FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church

Page created by Ramon Daniel
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
                                                                                        May 8, 2022

Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
      1 0 0 9 S TA F F O R D AV E N U E - F R E D E R I C K S B U RG , V I RG I N I A
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
         May Crowning at                                          Mother's Day Breakfast
          ALL MASSES
                                                                 The Knights of Columbus Council 4034 will be
                                                                hosting a Mother’s Day Breakfast on Sunday, May
   Next weekend at all                                         8th from 8am to 12pm in the Parish Life Center. The
 Masses we will crown our                                       breakfast is open to the public and is pay-at-the-
     Blessed Mother                                                                   door.

                                                                The cost is Adults/Teens: $8, Seniors (60 & up): $7,
    All are invited to bring                                   Children (under 12): $5. Please join us and treat your
   flowers to the church to                                                  Mom this Mother’s Day!

      honor our Mother

contact us                                                    

SUNDAY MASS                                                  MUSIC
  Saturday Vigil 5 & 7pm                                      Director of Music, David Uschold
  Sunday 7, 8:30, 10:30am, 12:30,                             Asst. Director of Music, Malinda Jones
  2:30pm (Spanish), 5pm, 7pm
  10:30am at Holy Cross Academy                              HOLY CROSS ACADEMY
 DAILY MASS                                                   250 Stafford Lakes Parkway
  Monday - Friday: 6:30am, 9am                                Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406-7234
  M/W/F: 12 Noon                                              Principal - Dr. Stephen Fry,
  Saturday: 9am                                     
  First Friday 8pm
  Holy Days of Obligation, as announced                      HOLY CROSS PRESCHOOL
 DEVOTIONS                                                    Director, Sheri Castellarin
  Adoration, Daily between 6:30am & 9am Mass,
  Wednesday 12:30pm - Friday 9am                             RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
  Miraculous Medal Novena, Monday, after 9am Mass             Director, Aristides Lucas
  Divine Mercy, Wednesday, 3pm                                Associate Director, Karen Sturtevant
                                                              Administrative Asst, Lori Barlow
  Wednesday 11:30am-12pm, 6:30 - 8:30pm;                     YOUTH MINISTRY
  Saturday, 8-8:30am & 3:30 - 4:30pm                          Director, Tatiana Beltran

 PARISH OFFICE                                               OUTREACH
  540-373-6491 fax: 540-371-0251                              Director, Elena Doyle                                             BAPTISMS
  Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm;                           Parish registration (90 days) and class required.
  Students staff office weekdays until 9pm,                   Please contact the parish office to schedule the
  Saturdays 9-5pm, Sundays 9:30am - 1:30pm                    date at least four weeks in advance.
  Fr. John Mosimann, Pastor                                   Parish registration required; contact the parish six
  Fr. Sean Koehr, Parochial Vicar                             months in advance to begin preparation.
  Fr. Michael Folmar, Parochial Vicar
  Fr. Scott Sina, Parochial Vicar                             Articles must be submitted two weeks prior to publication.
  Fr. Phillip Cozzi, Parochial Vicar                              Send articles to Thanks!
  Deacon Alberto Bernaola
  Deacon Dick Delio
                                                                    Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception
  Business Manager, Elaine Stanislawski
  Director of Operations, Chris Lanzarone                                    1009 Stafford Avenue
  Facilities, Late-Lawson Drackey                                          Fredericksburg, VA 22401
  Custodial Services, Carmen Sanchez
  Parish Secretary, Jachebel Rios

                                    W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
from our pastor

Dear Folks,
                                            pax et bonum
Today is Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day! I assure you of my
prayers and blessing. I share this quote that I often resurface for this

"The most important person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the
honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has
built something more magnificent than any cathedral------a dwelling
for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body."

"The Angels have not been blessed with a such a grace. They cannot
share in God's creative miracle to bring new Saints to Heaven. Only a
human mother can. Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any
other creatures. God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of

"What on God's good earth is more glorious than this: to be a mother?”

				                                — Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty

I think our Easter Sunday music may have been our best ever this
year! Yet that amazing beauty is ephemeral. However, the beauty
of soul loving God is created to endure forever! Thanks moms for
all that you do to give us life and lead us to Life Himself. Today we
thank you for your love, generosity and faithfulness. Even if we don't
express our love and gratitude daily, you are faithful and treasured. Be
strengthened by the grace of God to carry on your vocation.

 Next week we will have our little May Crowning Ceremony at the
beginning of Masses. All (yes all — children especially, but all)
parishioners are will be invited to bring forward a flower to be placed
at the feet of the statue of Mary while we sing a Marian hymn. Just
bring a flower to Mass, and you and/or your children will be called
back to the vestibule before Mass begins. Children who made (or will
make) their First Holy Communion this year, are also encouraged to
wear their Holy Communion clothes and given a place of honor in
the procession.

Again moms, we love you and thank God for you.


Fr. Mosimann

                         SAINT MARY      of the   I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church

holy cross academy
              Annual Grandparent’s Day Returns
              Before our students began their Easter vacation, it was a
              blessing to welcome just over 260 HCA grandparents to
              campus! Grandchildren were proud to act as tour guides for
              their grandparents, showing off the beautiful Holy Cross
              Academy campus. During their time here, grandparents
A National    enjoyed a delicious baked ziti lunch, visited their
              grandchildren’s classroom and the school chapel. Grandparents
Blue Ribbon   also watched their grandchildren enjoy recess time and stopped
 School of    by our photo booth for an instant souvenir. We were happy
 Excellence   to resume this important event and look forward to hosting
              grandparents each year.

              Huge thanks to Mrs. Beall and her team for a great meal,
              Mr. Ivey and Mr. Bielovitz for preparing our facility, and our
              amazing PTO volunteers for making our grandparents feel so
              welcome at HCA.

              2022-2023 Applications/Tours
              Holy Cross Academy is still accepting applications for some
              grades. Application information is available on the school
              website at

              If you would like to learn more about Holy Cross Academy,
              please contact Mrs. Deena Lanier, Admissions Coordinator,
              at or 540-286-1600. If you are
              interested in a tour, please complete the online form at
     to be scheduled.

              If you are interested in HCA Preschool at St. Mary,
              please contact Mrs. Sheri Castellarin at HCAPreschool@
     or call 540-373-7553.

              Open Positions at Holy Cross Academy
              Are you or someone you know thinking of a career as a
              Catholic educator? Holy Cross Academy has the following open
              positions for the 2022–2023 school year.

                  •   Elementary Classroom Teacher
                  •   Full Time Guidance Counselor
                  •   Middle School Math Teacher
                  •   Preschool Classroom Aide
                  •   Part Time Librarian
                  •   Substitute Teachers

              For more information on these positions and others in the
              Diocese of Arlington, please visit

                                                 W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church

      religious education
Religious Education Events                                                Home is the First School of Christian Life
Monday to Wednesday, May 9-11                                             Parents, you model your Catholic Faith to your child daily. The
Religious Education Classes, Last Week of classes                         Catholic formation of your child depends on how much the
                                                                          teaching of the Catholic Church is integrated into your family life.
Monday, May 9 | 6pm
                                                                          It is important that you attend Sunday Mass as a family, pray as a
First Communion Rehearsal for Monday, Tuesday and                         family and have regular family meals and other activities. Your,
Wednesday 6:30
                                                                          conversations, interests and activities will form your child. Your
Saturday, May 14 | 12 noon                                                home “is the first school of Christian life and ‘a school of human
First Communion Mass for Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday                      enrichment.’” CCC1657
Monday to Wednesday, May 16 to September 7                                We need Catechists, Assistant
No Religious Education Classes                                            Catechists, Prayer Aides, Office
Tuesday, August 30 | 6-9pm                                                Assistants and Substitute Catechists
New Catechist Orientation, Parish Life Center                             Join the parish team that nourishes the faith of our children.
                                                                          Call 540-373-6491 or email

Confirmation 2022
On Saturday, April 30, Bishop Joseph L. Coffey, Vicar for
Veterans Affairs in the Archdiocese for the Military Services,
in two Confirmation Liturgies administered the Sacrament of
Confirmation to over 150 confirmands of our parish. This was at
the invitation of our pastor.

                       SAINT MARY     of the   I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
our parish

happenings                                                           Vacation Bible School
                                                                     St. Mary’s is planning a Vacation Bible School program this
                                                                     summer for kids ages 4-12 ­— Rising Kindergarten through
                                                                     Rising 5th grade students

                                                                     We need volunteers!
                                                                     If you are interested in helping our kids learn their Catholic
                                                                     faith in a fun and exciting way, please email Caryn Vezina at
                                                            The VBS theme is Marvelous Mystery:
                                                                     The Mass Comes Alive

Public Rosary                                Attention Homeschoolers Concerts at Saint Mary –
As Promoted by America Needs Fatima          Our Lady of Good Counsel Homeschool MOZART in MAY
in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus       Group is proud to host an upcoming              On Friday, May 20, 2022 at 8pm, Concerts
on Saturday, June 4 at noon in front of      local Catholic Homeschool Conference            at Saint Mary will present MOZART in
St. Mary there will be a public Rosary       for the second year! Registration for           MAY; a program of all things Mozart. The
offered. Please join fellow parishioners     the Conference is now open! Enjoy               light-hearted program of instrumental,
for this prayerful event. Contact            inspirational talks, used book/curriculum       vocal and choral works by Wolfgang if you have        sale, and a chance to win amazing               Amadeus Mozart, will feature the Saint
questions.                                   door prizes! Gain inspiration and               Mary Schola Antiqua as it performs
                                             motivation that will help you prepare           Vesperae solennes de Dominica, KV. 321
                                             for the school year ahead. If you would         with soloists, orchestra and organ. The
Items Needed for                             like to help sponsor the conference,            program will also include the motets Ave
Refugee Assistance                           monetary donations can be made out              Verum, KV. 618 and Exsultate, jubilate,
Catholic Charities Migration Refugee         to Saint Anthony Catholic Church with           KV. 165, Epistle Sonata in C Major, KV.
Services is seeking car seats (infant to     ”conference event” on the memo line. If         278 for orchestra and organ, and Fantasia
toddler), bikes and sewing machines. If      you have questions or items for the used        in F minor, KV. 608, a work originally
you are able to donate any of these items,   book/curriculum sale, please contact            composed for a mechanical clock organ
please deliver directly to their office:     Stephanie Vendetti (stephanie.vendetti@         which has been transcribed to be played
                                    or drop them off in the Saint        on the modern-day instrument.
100 Riverside Parkway, Suite 135
                                             Anthony parish office. The talks from last
Fredericksburg, VA 22406                     year’s conference are available and will be
Call to confirm hours: 703-399-0066          sent to those who participated. For those       Joining the Saint Mary Schola Antiqua,
                                             interested that were unable to attend last      Concerts at Saint Mary welcomes
                                             year, the talks are available for a suggested   guest soloists Aani Bourassa, soprano,
Pray the Rosary with Our                     donation. Please contact Stephanie to get       Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano, Allan
                                                                                             Palacios Chan, tenor, Ross Tamaccio,
Parish                                       more information.
                                                                                             bass, Samuel Rowe, organ, as well as an
Join your parish family every morning to     Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic
                                             Homeschool Conference                           orchestra comprised of musicians from
pray the Rosary, Monday through Friday
                                                                                             the greater Fredericksburg area, all under
immediately following the 6:30am Mass        Saint Anthony Catholic Church, King             the direction of Saint Mary’s Director
and Monday through Saturday at 8:15am        George, Virginia                                of Music and Organist, David Uschold.
before the 9am Mass. On Thursday
                                             June 4, 2022 10am-4pm                           Following the concert there will be a
mornings, the Rosary is offered for all
                                                                                             reception in the Parish Life Center where
                                                                                             there will be an opportunity to greet the
                                                                                             performers and share fellowship.
Pilgrim Virgin Statue
Have the Blessed Mother to visit your
home? Contact Mary Lou Felts, 571-723-
3333 or
                                                        W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
our parish

               concerts in may
                              1009 Stafford Avenue, Fredericksburg, Virginia

                            CONCERTS at SAINT MARY


                       MOZART in MAY
                                     Friday, May 20, 2022
                                                    8:00 p.m.

       Saint Mary Schola Antiqua and Orchestra
          Aani Bourassa, soprano           Sylvia Leith, mezzo-soprano
         Allan Palacios Chan, tenor            Ross Tamaccio, bass
                              Samuel Rowe, organ
                        David Uschold, conductor/organ

       Join the schola, soloists and musicians for an evening of music by Wolfgang
       Amadeus Mozart. The light-hearted program of instrumental, vocal and
       choral works, which will include Vesperae solennes de Dominica, KV. 321,
       will leave you delighted in heart and rejoicing in the new spring.

All concerts at St. Mary are free of charge. A free-will offering will be
accepted to support this and future events.

Meet the artists at a reception following in    the Parish Life Center.
         S A I N T M A R Y of the I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
vida parroquial

noticias en español
Requisitos para recibir los Sacramentos
• Debe ser miembro de la Parroquia 90 días antes de solicitar el         • Jóvenes de 6to -8vo grado
  Bautismo                                                               • y Secundaria (High School)
• Tomar las clases previo al bautizo                                     • Preparación de 3 años
• Las clases son el primer sábado del mes a las 12 del mediodía
                                                                         Inscripciones en la oficina julio 2022
Llame a Jachebel a la oficina parroquial al (540) 373-6491, para
programar                                                                RECONCILIACIÓN
la fecha del Bautismo al menos cuatro semanas por adelantado.            • Miércoles 11:30 am - 12:00 pm, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
                                                                         • Sábados 8:00 - 8:30 am y 3:30 - 4:30 pm
• Debe ser miembro de la Parroquia                                       QUINCEAÑERA
• Contactar a la Parroquia seis meses antes para iniciar la              • La quinceañera necesita tener el Sacramento de la Confirmación
  preparación                                                            • No hay misas privadas
                                                                         • Sólo hacemos una Misa de quinceañera al mes
• Niños de 1ro y 2do grado                                               Para más información comunicarse con la oficina parroquial al
• Preparación de 2 años                                                  540) 373-6491

Inscripciones abiertas julio 2022 llamar a la oficina parroquial

                                                                                   Hora Santa con el Santísimo
                                                                                    de camino a Pentecostés
                                                                                      El Espíritu Santo, El gran desconocido
                                                                                   Lugar: St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception
                                                                                         Fecha: Lunes 30 de mayo de 2022
       Información: Gustavo Guzmán (540) 229 3313
                                                                                                     Hora: 7pm
                                                              W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
vida parroquial

noticias en español

   SAINT MARY   of the   I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N
FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - May 8, 2022 - Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
our parish

happenings         Prayers and Squares                      St. Mary Food Pantry Bags
                   We have distributed many quilts          We once again have a need for food bags for our pantry guests.
                   to sick and troubled members of
                   our parish family. There is no cost
                   involved in requesting a quilt for       If you would like to contribute,
                   a sick family member or friend.          please pick up a special blue
                   The comfort these prayer quilts          bag in the vestibule of the
                   provide is visible in the faces of       church. They are located in the
                   those who receive them. Please           closet across from the woman’s
                   consider stopping by our table after     bathroom in the rolling
                   mass when we put a quilt out and         drawer.
                   say a prayer as you tie a knot for
                   someone in need.                         Please purchase ALL the items
                                                            on the list that is stapled to the
                   If you would like to request a quilt     bag and return the completed
                   for someone, please contact Dian         bag to the parish office at your
                   Epp at               earliest convenience.

                                                            May God bless you!

easter flowers
In Memory of                                                            In Honor of
Benjamin Torres Ruiz              Aliette Hyman                                    Mr. & Mrs. David Harring Jr
Nemecia Lugo                      Atliene Mohamed                                  Dorothy Willis
Lucas Rossy                       Elise Hyman                                      Mabel N. Hubert
Ana Alberta Ruiz                  Edith Russell
Benigno Torres Vazquez            Jene Willis
Izzo Family                       Edith Gonzales
Skinner Family                    Bronislaw Jachymiak
Charles N Hubert                  Gewowefa Jachymiak
Julion Hubert                     Bronislaw Tylka
Leopald Hyman

                                                          W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491
Do you desire to share the joy you've found in married life with others? Do you want to
 study your faith as a couple and serve your parish? Can you make a 2 hour per week
  commitment? Discover this amazing invitation to discern, prepare, and accompany
                        families in your parish and community.

               Virtual Information Meeting
               May 10th, 8:00-9:00 PM ET
       Please Register Here to Receive a Zoom Link
             Questions? Contact Marisa Creixell at or 281-763-7541.

Missionaries to the Family Class of 2021                            Initiative Includes:
                                                                            A Year of Catholic
                                                                            Weekend Retreats
                                                                            Spiritual Direction
                                                                            Training in
                                                                    In partnership with the McGrath
                                                                    Institute for Church Life at the
                                                                    University of Notre Dame


        SAINT MARY   of the   I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N

given in love
   Weekly Offertory                         Prayer for Vocations                      Pro-Life Reflection
                                                                                      “Gianna Beretta Molla was a simple,
   Donations Received                     Heavenly Father, Lord of the
   April 26 - May 2                       harvest, call forth vocations to the        but more than ever, significant
                                                                                      messenger of divine love. In a letter
   Sunday Offertory           $27,682.00 priesthood and consecrated life              to her future husband a few days
                                          from our diocese and our families.
   Easter Second Collection for Parish    Inspire men to imitate Christ the           before their marriage, she wrote:
   Development Maintenance $460.00 Eternal High Priest in sacrificial                 ‘Love is the most beautiful sentiment
                                                                                      the Lord has put into the soul of men
   Parish Debt Reduction Fund $384.00 service to Your Church. Move                    and women’. Following the example
                                          the hearts of men and women to
   Good Friday Holy Land Shrines          offer themselves wholly to You in           of Christ, who ‘having loved his
              		                   $90.00 poverty, chastity, and obedience.           own... loved them to the end’ (Jn
                                                                                      13: 1), this holy mother of a family
   Catholic Home Missions         $305.00 Send them as laborers for Your
                                                                                      remained heroically faithful to the
   Poor Box St Vincent de Paul $173.00 harvest. Inspire the faithful to               commitment she made on the day of
                                          support them with prayer and
                                          sacrifice. Raise up holy families who       her marriage. The extreme sacrifice
                                          foster openness to Your call. We            she sealed with her life testifies that
     The Second Collection on May 14                                                  only those who have the courage
    & 15 is for Parish Debt Reduction. ask this through Christ, Our Lord.             to give of themselves totally to God
      Thank you for your generosity.      Amen.
                                          Mary Immaculate, pray for us,               and to others are able to fulfill
                                          St. Thomas More, pray for us, St.           themselves. Through the example
                                                                                      of Gianna Beretta Molla, may our
   Children’s Offertory                   Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us
                                                                                      age rediscover the pure, chaste and
   Envelopes for May                                                                  fruitful beauty of conjugal love, lived
   Children’s Offertory Contributions                                                 as a response to the divine call!”
   for the month of May will be                                                       (From the canonization homily of
   donated to the Children’s and Teen’s                                               Pope John Paul II) -- Saint Gianna
   Programs of Empower House                                                          Beretta Molla, a model for all
   (formerly the Rappahannock                                                         mothers, gave her life to save the
   Council on Domestic Violence).                                                     life of her unborn baby. She was
   These programs provide ongoing                                                     beatified on April 24, 1994 and
   support for children ages 5 to 12                                                  canonized on May 16, 2004. Saint
   affected by domestic violence and                                                  Gianna Beretta Molla, pray for us.
   teens affected by dating violence
   and domestic violence.                                                             The Most Important Person .....
                                                                                      On earth is a mother. She cannot
                                                                                      claim the honor of having built
                                                                                      Notre Dame Cathedral. She need
                                                                                      not. She has built something more
                                                                                      magnificent than any cathedral — a
                                                                                      dwelling for an immortal soul, the
                                                                                      tiny perfection of her baby’s body.....
                                                                                      The angels have not been blessed
                                                                                      with such a grace. They cannot share
                                                                                      in God’s creative miracle to bring
                               Good Shepherd Sunday                                   new saints to Heaven. Only a human
                               World Day of Prayer for Vocations                      mother can. Mothers are closer to
                                                                                      God the Creator than any other
                               On this Good Shepherd Sunday we celebrate              human creature. God joins forces
                               the World Day of Prayer for Vocation. Pray             with mothers in performing this act
                               for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate,            of creation ... What on God’s earth
                               and consecrated religious life, especially             is more glorious than this: to be a
                               for our diocese. If you are considering such           mother.
                               a vocation, contact Fr. Michael Isenberg,                     - Cardinal Joseph Mindszenty
                               (703) 841-2514.

                                          W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491

Saint Mary Prayer List - May
                                                                   daily bread                            Daily Mass Intentions
Please pray for those who are sick or in need, especially:                                                and Readings
Chris Breth, Christopher Tierney, David Smetek, Faith Hinkle, Gemma Anglin, Jason
Stoker, Joanne O’Brien, John Curtis, Joseph Kreig, Katie Armitage, Larry Dillman,
Lorraine Beyer, Louise Curtis, Mark Smetek, Mary Farrell Bennett, Natalie Smith, Paul                     May
Lysher, Randy James, Shirley Bozicevic, Meghan Connors                                                    9 MONDAY
                                                                                                          6:30am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
Please pray for all the men and women in our military and civilian support services                       9:00am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
overseas, especially:                                                                                     12:00pm All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
Glenn Dickinson, Paul Fischer, John Moring, Jamal Williams, Lance Schulte, Brian                          Acts 11:1-18/Jn 10:1-10
Hellman, Patrick Fenton, David James, Shawn Tupta, Vincent Petillo, Christopher
Johnson III, Patrick Desmond, Andrew M. Smith, Mindy Hakenson, Xavier Alas,                               10 TUESDAY
Anthony Howell, John Anthenor, Andrew Dowdy, Sean McCullum, Josue Bermudez,                               6:30am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
                                                                                                          9:00am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
Monica Hannan, Julio A. Alarcon, Gabe Gonzalez, David Oechslein, Shawn Herr,                              12:00pm All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
Logan Mullins, Greg Feroldi, Tyler Wood, Jason Cullinan, Frank Spatt Jr., Thomas                          Acts 11:19-26/Jn 10:22-30
Wickham, Hunter Keiser, Sean Jobes, Michael Scott, Samuel Hoffman, Andrew Qualls,
Matt Gioia, Jennifer Brothers, Jack Merker, Daniel Algert, Jason King, Lieutenant                         11 WEDNESDAY
Ashton Briganti, 2nd Lieutenant Tazman Briganti, Davon Bare, John Fartro, Michael                         6:30am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
Fedowitz Jr., Eric Menser, Sean Penczak, Will Atkins, LT Scott C. Boyd                                    9:00am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
                                                                                                          12:00pm All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
                                                                                                          Acts 12:24—13:5a/Jn 12:44-50
Please pray also for those who have died, especially the benefactors of Saint Mary
Church.                                                                                                   12 THURSDAY
                                                                                                          6:30am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
                                                                                                          9:00am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
                                                                                                          12:00pm All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
                                                                                                          Acts 13:13-25/Jn 13:16-20

St. Mary Prayer List                                                                                      13 FRIDAY
                                                                                                          6:30am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
As a reminder, we will update our prayer list in the bulletin as a monthly listing. If you                9:00am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
would like to include a person on the prayer list, please email                     12:00pm All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
or call the office at 540-373-6491.                                                                       Acts 13:26-33/Jn 14:1-6

                                                                                                          14 SATURDAY
Your intention will be included for the month. If you would like your intention to                        9:00am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
remain, please reach back out and we will happily include it for an additional month.                     5:00pm All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
                                                                                                          7:00pm For Our Parish
Thank you.                                                                                                Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Jn 15:9-17

                                                                                                          15 SUNDAY
Are You Affected By A Loved Ones' Addiction to Drugs?                                                     7:00am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
                                                                                                          8:30am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
If you are, please be aware that there is a program at St Mary that offers support to                     10:30am All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
family members and friends of loved ones struggling with this problem. The program is                     10:30am* All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
called Nar-Anon.                                                                                          12:30pm All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
One of the best benefits of Nar-Anon is that you will find compassion and support                         2:30pm All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
from others who are experiencing similar problems and struggles as well as people                         5:00pm All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
who have made it through these struggles. You will have the opportunity to hear stories                   7:00pm All in Our Mother’s Day Novena
from other members who have addicts in their families as well and see what coping                         Acts 14:21-27/Rv 21:1-5a/Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
mechanisms worked for them.                                                                               * Indicates Mass at Holy Cross Academy
All information and discussion at the meetings are non-judgmental, informative,                           Please remember, Mass intentions may be requested at
                                                                                                          the parish office for any remaining Masses of the year. If
and strictly confidential. The meetings are in Room 100 in the Parish Life Center on                      a desired date is no longer available, you are welcome to
Thursday from 7-8 pm and are open to the community at large. For more information,                        request an intention that is “unscheduled,” and one of the
contact Wayne at or Wanda at wandasj823@                                 priests will gladly celebrate Mass for your intention at an
                                                                                                          extra Mass during the week or as a concelebrant.
                        SAINT MARY      of the   I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N
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