September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament

Page created by Josephine Peterson
September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
September 2021

                             Weekend Mass Times         Stay Connected with us!
                             5:30 PM (masks required)   @CBS_WL
                              7:30 PM Spanish Mass
 2224 Sacramento Drive               Sunday:
 West Lafayette, IN 47906            8:00 AM            @CBS_WL
                                    11:00 AM
September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
and however the delivery of that message may
                 This Week: Be Open                   occur.

             In this Sunday’s Gospel in which is      In order for each of us to obtain that spiritual
             recounted Jesus’s healing of a           openness that we are called to possess, we
             Gentile man who was deaf and had a       must shut out the noise and clutter of the
             speech impediment, we are asked to       world so that we may hear the still small voice
look below the surface, beyond the miracle of the     of the Holy Spirit. You may ask, “how do we
physical healing and peel back the layers to look     do this?” By setting aside time each day for
at the possibility that Jesus is commanding us to     quiet conversation with Jesus. Yes…Prayer.
Be Open to what He is calling us to be. Yes, He       We can share with Him what is on our mind
commanded the Gentiles ears to be opened, his         and then be still and quiet and listen for what
deafness disappeared and as a result he could         He has to say to us. If we can put that into
speak normally. His ability to communicate with       practice until it becomes a habit, our lives will
others around him was restored and he was made        undergo a profound change.
whole again. However, could there be something
deeper here?                                          Be Open is a challenge Jesus has given to each
                                                      of us.
In the First Reading from the Book of the May we have the desire, the patience and the
Prophet Isaiah, Isaiah prophesies that the One
                                                   willingness to do what it takes to make it so.
who is to come will perform great and marvelous
miracles... “he comes to save you, then will the
eyes of the blind be opened, the ears of the deaf
be cleared…the tongue of the mute will sing. - Deacon Todd Marye
Streams will burst forth in the desert, and rivers
in the steppe. The burning sands will become
pools and the thirsty ground, springs of water.”
In the Responsorial Psalm, we read of another
miracle involving a physical impossibility: “the
Lord gives sight to the blind.” These are
descriptions     of     seemingly      impossible
occurrences. Seemingly impossible but for the
promise made to us in Holy Scripture for in Luke
1:37 we are told “for nothing will be impossible
with God.”

However, what if the Gospel is commanding us
to go deeper than physical healing of hearing,
sight and speech? What if “Be Opened” is a
command to each of us to put away our
preconceived notions of what the Lord is calling
us to be and to just Be Open to listening with our
spiritual ears for direction from the Lord? To live
out our lives as His Disciples, following the lead
of the Holy Spirit in whatever form that may be                                                        September 2021 • PAGE 2
September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
                                                                               St. Joseph Statue Update
                               WELCOME BACK!                                Painting will be happening soon!

                       Thank you to all who helped with
                       the welcome back event. It was a
                       great time filled with fun,
                       fellowship, and Kona Ice. Join us
                       for our next food and fellowship
  Katie Sanders        opportunity on October 17th for
Director of Operations the 9Irish-CBS Fish Fry!

                                                                                    Grotto Cleaning
                                                                 Thank you Fredette Family for your work on cleaning the
                                                                                    statues and stone!

See more pictures on page 6!

Food Pantry Month—July
We collected 507 lbs of food! Our next food pantry month is in
October. All food donations go to the Tippecanoe County
United Food Pantry.

Haiti Collection Total as of 8/30: $3,465.67
There is still time to donate! Donations can be made via Faith
Direct by selecting “One Time Gift” and placing Haiti in the
memo line, check, Venmo (@Blessed-Sacrament) & Text to
give 765-443-2010.

Blood Drive: 23 spots wer e filled in our blood dr ive on
August 26th. This is the most we have had yet!

              Thank you for generosity!                                                                     September 2021 • PAGE 3
September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
ECHO Update
                               Dear CBS/ Querida Familia de CBS,
                               It is a joy to be able to come back to the Church of the Blessed Sacrament for one more year as
                               your Echo apprentice, this place is a true home for me, thank you! For this Communio, I
                               wanted to write and encourage you all to draw closer to our Lady. Our Mother Mary
                               always brings us closer to her Son, Jesus Christ. As our Heavenly Mother, her maternal love
                               and care without a doubt direct us Jesus!

                             Early June I packed my car with most of my belongings and I drove to South Bend to begin
                             my second year of graduate school! As I got closer to the University of Notre Dame, I could
  Diana Salgado only think about how sad it was that my mom was not with me. My mom had always been
                             with me as I started new chapters of school. She had dropped me off in elementary school,
  ECHO Apprentice            middle school, high school, and helped me move into my dorm in undergrad. This was the
                             first time she was not accompanying me on this new journey. I felt sad. I couldn’t believe my
mom was not at my side, instead, a monstera plant sat in the front seat.

My eyes were ready to begin filling up with sad tears when my GPS told me to make a turn on Notre Dame Avenue, as soon
as I turned, my eyes were no longer filled with sad tears. The tears had been transformed into awe, love, and joy! Far in the
distance, I saw Mary on the Golden Dome, blinding gold rays coming out of her and I was reminded that my
Heavenly Mother is always present! I could also feel my earthly mom’s love through our Lady. I shed a happy tear and I
knew God was taking care of me. Mother Mary on the golden dome reminded me of my Heavenly Father who also looks out
for His beloved daughter. At that moment, I was reassured that in God’s goodness, my Heavenly Mother was going to look
out after me not only this summer but throughout my earthly pilgrimage. So, CBS friends, let us entrust ourselves to Mary
and pray together: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Es una alegría poder volver a la Iglesia del Santísimo Sacramento por un año más como su aprendiz de Echo, este lugar es
un verdadero hogar para mí, ¡gracias! Para este Communio quería escribirles y animarles a todos a acercarse a la Virgen.
Nuestra Madre María siempre nos acerca a su Hijo Jesucristo. Como nuestra Madre celestial, su amor y cuidado maternal sin
duda nos dirige a Jesús.

A principios de junio empaqué mi auto con la mayoría de mis pertenencias y me dirigí a South Bend para comenzar mi
segundo año de la escuela de posgrado. A medida que me acercaba a la Universidad de Notre Dame, solo podía pensar en lo
triste que era que mi mamá no estuviera conmigo. Mi mamá siempre había estado conmigo cuando comencé nuevos
capítulos en la escuela. Ella me había dejado en la escuela primaria, secundaria, preparatoria y me ayudó a mudarme a mi
dormitorio en la licenciatura. Era la primera vez que no me acompañaba en este nuevo viaje. Me sentí triste. No podía creer
que mi mamá no estuviera a mi lado, en cambio, una planta de monstera estaba sentada en el asiento delantero.

Mis ojos estaban listos para comenzar a llenarse de lágrimas tristes cuando
mi GPS me dijo que girara en Notre Dame Avenue, tan pronto como me di
la vuelta, mis ojos ya no estaban llenos de lágrimas tristes. ¡Las lágrimas se
habían transformado en asombro, amor y alegría! ¡A lo lejos, vi a María en
la Cúpula Dorada, rayos dorados cegadores saliendo de ella y me recordó
que mi Madre Celestial está siempre presente! También pude sentir el amor
de mi mamá terrenal a través de Nuestra Señora. Derramé una lágrima de
felicidad y supe que Dios me estaba cuidando. La Madre María en la
cúpula dorada me recordó a mi Padre Celestial que también cuida a Su
amada hija. Y en ese momento me tranquilizó que, en la bondad de Dios,
mi Madre celestial me cuidaría no solo este verano, sino a lo largo de mi
peregrinaje terrenal. Así que, amigos de CBS, encomendamos a María y
recemos juntos: Dios te salve, María, llena eres de gracia, el Señor es
contigo; Bendita eres entre todas las mujeres, y bendito el fruto de tu
vientre, Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros pecadores,
ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén.                                                                           September 2021 • PAGE 4
September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Hispanic Ministry
                                                             The Lord made Simon alone, whom he named Peter,
                                                             the "rock" of his Church. He gave him the keys of his
                                                             Church and instituted him shepherd of the whole flock
                                                             (Mt 16:18-19; Jn 21:15-17). "The office of binding and
                                                             loosing which was given to Peter was also assigned
                                                             to the college of apostles united to its head." This
                           Amar al Papa y a la Iglesia       pastoral office of Peter and the other apostles
                           es construir sobre Cristo         belongs to the Church's very foundation and is
                                                             continued by the bishops under the primacy of the
     Epi Cabrera
                         Más allá de los dogmas, Pío         Pope (CIC 881).The Pope, Bishop of Rome and
 Hispanic Coordinator X recordó, en una audiencia            Peter's successor, "is the perpetual and visible
                         en 1912, la necesidad de            source and foundation of the unity both of the bishops
amar al Papa y obedecerle y dijo que se sentía apenado       and of the whole company of the faithful." "For the
cuando esto no sucedía.                                      Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of
                                                             Christ, and as pastor of the entire Church has full,
Don Bosco exhortó a sus colaboradores y a sus                supreme, and universal power over the whole
muchachos a guardar en sus corazones los "tres
                                                             Church, a power which he can always exercise
amores blancos": la Eucaristía, la Virgen y el Papa.
                                                             unhindered" (CIC 882).
Y Benedicto XVI, el 27 de mayo de 2006, hablando en
Cracovia con los jóvenes que habían crecido con Juan         Una danza de Oración
Pablo II, explicó con palabras sencillas lo que afirman      Vestidos con tocados de plumas de estilo azteca y
esas verdades de fe proclamadas en 1870: "¡No tengan         sonajas en sus tobillos y muñecas, bailan al ritmo del
miedo de construir su vida en la Iglesia y con la Iglesia!   tambor, incorporando todos los sentidos para elevar
Estén orgullosos del amor a Pedro y a la Iglesia que se      las oraciones de los fieles al cielo. Se sopla una con-
les ha confiado. ¡No se dejen engañar por los que            cha al comienzo del baile para reunir a los fieles y al
quieren poner a Cristo contra la Iglesia! Sólo hay una       final para despedirlos.
roca en la que vale la pena construir la casa. Esta roca     Los giros que dan mientras bailan simbolizan el vien-
es Cristo.                                                   to, los pasos en el suelo simbolizan la tierra, los es-
                                                             calones cruzados simbolizan el agua y los saltos sim-
Sólo hay una roca sobre la que vale la pena descansar.       bolizan el fuego. El copal, un incienso, se quema en
Esta roca es la que Cristo dijo: "Tú eres Pedro y sobre      una urna y se lleva delante de los bailarines para pu-
esta roca edificaré mi Iglesia" (Mt 16:18). Ustedes,         rificarlos y enviar sus regalos al cielo.
jóvenes, han conocido bien al Pedro de nuestros              Familia nuestro Dios todopoderoso, nos Ama mucho,
tiempos. Por lo tanto, no olviden que ni ese Pedro que       mucho, infinitamente mucho, siempre está caminado
está mirando nuestro encuentro desde la ventana de           con nosotros.
Dios Padre, ni este Pedro que ahora está delante de
                                                             En este año algunos feligreses sintieron el llamado
ustedes, ni ningún otro Pedro posterior estará nunca
                                                             de Dios a hacer presente la cultura y venerar a nues-
contra ustedes, ni contra la construcción de un hogar
                                                             tra Madre del cielo la Virgen de Guadalupe como lo
duradero en la roca.
                                                             hicieron las primeras personas que se encontraron
                                                             con el misterio Guadalupano, a través de la danza.
Al contrario, comprometerá su corazón y sus manos
                                                             Dada las circunstancias que estamos viviendo el cu-
para ayudaros a construir la vida en Cristo y con Cristo".
                                                             po es limitado, pero si alguno gusta ser parte de este
                                                             ministerio los podemos poner en lista de espera. Infi-
The episcopal college and its head, the Pope                 nitas gracias a todos los que participan en la vida de
When Christ instituted the Twelve, "he constituted [them]    la Iglesia. Si tienen alguna pregunta no duden en
in the form of a college or permanent assembly, at the       contactarme, después de la Santa Misa de español.
head of which he placed Peter, chosen from among             Muchas gracias.
them" (Lk 6:13; Jn 21:15-17). Just as "by the Lord's
institution, St. Peter and the rest of the apostles
constitute a single apostolic college, so in like fashion
the Roman Pontiff, Peter's successor, and the bishops,
the successors of the apostles, are related with and
united to one another" (CIC 880).                                                                  September 2021 • PAGE
September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
WELCOME BACK   September 2021 • PAGE 6
September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Faith Formation
                           Faith Formation outside of Sacrament Prep

                    Many people ask, why do my children need Faith Formation
                    outside of preparing for First Communion or Confirmation? To
                    me this is like asking why children have to go to school? The
                    purpose of Faith Formation is to develop well rounded Christians
  Tanya Martinez and above all bring people to an encounter with Jesus. The faith
   Faith Formation  we profess every Sunday is more than Sacrament. It is a living
     Coordinator    faith. Jesus is calling us to communion with Him, not only a
                    physical communion, but of mind and spirit as well. He wants a
friendship with us, to walk with us daily. How can we do this if we don’t know him,
if we don’t know the many ways He manifests in our lives, if we don’t know His

Through Faith Formation, we get to know Jesus intimately. His life, teachings, and
how the Church helps us live them out. As we grow in experience we can also grow
in our understanding of Jesus teachings. This is what Faith Formation is about,
building the body of Christ on Earth. Let’s walk with our Lord and Savior, let’s
meet Him more intimately. Let’s form our faith and make it strong.

Our faith formation program is open to all people in our pastorate. It is not just for
those with children. I invite you to prayerfully discern signing up in order to dive
deeper into our Catholic faith and grow in community. We all have a role in our
|family—aunt/uncle, grandparent, sister/brother, etc. and I hope you all join us this
new Faith Formation year and together we can be disciples, learning, loving and
living Christ’s mission.                                               September 2021 • PAGE 7
September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
                                             The Role of Grandparents in Faith Formation
                               Back in July, the 25th to be exact, Pope Francis instituted the First World Day for
                               Grandparents and The Elderly. Pope Francis said this in his message “I want to tell you
                               that you are needed in order to help build, in fraternity and social friendship, the world
                               of tomorrow: the world in which we, together with our children and grandchildren, will
                               live once the storm has subsided. All of us must “take an active part in renewing and
                               supporting our troubled societies” (ibid., 77). Among the pillars that support this new
                               edifice, there are three that you, better than anyone else, can help to set up. Those
                               three pillars are dreams, memory and prayer. The Lord’s closeness will grant to all,
     Jocelyn Alcala            even the frailest among us, the strength needed to embark on a new journey along the
        Director of            path of dreams, memory and prayer.”
                             Pope Francis shares ways in which a Grandparent, and the Elderly are important to the
faith life of the Church, and I was curious to hear ways in which our parishioners live that out. Below are a few
quotes on how some parishioners participate in the faith life of their grandchildren.

“I help during Vacation Bible School and keep my grandchildren at the parish, then we spend time
together at the pool, go to the zoo, and do different activities.” Other ways she lives out her faith is “saying
grace before meals as a whole family.” -Wilma Brannan

“I ‘encourage’ them with ‘after Mass we’ll go to lunch!’ to bring them to Mass, but mostly I lead by
example.”- Deb Ferguson

The role of grandparents and the elderly is essential to the life of the Church and another way to learn more about
the faith and learn ways to share it with others is participating in the Family Formation program. This program is
not just for families with children, but for everyone that wants to receive more formation. Please join us on
September 12th as we begin this year’s Faith Formation! If you are unable to join, and are part of the grandparent/
elderly demographic, we ask that you pray for all of those participating in Faith Formation.

Lippi, Filippino: The Meeting of Joachim and Anne Outside the Golden Gate of Jerusalem
The Meeting of Joachim and Anne Outside the Golden Gate of Jerusalem, tempera on panel by Filippino Lippi, 1497; in the National
Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen.
Statens Museum for Kunst (National Gallery of Denmark); (Public domain),dk%20(Public%
20domain)                                                                                September 2021 • PAGE 8
September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
                           Dear Blessed Sacrament Parish Family,
                             I hope you all are well and I’m so happy to be getting to interact with
                           you on a more regular basis! Please keep me in your prayers as I keep
                           you in mine.

                                                        Family Holy Hours
    Caleb Schultz             Beginning in October, we will be holding Family Holy Hours at 6pm
Pastoral Asst. for Music   on the First Fridays of most months. The purpose of these Holy Hours is
      & Worship            to invite our families to participate in an hour of Praise & Adoration
                           TOGETHER and to spend time adoring our Lord in our pastorate

  There will be lessons, prayer, some music, and likely some time for food after each of these
events. While these are titled ‘Family Holy Hours’ they are open to anyone and everyone.

  So, please consider this my personal invitation to you to
consider attending these. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!
  Thank you and God Bless you!

         Jason Holajter (Heads of the Ushers at CBS) Bio
       Hi, My name is Jason Holajter (pronounced Ho-Lighter) and
I am the new coordinator of the Usher Ministry. I've been a
parishioner at Blessed Sacrament for the last fourteen years.
However, I didn't join the Catholic Church until going through
RCIA in 2013. Since that time, my faith has continued to grow
through a variety of ways including parish events, daily readings,
daily family rosaries and even podcasts on Catholic topics. As our children have gotten older,
we've started to look for ways that we can give back to our parish community. My wife, April,
assists in family-based faith formation. Our two oldest children, Lily and Jackson, are altar
servers. Our youngest son, Sawyer, cannot wait to be old enough to serve as well.

      April and I both graduated from Purdue and we are all avid Boilermaker fans. We also
enjoy the outdoors, especially hiking and biking in the mountains of Colorado.

       As an Usher, I want to ensure that everyone who comes to Mass feels welcomed and is
comfortable worshipping God in our pastorate. Please let me (or any of the Ushers) know if there
is anything we can do to help you, such as having the Holy Eucharist brought to you during
Mass. If you are interested in welcoming others to Mass as an Usher, I am happy to speak with
you about how you can get started!                                                          September 2021 • PAGE 9
September 2021 - Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Prayer Board                                              This Week at our Parish
                                                                   Masses and Mass Intentions in Bold   ♥ = Special intention † = Deceased
  Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick
 members of our community and for all who are in need, may
  they find consolation in your healing presence. May these        Sunday, September 5 23rd Sunday in Ordinary
  special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so       Time
 join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through      8:00am Mass † Kristen O’Neil
    the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed. Amen.
                                                                     11:00am Mass ♥ For the Parish
     OD Dale                       For peace in
     Julius Walker                 Afghanistan                     Monday, September 6
     Those being impacted by       Poor Souls in Purgatory          8:30 am Mass † Peggy Gray
     Hurricane Ida                 Vocations                        9:00am Rosary; MC
     Haiti                         CBS parishioners
     Those who are sick and        Uniting in Heart + our
     suffering                     Pastoral Vision Plan            Tuesday, September 7
                                                                    4:00pm    LifeTeen Music Rehearsal; MC
                                                                    5:30pm Mass        † Mary Erb
                                                                    6:00pm   Rosary; MC
                                                                    6:00pm    Reconciliation; Chapel
          This week, the Sanctuary
                                                                    7:30pm    Praise Band Rehearsal; MC
          Candle in the church
                                                                    7:30pm    KOC Council Meeting; HC
          will burn for the parish.
                                                                   Wednesday September 8 The Nativity of the
     Please Pray for our Parish Families                           Blessed Virgin Mary
                                                                    8:30am     Mass     † Jim Callahan
  Please pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the         9:00am     Rosary; MC
 following parishioners and their families, and always keep all     4:00pm     Prayer Group; MC
                    families in your prayers.                       6:00pm     ALPHA Leader Training; HH
                                                                    6:30pm     Cantor Rehearsal; MC
Sept 5                Mayra Gutierrez                               7:30pm     Adult Choir Rehearsal; MC
                                                                    9:00pm     Schola Rehearsal; MC
                      Dan & Connie Haan
Sept 6                John Haan                                    Thursday September 9 St. Peter Claver, Priest
                                                                    8:30am   Mass     † Noel Ann DeSantis
                      Michael & Sandra Haan
                                                                    9:00am   Rosary; MC
Sept 7                Danny & Lesa Hale                            12:00pm   Schoenstatt Meetings KT/HC
                      Rosina & David Hall                           7:00pm   Spanish Choir Rehearsal; MC
Sept 8                Thomas & Theresa Hampton
                                                                   Friday, September 10
                      Simon Han & Helen Jung                        8:30am    Mass     † Annie Skrobot
Sept 9                Sean & Annie Hanas                            9:00am    Rosary; MC
                      Mike & Sue Hancock                            4:00pm     Schoenstatt Meeting
Sept 10               Lee Ann Happ                                 Saturday, September 11
                                                                     4:00pm   Children’s Choir; MC
                      Dick Happ                                      4:00pm   Reconciliation; Chapel
Sept 11               Eric & Jackie Harman                           5:30pm Mass (Masks Required)
                                                                              † Norma Findlay
                      Sonny & Krissy Harp                            7:30pm Spanish Mass
                                                                               ♥ Isidora Loya
           Please Pray for our Priests                             Sunday, September 12 24th Sunday in Ordinary
  “Jesus, Eternal High Priest, live in (Name of Priest), act in
  him, speak in and through him. Think your thoughts in his         8:00am      Mass     ♥ For the Parish
   mind, and love through his heart. Teach, lead, and guide         9:15am      Faith Formation
     him always. Let him live in you, and keep him in this
                intimate union always. Amen.”
                                                                   11:00am      Mass     † Anthony Margiotta

  Sept 5              Fr.   William Holbrook
  Sept 6              Fr.   Keith Hosey
  Sept 7              Fr.   Paul Hudson
  Sept 8              Fr.   David Huemmer
  Sept 9              Fr.   Kevin Hurley
  Sept 10             Fr.   Joshua Janko
  Sept 11             Fr.   Samuel Kalu                                                                         December 2020 • PAGE 10

 Pastor                                                                              Full-Time Staff
 Fr. Mark Walter
 In Residence                                                  Director of Evangelization
 Fr. Samuel Kalu                                               Jocelyn Alcala,
 Deacon                                                        Director of Operations
 Todd Marye,                             Katie Sanders,
 Sacramental Records & Mass Intentions Disciple                ECHO Apprentice
 Wilma Brannan,                     Diana Salgado,
                     Part-Time Staff                           Maintenance Technician
 AV Tech                                                       Randy Harrington,
 Denise Jacome                                                 Pastoral Asst. for Music & Worship
 Executive Director of Parish Life & Administration            Caleb Schultz,
 Missy Krockover,
 Faith Formation Coordinator
 Tanya Martinez,
 Hispanic Coordinator
 Epi Cabrera,

                    PARISH MINISTRIES                                              SACRAMENTS
                                                                    For more information on Sacraments visit:
Advisory to the Pastor
 Pastoral Council Chair, Sam Newton                                Phone: 765.463.5733 Fax: 765.497.7866
 Finance Council Chair, Chad Krockover
                                                                                   OFFICE HOURS
 Learn about all of our ministries and find ways to stay                          TUESDAY-FRIDAY
connected at                                9:00 AM—4:00 PM
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