January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester

Page created by Reginald Figueroa
January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester
January 2021-Lite!

                     Hepsy #Finding Jesus!
January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester
Our vision
is to be a people who are ‘Serving Jesus Today’.
We believe that as followers of Jesus, we are called to:

    serve Jesus, bringing God’s Kingdom to our community by serving, ministering to those in
     need and sharing the good news of the Gospel,
    build God’s church, growing in our love for Jesus and one another. We will do this
     through Spirit-filled and Bible-based fellowship, worship, teaching and ministry,
     experienced together, in small groups and alone,
    equip all to follow Jesus’ call, identifying and developing natural and spiritual gifts,
     stepping out together into the world to use these gifts in His service.

 We meet at 10.30 on Sundays for our virtual service
           in St Catharine’s zoom room.
January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester
Mary & Joseph find a foster child in the manger

From the Editor’s chair!
We have given Jo P the month off, (i.e. from the pastoral letter
only) after all her good behaviour.
Didn’t we have a glorious celebration of Christmas!
Thanks goes to everyone who followed Jo’s lead and pulled out all the stops and
made Christmas so special.
So here we are, nearly a New Year, now 7 days in, and aren’t we pleased to see the
back of 2020.
We have been given permission to be frivolous, amusing and silly. However there
are one or two serious or regular contributions, and thanks for those who thought
With New Year greetings from the editorial team.

Richard, John, Janet, Jo & Diane and me, Lesley B.
January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester
January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester
Creative Christmas 2020                           Look! There’s Mary on the donkey
                                                  With Joseph by her side

Adverts on the tv for gifts galore
For things that we don’t really need any more

Shopping trollies filled to the brim
Oh no! our waistlines will look grim
                                                                And the angel is in the distance but
Amazon, Hermes and DPD drivers                                  Not too far behind
Are rushing around like bees in a hive
                                                                The week before Christmas
Firs, pines and spruce decorated with tinsel                    Advent candles lit
To buy, to rent and then recycle
                                                  Hope, Love, Joy and Peace
But in the midst of this confusion                There’s excitement in Kingsholm, looking for Baby
Creative Christmas is not an illusion!            Jesus

St Catharine’s nativity pebbles are to be found
In hedgerows, on the walls or on the ground

Forget the i-pads
Children are out on the streets
                                                         #Finding Jesus has been a success
Following the shining star                               Creative Christmas accomplished,
Like shepherds looking for their sheep                   St Cats Glos at its best!

January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester
Creative Christmas 2020-2
These are some of the responses we re-
ceived locally, plus one from a church in
Lancashire who copied the idea and even
used our videos. Isn’t that amazing.
Well done all pebble painters, pebble hid-
ers, door knockers and instigators of ideas.
January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester
I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to the Backyard. I’m getting bored of the Living Room.

                                                             Creative? Snowman 2020 style
                                                             by the grandchildren of Steve and Jackie G
January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester
Delivering presents 2020 style
                       At the door, quickly!

Advent windows
were amazing-in
Kingsholm and
Estcourt Close. This
one courtesy of                               Carol singing 2020 style-
Simon & Jo                                    socially distanced. Thanks to
                                              G&DCC & Mike for pic.
January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester
I never thought the comment, “I wouldn’t touch him/her with a 6-foot pole” would become a national policy,
                                             but here we are.
January 2021-Lite! - Hepsy #Finding Jesus! - St Catharine's Church Gloucester
What is the message?                 A SIMPLE QUIZ?

                       What colour is a purple finch?
                       What is a camel hair brush made of?
                         Goat Fur
                         Badger Hair
                         Camel Hair
                         Dog Hair
                         Squirrel Fur
                       Which country originally made Panama hats?
                       How long did the one hundred years war last?
                         99 years
                         100 years
110 years                                          Black
   112 years                                          Red
   116 years                                          Orange
What was King George VI’s first name?                 Yellow
  Edward                                          In which month do the Russians celebrate the
  George                                              October Revolution?
  David                                               September
  Albert                                              October
  William                                             November
From which animal do we get catgut?                   December
   Cats                                               January
   Sheep                                          The Canary Islands in the Atlantic are named
   Horses                                            after what creature?
   Pigs                                              Duck
   Cows                                              Canary
Where are Chinese gooseberries from:                 Dog
  Australia                                          Wolf
  Russia                                              Parrot                               Jane
  New Zealand
  China                                           Answers are somewhere in this publication!
                                                This morning I saw a neighbour talking to her cat. It
What is the colour of the black box in a com-
                                                 was obvious she thought her cat understood her.
  mercial airliner?
  White                                                 I came to my house & told my dog.
                                                               We had a good laugh.
Spoken word: Mystery                                 at scrolls from years and years, when voices of the
                                                     prophets steered, those with hearts to hear.

Do you like a mystery? I do!                         Mystery….
Seems we’re designed to ask the question – why?      With clues in hand and camels packed, the star had
As children we pull on the never-ending thread –            stirred a deep desire to seek and hope to find.
why? But why?                                        But expectations of where a king should be,
Until the adults shrug their ‘just because’!                made them blind to the possibility
But – of course – the thread runs on….               that… well… the palace would not be his home. In
                                                            stead a five mile walk away, his place of birth a
Mystery….                                                   cattle shed.
Speaks of adventure – discovery perhaps?             Is this the king they hoped to find?
Seeking clues – finding… what exactly?               A baby helpless in the straw, trusting that Mary was
Often resources deep within, waiting for that step          the kind
      beyond our comfort zone to shake them free.    of woman who could bear and birth and care for
Or something we cannot yet see, that draws us into   one who before the dawn of time had spoken words
      possibility…                                   that made all life to be…
Seek and you shall find, words to stir and stretch our
curiosity.                                             Mystery….
                                                       And what of Joseph? He’d had a plan, he was to be
Mystery….                                                    Mary’s man.
For wise bods when that star appeared…                 But the baby growing deep inside
Oh star of wonder, star of night, star with royal      her, meant that terrified
      beauty bright                                    he chose to quietly slip away.
For wise bods when that star appeared, looked back Expectations of how God would chose to work did
not have space for angel visits, or a yes from Mary,        God…
wife-to-be.                                                 With…
Until…                                                      Us.
That angel came again, and his yes changed the
      path of his life too.                            Mystery…
The angel tells them both the name of the baby         And on the hills not far away, the shepherds stay,
whose hands and feet they’ll watch with wonder be-     guarding the sheep, huddled round fires, keeping
neath her stomach’s skin – Jesus – the one who will    warm, doing what they’ve always done, quietly get-
save from sin.                                         ting on with thankless tasks that no-one else is keen
There’s nothing more for them to seek, just watch      to do.
      and wait, week-by-week                           Their expectation is of being overlooked – who
But a census takes them miles away, to a town so             would care about ones like you?
      full, no room is found                           But God has seen
      Seek and you will find they say                  And angels sent, announce the news that in the
      But not right here                                     town, the long awaited one has come!
      Not today                                        Messiah…
      Little comfort on a floor of hay                 Christ…
      But blood and mess and pain gives way            Anointed One.
      To baby’s cry                                    And sandals barely on their feet, they rush about
      And eye-to-eye                                         from street to street, until
      Skin-to-skin                                     They find the one they seek.
      We see begin
      The truth within                                 Mystery…
      His other name…                                  And what of us in twenty-twenty?
                                                       20-20 opticians say
means clearest sight                                    The voice of prayer is never silent ………………
and I think we might
find this year has shown us what we truly value         Each week from Monday to Saturday there is a
being with the ones we love.                            God given opportunity to come together at
A hug, and human touch, perhaps a simpler life          midday for approximately 30mins as we ‘Pause
      means much                                        for Prayer’ and reflect. In these challenging times
more than simply rushing on…                            it is an encouraging space to lift our voices in
I wonder what you seek today?                           prayer as we bring before our Father God our
Who it is you’ll find?                                  concerns, our prayers for each other, and those
The clues have all been left behind, hidden in plain    who have requested prayer. All are welcome to
      sight                                             join in during the time we 'Pause for Prayer'.
for those with eyes and hearts to see
who come to this nativity
the unfolding of the mystery…

Darkness parts as light has come
Peace on earth, the angels sing, confirming that deep
      hope within
that Finding Jesus as our king, means that we are
      really seen and known
and loved – as we are welcomed home.
                                   Jo P
                                                        Never in a million years could I have imagined I would
                                   24 Dec 20
                                                         go to the bank with a mask on and ask for money.
‘Serve and Share’
After a break on the 30th, SAS
will recommence on January
There have been some very
emotional encounters, conversations and thanks       Pyjama prayer every Friday evening
from the families. They have been deeply grateful
for the food, welcome, coffee (when possible) and                   at 7.30pm.

The huge SAS team has been remarkable:
the collectors of foodstuffs,
the movers of furniture, tins, boxes and bags into
and out of the store
the setters up of furniture,
the welcomers,
the cooks,                                            For our Rock n Roll and Sparklers groups.
the purveyors of information,
                                                       On your screens again on 8th January
the diy buffs and the donors.
Not forgetting the background pray-ers.
                                                          2019: Stay away from negative people.
Ed says: Rachel, Clare and Angharad have                  2020: Stay away from positive people.
been the constants, so great thanks to that trio.
As we approach a new year we pray for progress to
                                                        take up our lives again, We have learnt much in this
                                                        last year I am sure, about ourselves and how to
                                                        cope when life serves you a curve ball, best of all
Christmas Mothers Union meeting                         not forgetting the kindness of many.
10th December 2020.
As with many things this year a different meeting      Mothers’ Union leader: Pat Hussey
than our normal Christmas gathering, as this year      All are welcome to our meetings
held on Zoom, so no carols sung but lots of read-
ings and prayers done by many of the members.
We were fortunate to have 17 join in and we all en-
joyed the many stories, poems, prayers and anec-
dotes. An amusing story via a members memories
of RAF years to end the meeting was a tale of a first                                   #Prayfor GRH
time wife preparing the turkey, not only putting it to                                  One way we can sup-
cook on high but unaware the pack of giblets were                                       port our local NHS.
still installed in the bird! Consequence was it ex-                                     Follow details from
ploded to the extent it bent the oven!!! A tale I am                                    church website to sign
sure we can all still learn from even though many of                                    up for an hour.
us have prepared more Christmas dinners than we
would like to recall! Don’t worry a team rallied
                                                           Every few days, try your jeans on just to make sure
round and a 3 course meal was prepared and deliv-
ered to the couple!                                                              they fit.
                                                                Pyjamas will have you believe all is well
                                                                            in the kingdom.
In a year marked by pandemic, these words about
creation ring more true than before: ‘We know that Eco Tips for January:
the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains
of childbirth right up to the present time.’         * recycle or reuse Christmas cardboard and wrapping
As air flights have been halted, and birdsong heardpaper. The council told us ‘We can recycle Christ-
again, we’ve also started on a new journey as a    mas wrapping paper in Gloucester City as long as it
church through joining the Eco Church scheme.      is not the foil type or covered in glitter. We ask our
                                                   residents to remove bits of cellotape where possi-
Eco Church is an award scheme for churches in Eng-
land and Wales. As we hopefully move from zero, to ble.’
Bronze, then Silver, and perhaps even one day a
Gold award, our aim is to better steward our shared * stock bird feeders or erect a bug house or hedge-
earth. Recognising God as the author and redeemer hog house, to encourage wildlife
of creation is our first step.
                                                      * Veganuary: Some people in January eat only vegan
Colossians 1.15-20 says about Jesus’ work: ‘in        food. This can be for health or animal welfare rea-
him all things were created...and through him to rec-
                                                      sons, but it is also reduces our carbon footprint. You
oncile to himself all things’. As God uses us in his
                                                      can sign up and discover new vegan recipes here if
work of reconciliation with people and creation,
each month we will share with you some tips, and
                                                      you’d like to try it: https://veganuary.com/
news of any events you can join in with.                                                          Henrietta
New virus attacks elderly
I thought you would want to know about this virus.
Even the most advanced computer programs from Norton, McAfee, and others cannot take care of this one.
It appears to target those who were born prior to 1960.
The sporadic COVID-19 lockdowns seem to be increasing the chances of being affected!

Virus Symptoms:
1. Causes you to send the same e-mail twice. (Done that)
2. Causes you to send a blank e-mail. (That too)
3. Causes you to send an e-mail to the wrong person. (Yup)
4. Causes you to send it back to the person who sent it to you. (Ah-ha)
5. Causes you to forget to attach the attachment. (Done that)
6. Causes you to hit SEND before you've finished. (Oh no, not again)
7. Causes you to hit DELETE instead of SEND. (Hate that)
8. Causes you to hit SEND when you should DELETE. (Heck, now what?)
 This virus is called the C-NILE virus!

A lot of us have already been inflicted with this disease and unfortunately as we age it gets worse.
And if you can't admit to doing any of the above, you've obviously caught the other strain –
the D-NILE virus.
Doctors say that lots of naps and a large daily dose of wine or other adult liquid medicine might help.

                                    The world has turned upside down.
               OAPs are sneaking out of the house & their kids are yelling at them to stay inside.
Pseudo Hepsy

While Jo is on holiday I thought I’d do my piece for the
magazine all by myself! First of all it seems I am sup-
posed to wish you all a hoppy new-y ear, or something
like that. Why should anyone need new ears? I shall stick
with my oldie ears: everyone says they’re so velvety-soft,
and they let me hear everything that’s going on down-

As you can see, I’m typing this with my nose, which is a
bit slow. I’d really like to use my paws. I’ve heard that there is a paws key somewhere on this keyboard.
But then my brain gets all confuzzled: if there’s just one paws key, how do I get all the different letters?
Jo talks to her computer (quite often, from what my ears tell me), but I can’t. It seems that God didn’t give
me a squeak, or a roar, or one of those nice chirruping sounds that birds make.

Enough of wanting to be different. I shall make the most of being a RABBIT, oldie ears and all.
2021 will be the year I make the most of my talents – without ending up on the naughty shelf!

                                                                  Yours gorgeously, Hit any Key! Hepsy
Richard H is happy to be collection point for your
Christmas cards up to 13th Jan. He is putting out a       The Traidcraft team are happy to deliver orders and
green wheely bin in his drive, except on Tuesdays,        collect payment (cheques or cash) . Cheques are
and you can put your cards (in a bag, please) in          made out to ‘St Catharine’s Traidcraft’. Sort code
there. He will then take the cards over to the Co-        and account number can be given for online pay-
balt Unit where they are reworked to make new             ments, too.
cards which can be sold. All the waste is shredded
                                                          Orders can be sent online or by telephone. The cat-
and recycled into cardboard.
                                                          alogue may also be viewed online or hard copy.
His address is on ChurchSuite or ask the Ed.
                                                          Thank you again on behalf of our producers, many
                                                          of whom are having an even harder time than us.
                                                          The Christmas catalogue is still valid and there is an
What is the message?                                      online sale too.
                                                          MEMO: I have at home-coffees, teas, ginger cookies,
                                                          loo rolls, kitchen rolls, washing-up gloves, marma-
                                                          lade, brown rice, pasta and some chocolate, also
                                                          some everyday cards.
  I need to practice social-distancing from the fridge.
                                                                                                       Lesley B
GCM will be operating outreach teams on
             Wednesday, Friday and Saturday during
             Tier 4.    Look out for fundraising events.

They thank us at St Cats for our support and wish us all
a Blessed, Safe and Happy New Year.
                                                                 We are still church ……… but differently
     Answers to a
     Simple Quiz?               b) or c) Sheep or
                                   Horses                    LATE NEWS:
   b)   Crimson
                                c) New Zealand               Diane C and Jo B have retired from the Editori-
   e)   Squirrel Fur
                                d) Orange                    al team. We are sad to see them go because
   a)   Ecuador
                                c) November                  they have been core team members and we
   e)   116 years
                                c) Dog                       have particularly valued their interviews with
   d)   Albert
                                                             congregants over the last few years. Both out-
                                                             spoken ladies with strong opinions and stead-
                       Breakfast Club is still running and   fast faith, often contributing to robust discus-
                       hopes to continues in very limited    sions in editorial meetings. We shall miss you.
 Bacon sarnies and hot drinks outside, with pastoral
 care from clergy. Team of 4 only.
                                                             Does anyone know if we can take showers yet or
 Thanks for support from St Cats people.
                                                                should we just keep washing our hands?
Missed a Sunday? – catch up with the news – and
even listen to the sermon – on our website
www.stcatharine.org.uk; and if you would like to
watch a recording of the whole service please go to
our church Facebook page:
www.facebook.com/stcatsglos/ and click on ‘Videos’
                                                            CHURCH QUIZ
                                                             Sat 16th January
EVEN LATER NEWS: We have the room, and
need, for more people interested in helping put        Usual format, get in touch if
together our monthly parish mag. Please apply if            you want to join.
you enjoy debating ideas, writing, proof reading,
researching, talking to people and all sorts of oth-
er things too.          We need you!

                                                          Joyce’s chair-thanks
                                                          Barbara & Mike for

                              Please email                              Study fur-
                      lbarrett@stcatharine.org.uk                       niture still
           Copydate for February edition is January 24th                available!
             Word.doc in 11pt Segoe UI would be brilliant.
 If you are designing a whole item could you please use an A5 Land-     David Winter cottages need
      scape format. This makes an editor’s life somewhat easier.        new homes. Please apply to
                                Thanks.                                 frantic Ed., must clear by 31st.
It occurred to Pooh and Piglet that they hadn't heard from Eeyore for several days, so they put on
their hats and coats and trotted across the Hundred Acre Wood to Eeyore's stick house. Inside the house
was Eeyore.
       "Hello Eeyore," said Pooh.
       "Hello Pooh. Hello Piglet," said Eeyore, in a Glum Sounding Voice.
       "We just thought we'd check in on you," said Piglet, "because we hadn't heard from you, and so we
       wanted to know if you were okay."
Eeyore was silent for a moment. "Am I okay?" he asked, eventually. "Well, I don't know, to be honest. Are
any of us really okay? That's what I ask myself. All I can tell you, Pooh and Piglet, is that right now I feel
really rather Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. Which is why I haven't bothered you.
Because you wouldn't want to waste your time hanging out with someone who is Sad, and Alone, and Not
Much Fun To Be Around At All, would you now."
Pooh looked at Piglet, and Piglet looked at Pooh, and they both sat down, one on either side of Eeyore in
his stick house.
Eeyore looked at them in surprise. "What are you doing?"
       "We're sitting here with you," said Pooh, "because we are your friends. And true friends don't care if
       someone is feeling Sad, or Alone, or Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. True friends are there for
       you anyway. And so here we are."
       "Oh," said Eeyore. "Oh."
And the three of them sat there in silence, and while Pooh and Piglet said nothing at all; somehow, almost
imperceptibly, Eeyore started to feel a very tiny little bit better.
Because Pooh and Piglet were There.
No more; no less.

                          The most pointless thing I ever bought was a 2020 planner.
So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God,
      trod gladly into the night.
And He led me towards the hills and the
      breaking of day in the lone East.
     So heart be still:
     What need our little life
     Our human life to know,
     If God hath comprehension?
     In all the dizzy strife
     Of things both high and low,
     God hideth His intention.

     God knows. His will
     Is best. The stretch of years
     Which wind ahead, so dim
     To our imperfect vision,
     Are clear to God. Our fears
     Are premature; In Him,
     All time hath full provision.

     Then rest: until
     God moves to lift the veil
     From our impatient eyes,
     When, as the sweeter features
     Of Life’s stern face we hail,
     Fair beyond all surmise
     God’s thought around His creatures
     Our mind shall fill.
            Minnie Louise Haskins (1875-1957)
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