Nursery and garden industry of Australia: garden escapees that are serious environmental weeds
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Thirteenth Australian Weeds Conference Nursery and garden industry of Australia: garden escapees that are serious environmental weeds Hazel E. Dempster 9 Wiria Court, Wanneroo 6065, Western Australia, Australia Summary Plants from horticulture have been high- trade routes, the rate of development, settlement and lighted as the major source of both agricultural and the needs of the settlers. environmental weeds in Australia. The Nursery and ‘European gardens were established in the first Garden Industry of Australia (NGIA) has taken initia- settlements initially to provide fruits, grains and veg- tives to define their role and responsibilities. ‘Garden etables but as new European settlers arrived and set up Plants Under the Spotlight (GPUS), an Australian their ornamental gardens to create their English land- strategy for invasive garden plants’ (February 1999), scape there began an array of new introduced plants initiated the program of education to industry members for their estate gardens, hedges and exotic pastures. and the Australian gardening public, to be aware of This, combined with the gradual disturbance of land their own roles and responsibilities to follow for the for grazing animals and removal of timber trees in prevention of further introductions. the early 1800s, destroying the understorey therefore habitats and sanctuary for fauna, provided a window INTRODUCTION of opportunity to infiltrate the compromised native ‘Why is the Australian flora so special? Does it matter communities. English holly (Ilex aquifolia L. Aquifo- whether a plant is a newcomer to Australia, or has been liaceae), mirror bush (Coprosma repens Rubiaceae), evolving here in isolation for the last 50 million years?’ genista (Genista hispanica Papilionaceae), pittospo- ‘Yes it does. It matters because these new plants are rum (Pittosporum undulatum Vent. Pittosporaceae), radically changing the Australian environment – for- polygala (Polygala myrtifolia L. Polygalaceae), arum ever. They are displacing native species, altering not lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng. Araceae) only the diversity and interactions of the flora, but also and watsonia (Watsonia meriana (L.) Mill. Iridaceae) its value for fauna.’ (Hussey et al. 1997) provided the seed and/or propagule source for the Why does the NGIA have to show concern for future weeds infestations of today.’ (Watson 2002). weeds affecting the environment and agriculture? The ‘At the same time these large estate gardens formed, Nairn Report (Groves 1996) states that ‘in the last 25 small cottage type gardens flourished in nearby coun- years, 65% of today’s weeds were introduced for use try villages and since villagers could not afford the in horticulture’. expensive fashionable plants, their gardens proudly What role has the industry played in this invasion? displayed a floral spread of persistent herbaceous annu- The responsibility of such weeds has been laid squarely als and perennials. Verbascum (Verbascum dumulosum at the feet of the industry. Though the industry itself Scrophulariaceae), ivy (Hedera helix L. Araliaceae), cannot take full blame for this figure, the practice of Nile lily (Agapanthus africanus syn. praecox Willd. gardening can. Alliaceae), pink and yellow wood sorrel (Oxalis cor- When did this invasion all start? What events set niculata L. Oxalidaceae)’ (Wilson 2002). the scene for this more recent invasion? An article Plants were actively traded and swapped across entitled ‘Tasmanian’s weed flora – Its early origins’ the countryside by travelling villagers enabling a rapid (Watson 2002) provides an interesting picture of the spread into previously unaffected indigenous vegeta- sequence of weed invasion into Tasmania starting with tion communities. Others became a serious agricultural Captain Cook’s voyage on 1773 prior to leaving Bruny weed imposing substantial economic impacts on many Island, Adventure Bay by planting fruit tree seeds be- generations and many herbs used in estate and cottage fore he left. ‘This planting and seed sowing activity gardens from this era came to persist as difficult to heralded the future indiscriminate introduction of an control agricultural weeds. exotic flora, which of course flourished in a disease ‘The diaries of the Rev. Robert Knopwood, the free, and lack of natural predators eventually became first chaplain of Hobart provide a detailed account of today’s common invasive weeds.’ (Watson 2002) early horticultural activities 1804–1835. The diaries This picture and timing of introduction to Tas- also acknowledge his enthusiasm for collecting seeds mania would have been similar in most of the earlier and cuttings from all available sources including fresh settlements in throughout Australia, due to the same offerings from trading vessels in the port of Hobart. 27
Thirteenth Australian Weeds Conference New settlers would frequently collect plant specimens damage their activities were inflicting on our environ- from various foreign ports of call especially South ment in these disturbed areas. Africa on their journey to this new colony. Newtown The naturalisation of many of these plants was Plant Nursery was referred to in 1815 as one of the initially seen as a novelty or accomplishment rather earliest plant selling establishments. Plants such as wil- than the threat it was to become. The practices of lows (Salix spp., Salicaceae), poplars (Populus alba L. dumping of garden refuse across the road into the Salicaceae), English hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna nearby bushland or even worse, further afield whilst Jacq. Rosaceae), black locust (Robina pseudoacacia on a Sunday drive was common place. The picking L. Papilionaceae), genista (Genista hispanica L. Papil- of a bunch of naturalised freesias (Freesia alba × ionaceae), English and Scotch gorse (Ulex europaeus leichtlinii Iridaceae) to take home for Mum or family L. Papilionaceae), boxthorn (Lycium ferocissimum excursions to pick blackberries from the local creek Solanaceae) and cotoneaster (Cotoneaster pannosus or rubbish dump, to make jam, became common place Franch. Rosaceae) would have been freely available at family activities. this very early nursery. Weeds galore for the colonist Changing fashions have always been a part of the to spread far and wide!’ (Wilson 2002). gardening and horticulture scenes. Nursery businesses ‘The introduction of many new exotic species can wanting to expand their production searched for new be attributed to the enthusiasm of amateur botanists exotic plants to add to their growing lists. The already such as Robert Lawrence. Importation and exchange established plants which were either considered too of plant material with European horticulture and bo- common because of their appearance as naturalised tanical institutes such as Kew Garden for the local weeds, were cast aside, or the fashion trends changed flora, was of great interest at that time. The Wardian to suit the changing architecture of buildings. The rub- case to transport plants across oceans becoming more bish dumps of the day became a haven for such cast reliable by the 1830. Local trade catalogues, botanical offs and their spread into the surrounding bushland gardens lists and order books provide a comprehen- was rapid. sive record of the weed flora that was brought into Further introductions such as lantana (Lantana the State. The 1850s saw new introductions of pam- camara L. var. camara Verbenaceae) and Australian pas grass (Cortaderia selloana Schult. & Schult.f. natives being transported across borders began to Poaceae), cotoneaster (Cotoneaster glaucophyllus naturalise, Victorian tea tree (Leptospermum laeviga- Rosaceae), Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum tum (Gaertn.) F.Muell. Myrtaceae) used for an early L. Boraginaceae), nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus hedging era, the spread of numerous wattle species L. Tropaeolaceae), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera including golden wattle (Acacia baileyana F.Muell. japonica Thunb. Caprifoliaceae), wandering Jew (Tra- Mimosaceae) out competing local species, into many descantia fluminensis Commelinaceae) and banana states, are common examples. passionfruit (Passiflora mollissima Passifloraceae). The environmental impact of the naturalisation Blackberry (Rubus ulmifolius Schott. Rosaceae) ar- of exotic garden plants became evident. ‘The Nairn rived in 1843. Boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera Report’ (Groves 1996) reported that 290 exotic spe- (L.) Norl. Asteraceae) was used for shrub borders in cies of plants had become naturalised in Australia over estate gardens’ (Wilson 2002). These early introduc- a 25 year period from 1971 with 65% attributed to tions set the scene for a large percentage of Australian ornamental plants for horticulture. The numbers weeds incursions and most if not now all have major showed increasing rate of naturalisation during that eradication or management programs in place through period. out the southern regions of Australia. Today, new exotic ‘Australian Garden Thugs Facts and Figures’ plant material sought by genuine plant collectors can (Blood and Randall 1998) gives statistics that ‘over expect to go through a rigorous legal selection and 700 plants grown deliberately in gardens or sold in assessment process. the trade in Australia have become weeds, of these, almost 50 are still lurking in gardens. Thirty of these PROGRESS OF TRENDS are what weed people call ‘sleepers’ (they have the With the growing and expanding population these known potential to escape) while another 16 are al- trends continued throughout the twentieth century. ready weedy overseas.’ Australian gardeners continued to seek new plants. Land disturbance and soil degradation continued. The STRATEGIES generosity of gardeners ensured that the plants would NGIA and its associated horticultural media follow spread through family and friends gardens. Nurseries and create fashion for Australia’s parks and gardens. and gardeners alike were oblivious to the looming The last twenty years has seen many new introductions 28
Thirteenth Australian Weeds Conference to the industry from overseas, as well as plant breed- public about invasive garden plants though gov- ing and selection within Australia. During this time ernment agencies, the plant industry and the hor- the Australian environment had continued to change ticultural media. by degradation, threatening salinity and climatic • To educate the plant industry and horticultural changes providing an ideal platform to launch further media about invasive plans. new weeds and the further spread of those already • To obtain cooperation from industry and media in naturalised. the promotion, sale and distribution of environ- What has the industry and the associated landscap- mental friendly alternative plants. ing industry been doing to in its role as horticultural • To increase sales of non invasive garden plants. promoter to the public of Australia and to prevent the Community education and awareness program number of naturalised weeds increasing? The National • Focus on the invasive garden plants. Weeds Strategy (NWS) (1997) sets out a goals and • Equip the community toolbox. objectives for a strategic approach to weed problems of • Promote the role of the industry and govern- national significance. The Cooperative Research Cen- ment. tre for Weeds Management Systems (Weeds CRC) is • Ensure staff are trained and skilled in providing a national initiative to support, assist or drive industry community education. decisions and plant selections. Biosecurity Australia Target groups (BA) regulates the importation of new plant material • Horticultural media. through the Australian Quarantine Inspection Services • Nurseries, garden centres and landscapes. (AQIS) weed risk assessment protocol. • Local government. NGIA’s publication The Nursery Papers Issue No. • Botanic gardens and genetic resource centres. 1998#10 titled ‘Preventing the introduction of potential weeds as ornamental plants to the Industry’ advises GARDEN THUGS LIST that ‘AQIS carries out assessments of weed potential From an original 860 species originally identified as on all new plant imports.’ New ornamental plants in Garden Thugs, a list of 100 was presented of the In- particular are assessed as they are the major source dustry for comment. The list indicated any legislation of plants that, in time, may become naturalised weeds control and as well as the state and territories where the that impact on our environments. Weeds ranking and plant has become invasive in natural ecosystems. assessment systems are in place for assessment of the The final list of 52 plants was identified by the potential of plants including those from horticulture GPUS strategy as ones to be discouraged from use in to become invasive and allow the appropriate man- Australians gardens. This list was published in NGIA agement programs to be implemented. Plant Breeders publications The Nursery Papers (Issue No. 2000/12) Rights (PBR) has legally enforceable legislation and titled ‘Invasive plants not wanted in public or private makes it the PBR owner’s responsibility to be aware gardens identified’. A further Issue of The Nursery of such restrictions as noxious or invasive weeds when Papers (Issue No. 2001/14) ‘The facts on hazardous making submission for new plants. NGIA responsi- plants’, lists plants many of the escaped exotics which bility to the NWS is seen as coordination, policy, re- are proclaimed weeds search, monitoring, education, advocacy and energetic Considerable concern was express that for at least weed control. the next few decades many new weeds or ‘sleeper’ weeds will continue to emerge from plants already INDUSTRY RESPONSE present on Australian gardens and nurseries. Newer ‘Garden Plants under the Spotlight: An Austral- introductions such as white butterflies (Gaura lindhei- ian strategy for invasive garden plants’ (Blood and meri Engelm. & A.Gray Onagraceae), African daisy Randall 1998), was a project of cooperation with the (Osteospermum ecklonis (DC.) Norl. Asteraceae), di- Weeds CRC and the then Nursery Industry Association etes (Moraea vegeta L. Iridaceae) have been already of Australia (NIAA) and state, territory and federal noted as naturalising by Bushcare groups involved in regulatory agencies. The following initiatives were weed removal from bush reserves. put in place: The focus would be on informing the gardening Strategy list public, commercial users and members of the nurs- • To maintain the profitability of the industry dur- ery and garden industries of the need to ensure plants ing a time of increasing local council, state and are not used in either public or private gardens. The territory government regulatory concerns over Weeds CRC programs ‘Garden Thugs’, and ‘Weed weeds. Buster Week’ are conducted nationally for the nursery • To educate and inform the Australian gardening industry and public education. 29
Thirteenth Australian Weeds Conference INDUSTRY AIMS role in keeping to create awareness of this issue and In 2000, GPUS conducted a survey by the Weeds at the same time encourage the purchase and planting CRC and Agriculture Western Australia to determine of non-invasive species. nursery customers’ attitudes to the sale of weedy gar- In November 2001 the ‘Flora for Fauna’ campaign den plants. The result showed that an overwhelming was launched (Moody 2001). This is a national ini- majority of nursery customers do not want to buy and tiative by the Nursery and Garden Industry. With the grow invasive plants in their gardens and put trust in support of funding from a Natural Heritage Trust grant, their local nursery for the correct advise and not to ‘Flora for Fauna’ looks at the ways that the gardening have them for sale. community can be encouraged to grow suitable plants Fashion demands from the gardening public meant preferably Australian native plants local to each areas that relatively new and untested species of plants were into home gardens to attract local flora and fauna. being distributed. Computer software has been now These gardens will become protected habitats whilst developed to be able to make projections of a plants bringing many fairly sterile gardens to life. This in propensity to become invasive and allow precautions turn would provide further corridors for the fauna to to be taken. Any new introductions would be subject interact with the flora between local bushland parks to this scrutiny and existing garden plants showing and reserves. weediness can be assessed. A good example of this is Though not directly aimed at probable weed spe- lantana (Lantana camera L. Verbenaceae) which is a cies, lists presented for the project have provoked much well known environmental Weed of National Signifi- comment particularly from environmental groups Aus- cance (WONS) in some states, has been projected to tralia wide who know their areas and are well aware become invasive in Western Australia from Geraldton of the garden escapes with which they deal with in to Esperance and there is already evidence of naturalis- their environmental management program. This has ing in these areas (Walton 2000). resulted with much consultation by these groups with The trend to create water features in gardens has industry and to encourage local nurseries to be more given the rise in reports of prohibited water plants such familiar with the management problems which could as salvinia (Salvinia molesta D.S.Mitch. Salviniaceae), occur. This program has lead to the introduction of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms further plant species into the industry especially on Pontederiaceae) and arum lily (Zantedeschia aethi- the local scene. opica (L.) Areaceae). Prompted by the GPUS programs, industry ex- The challenge is to work with this information and ecutives in all states and territories have acted and follow protocols put in place for removal from sale initiated educational programs with their members and safe substitution. In a further issue of The Nursery and the public. In the Australian Capital Territory Papers (Issue No. 2001/12) titles ‘Discovering alterna- and the Northern Territory, nurseries working with tives to garden escapes’ and states that ‘the issues of local community groups have all agreed not to sell invasive plants, often referred to as ‘weeds’, is a com- invasive plants that will effect the biodiversity of their plex one. What the industry should do about this issue local ecosystems. is equally, or even more, complex.’ It aims to highlight only the most invasive garden plants still found in the PROGRESS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA nursery trade, develop and promote an extensive list Western Australia is a world famous flora hot spot. We of alternatives and mostly, improve the understanding have over 14,000 native plants species and that figure of this issue by the gardening community. will increase as new species are still being identified, The group of invasive garden plants listed and we have 1400 weed species registered as invasive their alternatives are direct at the NSW/ACT area. The or naturalised about 40 of these have high invasive complexity of providing such lists is highlighted and qualities and these will also increase. WA is lucky to the need for industry in other states to work with local be isolated from many infestations by geographical communities to provide their own lists to protect the location and separation by an arid desert from the rest biodiversity of the many different ecosystems found of the continent and their weeds, but ongoing vigilance in regions throughout the country. is paramount. One of the industry’s objectives is to respond to The Nursery and Garden Industry of Western community environmental concerns. The main goal Australia (NGIWA) members are aware of the GPUS is to work out an approach that would help the gar- campaign. The executive has taken the initiative by dening public not to want invasive garden plants. As having representation on steering committees for most gardeners trust their nursery person for correct both the ‘Environmental Weeds Strategy for Western advice the industry can therefore play an important Australia’ for Conservation and Land Management 30
Thirteenth Australian Weeds Conference (CALM) and the State Weed Plan, and are seeking OUTCOMES representation of the State Weeds Coordinating Coun- • The aims and strategies of the GPUS programs are cil. They are continuing their participation to provide well known within the industry. the best guidelines for the industry in line with the • The streamlining of initiative programs such as requirements of these plans. NGIWA state confer- ‘Flora for Fauna’ is resulting in more appropri- ence programs have highlighted the weed threats and ate plant selection for the differing regions of the outlined the responsibilities members have to partici- country. pate in the industry’s programs. The annual Garden • Nurseries are changing lines of stock continuously. Week has been the public arena for public awareness This education program encourages that process to campaigns. continue and provides guidance as to which stock West Australian gardeners are inclined to follow lines to avoid with suitable alternatives. trends set by horticulture media programs and publica- • Building lead-in times to the program will ensure tions emanating from the more populous states in the that plant replacement occurs on a level playing east therefore many unsuitable exotic plants have been field for all nurseries and allows stock lines to introduced over many years with their weed invasive change in time for publicity to gardeners. unknown in our different climate. The massive hous- • Members are better informed to take responsibility, ing development in the last 20 years has also seen a to be aware of plant invasive qualities, to remain similar increase in the introduction of exotic species informed of industry recommendations. to horticulture. Many of these are now ‘sleeper’ weeds • More exposure of invasive weeds through the with some already giving indications of spread. horticultural media is enabling the general public Unfortunately at the moment the Industry in WA to be more informed. is being severely affected by low rainfall necessitating severe water restrictions and the outlook for consistent CONCLUSION rainfall is limited on projections of climate change. The resistance to, or fear of loss of livelihood by the This is causing severe hardships for many horticultural removal of particular plants species by some sections enterprises. The use of the more suitable local plants of the industry is still evident and there are those who has been in decline since the last long dry spell in the feel their rights are being infringed by the programs 1970s with the trend to exotics requiring a high water when it comes to what they can grow. use and unsuitable for prolonged dry seasons. Despite this ‘the positive benefits gained by the Many nurseries throughout the state are now com- NIGA in taking the lead on this issue and not waiting to ing under pressure from state and local government have change imposed upon it are great. The credibility agencies, as well as, the general gardening public of the industry will be improved through positive pub- and community conservation groups. Plant lists are licity showing their environmental responsibility and encouraged to be more in line with the environmental sustainability. The industry, by driving this process, needs to conserve water and protect the biodiversity will be in a position to control the timing and phase ins, of the state’s ecosystems from further weed invasion. have a greater input to training and maximise public- Working and cooperating with local environ- ity opportunities. It is good for business.’ (Blood and mental groups, many of whom are their customers to Randall 1998). provide plants of local provenance is a major public There is ample evidence that there will be more relations exercise in the offing for many nurseries to that enough plants to replace any potential invasive gain benefit. Many voluntary hours have been spent species into the country’s gardens and satisfy the pulling out weeds which have naturalised from plants enthusiasts. Plant breeding of both Australian native which the nursery may have previously sold. National plants and the selection of suitable non-invasive exot- award winning Western Australian nursery, Zanthor- ics for use in Australian gardens is only in its infancy rhoea Nursery with community consultation has a local in Australia. weeds strategy and substitute plant supply. The challenge of this millennium for NGIA is to The current trend to recommend drought toler- provide non-invasive plants, which do not threaten ant plants from other countries has inherent dangers the country’s biodiversity. The initiatives of Austral- as many have evolved and able to multiply in such ian horticulturists and scientists will prevail to ensure adverse conditions. Weed assessments will determine that horticulture industry is not threatened, and able their invasive potential. to provide a sound future for its members. 31
Thirteenth Australian Weeds Conference ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘Environmental Weeds Strategy for Western Aus- Nursery and Garden Industry of Australia (NGIA) tralia’. (Conservation and Land Management, and the Cooperative Research Cen- Como, WA). tre for Weeds Management Systems (Weeds CRC). Groves, R.H. (1996). In Nairn, M.E., Allen, P.G., Thanks to Mr. Phil Watson from the Australian Inglis, A.R. and Tanner, C. ‘Australian Quaratine Plants Society, Tasmania Region for the use of infor- – a shared responsibility’. (Department of Primary mation from his article ‘Tasmania’s weed flora-its early Industries and Energy, Canberra). origins’ (Eucryphia, March 2002). Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Cousens, R.D., Dodd, J. and Lloyd, S.G. (1997). ‘Western weeds, a guide to REFERENCES the weeds of Western Australia’. (Plant Protection Adler, M. and Stephens, S. (2001). The facts on Society of Western Australia). hazardous plants. The Nursery Papers Issue No. Lewis, P. and Stephens, R. (2001). Discovering alter- 2001/14. (Horticulture Australia, Nursery Industry natives to garden escapes. The Nursery Papers Is- Association of Australia). sue No. 2001/12. (Horticulture Australia, Nursery Agriculture and Resource, Management Council of Industry Association of Australia). Australia and New Zealand, Australia and New Moody, H. and De Vos, R. (2001). Flora for fauna- Zealand, Environment and Conservation Council, plants for bird, bees, butterflies and profitability. Forestry Ministers (1997). The National Weeds The Nursery Papers, Issue 2001/11. (Horticul- Strategy: A Strategic Approach to Weed Problems ture Australia, Nursery Industry Association of of National Significance. Australia). Atkinson, I. (2000). Invasive plants not wanted in State Weed Plan Steering Committee (2001). A Weed public or private gardens identified. The Nursery Plan for Western Australia. (Department of Agri- Papers Issue No. 2000/12. (Horticulture Australia, culture, Kensington, WA). Nursery Industry Association of Australia). Watson, P. (2002). Tasmania’s weed flora – its early Blood, K. and Randall, R. (1998). ‘Australian Garden origins. Eucryphia, March 2002. (Australian Thugs Fact and Figures’. (Cooperative Research Plants Society, Tasmania Region). Centre for Weed Management Systems). Walton, C. (1998). Preventing the introduction of po- Cooperative Research Centre for Weed Management tential weeds as ornamental plants. The Nursery Systems and The Nursery Industry Association of Papers Issue No 1998/10. (Horticulture Australia, Australia (NIAA) (1999). ‘Garden Plants Under Nursery Industry Association of Australia). the Spotlight’ – Draft February 1999. Walton, C. (2000). National Strategy for Lantana Environmental Protection Branch, Department of Management – Draft. (Department of Natural Conservation and Land Management (1999). Resources, Coorparoo, Queensland). 32
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