Laurinburg Presbyterian Church - 600 West Church St. Laurinburg, NC 28352 Palm Sunday April 2nd, 2023

Page created by Arthur Tate
Laurinburg Presbyterian Church
 600 West Church St. Laurinburg, NC 28352
 Palm Sunday
 April 2nd, 2023

Our Mission: To Be The Word In Action

 Founded 1859

 Rev. Robert (Bob) E. Button, Interim Pastor
 Pastor John Stanley, CRE
 Dr. José Rivera, Director of Music
 Lee Harris, Organist
 Eleven o’ clock

When Jesus entered Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of the Passover, he knew
what would happen to him. He knew that the antagonism toward him by the
 religious leaders would culminate in his death. He had told his disciples
 that his time was short. He knew that the more he spoke the Truth to the
 powers of that day, the more certain his demise was. The religious
 establishment has always reacted negatively toward those who spoke the
 truth. If Easter has any meaning for us in this modern era, it ought to be
 that Truth will always prevail over untruth. Light will always prevail over
 darkness. We need to be agents of Light/Truth!

If you are new to worship here at Laurinburg Presbyterian, we welcome you. We are
 glad you are here and hope that you will return often. If you are looking for a
 church home, we invite you to make this your spiritual home. We have no other
purpose than to “Be The Word in Action.” And we invite you to become a part of that

Gathering Music

Welcome and Announcement John Stanley, CRE

Prelude “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” arr. Robert Lau

*Call to Worship from: Fresh Winds of the Spirit by Kavon Baylor
 Pastor: Hosanna, Child of David!
 Blessed is the One who comes in the Sovereign’s name!
 People: What is this strange procession?
 Why are people so excited?
 Pastor: The prophet has come!
 The One who talks sense and listens.
 People: But good clothes are being trampled,
 and they’re getting dirty underfoot.
 Pastor: Jesus has no concern about possessions;
 but people have been healed by a touch.
 People: Why would a prophet come here?
 We like things quiet and predictable.
 Pastor: This is the One who saves us,
 who teaches us how to live.
 People: Will salvation bring changes I’ll regret?
 What will it cost to take this One seriously?

*Invocation John Stanley, CRE

*Hymn of Praise #197 “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna”
Invitation to Confession

Corporate Prayer of Confession
Heavenly Father, we tend to look at ourselves through rose colored glasses.
Our vision is imperfect and our understanding is twisted, especially when we
are looking at ourselves. Forgive the times we blame everyone else for the evil
in the world and take no responsibility ourselves. Empower us to recognize
the ways we have polluted your creation and muddied the waters of your
creation by our words and deeds which are designed to make us feel good and
distort your grace. Turn our thoughts in this Holy Week to the gift of life
which Christ gave us on the Cross. We pray in His name. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon

 Leader: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: he humbled
 himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
 People: At the name of Jesus every knee should bow. Thanks be to God!

*Congregational Response: #581 “Glory Be to the Father”

*Passing of the Peace: “May the peace of Christ be with you.”
 “And also with you.”

Time with Children Hillary Sessions

Prayer for Illumination
Awaken us to full attention, God, so we can hear as those who are taught. When
adversaries challenge our faith, stand by to vindicate us. Grant us the
perspective to bear cruel attack or take enthusiastic acclaim in stride. Keep us
humble, that we may be effective witnesses to your love. Amen.

A Lesson from the New Testament Matthew 21:1-11

A Lesson from the Old Testament Psalm 31:9-16

Commentary on The Word “Who Holds the Future?” Rev. Bob Button

The Apostles’ Creed

An Invitation to Giving Rev. Bob Button

Offertory “Jesus, Word of God Incarnate” arr. Raymond H. Herbek
*The Doxology
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him
above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication
When you ask for what we have to give or lend, we want to offer it gladly. Open
our ears and hearts to your requests, O Lord. Open our eyes to see the needs of
others that can be helped through our efforts. Loosen our tongues to tell the
world of the opportunities to be found in your service. Bless now the gifts we
bring in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer and Our Lord’s Prayer

*Hymn of Parting: #198 “Ride On, Ride On in Majesty”

*Charge and Benediction Rev. Bob Button

 (Why we sit for the Postlude: We have been blessed with wonderful organists over
 the years, so it has become a tradition at Laurinburg Presbyterian to remain seated
 for the Postlude and continue to worship and listen for God through music. If you
 need to leave before it ends, we do not mind if you exit reverently.)

Postlude "Oh World, I Now Must Leave Me” Johann Gottfried Walther

*Those who are able are requested to stand.


Dear Congregation,

We of the PNC wanted you to know that we are continuing our search for a pastor. This has
been a difficult process due to the number of churches looking with the limited pool of
candidates. We have recently been told that vacancies are increasing at an alarming rate.
The projection is that there will be 888 vacancies by December 31, which is a 25% increase
during this year.

Add to this is the fact that there has been a 45% drop in the number of candidates earning an
M.Div. since 2005. Simply put, the vacancies are increasing while the pool is decreasing.

There is no way to hurry this process along, nor do we want to simply settle. Our commitment
is to find the best possible candidate to serve our congregation. We are continuing to review
applications and interview when appropriate. Your patience and prayers during this process is
always appreciated.

 The Pastor Staff reminds all church members that if you, your family or other loved
ones are admitted to a health care facility such as a hospital, nursing home or rehab facility,
Laurinburg Presbyterian Church will NOT be automatically notified by these facilities. Such
notification would be in violation of the Privacy Laws.
 If you would like the church staff/church family to know about such an event, please
call and notify the church office: (910) 276-0831, or one of the pastors, after office hours. (Bob
276-806-1482, John 704-616-6000)


In lieu of flowers today, a donation has been made to the Pastor’s Discretionary
Fund in memory of Bill and Emma McInnis by the family.

There is an error in “The Messenger” on the date of the next Dyer/Eshleman GRACE
Group gathering. Their gathering will take place on Sunday, April 16th at 5:30 pm at
their home. Come to enjoy BBQ, sides and desserts!

Today 12:00 pm Easter Egg Hunt
Monday 4/3 6:00 pm BEG Meeting
 7:00 pm Circle 1 Meeting
Tuesday 4/4 3:00 pm Circle 2 Meeting
Thursday 4/6 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service
Friday 4/7 12:00 pm Good Friday Service at Trinity Presbyterian Church

Deacon Greeters/Visitors
March 26-April 1 Beverly Bowling
April 2-8 Becca Hughes Usher Team 2:
April 9-15 Heather Bounds *Brian Bounds Charles Bounds
April 16-22 Katie Clark David Bounds Turner Bounds
April 23-29 Wayne Hobbs Walt Bounds Eddie Carmichael
April 30-May 6 Louise Mabry Bob Dyer Jim Mason
 Boyd McLaurin Randy Miller
Sanctuary Committee: Kevin Patterson Bill Purcell, II
*Candy Nichols Heather Bounds Chip Wells Ed O’Neal
Jane McLaurin Debra Sutherland

The Mission Committee is looking for volunteers to be available for the Honey-Do-
Crew work day on May 6th. There are times when members need a ride to a Dr.
Appointment, for errands, groceries, etc. Or maybe they have an odd job they need
done; a lightbulb changed or a picture hung. If you are available let Lisa in the
church office know. And if you are in need of this type of service, the Honey-Do-
Crew would be honored to assist. Let Lisa know!
Please let the church office know if you have a High School Senior who will
graduate this year!
There are scholarship opportunities available on the LPC website:
Deadlines and requirements vary, so if you have an eligible upcoming or existing
college student, please take a look at what is available. If you have any questions or
need any help please call or email Dawn Sellers at 910-277-6331 or


Wayne Hobbs, recovering after shoulder replacement surgery.

Bill Hill, prayers for complete recovery after a stroke.

The Family of John Gulledge, who died March 23rd.

Barbara Salzlein, at Scottish Pines recovering from a hospital stay.

Jim Coughenour, recovering from knee surgery.

Miriam Bounds, recovering from heart surgery.

Penny McLaurin, dealing with health concerns.

Beth Thomas Miller, daughter of Sis Thomas, as she recovers from by-pass

Andy Button, brother of Rev. Bob Button, diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.

Mark McCanna, brother of Joel McCanna, who has been diagnosed with cancer.

The Simmons Family; Sammy is receiving treatment for leukemia, and Sammy and
Linda’s granddaughter in Charlotte, Sarah Tezzi, has serious complications from a back
surgery and is in a lot of pain. Please keep Sammy, Linda, Sarah and the whole family
in your prayers.

Mary Margaret Miller welcomes our prayers.

Scotia Village Skilled Nursing:
Mackey McCormick, Anne Ramsay Melton, Marie Love, Doug Hix, Elizabeth
McIntosh, Lou Presler

Scotia Village Assisted Living (Heather Glen):
Daphne Gaw, Ann Hatcher
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