St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Sunday, January 17, 2021
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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Advent Mass Intentions : January 16 ~ January 24th th SCRIP is available in the Parish Office during regular office hours Sat. 4:00—4:45 PM ~ Confessions ~ In the Vesting Room Sat. 5:00 PM † Riley Klee by Jim & Sharon Klee Sun. 8:00 AM † Bonnie Peterson by John & Irene Jorasz 10:00 AM ProPopulo Mon. St. Vincent de Paul Conference Meeting 7 PM Rosary 6:40 PM in Church Tues. 8:00 AM † Betty Miller by Joanne Johnson Wed. 8:00 AM † Helen Ryan by Kelly & Ann Ryan Fatima Rosary and Prayers after Mass Thurs. 8:00 AM † Harv Neubauer by Joe & Rose Potvin Knights of Columbus Monthly Meeting 7 PM Rosary 6:30 PM in Church Fri. 8:00 AM † Lloyd Allen Fazer by Paul & Tami Wolf Sat. 4:00—4:45 PM ~ Confessions ~ In the Vesting Room Sat. 5:00 PM † Bob Otradovec by Dan Kralovetz Sun. 8:00 AM † Florence VanEnkevort by Dave & Ruth MARK 1:39 10:00 AM † Margaret Grzyb (B) by The Famiily Our Father ….. O God, you call us daily to arise and follow Christ the Lord. Awaken us from whatever lethargy holds us back from listening; shake us from the deadly sleep of sin. May Christ, your Word and our Light, lead us in the ways of life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. This Week’s Readings Thank You to all of our Bulletin Advertisers January 18 January 20 January 23 HEB 5:1-10 HEB 7:1-3, 15-17 HEB 9:2-3, 11-14 PS 110:1-4 PS 110:1-4 PS 47:2-3, 6-9 MK 2:18-22 MK 3:1-6 MK 3:20-21 January 19 January 21 January 24 HEB 6:10-12 HEB 7:25-8:6 JON 3:1-5, 10 PS 111:1-2, 4-5, PS 40:7-10, 17 PS 25:4-9 9 10C MK 3:7-12 1 COR 7:29-31 MK 2:23-28 MK 1:14-20 January 22 Directors: HEB 8:6-13 Donald J. Crawford PS 85:8, 10, 11-14 James D. Crawford MK 3:13-19 Caren L. Crawford
CHOOSE LIFE: STAND firm and immova- Saints Who Served in Times of Plague and Pandemic ble, devoting yourselves completely to the work Saint Gregory the Great of the Lord..—1 COR 15:58A Pope & Doctor († 604) REFLECTION: A young girl wrote: “My mother and Gregory’s parents were Silvia, I are taking a bus and will be coming to the March for who is also venerated as a saint, Life. My teacher said that I will receive zeros on any and Gordianus, a wealthy Roman work that I miss, and it can’t be made up. “I told her patrician. In his early thirties, missing a day at school in order to stand up for life is more Gregory rose to the post of prefect important, and I’m willing to suffer the consequences.” of the City of Rome. Before long, he left it all for a monastery he PRAYER: Lord, may we imitate this young had founded on the city’s Caelian Hill. He served in girl’s willingness to sacrifice for the the monastery, in diaconal ministry to the city of Rome, and as ambassador to the Byzantine court in cause of life! Amen. Constantinople before his election as pope in 590. Phil Arnt, Gladys Bittner, Maryann Brayak, Ben Cappaert, Gene Draze, Marilee DeMars, Carol Derocher, Kathy Derocher, In that moment, Rome faced a dire situation. A flood Rick DeSalvo, Dennis Dubord, Terry & Debby Frossard, Terri of the Tiber River had brought famine and Fulton, Abe Getzloff, Sue(Smith)Gorzinski, Mandi Guenette, pestilence in its wake. Pope Pelagius II had died Barbara Jean Hodgins, Jerilyn Houle, Dan Johnson, Pat Johnson, Patti Johnson, Henry Kleiman, Ev Kleiman, from the plague in February that year. Before his Bill Kwarciany, Lily Kwarciany, Dan LaFave, Kevin LeBoeuf, papal consecration, Gregory called for processions Audrey Maule, Brandy Mendicino, Mary Meshigaud, beginning in each of the seven disticts of the city and Gwen Meyers, Sharon Melin, Mary Meshiguad, Bobby Mileski, Kim Mileski- Niquette, Liz Miller, Betty (McNaughtan) Morris, Tom Neuens, ending at the basilica of the Blessed Virgin. Terry Otradovec, Caz Palmgren, Janet Pirlot, Cindy Poehlman, Debbie Renken, According to tradition, Gregory saw a vision of Nancy Robinette, Greg Rouse, Daniel Sagataw, John Sheski, Jerry Shiverski, the Archangel Michael sheathing his sword above Brock Smith, Joan Stevenson, John Strahl, Heather Teal , David & Charlene Teeple, Bill Themel, Kelly Sue Tourangeau, Wennell & Donna Tourangeau, the Mausoleum of Hadrian– Katie Correll-Vandermissen, Ethan Whitney, Kristi Wolf and Pamela Zell. a sign that the plague had ended. New names will be in BOLD! PRAY FOR THOSE IN NURSING HOMES/ASSISTED LIVING: This was but the beginning of Gregory’s fourteen- JoAnn Good & Ray Mott year pontificate. His other accomplishments include writing the hugely popular Book of Pastoral Rule, a PRAY FOR OUR SERVICE MEN & WOMEN The following parishioners’ family members are serving Our Nation in the Armed standard work that has guided pastors, especially Forces: Nathan Anzalone, Hal Burton, Paul Cappaert, Josh bishops, for many centuries now. He promoted Chaney, Jacob Cmejla, Nick Cox, Tommy Fitzpatrick, John monasticism and the evangelization of England. Gendron, Michael Gereau, Dustin Hall, Shawna Johnson, Adam Kleikamp, Alan Luchay, Terry Mercier, Hunter Mes- And by seeking peace with the invading Lombards sersmith, Dave Mott, Jacqueline Mott, Rachel Mott, Travis and befriending the Franks and the Visigoths, Mott, Kadin Mustafa, Chelsi Peterson, Adam Rausch, Nich- Gregory helped secure the Church’s long-term olas Sagataw, Jerry Stinnett, Joshua Strahl, McKenna Thibeault, Brady & Casey Tighe, Andy Vandermissen, Jor- political position. dan & Dallas VanEnkevort. Pray for the souls of the 4,815 U.S. & Coalition Troops and the 186,957+ total Iraqi deaths since Mar. ‘03. Always concerned with humility, he reckoned himself “the servant of the servants of God.” Gregory died around the age of sixty-five. On The Lighter Side Gregorian chant takes its name from him. One Sunday morning the pastor noticed little Johnny was staring up at the large plaque that hung in the foyer of the church. The young man of seven had Loving Father, been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pas- tor walked up and stood beside him and gazing up at through the intercession of the plaque he said quietly, "Good morning son." "Good morning pastor," replied the young man not taking his eyes off Saint Gregory the Great, the plaque. "Sir, what is this?" Johnny asked. "Well son, these are all the people who have died in the service," keep me within the sheepfold. replied the pastor. Soberly, they stood together staring up at the large plaque. Amen. Little Johnny's voice barely broke the silence when he asked quietly, "Which one sir, the 10:30 AM or the 6:30 PM?"
Scripture The Gospel of John 1:35-42 ~ Andrew and Simon-Peter meet Jesus ~ 35 John was standing with two of his disciples, 36 and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God." 37 The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. 38 Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, "What are you looking for?" They said to him, "Rabbi," which translated means Teacher, "where are you staying?" 39 He said to them, "Come, and you will see." So they went and saw where Jesus was staying, and they stayed with him that day. It was about four in the afternoon [about the tenth hour]. 40 Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard John and followed Jesus. 41 He first found his own brother Simon and told him, "We have found the Messiah," which is trans- lated Anointed [Christos]). 42 Then he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon the son of John; you will be called Kephas" (which is translated Peter [Petros = rock]). St. John the Baptist had disciples. They were a group set apart by his ritual baptism of repentance. They followed him, had fasting rules and their own prayers. Some of them continued as the Baptist's disciples after his death . Others became Jesus' disciples like St. Andrew and his unnamed friend, who the Church Fathers identify as St. John Zebedee. "Behold, the Lamb of God." This declaration is the second time the Baptist identified Jesus as a sacrificial lamb; see John 1:29, where John iden- tified Jesus as "The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." The word for lamb in the Greek text is amnos. It occurs in John's Gospel only here in verse 35 and again in verse 29. It appears nowhere else in the New Testament except in Acts 8:32 and 1 Peter 1:19. The other word used for "lamb" in the New Testament is arnion, an archaic form that can be translated as "a little lamb." Arnion is found once in St. John's Gospel (21:15) and 29 times for Christ in the book of Revelation for a total of 30 times. It is a word specifically used by St. John to identify the glorified Redeemer, and this distinction may be why it does not appear in the pre-glory narrative. 37 The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. One of the Baptist's disciples mentioned in verse 37 is Andrew, the brother of Simon-Peter. The other is unnamed, and we later learn that they both became Jesus' disciples. The majority of scholars, ancient and modern, identify the Apostle John Zebedee (believed to be the inspired writer of this Gospel) as the Baptist's unnamed disciple. The lists of the twelve Apostles in the Gospels name Simon, Andrew, James, and John as the first four. The Synoptic Gospels mention these same four as the first disciples called by Jesus while fish- ing on the Sea of Galilee (although St. Luke leaves out Andrew). The repeated order of their names in the lists may suggest a priority of discipleship, listing those who first answered the call in order. If that is so, there is a case for identifying the "unnamed" disciple as John Zebedee. In this passage, we have information that is not in the Synoptic Gospels. For the first time, we realize that some of the Apostles knew Jesus before He began His ministry in Galilee and called them to follow Him when He saw them fishing and mending their nets near the sea. This information makes their eagerness to leave everything and follow Him in the second encounter in their call to service in Galilee appear more reasonable. 38 Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, "What are you looking for?" They said to him, "Rabbi," which translated means Teacher, "where are you staying?" 39 He said to them, "Come, and you will see." So they went and saw where Jesus was staying, and they stayed with him that day. It was about four in the afternoon [about the tenth hour]. It was about the tenth hour. What time is the "tenth hour" in this passage? Is the inspired writer using the Jewish or the Roman method of marking time? Is he speaking of time literally or symbolically? If his reference is symbolic, ten is the number signifying divine order, indicating that it was the perfect time in God's divine plan that these men came to Jesus. But the tenth hour is probably meant both symbolical- ly and literally. In the Jewish method of marking time, the day began sundown with the entire day divided into two divisions of twelve hours. The twelve nighttime hours were divided into four, Watches (3 hours each) during the Roman occupation (before the Roman occupation, the Jews kept three Watches). Jesus names the four night-watches in Mark 13:35. The twelve seasonal daytime hours (divided between dawn and sunset) corresponded with the Tamid liturgical worship service and sacrifice in the Temple that began with selecting the Tamid lamb at dawn, the first hour. The other Gospels use Jewish time, and, according to the Jewish reckoning, the tenth hour would be about 4 PM our time, late in the afternoon, but it was evening, near the end of the day, for the Jews (the Jewish day ended at sundown). If the disciples of John the Baptist stayed with Jesus "that day" (verse 39) until sunset, there wasn't much daylight left. With the Jewish day ending at sundown, which was the seasonal hour of about our 6 PM or in Jewish time the 12th hour, that only gave them two hours of conversation.
St. Joseph Mission Church Rosary is prayed every W2332 Cemetery Rd. Hwy. M-69 Sunday at Foster City, Michigan 49834 10:35am! Rev. Darryl J. Pepin, Pastor Mass Schedule: Sunday, 11:00 AM CT Pastoral Council: Nancy Basile, Bonnie Dennocenzo & 1-906-282-0740 Alex Graham Finance Council: Terry Murray, Carl Steinbrecher, Pray for the Sick: New Names will be in BOLD. Dan Steinbrecher, Joe Depotie Nancy Broeders, Ted Broeders, Jr., Tara Cajacob, Ted Carpenter, Ruth Depotie, Karen Dias, Dale and Debbie Dixon, Bryant Gagnon, Tiffany Galik, Rosalie Gates, Cory Groeneveld, Faye Heimerl, Rita Johnson, Andrea Lubejko (Bianco), David Mattson, Toots Miller, 11 AM Sunday Mass Intention, January 17th: Pat Milligan, Dan Murray Sr., Jean Murray, Dan Nurmi, Erin † Lucas Carlson by James & Nancy Harris (Connor) Schmidt, Shirley Skogman, Stewart Sundholm, Vicky Webb, Alice Webber, Michael Welnitz, & Rod Woodward. Pray for our Nursing Home Parishioners: 11 AM Sunday Mass Intention, January 24th : Athena Agasi, Alice Charlevoix, Melvin Cousineau, Please add to your prayers: Meredith Johnson. (Nate’s wife) She will be ProPopulo in the hospital in Milwaukee for 10 weeks until their baby is born. “A Minute in the Church” Teaching Gus Lloyd’s “One-Minute Catholic Apologetics”. Church Signs Call No Man Father Why do Catholics call their priests “Father?” Af- SIN IS A SHORT WORD ter all, didn’t Jesus forbid that in Matthew 23:9? Let’s go to the Scriptures. In Matthew 23:9 Jesus says, “Call no one on earth your Father; you have WITH A LONG but one Father in heaven.” Now, did Jesus mean that you’re not even allowed to refer to your dad SENTENCE as your father? Of course not; Jesus didn’t mean that at all. If Christians took that verse literally, January Church Cleaners are we would all have to refer to our male parent as Lynn Oman “our male parent.” So, was Jesus speaking strictly in a spiritual sense? Apparently, St. Paul didn’t Mary Steinbrecher think so. In 1 Corinthians 4:15, St. Paul says “You do not have many fathers, for I became your father Don’t forget to visit our in Christ Jesus through the Gospel.” And in the Church Library letter to Philemon, verse 10 St. Paul talks about his “child” Onesimus (remember St. Paul never located in the lower level married) saying “… whose father I have become in next to our my imprisonment…” . And in Romans 4:16-17, Conference Room! St. Paul refers to Abraham as “...the father of us all…”. The New Testament has many references to fathers. Just read the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1. It’s clear that St. Paul knew exactly what Jesus Sunday January 10, 2021 meant…. Not to attribute the Fatherhood of God to any man. So the next time you see a priest, why not Offering…………….... 490.00 Loose…………….....… 7.00 say, “Thanks, Father, for guiding your First Offering ………… 10.00 spiritual children.” Stipends………………. 60.00 Diocesan Collections … 40.00 Utilities……… ………. 20.00 Total $ 627.00
SEAS ~ SUNDAY MORNING KID’S (and Adult’s) CORNER The Gospel of John—God is Light, So We Must Walk In Light GOSPEL SAY HIMSELF GUILT MESSAGE FELLOWSHIP ANOTHER DECEIVING HEARD WALKING BLOOD CONFESS ANNOUNCE LYING JESUS FAITHFUL GOD PRACTICING CLEANSES RIGHTEOUS LIGHT TRUTH SIN FORGIVING DARKNESS WALK BEAR UNRIGHTEOUSNESS ALL Ingredients: Preheat oven to 400˚ 1 lb large carrots peeled & cut into 4-in. x1/4 in. sticks In a large bowl, combine the carrots together 1 1/2 Tablespoons Olive Oil with the olive oil, cornstarch and ranch sea- 1 teaspoon Cornstarch soning mix. Toss until well coated. 2 tablespoons Hidden Valley—original Ranch Spray a sheet pan with cooking spray, and Seasoning & Salad Dressing Mix Shaker spread carrots out in a single layer. Bake for CARROT OVEN FRIES Cooking spray 25 to 30 minutes or until crispy. Bake for 35 minutes for extra crispy fries. Serve Hot!
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Rev. Darryl J. Pepin, Pastor P.O. Box 187 Cynthia DeFiore ~ Parish Secretary Bark River, MI 49807 Bonnie Cowell ~ Bookkeeper Kelley VanLanen ~ Religious Ed. Ray Viau ~ Maintenance Call the Parish Office at 906-466-9938 PARISH MEMBERSHIP Parishioners should be registered, as this is the usual means to Colleen Knauf ~ Organist ~ 466-2872 Ruth VanEnkevort ~ Musician ~ 280-1422 certify that one is a member of the Parish when seeking sponsor certificates for Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Call the Parish Office to register. 906-466-9938 St. Vincent de Paul Conference: 906-466-9050 ATTENTION! RIGHT TO LIFE Please note that the Adult Faith Formation class with Sunday Mike Cousineau is planning to Eucharistic Adoration January 31st meet on Wednesday, Jan. 20th, At OSF Hospital Chapel at St. Joseph & St. Patrick in the Tuesday-Sunday 11am-12noon 1 PM Parish Hall from 6 to 7 pm. before daily Mass at 12:10pm. To Knights of Columbus of We hope to see you there! sit in chapel on weekends before Gladstone will hold a our Lord in the tabernacle, enter March for Life. through the corner “code” door. Meet at All Saints Church For questions, call Fr. Robb, in Gladstone. OSF Chaplain, 906-290-2966. All Dress Warm! visitors are subject to front desk screening M-F or self-screening on Wear your mask & use social distancing. Sincere Sympathy Herbert “Bert” R. LaFave (75) Bert passed from this world into his heavenly home on Friday, January 8, 2021. The Mass of Christian Burial was officiated by Sunday, January 10, 2021 Father Darryl Pepin on Friday, January 15, 2021 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church. Sunday Offering …… $ 3,192.00 The family will be having a celebration of Bert’s life at a later date. Loose ………………. 31.00 Our sincere sympathy to his family and friends. Burial will take place Children’s Offering….. 4.00 in Spalding Twp. Cemetery in the Spring. First Offering………. 60.00 Candles……………… 35.50 Rest in God’s Gentle Peace, Bert Stipends…………….. Solemnity of Mary….. 50.00 35.00 Christmas Day offering. 10.00 The Church Welcomes Diocesan Collections.... Literature……………… 486.00 5.00 Utilities……………… 260.00 Raelena Linda Peltier Total $ 4,168.50 Baptized on Saturday, January 9, 2021 Congratulations to hers parents, Godparents, and extended family.
Broasted Chicken, Hot & Cold Sandwiches, Salads, Homemade Brats & Potato Sausage, Fresh Meats, Mojos, Pizzas, DNR Licenses, Propane Tanks Exchange & much more! STOP IN TODAY! Open Mon-Sat 7am-8pm Mark & Reva Kleiman, Owners *Excavating *Portable Toilet Rental 1302 Old US 2 & 41, Bark River — 906-466-9961 · Custom Logging · Firewood *Party Tent Rental *Septic Inspections Where Beautiful Blooms Begin! · Clearing for Wildlife Habitat · Building Demolition *Septic Cleaning *Septic Installation Annuals, Perennials, · Road and Trail Restoration · Brush & Debris Removal P.O. Box 127 Phone: 906-466-9908 Vegetables, Herbs , Planters, & Big, Beautiful Hanging Baskets Bark River, MI (906)-466-5302—3920 D Road, Bark River MI “We Be Poppin’!” Olson Bros. Sugar Bush W558 Co. Rd 400 · Bark River, MI 49807 Ruth VanEnkevort Specializing in Whole Sale & Retail Sale of Maple Syrup 906-280-1422 Owners Jeff Olson 906-789-0198 For all your ‘Kettle Corn’ needs. Greg Olson 906-280-1656 Mark Olson 906-420-3244 God is good all the time, all the time God is good! E-Mail: Theresa & Dwayne Klein (906) 789-9305 Auto · Home · Life · Membership 2403 Ludington St., Escanaba, MI 49829 SOCIETY of Directors: ST. VINCENT de PAUL Donald J. Crawford “An opportunity to put James D. Crawford your faith into action!” Steve Charlevoix, Jr. 906-246-3613 or 906-221-3324 Caren L. Crawford 906-466-9050 Foster City, MI 49834 Knights of Columbus A Catholic, family, fraternal service organization, promoting a culture of life. “For All Your Excavating Needs” EXCAVATOR WORK · BULLDOZING & LOADER WORK ·TRUCKING BASEMENT For Catholic Men, 18 yrs. and older DIGGING · POND DIGGING · DRIVEWAYS & ROAD BUILDING SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION · WATER & SEWER LINES · DEMOLITIONS To join, call the parish office or SAND · GRAVEL · PITRUN · TOPSOIL Licensed & Insured Tim Viau @ 906-295-0819 Phone: 906-466-2322 Cedar Hill Assisted Living and Senior Apartments *Large Private Rooms *All Utilities Included Rehabilitative Rooms *Efficiency 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Call Today! 906~466~9991
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