Church of St. William - 102 Years - 16 January 2022 -
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Church of St. William 6200 Rising Sun Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111 Pope Francis has designated the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time as the Sunday of the Word of God. While every Sun- day is a day to focus on God’s Word as proclaimed at Mass, we make special emphasis on God’s Word this Sunday. We encourage catechists, Catholic school teachers, and parents to consider ways to celebrate the Word of God in a special way in honor of this observance. PARISH STAFF CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS Pastor Rev. Alfonso J. Concha (Fr. Al) BAPTISM (Lower Church) Spanish: 3rd or 4th Sunday of the month at 12:00PM Pakistani Community English: 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:00PM Rev. Tariq Isaac (Parochial Vicar) Retired (Resident) Pre-Baptismal Instructions Rev. Augusto Concha (Fr. Gus) Spanish: 2nd Wednesday 7:00PM (rectory basement) Haitian Community English: 1st Sunday at 1:00PM (lower church) Rev. Eugene Almonor, O.M.I. For information or scheduling a Baptism, please contact the rectory at 215-745-1389. Deacons William Moser, Felipe Cruz, Angel Alicea CONFIRMATION PREP Coordinator Bishops are Ordinary ministers of Confirmation. Julia Thillet Secretaries RECONCILIATION IN CHURCH Caroline Guy, Judi Schein (Confessions are heard in the confessionals at the back of church) Business Manager Saturday: 4:00—4:45PM Nelly Eells, Timothy Babbage Eve of Holy Days: 4:00—4:45PM Music Director Eve of First Fridays: After 12:00 Noon Mass only Ken Houser For personal request, contact the Rectory. Facilities Manager John Meehan MATRIMONY ~ Weddings are scheduled on Saturdays at 11:00AM, 1:00PM, or 3:00PM in the Upper Church; 2:00PM in the Lower Church. Couples intending mar- riage must contact our Pastor at least six months prior to the intended date of mar- riage. Contact: Office Hours Monday thru Friday 8:45am—3:30pm Marriage preparation ~ contact or the rectory. (closed 11:45am-12:30pm due to Noon Mass) Wedding Music ~ contact Ken Houser, Music Director at Rectory: 215-745-1389 Fax: 215-745-8432 PREP: 215-745-1389 ANOINTING OF THE SICK ~ Sacrament of healing and God’s blessings for those Website: who are sick or in serious condition. Parishioners in serious illness, please contact our Email: parish priests. Anyone unable to attend Mass due to illness may call the Rectory to Facebook: make arrangements to receive Communion in their home. PREP: SUNDAY MON—FRI Vigil 5:00pm (Saturday) 6:30am 7:30am, 9am, 12pm, 8pm 12:00pm Eucharistic Adoration 10:30am - Spanish Every Saturday 4:00pm - Urdu SATURDAY 11:30am to 4:45pm 5:30pm - Creole 8:00am Lower Church We continue to livestream Sunday Masses 9:00am (English) 10:30am (Spanish) Church Bulletin is available on our Parish Website ~ under ‘Bulletins’ tab
On COVID Vaccinations, Pope says health care is a Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ‘moral obligation’ January 23, 2022 Pope Francis recently suggested that FOCUS: The law of the Lord delights the human heart getting vaccinated against the corona- and guides the steps of our lives. virus was a “moral obligation” and denounced how people had been Today’s Gospel opens with the words and intentions of swayed by “baseless information” to Luke the Evangelist. He has decided to write a Gospel—a refuse one of the most effective narrative of the events regarding Jesus Christ that will measures to save lives. Francis has termed vaccination as “an draw from the memories of those who witnessed his life, act of love” and that refusing to get inoculated was “suicidal.” “Individuals have the responsibility to care for themselves and death, and resurrection, and who have handed on his this translates into respect for the health of those around us. teachings to future generations. We cling to that Gospel Health care is a moral obligation,” he asserted. message, which reminds us of God’s mercy and challenges us to live in Christ. “Frequently people let themselves be influenced by the ideolo- gy of the moment, often bolstered by baseless information or LITURGY OF THE WORD: Nehemiah, Ezra, and oth- poorly documented facts,” he said, calling for the adoption of a “reality therapy” to correct this distortion of human reason. ers instruct the people to rejoice and not be sad, for their God has made the day holy. Saint Paul instructs the Corin- “Vaccines are not a magical means of healing, yet surely they thians, using the image of the body to describe the Church represent, in addition to other treatments that need to be devel- and explaining that each person has a role in it. In the oped, the most reasonable solution for the prevention of the Gospel, Jesus reads from the book of the prophet Isaiah in disease,” he added. the synagogue in Nazareth and proclaims, Today this Francis and Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI have been fully vac- Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing. cinated with Pfizer-BioNTech shots. Associated Press ~ January 10, 2022 REFLECTION: Jesus tells his hearers, "Today this Scrip- ture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." Luke is reminding us we don't have to wait for some future time and place for Congratulations to our newly baptized! God to come to set us free, it is happening "Today." The Loki Danger Lenis One anointed with the Spirit enables us now to be in right Maria Pablo Raymundo Guzman relationship with God and one another. Samuel Villamarin Vanega Emmanuel Villamarin Vanega So we ask ourselves: Sergio Teletor • Where in my life do I not feel free from fear, guilt, the Kevin Teletor past, etc? Thiago Teletor Aiden Teletor • In faith, can I embrace the truth of Christ’s words for me today: he has come to proclaim liberty? Senior Citizen Groups Meetings for both groups cancelled for January. • St. William Seniors next meeting will be February 9th at Pre-Cana Rhawnhurst Presbyterian Church at 7701 Loretto Ave. from Engaged couples preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony 11:00am to 3:00pm. Some of the upcoming trips are: are required to attend a Pre-Cana session. Maternity BVM March 30, 2022 ~ Murder Mystery Parish is hosting a session on Saturday, February 26 at 9220 June 15, 2022 ~ David (in Lancaster) Old Bustleton Avenue, Phila. 19115. To register, please call September 28, 2022 ~ Johnny Cash the rectory at 215-673-8127. For more information and to sign up for the trips, please contact Betty Harding at 215-745-7199. More trip info will be coming soon. • The Senior Group of Saint Cecilia Church meets on Thurs- days at 10:00am in St. Cecilia’s School Auditorium. All are welcome and you do not have to be a parishioner to join. Everyone is required to wear a facemask. We may resume in February. Call the rectory at 215-725-1240 for info. Alonso Castillo Abigail Hamilton Francisco Perez Anna Clozio Owen Hence Frank Philips Mass Book ~ 2022 William Coccagna Jason Hluchan River Fisher Ritter Lisa Collins Elizabeth Junod Bill Sherwin There are plenty of Masses available throughout 2022. Please Irene Coyle Matt Koreck Theresa Sherwin contact the rectory at 215-745-1389 or stop in during business Carmella Dick David Lee Marge Simon hours to request a Mass for your loved one or special intention. Shannon Esack Elva McGuire Denise Snyder Tim Esack Gerald McLaughlin Josephine Starkman Joe Fenuto Patricia McShaffry Rita Van Buskirk Contribution Statement for 2021 are available Kathy Gibson Braydon Mulholland Michael Wilson To request your statement, please contact the rectory at 215- Claire Gleason Tim Musgrove Adrienne Steiner- 745-1389 or send an email with your name and address to Donna Griffin Dorothy Musgrove Walter
Job Opportunities ♦ Council Coordinator ~ Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity are looking for someone to assist their Voca- tions Dept. Person should be supportive, out-going, able to commit to deadlines and flexible. Call HR at 215-335- Sunday, January 23 7576. 5:00pm(Vigil) Alice Conville 7:30am Cecilian Diem Pham ♦ Part time RN/LPN position & CNA position ~ Mount Naza- 9:00am Sick Members of St. William Parish reth Convent (2755 Holme Ave.) Two days/week and 2 10:30am Amy Rodriguez weekends/month or 4 weekends/month from 6:00am to 12:00pm Parishioners of St. William 2:00pm. Care involves 10-12 sisters. Please contact Sister 8:00pm Special Intention Celine Warnilo, CSFN at 21-543-0176. ♦ CORA Services (8540 Verree Rd) has 55 available full and Monday, January 24 part time opportunities in After School Program positions, 6:30am Holy Souls in Purgatory Behavioral Consultants, Child Psychologist, ESL Teacher, 12:00pm Tania Predescu Mental Health Therapist, School Counselor, Recruiter. Contact them at Tuesday, January 25 6:30am Special Intention 12:00pm Stephen Garcey (living—birthday) We are pleased to announce that the fol- lowing students from Archbishop Ryan Wednesday, January 26 High School have achieved Academic 6:30am Holy Souls in Purgatory Honors for the First Quarter of 2021-2022 12:00pm Constance Kelley school year. Thursday, January 27 First Honors: 6:30am Francisco Savior Cindy Luu Mia Yege 12:00pm Eleanor Parker (birthday memorial) Congratulations on this fine accomplishment! Friday, January 28 6:30am Theresa Tam (living) 12:00pm Nellie McFadden Saturday, January 29 8:00am All Souls 5:00pm Susan R. O’Donnell (living—birthday) High School Info Many Catholic Schools will be hosting an Open House on ♦ Gwynedd Mercy Academy HS—All 6th & 7th grade girls are invited to register for the practice test that will be Sunday, January 30, 2022 held April 23 & April 24. Registration fee $40. Save Visit your favorite school’s website 50% on registration fee between now and February 11. Register at SAINT CECILIA SCHOOL (525 Rhawn Street, 19111) ♦ Nazareth Academy HS is hosting 5th & 6th grade Paint Night on Friday, March 11 (6:30pm-8:30pm). Open House ~ January 30, 2022 (10:15am—1:00pm) Pizza will be served and the event is FREE. To register All are invited to tour the school, meet the your daughter call 215-268-1026 or visit faculty and staff and see all there is to offer. Looking for Help Shoveling Snow Before it snows again, the residents on Stevens Street would like to gather people to help them shovel snow. If you can help, please call the rectory at 215-745-1389. Resurrection of Our Lord Church 2000 Shelmire Avenue, Phila. 19152 Lower Church SUNDAY COLLECTIONS ~ January 16 Light snacks and refreshments Church $6,433 Catholic Relief $1,266 E-Giving 670 Haitian $195 TOTAL $7,103 Elevator $227 E-Giving Utilities $50 E-Giving 10 E-Giving Jan. 1 $10 TOTAL $237 God bless you for your continued support of the parish and all the special collections. Fr. Al
BIENVENIDOS A LA IGLESIA DE SAN GUILLERMO DOMINGO. ENERO 23, 2022 Padre Alfonso Concha~ Padre Augusto Concha TERCER DOMINGO TIEMPO ORDINARIO Diacono Felipe Cruz~ Diacono Ángel Alicea Phone: 215-745-1389 " EL SEÑOR ME HA ENVIADO A DAR LA BUENA NOTICIA, A PROCLAMAR LA LIBERACIÓN DE MISA DOMINICAL: 10:30 am ~ ROSARIO: 10:00 am LOS CAUTIVOS " ! CELEBRACION DE LOS SACRAMENTOS San Lucas presenta a Jesús en su Evangelio proclamando la Palabra como Señor o como el profeta mesiánico. Al BAUTISMO: proclamar la Palabra de Dios en la comunidad, se Charla: 2do. Miércoles del mes a las 7:00 PM proclaman los designios de Dios. En toda celebración de (Sótano de la Rectoría) la Misa se proclama la Palabra de Dios y luego se partici- Bautizos: 1ro. & 3er. Domingo del mes 12:00 mediodía pa con fe recibiendo El Cuerpo y la Sangre del Señor en Para recibir un Certificado de Bautismo, llame a la Oficina. la comunión. Jesús declara en la Sinagoga que ha venido a " Evangelizar a los pobres, a dar libertad a los cautivos CONFESIONES: Domingos: 10:00 - 10:20AM y y oprimidos y a declarar el año de gracia y de salvación Sábados: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm " ! Todavia hoy, Jesús es El Mesías. Todavía hoy, hay MATRIMONIO: Información y cita Padre Al pobres y explotados cada día. Sin embargo, la Palabra de Correo Electrónico: Dios no ha perdido nada de su actualidad. Si bien su men- saje fue bien acogido por algunos, la continuación del SACRAMENTOS DE LOS ENFERMOS: relato muestra que también suscitó reacciones de rechazo. (Unción y Comunión): Consulta con Padre Al Todavía hoy, la Palabra de Dios es palabra de consuelo y RICA –Rito de Iniciación Catequesis de adultos Charlas, esperanza para muchos y sigue mostrando su vitalidad. los Domingos a las 9:00 am, Diácono Felipe y Nidia Cruz Acojamos siempre con fe la Palabra de Dios que se proclama cada Domingo y recibamos con gratitud y CATECISMO (PREP) alegría el Cuerpo y la Sangre del Señor ! Nivel 1 - 5: Domingos: 9:am-~10am. Nivel 6, RCIA: Martes 6:30pm-7:30pm Servidores del Altar VISITA AL SANTISIMO: Sábados: 11:30 am ~ 4:45pm Invitamos a todos los niños que hayan hecho la Primera Comunión a servir al Señor en el Minis- terio del Altar aquí en San William. CIRCULO DE ORACION: Viernes: 6:30pm ~ 9:00pm Contactar a Jeanette Garay 267-644-5855 El Papa Francisco ha designado el Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario como el Domingo de la Palabra de Dios. Aunque todos los domingos se enfocan en la Palabra de Dios al ser proclama- da en la Misa, este domingo hacemos un énfasis espe- cial en su Palabra. Animamos a los catequistas, maes- Ayuda Financiera para la escuela Catolica tros de las escuelas católicas y padres de familia a pensar en maneras para celebrar la Palabra de Dios de St. Cecilia un modo especial este día. El Fondo de Becas para Niños de Filadelfia está otorgando más becas que nunca para el año escolar 2022-2023. ¡Daremos 2500 nuevas becas de 4 años! Lista de Libros de la Iglesia Actualmente estamos aceptando solicitudes para nuestra (Para adquirir y comprar estos libros, estarán lotería de becas del 22 al 23 hasta el 1 de marzo. Como disponibles en la rectoría) recordatorio, para ser elegibles para una beca CSFP, las ∗ Nuevo testamento ∗ déjame contarte familias deben tener un niño que ingrese desde PreK4 ∗ Historia Virgen Guadalupe ∗ Medita conmigo hasta el octavo grado en septiembre de 2022, que viva en ∗ Recemos el Santo Rosario ∗ El Camino de la Cruz Filadelfia y sea financieramente elegible. . Solicite ahora ∗ Bienvenido Niño Jesús ∗ Oraciones para el enfermo en ∗ Guadalupe para niños ∗ Oraciones para niños application-for-2022-2023-school-year/ ∗ Con la fuerza del Espíritu ∗ Mis Oraciones ∗ Un niño nos ha nacido ∗ Oraciones fundamentales COVID-19 vacunas: Síganos en nuestra página de Facebook: clinic/search
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