELP WANTED: Looking for a meaningful job? Want
two godparents are selected (the more common                      to make a difference in the world? Is Social Justice
practice), then there must be one man and one                     important to you? Please consider becoming a
woman chosen. In other words, a child cannot have                 Direct Support Professional.
two men or two women as godparents.                               The Emmaus Community of Pittsburgh is an
In extraordinary situations, when two Catholic
godparents cannot be found, a baptized person who                 dedicated to providing residential homes, in-home
belongs to another Christian denomination (i.e.                   services and advocacy for individuals with
Methodist, Lutheran, or Presbyterian) may serve as a
Christian Witness. However, former Catholics who                  currently hiring! Emmaus operates homes in Mt.
have left the Catholic Church for another Christian               Lebanon, Bethel Park, Scott Township, Brookline and
denomination are not permitted to serve, either as a              Dormont.
Catholic godparent or a Christian Witnesses.                      No experience needed. Training provided. Must be 18
                                                                  or over, High School graduate (GED), have a valid
 Since Baptism is the initial, foundational Sacrament             driver’s license, and a clean criminal clearance.
   in the life of a Catholic, great care must be taken            Please visit to apply on-line,
  in deciding who will serve as a godparent.                      or call Shauna Casey at 412-381-0277 ext. 205, or
    The guidelines above are meant to assist                      email s c a s e y @ e m m a u s p g h . o r g for more infor-
  parents in making a reasonable decision as to                   mation. Resumes can be faxed to (412) 586-5075.
      who will fulfill this critical role for their child.        EOE
    These guidelines are provided by the universal
Church and individual priests are not vested with the             Help us make the world a better place where people
            authority to dispense from them.                       with and without disabilities break bread with one
                                                                    another and share their lives on the road of life!


                       A support group for those who have lost a loved one to the disease of addiction
                       meets the first and third Mondays of each month (unless otherwise noted)
                       starting at 7:00 PM via a Zoom meeting.
                       Join facilitator Glenn Phillips and others who have also lost a loved one. This is
                       a safe place for sharing and listening to others who also have experienced a
                       similar loss.
                       Please contact Glenn at or 412-316-7670 for the Zoom
                       meeting link.
 This grief support group is sponsored by the Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM) of the Diocese of
               Pittsburgh. It is open to all persons regardless of their faith or religion.

                 Funeral Altar Servers Needed                              Our Lady of Sorrows Little
                 Our Lady of Hope is seeking adult parishioners who
                 are able to assist with our bereavement ministry by          Child Loss Ministry
                 serving for funeral liturgies. If you are interested,
                 please call Mary Beth Green, Pastoral Associate, at
                   We currently have several people who are dedicated
and reliable in this ministry. Unfortunately, with the increased number
of funerals we are having, we hope to add a few more volunteers We
are seeking men and women who would be comfortable serving at
any of our four worship sites. Most funerals are 10:00 AM but occa-
sionally a Funeral Mass may be scheduled at another time.
Adult servers must to be in compliance with the current Diocese of
Pittsburgh's Safe Environment regulations. For information about
Safe Environment call Donna Rech, Safe Environment Coordinator, at

                  Safe Environment Process                                Support and aid for families
                       for Volunteers                                     coping with grief from the loss
                                                                          of a child that occurred recently
                                                                          or long ago and support

                                                                                    child loss.

           Go to and click
 ‘First-Time Registrant’ to begin the registration process.
 Use the access code ‘protect’ and follow the instructions.
                                                                               400 Hoodridge Drive
     In order to be eligible to volunteer in our parish or                     Castle Shannon, 15234
      school it is mandatory to complete the Diocesan
                   Safe Environment Process.                                        7:00 – 8:00 PM
                                                                          Please call or text Jessica Kline with
  For additional information or questions contact Donna                      any questions or for additional
  Rech, Safe Environment Coordinator, at 412-833-6662.                               information at


                                   PA S T O R A L T E A M
         Rev. John Skirtich, Pastor
                                                             Rev. Mr. Thom Mills, Permanent Deacon
Rev. Michael Suslowicz,
                                                             Rev. Mr. Robert Stein, Permanent Deacon
        Rev. John Hissrich, Chaplain
                                                              Rev. Mr. James Kenny, Deacon, Retired
 Rev. Richard Tusky, Retired - In Residence
                                                               Mary Beth Green, Pastoral Associate
Rev. Charles Speicher, Retired - In Residence

                                      PA R I S H S T A F F
Kim Andartes                         Margaret Gowaty                       Rhonda O’Keefe
Maintenance Team Member              Roving Secretary                      Maintenance Team Member
Maureen Bittner                      Mary Beth Green                       Donna Rech
Bookkeeper                           Pastoral Associate                    Safe Environment Coordinator
412-833-0661                         412-833-0661                          412-833-6662        
Jeff Conklin                         Julianna Heiby                        Rosemary Rovny
Coordinator of Faith Formation       Youth Minister                        Parish Secretary
412-655-1565                              412-833-0661             Instagram: @olhpghYouthMin  
Kyle Davies                          Kathleen Kratt                        J.T. Santelli
Director of Music                    Parish Secretary                      Maintenance Team Member
412-835-4415 Ext. 5                  412-833-0661                          Suzan Slezak, M.Ed.                        Preschool Director (St. Gabriel)
Eric Douglas                         Splash Meyer                          412-502-6196
Maintenance Team Member              Head of Maintenance         
Cinda Etzel                          Donald R. Militzer, Jr., M.Ed.        Melanie Spagnolo
Maintenance Team Member              Principal                             Music Minister
Carol Froehlich                      412-882-3353                
Music Minister                       Judy Mills                            Carol Vater
412-608-7585                         Preschool Director (St. Valentine)    Director of Faith Formation              412-835-5539                          412-835-3780 Ext. 7
Cynthia Gilfoyle                      
Director of Communications           Deborah O’Brien                       Maryann Wellinger
412-833-0661                         Director of Operations                Faith Formation Secretary        412-833-0661                          412-835-3780

                                     CHURCH LOCATIONS
St. Gabriel                  St. Germaine    Nativity                               St. Valentine
5200 Greenridge Drive        Administrative Offices      5811 Curry Road,           2710 Ohio Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15236         7003 Baptist Rd,            Pittsburgh, PA 15236       Bethel Park, PA 15102
Phone: 412-881-8115          Bethel Park, PA 15102       Phone: 412-655-3000        Phone: 412-835-4415
Fax: 412-440-0160            Phone: 412-833-0661         Fax: 412-650-4658          Fax: 412-835-4417
 Office Hours: Tue & Thurs   Fax: 412-833-4036            Office Hours: Friday       Office Hours: Mon & Wed
 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM            Office Hours: Mon–Thurs     9:00 AM - 12:30 PM         9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
 Fri 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM        8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
                              Fri 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

                         OUR LADY OF HOPE WEBSITE - OLHPGH.ORG
CONCRETE & FOUNDATION REPAIR                                           St. Valentine Church
 Restoration & Repair Experts                                
  Exterior & interior concrete
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                   4-D-5-3          For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 •14
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PLUMBING HEATING                            Love Helping Seniors?                                    Richard F. Koll, III, Supervisor
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    (412) 531-3948                        EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES             YONISH                    One Call... COMPLETE
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Orthodontics for children,
          teens & adults
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                Dr. Beth Troy
                                                                               Bethel Park, PA
                                               (412) 833-1911
          BETHEL PARK 412-831-2188
        UPPER ST. CLAIR 412-221-0392                                              ~ Parishioner ~

              MICHAEL POREMSKI & SON                                                                 JIM VERLATO
              PLUMBING & HEATING CO.                                                                      INCOME TAX &
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