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COLLECTIVE WORSHIP POLICY Date of Author(s) Approved by Gov. Body Date for Review Policy/Reviews Mar 2017 Julie Coates Community Mar 2019 April 2019 Julie Coates Community Committee March 2021 in May 2019 March 2021 Rob Balfour 27th April 2021 October 2021 Jennie Roberts then Jul 2022 Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 1
Reason statement for an interim policy Since this policy was written and reviewed last in 2019 there have been many challenges and changes that have led us as a school and a Church as a whole to look at what exactly collective worship is today and what media and/or formats it can be delivered in. This has led us to produce an interim policy until a new more relevant policy can be produced. The main issues have been that since 2019 there have been two changes in the post of Chaplain. With the most recent starting in September 2020. The pandemic, the measures and lockdowns have meant they have not seen the model described in the policy in operation especially as gathering for assemblies is not currently allowed in the traditional format. The lack of being able to gather for collective worship in one space has led to some new and creative ways to deliver worship. Ways that many of the team have explored and after further exploration and training may help to deliver collective worship in a new and exciting way through the use of PowerPoint, recordings and Microsoft teams along with traditional assembly formats. The Tameside SACRE which produces the RE syllabus that the school chooses to follow has delayed the production of the new syllabus by a year due to the pandemic. With schools now expected to drive this forward from September 2022. With its release due soon this will allow us to dovetail worship to match up to the new curriculum in Christian and other faiths as well as important social and political issues. Methodism is obviously key to the school and an essential to collective worship that assists and drives the ethos of the school and its values. The Methodist Church continues to use the Our Calling statement to help lead the Church on. There have been further developments with this in what is called the Methodist way of life. Resources have recently and are still being developed for the Church as a whole as well as specifically for younger people. This will be a very useful tool to explore and explain Methodism within school and Church settings. It is only just being rolled out and so we need to fully explore these new resources as a Church and school. The Circuit which the school is part of has changed and it is now in the Glossop and Tameside Circuit. This shouldn’t drastically impact on worship. It has altered the twinning relationship with now each class being twinned with a Church. It will also offer a wider pool of resources to draw from and to support the worshipping life of the school. As resources are explored and relationships build and grow this should allow us to renew what we are delivering and to draw from the new found skills and resources external and internal to write a new more relevant policy. Interim policy to be reviewed October 2021 New Policy to be in place Jul 2022 Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 2
Collective Worship Policy Learning Together and Living Our Christian Values Mission Statement Methodist Ethos is at the root of everything we do and is the foundation for our teaching and learning. We aim to work with parents and carers to provide an environment which prepares our pupils to be successful, confident, happy and caring people. We are committed to our Christian values and teaching the children how to apply them in their lives. Our Values Throughout the year, we aim to learn how to live our Christian Values; through our worship and all that we do both in and out of our classrooms. Each week a child from every class is chosen to be a ‘Values VIP’ and awarded a certificate outlining how they have demonstrated a specific value. Staff also reward children daily for following the values. Nature and Character of School Originally a Methodist Primary School, which opened in September 2003 as a result of the amalgamation of Hurst Methodist Junior School and Hurst Infant School, Rosehill is now an Academy, initially with the Wesley Trust and now the Epworth Trust (November 2020) The Epworth Trust is committed to the ethos statement shared by all Methodist Schools. It looks to be a family around the shared Methodist values and build on that to support all who are part of the school’s wider community. The Legal Position Whilst there are no legal requirements for schools to hold ‘assemblies’ the 1988 Education reform Act states that all registered pupils must ‘on each school day take part in an act of collective worship’. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the daily Act of Worship. Any parent wishing to do so must put the request in writing to the Headteacher. Roles The responsibility for the arrangement of Collective Worship rests with the Governors in consultation with the Headteacher. Foundation Governors have a particular responsibility because they are appointed for ‘the purpose of securing, as far as is practicable that the character of the school as a voluntary school is preserved and developed, and, in particular that the school is conducted in accordance with the provisions of any trust deed relating thereto.’ The Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 3
Headteacher has a responsibility to ensure that all arrangements for Collective Worship are secured. Process This Policy was reviewed in March 2021 following a year of pandemic and changes in the staff, Trust and now a wider church experience built upon the Methodist ‘Our Calling’ documentation and the new “Methodist way of life”. The policy is due for initial review in October 2021. (See the ‘Reason statement for an interim policy’ at the start) Aims • Our Worship should be consistent with Christian Beliefs and the Methodist Ethos of the School • We should provide opportunities for everyone to engage in or to experience worship. A variety of forms of worship should be incorporated including prayer and reflection • Our worship should be educationally acceptable i.e. such that children are able to relate to it at their level of development • Our worship should contribute towards the spiritual and moral development of pupils and staff • It should help to develop a community spirit, a common ethos and a shared vision. • It should be acceptable to the whole community • It should be used to celebrate achievements and special occasions Organisation and content The normal pattern of assemblies* (with worship at the heart) is as follows: Day Assembly Lead Monday: Whole school in hall Planned and delivered by Head teacher Tuesday: Whole school Hymn Practise in hall Class teachers on a rota system and supported by Phase TAs as required Wednesday: Whole school in hall School Chaplain and supported by class teachers and TAs on a rota system. Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 4
Thursday: Either: Whole school Class Assembly Planned and delivered by in hall individual class teachers once a year. Planned by Worship Or: Value Collective Worship in class Leader and delivered by Class teachers. (Any follow- up Reflection work placed in RE Floor Book. Friday: Key Stage Values VIP awards led by (KS2) Vicky Kennedy Lead Practitioner and (KS1) Anna Goodwin Assistant Head (* Please refer to Appendix B to view current COVID restricted 2021 Worship Timetable) In addition to leading Collective Worship each week the School Chaplain also takes class assemblies for the Reception and Nursery Classes throughout the year. Each class also prepares and leads one assembly each year. Parents, Governors and other helpers are invited to these assemblies, which often focus on an aspect of the curriculum. Prayer spaces have also been set up in each class. Different year groups visit local Methodist Churches throughout the year to experience worship or mark specific festivals within a church setting (see Appendix A). Special Assemblies are held at key times throughout the year e.g. Harvest, Easter, Leavers, Christmas etc. Children take an active part in these acts of Collective Worship, with different year groups leading on specific occasions, e.g. Year 4 take responsibility for the Easter Service. The School Chaplain is also invited to contribute. Parents, governors, and friends will be invited to these special occasions and encouraged to be active participants. Feedback is sought from those who attend as part of the evaluation process. Reflecting the Methodist heritage an annual Agapé service is held for the whole school community and a Covenant Service for staff has been introduced. One of the creative programmes used by the school are the IMAGINOR resource worship booklets ‘Roots and Fruits 1 & 2’, which are designed to ‘Support Spiritual and Moral Development in Schools’. Together these provide resource materials for helping the children to learn about the ten identified focus Values actively promoted at Rosehill Methodist Academy. (Appendix C). This is supplemented with material about key Christian seasons and festival, like Lent and Easter; British values; celebrations from other faith Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 5
traditions; topical/local issues; a sense of wonder about the natural world; and an appreciation of the talents and achievements of ourselves and others. A list of key dates of religious, national and global significance is produced every year and used as part of the planning process. The Worship Lead writes a yearly overview of the Worship Themes (Appendix D). Once this has been authorised by the SLT, the Worship Lead and the Chaplain meet every half term to plan the subsequent worship calendar (an example of the planning is Appendix E). Visitors from other Christian traditions and other faiths are invited into the school for key celebrations. Wherever possible music for singing and for mood setting should be chosen to complement the theme of the collective worship. A list of known hymns and songs, including those introduced by PopUK on display in the hall. Worship Leaders help to choose the music under the direction of the class teacher leading the various whole school in hall assemblies. Arrangements for pupils who are withdrawn from assemblies Pupils whose parents have requested that they be withdrawn from assembly will be expected to stay in the classroom with a nominated teacher for the duration of the assembly. Purpose of worship Acts of Worship should provide opportunities for: • deepening pupils’ understanding of the nature of God. • personal reflection • a consideration of innermost thoughts, feelings and beliefs • appreciating and valuing the Methodist story and tradition • expressions of creativity and imagination • appreciating and valuing the feelings of others • appreciating and valuing the beliefs of others • establishing positive school relationships (e.g. teacher/teacher, teacher/pupil, pupil/pupil) based on tolerance, acceptance and appreciation. • the development of a sense of belonging • raising awareness of the hurt caused by injustice, aggression or rejection. • discernment of values by which to live • experiencing and valuing the environment • an awareness of the order and pattern within the natural world • looking for meaning and purpose • encouraging a sense of wonder, awe and mystery in the natural world • exploring how humans use language to convey inner meaning e.g. symbolism, allegory, analogy, myth, metaphor. Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 6
• helping children to develop an understanding of their uniqueness Pattern of Worship Preparation A focal point is set up at the front of the hall, (or class if undertaking an in- class assembly), with a cloth to reflect the liturgical season of the church year (e.g. purple for Lent and Advent), a cross, a candle, a Bible opened at the focused passage and other artefacts representing the theme of the day. Music plays as everyone enters the worship space. Welcome – a candle is lit to signify the start of the worship and words are spoken which reflect the Christian belief in the Trinitarian nature of God, for instance when focussing upon the value of courage: ‘We come together now in the presence of: God the Father who is always with us, God the Son who showed us how to live courageously and God the Holy Spirit who helps us to have courage but act with humility.’ Learning – this aspect of Collective Worship is symbolised by a window and is when new possibilities or different perspectives are ‘opened up’ through the use of drama, visual images, poetry or puppetry based on Bible stories or other texts. Reflecting – symbolised by the mirror, the reflecting element encourages everyone to consider how the Bible story or stimulus has resonated with or challenged them. Usually searching questions are offered as a focus for reflection. A guided meditation or a few moments of silence may be included during this part. In-class assemblies have an optional post assembly Follow-up Task to consolidate learning and allow personal reflection. Responding – this has the symbol of the door and provides an opportunity to consider how God might be challenging those present in the worship to step out and play their part in making a difference in the world. Each assembly closes with a Value linked prayer, after which the candle is blown out to signal the end of the assembly. Worship should a) create mood/atmosphere - this can be done through music, projected images or films, posters, use of artefacts/focal objects, lighting. A worship table with different coloured liturgical cloths, a cross, a Bible and a prayer book is set up at the front of the hall. Banners are used to decorate the hall e.g. during advent. b) evoke a response by asking questions, identifying with others, recalling related memories sharing memories/experiences c) encourage active participation by the children, especially those from Year 5 who complete the Roots and Fruits Junior Worship Leader training offer own prayers/poetry through dance or drama making music reading Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 7
showing/offering their own work planning collective worship selecting songs and prayers organising collective worship e.g. preparing powerpoints with words, arranging the area, setting the mood with music d) encourage reflection and/or provide an opportunity to pray ‘Let us keep quiet and see what God is saying to us about…..’ ‘We will now keep silent so that those who want to offer a prayer to God can’ ‘I will say a prayer if you would like to join in/listen/think about……’ ‘In the silence/during the music it may be helpful to think about…….’ ‘Whilst you look at the candle flame think about……….’ e) use variety i.e. all of the above Monitoring and Review The Collective Worship Policy will be reviewed every two years. Each class will have an RE and Collective Worship Activities and Reflections floor book in which they will make regular entries. The floor books will be monitored twice a year by Mrs Goodwin and the School Chaplain and the results shared with SMT and governors. Twice a year feedback will be sought through pupil and staff voice, using the following prompts: What did you like best? What did you think was the most important part of the assembly? What did the story/assembly mean to you? What are you going to change or do differently because of the assembly? The Foundation Governors will monitor the impact of the policy as part of their monitoring of the Methodist Ethos Policy. Governors are welcome to attend all types of assemblies in order to provide feedback. Resources In addition to the Roots and Fruits book a range of resources are available for use in Collective Worship and in developing prayer spaces (Appendix F). Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 8
Appendices Appendix A – The Church Experience based on the Methodist ‘Our Calling’ documentation Appendix B – COVID restricted Collective Worship In-class timetable Appendix C - Roots and Fruits Themes for Collective Worship (1 & 2) Appendix D - An example of Collective Worship Yearly Themes Appendix E – An example of half termly Collective Worship Calendar Appendix F – List of Resources Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 9
Appendix A - Church Experience 2 Year Programme Year 1 Our Calling Aut’ 1 Aut’ 2 Spr’ 1 Spr’ 2 Sum’ 1 Sum’ 2 Sharing the Year 3 Experience Year 1 ‘Experience’ Year 4 Experience Story Christmas at Hurst Baptism at Hurst Pentecost at Hurst Methodist Methodist including Methodist Godly Play Godly Play Year 3 - Godly Play Year 4 - Godly Play Godly Play Year 2 Godly Play Year 5 Godly Play Year 6 Creation The Great Family Reception – The – The Parable of – The 10 Best – The Faces of Flood & the Ark the Mustard Seed Ways (The Ten Jesus Commandments) Gideon’s Year 6 Learning & Caring Church Twinning Worship Year 2 Nativity at Year 5 Collective Year 6 Leavers Hurst Methodist Worship at Hurst Serivce Methodist Whole School – Whole School Whole School & Whole School – Education Christingle Service Staff Covenant AGAPE Service Wednesday led by Year 3 Service (Aldersgate Day) Whole School Carol Whole School Service led by Year Easter Service led 6 & Ethos Group by Year 4 Year 5 Worship Leaders Awards Service Year 5 Mossley Year 5 Mossley Working Together Year 5 Mossley Year 6 Holiday at Methodist Methodist Council promoting Methodist Home at Hurst Community Community Fairtrade Community Methodist Church Connections Connections Connections (& presentation of It’s Your Move books) Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 10
Whole School – Choir at Mossley Choir at Mossley Harvest Appeal Methodist Church - Methodist Church Assembly Christmas - Easter Church Experience 2 Year Programme cont’d Year 2 Our Calling Aut’ 1 Aut’ 2 Spr’ 1 Spr’ 2 Sum’ 1 Sum’ 2 Sharing the Year 6 Experience Year 1 ‘Experience’ Year 5 Experience Year 4 Messy Story Harvest at Hurst Baptism at Hurst Easter / Eucharist Church at Hurst Methodist Methodist including at Hurst Methodist Methodist Godly Play Godly Play Year 3 - Godly Play Year 4 - Godly Play Godly Play Year 2 Godly Play Year 5 Godly Play Year 6 Creation The Great Family Reception – The – The Parable of – The 10 Best – The Faces of Flood & the Ark the Mustard Seed Ways (The Ten Jesus Commandments) Learning & Caring Gideon’s Year 6 Church Twinning Worship Year 2 Nativity at Year 3 Collective Year 6 Leavers Hurst Methodist Worship at Hurst Serivce Methodist Whole School – Whole School Whole School & Whole School – Education Christingle Service Staff Covenant AGAPE Service Wednesday led by Year 3 Service (Aldersgate Day) Whole School Carol Whole School Service led by Year Easter Service led 6 & Ethos Group by Year 4 Year 5 Worship Leaders Awards Service Year 5 Mossley Year 5 Mossley Working Together Year 5 Mossley Year 6 Holiday at Methodist Methodist Council promoting Methodist Home (& Fairtrade Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 11
Community Community Community presentation of It’s Connections Connections Connections Your Move books) Whole School – Choir at Mossley Choir at Mossley Harvest Appeal Methodist Church - Methodist Church Assembly Christmas - Easter Appendix B - COVID Collective Worship Overview Summer 1 2021 For the remainder of the year there will four formal periods of worship/reflection each week. The 18 Core Values have been reduced to 10 (see below) and one of these will be covered by ppt assembly each Monday. Information regarding any follow-up reflection task will be included at the end of each ppt. In-class worship w/c 19.4.21 w/c 26.4.21 w/c 3.5.21 w/c 10.5.21 w/c 17.5.21 Core Values Summer 1 Monday 1. Generosity Delivery time at Core Value: Core Value: Core Value: Core Value: the discretion of HOPE COMPASSION BANK SERVICE RESPECT 2. Compassion CT. Each assembly HOLIDAY 3. Forgiveness uses the 4- stage Jennie R. to Jennie R. to Jennie R. to Jennie R. to 4. Truthfulness RaFs worship plan plan plan plan 5. Service format. Tuesday Assembly Floor Assembly Floor Assembly Floor Assembly Floor 6. Justice Opportunity to Book follow-up Book follow-up Book follow-up Book follow-up reflect on Monday 7. Courage task task Singing task task assembly and or or Assembly or or 8. Perseverance complete any Singing Singing Singing Singing 9. Hope follow-up task for Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly 10. Respect Floor Book. Core Values Summer 2 Wednesday Possible focus: Possible focus: 1. Generosity 9.10am start St. George’s Mid-point of Christian Aid Ascension Day Pentecost Day (23rd April) Ramadan Week (9th-15th) Day (13th) (23rd May) 2. Compassion 3. Forgiveness Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 12
Delivered 4. Truthfulness remotely Lead: SLT Lead: SLT Lead: SLT Lead: Rev Rob Lead: Rev Rob 5. Service Friday Values VIP Values VIP Values VIP Values VIP Values VIP 6. Justice Core value song Core value song Core value song Core value song Core value song 7. Courage Lead: Wesley signing Wesley signing Wesley signing Wesley signing Wesley signing 8. Perseverance Class Teacher prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer 9. Hope 10. Respect Appendix B - COVID Collective Worship Overview Summer 2 2021 cont’d In-class worship w/c 7.6.21 w/c 14.6.21 w/c 21.6.21 w/c 28.6.21 w/c 5.7.21 w/c 12.7.21 w/c 19.7.21 Monday Delivery time at the Core Value: Core Value: Core Value: Core Value: Core Value: Core Value: Core Value: discretion of CT. JUSTICE GENEROSITY TRUTHFULNESS HOPE FORGIVENESS COURAGE PERSEVERANCE Each assembly uses the 4- stage RaFs worship format. Jennie R. to Jennie R. to Jennie R. to Jennie R. to Jennie R. to Jennie R. to Jennie R. to plan plan plan plan plan plan Plan Tuesday Assembly Floor Assembly Floor Assembly Floor Assembly Floor Assembly Floor Assembly Floor Assembly Floor Opportunity to Book follow-up Book follow-up Book follow-up Book follow-up Book follow-up Book follow-up Book follow-up reflect on Monday task task task task task task task assembly and or or or or or or or complete any follow- Singing Singing Singing Singing Singing Singing Singing up task for Floor Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Book. Wednesday Possible focus: Possible focus: Possible focus: Possible focus: 9.10am start Trinity Sunday World Refugee World Humanist Birth of Action for Nelson Mandela Moving On (30th May) Day (20th June) Day (21st) John Wesley Children (11th) Day (18th) Delivered ‘The Golden Rule' 28th June 1703 remotely Lead: Rev Rob Lead: Rev Rob Lead: SLT Lead: SLT Lead: SLT Lead: SLT Lead: SLT Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 13
Friday Values VIP Values VIP Values VIP Values VIP Values VIP Values VIP Values VIP Core value song Core value song Core value song Core value song Core value song Core value song Core value song Lead: Wesley signing Wesley signing Wesley signing Wesley signing Wesley signing Wesley signing Wesley signing Class Teacher prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer prayer The evidence for the Floor Book can take the form of photos of any hot seating/dramas/discussion during the actual assembly or work/photos of any reflection tasks. Write any comments the children make in speech bubbles. If children want their work to take home, please just put photocopy in book. Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 14
Appendix C - Roots and Fruits (RaFs1 & RaFs2) Themes for Collective Worship RaFs1 Focus Value: Compassion Noticing a need (Mark 6:34) Being a good neighbour (Luke 10:25-37) Putting on the right attitude (Colossians 3:12) Having the courage to care (Exodus 2:1-10) Coming to the rescue (Luke 15:4-6) Celebrating Christmas: God of the unexpected (Luke 2:8-20) RaFs1 Focus Value: Courage Stepping out of your comfort zone (Exodus 3-4) Doing the right thing, not the easy thing (Esther 4-8) Facing a challenge (Joshua 2) Overcoming fear (1 John 4:18) Encouraging others (Joshua 1:9) Celebrating Candlemas: Trusting God’s promises (Luke 2:21-40) RaFs1 Focus Value: Forgiveness Wiping the slate clean (Colossians 3:13) Turning over a new leaf (Luke 19:1-10) Forgiving others as God has forgiven you (Matthew 18:21-35) Beginning again (Luke 15:11-32) Putting the past behind us (Psalm 32:1) Celebrating Lent and Easter: When darkness turned to light (Ephesians 1:7) RaFs1 Focus Value: Service Using our talents to serve (Galatians 5:13) Receiving as well as giving (1 Kings 17:7-16) Giving with no strings attached (Matthew 20:28) Looking at the heart (1 Samuel 16:1-13) Living for others (Matthew 4:18-20) Celebrating Pentecost: The birthday of the Church (Acts 2:44-47) RaFs1 Focus Value: Respect Remembering to pray for others (Ephesians 6:18) Valuing difference (Luke 7:1-10) Valuing others as we would like to be valued (Matthew 7:12) Valuing special places (Matthew 21:12-17) Valuing different opinions (1 Peter 2:17) Celebrating Trinity: God’s never ending love (Psalm 8:9) RaFs1 Focus Value: Perseverance Running the race of life (Hebrews 12:1-2) Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 15
Keeping going against all odds (Matthew 2:13-15) Doing the right thing (Jeremiah 38:1-13) Meeting a personal challenge (Philippians 4:13) Encouraging others to keep going (Acts 11:24) Celebrating Epiphany: Pushing through (Matthew 2:1-12) RaFs1 Focus Value: Justice Treating people fairly (Micah 6:8) Making wise decisions (Isaiah 1:17) Seeing God’s love in action Matthew 20:1-16) Seeing the whole picture (2 Corinthians 8:21) Keeping God’s rules (Exodus 20) Celebrating Lent and Easter: Goodness is stronger than evil (John 18-19) RaFs1 Focus Value: Truthfulness Telling the whole story (John 8:12) Living without lies (Genesis 27) Making the right choices (Zechariah 8:16) Searching for the truth (Matthew 13:44-46) Having the courage to be honest (Ephesians 4:15) Celebrating Trinity: Seeing the truth (2 Corinthians 13:13) RaFs1 Focus Value: Generosity Loving others as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31) Giving sacrificially (Luke 21:1-4) Giving cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7) Caring for creation (Genesis 2:15) Giving our time (Nehemiah) Celebrating Harvest: Giving as God gives (Psalm 65:13-19) RaFs2 Focus Value: Hope THE WORDS OF JESUS: This is how you should pray (Matthew 6.9-13) ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS: The coming of Jesus is foretold (Isaiah 9.6B) ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS: Zechariah and Elizabeth (Luke 1.5-25) ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS The escape to Egypt (Matthew 2.13-15) PEOPLE JESUS MEETS: Simeon and Anna (Luke 2.22-32, 36-38) PEOPLE JESUS MEETS: John the Baptist (Matthew 3.13-17) HOLY WEEK AND EASTER: Jesus ascends into heaven (Luke 24.50-53) THE PARABLES OF JESUS: The yeast (Matthew 13.33) THE PARABLES OF JESUS: The loving father and the prodigal son (Luke 15.11-24) THE MIRACLES OF JESUS: Jesus heals a paralysed man (Luke 5.17-26) THE MIRACLES OF JESUS: Jesus walks on water (Matthew 14.22-33) Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 16
Appendix D - Example of Collective Worship Themes Values/Themes SEALs British Values Christian Festivals / Other Faiths & Events Methodism British Food Fortnight Whole School Assembly: JEWISH - Sukkot 2nd - 9th October 19th Sept – 4th October Harvest International Day of Peace 21st Sept JEWISH - Rosh Hashanah – 18th – Walk to School Week: 20th Sept Autumn 5th-9th October Black History Month - October 1 ROOTS AND FRUITS New World Animal Day: 4th October Beg: 2 Beginnings Trafalgar Day: 21st World Space Week: 4th – 10th ‘The words of Jesus’ October October 03.9.20 JEWISH - Yom Kippur – 27th – 28th National Curry Week: Sept 5th – 11th October World Mental Health Day: 10th October Homeless Sunday: 11th October World Food Day – 16th October United Nations Day – 24th October Guy Fawkes Day 5th All Saints Day 1st November Outdoor Classroom Day – 5th November November Advent commences 29.11.20 Interfaith Week: 8th – 15th Autumn Armistice Day 11th November Child in Need: 13th 2 ROOTS AND FRUITS Getting On & November Christmas November Beg: 2 Falling Out HINDU - Diwali: 14th November 02.11.20 ‘Advent and International Day of Charles Wesley born 18th SIKH – Deepavali: 14th November Christmas’ Anti-Bullying Tolerance 16th December 1707 Road Safety Week – 16th – 22nd Week: November (Wrote carol: ‘Hark! The November 16th – 20th herald angels sing…’ in JEWISH - Hanukkah: 10th – 18th November St. Andrew’s Day 30th 1739) December November St Stephen’s Day: 26th December RSPB Big Garden Epiphany 6th January World Religion Day: 17th January Birdwatch : 25th-27th January Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 17
Spring Martin Luther King Day: 18th January ROOTS AND FRUITS Robert Burns Night 25th Holocaust memorial Day: 27th 1 2 Going for January January Beg: ‘People Jesus meets’ Goals World Interfaith Day 1st February 05.1.21 St. Valentine’s Day 14th Internet Safety Day: 9th February February Chinese New Year: 12th February – Year of the OX International Women’s Day: 8th March JEWISH – Purim 26th February Appendix D - Example of Collective Worship Themes cont’d Values/Themes SEALs British Values Christian Festivals / Other Faiths & Events Methodism St. David’s Day 1st March Shrove Tuesday 16th Fairtrade Fortnight: 22nd Feb – 7th February March Commonwealth Day World Health Day: 7th April Spring 09.03.20 Ash Wednesday 17th Nutrition & Hydration Week : 15th – 2 February 21st March Beg: ROOTS AND FRUITS St. Patrick’s Day 17th March Comic Relief 19th March 22.02.21 2 Good to be me Mothering Sunday 14th Sports Relief: 9th – 13th March ‘Holy week and Easter’ March Science Week: 5th – 14th March HINDU - Holi: 29th March Palm Sunday 28th March Global Recycling Day: 18th March JEWISH - Passover 27th March – 4th Holy Week: 28th March – April 3rd April Good Friday 2nd April EASTER (Easter Sunday 4th April) Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 18
St. George’s Day: 23rd April Christian Aid Week: BUDDHIST – Wesak (Buddha Day): 9th – 15th May 8th April Shakespeare’s Day 23rd ISLAM – Ramadan: 12th April – 11th Summer April May 1 ROOTS AND FRUITS Relationships (Born: 1564) ISLAM - Eid-al-Fitr: 12th – 13th May Beg: 2 Outdoor Classroom Day: 21st May 19.04.21 ‘The parables of Jesus’ May Day 3rd May Queen’s official birthday Ascension Day 13th May World Environment Day: 5th June 12th June World Refugee Day: 20th June Pentecost 23rd May Father’s Day: 20th June Summer Summer Solstice 21st June Armed Forces Day: 27th June 2 ROOTS AND FRUITS Changes Whit Monday 24th May Nelson Mandela Day: 18th July Beg: 2 07.06.21 ‘The miracles of Jesus’ Trinity Sunday 30th May John Wesley born 28th June 1703 Appendix E - Example of half termly planning for ‘Collective Worship Calendar’ w/c 24.02.20 w/c 02.03.20 w/c 09.03.20 w/c 16.03.20 w/c 23.03.20 w/c 30.03.20 Welcome – Kathy Attendance Attendance Attendance& Attendance Attendance SEALs: Kathy Kathy Kathy Kathy Kathy ‘Good to be me’ ST. DAVID’S DAY Hinduism ST. PATRICK’s DAY Islam Christian 1st March Festival of HOLI 17th March ISRA & MI’RAJ Christian Monday SHROVE TUESDAY 9th March 22nd March PALM SUNDAY 25th Feb 5th April WORLD HEALTH DAY COMMONWEALTH DAY GLOBAL RECYCLING DAY Christian ASH WEDNESDAY 7th Feb 9th March 18th March MOTHERING SUNDAY 26th Feb 22nd March SCIENCE WEEK SPORT RELIEF 6th – 15th March 9th – 13th March Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 19
Singing Assembly Singing Assembly Singing Assembly Singing Assembly Singing Assembly Singing Assembly (Preparation for Easter Tuesday Service ) Lead Teacher: Lead Teacher: Lead Teacher: Lead Teacher: Lead Teacher: Lee Georgy Ella Lydia Lindsay Lead Teacher: Jenny M ‘People Jesus meets’ – Holy Week and Easter Holy Week and Easter Holy Week and Easter 4: 2 3 5 ‘The Tempter’ ‘Jesus clears the temple’ ‘Jesus and the last Easter Linked assembly ‘Jesus is crucified’ (DIGNITY) (PEACE) supper’ (DIGNITY) ‘Holy Week in a Box’ Wednesday (COMMUNITY) Rev Karen Rev Karen Rev Karen Rev Karen Rev Karen Rev Karen Support Teacher: Support Teacher: Support Teacher: Support Teacher: Support Teacher: Support Teacher: Lee Anna Dave Bev Max Lisa Appendix E - Example of half termly planning for ‘Collective Worship Calendar’ cont’d w/c 24.02.20 w/c 02.03.20 w/c 09.03.20 w/c 16.03.20 w/c 23.03.20 w/c 30.03.20 Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 20
In Class Assembly In Class Assembly Whole or in class Class Assembly ‘Holy Week and Easter’ Class Assembly ‘Holy Week and Easter’ Class Assembly assembly 4: 6: FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 2 Smith ‘Jesus is betrayed 1 Lowry ‘The Risen Jesus meets 3 Boyle Thursday 24th Feb – 8th March (COMMUNITY) Mary ‘Great Fire of London’ ‘Mother’s Day’ (JOY) ‘Ancient Egyptians’ Alison to plan Jennie to plan Jennie to plan Values VIP & House Values VIP & House Values VIP & House Values VIP & House Values VIP & House Values VIP & House Points Points Points Points Points Points EASTER SERVICE Year 4 Friday Time to be confirmed Collective Worship Policy rev Oct 21 21
Appendix F - Resources Materials for use with children The Lion Storyteller Bible by Bob Hartman & Krisztina Kàllai Nagy The Barnabas Schools’ Bible by Rhona Davies The Complete Guide to Godly Play (Volumes 1-5) by Jerome Berryman published by Living the Good News Primary age playing cards – ideal for icebreakers/ discussion starters available from A-Cross the World by Martyn Payne & Betty Pedley Teddy Horsley books by Nicola Slee published by Church House Publishing A Wedding Day Wish for Puddles, Puddles Lends a Paw, Puddles and the Christmas Play & Puddles and the Happy Easter Day by Gill Vaisey Also toy figures of Reverend Freddie Fisher (with robes) and Puddles. Websites Search for specific Bible stories or themes on Use the MAST Worship Portal Messy Church Resources for a range of different age groups on Methodist Children & Youth Ideas for encouraging bible reading and prayer on Practical suggestions including prayer stations for children on and
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