St. Alphonsus St. George -

St. Alphonsus St. George -
St. Alphonsus   St. George              St. James
Hopewell, NJ    Titusville, NJ          Pennington, NJ

St. Alphonsus St. George -
Directory                                                                 Welcome
                                                                          Fr. Stephen Sansevere, Pastor
Bishop David M. O'Connell, C.M.
                                                                          of St. Alphonsus in Hopewell, St. George in
Pastor - Fr. Stephen Sansevere                                            Titusville, and St. James in Pennington invites
609-737-0122 ext. 801                                                     you to be a part of The Catholic Community of                                          Hopewell Valley.
Parochial Vicar - Fr. Jean Felicien
ext. 802        Dear Parishioners,
Pastoral Associate -
Deacon Rich Hobson ext. 814            “Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place.” These words,          spoken by Jesus in this week’s Gospel, forewarn all of us, who have been called by
Deacon Pat Brannigan, ext. 813         our Baptism to be prophets, of what is waiting if we take up the challenge laid       down for us by Jesus. In last week’s Gospel, the people of Jesus’ home town were
                                       in awe and speaking highly of this mighty prophet who they knew as their neigh-
Deacon Dick Currie, ext. 812           bor, the son of Joseph the carpenter. Yet, how quickly they turned as Jesus contin-          ued to speak about exactly what God’s message was to the people of Israel.
Deacon Larry Gallagher
                                       “The Nazareth assembly would like to own Jesus, make him conform to their
                                       expectations, perhaps do good for their businesses by enticing the crowds to
Deacon Moore Hank, ext. 810            Nazareth for some of the miracle-working he has done in Capernaum. But he is a            free prophet, bound by nothing but the compassion for the poor that he
Deacon Mike Riley                      announced. Accepted or not by his own country, it must be enough that he has          spoken out.” (Living Liturgy 2022 P.54)
Parish Catechetical Leader             We are called to speak out in the name of the poor and those marginalized by
Lisa Limongello, ext. 820              society. We are called to speak for the innocent unborn, the aged and elderly who   are forgotten, for those suffering individuals who some think should have their
Music & Worship Director               lives mercifully ended. We are called to stand as prophets declaring that all life
Fred Proulx, ext 822                   from conception to natural death has value in the eyes of God. We are the proph-          ets called to speak out for all of God’s people, regardless of what those naysayers
                                       may think, for we follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ even if we are rejected by
Publicity - Eileen Zysk
                                       those in our own parish, town or country. What type of prophet will I be in today’s      world?
                                       FYI: Long established in the history of the church, bells have been a signal that
                                       something special is about to happen. We are beginning to use that signal to assist
Parish Office (609)466-0332            us in our celebration of the Mass in our three parishes. You may have noted the
Eileen Zysk                            ringing of bells at the start of Mass to signal that it is time to stand and greet the   celebrant. We are also beginning to train our altar servers to ring the bells during
                                       the Eucharistic prayer, when the celebrant elevates the Body and Blood of Jesus
                                       Christ. We do this to alert us of this special time as the bread and wine become the
Parish Office (609)737-2015            body and blood of Jesus Christ through the act Transubstantiation. These simple
Judy Petrangeli                        acts will hopefully make us feel more connected to our Lord during the Holy    Sacrifice of the Mass.
                                       May God bless each of you,

                                                                                    Father Steve
Parish Office (609)737-0122
Diane McGowan, Ext. 805

                                       Bulletin submissions should be sent to
          Healing                      Deadline for submissions is Noon on the Monday prior.

St. Alphonsus St. George -
St. Alphonsus                         St. George                            St. James
          Mass Times                          Mass Times                            Mass Times
Saturday: 4:00pm                   Saturday: 5:30pm                      Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00 10:30am               Sunday: 9:00, 11:00am                 Sunday: 8:00, 10:00am
Rosary: Friday 7:30pm              Weekday Mass: T, W, Th 7:30am         Weekday Mass: M, T, Th, F 9:00am
Confession: Saturday 3:15-3:45pm   Eucharistic Service: Friday 7:30am    Eucharistic Service: Wed. 9:00am
                                   Rosary: Thursday, 8:00am Chapel       Rosary: after 9am Masses
                                   Confession: Saturday, 4:30-5:10pm     Confession: Saturday 11am-12pm

St. Alphonsus Church Support         St. George Church Support              St. James Church Support
      January 22/23—$3,023                January 22/23 —$6,251                 January 22/23 —$6,677
           THANK YOU!                          THANK YOU!                            THANK YOU!

        Mass Intentions                    Mass Intentions                       Mass Intentions
Saturday, 1/29                     Saturday, 1/29, 5:30pm                Saturday, 1/29
4:00pm                             Rose Lauricella                       5:00pm Mary Kelly (Tony Lombardo)
Maria Corbett                      (St. George Social Concerns)          Sunday, 1/30, 8:00am
(Dick & Phyllis Mazzella)          Honey Aneskewich                      Egbert AuYong (The Truelove Family)
Sunday, 1/30                       (Petrangeli Family)
                                                                         10:00am Catherine K. Hurley
8:00am Susie Green                 Hank Heasley (Carol Heasley)
                                   Sunday, 1/30, 9:00am
                                                                         (Regina Lind)
(Gary & Teresa Gerstacker)
                                   John & Marjorie Sipple                Monday, 1/31, 9:00am
10:30am Willie Tomlinson
                                   (Kathy & Tom Sipple)                  Kathleen Paige (Kris Khan)
(Joseph & Eileen Toth)
                                   11:00am Stephen Gallagher (Kathleen   Tuesday, 2/1, 9:00am
Saturday, 2/5
                                   & Brian Peoples)                      Mauro Rigante
4:00pm Louis Reciniello            Thomas Henry Peoples
(Linda Reciniello & Daughters)                                           (Kathleen & Dan O’Connor)
                                   (Kathleen, Kaley & Brian Peoples)
Joseph Mistretta                   Monday, 1/31, No Mass Celebrated      Wednesday, 2/2, 9:00am
(Ginna Mistretta & Family)         Tuesday, 2/1, 7:30am                  Eucharistic Prayer Service
Sunday, 2/6                        Herb Kemp (Hartmann Family)           Thursday, 2/3, 9:00am
8:00am People of the Parish        Wednesday, 2/2, 7:30am                Jim & Jane O’Connor
10:30am Edwin Bernard Pederson     Alana Allorto (Hoefler Family)
(McInerney Family)                                                       (Mike & Mary Wagner)
                                   Thursday, 2/3, 7:30am
                                   Valerie Harris (Family)               Friday, 2/4, 9:00am
  THANK YOU                        Dan Sawula (Gertraud Sawula)          Bui & Minh Nguyen
  for wearing a mask               Friday, 2/4, 7:30am                   Saturday, 2/5
  in church!                       Eucharistic Service
                                                                         5:00pm John Centra
                                   Saturday, 2/5, 5:30pm
                                   John Kane, Jr. (Granzow Family)       (Pat & Maryann Brannigan)
                                   Sunday, 2/6, 9:00am                   Sunday, 2/6
      Sunday, 8:00am Mass          Deceased Members of the               8:00am Martin Kaehny
        livestreamed on            Bonacci Family (Family)
     YouTube and Facebook.         Rev. Msgr. James Innocenzi            (The Truelove family)
   Access through our website:     (Riley Family)                        10:00am Gretel & Fred Kreisler
    TheCatholicCommunityof-        11:00am John Kane, Jr.                (living intention)          (Rose & Larry Gallagher)              (St. James Adult Choir)

St. Alphonsus St. George -

Hope is a ministry offering spiritual support to those
whose lives have been affected by the disease of                                 Please join Cynthia, Kathy and Lisa
addiction. We are here to pray with you, to listen to                                in kicking off a new Ministry
your concerns, provide a safe and confidential support                          to support those with Special Needs,
network and, if needed, offer referrals to a variety of                             their families and each other.
resources. Contact:                                                         For more information, please contact Kathy:
        Moore or Theresa Hank (267) 573-4287                            
            Dan McCarron (609) 933-9443
             Jim Haggerty (609) 955-0030

                                                                                     Do you need a helping hand …
                                                                                     or know someone who does?
                                                                               Some assistance may be available, email
                                                                            or drop your written request in the basket or
                                                                                  mail to: St. George Social Concerns
Tens of thousands of couples have healed their marriages
through Retrouvaille (pronounced Retro-vy). Couples learn
                                                                                    PO Box 324, Titusville, NJ 08560
to build communication skills and to increase intimacy. It                    All requests kept private and confidential.
provides help for marriage problems, difficulties or
crises.     The next program will be the weekend of
February 11-13, Family Life Center, Malvern, PA.
                                                                                    Our Men’s Group gathers on the
For more information or to register: or call 215-766-3944.                               1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from 8 - 9am
All inquiries are strictly confidential.                                      St. Matthew & Mark Room, St. James Church.
                                                                         It is wonderful to be able to share our faith and
                                                                         friendship in a confidential and welcoming
                                                                         environment. All are welcome!
Our mission is to foster the deepest appreciation for the sanc-          Questions? Contact Steve Mohary: (609) 658-3182
tity of human life from conception to natural death through
prayer, education and pro-active support of all life issues.
Contact Kris Khan
NJ Legislation just passed a bill codifying abortion all nine
months of pregnancy for any reason. It was introduced and                I’m looking to start a conversation among people of
passed in a matter of days behind closed doors with no time              the Catholic Community of Hopewell Valley to think
for debate or organized opposition. It will be challenged in             about this topic that the Pope has challenged us to
court, but in the meantime, pray for the most vulnerable                 do in his Encyclical. I would like to initiate a Zoom
among us, the unborn babies.                                             meeting Sunday, January 30 at 2:00 pm. If you
                                                                         would like to start thinking about what we can do as
                                                                         Catholics in our three parishes please email me
                                                                         at or call me,
Our deacons are available to talk or meet with you.
                                                                         Pat Hennessy at 908-963-7327.
Contact information is on page 2 of this bulletin.

OUR PROMISE TO PROTECT The Diocese of Trenton is committed to the initiatives outlined in the U.S. Bishop's Charter for the
Protection of Children and Young People in regard to the reporting and investigation of sexual abuse allegations involving minors. If
you have been sexually abused as a minor by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or if you know of
someone who was, you can report that abuse through the diocesan Abuse Hotline: 1-888-296- 2965 or abuseline@ dioceseoftren- The Diocese of Trenton reports any allegations of sexual abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Anyone with
an allegation is also encouraged to provide that information to local law enforcement authorities.
St. Alphonsus St. George -

                                            10 Day Pilgrimage June 19-28

                                                    THE HOLY LAND                              Cheryl Allen
                                                                                               Kate Blisard
February 6, 2022                          Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus                       Janet Chanda
                                                                                               Eileen Cipa
First Reading                                                                                  Thomas Colna
                                                                                               Thomas Penner Considine
Malachi 3:1–4
                                                                                               Maryann Eleuteri
The Lord you seek will come to the
                                                                                               Wendy Ettorre
                                                                                               Kim Evans
Responsorial Psalm                                                                             Linda Funari
Psalm 24:7,8,9,10                                                                              Thomas & Barbara Goymm
The Lord is the king of glory.                  INFORMATION NIGHT                              Gloria Griffin
                                            7:00PM, Tuesday, February 1                        Mary Heupel
Second Reading
                                           Our Lady of Sorrows Church Hall                     Kimberly Jackson
Hebrews 2:14–18                                                                                Nancy Kenworthy
Jesus became like us in order to           This evening is designed to talk                    Sandy Lamartine
save us.                                 through questions about itinerary,                    Jo-ann Lambert
                                                                                               Joseph Mooney
                                        pandemic concerns, and everything
Gospel Reading                                                                                 Bob O’Boyle
Luke 2:22–40                                         in-between!                               Maura Grace Owen–O’Boyle
(Shorter Form: Luke 2:22–32)                 For pilgrimage information:                       Ed Panachek
                                                                                               Roger Peterson
Simeon recognizes the infant Jesus          Carolyn Norbut (732) 216-8073                      Bob Pluta
as the promised Messiah.                                  Gianna Grace Rodriguez
                                                                                               Joe Sabol
                                                                                               Bob Silver
                                                                                               Joe Silvestri
                   Lord of the Harvest, we petition you as you have instructed us to ask for   Kathy Sipple
                   more laborers to serve in the vineyard of Your Church. You have told us     Byron Sullivan
                   that the harvest is rich and laborers are few as we experience this great   Bob Swanson
                                                                                               Myrtle Swanson
                   need in the face of the challenge of the New Evangelization.
                                                                                               Edmund Trumpovicz
                                                                                               Ellie Trumpovicz
                                                                                               Brent Zajac
                   St. George - Thursdays 8am - 12noon                                         Karl Zajac
                   St. James - Fridays following the 9am Mass -1pm
                   (First Friday of the month following the 9am Mass - 8pm, in the chapel)     Sophia Dragan
                                                                                               Richard Graper
                                                                                               Msgr. James G. Innocenzi
                   St. Alphonsus - Rosary is recited Fridays, 7:30pm, in the Church            Suzanne Kollin
                   St. George - Rosary is recited Thursdays, 8:00am in the Chapel              Bernice Liput
                   St. James - Rosary is recited after daily 9:00am Mass in the Chapel         Marie Murtagh

                       Keep in your prayers the men and women serving in our military at home and abroad:
           2nd Lt. Alison Castoro Dellinger—Sgt. Kenneth Dziminski—2nd Lt. Jonathan Grubb—Capt. Patrick. M Kerins
           PFC Andrew Lauricella—Lt. Daniel S. Quinlan—Pvt. 2nd Class Sean Santora—Specialist Shannon Stradling
                      Pvt. 2nd Class William Smith—LCpl . Mark Thompson—E4 Specialist Christopher Winters

St. Alphonsus St. George -
Faith Formation/ Community
                                                                                               Soup, Soup, Souper!
                                                             Annual Diaper Drive
           Religious Education                                                             who: Soup for Mount Carmel Guild
                                                                                           what: Soup and more soup, all kinds
We have kicked off our school year              The Columbiettes are holding their
                                                                                           of soup! Canned, boxed, all brands, all
here at the Catholic Community of               Annual Diaper Drive to benefit the
                                                                                           flavors, all sizes (no glass please).
Hopewell Valley! Our registration               Trenton High School Nursery.
                                                                                           Crackers to complement the soup!
form is on the website for Religious            Please place all donations in the
Education programs. Classes have                labeled box on the St. Alphonsus           when: February 5th - 27th
begun, and we want all our students             rectory porch. Donations will be           where: St. George - front entrance in
participating. You can visit                    accepted through January 30th.
                                                                                           box provided ONLY during Mass times
www.thecatholiccommunityofhopewellvalley.orgf   Many thanks for your support!
                                                                                           St. James - in the regular food bin
or more information, the schedule
and to register. To answer your ques-                                                      why: To warm up those in most
tions, please email:                               New Household Items Needed              need and to give them hope!                                  th
                                                            February 5 - 20th
                                                                                           contact: ( or
or call 609-737-0122 x 821.                     HomeFront ( helps          (
                                                break the cycle of poverty and home-
                                                lessness in Central NJ. When Home-                  Let’s be souper!
                                                Front moves families into permanent
                                                housing, many NEW household items
                                                                                                 St. Alphonsus Cemetery
                                                are needed: pots & pans; Corelle or
                                                break-resistant microwaveable dish         The Christmas decorations in the
         Journeying Together                    sets; flatware sets; break-resistant       cemetery will be removed in the
          through the Synod                     beverage sets; twin, full & queen sheet    coming weeks, weather permitting.
                                                sets/bed in a bag; shower curtains, etc.   If you would like to keep your
     Sharing Your Own Experience                Drop off donations in the St. James Coat   decorations, please retrieve them.
Pope Francis has given all the Catho-           Room at the entrance to church or in
lic faithful an opportunity to take             the box on the St Alphonsus Rectory
part in the preparation for the 2023            Porch. Questions? Email Lil Rankel
                                                                 Please remember to keep the
Synod of Bishops in our own diocese
                                                                                            St. George Scholarship Foundation
and      parishes. You might wonder
                                                                                           in mind when planning gifts in honor
why the experience of individual peo-
                                                                                                or in memory of a loved one.
ple is so important. Our stories illus-           The Knights of Columbus will be           For information contact Terri Riley
trate how we live our faith in the                holding their annual Free Throw                      609-737-1449
concrete everyday of our lives. Lis-
tening to each other’s stories helps
us relate to one another, to empa-
                                                                                                         Thank you to parishioner,
thize, to recognize our common                                                                           Steve Abell, for donating
hopes and the faith that sustains us.                                                                    a large communion paten
If we are willing to ponder these sto-                                                                   to St. George Church. Our
ries and consider them in the light of                                                     parish is extremely grateful. May God
our call to be Church, then we might                                                       continue to bless the Abell family and
be able to hear what the Spirit is say-                                                    all our parishioners.
ing to the Church in our time.

                                                                                                  Cathedral High School
                                                                                              Class of 1971 — 50th Reunion
                                                                                            April 30th — Villa Manino, Trenton
                                                    1:00pm, Sunday, February 6               For information and to register:
                                                          St. James Gym           
                                                                                                     or (609) 865-2392
St. Alphonsus St. George -
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547 The Catholic Community of Hopewell Valley (I)                                                  John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
WILSON-APPLE    FUNERAL HOME                                                                                                        Cromwell-Immordino
                                                                                                                                           MEMORIAL HOME
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547 The Catholic Community of Hopewell Valley (B)                                                            John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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