January 10, 2021 The Bap sm of the Lord - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303 - Sts Joseph and Paul Catholic ...

Page created by Jonathan Bradley
January 10, 2021 The Bap sm of the Lord - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303 - Sts Joseph and Paul Catholic ...
January 10, 2021
            The Bap sm of the Lord

Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church
 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303
January 10, 2021 The Bap sm of the Lord - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303 - Sts Joseph and Paul Catholic ...
January 10, 2021                                                                                 The Baptism of the Lord
Confirmation Prep
Feb. 28    4–5:30pm Session #5 - Amen                                                            IMPORTANT DATES FOR
Mar. 14    4–5:30pm Session #6 – Spiritual Gifts                                             FIRST COMMUNION FAMILIES
           (Letter to the Bishop Due Mar. 14)
April 18   4pm           Confirmation Practice for Candidate & Sponsor                     All sessions will be held in the Parish Hall
April 22   6:30pm        Confirmation Mass
           (Candidate arrives to Parish Hall at 5:30!)
           All sessions will be held in the Parish Hall                                  Date      Time           Agenda
    To receive reminders and updates for Confirmation:                     Jan 16   8am-12pm      1st Reconcilia on PH & CH
      Text 81010 and type @f6d4e2h and your name.                          Feb 28   9-9:50am      1st Communion Prep Session 1
                                                                           Mar 14   9-9:50am      1st Communion Prep Session 2
                                                                           Apr 25   9-9:50am      1st Communion Prep Session 3
                                                                           May 1    8am-12pm      1st Communion Retreat PH & CH
Baptismal Prep                                                             May 2    3pm           1st Communion Mass
Prepare yourself for your child’s baptism by coming to Baptism Prepara-
tion. Please call the Parish Office to register or for more information.
Declarations of Invalidity (Annulments)
Do you have questions about annulments? Are you divorced and not
sure whether you need an annulment? Let Sts. Joseph and Paul help
explain and assist you in the annulment process. Please call Debbie at
the church office 270-683-5641.
RCIA Journey of Faith                                                                   Know Jesus · Equip Disciples ·
Are you interested in learning more about the Catholic faith?
For more information, please contact Laura Shoulders: lauras-                           Build Community · Live Mercy

Safe Environment                                                            Sts. Joseph & Paul Catholic Church is a healthy and growing faith
To report suspected abuse, call the Kentucky Child Protection Hot
Line: 1-877-KYSAFE1 or 1-877-597- 2331 (Toll Free) or contact
                                                                                       family of missionary disciples, led by the Holy
your local Commonwealth Attorney. To report abuse to the dio-               Spirit, sustained by the Eucharist, and strengthened by the Sacra-
cese, current or past, by anyone acting in the name of the Church,           ments, sent forth to transform the world. We joyfully share the
call Louanne Payne, Pastoral Assistance Coordinator (English) at           Good News by invi ng our community into rela onship with Jesus
270-852- 8380, or Nuria Elizondo, Pastoral Assistance Coordinator          Christ, and our parish into rela onship with our community. Every
(Spanish) at 270-880-8360. You may also visit the Office of Safe
                                                                                                  member is commi ed to
Environment (owensborodiocese.org/safe) for more information.
                                                                                     worship, to grow, to serve, to connect, and to give.

                                                                                                   Dear Lord
                                                                             I pray that You give me the wisdom to
                                                                                 guide me on this faith journey of
                                                                                  Help me to understand that
                                                                               everything I have is a gift from You.
                                                                                Open my heart and my mind so
                                                                                 that I may use these Marvelous
                                                                            gifts to give back to You here on Earth.
                                                                              I pray Lord that You welcome me
                                                                           into Your kingdom at the end of my life
                                                                                   and that You are pleased
                                                                           with what I have done with all Your gifts.
January 10, 2021 The Bap sm of the Lord - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303 - Sts Joseph and Paul Catholic ...
Guidelines for attending Mass.
              I read this story of two pastors and one
                                                                      Our Masses have resumed and we are so thankful to be
              priest talking about the problem of cats      able to gather and worship! There is no age restriction on attend-
              invading their churches. The Baptist          ing Mass, only that you are in good health and not high risk. In
              minister said he put the cats in bags         keeping with the 6-foot social distancing guidelines, the maximum
                                                            number of people allowed in the church is 125. For weekend
              and threw them in a nearby river. In          Masses, we will offer 125 color coded tickets per Mass which will
              spite of that, the cats survived and there    be available 8-6pm M-F from the ramp door entrance of church. If
were twice as many there the next week. The Meth-           these pickup times do not work for you, call the Parish Office.
odist minister said they were not in a position to          Please pick up one ticket for each person in your household. You
                                                            must have your ticket to be able to attend Mass.
harm any of God’s creation. So he confided they
humanely trapped the cats and set them free many                        We have combined the guidelines set by the State of
miles outside town. But three days later, the cats          Kentucky and our Diocese for those who choose to attend the
                                                            Liturgy in person. It is the Church’s responsibility to protect every
were back. But the Catholic priest bragged that he          member as best we can and these guidelines are created out of
had the best and most effective solution. He said, “I       love and respect for each of you.
simply baptized them and I haven’t seen them in              All attendees are required to wear masks with the excep-
                                                                  tion of children 3 years old and younger. If you are not com-
church since then!” This is just a joke but it shows a            fortable, or children are not mature enough to wear a mask
sad reality that after baptism many of us Christians              for the entire liturgy, you should continue to worship from
                                                                  home. We ask that you bring your own mask. If you do not
are never seen in church again. This Sunday is the                have one, we will have one available for you outside of
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. We might ask our-               church.
selves: Why did sinless Jesus need to be baptized            Please use the side ramp door to enter the church and the
                                                                  front doors to exit.
when baptism was a sign of repentance from sin?              Families are to be seated in the spaces marked throughout
There are two answers we can give to this                         the sanctuary. Only every other pew will be utilized. The
question: First of all, being baptized in the River               short pews on the sides will allow 2 people from the same
                                                                  household. Hospitality Ministers will help in guiding families
Jordan, Jesus shows his total solidarity with us. As              to the appropriate seats which will be marked with a placard.
He came to be one of us, Christ identified Himself           The cry room is not open for gathering. However, the re-
with the people in their search for God. In other                 stroom is available if needed. Only one person (unless fami-
                                                                  ly) is allowed in the cry room/restroom at a time. Others
words, Jesus allows Himself to be baptized too                    should wait outside the cry room door and maintain 6 feet
because He wants us to feel that He is one with us in             between one another.
our longing and desire for God. He is baptized not           Because singing causes us to project our voices and there-
                                                                  fore can propel the virus, the congregation is asked to refrain
because He is conscious of sin and of the need of                 from singing. And to reduce risk, we will not use worship
repentance, but because He knows that He too must                 guides for the time being.
identify Himself with the people moveing towards             During the Our Father and Sign of Peace, please do not hold
                                                                  or shake hands with anyone outside of your family.
God. Secondly, through his baptism, Jesus is being           For the communion procession, a hospitality minister will
officially commissioned to begin his public work of               dismiss one row at a time. Parishioners are asked to keep 6
teaching, healing, liberating enslaved souls up to the            feet between the person in front of you and keep your mask
                                                                  on until the person in front of you receives the Eucharist.
climatic moment of his passion, death and resurrec-               After consuming the Eucharist, replace your mask over your
tion. Today is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on         face and you may sanitize your hands before returning to
                                                                  your seat. Communion will be administered in the hands
our own baptism. When Jesus was baptized the                      only.
Father spoke and said, you are my Son, the                   For dismissal after church, hospitality ministers will dismiss
Beloved, my favor rests on you. When we are                       each row beginning with the back of the church. Most every-
                                                                  one will be encouraged to exit through the front doors. How-
baptized the Father says over each of us, you are                 ever, those who need to use the side entrance will be able to
my son/daughter, my beloved, my favor rests on                    use the ramp.
you. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit when           Are you interested in taking communion to those in your
he was baptized in the Jordan and we are anointed           home who cannot attend Mass in person? Call the Parish
                                                            Office at 270-683-5641 to sign up for training.
with oil of Chrism during our baptism and like Jesus
we receive the Holy Spirit also. Therefore, the
baptism empowers us to do the good works Jesus
did, to spread the Kingdom of God. In other words,
each one of us is called to be a living witness to the
gospel: to be the salt of the earth, to live as children
of God, and to be light for all. That is the power of              Christmas Flower
the Holy Spirit received at baptism. Baptism counts.          Remembrance (continued)~ 2020
Baptism makes difference.                                             Zoglman & Montgomery Families
    So, let us today renew our faith and our commit-
ment to follow Jesus.
January 10, 2021 The Bap sm of the Lord - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303 - Sts Joseph and Paul Catholic ...
Saints                               Mass Intentions
           JOSEPH & PAUL                        January 9-17
                                                                                     Virginia McBride
                                                                                     Holy Name Society
                  Catholic Church                          10am
                                                (Spanish) 12pm
                                                                                     Maurice Thompson
                                                                                     Our Parish Family
                                                           6pm                       Jeneane Wolfe
                We give our hearts to God       Monday     5:30pm                    Bill & Katherine Thomas Family
               and our talents to His people.   Tuesday    5:30pm                    Jerry Payne
                                                Wednesday 5:30pm                     Ruth Reed
                                                Thursday NO MASS
                                                Friday     5:30pm                    Alma Montgomery
                                                Saturday   4:30pm                    Joe Hamilton
                                                Sunday     8am                       Alan & Charlie Sims & Family
                                                           10am                      Guy Hardy
                                                (Spanish) 12pm                       Our Parish Family
                                                           6pm                       Jerry Hagerman
                  Parish Office
         609 E 4th St., Owensboro, KY 42303
                    (270) 683-5641
                (270) 685-4766 (fax)
                 www.stjpc.org                   In Special Need of Prayer
                                                 HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS: Ann Bower, Carolyn Brown, Joyce
              Monday-Friday 8am-4pm              Clark, Doug Hood, Linda Howard, Betty Johnson, Sarah Jane Johnson,
                                                 Maurice Kanable, Jackie Mann, Mitzi Mann, Margie Roberts, Marcheta
                                                 Sumner, Jim Stimpfel, Katherine Thomas, Birdie Wedding.
                  Parish Team                    NURSING HOME PARISHIONERS: CARMEL HOME: Katherine
                                                 Brand, Rita Fahrendorf, Mary Faulkner, Margie Hardesty, Rose Keller,
Pastor:    Fr. Jean-Rene Kalombo                 Auda Wink, Sandra Woods; GENESIS HEALTH: Freddie Payne, Mike
Ext 222 frjrkalombosjpc@gmail.com                Payne; HILLCREST: Shirley Wilhite. WELLINGTON PARC: Violet
Associate Pastor: Fr. Will Thompson              Cassidy, Dorothy Hood, Paul Johnson, Carla Payne.
Ext 247 frwillsjpc@gmail.com                     ASSISTED LIVING: ONE PARC PLACE; Bob & Jeanne Lindow.
                                                 OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER: Wilma Baird, Mike Baker, Don
Deacon: Deacon John Cecil                        Bartley, Tammy Wimsatt-Belcher, Patrick Billion, Joe Board, Katherine
         deaconjohnsjpc@gmail.com                Brand, Sheila Byrne, Colin Cahill, Tim Cahill, Davena Cecil, J.C.
Stewardship Minister: Ashley Wilkerson           Chrisler, Dana Cecil-Craig, Jimmy Chrisler, Jonathan Clark, Michael
Ext 239 ashleysjpc@gmail.com                     Clark, Marty Clouse, Sidney Clouse, Theresa Clouse, Chris Collins,
                                                 David Condra, Leo Dickens, Chase Ford, Bill Freeman, Edwin Garcia,
Youth Minister: Aynde Bennett                    Steve Guittar, Jarrod Hagan, Martha Hardesty, Michael Hardesty,
Ext 227 ayndesjpc@gmail.com                      Evonne Harl, Julia Hawkins, Charlotte Hayden, Joyce Hayden, Captain
Religious Education Minister: Laura Shoulders    Matthew Hayden, Susan Hayden, Tom Hayden, Virginia Head, Ruby
Ext 224 laurasjpc@gmail.com                      Hedges, Lindsey Hill, Brice & Marilyn Howard, Florence Howard, Linda
                                                 Howard, Rene Howard, Kendall Jarboe, Donna Johnson, Rose King,
Music Minister: Patty Brown                      Tina Keller, Hobert & Mary Lundy, Jerry Lundy, Jan & Lee Etta
Ext 226 pattysjpc@gmail.com                      McCorkle, Michelle Montalvo, DVID Montgomery, Cecil Newton, Betty
Director of Maintenance: Kelly Ward              Pannell, Michael Payne, Rob Payne, Shelly Powell, Chrissy Quick,
Ext 241 kellywsjpc@yahoo.com                     Sheryl Richards, Clayton Roberts, Jennifer Rojas, Pat Seib, Alexandria
                                                 Selby, Martha Taylor, Richard Taylor, Dorie Thacker, Betty Thompson,
Caretaker: Joe McBride                           Tracy Trogden, Nina Van Bussum, Adam Wallace, Darryl & Linda
Sacramental Records: Debbie Luedke               Warren, Scott Warren, James Wathen, Cotton Wilhite, Ronnie
Ext 242 debbiesjpc@owens.twcbc.com               Wilkerson.
Bookkeeper: April Dickens                        FIRST RESPONDERS: Eric Conder, Brad Leonard, Steve Leonard,
                                                 Jason Luedke, Cory Mattingly.
Ext 221 aprilsjpc@owens.twcbc.com

                                                Word of Life
                                                “An unexpected pregnancy can be a difficult and frightening
                     Join Us                    time, and it’s important that your friend knows you are think-
                  Mass Schedule:                ing of her and supporting her. … don’t forget the most im-
              Monday - Friday 5:30pm            portant thing is to pray. Even if it’s just a quick two-second
                                                prayer, prayer is the most effective way we can help. Pray for
                  Saturday 4:30pm               her, for her child, and for guidance in how you can give her the best pos-
              Sunday 8am, 10am, 6pm             sible support.”
                 12 noon (Spanish)              USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
                3pm Sunday prayer               “10 Ways to Support Her When She’s Unexpectedly Expect-
                                                ing” (www.respectlife.org/support-her)
           Sacrament of Reconciliation:
        Thursdays at 6pm; Fridays at 12 noon
                                                 From Death to New Life
                                                 Please keep in prayer Grace Lee Payne & Brandy Keelin & Family whose
                                                 husband/father, Ron Payne, passed away. Please keep in prayer George
                                                 Miles, Katie Royalty, Matt Royalty, George Miles, Jr, & family whose sister/aunt,
                                                 Georgia Miles, passed away recently. Please keep in prayer Jeanne Lindow,
                                                 Tony Lindow, Jenny Wilson, Lindsey Hughes & Families whose husband/father/
                                                 step-father/grand-father, Bob Lindow, passed away recently. May the Lord
                                                 grant them perpetual light & eternal peace.
January 10, 2021 The Bap sm of the Lord - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303 - Sts Joseph and Paul Catholic ...
January 16 & 17          Saturday, 4:30 PM            Sunday, 8:00 AM              Sunday, 10:00 AM               Sunday, 6:00 PM
  Eucharistic Minister       Deacon John Cecil           Charlie Sims                 Lavida Mischel               Carissa Roush (sub req.)
                             John Blankendaal - IN       Robin Barna - IN             Nick Boling - IN             Mary Burton - IN
                             Alicia Blankendaal - IN     Mike Barna - IN              Philip Storm - IN            Ginny Nealen - IN
  Hospitality Minister       Joyce Lambert - SE          Thomas Porter - SE           Cathy Devine - SE            Blake Mullins - SE
                             Paul Lambert - FOG          Mike Hagan - FOG             Barry Strehl - FOG           Chris McDaniel - FOG
                                                                                                                   Kandie McDaniel - FOG
  Lector                     Peggy Aull - 1 (sub req.)   Jeff Hayden - 1              Henry Hayden - 1             Juanita Pooser - 1
  Liturgical Coordinator     Anne Webb                   Belinda Abell                Matt Royalty (sub req.)      Angela Scheithe
  Server                     MaKenna Boyens              Wesley Blondin               Molly Ladnier                Sofya Scheithe
                             Gina King                   Jan Howard                   Kenny McCarty                Celeste Medley-Hood
                                                         Randi Carol Porter

   1. Download the free GivePlus app from the App Store or Google Play
   2. Find our church by ZIP code 42303 or by Saints Joseph and Paul
   3. Give!
                                   Thank you for your generosity!

Birthdays                                                                         Anniversaries
                                                                                  1/3/04 John & Terri Congleton
1/2 Tracy Christian, Ralph Ward
1/3 Jon Lindblom, Emilee Ward, Thomas Young                                       1/0/69 Pete & Patty Johnson
1/4 Steven Burch, Austin Clements, Richard Thomas, Chris Volk                     1/6/07 Ashley & Jessica Wenmoth
1/5 Mauricio Gonzalez, Karson Render, Mauricio Santos-Solis,                      1/10/87 Mark & Maria Patricia Tennant
    Lory Torres Ochoa                                                             1/12/20 Carlton & Ann Earhart
1/6 Kenny McCarty, Pam Simmons, Rick Williams
1/7 Duane Harris, Mason Mattingly, Antonio Montejo,
    Audelino Velzaquez
1/8 Ruth Ann Austin, Ivory Houle, Larry Marr, Mya Martin,
    Katie Royalty                                                        Text, Mobile & Online Giving Available!
1/9 Thomas Cole Blandford, Brandon Lynn, Donna McDaniel,                       During our time away from church please
    Nate Roberts, Ashley Wenmoth, Matthew Zambrano                       consider text, mobile, or online giving. Making a
1/11 Lucy Latham, Hal Mischel, Sherry Rickard, Billy Nix,
                                                                         gift to Sts. Joseph and Paul is as easy as texting
      Sherry Rickard
1/12 Ilene Bullington                                                    our TEXT GIVING NUMBER 844-909-2742 with
1/13 Carolyn Lyddane                                                     the amount you would like to give! You can also
                                                                         set up recurring monthly payments through text or
                                                                         mobile giving.
                                                                             To try mobile giving, go to the app store and download the Give+
                                 Online Mass                             App. You will enter the 42303 zip code and choose Sts. Joseph and
                                                                         Paul, then set up your automatic giving.
                                 Opportunities                              To set up electronic giving online, go to stjpc.org and click on the
                                                                         Give button. e-giving is simple, quick and secure, and can provide a
                                                                         record of all your contributions that can be accessed online anytime.
                           Sts. Joseph & Paul:                           We hope you will give it a try!
    10am Sundays-Mass in English
    3pm on Sundays - Mass in Spanish
           Sts. Joseph and Paul Facebook Live https://                     Weekly Giving
                                                                           12/22/20 EFT Giving                         $ 2,500.00
                    www.facebook.com/stjpcc/                               Christmas Giving                            $ 6,100.64
                                                                           12/27/20 Sunday Giving                      $ 13,569.50
                                                                           12/2020 Online Giving                       $ 13,354.29
            An Act of Spiritual Communion                                  12/31/20 End of 2020 Giving                 $ 9,487.00
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacra-           1/1/20 EFT Giving                           $ 2,510.00
ment. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into        1/3/21 Sunday Collection                    $ 5,632.20
my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramental-            Weekly Sunday Collection Budget 2020-21     $ 18,531.67
ly, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You       Sunday Collection Year-to-Date              $437,352.03
                                                                           Budget Year to Date 27 of 52 Sundays        $500,355.09
 were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit           *Over/Under YTD Budget                      $ -63,003.06
               me to be separated from You. Amen.
January 10, 2021 The Bap sm of the Lord - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303 - Sts Joseph and Paul Catholic ...
10 de enero de 2021                                                                            El Bautismo del Señor
                                         Parroquia de San José y San Pablo
                “Ofrecemos nuestro Corazón a Dios y nuestros Talentos a su Pueblo”.

                                                                 PROMESA CUMPLIDA
                 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA                           Isaías le recuerda al pueblo de Dios que la tierra será
                                                                 devuelta a su posesión, se alegrarán de ver a su gente
Lunes: Heb 1:1-6; Sal 97 (96):1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mc 1:14-20
Martes: Heb 2:5-12; Sal 8 :2ab, 5, 6-9; Mc 1:21-28               regresar de la esclavitud del exilio y serán una luz para
Miércoles: Heb 2:14-18; Sal 105 (104):1-4, 6-9; Mc 1:29-39       las naciones. En otras palabras, el pueblo de Israel
Jueves: Heb 3:7-14; Sal 95 (94):6-11; Mc 1:40-45                 será la vía para que el Salvador venga a todos
Viernes: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Sal 78 (77):3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mc 2:1-12      aquellos que buscan a Dios con un corazón sincero.
Sábado: Heb 4:12-16; Sal 19 (18):8-10, 15; Mc 2:13-17            Esto trae consigo la alegría y el resplandor de la gloria
Domingo: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Sal 40 (39):2, 4, 7-10;               de Dios a todo el mundo y para todas las personas en
1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42                               todas partes. A causa de la fidelidad del pueblo de Di-
                                                                 os, y de la fidelidad de Dios para ellos, todos los pueb-
                                                                 los serán hijos de Dios y se regocijarán en el cumpli-
                                                                 miento de la promesa de Dios a Israel.
                                                                 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

                  Los salmos se cantan en el hogar y se
                  practican en las calles.
                  —San Ambrosio

                                                                                     AMBIENTE SEGURO
                   Catequesis 2020/2021
Fechas de Catequesis para familia:                             Para denunciar una sospecha de abuso, llame a la Línea Directa de Protección
Domingos 10:30 am - 11:30 am           21 de Febrero           Infantil de Kentucky: 1-877-KYSAFE1 o 1-877-597-2331 (llamada gratuita) o co-
                                       21 de Marzo             muníquese con su Fiscal Local de Commonwealth. Para reportar abuso, actual o
en la Salon Parroquial                                         pasado, a la diócesis por parte de cualquier persona que actúe en nombre de la
17 de Enero                            18 de Abril
                                                               Iglesia, llame a Louanne Payne, Coordinadora de Asistencia Pastoral (inglés) al
                                       16 de Mayo              270-852-8380, o Nuria Elizondo, Coordinadora de Asistencia Pastoral (español) al
Fechas para Confirmación:                                      270-880-8360. También puede visitar la Oficina de Ambiente Seguro
Domingos 4pm en Salon Parroquial                               (owensborodiocese.org/safe) para obtener más información.
3 de Enero
28 de Febrero
14 de Marzo                                                    SACRAMENTOS
18 de Abril : Práctica de Confirmación 4pm
22 de Abril Misa de Confirmación 6:30 pm
                                                               Bautismo para los Niños: Bautismos para niños menores de 7 años se
Primera Reconciliación                                         celebran durante el año (excepto en el tiempo de Cuaresma). Se requie-
10:30 -11:30am VIA ZOOM                                        re que los papás y padrinos asistan a una preparación. (Antes de esco-
(Al menos un padre debe asistir)                               ger padrinos les pedimos que sean casados por la iglesia o solteros y
3 de Enero
16 de Enero - Retiro y Primera Reconciliación 8 am - 12 pm     tengan el sacramento de la Confirmación)
                                                               Catequesis de Adultos (R.I.C.A.) Domingos 10:00 am. – Los adultos
Primera Comunión                                               pueden recibir los sacramentos del Bautismo, Primera Comunión y la
10:30 -11:30am VIA ZOOM                                        Confirmación después de un tiempo de formación.
 (Al menos un padre debe asistir)                              Sacramentos para Niños y Adolescentes:Todos los niños deben asis-
28 de Febrero
14 de Marzo                                                    tir a las clases de catecismo cada miércoles a las 6:30pm. (Inglés).
25 de Abril                                                    Para los que no puedan los miércoles o prefieran en español, también
                                                               está la opción los Domingos a las 10:00 am.
1 de Mayo - Retiro de Primera Comunión                         Unción de los enfermos: Por favor notifique a la oficina parroquial de
     8am - 12pm Salon Parroquial                               algún familiar o amigo admitido al hospital y que desee el Sacramento de
2 de Mayo - Misa de Primera Comunión         3pm               la Unción.
                                                               Matrimonio – Comuníquese a la oficina parroquial preferiblemente con 6
                                                               meses de anticipación como mínimo a la fecha deseada.
                                                               Quinceañeras NO es un Sacramento pero es un sacramental: Se
                                                               pueden celebrar cualquier sábado mientas esté disponible la Iglesia,
 Para recibir recordatorios y anuncios
                                                               excepto durante la Cuaresma.
 para la catequesis familiar: envíe un
                                                               Reconciliación (Confesión):
 mensaje de texto al 81010 y escriba
 @279k2f y su nombre.

 para recibir recordatorios y anuncios
 para Primera Comunión: envíe un mensaje de texto al 81010 y
 escriba @7c6baf y su nombre.
January 10, 2021 The Bap sm of the Lord - Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church 609 E. 4th St, Owensboro, KY 42303 - Sts Joseph and Paul Catholic ...
AD PAGE bulletin 462950
1-800-621-5197 ext 2772
Church name & address:
Ss. Joseph & Paul #462950
609 E. Fourth St.
Owensboro, KY 42303

Contact person: April Dickens, 270-683-5641
(270) 314-8731 (cell)
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