St. lawrence o'toole & sacred heart parishes
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QEVGL½JXLWYRHE]MRPIRX st. lawrence o’toole & sacred heart parishes Mass schedule St. Lawrence 7EXYVHE]:MKMP 5:30, 7:30 pm (Spanish) 7YRHE] 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm (Spanish) 5:30 pm 1SRHE]*VMHE] 8:30 am ;IHRIWHE] 7:00 pm Sacred Heart 7EXYVHE]:MKMP 4:00 pm 7YRHE] 10:30 am 7X0E[VIRGI'IQIXIV] Plots and cremation niches are available for purchase. 'IQIXIV]SJ½GI\ call to schedule an appointment. 31 Prospect Street Brewster, NY 10509 845-279-2021 414 Haviland Drive Patterson, NY 12563 845-279-4832 Instagram: stlawrenceotoole_brewsterny Facebook: St. Lawrence O’Toole & Sacred Heart Twitter: St. Lawrence O’Toole Church YouTube: Saint Lawrence LEARNING OUR FAITH AT THE EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNING CENTER
St. Lawrence O’Toole Sacred Heart +SEP +SEP %ZIVEKI+MJX %ZIVEKI+MJX 8SXEP 8SXEP 2SSJKMJXW 2SSJKMJXW 4IVGIRXEKISJKSEP 4IVGIRXEKISJKSEP Thanks for continuing to supportthe Cardinal’s Appeal in these hard times. This appeal provides the funds for the Cardinal to support poor parishes around the Archdiocese. Almost 3,000 babies die from abortion each day in the US alone. That is one life lost every 30 seconds. 50 million unborn children worldwide die annually by abortion. “We never look at a person who is without a limb and say they are not quite fully human.” (Jim Owens, The Search) Yet in a deceptive way, that is exactly what society is doing to the terminally ill, the disabled, and with abortion. Another spoke of the vrtue of justice pertains to respecting life, but when that rail becomes misaligned with God’s truth, SHUFHSWLRQVRIZKDWOLIHORRNVOLNHJHWGLV¿JXUHGWRR LYNDA HOLLER DIRECTOR Consider this statement: “At the heart of liberty is the right to OF DISCIPLESHIP GH¿QHRQH¶VRZQFRQFHSWRIH[LVWHQFHRIPHDQLQJRIWKHXQL- verse, and of the mystery of human life.” It is from a Supreme Virtue – Justice: The Least Among Us Court decision, Planned Parenthood vs. Casey, 1992, which struck down restrictions on abortion passed in Pennsylvania. Barbara Wagner, an Oregon Cancer Patient According to that ruling, if I believe that life looks like this and was told she had less than six months to you believe it looks like that, we are both right. The High Court live. Instead of providing treatment, her HMO offered to pay for implies that if we are loud enough and forceful enough to suicide drugs. impose our opinion on someone else, there is no injustice for us to impose it. The bigger, louder, stronger wins. A disability rights attorney, who is disabled herself, told me that the disabled are often pressured to sign ‘do not resuscitate’ That is not the way of Jesus. To follow Him, we must stand orders and commonly not offered equal treatment options to up for God’s true justice and expose unjust laws and norms. non-disabled patients. These actions convey to them that their lives have less value. Scripture: Read Proverbs 21:15 What’s it saying to you? Call to Action: When you recognize injustice to the vulnerable, speak out, become part of the solution.
March 21, 2021 while we’re at it SYVZMWMSRCreate a parish of missionary disciples whose personal relationship with Jesus Christ inspires others into a life-changing relationship with Him. Dear Friends, The past few days in the news has been the statement by the Vatican that priests should in no way bless the marriages of gay partners. As a result, the Church is now being criticized by all the engines of pop- ular culture: the news media, social media, the entertainment world – as hopelessly behind the times. After all, our society now embraces gay marriage as accepted and normal. We’re told to catch up with the times. This morning an article in the New York Times caught my attention. It was about the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit order) preparing to raise $100 million as a reparations fund for slavery. It turns out that they used slave labor for many years in the 1700s and into the 1800s. Slaves worked on plantations and even did construction work building Georgetown University. I had only been vaguely aware of that history. Both Catholic and Protestant groups relied on slavery to some extent for many years. It made me think. Why didn’t the Church stand strong against this injus- tice? We would expect the churches to speak out against it. As time went on, eventually they did. But back when slavery was generally accepted as a way of life and just the way the economy was run, even churches and religious orders got sucked in to “the system.” “Everybody was doing it” as they say. For a time, the Church lost its voice and went along with something very evil. We need to remind ourselves that the Church must stand for the truth of the Gospel, even when unpopular. The Gospel is often in tension with the culture… and so, Christians have always led WKH¿JKWIRUMXVWLFHIRUSULVRQHUVDQGWKHDFFXVHGIRUWKHXQERUQ for the poor and the handicapped. The Church teaches we must conduct business affairs with honesty, justice, fairness, pay our workers a just wage, not cheat, or steal, or give in to unbridled greed. In every generation we teach that sex is a sacred gift from God to be used only in marriage between a man and a woman to foster love and be open to new life. All these teachings are hard to live and often rejected. Jesus knew that, and the early Christians knew that. But the Church must be a prophetic voice that calls the world to live as Jesus taught rather than just follow the drift of the culture. And though they are hard, we can live them with the grace from God through the sacraments and especially the Eucharist. When we do, we challenge the world with the power and wisdom of the Gospel of Jesus. God bless, Fr. Richard Gill
WTVMRKMWMRXLIEMVPIEVRMRK to look at the Stations of the Cross, and have been very MWQSVIXLERNYWXPIXXIVWERH intrigued about learning about them. We are planning to have in-classroom egg hunts as well as dying Easter eggs, too. RYQFIVW On March 2nd, our Early Childhood Learning Center celebrated Dr Suess’s birthday! We read his stories, worked KIM SANTERRE on projects and one class even had a visit from the “cat in the hat”! The children posed for a Dr Suess photo op! Spring is almost here, and the Early Childhood Learning The Early Childhood Learning Center is in full swing for Center is getting ready to cele- registration of the 2021-22 school year. We have already brate! Now that the weather is be- JRWWHQ0$1
$ 1 0 0 E AC H O R 3 F O R $ 2 5 0 WYRHE]NYP] QIKE 6%**0) DRAW WING att 7 DRAWING :30 p 7:30 m pm WIN 7)'32(46->)$2000 8,-6(46->)$1000 *3968,46->)$1000 EARLY BIRD PRIZE: $1000 D R AW N O N M AY 9 , 2 0 2 1 $25,000 M OT H E R ’ S DAY +6%2(46->) cash O N LY 7 5 0 T I C K E T S TO BE SOLD 463'))(7*36-1463:)1)287838,) 780%;6)2')%2(7%'6)(,)%68*%1-0=463+6%1 =39'%2+)88-'/)87*6318,)*3003;-2+4)340)36'%008,)4%6-7,3**-') %0%24%86-)%60)8)89689663&)87=,%27&96=&3&3´(322)00 '%61)0'%77-(='%630=2%(%17',6-77,)61%2'0%6%7)+6)8- (%2-)00)8,314732)(0)786%2+))-0))2()4%30-.3,223') .9(=1'()61388.92)7)66%0391-0%2309-769)(%1%96))20)62)6 4%900%:)00)*66-',%6(+-007%00=7-0:)78637=0:-%6-3038)(&%62)7 831,)%0=831,928:-22=0%69773;-0(%6-:%()2)-6%
EQSVSJ+SH The Belt of Truth: The truth about myself that God and my parents know and remind me about. What are my truths? I am beautiful, I am funny, I am smart, I am loved, I am kind, I CECILIA BRITEZ am cared for. What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? (Romans 8:31) The Breastplate of Righteousness: How can I be right with God? Mom and Dad are my guide, and I can be right with This passage speaks to me about our Family Program here God by being obedient to my parents, and learning about the at St. Lawrence and Sacred Heart. Would you believe that Word of God for my life. When have I been disobedient to my we have become even more vibrant and united during this parents? How have I hurt or honored them? pandemic? The Sandals of Peace of the Gospel: Do kids lose their All our students meet once a week, and our families come peace? What robs me of my peace? The Gospel of Peace is together once a month. Even though we have an online option full of joy and hope. How can I live these messages? for all our events, many families are coming in person to share time as a community. The Shield of Faith: Our Faith protects our peace, and it keeps us strong and alert. Have your parents ever felt at- For 5 months now, we have been working on different pieces tacked, down or desperate? How has their faith helped them? of the Full Armor of God. Children and families are learning Parents share their witness of faith. more about the bible, our friend Paul (the Apostle Paul), and the spiritual battle going on for their little souls! The Helmet of Salvation: Why are our thoughts so import- ant? It is what we think, what we say, what we do, and how Here is a sneak peek of the conversations we are having during ZHUHODWHWRRWKHUV2XU+HOPHWRI6DOYDWLRQKHOSVXV¿OWHURXU our in person Family Fridays: thoughts and discard those that don’t come from God.
TVE]JSV QEWWMRXIRXMSRW Please remember our brothers and sisters in the 6DWXUGD\0DUFK Lord who have asked for prayers: 4:00PM Sacred Heart Norman Hamel 5:30PM Durkin Family .DLWO\Q.LQJƕ0DU\0F0DKRQƕ-RVHSK30DVVLPRƕ0LFKDHO 7:30PM Spanish %UDG\ƕ%HWW\/RX/DZORUƕ0DU\DQQ -DFNLH&LYLWDƕ&DURO *DUFLDƕ/DXUD)DXOƕ-RKQ'RQRYDQƕ+DLOH\ƕ%RQQLH*UDQW 6XQGD\0DUFK ƕ$QG\0RUHKHDGƕ/DUU\7RELQƕ0LFKDHO7D\ORUƕ-RKQ&XUUD 8:00AM Intentions of Carolyn Heagle ƕ3DWULFN-R\FHƕ$P\/DXUDƕ3DWULFLD/LFKWHQEHUJHUƕ-XG\ $0 *LDPXQGR 3DGXDQR)DPLOLHV %UXHQƕ+HQU\-R\FHƕ&OLIIRUG*DOHƕ%ULDQ6HLEHUWƕ(G'RODQ 10:30AM Sacred Heart 7KRPDV %ULGJHW&DLUQH\ ƕ%DE\1RDK0DUWLQH]ƕ-RGHH.RRQW]ƕ-DVRQ0RUDOHVƕ,OO\D 11:00AM John “Jack” Gress %HFNWROGƕ%ULDQQD0DUWLQH]ƕ2UODQGR6HUUDQƕ$XURUD.RRQW] 12:30 PM Spanish-Maria ƕ'LDQH/D0RXUHX[ƕ'DQLHO/\RQVƕ-XVWLQ/\RQVƕ)LOLEHUWD Magdalena Perez Areas *XWLHUUH]ƕ'HQLVH0HUNHOƕ-HQQLIHU/LSDULƕ-DQLFH/DEDWWHƕ 5:30PM Patrick Lundy 'RQDOG/D0HUHƕ-DFNLH3DVTXDOHƕ$GG\VRQ$VKOH\$QHOORƕ 0RQGD\0DUFK 5R\'HODQR\ƕ$OIUHG6FKXVWHUƕ7HG5R]]Lƕ0DULDQQH $0 'HFHDVHGRI)DUH\ 5\DQ)DPLOLHV *DOODFKHUƕ%ULGJHW.HQQ\ƕ%HWW\'REELQVƕ*DUHFKW3LQ]XU 6DUOR)DPLOLHVƕ3DWULFLD:LOOLVƕ&DWKHULQH6ORRWPDNHU 7XHVGD\0DUFK $0 1DQD 3RS-RKQ+XJKHV 1DPHVZLOOUHPDLQRQWKH3UD\HU/LVWIRUGD\V :HGQHVGD\0DUFK and then will be transferred to the prayer list in the 8:30AM Mary McDonald Adoration Chapel. To add names to or remove names 7:00PM Toni Akanewich IURPWKH3UD\HU/LVWSOHDVHHPDLO6/276+2I¿FH#JPDLOFRP 7KXUVGD\0DUFK __________________________________________ 8:30AM Bobbie McAuliffe HIHMGEXMSRW )ULGD\0DUFK 8:30AM Gloria DeGennaro The Tabernacle Candle at St. Lawrence is dedicated to 6DWXUGD\0DUFK Toni Akanewich at the request of the Noce Family 4:00PM Sacred Heart Terry Less The Blessed Mother Candle at St. Lawrence is dedicated 5:30PM 3DWULFLD %UXFH+RZH to Helen Watson at the request of the Friedlander Family 7:30PM Spanish __________________________________________ 6XQGD\0DUFK GSYTPIWGIPIFVEXMRKSV 8:00AM Intentions of Ellen Farley $0 *LDPXQGR 3DGXDQR)DPLOLHV ]IEVWSJQEVVMEKI 10:30AM Sacred Heart %LOO -RVHSK/HZLV 11:00AM 12:30 PM Giovanni Malandruccolo Spanish-Kathy Cooper The Catholic Daughters Our Lady of the Lake Court #2585 5:30PM Mark Bisogno of Sacred Heart Parish will be honoring couples from __________________________________________ Sacred Heart and St. Lawrence O’Toole who have celebrated or will be celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2020 or 2021 at the SP0DVVRQ6DWXUGD\-XQH WK. To sign up for this event or for more information, please contact Meg Cairney 279-5214. __________________________________________ GERH]JSVIEWXIVFEWOIXW The Food Pantry will be distributing Easter Baskets to chil- dren whose families come to the pantry. If you would like to donate candy, please put it in the Food Pantry Bin located in the rear of the church entrance (across from the Parish Center) by 6XQGD\0DUFK. __________________________________________ ±=SYHSR´XRIIHXSYWIQER] GLMPHVIR´WWXEXMSRWSJXLI SVLMKLWSYRHMRK[SVHW .YWXVITIEXSJXIR GVSWWEGXMZMX]HYVMRKPIRX ³0SVHWLS[QI]SYVQIVG] On March 26, St. Lawrence will have a Kids Prayer & Pizza EW]SYORS[FIWX´ Stations of the Cross Activity in the Dining Hall. There will be a 3V craft and teaching about the Stations of the Cross so the kids ³+SHGSQIXSQ]EWWMWXERGI² understand the meaning behind each station. After Prayer and Pizza, families can bring home pizza to eat later. 7X1EVGEVMYWSJ%PI\ERHVME SpanishSPSP English: 6:00 pm-6:40 pm
,30=8,967(%= 780%;6)2')3´8330) 1EWWSJXLI0SVH´W7YTTIV TQ&MPMRKYEP +33(*6-(%= 780%;6)2')3´8330) 'SRJIWWMSRW 'IPIFVEXMSRSJXLI4EWWMSR TQ 'IPIFVEXMSRSJXLI4EWWMSR 7TERMWL TQ ,30= ,30=7%896(%= 780%;6)2')3´8330) 'SRJIWWMSRW EQTQ ;))/ &PIWWMRKSJ*SSH TQ )EWXIV:MKMP TQ )%78)6792(%= 7',)(90) 780%;6)2')3´8330) 7%'6)(,)%68 1EWWMRGLYVGLERHK]QEX EQ EQEQEQ EQ 7TERMWL 0)28 EVERY MONDAY IN LENT 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Confession available from 4:00 pm to 8:30 pm In Lent walk alongside of Jesus to the cross March 22, March 29-RECONCILIATION MONDAY Confession available from 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm *EWXERHEFWXMRIRGISR%WL;IHRIWHE]ERH+SSH *VMHE]%FWXMRIRGIJVSQQIEXERHTIRERGISR*VMHE]W )ZIV]'EXLSPMGMWSFPMKEXIHXSVIGIMZI,SP]'SQ QYRMSR]IEVP]FIX[IIRXLI*MVWX7YRHE]MR0IRXERH 8VMRMX]7YRHE]&IWYVIXSKIXXS'SRJIWWMSRHYVMRK XLEXXMQIXSFI[SVXL]XSVIGIMZI,SP]'SQQYRMSR '32*)77-327 March 22 March 29 1SRHE]WTQTQ The Holy Spirit and the Hope Hope When all Seems Lost to the Faithful *VMHE]WTQTQ Dcn. Mark Shkreli Fr. Joe Espailliat St. Lawrence O’Toole/ Pastor Sacred Heart Churches 78%8-3273*8,)'6377*6-(%=7 St. Anthony of Padua Brewster, NY 7X0E[VIRGITQ7TERMWLTQ Bronx, NY 7EGVIH,IEVXTQ
TEVMWLWYTTSVX TEVMWLWXEJJ WXPE[VIRGITEVMWLWYTTSVX Rev. Richard Gill……..………..………....…..…........……Pastor Rev. Thomas Berg…………….……..........Weekend Associate :HHNHQGRI0DUFK In Pew Collection $ 6,841.00 Mark Shkreli……..…………….……........………………Deacon February WeShare weekly $ 5,502.15 8SXEP$ 12,343.15 Julie Noce…………………….……..........….…Pastoral Assistant WEGVIHLIEVXTEVMWLWYTTSVX Maureen Herbstritt………………..........……Business Manager Lynda Holler………………………........Director of Discipleship :HHNHQGRI0DUFK In Pew Collection $ 2,825.00 Sally Silvestro………....………....…Director of Communication February WeShare weekly $ 472.97 __________________________________________ 8SXEP$ 3,297.97 Cecilia Britez…Director of Evangelization and Family Program Peter Ryan ....................................................Director of Music Note: Regardless of whether you attend St. Lawrence or Sacred Heart, for convenience on a particular weekend, Theresa Scorca…………........…Coord. of Religious Education be assured your collection envelopes will be returned to the parish in which you are registered. Clara Segreti………….....................Family Program Assistant Janine Kristensen..........Family Program Coordinator Support Kim Santerre…...Director of Early Childhood Learning Center welcome Irene Westin……....……........Adult Sacramental Administrator H ME Eileen Stokes……....……..….....………Cemetery Administrator _________________________________________ Fully Insured AMYRAF Landscaping and Masonry Services Free Estimates Est. 1994 Residential/Commercial RESIDENTIAL SNOW REMOVAL Parishioner All Your Outdoor Needs Top Soil & Mulch • Pruning • Masonry Owned 845-279-4324 845-406-7220 Serving Brewster Since 1960 FEEHAN INSURANCE McGoldrick & McGoldrick AGENCY, INC. Certified Public Accountants, LLP ~ Serving Brewster Since 1986 ~ 413 Route 164, Brewster, NY 10509 2350 Rte. 6 • Brewster (845) 278-7070 • Chris Feehan (845) 878-7703 Breakfast, Burgers & Of Course ... BAGELS! Gift Baskets Putnam ake ines Scotty’s L W AND L iquors Lotto HOMEMADE Meg & Scotty Cairney 845-279-2043 74 FAIRFIELD DRIVE, PATTERSON SOUPS EVERY DAY Hours: Sun 12-5:30 · Mon 9-7 · Tues-Sat 9-8 FRESH JUICES. FRESH SALADS. 845-302-2757 1515 Route 22 (Acme Plaza) Tony Berardi Real Estate Associate Broker ~ Parishioner 914-588-4564 Quality & Service As Always Open Mon-Sat 6am-8pm • Sunday 6am-6pm HVSHOOTINGSPORTS.COM 342 Downing Drive · Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 74 FAIRFIELD DR. • PATTERSON, NY 12563 T: 845.279.5905 • F: 845.279.5965 845-444-5233 / HVSHOOTINGSPORTS 146C (JR) - St. Lawrence O’Toole - Brewster, NY FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Left
HOGAN & ROSSI ABLE AUTO INSURANCE Somos hispanos • Notario Público Dine-In Takeout & ATTORNEYS AT LAW - Seguros de Auto Delivery Catering 3 Starr Ridge Road · Suite 200 · Brewster, NY 10509 • (Se aceptan licencias de otros estados) restaurant • bar - Traducciones de Español a Ingles 845.279.2233 John Jay Hogan (845) 279-2986 Donald M. Rossi 52 MAIN ST. • 278-1810 1620 Route 22 (Towne Center) • Brewster How Will You Pay for Retirement? Let’s Talk. Paul G Lavelle Financial Advisor, Parishioner Bus. : 845-471-6346 • Cell: 914-318-8523 • Member SIPC Ledley JACK T. GALLAGHER Brewster Paint & Decorating Center Member of the Old Goat Club! Discounted Window Treatments Food Service MAY THE ROOF ABOVE YOU NEVER FALL IN, AND MAY WE FRIENDS GATHERED BELOW, 38 Argonne Road • Brewster • 845-279-7686 "Excellence Through Experience" NEVER FALL OUT. YOUR CHS ‘68 BUDDIES 845-279-9595 BOB, PETE & JOHN Monday-Friday 6:00-5:30pm · Saturday 6:30am-4:00pm Brian Ledley, COSMETIC, IMPLANT AND FAMILY DENTISTRY Parishioner Small Town Values • World Class Care Alexander Bogler DDS ~ Serving Putnam Since 1958 ~ 845.278.6116 83 Haviland Drive (Across from Monument) • Patterson 845-279-8060 LAW OFFICE OF GOD BLESS PARISHIONER OWNED & OPERATED Interior & Exterior Painting Power Washing • Deck Staining Wall Paper Removal • Taping Noreen K. Scaperotti Sheetrock Repair • Carpentry ESTATE PLANNING FREE ESTIMATES 845-721-4615 FULLY INSURED & LICENSED ELDER LAW REAL ESTATE 845-278-9500 Catering Available LUNCH • DINNER • TAKE OUT Any Size Event (845) 661-7540 100 Independent Way • Brewster (Home Depot Shopping Center) AMERICA O’MARA & ASSOCIATES Balsamo-Cordovano VERA KARAQI Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Accounting ~ Tax Preparation Individual • Partnerships Cell 201-832-2037 Funeral Home llc Corporations • LLC’s & LLP’s 73 FAIRFIELD DR. • PATTERSON, NY 2 Old Tomahawk Street Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Parishioner ~ Fluent in Albanian (845) 279-2228 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated Licensed in NY & CT National Society of Tax Professionals National Association of Tax Practitioners Family Owned & Managed Joseph J. Balsamo, Lic. Dir. John R. Balsamo, Lic. Dir. Catering For All Occasions & Special Events Jonathan W. Garcia, Lic. Dir./Mgr. Vilson Vataj, Owner/Operator “Detailed Service for Memorable Funerals” 845-363-1024 15 Church Street, Carmel, NY 10512 (Off Route 6) 983 Route 22 · Brewster, NY 845-BAL-2144 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • DINE-IN • TAKE-OUT • DELIVERY IRREPRESSIBLE K.J. Alexander To her, she’s just another foster kid. To them, she’s the queen who will save them all. AVAILABLE NOW! Scan Here or Visit 845-279-1800 OFBUYMOZZARELLA 2 LG PIES GET 1 ORDER STICKS FREE! Sub-Acute Rehab • Skilled Nursing Care W/THIS AD. EXP 01/31/20 Medical-Model Adult Day Care 1511 Route 22 • Brewster, NY instagram@mezzalunany 46 Mount Ebo Road North • Brewster (Up hill from Post Office) facebook@Mezza Luna Due 845-278-3636 • 146C (JR) - St. Lawrence O’Toole - Brewster, NY FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Right
Christopher M. Milano, Director Richard T. Hazzard, Jr., Director “Serving Your Family As Family” BREWSTER Beecher • Complete Funeral Services FLOWER Funeral Home • Cremation Dwyer GARDEN • Pre-Need Arrangements Family Owned & Operated For Over 70 Years • Serving All Faiths Funeral Home 14 Main Street 1 Putnam Ave., Brewster 23 South Street, Patterson (Across from Train Station) 845-279-3615 845-878-3161 279-5471 Clinical Psychologist MINI-MART Excellent RESTAURANT Patrick W. Ford, Ph.D. STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY AND STAY POSITIVE! Individual, Couples & Family Therapy 845-278-2858 Mexican 845-278-2858 for Adults and Adolescents 70 Main Street · Brewster Food! 64 Main Street · Brewster ~ Open Every Day at 5:00am! ~ 845-745-6980 by appt. Joseph N. Marino,Instead D.M.D. of Remodeling... SHARON SHEIL Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Family & Cosmetic Dental Care ~Parishioner~ Instead of Remodeling... Tear Down Instead & Rebuild with the Experts of Remodeling... Since 2002 Tear Down845-940-1000 & Tear Rebuild with the Experts Down· Brewster, & Rebuild 914-497-0912 NYwith 10509the Experts 338 Route 202 612 Clock Tower Commons Somers, NY 10589 Instead of Remodeling... ear DownTear & Rebuild Instead of Remodeling... Downwith the Experts & Rebuild with the Experts LANDSCAPING All Landscape Work, Mulching, J & J Automotive Masonry & Tree Work COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 1995 Route 22, Brewster, NY • (800) 879-6001 m All Foreign & Domestic Service & NYS Inspection santoscardona1 1785 Route 22 • Brewster, NY 10509 914-227-0979 1995 Route 22, Brewster, NY • (800) 879-6001 1995 Route 22, Brewster, NY • (800) 879-6001 Parishioner Owned/Operated (845) 278-0567 Joe Cinelli (845) 279-6305 The 1995 Route 22, Brewster, NY • (800) 879-6001 • (800) 879-6001 PUTNAM PALMER BROS. • EST. 1984 • EDVIN APPLIANCE 1995 Route 22, Brewster, NYDINER & RESTAURANT REPAIR Open Every Day At 6:00 AM HARDWARE INC. Private Dining Room Is Your Appliance Broken? Not Working the Way It Should? Dan Fox, Parishioner We Can Fix It!!! 878-8000 Paints • Sundries • Plumbing Call Now 203-417-9065 Edvin Espana 845-279-8809 2600 R 22 • P oute atterson Tools • Electrical • Hardware 1583 Rte. 22 • Country Plaza • 278-6114 Owner Operator Serving Fairfield County, CT & Putnam County, NY SEPTIC SYSTEMS SPECIALIST INSTALL • REPAIR • CLEAN INSURED LICENSED JINA’S 509 Route 312 Brewster, NY 10509 EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR NAILS & MORE $ 1000 OFF with this Ad 845-278-0728 Family Owned & Operated for Over 50 Years 279-1212 REGISTERING FOR OUR SUMMER CAMP - MORNING & AFTERNOON SESSIONS 200 MAIN STREET · MONDAY-SATURDAY 175 Main Street · Brewster · 845-279-4605 “Brewster’s Hometown Family Market” 570 North Main Street · Brewster ADAMS PLUMBING Since 1957 We We & HEATING Well Pumps · Water Treatment · Boilers Deliver! Cater! Water Heaters · Gas Piping · General Repairs DAVID ADAMS, MASTER PLUMBER Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8 to 9 • $50 Sun. 8 to off any 8 event - 50pp min. 09/30/16 banquet 845-855-8600 P: 845-279-3515 · F: 845-279-6591 PUTNAM LAKE, N.Y. ~ PC-2910 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR • BODY WORK • TOWING AUDIO-VISUAL PRODUCTS, INC. Free Estimates Complete John W. Neubauer, Parishioner Fully Insured Automotive Center and Towing 878-4240 • Fax 878-3640 556 N. Main Street • Brewster Scanners, Printers, Copiers & More 845-279-5527 • ~ For All Your Outdoor Needs ~ Landscaping • Construction • Excavation (Residential/Commercial) Masonry • Landscape Design • Full Scale Lawn Care AND SERVICE CENTER WWW.TOBACCOANDSONS.COM • 845-803-3813 FULL SERVICE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY HEATING ASSISTANCE We Are #1 - Because Our Customers Come First PUTNAM COUNTY MONUMENTS (845) 878-3456 Preventative Maintenance Specializing In: Weil McLain, Biasi, System 2000, Peerless, Generac, Carrier & All Other Major Brands. 198 Route 52, Carmel, NY • 845.200.7615 Hybrid Repair - Hertz Car Rentals Licensed, Auto Fuel - Convenience Store Fuel Oil • Gasoline • HVAC • Service • Propane • Diesel We Make Warm And Now “Cool” Friends Too! Insured & Bonded (845) 628-1330 Showrooms in Putnam, Orange, Rockland and Fairfield County Heating Oil • Propane • Gas • Diesel • Air Conditioning Because Your Family Deserves The Very Best 2597 Route 22, Patterson SENIOR DISCOUNTS 52 Croton Falls Road - Mahopac, NY ~ Serving Northern Westchester, Southern Dutchess & Putnam Counties Over 30 Years ~ 146C (JR) - St. Lawrence O’Toole - Brewster, NY FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside
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