Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results

Page created by Jonathan Wallace
Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results
Liturgy Location                                           Lenten Donation
Changes            Office Closure                          Drive Results
PAGE 3             PAGE 4                                  PAGE 7

                   The Last Supper, Fritz von Uhde, 1886
Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results
May 22, 2022                                                                                                      The Bulletin

        Table of Contents                                                 Spiritual Life
  Spiritual Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
  Finance & Stewardship . . . . . . 3                     LITURGICAL SCHEDULE, READINGS
  Parish News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
                                                                  AND INTENTIONS
  Adult Faith Formation . . . . . . . 5
                                                   MON     Sixth Monday of Easter
  Faith Formation . . . . . . . . . . . .6
  Social Outreach. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
                                                   23      Acts 16:11-15 | Ps 149 | Jn15:26-16:4a
                                                           8:30 a.m.    Intentions of Mariane Pham & Kevin Chin
  Around the Diocese . . . . . . . . .8
  Parish Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . .9       TUES    Sixth Tuesday of Easter

                                                   24      Acts 16:22-34 | Ps 138 | Jn 16:5-11
                                                           8:30 a.m.    Intentions of Very Rev. Michael J. O’Connor
                                                   WED     Memorial of St. Bede the Venerable, Priest and

  Submissions for the June 5th
                                                           Doctor of the Church
  bulletin are due by 11:59 p.m.
                                                           Acts 17:15, 22-18:1 | Ps 148 | Jn 16:12-15
  on     Thursday,    May      26th.
  Submissions for the June 12th                            8:30 a.m.    † Eileen Olsen                         † Sofia Baraj
  bulletin are due by 11:59 p.m.                           Confessions: 9-9:30 a.m. and 6-7 p.m.
  on Thursday, June 2nd. Email                             Evening Prayer: 5:30 p.m.         for
  instructions on submitting content
  for The Bulletin.                                THUR    Memorial of St. Philip Neri, Priest

                                                   26      Acts 18:1-8 | Ps 98 | Jn 16:16-20
                                                           8:30 a.m.    † Maureen O’Connor

                                                   FRI     Memorial of St. Augustine of Canterbury, bishop

                                                   27      Acts 18:9-18 | Ps 47 | Jn16:20-23
                                                           8:30 a.m.    † Scot Michael                 † Christian Boutros

                                                   SAT     Acts 1:1-11 | Ps 47 | Eph 1:17-23 | Lk 24:46-53

                                                           5 p.m.       Intentions of St. Thomas More Parishioners
  Tim Anderson              Dylan Johnson
  Elizabeth Armes               Beth Jones                 Confessions: 3-4:30 p.m.
  Whitney Brun             Kris Kapchinski
  Mollie Bustos                Frank Kelly         SUN     Ascension of the Lord
  Jean Collins
  Frank DiLorenzo
                           Jason Mikolajek
                              Ron Muessel
                                                   29      Acts 1:1-11 | Ps 47 | Eph 1:17-23 | Lk 24:46-53
                                                           7:30 a.m.    † Kathleen O’Donnell-Gooley
  Katie DiLorenzo Fr. Michael O’Connor                     9 a.m.       Intentions of Mercedes Torres
  Dodie Domanski Barbara Ohradzansky                       10:45 a.m.   † Charlie Felchak             † Cynthia Ann Molina
  Jo Falkenstein      Trent Overall                        5 p.m.       Intentions of the Seat Family
  Ame Frezza      Kevin Sutherland
  Nancy Gilbert  Dorothy Thompson
  Judi Gilliam        Andy Turner
  Trace Gilliam       Clifford Uher                 TO REACH A PRIEST
  Rich Godfrey    Bernadette Vogel                  IN AN EMERGENCY
  Michael Hanson Jennifer Wiegand
  Andre Hebert          Kerry Wolf                   During Office Hours:
                                                        (512) 258-1161                   ADORATION CANCELLED
  Please pray for the well-being
  of our fellow parishioners and                         After Hours:                    Due to roof maintenance taking
     nursing home residents.                         (512) 258-1161, Opt. 1              place on the church this week.

St. Thomas More Catholic Church                                2                               Visit our website at
Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results
The Bulletin                                                                                                                 May 22, 2022

                                                                                   LITURGY LOCATION CHANGES
                                                                          Starting May 23rd, the church roof will undergo
          LIVING THE PASCHAL MYSTERY                                      maintenance. To ensure the safety of all, the church will be

                                                                          closed during business hours. Additionally, the following
      n today’s gospel, Jesus tells his disciples the Father will
                                                                          location changes will take place this week only:
      send the Holy Spirit. Then he says, “Peace I leave with
  you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give           Daily Mass: Parish Activity Center (PAC)
  it to you.” In other words, the peace Jesus gives is not the            Wednesday Morning Confessions: St. Thomas More
  peace the world offers. Indeed, we can even say the world is            room in the PAC
  lacking in peace. We need to consider that true peace
  is the work of the Holy Spirit. When we are at peace                    Evening Prayer and Wednesday evening confessions will
  in our relationships, in our communities, and in                        remain in the church.
  our world, we are making present the kingdom
  of heaven on earth, and we achieve that peace
  through the aid and guidance of the Holy Spirit. It                            8:30 a.m.
  is impossible to grow past division and distinction without
  embracing this peace of Christ, which comes only from a                 18     EUCHARISTIC PROCESSION
                                                                                 San José Parish, Austin
  relationship with the God of love and begins in our own               Bishop Joe S. Vásquez calls the faithful of the Diocese of Austin
  hearts. Only then can we share it with others. Jesus tells            to prayerfully begin a Eucharistic Revival with the theme
  his disciples he must go away, but he sends the Advocate              “That they may all be one” (Jn 17:21). Join Bishop Vásquez
  as our Spirit and guide. The Holy Spirit brings peace, and            on the Saturday before the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body
  the Holy Spirit is with us.                                           and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), to kick off the diocesan
                                                                        Eucharistic Revival. The day begins with 8:30 a.m. Mass at San
                                                                        José Parish in Austin (2435 Oak Crest Avenue, Austin) followed
                                                                        by a 1-mile procession at 9:40 a.m. to St. Edward’s University’s
                                                                        Main Building (3001 South Congress, Austin) where Bishop
                                                                        Vásquez will lead us in Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
                                                                        (Adoration) at 10 a.m. To park at St. Edwards, register your
                                                                        vehicle for free at
                                                                                                           park. For more information
                                                                        on this event and the diocesan Eucharistic Revival, visit

          5:30 p.m.                                                              10 a.m.
 MAY                                                                     JUL
                                                                          16     SAVE THE DATE: MEN’S MASS

““May God, the source of our hope, fill your hearts with peace          Join Very Rev. James Misko, vicar general of the diocese, and
as you believe in him.” (Romans 15:13) Continue the Easter              hundreds of men from around the diocese for worship and
celebration and enter into the prayer life of the Church by             fellowship. A reception in the Parish Activity Center (PAC)
joining us for Evening Prayer and Eucharistic Benediction.              will follow Mass. This Mass is hosted by the Central Texas
Incense, cantors, organ accompaniment and chant will lead               Fellowship of Catholic Men. You can learn more about their
you into an encounter with Jesus in both scripture and the              good work at

                                                Finance & Stewardship

                                                           A STEWARDSHIP MOMENT

                        I n today’s Gospel we witness the last evening Jesus spends with his disciples before his death. He has
                          already made it clear his followers will show their love for him by serving others. To live that kind of
                       love, they will need the active presence of God in their midst. Jesus tells his disciples he and his Father
                       will come and make their home with them. He also tells them the Holy Spirit will be among them to teach
                       them and remind them of all Jesus had taught. Good stewards recognize God is in their midst
                       and the Holy Spirit is guiding them. How often do we acknowledge God’s presence in our
                       lives? How often do we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us?

Call us at (512) 258-1161                                           3                         View this bulletin online at
Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results
May 22, 2022                                                                                                                      The Bulletin
 Week Ending                                             May 15th                                    “Cheerfulness strengthens
 Envelope Collection:                        $           19,808.07
                                                                                                      the heart and makes us
                                                                                                      persevere in a good life;
 eGiving Collection:                         $           14,436.08
                                                                                                      wherefore the servant of
 eGiving Text Collection:                    $             100.00
                                                                                                     God ought always to be in
 Total Weekly Collections:                   $          34,344.15
                                                                                                           good spirits.”
 Total Weekly Collections Goal:              $           48,100.00
                                                                                                            - ST. PHILIP NERI -
 Above/(Below) Weekly Goal:                  $      (13,755.85)

                                                                          SPECIAL COLLECTION: ARCHDIOCESE FOR
                                                                              THE MILITARY SERVICES (AMS)
                                                                         Our parish will take up the collection for the AMS next
                                                                         weekend. The AMS provides pastoral care to Catholic men
                                                                         and women serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, enrolled at a
                                                                         U.S. Military Academy, being treated as a patient at any of the
                                                                         153 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers, or
                                                                         who work for the federal government beyond U.S. borders -
                                                                         including those from our own parish and diocese. To learn
                                                                         more about the AMS, go to

                                                           Parish News

                                                                                                        OFFICE CLOSURE
                 “Obedience is a short cut to perfection.”                                        Due to maintenance and the
                                  - ST. PHILIP NERI -                                             Memorial Day holiday, the Parish
                                                                                                  Offices will close at 12 noon on May
                                                                                                  27th and will reopen on May 31st at
                                                                                                  9 a.m.

St. Thomas More Catholic Church                                      4                                    Visit our website at
Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results
The Bulletin                                                                                                               May 22, 2022

  The Gift Shop is closed to conduct inventory and
  complete a remodel. The reopening of the Gift
  Shop will be announced in July.
  If you would like information about joining our Gift
  Shop Ministry, please contact Marlene Miller, Gift Shop
  Manager, at (316) 304-5431.

          8 p.m.
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a special live webinar
featuring America's IRA expert, Ed Slott. The Knights are
committed to helping provide financial security to our members
and their families. You are not required to be a Knight to attend
this event and learn from Ed's expertise. There is only a limited
number of virtual seats so please sign up
as soon as you can. You can register at If there are any
questions please contact Steve Isaacson

                                                Adult Faith Formation

                                                                                 CONGRATULATIONS CRYSTAL,
                                                                                    JIM AND CHRISTINE
                                                                        Please join the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
                                                                        (RCIA) Team in congratulating Crystal Roberts, Jim Elliott
                                                                        and Christine Monaco. Crystal received the Sacraments
                                                                        of Confirmation and First Communion from Fr. James
                                                                        Misko, vicar general of the diocese, on April 23rd. Jim and
                                                                        Christine received the Sacrament of Confirmation from
                                                                        Bishop Joe Vásquez on May 7th.
                                                                        Through the support of their family, friends and the parish
                                                                        community, they have journeyed through the RCIA process
  ARE YOU SEARCHING FOR:                                                and have answered God’s call to become one with us at the
                                                                        table of the Lord. Please continue to pray for all in RCIA as
  •   A deeper relationship with God?                                   they travel their faith journey.
  •   A greater awareness of how God is at work in your life?
  •   A sense of belonging in a faith community?
  •   A deeper look into what Catholics believe and how we
      live our faith?                                                           “God desires not death, but faith;
  To explore your questions, and receive an introduction                 God thirsts not for blood, but for self-surrender;
  to the Catholic faith, check out the Rite of Christian                        God is appeased not by slaughter,
  Initiation for Adults (RCIA)! For more information, please
  contact Dawn at (512) 258-1944 x235.
                                                                              but by the offering of your free will.”
                                                                                          - ST. PETER CHRYSOLOGUS -

Call us at (512) 258-1161                                           5                       View this bulletin online at
Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results
May 22, 2022                                                                                                            The Bulletin

                                            FORMED PICKS OF THE WEEK
                 Watch                                     Learn                                         Listen

  St. Philip Neri: The Apostle              FORMED Now! The Holy Spirit            The Holy Spirit: Third Person
  of Joy                                    in Light of Pentecost                  of the Trinity by Fr. Shannon
  This week we celebrate St. Philip Neri,   As we approach the Solemnity of Collins
  the Apostle of Rome. To a Rome ravaged    Pentecost, often referred to as the In this captivating presentation, Fr.
  by war and wearied by the decadence of    birthday of the Church, join Dr. Shannon Collins discusses the essential
  the Renaissance popes, St. Philip Neri    Tim Gray and Dr. Ben Akers as they character of the Holy Spirit and his role
  came as an unlikely reformer. Mystic,     discuss Christ’s sending of the Holy in salvation history. Listeners are sure
  hermit, prankster and effortless leader   Spirit in this monumental event. After to come to a better appreciation of this
  of men, Neri had a great sense of humor   watching, you’ll recognize the meaning “sweet guest of our soul” who seeks to
  and an even greater heart.                of Pentecost for our lives today.      bring us closer to divine life.
  Watch this week’s pick of the week Learn more about our faith with Listen to learn more about our faith
  here:            this week’s pick of the week here: with this week’s pick of the week here:

       New to FORMED? Visit then search for St. Thomas More Austin. Fill in your
               information and you gain access to tons of great Catholic content for all ages.

                                                  Faith Formation
         7 - 8:30 p.m.                                              completed by May 29th. Friends are welcome
   2     TERRIFIC THURSDAY                                          to join us! Scan the QR code with your phone’s
         Religious Education Building, Room 207                     camera or visit
                                                                                                 g/msff for more
Calling all Middle Schoolers! Join us for service, games,
snacks, friends and fun! For more information, contact Andrea                through July 1st
                                                                      27     VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL
at g.
                                                                              Calling all Middle Schoolers! Incoming 6th and 7th
                                                                    graders can register to participate and join in the program. It
                                                                    will be a combination of service and education. Incoming 8th
                                                                    graders can serve as volunteers. All who are interested, register
                                                                             through July 29th
                                                                      25     MISSION DAY CAMP
                                                                     Sign up NOW! This is a great opportunity to grow and
                                                          serve our community! We will spend the first half of each day
         9 a.m. - 8 p.m.                                  learning about a specific social teaching and the
         Schlitterbahn, New Braunfels
                                                          second half serving in our community, putting
                                                          into action what we learned. The cost is $200.
Sign up now to join us! The cost is $60 which includes: Find more information by scanning the QR code
transportation by bus, admission, snacks and water at our or visiting
meeting place. Permission forms and payment need to be

St. Thomas More Catholic Church                                 6                                    Visit our website at
Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results
The Bulletin                                                                                                              May 22, 2022

                                                                            DON'T WAIT TO REGISTER FOR VBS
                                                                      Vacation Bible School (VBS) registration is OPEN for
                                                                      children four-years old through incoming 7th graders. We
                                                                      need LOTS of volunteers! Volunteers can be incoming 8th
                                                                      graders through adults. You can find more information about
                                                                      registering and volunteering at

                                                     Social Outreach

            CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING                                         LENTEN DONATION DRIVE RESULTS

 T    his week’s readings call us to live what we celebrate
      each week in the Eucharist: that we love one another
  in Christ. Our celebration is dead if it does not transform
                                                                        HopeAustin is so very blessed by the wonderful parishioners
                                                                        of St. Thomas More Parish. With parishioner and RE
                                                                        student donations, a generous amount of food items were
  us into God’s people, a people of love and service. St.               collected for the local students who rely on HopeAustin:
  Paul’s ministry brought him out of the Jewish world, into
                                                                          • 761 cans of pasta/soup
  the Gentile world. Who is it that needs to hear God’s
  word and experience God’s love from us this week?                       • 1377 servings of mac and cheese
                                                                          • 290 items that will be used in family meal kits
                                                                        St. Thomas More is truly living God’s Word! Thank you!
  WHERE DO YOU STAND THIS PENTECOST?                                    Visit
                                                                                   y/STMnLDD22 to see more pictures!
  Do you believe climate change is a hoax? Do you think what
  is happening to our common home is a natural cycle? Do
  you think whatever happens to the Earth has nothing to do
  with your faith? Are you concerned but don’t think there's
  a crisis yet? Are you convinced of the environmental crisis
  but don’t know what to do?
  Do not hide in your room. Learn why we are called to
  care for our common home. Study Laudato Si’ and allow
  yourself to be open to conversion. Come and hear how you
  can protect God’s Creation. Open to anyone 13+ years old.
  Come join us in Sacred Land, an eight-session program,
  Tuesdays, 7 – 9 p.m. CST starting June 7th via
  Zoom. For more information or to register,
  scan the QR code with your phone's camera
  or go to
                y/STMCCT under Upcoming
  Events. FREE to the first 30 who sign up.

 In need of healing prayer?      Struggling with bills?               Want to talk about a           Need help with meals?
 Mercy of God Prayer Center      Society of St. Vincent de Paul       difficult time?                Good Samaritan
 Theresa Stephens                STM Offices                          Stephen Ministry               Meal Ministry
 (512) 834-6401                  (512) 258-1161                       Eileen (512) 507-9563          (480) 788-6325

Call us at (512) 258-1161                                         7                        View this bulletin online at
Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results
May 22, 2022                                                                                                                The Bulletin

                                                                              GRIEF AND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP
                                                                        If you or someone you know is struggling with the loss
                                                                        of a loved one, please prayerfully consider attending (or
                                                                        inviting them to attend) our Grief and Loss Support Group.
                                                                        This is a Catholic, eight-week guided and collaborative
                                                                        support group that meets on Mondays. Our goal is to
            12 noon
                                                                        find God, the Divine Healer, in our suffering and together
 JUN                                                                    seek His healing. To register, scan the QR code with your
            Parish Activity Center (PAC)
                                                                        phone's camera or visit For
                                                                        questions or inquiries please reach out to Jennifer Bibbo at
The 4 annual parish Pentecost Potluck will be a luncheon
                                                               g or (512) 258-1161 ext. 256.
and take place on Pentecost Sunday. The PAC doors will
                                                                        D AT E S                         TIME
open at 10 a.m. to drop off your treasured cultural dishes
to share with our faith community! Come out for great food              June 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th       9:30 - 11 a.m.
and share your favorite dish and conversation. This event               July 11th, 18th, 25th            L O C AT I O N
is hosted by the STM Social Justice Ministry. For more                  August 1st                       Mercy of God Prayer Center
information please contact ministry lead, Sheri Zapata, at              This group is only for those who have lost a loved one. If you
   or (512) 619-4017. RSVP at                  are struggling with a divorce or other life event please consider
          gPP22.                                                        our Stephen Ministry.

            8:30 – 10 a.m.
            WALK FOR LIFE
                                                                                  STEPHEN MINISTRY
                                                                            “WHEN WE NEED GOD’S LOVE MOST”
            Austin, Cedar Park, Georgetown, San Marcos and
            Harker Heights                                              When do we need God’s love most? Of course we need that
The walk-a-thon is for the entire family. Walk with us to               love every second of our lives, but there are times when
promote the sanctity of innocent human life and raise funds             God’s love is especially precious to us. Times when:
for programs that protect mothers, unborn babies and                    • we lose a loved one or go through a divorce;
pregnancy resource centers. To register as a walker and start           • life becomes so confusing we do not know where
getting pledges, please visit
                                                     g or call            to turn; or
(512) 477-1244. Last year’s walk was highly successful. Every           • life just becomes meaningless and depression sets in.
walker who raises $250 will earn a commemorative t-shirt!               At times like these, it is very important to have someone
You can earn additional incentives like tickets to                      who cares. Our parish has trained lay people, Stephen
the Annual Benefit Dinner. You can also visit the                       Ministers, who offer a ministry of Christian caring. For
STM Respect Life Ministry webpage to learn more                         more information please call Eileen at (512) 507-9563. All
on how to walk or donate to the STM Respect Life                        calls are confidential.

                                                   Around the Diocese

                                                                                   6:30 p.m.

  As we honor the gift of Mary in the month of May, Catholic            26         CANCER SHARE
                                                                                   Emmaus Parish, Lakeway, Pastoral Center Arch
  Charities of Central Texas is committed to supporting new                        A/B Room
  parents as they journey through pregnancy, infancy and              This ministry offers support and hope to men, women and
  early childhood. St. Gabriel’s Pregnancy and Parenting              families fighting cancer. Through this ministry, participants
  Program provides free education, mentoring and material             and their families touched by cancer are provided with
  support until the child’s third birthday so you can give your       spiritual support that is specific to their needs as a patient,
  baby the best possible start at life. For more information or       caregiver or loved one. Anyone fighting this type of battle is not
  to schedule an appointment, call (512) 651-6116 or visit            alone. For more information, please contact Lee Malkowski at
                        preg gnancyy-pparenting
                                                proggram              ljjm8459@g

St. Thomas More Catholic Church                                   8                                      Visit our website at
Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results
The Bulletin                                                                                                                     May 22, 2022

          through June 8    th
                                                                                 Parish Contacts
          RETREAT                              Clergy                                               Debra Lohrstorfer
                                                                                                    Office Administrator
          Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat                   Very Rev. Michael J. O’Connor     
          Center, Belton                                Pastor
                                                                   Liz Franklin
Franciscan Father Albert Haase will give                                                            Reception
                                                        Rev. Callan Sweeney               
one morning talk each day, celebrate daily              Parochial Vicar
Mass and be available for confession.                               Jennifer Bibbo
An afternoon devotion will be offered                                                               Social Outreach
                                                        Rev. David Trahan                 
each day and an option for spiritual                    Parochial Vicar
direction will be available. Stay for two                            Marlene Miller
                                                                                                    Gift Shop
to five nights. Cost with meals and linens              Deacon Dan Lupo                   
varies by number of nights. Register at        or call                                                   Faith Formation (512) 258-1944
(254) 780-2436.                                         Deacon Tom Mallinger                        Jill Goeters
          8:45 - 11 a.m.                                                                  
   4      MARIAN MORNINGS                               Deacon Pat O’Beirne                         Johanna Isburgh
                                                                   Assistant Director
          WITH FR. KEVIN RAI                                                              
          St. John Neumann Parish, Austin
                                                        Deacon Pete A. Schwab                       vacant
This mini-retreat will begin with                                 Elementary School
Mass and end with Holy Hour; with
prayer and a short break in between.                    Deacon Thomas Suniga                        Andrea Cochran
Each month, the content will focus                              Middle School
on a different aspect of Marian
spirituality. For more information, visit      Administration                                       Logan Mayes
                                                                                                    Life Teen
             g.                                         Lori White                        
                                                                      Dawn Rouen
                                                                                                    Adult Faith
                                                        Terry Wilkes
                                                        Bridal Coordinator
                                                            Preschool                   (512) 258-1721
                                                        Andy DeHart                                 Cindy Acosta
                                                        Business Administrator                      Director
                                                        Adrian Sanchez                              Julie Olesen
                                                        Communications                              Assistant Director
                                                        J.W. Green
                                                        Facilities                       Council Chairpersons
                                                                                         Jim Lonergan               Ione Voor
                                                        Jennifer Fangman                 Pastoral Council           Finance Council
                                                        Liturgy                          (512) 940-0924             (954) 325-2327
                                                        Denise Abele
                                                        Marriage & Family Life           Main Phone . . . . . . . . . . . (512) 258-1161
          10:30 a.m.
  JUN                                                      Main Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(512) 258-8812
                                                        Danielle White
                                                                                         Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10205 N FM 620
                                                                                                                          Austin, TX 78726
          St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Austin  
                                                                                         Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Join the diocese and Bishop Joe Vásquez                 Stephanie Mire
                                                        Music                                        Parish Office Hours
as he ordains this year’s candidates to the                              MONDAY - THURSDAY
Order of Priest. This beautiful celebration                                                   9 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 - 5 p.m.
                                                        Karen Lawson
is the culmination of many years of                     Music                                                  FRIDAY
extensive formation and discernment.                             9 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 - 4 p.m.
If you are not able to attend in-person,                Cindy Acosta
a livestream of the ordination will be                  Childcare Center

Call us at (512) 258-1161                                          9                     View this bulletin online at
Liturgy Location Changes Lenten Donation Drive Results
Keeping current with EIM training is required for all who serve in ministry at STM. We are a no tolerance parish.
What is Ethics & Integrity in Ministry (EIM)? EIM is a diocesan training and screening process focused on helping
our community prevent and respond to abuse. It includes required workshops and background checks for all who work or
volunteer in ministry as well as policies for reporting abuse.
Why is EIM required for all who serve in ministry at St. Thomas More? We have a shared commitment to
ensuring our parish is a safe place for everyone, especially children and vulnerable adults. The more people who are aware of
abuse warning signs, the more effective we can be in keeping our communities safe (parish, neighborhood, family, schools).
With this in mind, our parish community is committed to following the Diocese of Austin's Ethics and Integrity in Ministry
(EIM) policies.
                     Visit   g/eim to get started or log in to eapp
                               to check your EIM Compliance certification expiration.
EIM Policies require all clergy, religious, seminarians, employees and adult volunteers serving in any EIM compliance-
required ministry to submit an EIM Application for Ministry (one-time only at  g/app
                                                                                                     pplication) prior to
service. New applicants must attend an in-person EIM Workshop within 60 days of application submission and all applicants
must update/renew compliance at least once every three years at
                                                                                g/eim-comppliance-status. NOTE: starting
February 1st, new applicants must attend an in-person EIM Workshop within 30 days of application submission.
If you are a new applicant who has submitted an EIM application and need to attend an in-person EIM workshop, please
contact our EIM site administrator for workshop information: Danielle White at dwhite@
                                                                                                  g or (512) 258-1161.
Online Training Now Available
The diocese has opened the EIM online training again which will remain open until January 2, 2023! This option is
available only to volunteers who have previously attended an EIM workshop in person and are due for a refresher. Visit
                                   g for instructions on completing EIM online training.

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