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B Meteorol. Z. (Contrib. Atm. Sci.), Vol. 30, No. 4, 369–377 (published online June 24, 2021) © 2021 The authors SPS Smartmet nowcast – Rapidly updating nowcasting system at Finnish Meteorological Institute Leila Hieta∗ , Mikko Partio, Marko Laine, Marja-Liisa Tuomola, Harri Hohti, Tuuli Perttula, Erik Gregow and Jussi S. Ylhäisi Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland (Manuscript received December 17, 2020; in revised form January 27, 2021; accepted April 2, 2021) Abstract Rapidly updating nowcasting system, Smartmet nowcast, has been developed at Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) to operationally produce accurate and timely short range forecasts and a detailed description of the present weather to the end-users. The system produces an hourly-updated seamless 10-day forecast over the Scandinavian forecast domain by combining several information sources, which are 1) radar-based FMI-PPN nowcast 2) Rapidly-updating high-resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) MetCoOp nowcast (MNWC) forecast 3) 10-day operational forecast. The combination of the parallel information sources is done using an optical-flow based image morphing method, which provides visually seamless forecasts for each forecast variable. Prior to this combination, each of these individual forecast sources are postprocessed in a multitude of ways. To MNWC model analysis and forecast fields of temperature, relative humidity and wind speed, a simple bias correction scheme based on recent forecast error information is applied whereas ensemble nowcasts from FMI-PPN are non-uniformly weighted using the non- member as the baseline. The Smartmet nowcasting system improves the quality of short range forecasts, reduces the delay of forecast production and frees the time of on-duty forecaster to other responsibilities. Keywords: nowcasting, bias correction, seamless, pySteps, blending 1 Introduction vious shortcoming of such a purely observation-based nowcasting system is the lack of dynamical processes in Operative provision of timely and accurate weather fore- them. Therefore their quality and applicability in opera- casts in a nowcasting scale (commonly defined as a fore- tive production rapidly deteriorates as the forecast length cast with a lead time of 0–6 hours) is crucial to sev- extends beyond the nowcasting range. eral societal sectors, commercial customers and to pub- A natural complement to purely observation-based lic safety. The most essential feature of such nowcasting nowcasting systems are high-resolution convection- system is the update interval, which needs to be as rapid permitting NWP models, which do include dynamical as possible in order to capture the present state and high- processes. They are able to simulate the weather devel- frequency variations of the weather. Nowcasting infor- opment and provide skillful forecasts also beyond the mation can be derived using various approaches, each nowcasting range. The skill of these NWP model fore- of which have their strengths and weaknesses and there- casts depends both on the initial state of the model simu- fore can rarely be used alone as the basis for a mod- lation on the model’s dynamical core, and on the choice ern forecast production system. Nowcasting techniques of physical parametrizations, but their relative impor- and topics are more comprehensively documented e.g. tance varies with the forecast length. In order to pro- by Wang et al. (2017). vide additional value compared to NWP forecasts up- An obvious information source for a nowcasting sys- dated less frequently, a skillful rapidly-updating NWP tem are most recent observations, which can then be ex- model needs to both update the initial state by assimi- trapolated forward in time using various methods to pro- lating the most important observation information and vide a short range forecast. Depending on whether in- have dynamics that allow this initial state information to situ or remote-based observations are used, these now- actually affect the forecasts (Gustafsson et al., 2018). casts can then be provided either for a specific geo- The systematic errors of the NWP forecasts can be graphical point or for a wider domain. Such extrapola- caused e.g. by physical parametrization, surface forcing tion methods are well established (Imhoff et al., 2020) or data assimilation, but the quality of the forecasts can and have for a long time been used operationally by be improved through various bias correction techniques. various weather services (Ayzel et al., 2019). An ob- Kalman filter (Galanis and Anadranistakis, 2002), decaying average (Cui et al., 2012) or MOS (Glahn and ∗ Corresponding author: Leila Hieta, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Lowry, 1972) are some examples of such bias correc- P.O.Box 503 (Erik Palmenin aukio 1), FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland, e-mail: tion techniques which can be applied in the nowcasting range. © 2021 The authors DOI 10.1127/metz/2021/1070 Gebrüder Borntraeger Science Publishers, Stuttgart,
370 L. Hieta et al.: Smartmet Nowcast at FMI Meteorol. Z. (Contrib. Atm. Sci.) 30, 2021 Furthermore, as the added value of high-resolution NWP models comes from additional and most recent observations, the update cycle of such a model needs to be sufficiently high. As the rapid update frequency has a high computational burden, the forecast range of high-resolution NWP model typically is too short for it to serve all the needs of a forecast service provider. For the longer forecast range, less frequently updated models, such as Integrated Forecast System (IFS) of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Fore- casts (ECMWF) can be used. The multitude of infor- mation sources gives a familiar dilemma for the fore- cast provider: information source needs to be selected based on the needs of the customer and the resulting forecasts are mutually inconclusive. For a streamlined production system and in order to avoid this inconclu- siveness, these various information sources would ide- Figure 1: Example of the gridded forecast error information for 2-m ally form a spatially and temporally seamless forecast temperature (in Celsius) used in bias correction. The colored area covers the domain of MetCoOp nowcast model and the area of the ranging all the way from the nowcasting scale until the 10-day operational data. The black dots represent the SYNOP station end of the less frequently updated NWP forecast. This locations used in bias correction problem is very common and several alternative strate- gies and techniques on how to merge the nowcast to the longer forecast have been documented in the literature terministic, data source. This 10-day operational fore- (Sun et al., 2014; Hwang et al., 2015). Some alternative cast data is produced by on-duty forecasters by com- strategies are to blend the nowcast/longer-range forecast bining the information of NWP models or statistically data sources in each grid-point (Moisselin et al., 2019; post-processed data e.g. Model Output Statistics (MOS) Kober et al., 2012) or in a scale decomposition space (Ylhäisi et al., 2017) or FMI model blend (Hieta et al., (Seed et al., 2013), to adjust the spatial misfit between 2020) and editing the data using meteorological Smart- the fields (Li et al., 2005) or to assimilate the prediction Met1 workstation. Forecasters edit the data based on steps of the nowcast with the NWP model information their experience to correct the model errors. The edit- (Nerini et al., 2019). ing is done mainly by using physical-based diagnostic The multitude of problems above are also very well algorithms developed by forecasters. The edited 10-day known at FMI and for that reason we have recently operational forecast data covers the Scandinavian area developed our Smartmet Nowcast-system (SNWC) for shown in Figure 1 and has a horizontal resolution of several key forecast parameters: 2-m temperature (T2), about 7.5 km. The 10-day operational data in this arti- 10-m wind speed (WS), relative humidity (RH) and ac- cle refers to the forecaster edited data produced to the cumulated 1-hour precipitation (RR). The methodolog- Scandinavian domain, although FMI also globally pro- ical approach of the system is to correct the spatial duces operational forecasts. mismatch between the nowcast and model data sources On-duty forecasters are editing the whole 10-day op- using an image morphing algorithm and to form a erational forecast for Scandinavian domain about twice completely new “blended” forecast data source using a day when latest ECMWF IFS data is available. The weighted interpolation. The motivation of this work was nowcast range (0 h—6 h) of the 10-day operational fore- to improve the forecast quality in the nowcasting range, cast is edited and updated more frequently, approxi- automate the production of hourly updating nowcast in- mately once an hour, by on-duty forecasters by using formation and seamlessly blend it with the 10-day op- latest observation information. The Smartmet Nowcast erational forecast. In this paper, we briefly describe the system, while automated, will remove the need of short operational production system of FMI (Chapter 2), our forecast editing. new Smartmet Nowcast -system with the related meth- ods (Chapter 3), present evaluation results (Chapter 4) and analyse how each of the previously described mo- 2.1 Available data sources for nowcasting tivation sources can be tackled with this system (Chap- A limited area, convection-permitting ensemble weather ter 5). prediction model MEPS is operated by The Meteoro- logical Cooperation on Operational NWP (MetCoOp) cooperative effort between Nordic countries (Müller 2 Operational production system et al., 2017; Kristiansen et al., 2019). Also a pre- of FMI operational, hourly updating, deterministic MetCoOp Most of the operational weather forecasts produced to 1 the end-users by FMI are based on a single gridded, de- Leaflet.pdf/
Meteorol. Z. (Contrib. Atm. Sci.) L. Hieta et al.: Smartmet Nowcast at FMI 371 30, 2021 nowcast model2 (MNWC) is produced within MetCoOp framework. The core of the MEPS and MNWC models are based on the convection-permitting Applications of Research to Operations at Mesoscale (AROME) model (Seity et al., 2011). MNWC is produced for Scandina- vian domain shown in Figure 1, the horizontal resolution of the MNWC is about 2.5 km and the forecast length is 9 h. The MNWC data, albeit being pre-operational, is used as the baseline data for the Smartmet Nowcast sys- tem. Surface synoptic observations (SYNOP) of 2-m tem- perature, 10-m wind speed and relative humidity are used in the bias correction process detailed in Sec- tion 3.1. For wind speed observations, station-wise po- tential wind speeds (Aaltonen and Frisk, 2019) are used for Finnish SYNOP observation sites. It would be easy to add non-conventional observations to the bias correction, but we wanted to start with quality checked operational observations. Accumulated 1-hour precipitation nowcast informa- tion over Finnish radar coverage network is obtained from Finnish Meteorological Institute Probabilistic Pre- cipitation Nowcasting system (FMI-PPN)3 , a radar data -based nowcast model, which is a user interface with Python framework for short-term ensemble prediction Figure 2: Flow diagram of the Smartmet Nowcast-system. systems (pySteps) (Pulkkinen et al., 2019). Several subsequent radar reflectivity or rain rate composites are used as an input for the model, which first calculates mo- 0 h–4 h/9 h). Refining of key parameters (T2, RH, WS) is tion field using the Lucas-Kanade optical flow method done using a real-time bias correction scheme, whereas (Lucas and Kanade, 1981; Bouguet, 2001). For prob- precipitation nowcasts (RR) are acquired by spatially abilistic nowcast calculation stochastic perturbations are blending the extrapolation-based radar nowcasts with applied on the input radar precipitation fields. Original dynamical MNWC nowcasts. After post-processing of and perturbed radar composite fields are then extrap- nowcasts, blending them to the 10-day operational fore- olated forward in time using backward-in-time semi- cast is done using an image morphing technique (sec- Lagrangian scheme described by Germann and Za- tion 3.2). Figure 2 shows the flow diagram of the Smart- wadzki (2002). This produces a deterministic precipita- met Nowcast system. tion forecast from original radar composites and a total of 51 nowcast ensemble members from perturbed radar 3.1 Bias correction method composites. In the end this forecast ensemble is post- For 2-m temperature, 10-m wind speed and relative hu- processed. The final product is a weighted average of midity, a bias correction based on recent forecast mi- the deterministic forecast and the mean of 51 ensemble nus observations error information is used to produce members where the weight of the ensemble mean grows 0 h–4 h bias corrected MNWC forecasts4 . The MNWC over time. The optimal weights depend on season, due model data is available after about one hour of the model to the variations in precipitation amounts and form. Suit- analysis time, therefore the 1 h lead time of the lat- able weights are currently tested for different seasons, est available MNWC is used to represent the current but their performance is not optimized. weather and is used to calculate the forecast error in bias correction. The forecast error is calculated at 945 3 Smartmet nowcasting system SYNOP observation station locations shown in Figure 1 by linearly interpolating the point values from MNWC At the very heart of the Smartmet Nowcast-system is to forecast field using 4 closest grid points. This point-wise refine the existing information sources in the nowcast- error information is then interpolated back to the origi- ing range (section 3.1) through post-processing and to nal model grid (further details in Section 3.1.1) and then produce an hourly updated seamless 10-day operational substracted from relevant (1 h lead time) MNWC fore- forecast by blending the more frequently updated now- cast grid to create 0 h field of the bias corrected MNWC cast information with the less frequently updated 10-day data. The error field produced is then weighted and fur- forecast information (over a forecast length window of ther used to produce +1 h to +4 h bias corrected fore- 2 casts. 3 4
372 L. Hieta et al.: Smartmet Nowcast at FMI Meteorol. Z. (Contrib. Atm. Sci.) 30, 2021 Table 1: Weights used in bias correction for different parameters and forecast lead times. Lead time Temperature Wind speed Relative humidity 0h 1.0 1.0 1.0 1h 0.9 0.9 0.8 2h 0.9 0.8 0.7 3h 0.8 0.7 0.6 4h 0.7 0.7 0.6 The weights for lead times 1 h–4 h were determined by using about one year of forecast-observation data from 182 Finnish synoptic observation station locations. Different weights, to correct the forecast with recent forecast error information, were tested to each lead time separately. The weight that produced minimum values of root mean square error (RMSE), mean squared er- ror (MSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) was roughly defined as the suitable weight to use. The same obtained weight for a certain lead time is then used for all the sta- tion locations. An example of determining the weight for Figure 3: Example of determining the error weights used in bias lead time 2 h for 2-m temperature is shown in Figure 3. correction for 2-m temperature and 2 hour forecast lead time. The The effect of different seasons was also tested but it data used consists of roughly one year of model forecasts and ob- didn’t have significant impact compared to the use of servation data for 182 Finnish SYNOP station locations. The tested a static weight for the whole year. Also the inclusion of weights are shown in x-axis and the y-axis is the value of the verifica- error information from several past hours was tested, but tion metrics used. The root mean square error RMSE (black), mean the validation results weren’t as good when compared absolute error MAE (blue) and mean squared error MSE (green) all to using error information from the present hour. The have minimum values with corresponding error weight (W) rounded to 0.9. error weights determined for different lead times and parameters are shown in Table 1. information sources described in Chapter 2.1 and makes 3.1.1 Spatial interpolation a seamless forecast out of them. Blending methodology is illustrated by Figure 4, The point-wise error information needs to be interpo- which shows the temporal development of an illustrative lated back to the original MNWC resolution to be able to precipitation area in two separate forecast data sources: produce the bias corrected model fields. For this Gaus- nowcast data is on the bottom and 10-day operational sian process regression (Kriging) is used (Gelfand forecast data on the top. These two data sources provide et al., 2010). The interpolation method5 uses squared ex- unique alternatives for each forecast length, which is ponential covariance function with hand tuned param- projected along x-axis. From these two forecast sources, eters for spatial variance and correlating range (Laine a blended forecast is produced through mutual weight- et al., 2018). For the distance between points, both geo- ing of them. An illustration from the 10-day operational graphical distance and altitude difference are taken into forecast weighting coefficient (y-axis) and its temporal account. The land-sea mask is accounted in such a way development with the forecast can be seen on red dashed that points over land areas do not correlate with points line. Blended forecast data follows the red dashed line over sea areas. Figure 1 shows an example how the sta- and is individually generated for each forecast step by tion specific error spreads to the neighboring locations. an interpolation procedure. Our interpolation procedure applies the same tech- nical methods (here namely the Farneback-method 3.2 Forecast blender described in Farnebäck (2003) from the OpenCV- package7 that can be used in optical flow-based radar To produce a seamless gridded 10-day operational fore- extrapolation, where similar features between consec- cast for the production, a method to smoothly blend utive radar images are used to derive a so-called mo- the hourly updating nowcast data (up to 9 hour forecast tion vector field. Using the motion vector technique, ei- length) to the beginning of operational 10-day forecast ther nowcasts can be derived by extrapolating the latest was developed6 . Forecast blender takes in all the various radar images or “missing radar fields” can be derived in between the existing radar fields of limited tempo- 5 6 7
Meteorol. Z. (Contrib. Atm. Sci.) L. Hieta et al.: Smartmet Nowcast at FMI 373 30, 2021 ral resolution. In this application, the same technique used for motion vector calculation is applied for now- cast and 10-day operational forecast fields. The result- ing field, which is individually calculated for each of the forecast lengths, could be called “image morphing”-field instead of “motion vector”-field. Otherwise, the interpo- lation procedure is similar to what is used for radar im- ages: The weight defines how near to the 10-day oper- ational forecast the blended forecast is when following along the image morphing path. Here, the blended fore- cast of the individual forecast step is the mean from the backward (from 10-day operational forecast) and for- ward (from nowcast) calculated image morphing trajec- tories. The main code is developed such that it can be run using several different data sources (observation- based data for the 0 h forecast, analysis field for the 0 h forecast, extrapolated nowcast fields, dynamic now- cast fields or 10-day operational forecast data where blended forecast is eventually morphed to), depending what the user has available. The code is written error- resistant so that the only obligatory input is the 10-day Figure 4: Image morphing principle used by the forecast blender. forecast data source. This makes the application of it Forecast length (weight of the 10-day forecast) dimension is pro- jected along x-axis (y-axis) and 10-day forecast data (nowcast data) much simpler in an operational setting: If some input is plotted on the top (bottom). Seamless Smartmet Nowcast-data fol- data source is temporarily missing, the forecast blender lows the red illustrative weighting function and is individually in- is still able to produce data for the nowcasting range terpolated for each forecast step, using the morphing motion vectors from the other data sources that are available. Alterna- between the two data sources of the specific forecast length and the tive data sources can also be used, like MEPS control corresponding weight of it. run instead of MNWC. The run parameter and input data details of the blender can easily be modified and the fol- lowing set-up is semi-operationally run at FMI: 2-meter temperature, relative humidity and Accumulated one-hour precipitation 10-meter wind speed 1. Analysis field (forecast length of 0 hours) is gener- 1. Analysis and 1 h–4 h forecast fields for the nowcast ated by spatially combining the following informa- data are taken from bias-corrected MNWC data tion sources by using a spatial mask (Figure 5). 2. Hours 0 h–4 h are blended with 10-day operational • Accumulated one-hour precipitation from the forecast (Figure 4). previous MNWC run (forecast hours 0–1) over Scandinavia 3. Weight has a value of 0 at forecast hour 0 and 1 at • Accumulated one-hour precipitation from the the forecast hour 4: forecast from 4 h onwards comes radar observations over Finland from the 10-day operational forecast as such. 2. Spatial combination for the hours 1 h–4 h are gener- ated similarly to the analysis field, but the applied spatial mask is advected with the FMI-PPN nowcast 3.3 Operational scheduling (Figure 5). Smartmet Nowcast-system is run hourly with 1 h tempo- 3. Spatially combined precipitation fields for the hours ral resolution, but both the bias correction and FMI-PPN 0 h–4 h are blended with the MNWC dynamic now- could be run more frequently. The horizontal resolu- cast field (Figure 4). Weight has a value of 0 at fore- tion of both MNWC and the bias corrected forecasts cast hour 0 and 1 at the forecast hour 4. are 2.5 km, but because of the coarser resolution of the 10-day operational forecast data, each individual SNWC 4. Spatially combined and blended precipitation fields data source has to be upscaled onto a corresponding (MNWC blended with FMI-PPN for 0 h–4 h and 7.5 km grid before blending procedure. direct model output for 5 h–9 h) are blended with 10-day forecast (Figure 4). We have optimized the Smartmet Nowcast-system to reduce the delay in operational production. The bias cor- 5. Weight has a value of 0 at forecast hour 0 and 1 at rection has a 20 min cutoff time for the observations, the forecast hour 9: forecast from 9 h onwards comes within this time most of the observations are available. from the 10-day operational forecast as such. The FMI-PPN radar nowcast is ready at 14 min past the
374 L. Hieta et al.: Smartmet Nowcast at FMI Meteorol. Z. (Contrib. Atm. Sci.) 30, 2021 Figure 5: Radar coverage field for the 0 hour forecast, with the used weighting values. Accumulated one-hour precipitation values of the nowcast data are derived by a linear combination of the radar measurements and the corresponding MNWC model values, using Figure 6: Verification results of SNWC (violet), MNWC (blue), this weighting mask for each point. For forecast time steps available forecaster (green) and point-wise bias correction (red) for parameters in the radar nowcast, the weighting mask is advected along with it. 10-m wind speed, Relative humidity and 2-m temperature. The data used in verification is from Sep 2020–Nov 2020 and the results are calculated to 945 SYNOP observation points in Scandinavian area. observation hour. The post-processed nowcast informa- Note that the y-axes are reversed. tion is updated each hour and further blended to the op- erational 10-day operational forecast, which itself is typ- ically updated twice daily (Section 2). The SNWC cycle to observation points. For comparison with the station is available 25 min past the observation hour. This is sig- observations, the gridded forecast data was linearly in- nificantly faster than the current short range production terpolated to the observation locations. The results are which has a delay of about 1 h before the information is calculated for 945 SYNOP station points in Scandina- available for the end-users. vian area and for time period of Sep 2020–Nov 2020. The optimal bias correction (red curve) can clearly im- prove the results, especially for the small lead times. 4 Smartmet nowcast evaluation results The Smartmet Nowcast (violet curve) is improving the MNWC and outperforming the forecaster, even though The bias correction method was developed based on the the upscaling and gridding are negatively affecting the fact that it has to outperform the direct model output, but results. The 4 h lead time of Smartmet Nowcast is al- also the forecaster produced operational nowcasts. This ready fully blended to 10-day operational forecast which was already taken into account when developing and can be seen from the Figure 6, but based on this short testing the bias correction method. A thorough verifica- verification period, the bias correction could be applied tion of bias correction calculated to observation points for even longer forecast lead times. was done for different seasons during the method devel- Figure 7 shows a 2-m temperature time series of opment. There is not a long time series of data avail- 1 h forecasts for Muonio in Northern Finland. The able to verify the gridded and interpolated SNWC out- MNWC model (blue curve) is capturing the rapid put, since it has been operational only from Septem- changes in the temperature rather well, but the cool- ber 2020 onwards. The Figure 6 shows the inverse of ing is not strong enough compared to the observations RMSE (y-axis) for forecast lead times of 0 h–4 h (x-axis) (black curve). The SNWC and optimal, point-wise bias for 2-m temperature, 10-m wind speed and relative hu- correction (pink, red curve) are improving the forecast, midity for Smartmet Nowcast (SNWC) compared with altough the SNWC is not catching the coldest values MetCoOp nowcast (MNWC), forecaster and optimal probably due to the smoothing effect of the upscaling. (no gridding and upscaling) bias correction produced There can also be seen a lagging in the bias corrected
Meteorol. Z. (Contrib. Atm. Sci.) L. Hieta et al.: Smartmet Nowcast at FMI 375 30, 2021 to derive the QPE in the FMI-PPN radar based nowcast used in Smartmet Nowcast and in the Scandinavian radar composite shown. There are still adjustments to be done to the method. Even though the hourly updated radar nowcast is a real- istic presentation of the current precipitation, the update cycle and accumulation periods are too sparse to cap- ture the initialisation of new convective development. Also, information connected to light precipitation events might end up missing. Figure 7: A time series of 1 h forecasts of 2-m temperature for Muonio (wmo 2823) in Northern Finland. The forecast producers 5 Discussion shown are MetCoOp nowcast MNWC (blue), Smartmet Nowcast SNWC (pink) and the point-wise (no gridding or upscaling) Bias There are still aspects of further development in the correction (red) with corresponding observations (black). Smartmet Nowcast-system. An important improvement would be the possibility to produce nowcasts with higher horizontal and denser temporal resolution. We are cur- rently resolving improvements to allow differing reso- lutions for the nowcast information and the rest of the 10-day operational forecast. Non-conventional observations could be included in bias correction to significantly increase the amount of observation information used. The quality control of such observations is crucial with automated, operational production. Bias correction could be improved by using statistical models (machine learning). MNWC is a rather new setup and the model is undergoing a lot of develop- Figure 8: An example of Smartmet Nowcast SNWC accumulated ment, there isn’t a sufficient amount of data available one-hour precipitation analysis field (0 h) and forecast times 1 h–4 h for more sophisticated statistical post-processing of the (top panel) and respective radar QPE (bottom panel). forecasts yet. The current bias correction scheme could be further developed e. g. by taking into account time of the day that plays often a big role in forecast errors. forecasts which is caused by the fact that the correction FMI-PPN is currently using information from Finnish is using the error experienced in the previous hour. This radars, but more radar information from Scandinavian may lead to large momentarily errors in Smartmet Now- area will be included in the near future. The MNWC cast forecast, especially when there are rapid changes in based nowcast forecasts are now used for 0 h–4 h lead the parameter concerned. time (except for precipitation 0 h–9 h is utilized), but the The Smartmet Nowcast precipitation has been avail- preliminary verification results (Figure 6) suggest that a able for forecasters since June 2020. The method has longer forecast time could be possible. Also more pa- undergone a lot of development since summer and there rameters based on MNWC data will be added to Smart- is still not enough reliable verification data available met Nowcast-system, after the operational nowcast pro- to properly evaluate Smartmet Nowcast precipitation duction has been automated. forecasts. The feedback from the forecasters has been Blending nowcast and 10-day forecast fields through mainly positive and overall the spatial and temporal image morphing techniques also has its limitations: Both blending of radar nowcast information with MNWC fields must be sufficiently close to each other in order for and 10-day operational forecast is producing realistic the image morphing vectors to be meaningfully calcu- fields. Figure 8 shows an example of the Smartmet lated. Otherwise, weighting does not result as visually Nowcast one-hour precipitation accumulation fields for seamless temporal development of e.g. lone precipita- forecast times 0 h–4 h (upper panel) and the respective tion areas, but rather as gradual fading or “disappearing” radar quantitative precipitation estimation, QPE (bot- of them. Hence, the method might not really be suitable tom panel). The example shows that the Smartmet Now- for a seamless morphing of individual storm cells, which cast produces seamless fields and the forecast of large might not be present in one of the data sources. For our scale precipitation corresponds rather well with the radar operative forecast data with one hour temporal resolu- observations, but the Smartmet Nowcast is unable to tion, we have however noted that the method works well forecast correctly the new convective development seen enough. Further, we have tried several methods for the over Southern and Central Finland. The precipitation optical flow field calculation and found the Farneback amounts of the datasets in Figure 8 can’t be directly method providing sufficiently good quality with an ac- compared, because different algorithms have been used ceptable calculation expense.
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