CHURCH OF SAINT MARY - Bon Venture Services

Page created by Nathaniel Frank
CHURCH OF SAINT MARY - Bon Venture Services
                     91 HOME AVENUE  RUTHERFORD, NEW JERSEY 07070

                          Thanks to all our participants in this year’s Epiphany Pageant

       We are called to form the Christian Community of Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church; we are protected by
      our Blessed Mother in whose patronage our parish has been placed under her title “Our Lady of the Rosary.”

Very Rev. Michael J. Kreder, V.F., KCHS -------- Pastor                           Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
James J. Guida & Raymond L. Schembri --------------Deacons
Frank Viteritti------------------- St. Mary High School Principal
                                                                                                January 15, 2023
Joe Ziaya                               Parish Catechetical Leader
                                               /RCIA Coordinator
Judith Moretti --------------------Parish Catechetical Secretary
                                                                                   < OUR SACRAMENTAL LIFE >
Lisa Considine -----------------------First Eucharist Coordinator    EUCHARIST (Obligation Masses)
Larry Boland -------------------------- Confirmation Coordinator     Saturday ------------------------------------- 5:00 pm (Sunday obligation)
Gerard DeMan -------------------------Director of Sacred Music       Sunday ------------------------------------------ 8:00, 10:00, & 12:00 noon
Linda Verdino & Kevin McLean -------------------------Trustees       Weekday Schedule
David Valente ----------------Finance Committee Chairperson          Monday - Thursday--------------------------------------------------- 8:30 am
Marisa Ackermann ------------ Children’s Liturgy of the Word         Friday -----------------------------12 noon Prayer Service with Eucharist
Matt & Marisa Ackermann------------------------- Youth Group
Deborah Moran----------------------- Administrative Secretary        Holy Days ------------------------------------------- As listed in the bulletin
                                                                     RECONCILIATION (Confession)
                                                                     Confessions will be heard at 4:15 pm Saturday evenings.
                        < PARISH DIRECTORY >
   Parish Office-----201-438-2200 Fax ----- 201-438-1098
   Web------------------------------        Baptism: Parents are required to attend the parish Baptism Class
   E-mail-----------------         and provide the godparent’s sponsorship letters BEFORE the
   Facebook --              baptism date can be set. Call the Parish Office at 201-438-2200
   St. Mary High School -------------------------- 201-933-5220      for class dates and godparent handbook.
   Religious Formation --------------------------- 201-438-2476      Marriage: According to the N.J. Common Policy couples must
                                                                     register at least ONE YEAR in advance.
   Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark
                       Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the Parish Office.
                                                                     Holy Orders: Contact the Vocation Office at 973-497-4365.
CHURCH OF SAINT MARY - Bon Venture Services
From the Pastor          we do not read, study, and strive to understand
                                                           the ’Love Letters’ He sent to us in and through His
                                    2nd Sunday             holy Word? That’s why we reverently carry the
                               in Ordinary Time - A        Book of the Gospels and Ordained Ministers
                                 January 15, 2023          spend so much time in seminary formation being
                                                           trained in preaching God’s Word. For at every
                             SUNDAY OF THE                 liturgical celebration God’s People rightfully
                             WORD OF GOD. In               expect our prepared reflections or homilies on
                              2019, Pope Francis           God’s Word, which is ‘required reading’ at every
                              made the 3rd Sunday in       Sacrament and ritual. All Lay Readers, Catechists
                              Ordinary Time [next          and other Lay Ministers are also required to know
                              Sunday] The Sunday of        the basics about sacred Scripture.
                              the Word of God. This
joins many other Sundays that highlight various            Understanding Scripture is so crucial, for without
aspects of our Faith: Respect Life Sunday is the 1st       it, nothing makes sense! Jesus’ identity as our
Sunday in October; World Mission Sunday is the             God in human form is only understood through
4th Sunday in October; the World Day of Prayer             Old Testament prophecies. Without the firm
for Vocations is Good Shepherd Sunday or the 4th           basis of biblical revelation, everything is a ‘free-
Sunday of Easter, etc. Why do we need The                  for-all’ as we see in those communities that
Sunday of the Word of God? In his Apostolic                permit, and even celebrate, any and everything
Letter, ‘Aperuit Illis’ - Latin for ‘He opened their       under the sun! Without the firm foundation of
[minds to the meaning of Scripture’] [Church               God’s Word, we build on sand, not on Rock!
documents are often ‘named’ by its first few words], the   The challenges we face in upholding ‘revealed
Holy Father explains its purpose. It is a very short       Truth’ is nothing new; even Jesus was opposed by
Letter; type Aperuit Illis into your search engine         those who questioned or rejected His teachings
to read the whole document.                                on faith and morals. With the Holy Spirit’s
To begin with, in our fractured, divided world, the        guidance and assurance, Church dogmas and
Bible is a great source of unity! All Christians           doctrines keep us true to all biblically based
[except Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses]                   ‘revealed truths’ - which are increasingly rejected
accept 27 New Testament books and have similar             as old-fashioned ideas and outdated teachings.
translations.  While Catholics give canonical              By better understanding what God has revealed
status to seven Old Testament books that                   to us via Scripture, the better equipped we are to
Protestants reject, and Jews differ in number,             know, defend, and live by divine truths.
arrangement, and the placement of some biblical            Without sacred Scripture, we would never know
books, most Christians and Jews, for the most              the depth of God’s mercy and love, or know how
part, find common ground in the Word of God!               to hear, to serve and to please God. As Jesus so
His Holiness is also concerned, as am I, that we           powerfully presented in the Parable of the Rich
Catholics are strangers to the Bible; it is estimated      Man and Lazarus: when the Rich Man sought
that only 13% of the Old Testament, not counting           more help for his brothers, lest they also be
Psalms, 55% of the non-Gospel New Testament,               condemned, Abraham replied: “They have Moses
and 90% of the Gospels - only 71% of the New               and the prophets. Let them listen to them.” [Luke
Testament - is proclaimed throughout the year at           16:29]  Obviously, ignorance of Scripture has
holy Mass. Yet, as seen in the image above: the            eternal consequences! Conversely, by accepting
Risen Lord opens our “minds to understand the              and struggling to understand and live by God’s
Scriptures” [Luke 24:45] most profoundly during the        Word, our Blessed Mother and the Saints
Breaking of Bread, which we now call the holy              achieved eternal glory. May The Sunday of the
Mass! In fact, one of the Risen Lord’s first actions       Word of God help us grow in our knowledge of
on Easter night, and among His last actions                and ability to live by the sacred Scriptures.
before His Ascension, was to open the disciples’                   With God’s love and my prayers,
minds to how He fulfills sacred Scripture,
whereupon He vanished from their sight.
Then, quoting the Patron Saint of Bible Study,
Saint Jerome, Pope Francis reminds us that:
“Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of
Christ.” For how can we say we love the Lord if            Very Rev. Michael J. Kreder, VF, KCHS
CHURCH OF SAINT MARY - Bon Venture Services
Next Sunday’s Scripture Readings:
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time                                Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
              January 15, 2023                                                         Isaiah 8:23 – 9:3 (67A)
                                                                                           Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14
                                                                                      1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17
                                                                                    Matthew 4:12-23 or 4:12-17

                                                               THE ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION
                                                                       OF ADULTS [OCIA]
SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2023                              Anyone interested in becoming a fully initiated
  5:00 p.m. Thomasina Fiore                             Roman Catholic - one who has received Baptism,
                                                        Confirmation and First Eucharist - the OCIA is for you!
            Gerry Mulligan
                                                                             The OCIA is ideally for non-
            Mary Ann Tidona-Abate
                                                                             baptized     [Jews,     Moslems,
SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 2023                                                     Hindus, the unchurched] and for
   8:00 a.m.  Carol Froehlich                                                baptized Protestants who wish
              Jeannette DeMarco                                              to become Catholic. It is also
   10:00 a.m. Flory and Geraldine Mangasi – liv. Int.                        for adult Catholics who never
              Arsenio Flora                                                  received First Eucharist and/or
   12:00 noon Molly Monaghan                                                 Confirmation. Please share this
                                                                             invite with anyone who might
              Caridad Alonso
                                                                             be interested. Speak to a priest,
                                                        deacon or call Joe Ziaya - [201] 438-2476 for further
 5:00 p.m.    MASS CANCELLED                            information        or       email        Joe        at:
TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2023                     
   8:30 a.m.  Teresa Vecellio
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2023                                      2023 MASS BOOK is now OPEN.
   8:30 a.m.  John Connors                                            Call the Parish Office
THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2023                                  to reserve Masses for the coming year or
   8:30 a.m.  Margaret Letsche
                                                                    stop by the parish office!
              Audrey Toron
FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2023                                        OUR PARISH 10am SUNDAY MASS
   12noon     Prayer Service with Eucharist                             - here at Saint Mary -
SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2023                                        can be viewed by going to our
   5:00 p.m.  Yolanda and Leon Rojas                             website:
              Richard Barton                                              Mass Livestreams
SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2023                                     and click the Go to YouTube blue button
  8:00 a.m.  Jeannette DeMarco
  10:00 a.m. Joseph Signore                                     WEEKLY ENVELOPES - OUR APOLOGIES
             James and Eileen Nolan                     We’ve been in touch with the envelope company
             Carmen Melone                              who provides the weekly giving donation envelopes!
  12:00 noon Molly Monaghan                             NONE of our parishioners have received January
             Charleen Martinelli                        envelopes! Until the company corrects this – we ask
                                                        all of you to help us. Please place your charitable
 Sanctuary Offerings can be memorialized                contributions in an envelope marked with your name
  by calling the parish office or by email              and address on the front and your parishioner
                                                        number (if known) to help our volunteer when
                               recording your contributions each week. Thank you!
CHURCH OF SAINT MARY - Bon Venture Services
                                                                   PROLIFE / RESPECT LIFE CAUSES
                                      Join us as we       A SECOND COLLECTION will be taken THIS
                                    celebrate the life    weekend to promote an awareness to RESPECT
                                            of            LIFE especially the mot defenseless the unborn, in
                                   Pope Benedict XVI      our schools and other causes which work to
                                       Monday,            create an awareness in our society.
                                    January 23rd at
                                                                            2ND COLLECTION
                                       6:00 PM.
                                    Please note that        CHURCH IN LATIN AMERICA – JANUARY 22/23
                                   this mass will take    The annual national Collection for the Church in
                                    place of the 5pm      Latin America (CLA) will be the weekend of
                                   Mass on Jan. 23rd.     January 21/22. The campaign highlights the faith
                                                          of Latin America and the many opportunities we
             CONFIRMATION                                 have to share faith with them. We also recognize
        We are happy to announce that                     the tremendous benefit of having our Latin
   Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., D.D.                American brothers and sisters in the Church and
  will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation               the revitalization their fervor brings to the faith.
                                                          In addition to offering our help and support to the
     upon our 8th Graders now preparing
                                                          Catholics of Latin America, we have much to learn
          to receive the Holy Spirit on
                                                          from them. Please be as generous as your means
        Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 2pm!
         Please mark your calendars!
                                                          ANOINTING OF THE SICK DURING HOLY MASS
         CONFIRMATION SESSION #5                           “When the afflicted man called out, the Lord heard,
         Session #5 which is scheduled for                     and from all his distress he saved him.”
               Tuesday, January 24th                      The SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK
  has been changed to Wednesday, January 25th.                                 is administered to
Group 1       A-G             5:30 to 6:30pm                                   Catholics        whose
Group 2       H-Z             7:00 to 8:00pm                                   physical, spiritual or
                                                                               emotional health is
                                                                               seriously impaired by
Although we mention ONLY the names of those who
                                                                               sickness or advanced
were buried from Saint Mary Church from the pulpit
                                                                               age. Join us at Saint
during Sunday Mass, we do pray for all who have gone
before us in death during our Universal Prayer. Please                         Mary Church for the
remember also in your prayers:                                                 Anointing of the Sick
              JOSEPH SCHUCHMAN                            during Holy Mass on:
      father of Anne (Schuchman) Berrettini                   SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH AT 2:30 PM
           MARY ANN TIDONA – ABATE                        To register, please call the parish office at (201)
              sister of Frank Tidona                      438-2200 – ext. 1111 to leave a message or email
     “Blessed are those who have died in the Lord; All are invited to this Mass
let them rest from their labors for their good deeds go   even if you are NOT going to be anointed. This
                     with them.”                          Mass fulfills your Sunday obligation.
CHURCH OF SAINT MARY - Bon Venture Services
ANNUAL APPEAL                                    PRAY FOR OUR SICK
                     The 2023 Annual Appeal has                       Grant our brothers and sisters, comfort
             begun! You should have received in                       in their suffering. When they are afraid,
             the mail or will receive an invitation                   give them courage. When afflicated,
             from Cardinal Tobin to consider                          give them patience. When dejected,
making a financial sacrifice to support this year’s                   afford them hope. And when alone,
                                                                      assure them of the support of your holy
Annual Appeal. We are grateful for your
generosity, and we rely on it because it helps
support essential ministries and programs of our         Salvatore Anselmi, Kathie Barone, John Giannuzzi,
Archdiocese, which are also centric to our faith.       Carol Kubicka, Leslie Maculso, Mary Ann McGehrin,
Your support to the Annual Appeal helps us                 James McLaughlin, Connie Mehos, Ann Meyer,
accomplish across the Archdiocese what we                      Bruno Oblak, Manuel Reiriz, Rose Reiriz,
                                                          Allison Russell, Andrea Saavedra, Heather Shaw,
would not be able to do alone.
                                                                    Carol Turi and Rose Wilson.
        Our Parish stretch goal is $71,259.00.
There are two financial benefits to our Parish if                       CHURCH OF SAINT MARY
we achieve this goal. First, if we reach this goal in                   KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS
cash by June 30th, our Parish is eligible for an                        Meeting In Parish Center
assessment savings on our fiscal obligations to the               Wednesday, January 18th at 7:00 pm
Archdiocese. Second, all monies pledged over goal       Current members - please make every effort to attend
as of June 30th, will make us eligible for a 50%        this IMPORTANT PLANNING meeting. We invite all
rebate, which comes back to our Parish,                 men of the parish to join us. The Knights of Columbus
unassessed, to be used at our own discretion.           is a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit society for men 18
                                                        years or older. We are committed to making our
        The other 50% will be used to support
                                                        community a better place, enhancing our faith,
Archdiocesan parishes in need. Our Archdiocese is
                                                        protecting, and building our family life, and support
one Church, and the Annual Appeal is an
                                                        our church. We assist our community by sponsoring
intentional way to demonstrate our own                  various drives and programs throughout the year.
Stewardship. It invites us to reflect on our
blessings bestowed upon us from God and                                    ANNUAL CANDLES
                                                        God makes known his mighty power and his
challenges us to share those blessings with others.
                                                        abounding goodness to all the ends of the earth; but
This gives us the resources to bring Christ to those
                                                        he also directs his Church to bless the simplest and
who need Him the most, to make ministry
                                                        most commonplace things. He does so in order that
possible, and to expand the good works of our           all who devoutly make use of material things while
parish and our Archdiocese.                             invoking the name of the Sacred Heart, the Holy
        I have made my gift to the Appeal. Please       Name of Mary, of Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus,
consider taking a step with me on this                  and of Saint Jude, patron of impossible causes, Saint
Stewardship journey by responding to Cardinal           Anthony and Saint Patrick, may be drawn to the
Tobin’s invitation to support the Appeal, or you        world that is not seen and may give glory to God, who
can make your commitment here at Mass on                alone performs the wonders we call miracles, but
February 4-5, which will be our In-Pew Weekend.         who is wonderful also in his saints. Join us on January
                                                        29th t at the 10am Mass as these Annual Candles are
        Thank you for your time and consideration.
                                                        blessed! If you are interested in having an Annual
You are in my prayers. Please pray for the success
                                                        Candle lit for the coming year - $250.00 - please call
of the Annual Appeal.
                                                        the parish office by January 23rd!
CHURCH OF SAINT MARY - Bon Venture Services
RELIGIOUS FORMATION                                        MEN’S PRAYER GROUP – PARISH CENTER
                                                                            Wednesday – 11am
                                                                     Thursday – 7:30pm – MEN ONLY
                                                                        Come read and discuss the
                                                                          GOSPEL OF MATTHEW!
                                                                   Meeting are approximately 90 minutes.
                                                                   Contact Deacon Raymond Schembri at
                                                                   845-667-1555 for further information.
                                                                         MARCH FOR LIFE
        Saturday, February 25th, 2023                                   Friday, January 20th
              10am to 12noon                                              Washington, DC
  This is a mandatory session for ALL STUDENTS
                                                              NATIONAL PRAYER VIGIL AND MASS FOR LIFE
   who attended the 2022 Summer RF Program
                                                                        Friday, January 20th
The Summer Religious Formation Program (SRF) is a
                                                                           5:30 – 7:30pm
PRIVILEGE. ALL families wishing to be considered for
the SRF Program (2023) need to be attending Mass on
                                                                     EWTN- Comcast channel 51
a regular basis. The ONLY way for us to VERIFY regular
                                                                            YOUTH GROUP
attendance at Mass is VIA the weekly envelopes. This
                                                                     JANUARY 22ND – 6PM – 8PM
is a NORMAL procedure in most parishes for
                                                                            PARISH CENTER
determining active participation. Please note no set
                                                             Email Matt Ackermann if you plan on attending
amount of any amount is required. The use of the
envelopes will be used for verifying attendance ONLY!     
God monitors your attendance always!                                            HELP NEEDED!
                                                           Do you want to be part of our TEAM? We’d like to form a
                                                           FILMING MINISTRY here at Saint Mary. We’re sure
Sunday, February 12, we celebrate ‘World Marriage
                                                           you’ve seen our 16’ x 12’ screens as well as our projectors
Day’ to recognize the importance of the Sacrament of       built into the ceilings of church. Not only can we show
Marriage. We will honor all married couples at the         power points, play DVD’s but with our cameras, we have
10am Mass. If you are celebrating a milestone              the ability to film Masses, graduations, concerts etc.
anniversary in 2023 such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years or     However, what we don’t have is the MANPOWER to do
ANY ANNIVERSARY AFTER 50 YEARS and would like to           so. If you have an interest in getting involved and being
participate in the liturgy, please complete this form. A   available to attend special Church liturgies or functions,
member of the Spiritual Life Committee will contact        please call the Parish Office. We’d like your help!
you prior to the Mass. Please join us for this wonderful
Celebration of Love.                                                REPORT OF CHURCH CONTRIBUTIONS

We are celebrating a special milestone anniversary in      Since tax laws have changed, it is often more
2023 and would like to participate in the “World           advantageous to take the standard deduction than to
Marriage Day” service on February 12th at the 10am         itemize it. If you plan to itemize or otherwise need a
Mass. Please place in Sunday basket or return to the       report of your contribution, please fill out the form
Office.                                                    below and we will send you one.
Names: ______________________________________              Name: _______________________________________

                                                           Address: _____________________________________
Years Married: ______ Date of Marriage: __________
                                                           Telephone: ___________________________________
Telephone: ___________________________________             Envelope Number if known: ____________________
CHURCH OF SAINT MARY - Bon Venture Services
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CHURCH OF SAINT MARY - Bon Venture Services
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                     Francisco J. Rodriguez, Funeral Director - NJ Lic. No. 4662
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