Tidings Trinity Lutheran Church & School - AWS

Page created by Angela Shelton
Trinity Lutheran Church & School

                                    Tidings                                                April, 2021
                                                                                    Douglas Adams—Pastor
From the Pastor’s Desk…                                                            Mike Shembarger—Principal

An empty bank account or an empty wallet means we are poor. An empty gas tank means we can’t
drive. An empty refrigerator means we might go hungry. In our world empty is not a good thing. It is
something we try to avoid in our lives. We like the opposite, we like to be full.

We would like to have a full bank account so that we can get
the things we want. We want to have a full gas tank so we
can go places. We like to have a full refrigerator with all sorts
of goodies so we can always have something to eat. We
don’t like empty so we will strive with all that we have to be

Yet, the words of the angels this Easter goes against every-
thing our earthly nature strives for. On that first Easter, the
angel of the Lord gave to mankind the greatest gift, an empty
tomb. Now tombs are not supposed to be empty. They are
full with the death of our loved ones. They are full of the
pain of loss in life. Full of the tears we cry as we mourn. Full
of the sense of a life cut short by the angel of death that has
come knocking at our door.

Easter morning changes all that. With Christ’s resurrection empty becomes a joyous thing. An empty
grave means that Jesus is alive. An empty graves means that sin have been forgiven. An empty tomb
means that death and the devil have been defeated once and for all. On Good Friday Jesus empties his
life blood on the cross for us and on Easter morning Jesus left his grave empty never again to fill it. It is
through this empty tomb that Jesus fills up our lives this Easter with forgiveness, hope, and eternal life.

“Come and see,” the angel said. “He is not here. He is Risen.” There has never been more powerful
words spoken to mankind. They tell us that in Christ empty is finally a good thing. For those who hear
and believe, our empty lives have finally been filled to overflowing in Christ.

May you have a blessed and joyful Easter.

                             Pastor Adams

Change! We’ve never done it this way before. I liked it the old way! But change always happens,
sometimes slowly, so slowly we don’t even realize it has happened. And sometimes change
comes quickly and catches us totally off guard. But every-
thing changes whether we like it or not.

We have started a new chapter here at Trinity Berrien
Springs, and the title is CHANGE. If you haven’t noticed our
world is changing rapidly and we as a church are going to be
forced to change also. We as a church have to decide which
way we are going to change? Are we going to conform to the
world and compromise our faith and beliefs? Or are we going
to Stand on our Faith which might bring persecution and
suffering and hardship?

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love
God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

And that promise from God reassures me to trust in Him and to not be afraid of the future.
Change can be good for the church; it can force us out of our complacency and apathy toward
God and brings us to repentance and obedience to Him.

John 15: 18, 20-22 Jesus said, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If they
persecuted me, they will persecute you also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for
they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be
guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.”

Brothers and sisters, this is the world we live in today. So, it’s time for CHANGE, to turn from
being a lukewarm Christian to a true follower of Christ with both feet set in His Kingdom. Why?
To build a stronger more powerful church that is the light and salt of the earth. I come to you
with hope today. Hope that we as church leaders can gain your trust, confidence, and respect,
as we have been entrusted by you to serve in this capacity. We have been placed here by God at
this time to fulfil His purpose. That’s why it’s so vitally important that we all are in His Word
and in Prayer daily seeking to know Him and His Will for our lives. This job is too big and too
important to attempt to do it in our own power. Remember we are “The church of the living
God, the pillar and foundation of truth.” 1 Timothy 3:15 And if we don’t know the Truth and
embrace the Truth and Obey the Truth, we are like “salt that loses its saltiness. It is no longer
good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” Matthew 5:13

The Church in America has forgotten that the Church is the habitation of God through the
Spirit, and as such is the most important organism beneath the sun. It is through us that the
Spirit does His work on earth. And whoever scorns the local church scorns the body of Christ.
We now have a purpose in life. We are to SERVE HIM. We are to WORSHIP HIM. We are to
come to church because He commands us “NOT to FORSAKE the Assembly Together” and be
Baptized and to Receive the Lord’s Supper (Hebrews 10:24,25.) We come to church to Hear His
Word Preached and Taught and to conform our lives to it (Acts 2:42.) We come to church to fel-
lowship with one another and build each other up in the faith and to care and provide for each
other (Ephesians 4:3-6.)

                                                                       Continued on next page...
Continued from previous page…

1 John 2:3-6 says, “We know that we have come to know Him if we keep His commands. Who-
ever says, I know Him, but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that
person. But if anyone obeys His Word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how
we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did.”

We all have duties and responsibilities in the Body of Christ. So, if you think it’s business as
usual, think again. We are living in a country that has turned its back on God and many in
the churches today have followed suit. And if we conform to the world, we will suffer the same
consequences. So, let’s work together and build a future here for our children and grandchil-
dren and those seeking the Lord in these dark days of our nation.

There is only one way to turn this Church and this Nation around, and it isn’t becoming more
like the world. It is becoming more like Christ. And it can only start with you and me. So, I
hope, we will all look at ourselves and ask who or what is my God, and who will I serve?

                                 March Council Meeting

Elder & Council Joint Meeting:
PASTOR Adams reported that he is meeting with multiple families inter-
ested in seeking membership into our church family.

OFFICE BUSINESS MANAGER Sara Goodman-Jasper addressed the
new Reimbursement Request Form Policy and Procedure.

Council Meeting:

FINANCIAL SECRETARY Gregg Shunkwiler reported that our tithes and offerings are meeting
our budget goals at this time.

TREASURER Kathy Jasper reported that historically tithes and offerings have declined during
the summer months and we will start eating into the grant money more quickly in the months
ahead which will deplete our financial cushion.

CHRISTIAN (Education) DISCIPLESHIP Sarabeth Horton reported that the youth group has be-
gun to meet in person. And that the Christian Discipleship Board surveyed the congregation
about future Bible Study interest and Family Ministry. Twenty-five members responded to the

SCHOOL BOARD Joanne Aldrich reported that they have projected enrollment to continue to
rise in the coming year. The School Board is discussing new programs in the fall to improve
our school and outreach to new student enrollment. They also are creating a comprehensive
marketing plan for the full 2021-2022 school year. Joanne expressed that they are committed
to open and transparent dialogue with church membership at all times. And if you ever have
any questions/concerns, please contact Mike Shembarger or any School Board Member.

TRUSTEE was requested to address the furnace and lighting issues in the Church.
Continued from previous page…

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Congregation awareness of new policies and procedures.

Buildings, Grounds, Facilities or any part thereof.”

PURPOSE: The Congregation directed the Council to rent our facilities for the use of other or-
ganizations to provide an income and to make our Church and School more visible in our

THEREFORE: It is important that with different activities happening in the Church and
School that members might not be aware of, that all uses of our buildings or properties are
communicated to our Business Manager’s Office 269-473-1811. This is so all uses of the facil-
ities and grounds are recorded and placed on a calendar so we don’t have any conflicts.

AN APPLICATION PROCESS: Is required (members included) to be filled out and approved
and signed for use.

FEES: Are listed on the application; of course all fees will be waived for congregational mem-
bers and family.

PRIORITIES: Funerals and Weddings will take precedence over any prior commitments and
the renter will be notified if there is a conflict.

A copy of the Rental Agreement can be picked up at the Business Office at the School.

*NEW BUSINESS: “Trinity Lutheran Church and School Confidentiality Policy” was discussed
and we agreed that we should have training for all employees. Our Chairman will work with
office personnel on that training.

The Pastor, Elders and Church Council want to thank you for your support and may God
bless you and your family as we move forward here at Trinity Lutheran, Berrien Springs.

Your brother in Christ Jesus and Congregation President,

Edward Goodman
From the Principal’s Desk...
As we head into the spring I cannot help but reflect on the school year to date. The staff
and students have been real troopers in managing the challenges of Covid 19. The daily
focus needed to follow health guidelines and keep our students safe has put everyone on
edge. We have done our best to have school “in person” and to date have been very suc-
cessful. With the exception of eliminating large group activities, and wearing masks, our
students have enjoyed school in as normal fashion as possible. We thank God daily for
his blessings in helping us through this difficult time.
As we prepare for next year the staff, Board of Education, and I are studing the idea of
adding new programs at Trinity to improve our overall program. We are looking closely
at investing in a marketing/advertising campaign that is different than what we have
done for years. We are also working with other local schools and churches to study ways
to combine services. All indications at this point in our planning would leave us to believe we are ready to grow
again in student enrollment in the fall. If that proves true, and if some of the new programs we are studying are im-
plemented, I am confident the overall cost to the membership, to run the school, will go down again next year.
Please pray that the fall brings “normal” activity after such a challenging time.

Students at Trinity are continuing their focus on Easter and the resurrection. Pastor, Deb, Ruth and Sara Mort are
focusing on the bible and how Christ’s sacrifice is the foundation of our faith. Pastor has been teaching us about St.
Patrick, Lenten, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and the Easter message in chapel on Wednesdays. The older students
are participating in “Bible Drills” each week as a new activity in our 5th-8th service each week. The older kids seem
to enjoy a new approach to chapel and the younger students in grades K-4 continue to move and dance to the new
Christian songs they learn!
Below are pictures of our students participating in Chapel:

Thank you for your continued support of this ministry!

God Bless,
Mike Shembarger, Principal
Holy Week Worship Schedule

                                                              Maundy Thursday—April 1
                                                           Worship with Communion at 7pm
                                                                 Good Friday—April 2
                                                                    Worship at 7pm
                                                                Holy Saturday—April 3
                                                       Baptism renewal and remembrance at 7pm
                                                               Easter Sunday—April 4
                                                                Sunrise Service at 7am
                                                             Worship Service at 10:30am

                                                  Elders Notes
“What about you? Who do you say that I am?” This is the question Jesus asked His disciples in Matthew 16
(also recounted in Luke 9), after they said that some people thought he was John the Baptist or Elijah. He dug a
little deeper- “But what about you? Who do you say that I am?” Peter replied “You are the Messiah, the Son
of the Living God!” I added the exclamation point, because I am certain Peter didn’t say that mildly. He and the
other disciples had seen Jesus heal lepers, the lame & the blind, bring dead people back to life, feed 5,000 people
with only five loaves and two fish, and perform many other real miracles right before their eyes. They KNEW
Jesus was God’s own Son, they SAW the proof!

And yet, somehow they all fell away as He carried the Cross up that hill.

But on that first day of the week, they found His tomb EMPTY, as He had risen from the dead, defeating sin,
death, and the devil. Hallelujah! And being restored to Jesus, their faith was also resurrected, and became so
strong that nearly all of them would give their very lives testifying to His resurrection and His Deity.

We have not been asked to give our life in that same way… but He DOES ask us to give our lives in service, in
worship, and in thankfulness- by telling others about Him, living a Christian life, and leading others to belief by
our own example. We don’t do this to earn points, earn jewels, or earn our salvation- that has been freely given to
all who believe. Rather, it is the fruit of our belief, and an example to all.

Thank you, Lord Jesus… for as many times as we all fall away, You are there to always forgive our sins and to
lead us back to Your path of eternal life. May we never lose sight of Your resurrection- may we LIVE in it, and
may it shine from our faces to someone everyday!

                               “What about YOU? Who do YOU say that I am?”

If you ever feel that you have fallen away… Call an Elder. We’d love to talk.

Tim Krieger 313-2545          Don Zandarski         921-1761       Dan Knuth     876-7434
Jeremy Priest 357-3987        Steve Schlutt         449-8827       Steve Jackson 208-6090
April Birthdays
                               & Anniversaries

01—Gary & Connie Caranci   17—Alex Robison                  28—Chris & Larry Dow
02—Kayleigh Marschke       18—Taylor Bartley                29—Wyatt & Jessica Kelley
03—Lindsey Foster          19—Lincoln Parrish                  Jeff & Denise Wagner
07—Pastor Carl Bassett     20—Verna Dubke
08—Greg Toliver               Emily Robison
09—Allyn & Julie Cooper    21—Jeremy Kring
11—Jeff Kroening           24—Ron Emhoff
12—Ethan Welke             25—Amber Zelmer
13—Ed Goodman                 Dean & Paula Marschke
14—Erick Nelson            26—Alicia Kring
16—Julie Cooper               Craig & Marcella Rudell
17—Dan Knuth               28—Emily Smith (Schultz)

                           Memorials & Special Gifts
                                Through March 24, 2021

                           • Barb Radewald
                           ...in memory of Frank Gaul

                           • Barb Radewald
                           • Janet Sherburn
                           • Barb Priest
                           ...in memory of Prim Eichberg

                           • Gene & Pat Schmaltz
                           ...in memory of Barb Quiriconi

                           • Barb Priest
                           ...in memory of Bob Jackson

           The following is a list of our shut-ins and those currently unable to come to church. If you
          would like to write them a note or drop a card in the mail, they will enjoy and appreciate your
          thoughtfulness. If there is a name you think is missing from the list, please contact the office
                                                  or Pastor Adams.

Donna Marschke                      Wilma Marschke                        Norma Stover
2277 E. Linco Road                  5292 Long Lake Road                   114 N. Kimmel Street
Berrien Springs, MI 49103           Berrien Springs, MI 49103             Berrien Springs, MI 49103
Nancy Whetstone                     Claudia Jackson                       Barb Radewald
346 E. Washington                   3093 Riverview Lane                   1117 Broad Street Apt. 6D
Berrien Springs, MI 49103           Benton Harbor, MI 49022               St. Joseph, MI 49085
Jean Koebel                         Martha Wray                           Marilyn Lentz
1699 E. John Beers Road             11427 M-140                           4167 N. Roosevelt Road
St. Joseph, MI 49085                Niles, MI 49120                       Stevensville, MI 49127
Elaine Hoover                       Karen Koebel                          Marlene Mitchell
9300 M– 140                         111 Lexington Point Dr. #1            13028 Burgoyne Road
Berrien Center, MI 49102            Niles, MI 49120                       Buchanan, MI 49107

Alverda Rudlaff                     John & Kate Hebner                    Marcina Hoge
5743 Orchard Drive                  5807 Daniel Boone Trail               4762 Derby Circle
Berrien Springs, MI 49103           Berrien Springs, MI 49103             Berrien Springs, MI 49103

Mary Kerlikowske
8191 M-139
Berrien Springs, MI 49103
Whatever Bad Happens, I Choose Us
                                           By Scott Williams
                             (reprinted with permission www.familylife.com)

The latest unexpected turn for my wife, Ellie, and me came in 2019. I was diagnosed with an aggressive
type of terminal brain cancer. Ellie is facing the thought of being a widow before she turns 60. That wasn’t
supposed to happen...at least until age 80..or that’s what we thought.

You can’t know everything that’s going to happen to you over the course of your marriage. But you can de-
cide ahead of time how you’re going to handle it. That’s the whole purpose of your wedding vows. And so
this diagnosis has caused both of us to take stock of where we are in our lives and what we have in each
other. It has caused us to reflect not just on our wedding vows, but to the words we say to each other every
day. Do we still say: I choose us?

I choose us every day

The day could be good or challenging. We could be in the middle of a fight or heading
into a romantic evening. We might be struggling to speak to each other, or clinging to
each other in the midst of a crushing life event like we’ve just experienced. Those are the
times we need to put everyday words to our lofty vows.

Here are some ideas of what that might sound like:
“Whatever bad happens, I choose us.”
I promise to be true to you: “I’m praying for you today.”
In good times and in bad—I’m glad I married you.” “Thank you for being good to me, even when I don’t de-
serve it.” “I’m sorry. Will you please forgive me?”
In sickness and in health—”I want you to eat healthy and exercise so you’ll stay around a few more years.”
“Thank you for taking such good care of me when I was sick.”
I will love and honor you—”I appreciate what you did today.” “I really love you.” “You’re a good man.” “I love
the way you care for others.”
All the days of my life—”I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me.” “There’s no one I’d rather grow old

With these words…

In his book With These Words: 5 Communication Tools for Marriage and Life, my friend, Rob Flood, focus-
es on how wedding vows play themselves out in communication between husband and wife. Good commu-
nication doesn’t just involve the mouth. Before there are words in your mouth, they first emanate in your
heart and become formed by your mind.

When your spouse speaks, you’re not to merely hear the words in your ears, but you need to take them into
your mind and heart. And you can express the value you place on those words through things like eye con-
tact and meaningful touch.

Near the end of the book, Rob offers this communication vow. It’s an opportunity for recommitment to the
intentions you expressed to each other in your wedding vows. It’s a way to say to each other: I choose us
again today.

But this focuses specifically on the intent of your words and your mate’s words. It’s not just looking at the
moments in which those words are spoken, but focusing on the ultimate goal you want those words to pro-
duce in your marriage: unconditional love, grace honor, unity, devotion.

                                                                             Continued on the next page...
...Continued from previous page

A communication vow

With these words I will seek to build you up rather than tear you down.
With this words I will do all I can to reiterate what you mean in a way that honors and respects you.
With this hands I will touch you caringly, seeking unity, even through the hardest conversations.
With these eyes I will look on you tenderly, avoiding judgment and scorn.
With these ears I will listen intently to what you’re trying to say.
With this heart I will seek to love the Lord first and foremost, loving you all the while.
With these words I will share grace, mercy, and forgiveness, as it has abundantly been shared with me as
our Savior.
And with God’s help our communication will draw us more closely together for the good of our home and
the glory of God.

The vows matter

Ever think about how many aspects of the wedding ceremony are little more than holdovers from the past,
the original intent long forgotten. Many people think of wedding vows the same way—little more than cere-
mony and tradition.

But nothing could be farther from the truth.

While most elements of the ceremony are largely symbolic, the vows are at the center of not only the wed-
ding ceremony, but the entire marriage. In fact, it’s not too much of a stretch even to say the vows ARE the

Try repeating these vows my wife, Ellie, and I have spoken to each other throughout the events of life:

“I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor
you all the days of my life.”

We’re going to keep saying: I choose us!

                            For other articles on marriage visit www.familylife.com
April 2021
                                                                             End of 3rd      No School          9am Cardio
                                                                              Quarter       Office Closed     Drumming Class

                                                                             6pm Cardio
                                                                           Drumming Class

                                                                            7pm Maundy        7pm Good           7pm Holy
                                                                              Thursday      Friday Worship       Saturday
                                                                             Worship w/                           Worship

  7am Easter         TLS Spring       Women’s Bible        10:30am                                              9am Cardio
Sunrise Worship        Break             Study            Men’s Bible                                         Drumming Class
                     (April 5-9)                            Study
                                      4pm Ladies Aid
10:30am Easter
                                        6pm Cardo
                                      Drumming Class
                                                          No Evening         6pm Cardio
                                        7pm Trustee                        Drumming Class
                                                         Worship Service

 8 & 10:30am         TLS Easter         10:30am            10:30am                                TLS           9am Cardio
   Worship            Parties         Women’s Bible       Men’s Bible                       Little Caesars’   Drumming Class
                                         Study              Study                             Fundraiser
 9:15am Adult                                                                6pm Cardio         Begins         Trustee Work
  Bible Class                                                              Drumming Class                          Day

                                        6pm Cardio        7pm Worship        7pm New
                     7pm Elders       Drumming Class                        Member Class

 8 & 10:30am       Tidings Articles     10:30am            10:30am                                              9am Cardio
   Worship          Due by noon       Women’s Bible       Men’s Bible                                         Drumming Class
                                         Study              Study
 9:15am Adult
  Bible Class                           6pm Cardio        7pm Worship        6pm Cardio                        6pm Confirma-
                                      Drumming Class                       Drumming Class                     tion Questioning

TLS Participa-                                                               7pm New
 tion Sunday                                                                Member Class

 Confirmation                           10:30am
   Sunday                             Women’s Bible        10:30am                                TLS
                                         Study            Men’s Bible                       Little Caesars’
 8 & 10:30am                                                Study                            Orders Due
   Worship                              6pm Cardio                           6pm Cardio
 915am Adult                          Drumming Class                       Drumming Class
  Bible Class
                                      6:30pm Christian    7pm Worship        7pm New
    6pm Prim                            School Board                        Member Class
Eichberg Memori-                          Meeting
    al Service
Lory’s Place
       Run, Walk, and Rock
        Saturday, May 15

WHO:         Trinity Lutheran community
WHAT:        Lory’s Place – 15th annual 5K Run, Walk,
             and Rock
             5K Run or Walk virtual option available

WHEN:        Saturday, May 15, 2021 – 8:30am                       Worship for Shut-Ins is a 30-minute
WHERE:       Lory’s Place – 445 Upton Drive                        Lutheran broadcast worship service
             St. Joseph, Michigan                                  produced new every week by Lutheran
                                                                   Ministries Media, Inc. Each service in-
DETAILS: Participation encouraged by                               cludes music, scripture readings, prayers,
         TLS Student Council
                                                                   and a Lutheran pastor delivering a mes-
BACKGROUND: Lory’s Place is a grief healing and                    sage that is designed to feel one-on-one
education center of Caring Circle, of Spectrum Health              to the viewer. Each program is closed
Lakeland. Since its opening in 2004 Lory’s Place has               captioned for the hearing impaired.
supported more than 45,000 children and adults after
the death of a significant person and offered 70 peer
support groups in Berrien, Cass and Van Buren coun-
                                                                            Southwest Michigan -
ties. Donations and participation in the Run, Walk,                   Sunday 11:00 am - WHME-TV46
Rock will make possible these programs and services
free of charge to those in need.
                                                                    Sunday 12:30 pm - Comcast 138 [TLN]
∗ $25.00 by March 31 ($20 with discount code listed below.)
∗   $30.00 April 1-30     ($25 with discount code listed below.)

∗   $35.00 May 1-13      ($30 with discount code listed below.)

∗   $40.00 May 14-15      (No discount available.)

T-shirts are guaranteed to all participants registered
before April 30.
Paid registration by May 13 includes entry into the
rocking chair raffle.
                                                                      Articles and Calendar
Everyone is invited to register for this event. To regis-               dates for the May
ter or to print out a registration form check the follow-
ing link:                                                              Tidings are due by
https://runsignup.com/Race/MI/SaintJoseph/                            April 19, 2021 at noon.

The group name is: Trinity Lutheran Berrien Springs
                                                                               Service Person for
The discount code applying to everyone including                                    April—
students, staff, church members, family members, etc:
TRINITY2021                                                         Ma hew & Jesse (Forraht) Alcaraz
                                                                    4654 Sara Road
The school that has the most participants will receive              Valdosta, GA 31605
the “Champions for Children” traveling trophy. Only
K-8 students, teachers, staff, and administrators count             Please consider sending Ma hew & Jesse a
for trophy participation. You must indicate the school              note of encouragement during this month.
and/or grade you’re representing on the registration
form to count towards this participation award.
You can also read