Our Lady of Guadalupe School - in the MSJ Dominican Tradition - Our Lady of Guadalupe School ...

Page created by Michael Mitchell
Our Lady of Guadalupe School - in the MSJ Dominican Tradition - Our Lady of Guadalupe School ...
Our Lady of Guadalupe School
                   in the MSJ Dominican Tradition

January 19, 2022                                                   Issue 20

                              Dear OLG Families,

                              We are grateful to our students, staff, and families for their consistent
                              compliance with crucial, school-based mitigation efforts such as wearing
                              high-quality, well-fitting masks and staying home and testing if

                               On January 12, 2022, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
updated their K – 12 Isolation and Quarantine Guidelines. The foundational principle of this guidance is
that all students must have access to safe and full in-person instruction and to as much instructional
time as possible. CDPH noted that "Schools will have a mixed population of both people who are fully
vaccinated and people who are not fully vaccinated. These variations require K-12 administrators to
make decisions about the use of COVID-19 prevention strategies in their schools to protect people who
are not fully vaccinated. Together with local public health officials, school administrators should
consider multiple factors when they make decisions about implementing layered prevention strategies
against COVID-19.”

The Department of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Oakland, synthesized these guidelines and provided an
info-graphic to all the Catholic schools in the Diocese. After reviewing the updated guidelines, our
Leadership Team has decided to institute the attached Isolation and Quarantine protocols for when
students are exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. Thank you in advance for
reviewing this document and for your continued adherence to our school’s health and safety protocols.

Please take advantage of the Federal Government program of providing high quality masks for free to
every household. The Postal Service is delivering one shipment of 4 COVID tests per residential address
for FREE. Enter your name, address and email at www.usps.com/covidtest to request a shipment.

Parents and children, please keep this next part secret from the teachers and staff. Pre-COVID, our
wonderful families provide a fabulous luncheon for us at school, including the coverage of yard duty.
Since this is not possible, our PTSG leadership has once again come up with a fabulous substitution.
Please see the flyer in this bulletin and do all you can to share your appreciation for our wonderful
teachers and staff! Cards of appreciation written by your child and you as well as cash donations to
cover the cost of the various appreciations are most welcome! You can send your cards/monetary
donations care of PTSG and we will make sure our PTSG leadership receives it immediately. Please send
them to school by Friday, January 28 at the latest. We are so blessed to have incredibly committed

With great gratitude,
S. Janice Therese, O.P.
Our Lady of Guadalupe School - in the MSJ Dominican Tradition - Our Lady of Guadalupe School ...

TUES.       Jan. 25       School Board meeting @ 7 pm
WED         Jan. 26       Progress Reports - home;     NOON DISMISSAL
                          Dine in @ Jack’s Restaurant - see attached flyer

                          Graduation Pictures!

SAT         Jan. 29       Beautification Day, 9-12 noon; see details in this bulletin

SUN         Jan. 30
                                     Family Mass, 10:30 am; Virtual Open House, 12:30-2:15 pm
            Jan. 31 -
MON-FRI                                  Catholic Schools Week Celebrations continue!
             Feb. 4

      Let us Pray....

                      For our country, as we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for an end to racism
                      and injustice!
                      For all who support, care for and defend life that they find strength and renewal in
                      the Holly Spirit!
                      For all of us that we recognize the spiritual gifts God has uniquely granted us and
                      use them wisely.
                      For healing for those with Covid-19, the protection of those who are most at risk,
                      and for everyone affected by the continuing pandemic!

                      For our Holy Father’s Intention for January: For all those suffering from religious
                      discrimination and persecution, may their own rights and dignity be recognized,
                      which originate from being brothers and sisters in the human family.
                      For those small miracles that we see in our daily lives, may we revere the power of
                      Jesus to transform all things.
Our Lady of Guadalupe School - in the MSJ Dominican Tradition - Our Lady of Guadalupe School ...
BASIC Fund Applications
The BASIC Fund applications for the 2022-2023 school year will be available starting January
 15th online at www.basicfund.org. Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Applications must be completed in order to be considered. Families can submit 2020 tax returns
if 2021 are not yet prepared. Deadline is March 31st, 2022. Completed applications submitted
           after the deadline will be awarded periodically through the summer of 2022
                                    IF funds become available.

                                     BASIC Fund Renewals
   Renewals will also be processed online. Families will receive an email in February with the
renewal application link. Families can submit 2020 tax returns if their 2021 returns have not been
  prepared. The Deadline is March 31st, 2022. If you are a current family that receives BASIC
     and a new sibling will be added to the current students, please call The BASIC Fund at
                  (415) 985-5650 to request a link to apply for the new student.

                                     FACE Applications
    You can apply for a FACE grant online now. Please apply at www.online.factsmgt.com.
    *Applicants must check (✔) the box Family Aid-Catholic Education (FACE) under
  “Organization” on the application.* FACE is requiring 2020 tax documents for the 2022-
 2023 school year. The deadline to apply is March 30th, 2022. Families who currently receive
 FACE must reapply every year. For a step-by-step video on how to apply for the FACE grant,
                          please go to www.vimeo.com/305584471.

*Families cannot receive both scholarships. Must apply to one or the other. For questions,
please contact Emmanuel Cancino at ecancino@csdo.org or call the school office.

                 OLG Financial Scholarship
Families can receive an OLG Financial Scholarship, BUT must apply to either
            the BASIC or FACE scholarships first. For questions,
 please contact Emmanuel Cancino at ecancino@csdo.org or call the school
Our Lady of Guadalupe School - in the MSJ Dominican Tradition - Our Lady of Guadalupe School ...
Fulfill your Service Hour obligation and help your school in the process! Planning has begun for
the OLG School Step into Spring Silent Auction & Raffle, which will take place in March. This
year the auction and raffle prizes will be on display prior to the auction and the raffle drawing.
More details will be shared in future bulletins.
To support this event and earn Service Hours we have the following opportunities for parents:
   • Join the solicitation committee and help with contacting businesses to request donations
       (send email to: kmurray@csdo.org, if interested)
• Donate a new product*, service** or gift card to go toward a prize basket and earn 1 service
   hour for every $10 in value.
   *e.g. wine, BBQ tools, sports equipment, cooking utensils, games, puzzles, tickets to movie,
   sporting event or concert, etc.
   **e.g., hair or nail salon services, oil change, massage, cooking class, housecleaning, carwash,
Other considerations for donating (your time spent creating or acquiring donations qualifies for
service hours):
   • Does your employer provide products at a discount?
   • Do you have a friend or relative that works for a company that would donate a product?
   • Do you create jewelry, woodwork, painting or photography??
   • Do you sew or quilt?
   • Do you create wall art, creative floral arrangements or wreaths?
   • Can you donate a few days or one week of a timeshare that you own?
 Those who participate in our raffles and auctions love to see unique, useful and giftable items. If
you have ideas for businesses or individuals that we can approach to provide an item for our event,
                           please send an email to kmuray@csdo.org.
                                          THANK YOU!
Our Lady of Guadalupe School - in the MSJ Dominican Tradition - Our Lady of Guadalupe School ...
Beautification Day/Work Party Saturday, January 29, 2022!

                          Water and snacks will be provided!
             COVID-19 Protocols followed: Masked up and Socially Distanced!

                     This is a great opportunity to earn Service Hours.
                         We will be weeding, pruning, sweeping, and
                            cleaning to name a few of the tasks.
                                    If you can help on this
                           date, please contact ffonseca@csdo.org
                                  Plan to bring work gloves.

                 If you have long-handled pruning shears, a hoe, lopper,
       wheelbarrow, trimmers, a leaf blower, pressure washer, landscaping hand saw,
                              weed whacker, outside brooms,
                        and/or rake we can put them to good use.

                              Thank you for your help!

              From the St. Vincent de Paul Society

                         If you know of any families in
                   need of food, there are two times a month
                         when food will be distributed.
           Starting on February 9th, the St. Vincent de Paul Society
     will be giving out food on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month,
                      from 1 - 2pm at the Parish Center.

8th Graders doing a light experiment with the Pin-hole cameras they made in science class.
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