Kingdom Kids Destined for Victory - Kingdom Kids Summer Camp June 21, 2021-August 13, 2021 - Vista Christian ...

Page created by Lucille Schmidt
Kingdom Kids Destined for Victory - Kingdom Kids Summer Camp June 21, 2021-August 13, 2021 - Vista Christian ...
Kingdom Kids
Destined for Victory
Kingdom Kids Summer Cam
June 21, 2021-August 13, 202
         Vista Christian Schoo
           290 Melrose drive
            Vista, CA 92083


Kingdom Kids Destined for Victory - Kingdom Kids Summer Camp June 21, 2021-August 13, 2021 - Vista Christian ...
Kingdom Kids Summer Camp 2021
                         “Destined for Victory”
                                      June 21-August 13

Vista Christian School is once again offering a Full Day, 8 Week Summer Camp which includes daily
themed activities, off campus community field trips, crafts, and lots of fun stuff along the way! Tied to
each daily theme will be Christian Life applications of God’s Word. The Summer Camp is offered to
students who are entering 1st grade through 6th grade.

The hours for our Summer Camp are 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. *Extended care is available before and
after camp hours for an additional fee* Two plans are available: 5 days per week & 3 days
per week, no field trips. Please see the Reservation Page for plan rates and registration fees.
Please do not request exceptions.

Your child is not considered enrolled in summer camp for 2020 until the registration fee has been paid and
the school office has accepted the enrollment packet. Note: VCS students’ Tuition and Extended
Care fees must be current before registration for the summer program will be accepted.

The registration fee covers the cost of all field trips (transportation, entrance, and t-shirt fees) and
materials/supplies for our Summer Camp. Children may purchase a $10 snack card or bring extra money
for the Snack Bar, which is open in the morning and afternoon. Children are to bring a sack lunch
(including a drink) Monday through Friday. For your convenience, campers may also purchase lunch from
the Snack Bar.

Each day your child is expected to bring a bag or backpack, change of clothes, sunscreen, towel, and
water bottle. On water days, modest bathing suits are required. Any two-piece bathing suits must be
covered with a t-shirt. (No tummies showing, please). Remember to send dry clothing every day
(including undergarments). Anyone without a bathing suit will not participate in the water activities.

Closed-toed shoes with a back are appropriate footwear. For your child’s safety, flip-flops are allowed only
during water time (flip flops can be kept in a bag or backpack until water time). Children with inappropriate
clothing or shoes will be sent home or may not be allowed to participate in activities. Apply sunscreen on
your child each morning before coming to camp. We will help your child remember to reapply during the

Every effort will be made to make sure all articles of clothing, etc. are accounted for, but it will be the
responsibility of each child to keep track of his/her belongings. Please mark all of your child’s
belongings with his/her name. Always check the lost and found box if you are missing any articles.
We look forward to having your child in our Kingdom Kids Summer Camp! If you have any
questions, please contact the school office at (760) 724-7353.
“Destined for Victory”
                            2021 Kingdom Kids Summer Camp
                                    Reservation Page

Child’s Name: _______________________________________

                           Please Register By May 21st
                      Registration Fee Due Upon Enrollment
    5 day plan: $165 per week ($130 week of July 5th) (NO CAMP MONDAY, JULY 5th)
                $320 registration fee
                Monday-Friday Includes all activities, field trips, and 2 T-Shirts

    3 day plan: $100 per week - ($75 week of July 5th) (NO CAMP MONDAY, JULY 5th)
                $200 registration fee
                 Monday—Wednesday—Friday On campus activities only and 1 T-Shirt included.

    Check Plan Desired:
    5 days M thru F               ____ $165/week    Registration $320
    3 days M W F                  ____ $ 100/week   Registration $200

    Please check the weeks your child will be attending the Summer Program. Check your
    calendar, and choose carefully. Payment is due at the beginning of each week
    attending. You may not drop your child at camp without having made payment
    first. Two-week notice of changes must be given, or a $25 change fee will be
    assessed due to planned staffing.

             □   Week   1   –   June 21 through June 25
             □   Week   2   –   June 28 through July 2
             □   Week   3   –   July 6 through July 9 (NO CAMP MONDAY, JULY 5th)
             □   Week   4   –   July 12 through July 16
             □   Week   5   –   July 19 through July 23
             □   Week   6   –   July 26 through July 30
             □   Week   7   –   August 2 through August 6
             □   Week   8   –   August 9 through August 13
Kingdom Kids Summer Camp 2021
                             T-SHIRT ORDER FORM
                         2 SHIRTS INCLUDED WITH 5 DAY REGISTRATION
                          1 SHIRT INCLUDED WITH 3 DAY REGISTRATION

      Child’s Name:        _________________________________________

      Child’s Size:           X-Small




                          □   Adult Size _______

 **Please note: 2 T-shirts included with 5-DAY registration fee; 1 T-shirt included with 3-
DAY registration fee. We will do our very best to provide your exact size choice or the closest size
available. Additional t-shirts may be purchased at a cost of $10 depending on availability. All
children’s shirts are sized in Youth sizes. If an adult size is required, please make note on this

          Yes, I would like to order additional Field Trip Shirts at a cost of $10 per shirt. Payment
          is due upon enrollment. REMEMBER—2 SHIRTS ARE PROVIDED WITH 5-DAY


      Child’s Size:           X-Small




                          □   Adult Size _______

As the parent/guardian of _______________________________________________,
I understand Vista Christian School implements the Christian philosophy of education based on the
conviction that knowledge of the Bible and of Jesus Christ are essential to the development and
growth of the individual in matters physical, mental, social and spiritual.

I understand that should a serious discipline matter arise, a parent/guardian will be contacted. I
agree to work together with the summer program staff and administration of Vista Christian
School. _____ (initial)

I give permission for my child to take part in all summer program activities, including any field trips
away from the premises. On field trip days, my child will wear the required field trip camp
T-Shirt. _____ (initial)

I agree to pay a non-refundable registration fee. I also agree the program fees will be paid
the first day of each week attending. I understand a late fee of $25 will be added to all late
payments. Kingdom Kids Summer Camp Program will not refund any days a child is registered for
but does not attend. No make-up days will be given. _____ (initial)

Applying sunscreen daily to my child is my responsibility. I will provide sunscreen to be reapplied
by my child during the day as needed. I authorize camp staff to remind or help reapply sunscreen.
_____ (initial)

Electronic devices are permitted only on specified days with prior notification from camp
supervisor. Devices will be confiscated if brought to camp on non-specified days. Super Kids
Summer Camp Program will not be responsible for electronic devices, games, accessories or
packaging. _____ (initial)

I give permission for my child to be photographed. _____ (initial)

I will not request exceptions be made to policy regarding days attending or cost. ____(Initial)


After 5:30 pm is considered overtime and charged at a rate of $1 per minute for
every minute I am late after 5:30 pm. ____ (initial) Overtime payment should be
made at the time of pickup, directly to the childcare staff, or the fee will be added
to your account.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________

Camper (child) Signature: ____________________________

Date: _____________________________
                              HOURS ARE 8:30AM-3:30PM
                *Extended Care is available before and after camp hours for additional fee*

   As a camper enrolled in the Summer Camp at Vista Christian School, I recognize the privilege
   of attending a Christ-centered camp and acknowledge this truth should be self evident during
   my participation in all camp activities and in my personal demeanor.

Therefore, I promise to:

● Submit willingly to those in authority over me. This includes summer camp staff, teachers,
  office staff, and the principal.
● Strive to act and speak in a way pleasing to the Lord Jesus. I will not use any profanity or
  vulgar gestures.
● Work to keep a teachable and cooperative attitude.
● Treat fellow campers, staff, and any others at camp in a kind, respectful manner.
● Remember I am an ambassador and representative of Vista Christian School and Vista
  Assembly of God Church when participating in camp sponsored field trips.

   By signing this agreement, I understand failure to comply with these standards may be cause
   for temporary or permanent removal from the Super Kids Summer Camp.

   Student Signature _______________________________ Date _________

   I affirm I have read and discussed these standards with my child, and I agree to abide by and
   uphold compliance with these standards.

   Parent Signature _________________________________ Date ________
“Destined for Victory”
                       2021 KINGDOM KIDS SUMMER CAMP

  PLEASE PRINT          Student Information
                                                                        VCS OFFICE USE ONLY:

  Name:___________________________ Nickname: ______________             Plan: _____________________

  Address: _________________________ Phone:__________________           Registration Fee: ___________

  City:_____________________________ Zip code: _______________
                                                                        Staff Initials ____ Date ______
  Male _____ Female _____Grade entering in the fall of 2020_______

  Birthdate:___________ School last attended: ____________________

                     PARENT/GUARDIAN (Who lives with student)

Name: ___________________________________________ Title:         Mr.   Mrs.    Ms.      Miss

Relationship to student: _______________________ Employer: _____________________________

Work phone: ________________ Cell phone: ______________ E-Mail: _____________________

What is the best number to reach you during the day: ______________________________________

Driver’s License Number: ____________________________ Attending Church: Yes____ No_____

Church: ___________________________________________________________________________



Name: _________________________________________         Title:   Mr.   Mrs.    Ms.      Miss

Relationship to student: _______________________ Employer: ___________________________

Work phone: _______________ Cell phone: ________________ E-Mail: _____________________
What is the best number to reach you during the day:__________________________________________

                                  NON-RESIDENT PARENT

Name: ___________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________

Relationship to student: ___________________________          Cell Phone: ___________________

Address: ________________________ City/St_________________



      Name: ______________________________________                  Grade: __________________

      Name: ______________________________________                  Grade: __________________

      Name: ______________________________________                  Grade: __________________


      Has student ever been suspended or expelled from school? Yes _________ No _________
      If Yes, please explain: __________________________________________________________

      Is there any court order in effect limiting the presence of, or removal of student by, any person
      or persons during school hours? Yes _________ No __________

      Please explain briefly:

      **In order for summer camp staff to implement any conditions of the above said
      order, a copy must be on file with Vista Christian School.

            Three Emergency Contacts and Persons Authorized to Pick Up Your Child

Name: ____________________________________ Relation to student: ______________________

Home Phone: __________________ Cell Phone: _______________ Work Phone: _______________

Name: ___________________________________ Relation to student: ______________________

Home Phone: _________________ Cell Phone: ________________ Work Phone: ______________

Name: ___________________________________ Relation to student: ______________________

Home Phone: _______________ Cell Phone: ____________ Work Phone: ____________________

PHYSICIAN NAME: _______________________________ Phone: ___________________________

Insurance Co. Name: ______________________________ Policy No.: _______________________

Does student have any known physical, emotional or learning disabilities? YES _____             NO ______

If yes, please explain:

Medic Alert: (i.e.: diabetes, epilepsy, allergies to medication, bees, grass, foods or asthma)

Current Medications being taken on a continuous basis:
**You must fill out a Medical Release Form (see School Administration) before medication will be
administered to your child. This form must be completed for prescription medications and non prescribed
medication. VCS staff will not administer medications without this release form. All medications must be kept
in the school office. Students who choose to keep inhalers and epi-pens will be held accountable for proper
use. VCS will not be responsible for any misuse of these items.

PERMISSION FOR TREATMENT: I hereby give my consent for my child, _________________________, to
receive emergency medical treatment as may be considered necessary in the opinion of the attending
physician or paramedics; and/or for the hospital most accessible to administer emergency medical care to my
child in the event I cannot be reached.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________________
“Destined for Victory”
                KINGDOM KIDS SUMMER CAMP 2021
                     FIELD TRIP SCHEDULE
             **Field Trips are subject to change due to COVID19 restrictions**

         TUESDAY           LOCATION              THURSDAY           LOCATION
          June 22               TBA                 June 24              TBA
          June 29               TBA                 July 1               TBA
           July 6               TBA                 July 8               TBA

          July 13               TBA                 July 15              TBA

          July 20               TBA                 July 22              TBA

          July 27               TBA                 July 29              TBA

         August 3               TBA                August 5              TBA
         August 10              TBA               August 12              TBA

**Tuesday/Thursday Field Trips are subject to change depending on, COVID19 restrictions,
                                         weather etc.**
     ***Child care is not available for students without a reservation or who arrive late. ***

        Arrive at least 20 minutes prior to departure time on all field trip days.
                        Busses/cars will not wait for late arrivals.

                       PROVIDE CAR SEAT IF NEEDED

    Places and times are subject to change, and advance notice will be given.

Most field trips will be considered full day. Specific departure times will be determined and
               communicated to you through the weekly newsletter or e-mail.
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