Page created by Tammy Collins
First Quarter Newsletter April 2020

                                            economy (e.g., a geopolitical conflict or       First Quarter Market Update
                                            natural disaster).
                                                                                            The first quarter of 2020 has been an
                                            It’s one thing to say it and another to         unprecedented period in U.S. financial
                      Gregory L. Kozerski
                       CPA, CFP ®, AIFA®    actually live it. It’s still another when the   market history across numerous
                           President        precipitating event or catalyst for the         dimensions:
                                            recessionary bear market is something
                                            none of us have experienced before:             • The U.S. stock market fell into a 20%
                                            a global pandemic, which has instigated            bear market in the shortest time ever—
                                            an extreme societal response—                      just 22 days—and continued further,
We are all now living through a period in   including the indefinite closure of                dropping 30% in a record 30 days.
history none of us will ever forget. The    schools and non-essential businesses,              The typical historical bear market
impact on our families, communities,        shelter-at-home orders, quarantines,               peak-to-trough decline has taken
and country has been profound. And          lockdowns, and social distancing—                  around 12 to 18 months.
it continues. There remains great           and has potentially overwhelmed                 • Short-term expectations of stock
uncertainty, worry, and fear about the      medical facilities, personnel, and                market volatility, as measured by the
coronavirus and its impact: how widely      supplies.                                         VIX index often referred to as the
it will spread, how fatal it may be, how                                                      market’s “fear index” closed at an
                                            We will get through this crisis period.
long it will last. When will we see signs                                                     all-time high in its 30-year history on
                                            Things will improve and recover.
of stabilization in its spread and a                                                          March 16. And the market’s actual
                                            This, too, shall pass.
decline in daily new cases? When will                                                         realized volatility has only been higher
we “flatten the curve”?                     In the meantime, events are moving                in October 1987 (Black Monday) and
                                            very rapidly, policy responses are in             the late 1920s.
We’ve frequently said that recessions
                                            flux, and markets are extremely volatile.
and bear markets are inevitable phases                                                      • The 10-year and 30-year Treasury bond
                                            This commentary reflects the facts,
within recurring economic and financial                                                        yields fell to all-time lows of 0.54% and
                                            circumstances, and our thinking as of
market cycles; that investors need to                                                          0.99%, respectively, on March 9.
                                            March 26, 2020.
be prepared for them to happen; but                                                                               (continued on page 2)
that their precise timing is consistently   We sincerely hope you and yours
unpredictable. We’ve also said there        can remain healthy and manage well
is always the risk of an unexpected         through this challenging period.                  —The Waterford Difference—
“external shock” to the markets and                                                            We believe that true wealth lies
                                                                                               within all that you cherish that
                                                                                               money cannot buy and death
                                                                                              cannot take away. That is where
                                                                                              the Waterford difference begins.
• Oil prices had their biggest one-day       pundits expected U.S. stocks to gain        change we would intend to add this
  drop since the 1991 Gulf War,               30% last year, none of them expected        second increment to U.S. stocks if the
  plunging 25% on March 9, triggered          a 30% drop in the first three months of     S&P 500 index drops to roughly the 2100
  by a price war between Saudi Arabia         2020 and the real possibility of a severe   level. So in adding to stocks at that price
  and Russia.                                 economic recession.                         level, we believe the odds are strongly in
Note, all returns in this commentary          When you diversify across asset             our favor that we’d be well-compensated
are as of the market close on                 classes and consider a variety of           over a reasonable time frame for their
March 26.                                     potential scenarios, there will always be   shorter-term downside risk and volatility.

Year to date, larger-cap U.S. stocks          leaders and laggards in your portfolio.     If we do add back to U.S. stocks at that
have fallen 30%. Growth stocks                Some positions work well in strong up       point, most of our balanced portfolios
have continued to hugely outperform           environments like we experienced last       would then be at roughly their neutral or
Value: the Russell 1000 Growth                decade, while others benefit portfolios     long-term strategic weighting to stocks
Index has fallen 25%, while the               during tougher times like the start to      overall; our most conservative portfolios
Russell 1000 Value Index has fallen           the 2020s. Put together, they build         would still be slightly underweight. Our
35%. Smaller-cap U.S. stocks have             resiliency and protect a portfolio from     decision to add to U.S. stocks at that
done even worse, falling 38%.                 betting on a single outcome, which can      level is driven by our expected-returns
                                              be a disastrous financial result if the     analysis relative to the shorter-term risk
Developed international stocks have           opposite happens.
fallen 34%, and emerging-market                                                           If the virus news gets worse in the United
stocks have dropped 31%. Much of the          Our tactical positions can be               States (before it gets better), investor
differential between U.S. and foreign         bucketed into three main areas: (1) an      sentiment could take additional hits with
stock market returns has been due             underweight to equities; (2) positions in   further market declines. Such declines
to the appreciation of the U.S. dollar,       lower-risk and/or alternative strategies,   driven by fear, uncertainty, and human
which has risen roughly 4.5% year             such as REIT’s and diversified              herd behavior can feed on themselves
to date.                                      alternatives; and (3) allocations to        resulting in a major overshoot on the
                                              active flexible fixed-income funds and      downside compared to the market’s “fair
In the fixed-income markets, core bonds       floating-rate loan funds.                   value” on a longer-term fundamental
have gained 1.1%, once again providing                                                    basis.
their key role as portfolio ballast against   Current Portfolio Positioning
sharp, shorter-term stock market              and Potential Additional Changes            Therefore, we are also planning when
declines. As noted above, Treasury            In this period of heightened uncertainty    we might take a third swing at the plate
bond yields have fallen sharply. They         and market volatility, we want to give      and begin to overweight stocks overall.
have been extremely volatile as well,         an update on our portfolio positioning.     Again, nothing is set in stone. Our
shooting up on some days when stocks          We’ll also discuss how our allocations      analysis incorporates relevant new data
were also sharply selling off.                might change should markets decline         and information over time and as events
                                              further. As always, we remain focused       evolve. But as it currently stands, we’d
Turning to the credit markets, floating-                                                  look to overweight stocks around roughly
rate loans and high-yield bonds have          on meeting our clients’ longer-term
                                              financial goals and objectives, while       a 50% peak-to-trough decline.
taken it on the chin, with both dropping
around 19%. But investment-grade              managing and balancing nearer-term          We are maintaining our positions in
corporate bonds have been far from            risks.                                      European stocks and emerging-market
immune, having lost 10%.                      In mid-March, after a roughly 25%           stocks because their expected returns
                                              decline in the U.S. stock market,           have also gotten much more attractive
First Quarter Portfolio                                                                   on a forward-looking basis after their
Performance & Key Performance                 we added an increment back to
                                              our U.S. stock exposure. After this         recent price declines. And, unlike U.S.
Drivers                                                                                   stocks, they were already at relatively
                                              trade, our balanced portfolios are still
Financial markets in 2019 were a              underweighted to stocks overall.            attractive valuations and offered
positive surprise for many investors;                                                     attractive expected returns prior to the
however, the start of 2020 has been           As markets have dropped further,            virus-related selloff. As we have from
the exact opposite. Just three months         we have analyzed the next point at          the beginning, we remain cognizant of
ago, most investors were astonished to        which we’d want to add back another         and account for their potentially larger
see stocks jump 20% to 30% during the         increment to U.S. stocks. As stock          downside risk compared to U.S. stocks
eleventh year of a historic bull market.      prices or any asset prices drop, the        in our overall portfolio construction, risk
Even core bonds clocked in a 9% return        expected (forward-looking) return from      management, and expected-returns
last year. But things have changed            investing in them rises.                    analysis.
dramatically since year-end. Though           As things currently stand and our                              (continued on page 4)
one thing is constant: Just as no market      assessment is certainly subject to

Waterford Advisors, LLC                                           2
April 2020

                                             get an extension to October 15, your             Permanent Record Retention
                                             three years runs from then. On the other
                                                                                              There are certain items which should be
                        Daniel Byles-Smith
                                             hand, if you file late and do not have an
                                                                                              kept in a permanent file. This includes
                            CPA,CFP ®        extension, the statute runs three years
                           Tax Director
                                                                                              any documents pertaining to real estate,
                                             following your actual (late) filing date.
                                                                                              business assets, stocks and bonds, and
                                             Each state has a different statute of
                                                                                              other assets you own for as long as you
                                             limitations on audits. Many states follow
                                                                                              own the asset, and then for another three
                                             the federal time period of three years,
                                                                                              years (or longer, depending on your state)
                                             including New York, while some states
                                                                                              after the asset is sold. These records
From a tax perspective, it is important      have longer time periods. The three-year
                                                                                              will be needed for calculating cost basis
to keep tax records and related              period is extended to six years if gross
                                                                                              and gain or loss when the asset is sold.
documentation on hand should the             income is understated by more than
                                                                                              You should also ensure that you retain
IRS decide to conduct a review of your       25%. If tax fraud is involved, returns may
                                                                                              all taxable gift tax filings for your lifetime.
return. Federal laws specify how long        be challenged at any time, and if you
                                                                                              Your most recently filed gift tax return, if
you must retain the documentation to         fail to file a tax return, there is no statute
                                                                                              one has been filed, should include a full
support the filing of income tax returns.    of limitations.
                                                                                              record of taxable gifts made during your
There are non-tax purposes for retaining     Supporting Documentation’                        lifetime.
tax records also, such as verifying
income when applying for a bank loan         Along with copies of your tax returns,           Proper Record Maintenance
or mortgage. These tips will help you        keep any documents related to the                You can maintain tax returns and their
figure out which records to keep and         income, deductions or credits claimed            related documents in several ways,
for how long.                                on the return including: copies of Form          including:
                                             W-2, Form 1099, charitable donation
Statute of Limitations                                                                        • Organize paper files by year, with
                                             acknowledgement letters, receipts for
You should retain tax returns and            tax-deductible expenses, invoices,                 tax returns and related documents in
related documents for at least as long       mileage logs, canceled, imaged or                  the same folder and stored in a safe
as the IRS or a state tax department         substitute checks, proofs of payment,              location.
is permitted to audit the return. The        and any other records to support your            • Scan your documents and store on a
overarching federal tax statute of           return. Self-employed persons should               hard drive, flash drive, or within a cloud
limitations runs three years after you       also keep copies of any accounting                 service. The IRS accepts scanned
file your tax return. If your tax return     records (such as profit and loss                   receipts and records.
is due April 15, but you file early, the     statements or a backup of their data
statute runs exactly three years after       from accounting software) as well as             • Save paper files or flash drives
the due date, not the filing date. If you    copies of bank statements.                         containing tax information in a safe
                                                                                                deposit box.
                                                                                              Proper Record Destruction
                                                                                              Before discarding old tax documents,
                                                                                              make these final checks: Check your
                                                                                              Social Security Statement and compare
                                                                                              your earnings to the information on your
                                                                                              W-2s and tax returns. If you haven’t
                                                                                              received your Social Security Statement,
                                                                                              you can request one from the Social
                                                                                              Security Administration. Every so often,
                                                                                              income from your W-2 or self-employment
                                                                                              income from your tax return doesn’t show
                                                                                              up on your Social Security Statement.
                                                                                              The SSA has procedures in place to
                                                                                              help you correct an error in your record
                                                                                                                 (continued on page 4)

                                                                   3                                 waterfordadv.com • 716-580-3906
INVESTMENT                                                                                 WATERFORD
  comentary                                   (continued from pg. 2)                              happenings
Closing Thoughts: This Crisis                 may seem like the market could just          Here’s the latest from your friends
Will End. This, Too, Shall Pass.              keep dropping with no bottom in sight.       at Waterford Advisors…
                                              But that is exactly where research,
As investors, it is so important to
                                              analysis, patience, experience, and
maintain our focus on our long-term
                                              having a disciplined investment process
financial goals and objectives. As
                                              come most into play.
hard as it may be, from an investment
perspective we need to try to look            Otherwise, if we invest based on our                                  Marybeth Rose
through the current environment of fear       feelings and emotions, we are very                                   Planning Associate
and concern—emotions which, given             likely to cash out of the market after it
the circumstances, are totally justified      has already dropped a lot, locking in
and felt by all of us to the almost certain   those losses. Then, waiting to reinvest
outcome of the virus crisis receding and      after our discomfort and worry are
economic recovery occurring.                  gone, the market will already be much
                                              higher. That is not a recipe for long-term   We’ve moved!
As a long-term investor, trying to time
                                              investment success, yet it plays out in      Greetings from the village of Orchard
market tops and bottoms is a fool’s
                                              each market cycle.                           Park! Our office has successfully been
errand. The evidence is overwhelming
that most investors diminish their            Facing the current medical and               relocated to 3858 North Buffalo Road.
long-term returns trying to do                economic crisis, the situation is            After a long search, we have finally found
so. They are more likely to chase             probably likely to get worse before it       a property that we feel best represents
the market up and down and get                gets better. (We would love to be wrong      the “home office” financial planning firm
whipsawed, buying high and selling            about that.) But, with some necessary        that we have strived to become over the
low. But incrementally adjusting              and shared sacrifices from all of us         last 20 years. Although the new property
portfolio allocations in a patient            and clearly those on the medical front       presents our team with greater flexibility
and disciplined fashion in response           lines much more than most, it will           for future growth, it will not impact our
to changing asset class expected              get better.                                  ability to service our existing client base.
returns and risks makes a lot of              We are here for you.                         We understand that while the new
sense for long-term investors.                                                             location puts us closer to many of you,
                                              Certain material in this commentary          it will extend the commute for some as
The time to be adding to stocks and           is proprietary to and copyrighted            well. Because client satisfaction is of the
other long-term growth assets is when         by Litman Gregory Analytics and is           utmost importance to us, we will make
prices are low and markets and most of        used by Waterford Advisors, LLC with         future accommodations for anyone who
us personally are gripped by fear and         permission. Reproduction or distribution     may perceive this as an inconvenience.
uncertainty rather than complacency,          of this material is prohibited and all       We are very excited to finally be settled
optimism, or greed. Investing at such         rights are reserved.                         in to our new place!
times will feel very uncomfortable. It

  corner                   (continued from pg. 3)

of earnings. Do this before discarding        This will prevent anyone from gaining
any documents relating to your earned         access to your identifying information.
income, such as Form W-2 or Schedule          If you are unsure or need additional
C. Check the date you filed your tax          guidance with tax return retention,
return. Make sure it has been at least        please feel free to contact us and we
three years after the tax return was filed    will be glad to assist you.
before discarding a tax return. Shred
                                              Please consult a member of the
your old tax and financial documents.
                                              Waterford Advisors team if you need                             (continued on page 8)
                                              assistance in this matter.

Waterford Advisors, LLC                                           4
April 2020

      it can be more costly than you’d expect
                                               greater, but no more than $50,000. For         The cost of missed retirement savings
                                               example, if your vested account balance        Some plans don’t permit you to
                     Christina M. Michalczak   is $11,000, you can borrow $10,000 of
                           CFP ®, QPFC                                                        contribute to your account when you’re
                             Principal         it, because 50% of your balance would          repaying a loan. If it takes five years to
                                               be just $5,500. If you have $30,000            repay your loan, that could mean five
                                               vested in your account, you could              years without adding to your 401(k)
                                               borrow half that amount — $15,000.             account. Also, loan repayments are
                                               But if your 401(k) has a vested balance        not considered contributions, so if the
                                               of $150,000, the maximum you could             employer contribution is dependent upon
Borrowing from your 401(k) can help            borrow from it would be $50,000, even          your participation in the plan, you’ll miss
you pay for large expenses, such as            though 50% of your vested account              out on those as well if you’re not able
paying off high-interest debt, financing       balance is $75,000.                            to contribute while repaying your loan.
a home remodel, providing cash for a           How long do you have to repay a loan           And finally, your account will miss out
down payment on a home, or paying for          from a 401(k)?                                 on investment returns on the money
medical- or education-related expenses.                                                       you’ve borrowed. Although you do earn
A 401(k) loan is not “free money.” Interest    Typically, you have up to five years to
                                               repay a 401(k) loan, although the term         interest on the loan, in a low-interest-rate
will be due on the loan, and if you end                                                       environment you could potentially earn
up leaving your job before repaying the        may be longer if you’re using the money
                                               to buy your principal residence. IRS           a much better rate of return if the money
loan, the remaining balance could be                                                          was invested in your 401(k).
due in full. Here are some things you          guidance says that loans should be
should know about repaying                     repaid in “substantially equal payments        Leaving your job
a 401(k) loan.                                 that include principal and interest and        When you take a loan from a 401(k), you
                                               that are paid at least quarterly.” Your plan   may have no intention of leaving your
What is a 401(k) loan?                         may also allow you to repay your loan          current employer. But if you receive a
If your employer provides a 401(k) plan,       through payroll deductions. Your plan          better job offer or are laid off or otherwise
they may allow participants to take loans      administrator will typically determine the     leave, you could be required to pay the
from their 401(k) accounts, although they      interest rate due on the loan, based on        loan back in full or face some serious tax
are not required to offer this as part of      the current prime rate. However, the rate      consequences. Mergers and acquisitions
the plan. If you have a vested account         and the repayment schedule should be           that require a 401(k) plan to be terminated
balance in your 401(k), and if your plan       like what you would expect to receive          can also lead to participants with
permits loans, you can likely borrow           from a bank loan. Also, the interest is not    outstanding loans having to pay their
against your account. Just like with any       paid to a lender but instead is paid into      remaining balances due in full as well.
other loan, you’ll need to repay a loan        your own 401(k) account since you’re           Employees who leave their jobs with an
from your 401(k) with interest and within      borrowing the funds from yourself.             outstanding 401(k) loan have until the
a specific period. If loans are allowed
                                                                                                                  (continued on page 7)
within the plan, participants generally
can borrow funds for any reason;
however, some plans can choose to limit
loans to specific purposes, so be sure to
check what your plan’s rules are to be
sure that your loan would be approved.
How much can you borrow?
Plans can set their own limits for how
much participants can borrow, but the
IRS establishes a maximum allowable
amount. If your plan permits loans, you
can borrow $10,000 or 50% of your
vested account balance, whichever is

                                                                    5                                waterfordadv.com • 716-580-3906
                for COVID-19
                                                  Medium Employers: 11-99 employees               under Paid Family Leave, you are eligible
                                                  as of January 1, 2020, or a smaller             once you have met the following minimum
                         Michael D. Harmer        employer (1-10 employees) with a                requirements.
                              CFP ®
                             Principal            business net annual income greater              • Full-time Employees: If you work a
                                                  than $1 million                                   regular schedule of 20 or more hours
                                                  • Employees would use their paid sick            per week, you are eligible after 26
                                                    leave first (the employer is required to        consecutive weeks of employment with
                                                    provide you with at least five days of          your employer.
In response to the outbreak of novel                paid sick leave).                             • Part-time Employees: If you work a
coronavirus (COVID-19) in New York                • After that, you can use a combination of       regular schedule of less than 20 hours
State, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has                 NYS Paid Family Leave and disability            per week, you are eligible after working
guaranteed employees job protection and             benefits (same benefit amounts as               for your employer for 175 days, which do
financial compensation where certain                noted above).                                   not need to be consecutive.
situations apply.                                 Large Employers: 100 or more                    What are Your Rights and Protections?
Many employees will receive                       employees as of January 1, 2020,                • You have job protection, so you are
compensation through a combination                as well as all public employees                    entitled to return to the same job (or a
of benefits during this difficult time.           Your employer must provide you with                comparable one) when you return from
However, it’s important to note that              at least 14 days of paid sick leave for            Paid Family Leave.
employees who can work remotely are               a COVID-19-related quarantine, which            • Your health insurance continues while on
not eligible for the benefits listed below        should cover the period of an order of             leave on the same terms as if you had
due to their ability to work.                     mandatory or precautionary quarantine              continued working. If you contribute to the
What if you are quarantined?                      or isolation. You will have job protection         cost of your health insurance, you must
If the State of New York, the Department          for the duration of the quarantine.                continue to pay your portion of
of Health, local board of health, or any          What if your child is quarantined?                 the cost while on leave.
government entity duly authorized to              If your minor child is under an order of        • Your employer is prohibited from
issue such order due to COVID-19 places           mandatory or precautionary quarantine              discriminating or retaliating against
you under an order of mandatory or                or isolation issued by the State of New            you for requesting or taking Paid
precautionary quarantine or isolation,            York, the Department of Health, local              Family Leave.
the leave benefits available to you               board of health, or any government entity       What are the Benefits?
depend on the size of your employer               duly authorized to issue such order due         If you are an eligible employee whose
as of January 1, 2020 and your                    to COVID-19, you may be eligible to take        dependent child is under an order of
employer’s net annual income.                     Paid Family Leave to care for them.             mandatory or precautionary quarantine
Small Employers: 10 or fewer                      Most employees who work for private             or isolation, you may be able to take
employees as of January 1, 2020, and              employers in New York State are covered         Paid Family Leave for the duration of the
net annual income less than $1 million            under Paid Family Leave. If you are a           quarantine or isolation. In 2020, the Paid
• Eligible employees can use NYS Paid            public employee, your employer may              Family Leave wage benefit is 60% of
  Family Leave (PFL). This is insurance           opt in to provide the benefit. If you are       your average weekly wage (AWW), up to
  coverage that provides you with up              a union-represented public employee,            a maximum weekly benefit of $840.70.
  to 60% of your pay, up to a maximum             you could be covered under Paid Family          Your AWW is the average of your pay for
  weekly benefit of $840.70.                      Leave if your union and public employer         the last eight weeks in which you worked
                                                  have agreed to include it in their collective   and received wages prior to starting Paid
• After receiving your full PFL benefit, you                                                     Family Leave.
   will receive disability benefits to match      bargaining agreement.
   your full wages up to a maximum weekly         If you have a minor dependent child             What if you need to take care of a
   disability benefit of $2,043.92, for a total   under an order of mandatory or                  loved one?
   of $2,884.62 per week.                         precautionary quarantine or isolation           If you have an eligible family member who
• There is no waiting period for either          due to COVID-19 and you are covered             contracts COVID-19, you may be able

Waterford Advisors, LLC                                                6
April 2020

                                                                                                 (continued from pg. 5)
                                                                                                 tax-return-filing due date for that tax
                                                                                                 year, including any extensions, to repay
                                                                                                 the outstanding balance of the loan or to
                                                                                                 roll it over into another eligible retirement
                                                                                                 account. That means if you left your job
                                                                                                 in January 2020, you would have until
                                                                                                 April 15, 2021 (assuming no extensions)
                                                                                                 — when your 2020 federal tax return
                                                                                                 is due — to roll over or repay the loan
                                                                                                 amount. Prior to the Tax Cuts and Jobs
                                                                                                 Act of 2017, the deadline was 60 days.
                                                                                                 If you can’t repay the loan, your
                                                                                                 employer will treat the remaining unpaid
                                                                                                 balance as a distribution and issue
to take Family Care under Paid Family              or for other reasonable documentation         Form 1099-R to the IRS. That amount
Leave to care for them, if it’s considered         to demonstrate how you stand in loco          is typically considered taxable income
a serious health condition. This includes          parentis to the child or how the person       and may be subject to a 10% penalty
eligible family members outside of New             in need of care stood in loco parentis to     on the amount of the distribution for
York State.                                        you when you were a child.                    early withdrawal if you are younger than
                                                                                                 59½ or don’t otherwise qualify for an
Family members include:                           • Domestic partner refers to a person who     exemption.
• spouse                                            is at least 18 years old and is dependent
                                                    on the employee for support who is           Bottom line
• domestic partner (including same                 not related by blood to the employee         A loan from your 401(k) may be an easy
  and different gender couples; legal               in a way that would bar marriage in          way to get cash when you need it. But
  registration not required)                        NYS. Dependence can be shown by              it’s not the only option, and you should
• child/stepchild and anyone for whom              a variety of factors; some examples          explore all possibilities before deciding
  you have legal custody                            include common ownership of property,        what type of loan to pursue. If borrowing
                                                    common householding, children in             from your 401(k) is your only option for
• parent/stepparent
                                                    common, signs of intent to marry,            accessing necessary cash, make sure
• parent-in-law                                     shared budgeting, and the length of the      you understand all the terms. It’s also
• grandparent                                       personal relationship with the employee.     important to have a plan for how you’ll
                                                  • The Paid Family Leave definition of         repay the loan.
• grandchild
                                                     serious health condition may include        Waterford Advisors, LLC’s financial
Some important information about Paid                mental health conditions.                   planners are always available to
Family Leave for Family Care:                                                                    assist with any questions that you
                                                  • Your employer’s insurance carrier will
• If you are serving in the role of a parent        receive and process requests for Paid       may have. Please feel free to contact
  for a child (‘in loco parentis’), you may          Family Leave and make your benefit          our office at any time.
  be eligible to take Paid Family Leave              payments.                                   Source: https://www.creditkarma.com/
  for that child. You are ‘in loco parentis’                                                     personal-loans/i/loan-from-401k/
  when you are fully responsible for the          Additional information and resources can
  child’s day-to-day care and financial
  support even if you are not legally or
                                                  be found at: https://paidfamilyleave.ny.gov/
                                                                                                        If you want to
  biologically related to the child. Similarly,
  if someone stood ‘in loco parentis’ to
                                                  Waterford Advisors, LLC’s financial
                                                  planners are always available to assist               feel rich
  you when you were a child, you may
  be able to take leave to care for them.
                                                  with any questions that you may have.
                                                  Please feel free to contact our office at
                                                                                                       count your
  Your insurer may ask for a simple
  statement of the parental relationship
                                                  any time.
                                                                       7                                waterfordadv.com • 716-580-3906
First Quarter Newsletter April 2020

Through the end of April, we are collecting new and gently
used dog collars to provide to the SPCA Serving Erie County
in West Seneca. With the help of our staff, family, friends,
and colleagues we will be able to provide the SPCA with
plenty of dog collars for their adoptable pups! We will be
dropping them off to the SPCA as soon as it is safe to do
so. If you are interested in helping the SPCA, we encourage
you to take a look at their Wish List for ways to give:

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              Visit us online at waterfordadv.com
                      Phone: 716-580-3906

                3858 North Buffalo Road, Suite 2
                 Orchard Park, New York 14127

Inside this issue…
                Tax Corner .                             Happenings
                PAGES 3-4                                PAGE 4

                401(k):                                  NYS Paid Leave
                Facts on                                 for COVID-19
                borrowing                                PAGE 6
                PAGE 5

Securities offered through Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc., member FINRA/SIPC.
Advisory services offered through Waterford Advisors LLC, an SEC Registered
Investment Advisor. Waterford Advisors and Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. are
separate entities.
All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, we make no
representation as to its completeness or accuracy.
Articles edited by Ellen Bosco.
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