The Presby Press THE BIG SNOW - January 16, 2022 February 2022 - Seneca Presbyterian Church

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The Presby Press THE BIG SNOW - January 16, 2022 February 2022 - Seneca Presbyterian Church
The Presby Press

        THE BIG SNOW
       January 16, 2022

“Grounded   in Faith ~ Growing to Serve”
The Presby Press THE BIG SNOW - January 16, 2022 February 2022 - Seneca Presbyterian Church
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                                    We’d Love to Have You Join Us . . .
                    To those newly worshipping with us we warmly welcome you to our congregation. You are
                    invited to join us for any and all of the activities and opportunities we provide. Please let
                    us know if we can serve you in any way. We also extend an invitation to unite with this
                    church. Periodically we offer a series of Inquirer's Classes that explores the meaning of
                    church membership in our Presbyterian tradition. Those interested in membership are
                    encouraged to participate in these classes. If you are interested in conversation about
                    membership, do not hesitate to call the church office at 882-2505 at any time.

                                          JOHN’S BLOG: February 2022
                                   Looking back, Looking Forward, Living Now
                  Many religious and spiritual guides who offer their wisdom in self-help books these days
                  speak to the importance of “Living in the Now”.* They rightly point out that “living in the
                  past” is different from “remembering” the past. “Remembering” the past is helpful and
                  provides a foundation for who we are, where we came from and what we will pursue in the
                 “Living” in the past is not as helpful or life-giving. “Living” in the past often means that we
                 allow the events, feelings and thoughts of the past to overshadow any hope for living fully in
  the present--or the future. “Living” in the past can lead us to disregard meaningful experiences in the
  present. Such focus on life “in the rear view window” degrades the possibility of finding God present in every
  moment of our existence.
  Similarly, these same writers point out the danger of “living for the future” as opposed to “looking to the
  future”. “Living” for the future often leads us to put off living life fully until some future unknown time. Life
  itself then becomes “contingent” on the future.
  On the other hand, “Looking” to the future is a way of celebrating the possibilities of life in this moment,
  while dreaming of what may come. In Acts 2:17 we read:
    “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and
    your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream
  As the Church of Jesus Christ at the Seneca Presbyterian Church, let us choose to “Remember” the past; “Live
  in the Present” and “Look” for what dreams may come in the future.
  Your Pastor, Rev. Dr. John B. Hartman II
  *”The Power Of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

                                                                        Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.
                                                                            Sunday School is at 9:00 a.m.

                                                                                  2022 Officers
                                                                       Ordination and Installation of Officers
                                                                         will be held on February 6, 2022
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                                         Window on the Session
                  There was a called meeting on January 12th to approve Louis Holleman for a 1-year term
                  as Clerk of Session. During this meeting, a proposal from Crainium concerning marketing
                  activities to increase the awareness of SPC through social media, email, website and
                  newsletter was deliberated.
                  The regular monthly meeting was held on January 24th.
               Admin gave a report on the progress of the search for a new secretary. Admin also
               submitted a motion to approve the proposal from Crainium that was discussed previously
during the meeting on Jan 12th. The motion passed.
Buildings and Grounds noted that Ripple was in the process of moving out and the move should be
completed by mid-February. B & G would also like additional committee members and is seeking
volunteers. Noted that Jerry Land had been a faithful and dedicated caretaker of the Memorial Garden and
has decided to give this up.
Fellowship reported the recent baby shower had good participation and was a well-attended event. There
was also limited discussion on alternative ways to handle receptions following family events at the church.
A motion as presented by Finance to allow the Trustees to review and make recommendations concerning
how special gifts and funds are handled was approved. Finance reported on the amount of funds that
would be available for capital and specials projects carried froward from last year as was previously
Worship updated the status of our online service issues and the progress that is being made on the
broadcast of the weekly worship service. It is estimated to take about 45 more days to get all the issues
Congregational meeting was approved for Feb 6.
Submitted by:
Glenn McCants

                               WILD HEARTS EQUINE THERAPY CENTER
The Mission and Community Care Committee of Seneca Presbyterian Church made the decision to provide
significant financial support to WHETC after careful investigation, discussion, and much prayerful
consideration. The funds to offer this support come from investment returns on past very generous
contributions of church members over the years which were dedicated to missions.
Equine therapy has a long and very well-proven history as an effective therapy for those struggling with
various disorders, including children with autism, children and adults suffering from abuse and neglect,
children struggling to overcome physical disabilities and chronic illnesses, teens and adults with adjustment
disorders, and our brave, patriotic military veterans suffering from PTSD.
Jessica Frye and Janine Hartley have completed nationally-recognized training programs for instituting and
maintaining such a therapy center. All of the many volunteers are also required to undergo a series of
training classes before actually interacting with clients.
SPC will continue to support WHETC with a monthly contribution to support three scholarships per month.
For more insight and details, please check out their website. I think that you will be proud of our support of
their mission.
Everett Fuller,
Mission & Community Care
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                                       Presbyterian Women
                        All Seneca Presbyterian Church women are invited to join us for any of the things that
                        work into your schedules. Our Circles will have their regular meetings. Each has
                        chosen a different time in order to accommodate busy schedules.
                        •   Circle Two meets in the library on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:15 a.m.
                        Circle Chair is Lou Schuman (phone: 718-9177).
                        •   Circle Six       meets at 5:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday evening, September
                         through June, at SPC Pastors Hall. Bring your own supper.
                         Circle Chair is Bonnie Andruszka (phone: 985-3496).
  Bible study is an important part of each Circle's meeting. The lessons are
  presented by various Circle members. Individual Circles have chosen the local
  mission projects they support. All Circle members participate in our PW
  Please consider becoming a part of PW, whether in Circles, activities or service
  projects. You will be most welcome!!

                                                   We welcome the children to gather together each Sunday
                                                   morning before worship for Sunday School lessons, stories,
                                                   videos, music and time together exploring God's word for
                                                   us! The three classes, Grade K-3, Grade 4-5 and Middle
                                                   School meet in the downstairs classrooms. Come at 8:50 for
                                                   a snack and enjoy time with your friends and teachers from
 9:00 to 9:45. Bring a quarter to add to our collection for Alga in Ethiopia, and each time you come, add a
 marble to our jar...when it is filled, we will have a party! Our teachers, Natalie Arnold, Alicia Rannou, Diana
 Owens, Ann Smith, Ashley Carlson and Susan Caldwell love working with our wonderful children!

                                                   Many thanks from the Sunday School children to our
                                                   congregation for the donated snacks and juice boxes! As
                                                   the children arrive Sunday morning, they appreciate the
                                                   special treats to give them energy for the morning lessons,
                                                   and it is a time for all three classes to greet each other!
                                                   Presbyterians are the best at hospitality and fellowship!

                              Thank you, Jerry Land!
                              As Jerry retires from taking care of the Memorial Garden, we want to let him
                              know how much we appreciate all the hard work and time he has given over
                              the years. The garden is so beautiful. Hope everyone will come sit by the
                              window or sit outside and enjoy the pretty flowers. Thank you, Jerry, for giving
                              us so many years of such a pretty place.
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                   Dear Seneca Presbyterian Church: I have been truly blessed to have been this church‘s
                   secretary for the past seven years. Your thoughtfulness, caring, and generosity for each
                   other, the town, and the community have been overwhelming. One of my favorite roles
                   has been the compilation of the monthly Presby Press. This publication
                   illustrates how much you do and provides timely communications to
                   the church family. I also enjoy finding things to put on SPC’s Facebook.
                   I want to give a shout out to my volunteers over the years. Without
them, I would have never had a day off. I also want to thank you for making my family
feel welcome. My granddaughters and I really loved playing hand bells for Christmas. You
have made this job memorable, and I am sure you will welcome my replacement. As I
start the next chapter in my life, this is not goodbye; I will see all of you wonderful people
very soon. Blessings, Robin Smith

Dear Friends,                                                Dearest Church Family, Your words have
You are amazing! Your                                        comforted us. Your support has strengthened
love and concern, gifts of                                   us. Your love has sustained us. Your generous
food, cards and messages                                     spirit has touched our lives. For your kindness
of all kinds have been just                                  and concern, we are forever grateful. Giving
the support I’ve need as
                                                             the best of you in the most difficult of times is
I’ve continued to recover from my
stroke. You have been so kind and             a true testament to the beauty of God’s Spirit!
encouraging. Thank you from the               With love and appreciation, The family of Danny Day. Jane,
bottom of my heart! Judy Kellner              Brian, Jaime, and Tom. Hebrews 6:10

                                                Coffee with Ernie
                                       Tuesday, February 15th, at 9:30 a.m.
             Health and Wellness invites you to join us for a cup of coffee and an opportunity to meet
            and chat with our wonderful Parish Nurse, Ernie Lombard. Open topics will be on public and
                  current health and wellness issues. This is a perfect time to ask Ernie’s advice.
                                  Come and enjoy this wonderful SPC program!
                                                 All are welcome!

The Flower book needs your attention. Please notice that there are days that no one has signed up. Please
call or stop by and put your name in the book which is located in the Knohl Hall Gathering Room.
February 6 —
February 13 — In lieu of flowers a donation is being made to O.U.M by Chip and Dee Dee White honoring
  their 54th Anniversary. Happy Anniversary!
February 20 — Flowers are placed in the sanctuary by Natalie Arnold in loving memory of Jack Arnold’s
February 27 — A donation or flowers are being made by Pamela Davison-Smith in loving memory of Dr. Bill
  R. Smith.
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                Family & Friends CPR. On Saturday, February 12th, the Health & Wellness
 Ernie Lombard, Committee will be sponsoring Family & Friends CPR. This program teaches

                the lifesaving skills of adult Hands-Only CPR, child CPR with breaths, adult
                and child AED use, infant CPR and relief of choking in an adult, child or infant.

 N     urs      The program will be offered in Pastors Hall starting at 10:00 a.m. and will last
         approximately four hours. Space is limited to the first twenty-five enrollees, and
  there is no cost to attend. Beverages will be provided and each participant is asked to
  bring his/her nourishment of choice.
  To register, please do either of the following:
  1. Email Ernie Lombard, Parish Nurse, at
  2. Call the church at 864-882-2505 and PRESS PROMPT #3 and leave a voicemail directly with Ernie.
  Thanks for your interest.

                                           SPC Shared Blessings Pantry
                        SPC Congregation. In the past year, you have helped countless
                        neighbors with much-needed food items by donating to the Blessing
                        Pantry. In 2022 we will be filling the pantry three times a week and
                        have added a few items to the list. Besides food (nothing in glass jars)
                        we are requesting donations of toilet paper, soap bars, and shampoo.
                        Thank you for considering this worthy ministry. SPC Deacons

                   Our Tiny Library is a wonderful                        Our handbell choir welcomes new
                   resource for the parents/                              ringers. If you would like to know more
                   children in our community and                          about ringing bells or join them, they
                   the deacons are asking if you                          are starting back January 24th. Classes
                   have extra children’s books you                        are on Mondays from 5:30 p.m. –6:30
                   aren’t still using, please                             p.m. Come explore the challenge and
                   consider      donating   them.                         joy of hand bells! We welcome anyone
                   Deliver them to the church           who is interested in learning to play and joining the fun
                   office any time. Thank You!          they have ringing the bells. Don’t be shy, come and try!

                                 "We Want To Adopt A Highway and Need Volunteers! The Men of The Church
                                 would like to involve our church in the Adopt-a-Highway program. This is a
                                 great opportunity to serve our community and to bring attention to the church
                                 as an integral part of the community. Our commitment would be 4 times a year
                                 for 2 years to pick up trash along South Walnut to Wells Highway, about 2.2
 miles. Please email Chip White at (preferred) or call 843-709-0043 if you are
 interested in participating. So let's go get some vitamin D and exercise while helping our community."

                       Brown Bag and Bible Study (BB&B)
                 BB&B meets at noon each Thursday in the Sara Davis
                 Stribling classroom. “You Were Made For This                      Everyone is Welcome
                 Moment” by Max Lucado is the present study. For                      Please join us
                 more information, you may contact Dian Yanessa
                 882-0282 or
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                  OFFERING ENVELOPES FOR 2022 are now in Knohl Hall Gathering Room. Your envelopes
                  will have your name listed on them. Please be sure you pick up the correct box. If you do
                  not currently have a box of envelopes, please contact the church office and we will be glad
                  to assign you one.

     Annual Report Books for 2021 are almost
   ready. They will be on the web site for everyone to see.
    If you want a paper copy, please let the church know.
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                                                              Thank you Susan Caldwell for keeping
                                                                the bulletin boards looking great!
                                                                  Everyone stop by the church
                                                                      and check them out.

                                     Eleventh SPC Women's Retreat
We are excited to announce that our eleventh women's retreat will finally happen March 4th and 5th, 2022. If
you have not been on a retreat with us, please consider joining us for time away from the everyday and to
make new friends, rest, relax and enjoy God’s beautiful creation.
The retreat will again be held at Asbury Hills Retreat Center in Cleveland, SC. We will gather in the late
afternoon on Friday and spend 24 hours together, then return home, refreshed, and renewed on Saturday
afternoon. The cost is $98 for overnight accommodations, including bedding and towels, and three meals -
dinner on Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday. We are also asking for an additional $20 toward an
honorarium for our leader, Elizabeth Hartman. If cost is an issue, full or partial scholarships are available from
Presbyterian Women and from the Christian Education Committee. For information about scholarships,
please contact Kathy Gerner, CE moderator.
To reserve a spot, please fill out the form below and return to the church with your check for $118 made out
to Seneca Presbyterian Church with "Women's Retreat 2022" on the memo line.
We have two cabins available; please indicate which you prefer. Batson is larger and closer to the Dining Hall.
Creekside is smaller and a little bit farther to the Dining Hall. All rooms offer individual beds and a private
bath. There is a single room available (in Creekside), four rooms that sleep three people, and the others are
doubles. If you have roommate preferences, please also indicate that.
Contact Brenda Thomson at 864-723-9031 or if you need additional information or
have any questions.

PW Retreat

E-mail address______________________________________________________
Lodge preference:         Batson________________ Creekside________________
Room preference:              Single_________ Double__________ Triple__________

                          The single room will be reserved on a first come, first served basis Additional
                          requests for single rooms may be accommodated if all double rooms are not filled.
Interested in carpooling:    Willing to drive___________ Want a ride____________
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                                            Souper Bowl Sunday
     February 6 is Super Bowl Sunday, but it is also Souper Bowl Sunday, a
     collection taken to fight hunger and poverty. Souper Bowl Sunday began with a
     youth group at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC in 1990, and
     SPC has been participating for several years.
     We will be collecting donations for the Oconee County Back Pack program this
     year. There are over 500 students in our county who would be without food
     over the weekend without this program. The cost of a backpack for a child for a
                                                year is $160; we have chosen to
                                                sponsor 6 children, so our goal is $960.
                                                 Help us reach our goal of providing food security for our local
                                                 children. Checks can be made out to SPC with Souper Bowl on
                                                 the memo line. You can mail checks or just run by the church
                                                 during office hours.
                                                 Monday –Thursday 8:30—5:00 and Friday 8:30—12:00 noon.
                                                 Thanks in advance for your generosity!
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                             February Birthdays and *Anniversaries
 February 1                                                                             February 21
  Alan Thomson                February 7                    February 11                  Becka Letson
 February 2                    Scott Trayers                 Chip White                 February 24
  Chet and Janet Palmer*      February 9                    February 14                  Kay Miller
 February 5                    Jean Carroll                  Bob and Judy White*         Doris Rieck
  Priscilla Byars              Carol Smith-Knowles          February 16                 February 25
  Ashley Hovencamp            February 10                    Larry Goebel                George Harper
 February 6                    Chip and Dee Dee White*      February 19                  Julie Perkins
  Elizabeth Long               Nancy Wilson                  JoAnn Hill                 February 26
                                                                                         Patrick Bernier

                               March Birthdays and *Anniversaries
March 1
 Rich Gerner               March 8                                                    March 26
                                                     March 20                          Nancy Land
 Janey Turner               Isabella Carlson
                                                      Gary & Diana Owens*              Rodger Low
March 3                    March 9
                                                     March 21                          Chet Palmer
 Beverly Crabtree           Emily Cutler
                                                      Ann Josey                        John Wilson
 Lou Schuman               March 10
                                                      Irene Rigby                     March 28
 Jim & Sandy Olsen*         Robert Moffat
                                                     March 22                          Doug Click
March 5                     Robert Collins
                                                      Don Lesley                       Gary Owens
 Lyn Norton                March 11
                                                     March 23                         March 29
March 6                     Joseph Carlson            Nancy Young                      Lin Akroyd
 Barbara Davenport
                           March 16                  March 24                         March 31
 Janet Palmer
                            Phyllis May               Don Aschom                       Jerry Crabtree
March 7
                           March 18                   Glen McPheeters                  Helen Kelly
 Mimi Hunt
                            Don Clayton               Tracy Smith
 Cindi Lesley
                            Joey & Robin Smith*

                              Just Coffee-Delicious Coffee with a Purpose
                 The coffee cart will be out on February 6, 2022! You can always pre-order for faster service
                 or if you want to pick up at another time! There is a good variety of coffees to choose from,
                 and special order is always available!
               We offer Arabica, Arabica Decaf and Robusta in Regular or Dark roast and in regular grind,
               fine grind or whole beans. Coffee is $10 per pound bag. If paying by check, make it out to
               SPC and make sure to put “Coffee” on the memo line. Please email or call Bonnie Andruszka
- or 864-973-8008 to order OR with any questions!
Café Justo is a grower-owned coffee cooperative based in Chiapas, Mexico. They market a pure organic coffee
which is grown, harvested, and marketed in the spirit of justice. The goal is to maintain a sustainable small-
scale business that provides opportunity and incentive to remain on their family lands. Your coffee purchase
has a direct impact on the families allowing them training and resources for a successful business and living
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                                                                                  Seneca Presbyterian
                                                                                    Church Officers
                                                      Session 2022
Or type Seneca Presbyterian Church and our web site will come up.                 Moderator: Dr. John Hartman
When you are on our web site, you can see what is happening, sign up             Clerk of Session: Louis Holleman
for pot lucks, check out the bulletins, read and listen to the sermons. Pay       Treasurer: Barbara Davenport
the web site a visit, search around and see all the things we have to offer.
          Friend in Faith Quote for February                                          Gary Owens, Moderator
                                                                                       Building & Grounds:
                                                                                    Glenn McCants, Moderator
                                                                                       Christian Education:
                                                                                     Kathy Gerner, Moderator
                                                                                          Natalie Arnold
                                                                                           Steve Gibson
                                                                                     Dian Yanessa, Moderator
                                                                                           Chad Laxton
                   Memorials and Honorariums
Bill and Phyllis Mays gave a donation in memory of Chris Turner, Danny                  Bob Hill, Moderator
Day, and the Lowry ‘s.
                                                                                   Missions & Community Care:
James and Ethel Childress gave a donation in memory of Chris Turner.
                                                                                     Everett Fuller, Moderator
Ann Smith gave a donation in memory of Larry Kolze.
                                                                                   Church Growth Committee:
Dan and Sherry Toole gave a donation to O.U.M. in honor of Sue Anders’
                                                                                     Diana Owens, Moderator
sister Cindy.
           As we enter the winter months, here’s a reminder for Sundays              Chuck Kellner, Moderator
                                                                                         Brenda Thomson
           with snow. Check WYFF for closing information. We will post
           our information at that station ONLY. We will also post any
           changes on the website, so you can check We
           try to make those decisions by Saturday evening, if possible.           Co-Moderator: Vicki Andy
                                                                                 Co-Moderator: Donna Absher
                                                                                   Sue Anders, Sally Fortune,
               The Friendship Pads are very important. Please print
                                                                                Ann Fuller, Pat Harris, Liz Laxton,
               clearly. This helps us in our record-keeping. If you have a
                                                                                Carolyn Maddox, Luke McPhail,
               visitor sitting next to you, please help them with the
                                                                               Donna Beebe, Judy Todd, JoAnn Hill
               friendship pad. Thank you!
               If your child or grandchild has recently celebrated or            Class of 2022: Louis Holleman
               excelled at something, send us a message and a picture if          Class of 2023: Paul LaRoche
               you have one, so we can brag on them in the Presby Press.           Class of 2024: Ann Castle
               Just call the church office (882-2505), leave us a note, or
               email Robin at
Seneca Presbyterian Church
               115 W. S. 1st Street
               Seneca, SC 29678

                                                                                         Visit us at
                                                                                            @ Seneca
                                                                                 Presbyterian Church

Telephone – 864-882-2505
Email –
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Friday, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Dr. John Hartman, Pastor                                        Rosalie Hovencamp, Director of Music                                      
Rev. Richard Caldwell, Parish Associate                              Jeremy Stanton, Music Assistant                                                        James Gaines, Custodian
Ernie Lombard, Parish Nurse                                                   Jeff Williams, Custodian
Tuesdays - 9:00 a.m. to Noon                                       Diane Williams, Financial Secretary                                      
       Church Secretary
You can also read