St. Jude the Apostle Parish

Page created by Adrian Bryant
St. Jude the Apostle Parish
St. Jude the Apostle Parish
    Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
           January 30, 2022

St. Jude the Apostle Parish
Welcome Visitors and Guests
   If you are a visitor to St. Jude the Apostle Parish, we want you to know how very welcome you are.
   If you are interested in joining St. Jude or simply would like to learn more about our parish, please feel free
   to call Gary Heun, our pastoral minister, at 4142588821.

                                                      Pastoral Staff
PASTOR ……………………………………….…...4142588821                          MAINTENANCE ………………………………..…4143180485
 Fr. Michael Erwin                                               Mr. Rick Anderson, Supervisor
     *, x225                             *
 Fr. Emmanuel Udo (In residence from Nigeriaon Sabbatical)     PASTORAL COUNCIL OFFICERS & TRUSTEES
     *; 4142588821 x229                    Mr. Greg Gundzik, Pastoral Council Chairperson
 Fr. Mark Obeten (In residence from NigeriaDoctoral Studies)    Mr. Steven Gorzek, Trustee/Secretary
  4142588821, x231                                            Mr. Tom Mullooly, Trustee/Treasurer
PARISH OFFICE ….…..4142588821..…...FAX: 4142587371           LITURGY/MUSIC OFFICE …………...…………4142588821
 Office Hours 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM MondayFriday                   Mr. Michael Batcho, Interim Director of Liturgy & Music
 Mr. Gerald Stilp, Director of Parish Facilities                    *, x226
     *, x233                          Mr. Robert Hoffmann, Liturgical Coordinator
 Mr. David Grunwaldt, Director of Administrative Services           *
     *, x232
 Sr. Dianne Engelhart, SSND Parish Office Assistant/Secretary   RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE ……....……4142588821
     *, x224                      Mr. Gary Heun, Director of Religious Ed/Pastoral A ssociate
 Mrs. Patricia (Patty) Turdo, Accounting Assistant                  *, x230
     *, x234                         THRIFT SHOP………………………………….….4142590975
                                                                   Mr. David Heckendorf, Manager
SCHOOL ……....…4147711520……..……FAX: 4147713748                    *
 Mrs. Catherine LaDien, Principal²President
 Ms. Mary Ferguson, Assistant Administrator

          Mass Intentions for the Wee
                                                                       Sacrament of the Sick / Communion for the Sick
Monday, January 31St. John Bosco                                  Notify Gary Heun when a parishioner is unable to attend
2 Sm 15:1314, 30; 16:513; Mk 5:120                            church due to age or prolonged illness, or if someone is having
6:45 † Keenan McNamara                                         an upcoming hospitalization.
                                                                     Please contact Fr. Mike Erwin at 4142588821, x225 if
Tuesday, February 1Weekday                                     you wish to arrange to receive the Sacrament of the Sick.
2 Sm 18:910, 14b, 2425a, 3019:3; Mk 5:2143
9:00 † Jim Raue
                                                                     By appointment with priest at least 6 months in advance.
Wednesday, February 2Presentation of the Lord                  You must be a registered member of the parish. Weddings are
Mal 3:14; Heb 2:1418; Lk 2:2240                               not scheduled during Lent.
6:45 † Bridget Dunn                                                              Sacrament of Reconciliation
Thursday, February 3St. Blaise                                      The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available after the 8:15
1 Kgs 2:14, 1012; Mk 6:713                                    AM Mass on Saturdays. Confessions are heard in the North
9:00 † Dr. Stanley Kenwood, MD                                 Cry Room with the option of using a confessional screen or
                                                                  sitting facetoface socially distanced from the priest. Those
Friday, February 4Weekday                                      waiting for confession should line up in the center aisle of the
Sir 47:211; Mk 6:1429                                          church while maintaining social distance.
6:45 † Edward Poole                                                 Reception of the Sacrament may also be requested by
                                                                  calling the parish office to make an appointment. Arrange
Saturday, February 5St. Agatha                                 ments will be made for either the pastor or one of the resident
1 Kgs 3:413; Mk 6:3034                                         Nigerian priests to assist you.
8:15 † Toni Borkowski
                                                                                      Sacrament of Baptism
5:00 The Parish
                                                                     Parents of children for Baptism should be registered parish
Sunday, February 65th Sunday in Ordinary Time                  members. Contact Gary Heun to register and to schedule a
Is 6:12a, 38; 1 Cor 15:111; Lk 5:111                         date. Parent instruction class is required before Baptism.
9:00 † Caesar Prospero                                         Classes are held on the first Wednesday evening of odd
                                                                  numbered months.
11:00 † Toni Borkowski 
                                                                    Gary Heun, Director of Religious Education and Pastoral
                                                                         Associate, can be reached at 4142588821 x230.
St. Jude the Apostle Parish
The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time       Page 3                                   January 30, 2022

               Parish YouTube Channel
   The Liturgy of the Word for each                                     St. Jude Mission Statement
Sunday will resume airing on our parish                              We are a caring, welcoming and engaged
YouTube channel. We are grateful to Bill                          Catholic community of believers in Christ that
Armstrong for their taping and production.                        promotes growth in faith through fellowship,
Go to the homepage of our website: and
                                                                  ministry, education and service to those in need.
simply click on the red social media icon                                St. Jude Vision Statement
to access the liturgies.
                                                                  We aspire to:
                      Assertiveness                              x Build more and better relationships with one
    In today’s Gospel we get to see Jesus arguing.                  another.
    This builds off of last week’s Gospel of his lifting up the
poor and freeing people by his very presence. He now is           x Grow with our youth.
engaged with leaders in his home town who are beginning           x Worship with deep faith and diversity.
to put him down. They do so in the normal way of not
really knowing him, talking among themselves, and                 x Serve hurting people and God’s creation in our
jumping to conclusions which build up their little group             parish, in Milwaukee County and beyond.
while putting down the other.                                    x Be mindful stewards of all of our parish’s gifts.
    We are all victims of other people’s superiority attempts.
Probably most of us also do this harm to others. The
problem is making decisions about people without talking                    St. Blaise Honored This Week
to people.                                                          In honor of St. Blaise, there will be blessing of throats
    The solution is to argue. In this gospel passage Jesus        during the 9:00 AM Mass on the feast day, Thursday, Feb
points out that his people have had such a long history of        ruary 3rd, and during the Masses next weekend, February 5th
smallmindedness and attacking their own that God has on          and 6th. St. Blaise is the patron of those suffering from
many occasions had to use foreigners to accomplish his            ailments of the throat.
work. The people were so infuriated by his arguments that
they wanted to drive him out of their town and throw him             Please Welcome Seminarian Miguel Angel
off of the hill. Jesus, apparently peaceful in his relationship      Sacred Heart Seminary is sending us a seminarian
with his Father, simply walked right through the middle of        (philosophy studies) who is to get more experience with
them.                                                            weekend liturgies at a parish. His name is Miguel Angel
    Our church and country have been heading down a path          and he is from the Tuscon Diocese. He grew up in Mexico
of divisions. Some of this is beefed up by the media which        so his first language is Spanish though he is very competent
makes more money with more clicks. Certainly we are               in English.
helped by separating ourselves from our media; but real              The number one goal is to have him serve at Mass which
solutions also need to be narrowed down to our own                will be a huge help. He will work with our children servers
behaviors over which we have more control. Too often our          and assist the sacristans. He likes playing guitar and would
‘arguing’ is simply making points inside of our own head or       be happy to help us with that gift as well. Please welcome
with likeminded people. We need to discuss and even
                                                                  Miguel when you meet him.
argue matters with real people and not straw people. We
should enter into assertive conversations as we make our          Fr. Michael Erwin
points intelligently and with genuine facts and then listen to                      Food Pantry News
other people and their facts.
                                                                      Our monthly food pantry collection for The House of
    Hopefully all of us can imitate Jesus by using theological
                                                                  Peace and Tosa Food Pantry is February 5th and 6th. Items
reflections where we too quote the Bible and the words and
                                                                  may be placed in the food collection baskets located near
actions of Jesus Christ. He is the truth and the way forward      the south entrance of the church. Please, no expired items.
to genuine freedom. As we go onto the healthier path of           Boxes for monetary donations will be located
assertiveness (and not passive or aggressive or both) we can      on the communion rails at all Masses during
bring Jesus Christ along to sort out issues and so we can         the same weekend.
make real progress.
                                                                      Both pantries welcome your donations of
Blessings,                                                       low fat, low sugar, and low salt healthy foods.
Fr. Michael Erwin                                                All donations should be nonperishables, such
                                                                  as: canned tuna, chicken, corned beef, peanut butter, soups,
   Please Welcome Our New Parishioners . .                       vegetables, cereals etc. Personal care items are accepted as
          Meagan Horter and daughter, Magnolia                               Thank you for your generosity!!!
St. Jude the Apostle Parish
The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time       Page 4                                     January 30, 2022

        Fr. Emmanuel Returns to Nigeria
                                                                              Let Us Hold In Prayer . . .
                       Father Emmanuel Udo, a priest in                                           
                   residence from Nigeria, has been a fixture                  The Infirm and the Homebound
                   around St. Jude Parish and School for         As always, let us pray in a special way for all those who are
                   many years. He has formed close                  homebound or recovering from an illness or surgery.
                   friendships with many families and has          Fr. Jeff Loebl, S.J., Carmen Singleton, Denise Erickson,
                   ministered to the parish in various                     Theresa Ulrich, Bev Kreul, Emily Winter,
                   capacities. We want to thank him for all            Wanda Baker, Don Washburn, Michael Sasada,
that he has done for our community.                                  Elizabeth Handrich, Polly Westfall, Louise Stemo,
                                                                                 Dorothy SchneiderFuelling
    Following the recent death of his sister, Grace Udo,                                          
Father Emmanuel returned to Nigeria on January 16th for an                          Our Faithful Departed
extended period of time. We’re hoping he’ll return to us                Catherine Stadtmueller, mother of Patti Gilgaren
later in the year. Meanwhile, let us pray for the repose of                 Born to Eternal Life on January 7, 2022
the soul of Father’s sister. We wish him the very best as he              Mary Anne David, mother of Michael David
embarks on the journeys that await him.                                   Born to Eternal Life on January 18, 2022
                                                                             John Shebu, father of Cathleen Ristau
                                                                           Born to Eternal Life on January 19, 2022
                                                                                  Those Preparing for Marriage
                                                                              II. Joel Tronnier and Kristen Knutson
                                                                               All Those Who Serve to Protect
                                                                 Please pray for our service men and women, who are serving
                                                                        both at home and overseas, and their families.
                                                                 If you would like to add the name of a St. Jude parishioner to
                                                                         our prayer lists, please call the parish office at

                                                                       BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE Submit articles,
                                                                                announcements and flyers via email to
                                                           before noon on the Friday
                                                                    prior to the next weekend’s publication. Please see the parish
                                                                  calendar on our website: for the
                                                                  actual deadline date, which changes especially around holy days/

                          R.C.I.A.: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
    R.C.I.A. is for adults who are interested in being baptized a Catholic Christian, or are already baptized in
 another Christian denomination and wish to become Catholic, or for adult Catholics who wish to be Confirmed.
    The format this year is quite flexible. The sessions can be virtual or in person with the safety precautions of
 social distancing and the wearing of masks. The day and timing of the sessions are adaptable as well.
     Please contact Rob Hoffmann (Cell: 4148282038) or Fr. Mike.

                       Invitation to the Community of St. Jude the Apostle Parish
                           Do you know a family member or friend who might be interested
                                            in this conversion process?
                                     Would you be willing to sponsor a candidate?
                        If so, please contact Rob Hoffmann (Cell: 4148282038) or Fr. Mike.

     Inspiration Found on SSND Website For thoughtprovoking reflections, photos, articles, “prayer moments”
          please go to: or
The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time       Page 5                                  January 30, 2022

Dear St. Jude Parishioners,
    On behalf of the parents, students, and faculty of St. Jude
School, we wish to thank you, the parishioners, for your continued
support of our school programs and initiatives. The 2022 theme
for Catholic Schools Week, “Catholic Schools: Faith ± Excellence
± Service” celebrates the fact that Catholic schools add value to
communities in which they are located. Catholic schools have a
                                                                                  Recounting Achievements
specific purpose to form students to be good citizens of the world,
love God and neighbor and enrich society with the leaven of the             We’re already preparing for next year and
Gospel and by example of faith.                                        planning for our upcoming registration. Catholic
                                                                        Schools Week will be the first time our current
    Academic excellence is the hallmark of a St. Jude education and
                                                                        families can register online through their Smart
is intentionally directed to the growth of the whole person ‒ mind,
                                                                        Tuition account. Anyone interested in joining our
body and spirit. In addition, service is fundamental to Catholic
                                                                        St. Jude School community is welcome to call Mrs.
education and the core of Catholic discipleship. Service is
                                                                        LaDien at 4147711520 to set up an appointment.
intended to help form individuals who are not only witnesses to
Catholic social teaching, but also active participants through social       One of the primary goals of St. Jude School is to
learning. This year, our school service projects have focused on        provide for all of our students a strong foundation in
assisting the poor and homeless of our city.                           reading, writing, mathematics, fine arts, social
                                                                        studies, science, religion and related subjects. We
    St. Jude Parish has a 94year history of providing exemplary
                                                                        accomplish this by challenging students at all grade
education to thousands of successful graduates. Currently, we have
                                                                        levels. At ageappropriate levels, we want students
394 students enrolled in our 3K through 8th grade programs, with a
                                                                        to develop the ability to solve problems, make
number of new families already inquiring and registering for next
                                                                        decisions and achieve a higher level of thinking.
year. St. Jude School also continues to be the top feeder to area
                                                                        All of this is accomplished in a faithbased
Catholic High Schools, with many of our graduates attending
                                                                        environment. As one visits the classrooms, it is so
Catholic colleges as well. We can be proud that St. Jude School
                                                                        evident that our students are doing incredible work
has been instrumental in providing the foundation and framework
                                                                        on a daily basis. We are so proud of their efforts
for the futures of so many wonderful individuals.
                                                                        and dedication.
    Following their time with us, St. Jude graduates have become
                                                                            It is one thing for us to observe the progress of
recognized leaders within the community and the country, known
                                                                        the children; it’s another thing when it’s recognized
for their academic successes, service toward others, and generosity
                                                                        by others. Already, this early in the year, we have
of spirit. Parents, faculty and staff work diligently together to
                                                                        received reports of high school scholarships
instill the four pillars of our education: faith, knowledge, service
                                                                        awarded to nine of our thirtynine 8th graders for
and responsibility. As we speak with our alumni throughout the
                                                                        their high placement on their respective entrance
years, we are always most pleased to hear of their many accom
                                                                        exams to Divine Savior Holy Angels High School,
plishments. In turn, we thank all our parishioners for the part they
                                                                        Marquette University High School and Pius XI
continue to play in the formation of our current students.
                                                                        High School. We congratulate these students and
    May God bless all of us as we continue this journey of faith        all who have worked so hard to bring them to this
together.                                                              level of success.
Catherine LaDien, Principal
                                                                                  Seek and Find Book Club
                                                                                          Please join us on Tuesday,
    What is Divine Mercy? Where did it originate? How can you
                                                                                       February15th, at 10:00 AM in the
incorporate it into your spiritual life? And how did the devotion to
it emerge over the past 40 years since Pope St. John Paul II?                         parish offices. We are going to
    Join Firstfruits W omen's Center in Elm Grove for their new                        discuss Dei V erbum: Dogmatic
series, The Second Greatest Story Ever Told: Divine Mercy.                             Constitution on Divine Revelation by
Through this series, you will discover the beauty, truth, and                          Pope St. Paul VI in response to the
urgency that is all part of this agesold devotion. You will begin to   reading challenge at
connect the dots between history and revelation.                       verbumreadingchallenge. All materials are
    This series will meet virtually on Thursdays, February 10thApril   available at the website including Pope St. John
14 . Check out their website for more details and to register:          XXIII's Opening Address to the Council. New                                               members always welcome. Contact Beth Valdes at
    If you have any questions, please feel free to email Joan Carey     2622788860 or user987b@ with any
at                                         questions.
The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time       Page 6                                    January 30, 2022

                     Adult Volleyball                                                The Week Ahead
   In celebration of Jesus taking bodily form, it is time to       Monday, January 31Catholic Schools Week
take care of our bodies as well. Fr. Mike is inviting adults       No ClassesWinter Break
who want to play volleyball to come to the big gym on              6:45 AM            Mass
Saturdays from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. We will make up teams              6:007:15 PM       Rel. Ed. Class (Grs. 18) Virtual
with whoever arrives. This is not only great exercise but          6:007:00 PM       Rel. Ed. Class (Grs. K4/K5) Virtual
an opportunity to better know each other.                         6:308:30 PM       Tai ChiBlue Gym
     Dates to play: February 5th (Note change)                   Tuesday, February 1
                                                                   9:00 AM            Mass
                     February 26th; March 12th, 26th             7:008:30PM        Bible StudyActivity Center
                                                                  Wednesday, February 2
                                                                  6:45 AM            Mass
                                                                  10:00 AM4:00 PM Thrift Shop Open
                                                                   Thursday, February 3
                                                                  9:00 AM            Mass
                                                                  6:308:30 PM       Tai ChiBlue Gym

                                                                   7:008:30 PM       Choir Rehearsal
             Weekly Store Hours:                                  Friday, February 4
             Wednesdays: 10:00 AM  4:00 PM                      6:45 AM            Mass
             Saturdays:  9:00 AM  2:00 PM                       8:0011:30 AM      Deadline for Bulletin of Feb. 13, 2022
    Have you checked out the new, refreshed look of the St.        2:004:00 PM       Pretzel Pickup
Jude the Apostle Thrift Shop lately? We have a great               Saturday, February 5
selection of apparel and shoes, school uniforms, as well as        8:15 AM            Mass/Followed by Reconciliation
an expanded Home Shop selection of linens, toys, luggage,          9:00 AM2:00 PM Thrift Shop Open
home decor, framed art, and craft items. Our large selection       5:00 PM            Mass/Food Pantry Collection
                                                                   6:007:30 PM       Adult VolleyballLarge Gym
of adult, kids, cookbooks and doityourself books has
something for everyone. Plus, you will find great deals in         Sunday, February 6
our 25¢ Red Tag Clearance bins.                                   9:00 AM            Mass/Food Pantry Collection
                                                                   10:0011:00 AM     Rel. Ed. (Grs. 9 & 10) In Person
    We currently are in need of better quality jewelry and         11:00 AM           Mass/Food Pantry Collection
handbags, along with collectibles.
    Do you have something to share with others? Our
donation collection building is open 24/7. We accept
slightly used and worn (cleaned and laundered please)
fashion apparel, shoes, linens, home decor, books, kitchen
items, (glasses, dishes, cookware, etc.) and small furniture
like tables, lamps, bookcases, etc. If you have an item, but
are not sure if we can accept it, please email the store or call
us at 4142590975.
    Just a reminder, we do not accept any health and beauty
(makeup, lotions, etc.) or personal hygiene items, hazardous
chemicals and food. Due to space issues, no large appli
ances and furniture, sports equipment and bikes. Also, no
drycleaner wire or plastic tube hangers.
    Come and see us soon! We welcome volunteers and
student helpers too. Please contact the store manager,
David Heckendorf at or
call the store at 4142590975 for more information or to

                                        Two Guys and a Gospel is produced by the Archdiocese
                                        of Milwaukee. This free podcast is posted every Wed., at
                                        10:00 AM prior to the upcoming Sunday Gospel. Subscribe
                                        via: SoundCloud, iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play.
The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time       Page 7                   January 30, 2022

                        Deadline for dropping off items in church is February 13th.
           You may also go to the Women’s Center website, scroll down and do an online donation.
                             The link is
Christian T. Harteau, D.D.S.
                                                                                                                                                         Thomas F. Charapata, D.D.S.
                                                        Fresh Custom Cut Choice Meats • Party Trays • Catering                                            Michael Golovin, D.M.D
                                                         Thank You For Supporting A Family Tradition                                                       Cecilia Margraff, D.D.S.
                                                                  9015 W. Burleigh • 873-7960                                            704 E. Layton Avenue • 414-483-1600
                                                                                                                                         5007 S Howell Avenue • 414-877-0840

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Gary Gerhardt
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (414) 732-4279

                                                                                                                                                                                        AIKEN & SCOPTUR, S.C.                            Parish Member Serving All
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Your Real Estate Needs
                                                                                                                                                                                              James Scoptur, parishioner
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                                                                                                                                                 Dr. Mark Veth                            414-225-0260 |

                                                                                                     Paul Conradson, Agent & Parishioner
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                                                       Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®                            
     Offers child care right on                        State Farm Insurance Companies • Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois
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         Open Year Round
                                                                                                                                                             Pam Foti
                                                       Thomas Jobin, Certified Public Accountant
      6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily                     Wilbert M. Bauer, EA, ATA, Certified Public Accountant
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 For more information, please call
                                                       Computerized Financial Services
                                                                                                                                  Jenny Wagner
          (414) 479-3050                               5714 W. Vliet St.                                      (414) 453-3899                               414.617.6143                              Milwaukee, WI 53208                                  (fax) (414) 453-3907
                                                                                                                                                           Elder Care Consultants
                                                                                                                                                            St. Jude parishioners
                                                                                                                                        “Let us guide you through the
                                                                                                                                         maze of elder care options.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ROMAN ELECTRIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Plumbing, Heating & Cooling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Residential Work
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		                                                   For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •		                                                                            St. Jude Church, Wauwatosa, WI                                             A 4C 01-1271
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