Page created by Stephen Schmidt

We have a great objective
    – the light on the hill –
    which we aim to reach by
    working for the betterment of
    mankind not only here
    but anywhere we may
    give a helping hand.

                          Ben Chifley
                 Sydney, 12 June 1949

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                                                                                Joseph Benedict (Ben) Chifley
                                                                                was Australian Prime Minister
THE LIGHT ON THE HILL ADDRESS                                                   from 1945 until 1949.
                                                                                    Chifley is best remembered
    The Light on the Hill Address is an annual event held to commemorate        for his reorganisation of the
the life and vision of Bathurst’s favourite Labor son and the 16th Prime        Australian     economy       during
Minister of Australia, Ben Chifley.                                             wartime, and from 1945 laying
    Since 1985, the Light on the Hill dinner has provided leaders and           the foundations for the welfare
senior figures in the labour movement the opportunity to outline their          state, full employment, the
vision for Australia’s future; the challenges to tackle and the opportunities   Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric
within our grasp.                                                               Scheme, and the establishment of
    Past speakers include Bob Hawke (1985), Simon Crean (1986), Joan            Trans-Australian Airlines and the
Child (1987), John Kerin (1988), Bob Carr (1990), Gough Whitlam                 Australian National University.
(1991), Paul Keating (1992), Carmen Lawrence (1994), Kim Beazley                    Born in Bathurst, 22 September
(1996), Laurie Brereton (1999), Barry Jones (2001), Kevin Rudd (2004),          1885, Ben Chifley was brought up
Nicola Roxon (2008), Wayne Swan (2009), Julia Gillard (2010), Linda             on a farm by his grandfather. A voracious reader, he joined the New South
Burney (2011), Bill Shorten (2012), Penny Wong (2014), Anthony                  Wales Railway in 1903 and became an engine driver in 1914.
Albanese (2015), Tanya Plibersek (2017), Patrick Dodson (2018).                     Chifley held the federal seat of Macquarie (1928-1931 and 1940-
                                                                                1951) for Labor, a Party he led from the time of John Curtin’s death in
                                                                                1945 until his own passing in 1951.
                                                                                    Chifley died as leader of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party in
                                                                                1951 in Canberra. He remains a cherished figure in Australian history,
                                                                                an icon of the Australian Labor Party, and an inspirational example to all.

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    Jim Chalmers MP has been the
    Member for Rankin since 2013,
    proudly representing the people
    and suburbs of southern Brisbane
    and Logan City where he was
    born, grew up and made a home
    with Laura, Leo, Annabel, and
        Jim was appointed Shadow
    Treasurer after the 2019 election.
        He first joined the Shadow
    Cabinet as Shadow Minister for
    Finance from 2016 to 2019. From
    2015 to 2016 he was Shadow
    Minister for Financial Services
    and Superannuation, Shadow Minister for Sport and Shadow Assistant
    Minister for Trade, Investment and Productivity.
        Jim’s most recent book, Changing Jobs: the Fair Go in the New Machine
    Age, is co-authored with Mike Quigley and was published in 2017. His
    earlier book about the Global Financial Crisis, Glory Daze, was released
    in July 2013.

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    The 2019 Light on the Hill Address

    I’m so grateful for this opportunity        I want to talk about Labor and
    to give the Light on the Hill speech    the economy, his two abiding and
    in Bathurst tonight, to honour Ben      defining interests. I want to talk
    Chifley in the local community he       about how I think Australia can
    loved and served.                       do better, how we can and should
        I’m conscious you’ve bestowed       be more ambitious in pursuing
    this honour since the mid-1980s         sustainable economic growth, and
    on Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke,            how we become a more inclusive
    Paul Keating, Kevin Rudd, Julia         society which leaves nobody
    Gillard, Bill Shorten, Anthony          behind and which holds nobody
    Albanese, and so many more. And         back.
    that senior figures in our Party            As part of this I want to spend
    have established a long tradition of    some time on a neglected but very
    applying the lessons from Chifley’s     relevant aspect of Chifley’s legacy
    life to our most substantial            – and that’s his role in helping
    contemporary challenges as a            create the institutions which have
    movement and a nation.                  underpinned the global economic
        I’ll do my best to hew closely to   order.
    that tradition tonight.                                  ***

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Chifley’s story begins 134 years       It was Chifley who guided         achievement at the time.                   And Labor in government has
and six days ago, a kilometre or       cabinet decisions on Australia’s           For the next twenty years the     been consistent – insisting that the
so from here at that little house      participation in negotiations for     IMF would exert considerable           fair go needs fair markets.
on Havannah Street, a similar          what became the International         influence over global exchange             Chifley set the mould.
distance from the marital home         Monetary Fund, the World Bank,        rates, capital movements, and              But seventy years since the
on Busby Street that I visited this    and later the General Agreement on    national fiscal and monetary policy.   defeat of his Government we
afternoon.                             Tariffs and Trade – the predecessor   Australia was represented on its       have to acknowledge that what
    It was 1885 and just before        of the World Trade Organisation.      councils, and often prominently        we understand to be the global
the Australian colonies tumbled            The outstanding public servants   so.                                    economic order is under threat.
from a hundred years of prosperity     who took part in those negotiations        And the GATT, more than any           An order that has been one of
based on immigration, pastoral         – Leslie Melville, Nugget Coombs,     other international organisation,      the foundations of our prosperity
expansion and gold into a slump        among others – reported to both       was responsible for the emergence      is decaying.
deeper and longer than the Great       Curtin and Chifley, but generally     of the modern global economy.              I’m not referring here to the
Depression four decades later.         received more day-to-day guidance          We should be proud that           rise of President Trump – or not
    He     lived     through     the   from the Treasurer than the Prime     Australia     made       outstanding   only to him. I am referring to a
uncertainty and upheaval of two        Minister.                             contributions to this work.            global economic order already
economic catastrophes and two              When Chifley himself became            Proud, too, that the Hawke and    under considerable stress before
world wars.                            PM, and kept Treasury, he             Keating Labor Governments later        he came to office, and under much
    Running through it all was         continued to grasp the reins of our   led the way in the formation of        more stress today.
financial recklessness, unrestrained   engagement in the establishment       APEC and the creation of annual            Bretton Woods was about
competition between great powers       of a new world economic order.        leaders’ summits. And that Rudd        overturning the isolationism and
for markets and technological              He sought a global commitment     and Swan were so influential in the    beggar-thy-neighbour paradigms
advantage, trade and tariff wars,      to full employment, to complement     G20 group of leading economies,        that underpinned the Great
and ugly right wing reactions to       his policy at home. He recognised     helping to elevate and empower         Depression and the ensuing rise of
economic dislocation.                  that Australia was a relatively       its response to the Global Financial   nationalism, fascism and war.
    Uncertain times, but familiar      small economy, one with large         Crisis at the same time as their           It worked then, but it is
now too.                               rural industries that depended on     domestic policies helped save          breaking down now under similar
    It was those experiences           exports. He knew Australia was        Australia from recession.              forces unleashed by another great
which drove Chifley’s interest in      part of the global economy and                          ***                  economic cataclysm – this time the
economic reform in Australia, and      wanted to make the most of it.             There’s a great tradition of      Global Financial Crisis.
in creating a new global economic          Against      the     suspicious   Labor’s role in making rules for           Things had already started
order.                                 opposition of members of his own      the global economy, in creating        to be unpicked by neo-liberalism
    With John Curtin’s strong          cabinet, Chifley eventually won       a global consensus favourable          from the 1970s on and then with
support, Chifley as Treasurer laid     agreement to our membership of        to trade, investment and global        increasing speed and consequence
the foundations of Australia’s         the IMF, the World Bank and the       prosperity, based on widely            by Thatcher, Reagan, deregulation,
engagement in the world economy        GATT.                                 accepted rules applying to all the     and financialisation.
after the war.                             It was a stunning political       participants, great and small.             But the worst excesses of

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neo-liberalism were not quite as        economic stability.                      foresight and vision. They ushered        meet its potential.
prevalent in Australia, for all sorts      And the acceleration of               in something new.                             This is backed up by the
of reasons.                             inequality before, during and since          Just as Chifley led a nation from     numbers. Australia was the second
                                        then has steadily shredded its           war to peace and reconstruction,          fastest growing economy in the
                                        political legitimacy.                    from an old economic order to a           OECD during the financial crisis,
  We in Labor                                                                    new one.                                  but has now dropped to 20th.
  have always                               But the sobering truth is that           One of the most penetrating               Economic growth is now the
                                        the reactionary right has largely        and longstanding chroniclers of           slowest it has been in ten years.
 taken the big                          prospered around the world since         that post-war period was John             Almost 2 million Australians
                                                                                 Kenneth Galbraith.         He wrote       are looking for work or more
   transitions                          the GFC by attacking globalism
                                                                                 that the essence of leadership            work. Wages have barely grown.
                                        with populism, nationalism and
 seriously and                          isolationism – and the progressive       was a ‘willingness to confront            Household debt is at record highs.
                                        left has struggled.                      unequivocally the major anxiety of        Productivity has gone backwards
we find a place                             Perhaps the death of big             their people in their time’.              and living standards have fallen
                                                                                     Big transitions are always            since 2013.
  for people in                         ideological movements like neo-
                                                                                 accompanied by big, defining
                                        liberalism is like the death of a star
the larger story                        – they swell in size and change          anxieties.
                                                                                                                              We need to
                                        colour before they finally disappear         Today’s anxieties make for
 of change and                          – and we are living through that         a long list, and many things                acknowledge
                                                                                 – climate change, terrorism,
    progress.                           phase.
                                                                                 ageing – must feature on it. But           that we won’t
                                            We find ourselves at inflection
                                                                                 perhaps the overarching anxiety is
   Mostly because we were               points in our politics, our economy
                                                                                 declining faith that our politics and
                                                                                                                            beat populism
governed by Labor for a large           and our society.
chunk of that period, and Hawke             We in Labor have always taken        our economics work for middle                of the right
                                        the big transitions seriously and we     Australia.
and Keating wanted Australia to
get ahead but not leave people          find a place for people in the larger        A real loss, not just of faith, but    with populism
                                                                                 of hope.
behind. But also partly because         story of change and progress.
                                                                                     This has been a feature of our
                                                                                                                                 of left.
John Howard’s obsession was                 Just as Whitlam took us from a
industrial relations not bank           closed to an open society.               politics for a long time, but I think
                                                                                 the post-GFC period and the global            That’s why people feel like no
deregulation, and because the               Hawke and Keating from a
                                                                                 ructions I’ve spoken about made it        matter how hard they work they
HIH collapse sent a warning to          closed to an open economy.
                                                                                 much more central and urgent.             just can’t get ahead. Their incomes
regulators about stability, if not          Rudd and Gillard from global
                                                                                     This anxiety has many sources         aren’t keeping up with energy,
ethics.                                 recession to recovery.
                                                                                 but three are key: stagnant wages         health and childcare costs.
   The global recession destroyed           In each case it was more than
                                                                                 feeding declining living standards;           This is a legacy of six years
neo-liberalism’s claim to providing     good management.
                                                                                 fears about the future of work; and       of Liberal management of the
generalised      prosperity     and         These were acts of courage,
                                                                                 a sense that our nation is failing to     economy, but beyond that, it

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is the legacy of a conservative        rise of Asia; technological change;      with the pace of political change      that matter, but with something
government clinging stubbornly         climate change and environmental         right now, that is an eternity.        new and different.
to the wreckage of an economic         degradation; demographic pres-               Issues will emerge and rise and       New and different but consistent
model that has sustained them for      sures; and diminished trust and          fall in prominence, the economic       with our values. Which recognises
so long.                               social cohesion.                         and global conditions will evolve,     our politics and the economy – and
    Nowhere is this more apparent          In that scenario, Australia drifts
than in their refusal to contemplate   into the future with weak economic
a proper fiscal response to any        growth, poor educational outcomes            Re-establishing our growth
deeper downturn.
    We hear little from them about
                                       and is increasingly vulnerable to
                                       external shocks.
                                                                                 credentials is part of reclaiming
boosting demand or productivity            It’s a confronting story.            Labor’s rightful place as the party
or how we adapt and adopt                  It cautions us against wasting
technology in ways that create, not    time, neglecting or denying                 of aspiration as opportunity.
just sacrifice, jobs.                  the biggest challenges; lacking
    Unlike Chifley, unlike Hawke       ambition; or getting bogged down         and our specific policy priorities     at times our Party too – is broken
and Keating, unlike Rudd, Gillard      in old binaries and false choices.       will be reordered.                     in important ways and we need to
and Swan, the Government of                                                         In doing so we will work out       address what’s wrong, as well as
Morrison and Frydenberg today                                                   which policies from last term we       what went wrong.
                                           These lessons apply equally to
is disengaged and complacent in                                                 update, which we discard, and                         ***
                                       Australia and to Australian Labor.
the face of growing threats to our                                              what replaces them. We will take          So we need to review our
                                       And the old adage that ‘you win or
prosperity – both domestic and                                                  our time to do that.                   policies. We need to reassure
                                       you learn’ is relevant too.
global.                                                                             We took an ambitious program       anxious Australians we understand
                                           All of us have some thinking
    Their failure to plan has three                                             to the last election and we fought     the central job-creating role of
                                       and some work to do after our
consequences for Australia: it                                                  hard for it. But we weren’t able to    business and the importance of
                                       defeat in May. We need to listen
leaves us dangerously exposed; it                                               build a big enough constituency        budget responsibility. We need
                                       to the message we were sent, and
unnecessarily limits our options if                                             behind that agenda to win.             to remind them of this Liberal
                                       learn from the result.
things get worse; and it jeopardises                                                We mostly lost among middle        Government’s real record on the
                                           We won’t win in 2022 by
the future of our economy and our                                               ground voters, not middle income       economy.
                                       recontesting and re-prosecuting
country.                                                                        voters. People in outer suburban          But we need to do more than
                                       the 2019 election.
    It’s a nice harmony that another                                            communities like mine, around          review, reassure and remind. We
                                           Clearly we won’t take an
Chifley creation – the CSIRO – has                                              Australia.                             need to re-establish, reclaim and
                                       identical set of policies to the next
done the best job quantifying the                                                   To win them back, we need          renew.
                                       election as we took to the last.
costs of not having a plan for the                                              to acknowledge that we won’t              To re-establish our credentials
                                           We need to look ahead.
economy into the future.                                                        beat populism of the right with        as the Party of economic growth.
                                           By 2022 the search for a new
    This year the CSIRO warned                                                  populism of the left, especially not   By focusing on growth and
                                       politics and a new economics will
us that Australia faces a “Slow                                                 with warmed-up nostalgia for the       redistribution not growth or
                                       be three years further along, and
Decline” if it fails to address the                                             1970s, or even for the 1990s for

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redistribution. Focusing on the            Understanding aspiration can’t      then, and under Albanese now.          have brought new challenges
future economy. And adopting a          come from a focus group. It can            We all have our Light on           including financial instability, job
genuine mindset of partnership          only come from your heart and          the Hill. Ours is mobility in all      insecurity and income and wealth
which recognises today’s political      from your own experiences.             its forms: social; economic;           inequality.
and economic strategies and                In my case it comes from            intergenerational. A forward-              Unchecked liberalisation can’t
institutions aren’t working for         growing up in Logan City, living       looking society, an outward-facing
middle Australia.                       there almost all of my life, raising   country, powered by an upward-
                ***                     my kids there, and representing        climbing economy.                         The Light on
   Re-establishing our growth           the same suburbs south of Brisbane
                                                                                   A nation which leaves nobody
                                                                               behind and holds nobody back.
                                                                                                                       the Hill doesn’t
credentials is part of reclaiming
Labor’s rightful place as the party        In    these     neighbourhoods      Where we celebrate people doing            beckon us
                                        people just want to know that if       well and getting ahead. And where
                                                                               we want more people doing well           further right.
 We all have our Light on the Hill.                                            and getting ahead.
                                                                                   That’s the whole point of the
                                                                                                                       Or further left.
     Ours is mobility in all its                                               Labor Party and it’s the whole           It beckons us
                                                                               reason I’m here.
     forms: social; economic;                                                                   ***
  intergenerational. A forward-                                                    But to re-establish our growth
                                                                               credentials     and    to    reclaim
                                                                                                                      address this. Fresh thinking is
                                                                                                                      required and it should be natural
   looking society, an outward-                                                aspiration we need to renew the
                                                                                                                      territory for the centre-left.
                                                                               way we go about it.
  facing country, powered by an                                                    For some decades now our
                                                                                                                          But instead of fresh thinking,
                                                                                                                      many progressive parties around
    upward-climbing economy.                                                   economic policy debates have
                                                                               been dominated by the drive to
                                                                                                                      the world have turned to ideas of
                                                                                                                      the past.
  A nation which leaves nobody                                                 liberalise the economy.
                                                                                                                          There’s     no    shortage   of
                                                                                   These reforms did address
 behind and holds nobody back.                                                 some of the challenges of the
                                                                                                                      politicians channelling discontent
                                                                                                                      that liberalisation has failed to
                                                                               1970s and 1980s when economic
of aspiration as opportunity.           they study hard, work hard, go to                                             address inequality, has promoted
                                                                               performance was hampered by
    During the election the idea of     bed later than everyone else, get                                             financial bubbles over real
                                                                               state domination, over-regulation
aspiration was thrown around by         up earlier than everyone else, then                                           economic growth, has introduced
                                                                               and rigidity.
our opponents like confetti from        they’ve got a shot.                                                           new volatility into our economy
                                                                                   Today’s issues are different.
a shredded focus group report.             Every nation talks about this                                              and has reduced the role of the
                                                                                   Three decades of liberalisation
But aspiration in the way Liberals      idea but ours is defined by it.                                               state – and they’re right to point
                                                                               made       our    economy      more
frame it is only ever political cover   And only Labor will nourish and                                               all that out.
                                                                               competitive and flexible, but they
for trickledown economics.              advance it. Under Chifley back                                                    But their diagnosis is weakened

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by proposals which draw from           That’s the Liberals’ path but it will        We should intervene earlier        governments.
a grab-bag of defunct ideas of         never be ours.                           and more effectively to ward off           But there’s another lesson
decades past.                              Instead we recognise the             disadvantage, using technology         too, particularly pertinent for all
    Promising to tear up neo-liberal   possibilities    for     information     to update the social democratic        of us at this difficult time for our
economics isn’t hard – coming up       technology, big data and the             state’s egalitarian purpose and        movement. It’s something I’ve
with a credible alternative is.        internet of things to lift the quality   method.                                been drawing on for inspiration as
    ‘Back to the future’ politics is   and efficiency of public services,           Putting these pieces together,     I’ve researched this speech and as
no answer to the challenges of the     transform transport, education           we have part of a new way of           I’ve tried to come to terms with our
new economy.                           and public health – and take a new       governing: use technology to           recent defeat.
    The Light on the Hill doesn’t      approach to markets.                     improve the quality and efficiency         Chifley’s career reminds us not
beckon us further right. Or further        Rather than debate the merits        of public services; use public         only of what Labor can accomplish
left. It beckons us forward.           of regulation and deregulation, we       services to prevent rather than        in office, but also of the value of
    The answer is neither a            should be putting power back in          treat social problems; and apply       tenacity, patience, fortitude and
capitulation to the Right on further   the hands of citizens by ensuring        those     preventative   resources     courage when out of office.
liberalisation, nor a turn back to     they have rights over their data,        progressively to achieve equality          When Chifley died in 1951
old left socialism.                    and control over their digital           of opportunity.                        he had served as the Member for
    It’s to focus on seizing the       presence.                                                  ***                  Macquarie for almost 14 years,
opportunities of new technologies          We     should     be     thinking        Harnessing the digital economy     as Treasurer for a little over eight
and ensuring broad participation       differently about the role of            is a challenge big enough to           years and as Prime Minister for
in their benefits.                     government. In education, using          compare with the work of Ben           four.
                                                                                Chifley and others in restructuring        In that time he fundamentally
                                                                                                                       reshaped Australia’s domestic
       We should intervene earlier                                              the global economy.
                                                                                    To join you here in the year of    economy, repositioned us in the
     and more effectively to ward off                                           this election, the year of Hawke’s     global economy, and embedded us
                                                                                                                       in its emerging institutions.
                                                                                death, and to reflect on Chifley’s
     disadvantage, using technology                                             legacy, is to be reminded that Labor       He established the Australian
                                                                                                                       National        University,      the
     to update the social democratic                                            has only governed federally for
                                                                                less than a third of our country’s     Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
     state’s egalitarian purpose and                                            history since Federation yet we        and Trans-Australia Airways.
                                                                                                                           He opened Australia up to
                                                                                have produced what is generally
                  method.                                                       agreed to be four of the best six      post-war immigration, initiated
                                                                                prime ministers.                       the Snowy Hydro scheme, locked
    Not as a way to bring about        technology to identify learning                                                 in the Federal Government’s
                                                                                    That means Australian history
less secure workplaces and             gaps before kids fall behind.                                                   responsibility to provide social
                                                                                is defined by long periods of
harsher industrial relations, or       Using new sources of health data                                                services     through     the   1946
                                                                                conservative torpor punctuated
hound social security recipients,      to identify warning signs before                                                referendum and reorganised the
                                                                                by bold, activist Labor leaders and
or diminish retirement incomes.        people get sick.                                                                Commonwealth Bank as Australia’s

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central bank.                         and their families in Bathurst. He    only be achieved through economic      to puncture and punctuate a
    But Chifley learnt as much from   watched in hope and frustration       prosperity    and      international   period of conservative torpor,
failure as from these successes.      as international conference after     cooperation.                           manage big transitions with
    After a brief period as Defence   international conference failed to        He showed us that out of office    courage and foresight, address the
Minister in the Scullin Government,   agree on a coordinated economic       we can use our time well. And he       defining anxieties which underpin
Chifley was not only out of office    response to the downturn.             told us that “we must not only         them, and turn aspiration into
but also out of parliament for the        And he despaired as the world     desire to win but we must deserve      opportunity for more people.
next nine years.                      spiralled into devastating currency   to win.”                                   Renewing, refreshing, and
    After losing Macquarie in 1931,   wars and became seduced by                Part of that is recognising        recharging the Light on the Hill
he couldn’t win it back in 1934.      isolationism, populism and fascism    our obligations to people and          for new generations by building
Three years later he was denied       before humanity was once again        communities, understanding how         an Australia which leaves nobody
the Labor preselection for the seat   plunged into the darkness of          badly they need us to learn and        behind, which holds nobody back,
                                                                            then to win, and that’s why we         and which is ready for and resilient
                                                                            carry on.                              to the challenges that lie ahead.
The workers of middle Australia                                                 We do that knowing that after
                                                                            disappointing defeats in 1980 and
    are not like the burden of                                              2004 we came roaring back in 1983
 additional carriages of a train,                                           and 2007 and we’re confident we
                                                                            can do that again in 2022.
  slowing it down; they are the                                                 We didn’t ask for another three
                                                                            years in opposition but we will use
engine itself, a formidable engine                                          them wisely.
  which powers prosperity and                                                   In Canberra we meet in a
                                                                            caucus room where Chifley’s
             progress.                                                      portrait is prominently and
                                                                            proudly displayed, only a couple of
for the 1937 poll.                    another World War.                    metres from where Anthony’s was
    He could have given it away, as      His membership of the banking      recently hung.
many do in similar circumstances      royal commission from 1935 to             Two leaders who know that the
and as many of us have                1937 taught him how banking and       workers of middle Australia are
contemplated at our lowest points,    monetary arrangements worked,         not like the burden of additional
including in the last few months.     and how they didn’t work.             carriages of a train, slowing it
But instead it was time well spent.      It was Chifley’s time and          down; they are the engine itself, a
    He    saw      first-hand   the   experiences in his years in the       formidable engine which powers
devastating effect the Great          wilderness which instilled in him     prosperity and progress.
Depression had on the workers         the belief that enduring peace can        Two leaders both called upon

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Authorised by Jim Chalmers MP, Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland),
    2A Logan Central Plaza, 38-74 Wembley Road, Logan Central QLD 4114.
 Printed by Jeffries Printing Services, 5/71A Milperra Rd, Revesby NSW 2212.
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