The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church

Page created by Anthony Graves
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
700 44th Street
Rapid City, SD 57702
                               The   Canyon
Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am -4:00 pm
Fridays: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
                              Parish News

                                           Stay Connected
                                           Pastor Chris’ Letter
                                           Wednesday Night &
                                            Lenten Schedules
                                           Church Business &
                                           Lutheran Outdoors
                                           Pastor Erik’s Page
                                           Pastoral Care
                                           Social & Outreach
                                           From the Office
                                           Bible Study Groups
                                           Children, Youth, &
                                           Calendar
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
Service Times                                                                                                     at SCLC
   Saturdays at 5:30pm                                      M.E.N.S (Men Exploring and Navigating Spiritually) Study
   Sundays at 9:00am                                        Every Friday morning at 6:00 am
      Communion is offered on the 2nd, 4th & 5th             Koinonia Kafe
                                                             Come and enjoy Christian relationships. If you would like to join this early morn-
                                                             ing group for faith-filled discussion, contact Jim Bishop via the office.
  Wednesday Night                                            Monday Bible Study with Pastor Chris
     4:45pm - Meal                                          Every Monday at Noon— Fellowship Hall
     5:45pm - Worship Band rehearsal
     6:00pm - Worship
                                                             Men’s Hardees Bible Study
                                                             Every Wednesday morning at 7:30am
     6:45pm - Small Groups/Faith Formation                  Hardees on Haines Ave
     7:10pm - Adult Choir Rehearsal
      Communion is offered on the 2nd & 4th                  Children’s Choir Rehearsal
      Wednesdays                                             Sanctuary
                                                             Weekly on Fridays at 3:30 pm
Weekly Events                                                Adult Choir Rehearsal
                                                             Sanctuary Loft
  Piecemakers Quilting Group                                 Weekly on Wednesdays at 7:10pm
  Every Thursday at 9:00 am
  Fellowship Hall                                            The Alleluia Ringers
  The Piecemaker quilters meet every Thursday. You are       Weekly on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
  invited to come and get connected with this fun group.     Ellen’s office
  There is sewing, quilting and cutting along with fellow-   This wonderful group of hand bell ringers practice weekly and ring in worship
  ship and devotions. No experience is necessary!            whenever they feel ready to share their talents.

How to Get Connected
Social Media:
                                                               Get Text & Email Alerts:
         canyon lutheran           Call the church office to get set up with our app based platform so you can
                                                               receive text. Let us know if you have an email you would like to receive
                                                               newsletters and other information.
                      Download our Realm App:
                                                               We have a wonderful app for download. Call the church office to learn how!

                    Call or Email our Main Office:
                                                               Main Office: 605.343.4887

 Services & Devotions Online
                                                                 Or go to our website: and click on box to join
We will be live on Sundays at 9:00am here:                       us online.
        South Canyon Lutheran youtube                               NEED TO CATCH UP?
                                                                       Catch all the livestream and videos on our website or on
      canyon lutheran                      youtube at any time. All messages are archived for viewing.

 Canyon Parish News | February 2022|Page 2                                                  See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
                              Senior Pastor

                                              “Looking Ahead”
                               Dear Friends in Christ,
                               This month I want to use this space to inform you of present needs and changes in
                               the congregation.
          --Church Leadership has received the resignation of Cindy Dressler as the Parish Administrator. Cindy
  has served the congregation faithfully in various roles for the past 24 years. She has decided it is time to take
  another step in her journey and is excited to spend time with family and see what else God has in store for her.
  Thank you Cindy for your faithfulness and dedication. We will begin advertising for the position of Parish
  Administrator as soon as possible. Cindy has agreed to remain with us until we fill the position. Questions can be
  addressed to myself or the Council President—Ed Dreyer.
          --Covid continues to affect congregation attendance and the ability to plan consistent and predictable
  ministry. Nevertheless God is good and we have been blessed with a stable financial situation (see 2021 finan-
  cials). We have faithful congregation members who are willing to be flexible in filling ministry roles on Wednes-
  day nights as well as Saturdays and Sundays. If you haven’t been a part of Wednesday night activities yet, I would
  invite you to experience the meal, worship and faith formation. I think we offer a unique and special gathering
  during that time.
          --Looking ahead, 1 Corinthians 12:1-12 lifts up the spiritual gifts with which the Holy Spirit equips us in
  order that we might use our lives to work for the common good of all.
            “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers and
  sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed…there are
  varieties of gifts and services but the same Spirit and Lord…
  it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To
  each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common
           This month, the Nominating Committee will begin
  their discernment of new church leadership for various
  council positions and other roles. This is a spirit led
  process in which we gather to discern the needs of the
  congregation, spiritual gifts needed and names of people
  to whom we believe the spirit is leading us to extend an
  invitation to service. This process is centered around
  prayerful listening and openness. Please continue to pray       Join Pastor Chris each Monday at noon for a study on
  for this process asking that the Holy Spirit guides our dis-      Revelations. No need to sign up, just show up with
                                                                             your Bible and lunch (if you want).
  cernment and opens the hearts of people for leadership.
                                                                    A helpful resource, but not necessary, is the book,
  Thank you for your presence and commitment to SCLC               Revelation and the End of All Things, by Craig R. Koester.
  and remember it is the same Spirit that has claimed us all.          Questions—contact Pastor Chris at the office.
                                                                  Please check with office or on Facebook for announce-
  In Christ,                                                      ments regarding cancellations due to inclement weather
  Pastor Chris                                                                       or unexpected events.

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The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
Wednesday Nights
                                                               in February
                                                               Join us Wednesday evenings for a meal (4:45-
                                                                6:00), family-oriented worship service (6:00-
                                                             6:40), and faith formation for all ages (6:45-7:30)

                                                             February 2
                                                             Meal (4:45-6:00):
                                                             Worship (6:00-6:40): Intergenerational Band
                                                             Faith Formation (6:45-7:30): Bible
                                                             -Small groups for pre-k, elementary, middle, high-
                                                             school, and adults

                                                             February 9
                                                             Meal (4:45-6:00):
                                                             Worship with communion
                                                             (6:00-6:40): Intergenerational Band
                                                             Faith Formation (6:45-7:30): Service
                                                             -All-ages service project in fellowship hall
                                                             -Preparation for affirmation of baptism gathering
                                                             February 16
                                                             Meal (4:45-6:00)
                                                             Worship (6:00-6:40): Intergenerational Band
                                                             Faith Formation (6:45-7:30)
                                                             -Small groups for pre-k, elementary, middle, and
                                                             -Children, Youth, Family Planning Meeting (open
                                                             to all)
                                                             -Holy Yoga

                                                             February 23
                                                             Meal (4:45-6:00):
                                                             Worship with communion
                                                             (6:00-6:40): Intergenerational Band
                                                             Faith Formation (6:45-7:30): Testimony
                                                             -Small groups for pre-k, elementary, middle, high-
                                                             school, and adults
  2nd:      Mexican Meatloaf                                 March 2: Ash Wednesday
                                                             Meal (4:45-6:00):
  9th:      Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole                    Ash Wednesday Service (6:00)
                                                             No Faith Formation
  16th:     German Night - Zum Wohl!
  23rd:     Beef Stew
  If school is cancelled due to inclement weather, so will
  SCLC meal, worship, small groups and programming .
  Menu might change due to cancellations.

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The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
Church Business:
      Council Minutes - December 14, 2021
 Here are highlights from the December meeting:

      Income for November was about $76K, and expenses
       were about $59K for a positive balance of about $17K.
       Giving for November was up from last year
      Semi-Annual debrief - meeting was well received
      Bonding of Treasurer - SCLC By-Laws state that the
       Council Treasurer needs to bonded; Cost through State
       Farm is $50 for 5 years; Motion was made to bond PJ
      Curt Anderson was appointed to be temporary Property

       & Grounds member upon Gary’s absence
       Salary package for Michelle Baesler was reviewed and           Ministry of the Month
       approved and her start date is January 4                                Chapel in the Hills
      Purchase of furniture for the Mezzanine Room was dis-
       cussed and approved; budget was placed at or under 2K
      Thrivent/Mission Investment money was discussed and
       confirmed that the monies in these accounts have in the
       past been designated for youth events ie: National Youth
      Installation of Michelle Baesler is set for January 12th
      Christmas Bonuses for staff was approved
      Property & Grounds Report requested the approval of
       caulk replacement around the church building; water,
       snakes, and spiders have been a big issue
      Meeting adjourned

                Faith-filled giving impacts lives forever
  As of December, 2021:
  Actual Contributions for month…………….……. $ 115,191
  Actual Expenses for month …..………………...…. $ 64,332
  Net: ……………………………………..…………..….… $                                50,859
  YTD Contributions …………………………………$825,181.12
  YTD Actual Expenses………………………………$817,238.55
  Total Budgeted Expenses for 2021…….…$923,270.47

     Your regular donations and generous gifts have been noticed and we THANK YOU. The spirit
     of stewardship, the sharing of your time, talent and treasure is alive at South Canyon. Through
     your support and help with various ministries and programs, we ARE South Canyon Lutheran
     Church, living out our mission statement “To See, Grow, and Serve to the Glory of God.”

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The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
Lutheran Outdoors Camps:
 Message from Diana Glover, member of SCLC: I want everyone to know that as a single person
 or a couple with or without children/grandchildren, you are welcome at Outlaw Ranch Family
 Camp. I am registered again this year, making it 12 years in a row (excluding 2020). Bible
 studies, worship, campfires, hikes and quiet deck time have brought my family closer to God's
 love and natural world.

                          INFO AND REGISTRATION: www.LOSD.ORG
Canyon Parish News | February 2022|Page 6                      See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church

                                “You are worthy. You are enough.
                                         You are loved.”
                        Beloved Children of God,
                         “You are worthy. You are enough. You are loved.” That’s really what my understanding of
  the Gospel breaks down to. I proclaim those without condition or exception because the Gospel says that our
  worthiness, value, and love is a gift of grace through Christ not something any of us can earn. Some would call
  me a grace extremist because of my refusal to add any caveats (e.g. if you believe this, if you stop doing that,
  etc.). In my mind, however, it’s an all or nothing deal. Either grace is gifted (in its entirety!) completely inde-
  pendent of anything I can believe or do or I must always live with an uncertainty of whether I (and you!) have
  believed or done well enough. Either it is universally and perfectly applied to all of us or it is uncertain for all of
  us. So I’m all-in on the grace thing: no caveats, conditions, or exceptions. Confess your worst secrets and I will
  still believe “You are worthy. You are enough. You are loved” because those realities are not rooted in your do-
  ing but what Christ has done for us.

  Jesus promises that if we abide in this truth the truth will set us free (John 8:31-32). Jesus’ truth can free us
  from our persistent feelings of inadequacy and endless efforts to demonstrate our worth. I say “can” because
  here our faith can bind or loose us. God may see us and say: “You are worthy. You are enough. You are loved,”
  but if we don’t believe that then we will remain captive to that feeling of inadequacy and efforts to compensate.
  That’s why I’m a grace extremist; for me, it isn’t a theological debate so much as a matter of peoples’ experience
  of God’s grace. I know that the withholding of grace from others goes hand-in-hand with the struggle to accept
  it for ourselves. We can’t doubt whether God’s grace applies to them without that doubt infecting how we think
  about ourselves.
  Maybe I’m wrong. Scripture certainly offers plenty of questions. Maybe, at the end, God will turn out to be a
  harsher judge than I believe. If I’m wrong, however, I’d rather be wrong affirming “You are worthy. You are
  enough. You are loved,” erring on the side of grace, than the other way around. “For with the judgment you
  make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get” (Matthew 7:2). So give me
  grace to the extreme and, God help me, apply the same measure to everyone else.
  It’s a simple Gospel: “You are worthy. You are enough. You are loved.” In reality, however, nothing else in the
  world operates according to that measure of unconditional love. God grant you the faith to believe it and the
  love to extend it to others.
  In Christ,
  Pastor Erik

                              M.A.D. VBS
                             I am disappointed to announce that we are unable to follow through
                             with the Music, Art, Drama VBS that we were hoping to do this
                             summer. After reviewing the contract with the licensing company
  we have learned that we are unable to do the musical the way we had hoped to do without
  breaking the rules of the contract. Funds raised from the cookie sale will be passed along to the
  youth for the Youth Gathering and we can look forward to supporting and participating with the VBS that will
  happen later this summer.—Ellen

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The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
Pastoral Care

                           Next Caregiver Lunch ……………… Friday, Feb. 18th at 12pm
                             Speaker for luncheon will be Jenny Schmidt from Black Hills Advocates

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The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
Social Ministry Opportunities:
    We will serve the meal and worship with Woyatan Lutheran Church on Sunday, February, 13. Meet at Woyatan
     at 11:00am.
    We will be delivering the Cornerstone Mission Meal on Thursday, February 17. We always need bars and cook-
     ies for the meal. They need to be to the church by 2:00pm on that day.
    Life Inc. classes will continue on Thursday evenings through March 3. Each week we need volunteers to help
     serve the evening meal, greet people as they come, sit at the information table, and man the elevator. Sign up
     for these at the Information Counter.
    Here is an update on the young woman and her child that we are supporting through Lutheran Social Services.
     The child will soon be a year old, and she is a busy little girl, crawling around the apartment and standing on her
     own. Mom has a new job and will be returning to school to better support herself and her daughter. She contin-
     ues to receive help and support from us with diapers, clothes, and a few things that might come up. If you
     would like to make a donation to help support her talk with Linda Black or Pastor Chris.

                          SCLC also supports this
                          women’s ministry. You can
                          help too by donating tooth-
                          paste, tooth brushes, chap-
                          stick, gloves, coffee cups with
                                                                   Our bins are looking empty!
                          scripture readings, Christian        Thank you for your continued support of this ministry!
                          key chains and/or devotion-                We are in need of several of these items:
  als. Drop items off in Giving Center area. Thank you
  for making a difference!                                     Adult Depends/Pull-Ups            Kleenex
                                                               Baby Wipes                        Little Library (books, small
                                                               Bedding (sheets and               toys)
                                                               pillowcases)                      Lotion
                                                               Cleaning Supplies (dish           Mittens/Gloves/Hats/Scarves
                                                               soap,pine-sol, scrubbers)         Paper Towels
                                                               Deodorant                         Personal Care Items (combs,
                                                               Diapers                           brushes, chapstick, nail clip-
       Sunday, February 6, at 10:15 a.m.                       Disinfecting Wipes                pers, razors, shaving cream)
                                                               Eyeglasses/Hearing Aids           Preschool Supplies (kleenex,
  If you would like to be a part of our Hospitality Team, or
                                                               Feminine Hygiene Products         playdough, canvas (8x10 or
 just want more information, you are welcome to come and       First Aid Supplies (band          smaller), disinfecting wipes,
          find out what it is about. We’ll meet in the         aids,antibiotic cream, Tylenol)   Elmer’s Glue, Crayola finger
                      Reformation Room                         Hand Sanitizer (any size)         paints)
                                                                                                 Receipts (Family Fare/Family
                                                                                                 School Supply Kits (spiral
                                                                                                 notebooks, rulers, scissors,
                                                                                                 pencils, erasers, ballpoint
                                                                                                 pens, pencil sharpeners,
                                                                                                 crayons - 16 or 24 count)
                                                                                                 Soap (bars, body wash)
                                                                                                 Toilet Paper
                                                                                                 Towels/Wash Cloths
                                                                                                 Underwear/Socks – ADULT
                                                                                                 Underwear/Sweat Pants and
                                                                                                 Socks – CHILDREN

Canyon Parish News | February 2022|Page 9                                          See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
The Canyon - South Canyon Lutheran Church
From the Office:
                              Grocery Gift Cards
                          Grocery gift cards are available in the
                          church office and at the Information
                          Counter on Sundays. Cards can be
                          purchased to the stores: Family Fare,
                          Safeway, Sam’s, and Walmart. These
                          local stores give back 5% which breaks
                          down to 3% to Church Response and
                          2% to SCLC.
                                                                     It is with a heavy heart that I write this note of
                     In 2021, we sold $11,750                        resignation. I have had a wonderful 24 year journey at
                        worth of gift cards.                         SCLC - 17.5 of those years as Friend-Ship Preschool’s
                    In return:                                       Director, 2 years as the Parish Administrator, 4 years as
                                                                     Christian Ed Director, and 1 year as an Office Assistant.
      SCLC earned $235 which was then used                          God has blessed me tremendously and I have learned so
          to buy cards for families in need                          much while working here at South Canyon and made
         Church Response received $353                              some incredible friendships.
  It all adds up and takes such little effort. Won’t you consider    I don’t have any specific job plans right now. I am look-
  trying this the next time you plan to do your grocery shopping?    ing forward to having some extra time to spend with my
                                                                     mom, watching our youngest son play baseball, travel-
                          SAVE Your Family                           ing to see our son in Denver, spending more time with
                                                                     grandchildren, traveling, reading, hiking, gardening…….
                            Fare & Family                            (the list goes on and on).
                          Dollar/Dollar Tree                         I look forward to getting more involved in just being a
                               Receipts                              volunteer and sharing my talents (not as an employee) in
                                                                     the ministries here at SCLC.
                      Please continue to save your
                      Family Fare Supermarket and                    God Bless, Cindy
                      Family Dollar receipts. Once our
  receipts total $150,000, we receive a check for
  $1,000 from Family Fare.
  We received a check last month and we are on our
  way to another! So far we have collected $14,000!
  Drop off receipts in the bin in the Collection Center!

               Transitions & Prayers                                     Let sclc pray
                                                                           for you!
   Donna Kennedy                     * David Martin
   Merlin Fauth                                                    SCLC would be honored to pray for you, a
                                                                    family member or a friend. Whether it is an
  In Our Prayers:
                                                                    illness, a concern, or just for comfort and
   Kathy Goodwin
   Darold Schmidt                                                  guidance, we would like to hear from you.
   Tate Gease                                                      Please let us know in the church office if there
   Gene Holter                                                     is a hospitalization in your family. The
   Ruth Sikes
                                                                    hospital does not always ask your religious
   Les Thiery
                                                                    affiliation and we may not know you or a
   Jennifer Erlandson
   Clint Semmler                                                   family member has been hospitalized.
   Family and friends of David Martin on his death                 Please also let us know if there is a death, a
   Family and friends of Merlin Fauth on his death                 birth, if someone becomes homebound, or any
   Family and friends of Donna Kennedy on her death                cause for sorrow OR JOY.
   All of those family and friends that are in your hearts
                                                                        We truly care for you and your family!

Canyon Parish News | February 2022|Page 10                                        See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
It’s time to finish directing
                                             2021 Choice Dollars! South                   Save
                                             Canyon and South Canyon’s                  the Date
                                             Friend-Ship Preschool are
                                             both eligible organizations. We
                                             appreciate all of the funds that
                                             have been received and would  USD Chamber Singers will perform
ask members to consider directing their remaining amounts to SCLC. The     at SCLC on Tuesday, March 15, at
funds are used for the kids through scholarships, programs, equipment and  7:00pm as part of their spring tour.
supplies. If you have any questions or would like help, please contact     This group is USD’s premier vocal
Huether & Associates or email                          ensemble and is conducted by Dr.
Eligible members can recommend where Thrivent distributes a portion of its David Holdhusen. Our own, Brian
charitable funding by directing Choice Dollars®. Members become eligible Shirley sings in this ensemble. Join
for Thrivent Choice based on insurance premiums, contract values and us for what promises to be an
Thrivent volunteer leadership.                                             incredible concert.

                                                                        Coming to Rapid City!
                                                                             MARCH 10
                                                                     The Monument—Summit Arena
                                                                     Interested in enjoying some music by some
                                                                         of these incredible Christian artists?

                                                                          Contact Kristi in the church office.

                                                                     Women’s Bible
  Bible Study Groups:                                               Eunice and Priscilla
                                                                    Bible study groups
                                                                    meet monthly on the
                                                                    3rd Tuesday of each
                              Hardees Bible Study
                                                                    Elizabeth Bible study
                               WHERE: Hardees on Haines             group meets on the
                               Ave.                                 1st Tuesday of the month.
                               WHEN: Wednesdays at                  Studies are held in the Koinonia
                               7:30am                               Kafe and the Reformation
                                                                    Groups meet at the following

         M.E.N.S Bible Study                                        times:
                                                                    Elizabeth: 9:00 am
             Friday mornings at 6AM                                 Eunice: 1:30 pm
                                                                    Priscilla: 7:00 pm
    Contact Jim Bishop for more information regarding this
    early morning Bible study via the church office - 343-           Looking to belong to one
                                                                      of these study groups?
                                                                       Call the church office

Canyon Parish News | February 2022|Page 11                                 See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
Children, Youth & Family
  Hello Friends! I’m thankful for the opportunity to be here with you. At my
  installation service, I shared how I believe the heart of ministry is relationships; be-
  ing Godbearers in each other’s lives. In our ministry to children, youth and families
  we need many Godbearers; a caring presence who will point to Christ. I invite you
  to join in our ministry. Let’s generously love one another.
  In early February, I will attend the Youth Ministry Extravaganza online with other children, youth and
  family ministers. I’m looking forward to learning more about ministry in our time. God’s peace be
  with you, Michelle

  CYF --Children, Youth and Family Meeting- This meeting is for parents, grandparents,
  high school youth and anyone who would like to participate in being a part of our ministry together.
  Wednesday, February 16th at 6:45 in Fellowship Hall.

                                                                             Save the Date
     Family & Faith -- Bless        Bless one                              Good Friday Camp
     another with God’s promises. It can be                                   Pre-k – 5th grade
        an any time of the day blessing…
                                                                           April 15th 9:00-12:00
     before bed, before going your separate
      ways in the morning, before an event
      or game. Make a sign of the cross on
     the forehead and say, “Jesus loves you                        Join us for Brunch
        and so do I.” “You are precious in                 For parents with children 3 years old
        God’s sight.” “Remember you are                                  and younger.
      loved.” The Lord bless you and keep                             Childcare available
       you.” “God loves you and God likes                         February 5th 10:00-11:00.
                       you.”                               Contact Michelle at
                                                               to let us know you will be there.

                                                National Youth Gathering                 Meeting February
                                                27th – Family Meeting @ 6:00 pm— Boundless Share and
                                                Prayer Fundraiser. Thank you for the support you have
                                                already shown. Our fundraiser will continue through February

   It’s time to register for summer camp at Lutheran Outdoors! If your child is in
   third grade, they are eligible this summer to go to camp! Visit to
   register your child for Outlaw Ranch, Klein Ranch or NeSoDak. South Canyon
   Lutheran will pay $100 per camper with Thrivent Choice Dollars that have
   been designated for kids to go to camp. When you register, please leave a $100
   balance. We will pay LO directly.

Canyon Parish News | February 2022|Page 12                                 See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
Sunday                     Monday             Tuesday              Wednesday                  Thursday              Friday                 Saturday
                                              1                    2 7:30am Hardees           3                     4                      5
                                                                   Bible study                                                             10am Family Brunch
                                              8am -2pm Habitat     4:45pm Meal                8am -2pm Habitat      6am MENS Bible study
                                              9am Elizabeth        6pm Worship                9 am Piecemakers      3:30pm Children’s    5:30 pm Worship
                                              1pm Staff            6:45-7:30 Small Groups/                          Choir
                                              6:30pm Bell Choir    Faith Formation            5:00pm Life, Inc      .
                                                                   7:10am Choir Rehearsal

6                          7                  8                    9 7:30am Hardees Bible     10                    11                     12
8-9am & 10-11am Coffee     12 Noon—Bible     8am -2pm Habitat      4:45pm Meal                8am -2pm Habitat      6am MENS Bible study
Shop Open                  Study with Pastor                       6pm Worship w/ comm.       9 am Piecemakers                             5:30 pm Worship/
9am Worship                Chris             1pm Staff                                                                                     communion
                                                                   6:40pm Small Groups/                             3:30pm Children’s
 Baptism: Dressler                            6:30pm Bell Choir    Faith Formation & Affir-
10:15am Hospitality Team   1pm Soup Sisters                        mation of Baptism; Ser-                          Choir
Training                                                                                      5:00pm Life, Inc
                                                                   vice project
                                                                   7:10pm Choir Rehearsal

13 8-9am & 10-11am         14                 15                   16 7:30am Hardees Bible    17                    18                     19
Coffee Shop Open                              8am -2pm Habitat     study
9am Worship/               12 Noon—NO         1pm Staff            4:45pm Meal                8am -2pm Habitat      6am MENS Bible Study
communion                  Bible Study with                        6pm Worship                9am Piecemakers                            8:30 Book Discussion
11am Woyatan Worship       Pastor Chris       1:30 Eunice          6:40pm Small Groups/       1pm Grief Support—8   12pm Caregiver Lunch Group
Set-up/serve                                  6pm Council          Faith Formation            week class starts     3:30pm Children’s
                                              6:30 pm Bell Choir   6:40pm Holy Yoga           Cornerstone Rescue    Choir
                                              7pm Priscilla                                   Mission Meal—bring                         5:30pm Worship
                                                                   6:40pm Joyful Noise
                                                                   7:10pm Choir Rehearsal     desserts by 2pm
                                                                                              5:00pm Life, Inc

20                         21                 22                   23                         24                    25                     26
                                                                   7:30am Hardees Bible
8-9am & 10-11am Coffee     12 Noon—Bible     8am -2pm Habitat      study                      8am -2pm Habitat      6am MENS Bible Study
Shop Open                  Study with Pastor                       4:45pm Meal                9am Piecemakers
9am Worship                Chris             1pm Staff
                                                                   6pm Worship /comm
                                                                   6:40pm Small Groups/       1pm Grief Support     3:30pm Children’s
                                              6:30 pm Bell Choir                                                                           5:30 pm Joyful Noise
                                                                   Faith Formation                                  Choir
                                                                   6:40pm Joyful Noise        5:00pm Life, Inc                             Worship/communion
                                                                   7:10pm Choir Rehearsal

27                         28                 1                    2 7:30am Hardees           3                     4                      5
8-9am & 10-11am Coffee                                             Bible Study
Shop Open                  12 Noon—Bible     8am -2pm Habitat      12:10pm Worship/Ash        8am -2pm Habitat      6am MENS Bible Study
9am Joyful Noise           Study with Pastor                       Wednesday w/comm
                           Chris             1pm Staff                                        9am Piecemakers       3:30pm Children’s
Worship/communion                                                  4:45pm Meal
                                              6:30 pm Bell Choir   6pm Worship /Ash           1pm Grief Support     Choir                  5:30pm worship
6pm NYG meeting                                                    Wednesday w/comm
                                                                   6:40pm NO GROUPS           5:00pm Life, Inc
                                                                   7:10pm Choir Rehearsal

    Canyon Parish News | February 2022|Page 13                                                             See, Grow, Serve to the Glory of God
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         February 2022
    SCLC Canyon Parish News

          South Canyon                                                                Friend-Ship Preschool Staff
         Lutheran Church
               700 44th St.                                                               Rana Holland, Preschool Director
        Rapid City, SD 57702                                                            Julie Kokesh, Preschool Teacher
              605-343-4887                                                             Sabrina Raush, Preschool Teacher
                                                              Laura Mason, Preschool Teacher
           The office is open                                                        Lindsey Wellendorf, Preschool Teacher
                  M-Th,                      Ellen Shirley, Director of Worship
             9 a.m. to 4 p.m.                             & Music
       Fridays 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
                                                  Marsha Mertes, Pianist

                                           Mary Weidenbach, Choir Accompanist

                                               Lori Brey, Nursery Attendant
    Chris Baesler, Senior Pastor
                                                  Mark Meier, Custodian
    Erik Thone, Associate Pastor           Ken Weybright, Computer Consultant
  Cindy Dressler, Parish Administrator
                                              Friend-Ship Preschool
  Linda Black, Director of Pastoral Care           Phone: 605-343-4887
      Outreach and Social Ministries                Fax: 605-355-0435
 Kristi Wellendorf, Administrative Asst.
          Worship Coordinator                Preschool 3’s—9 am to 11:30 am
                                                 Pre-Kindergarten 3 day:
   Linda Jensen, Kitchen Coordinator              M, W, F - 8:45 to 12pm
      Andrea Wager, Bookkeeper                   Pre-Kindergarten 5 day:
                                                  M-F 8:45 am to 12 pm
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