Attached are the 2022-2023 Class lists. At the end of the document is the supply lists for next year as well.

Page created by Tyrone Torres
Attached are the 2022-2023 Class lists. At the end of the document is the supply lists for next year as well.
Attached are the 2022-2023 Class lists.
At the end of the document is the supply
        lists for next year as well.
A.M. Pre-School                P.M. Pre-school
      Kova Dean                      Lindy Cullan
   Kathrynn Mahony                   Jayla Curtis
      Ryan Merrill               Cameron Eisenhart
    Brock Forrester            "Liv" Olivia Henderson
     Bristol Foster                   Anna Kuhn
    Rachel Mazanec                 Brecken Wood
"Frankie" Loretta Mullen             Everly Wood
    Kevin Sorensen
    Skylar Sorensen
     Kalia Trickler
 Mrs. Frost                Ms. Heusman
 Colette Arneson                Brextyn Bolek
    Abel Coker                  Karsyn Connell
   Emma Foster                   Lane Cotant
Emberly Henderson               Andi Gasseling
   Jersey Long                   Rion Grimes
 Amber Mazanec                 Autumn Hartman
  Jenson McCoy                  Rowdy Manion
Jessa McDonough                 Maddy Mullen
  Deacon Payne                 Owen Talkington
  Michael Sierra                Ascher Trickler
                                 Camden Yde
First Grade
  Mrs. Benzel              Mrs. Gasseling
    Liam Broadway                     Eli Bryner
     Kinley Covey                    Kyrie Dean
     Quinn Dannar                   Chase Grimes
   Carter Henderson                Kinslee Hansen
  Adalynn Hernandez                  Slade Harris
      Miah Lopez                   Wyatt Harwood
      Ellie Merrill                  Avery Huss
    Kenadee Miller                   Lily LaMont
  Marshall Moseman                  Georgia Krebs
Vance Palmer-Eisenhart             Bryndle Votruba
  Wyatt Schumacher                Augustus Woltman
Second Grade

Mrs. Cullan               Mrs. Roland

Kymberlee Ansley             Craig Butler
Nicholas Armenta          Rhett Christianson
    Lucy Cullan             Bryley Cotant
  Wyatt Crowell              Lyla Cullan
   Taylee Curtis             Sage Dillard
Zayden Eisenhart               Ty Foster
  Paitynn Flores           Kinsley Furman
  Olivia Harwood            TJ Gasseling
Mary Ann Helmink           Audie Glodowski
 Xziah Kittelmann         Chloe Henderson
  Makenzi Krebs               Eli Jacobo
 Archer Niemeier          Huckleberry Long
Preston O’Gorman           Matthew Mahony
   Carol Roland             Aleah Monroy
 James Sherlock          Jedediah Rodriguez
 Harper Sorensen             Grace Roth
   Everett Vogel          Paislee Thompson
Third Grade

  Mrs. Dean                     Mrs. Huddle

  Cecilia Arneson              Declan Dannar
    Misha Craig              Timothy Gilkerson
   Logan Foster              Keegan Hernandez
     Abby Frost               Easton Hitchcock
 Kameron Gilkerson             Payten Hunter
   Kolten Kramer                Brody Keane
Simeon Lilley-Stone          Abigail/Abby Long
  Tripp Moseman                Emmie Merrill
  Quinston Ramos               Emma Raben
Aspen Staudenmaier          Raegan Schumacher
  Shelby Sulzbach                Kyle Shaw
   Cleo Swanson              Nevaeh Thompson
  Leah Woodbeck             Adelaide/Addy Vogel
Fourth Grade

Ms. Jespersen               Mrs. Osmotherly

  David Armenta                  Lenore Butler
 Ahnijah Bellecourt            Kennedy Casey
    Adde Bryner                  Kolten Covey
   Cooper Butler                Jaxson Fritzler
   Eston Collins               Landon Grimes
   Kinlee Cotant               Braylee Hansen
    Boyd Dillard              Jillian Henderson
   Aiden Finnell                 Kynsi Jordan
  Kade Johnston               Silas Lilley-Gitch
  Carly Harwood                 Kruze Manion
 Kennedy Mahony                  Fynlee Olsen
 Alissa McConnell                Harley Payne
    Karter Miller              Addy Planansky
     Ivy Pocock                  Aria Ruzicka
  Benni Sorensen             Christian Sorensen
  Alyssa Stricker              Gracia Votruba
   Khloe Stricker
Fifth Grade
                              Mrs. Staudenmaier
    Mrs. Clark
                                      Emma Bates
   Jeremiah Armenta                    Kalli Buser
      Helena Craig                  Kaden Christner
      Wyatt Cotant                   Ethan Crowell
      Lucee Foster                  Branson Dannar
       Zane Frost                    Daxton Davies
    Atlee Gasseling                  Kynlee Drews
     Kamryn Haas                     Cooper Galles
     Grace Helmink                 Harper Henderson
    Jenna Herbaugh                 Emerson Horstman
       Taya Hruby                     Leah Krebs
     Rye Jespersen                     Josh Kolle
     Brycen Lopez                   Kennedy Kumpf
       Alex Mundt                     Delilah Long
Brandon Palmer-Eisenhart             Natalie Mullen
      Parker Roth                  Teagen O’Gorman
    Mariah Reynolds                  Levi Penaluna
    Lanee Sorensen                  Bethany Roberts
     Sandra Wilkins                  Skyler Schnell
    Raelee Woltman                  Dallas Woltman
Sixth Grade

Ms. Failor                   Mrs. Johnston
Kenley Adamson                  LillyAnn Bates
 Carsen Bunnell                    Gus Butler
 Taylea Burney                   Trinity Finnell
  Lillian Cullan                 Gracie Garza
Grace Dahlberg                Makenna Honstein
   Kaleb Miller                  James Lanier
Wriley Niemeier                  Andrew Miller
  Adam Ramos                  Fletcher Moseman
  Riley Rathjen                  Liam Romero
Barrett Sulzbach                Madison Roth
 Warner Tallon                 Trydon Sorensen
Gaige Thompson               Braden Staudenmaier
                                 Kura Welling
                                  Teagan Yale
                             2022-2023 BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS
    Students are encouraged, but not required, to bring classroom supplies and items needed to benefit from courses
including but not limited to pens, pencils, paper, erasers, etc. Specific class lists for each grade can be found below. If
 the student/parent chooses not to furnish back to school classroom supplies, these items will be made available by the
                                                      school district.

                             OF SCHOOL
 HEMINGFORD ELEMENTARY-PRESCHOOL                                  Backpack
                 MRS. MCCLURE                                     Two boxes of 250 count Kleenex
1 backpack large enough to hold a folder                          One box of gallon size Ziploc bags
1 small plastic pencil box that latches (5.5” x 8”)               1 packaged item for snack
2 small boxes of Crayola Crayons (16 or 24) NO                    Two-#2 wooden pencils-none with plastic coating
ROSE ART PLEASE!-they are not true to color.                      on them
1 basic yellow pencil, regular size                               One pencil box
Two- simple, basic 2 pocket folders -NO
GLITTER FOLDERS                                                         HEMINGFORD ELEMENTARY – 1 ST
2 glue sticks                                                                GRADE-MRS. BENZEL
1 container of Clorox or Lysol wipes
1 container of Wet Ones (for hands and faces) or                  2 boxes of 24 crayons
baby wipes                                                        1 pair of scissors
1 box of Kleenex that pop up, at least 200 count                  2 boxes of 250 count Kleenex
1 container Play-Dough                                            4 glue sticks
1 small water bottle                                              1 pocket folder
1 box of goldfish, graham crackers, animal                        3 containers of Clorox Wipes
crackers or the like                                              1 Box Gallon Ziploc Bags
                                                                  1 box Sandwich Size Ziploc Bags
    HEMINGFORD ELEMENTARY – KDG.                                  3 snack items (cookies, crackers, fruit snack, etc.)
                   MRS. FROST                                     I will send home supply lists during the year when more
Two boxes of Kleenex                                              snacks, Kleenex and Clorox wipes are needed
One container of Playdough(any color)
Plastic Pencil Box                                                               MRS. GASSELING-1ST GRADE
A box of #2 yellow pencils
Two boxes of 16 crayons (regular size)                            2 boxes of 24 crayons (one for each semester)
One spiral notebook                                               1 pair of scissors
Two Pocket Folders-Preferably the ones that are                   8-#2 pencils
sturdy plastic/washable                                           4 glue sticks
Scissors (Fiskars brand)                                          1 one subject Wide ruled notebook
6 glue sticks                                                     1 large eraser
One bag of Plastic disposable cups 9 oz                           1 pocket folder
(No paper or Styrofoam ones)                                      1 bottle of white glue
One box of Dixie Cups                                             2 boxes of Kleenex
One box Ziploc bags (gallon or sandwich size)                     1 container Clorox wipes (any brand)
Two boxes of snacks (crackers, cookies, etc.)

              MS. HEUSMAN-KDG.
One box of 16 or 24 count crayons (regular
One Heavy Duty Plastic Pocket Folder
One Heavy Duty Plastic Folder with Prongs
Scissors (Fiskars brand)
Five glue sticks (no gel sticks or colored glue)
(Ms. Heusman -continued next column)
                             2022-2023 BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS
    Students are encouraged, but not required, to bring classroom supplies and items needed to benefit from courses
including but not limited to pens, pencils, paper, erasers, etc. Specific class lists for each grade can be found below. If
 the student/parent chooses not to furnish back to school classroom supplies, these items will be made available by the
                                                      school district.

                             OF SCHOOL
              MRS. CULLAN- MRS. ROLAND                                   MRS. OSMOTHERLY & MISS JESPERSEN
2 boxes of sharpened #2 pencils
(no mechanical pencils please)                                    1-5 Subject wide ruled spiral notebook
2 large erasers (no handheld pencil sharpeners)                   2 Pocket folders for papers
1 box of 24 crayons                                               12- Yellow #2 Pencils (wooden or mechanic) Please no
1 pair of scissors with metal blades                              plastic wrapped pencils. They ruin our electric pencil
 8-glue sticks                                                    sharpeners.
2-4 oz. Bottle of Elmer’s School Glue (white only)                1 pink eraser
1 hard plastic pencil box                                         1 small pencil bag for colored pencils
1 box of colored pencils (8-12 per box)                           2 boxes of Kleenex (124ct or larger)
2-80 page wide ruled metal bound spiral notebooks                 1 container of Clorox wipes
1 pocket folder                                                   4 Dry Erase Markers (ie. EXPO)
2-large boxes of Kleenex                                          2 different colored Highlighters
1 container of disinfecting wipes                                 Earbuds (to plug into computer)
*If you have a cheap pair of headphones or earbuds
 that are comfortable for your ears that you would                Suggested to have at home; a good collegiate
prefer over the ones issued at school you can bring               dictionary and thesaurus, colored pencils or markers
them for your personal classroom computer.                        for projects.

      HEMINGFORD ELEMENTARY-3RD GRADE                                          HEMINGFORD ELEMENTARY
                        MRS. DEAN                                                      5th & 6th GRADE
15 - #2 lead pencils                                                    MRS. STAUDENMAIER–MRS. CLARK- MRS.
5 dry erase markers                                                                JOHNSTON-MS. FAILOR
1 box crayons                                                     Trapper Keeper-to carry from class to class with
2-erasers                                                         necessary materials
2- glue sticks                                                    4-Spiral notebooks- one of each color: yellow,
1-box colored pencils                                             red, blue, and green
1-bottle white glue                                               2-pocket folders for papers
2-boxes of Kleenex (250 ct.)                                      10-#2 pencils, Wooden or mechanical
2 containers of disinfecting wipes                                Erasers- pink pearl or kneaded gum is the best
1 pair of scissors                                                Colored pencils
1 pencil box/bag                                                  Pencil Bag
1 2-pocket folder                                                 8-Black Expo Markers
1-box of plastic bags (any size)                                  2 boxes of Kleenex
                                                                  2 containers of Clorox Wipes
      HEMINGFORD ELEMENTARY-3RD GRADE                             2-Highlighters of any color
                      MRS. HUDDLE
At least 10 # 2 Wooden Pencils-sharpened
Crayons-1 box of 24 only
1 pkg. of loose leaf wide ruled notebook paper
Kleenex-3 boxes
Colored Pencils-1 box
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