LOGOS May 2022 2022 Congregational Watchword: Lancaster Moravian Church

Page created by Zachary Estrada
LOGOS May 2022 2022 Congregational Watchword: Lancaster Moravian Church
May 2022
                                     2022 Congregational Watchword:
                            With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:3

                       Ignoring Sabbath = DEATH: Pastor Mandy’s Sabbatical

Several weeks ago, as Eddie was reading the assigned passage from Exodus 35 during worship, a part

of the reading jumped out to me in a way it never had before:

Moses assembled all the congregation of the Israelites and said to them: These are the things that the

LORD has commanded you to do: Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a

holy sabbath of solemn rest to the LORD; whoever does any work on it shall be put to death. You shall

kindle no fire in all your dwellings on the sabbath day. (Exodus 35:1-3)

The sentence that got my attention was: “Whoever does any work on the sabbath shall be put to

death.” Wow, a strong punishment for something that to many of us seems so simple. During worship, I

took a pen, and not seeing a piece of paper nearby, wrote a message on my hand, “Ignoring

sabbath=DEATH!” The laws of the Hebrew Bible were strict, and many things were punishable by death.

Sabbath rest is important for so many reasons: (1) because it sets aside time for us to focus our energy

and attention on God. (2) Because it sets a cultural precedent and reminds us that “money” and

“productivity” should not control our lives. (3) Because our bodies need time to rest and be refreshed. I

would argue that ignoring sabbath is still “punishable” by death, but not in the same way the writer of

Exodus intended. Ignoring the need for rest and refreshment can lead to death through heart disease,

anxiety, depression, and a variety of other ailments. God knows how much we need that refreshment

and implores us to set aside time to be refreshed in God’s presence.

In March, the Rev. Dr. Betsy Miller, president of the Northern Province of the Moravian Church, sent a

memo to clergy regarding sabbaticals. In it she wrote, “Perhaps you are feeling the weight and burden

of leadership during COVID and the toll it has taken on you professionally and spiritually. In an effort to

provide you the rest and support you may be craving, the PEC (Provincial Elders Conference) is offering

a “pandemic special” for clergy sabbaticals that are specifically designed for you…I pray that you

recognize that a sabbatical is an investment in your capacity to provide effective quality leadership in

your ministry setting.” Betsy and the PEC have made it clear that they take the mandate of sabbath rest

so seriously, that they are willing to pay for opportunities for clergy to seek an extended time of it.

I think all of you know that I love to keep a busy and full schedule, and while the work of ministry is

indeed work, it is also extremely life-giving to me. Sometimes, in my excitement, I lose sight of the need

for sabbath rest, which the Unified Board and many of you have helped to remind me of on occasion.

With that in mind, I will be taking one of these “pandemic special sabbaticals.” I am grateful to the

Province and the Unified Board for approving this time off for spiritual renewal, and I am thankful to all

of those individuals who have agreed to step in to offer coverage while I am away.

                                                                                 continued on page 2
LOGOS May 2022 2022 Congregational Watchword: Lancaster Moravian Church
My sabbatical begins on May 23, 2022, and on the 24th I will be heading to Kalama, Washington, where I

will be spending 10 days at a Buddhist Meditation Center. I will have full access to all of the programing

and resources that they offer during that time. The meditation center is less than an hour from the base

of Mt. St. Helens which is the main focus of my trip. I was born while Mt. St. Helens was erupting just

about 42 years ago. I have always wanted to go and have never made the time. For most of my adult

life, my health would have kept me from doing any lengthy walking or hiking by myself, but now, I am in

good enough health that I plan to hike at least part of the mountain. I also have found some neat

waterfalls and natural sites nearby that I plan to check out. I am looking forward to seeing how God

reveals herself to me in this new setting. I will be coming home on June 4, 2022, and Edna and I will be

taking some time to get settled into the new parsonage, which I hope to move into just before my trip.

Donna, the Unified Board, and I have been working together to make sure that everything is in place for

life to continue as normal while I am away. I am thankful to Phil Woffindin, Michael Evans, Randy

D’Angelo and Devin Jeffers (the pastor at First Reformed Church, Lancaster) for their worship leadership

on Sundays. I am also thankful for Dean Jurgen (retired pastor from Lititz Moravian who will lead

Pentecost Communion on June 5, 2022).

Rev. Devin Jeffers, the pastor at First Reformed Church, Lancaster will be leading Spirit Time for the ADS

each Wednesday, and Rev. Timothy Naisby the Chaplain at Moravian Manor will tentatively be leading

ZOOM Devotions on the regularly scheduled Wednesday Evenings. Donna and I are still coordinating

with congregation members to help lead our other regularly scheduled events, so be on the lookout for a

call or email from her or myself in the next week or so.

I want you to be assured that if a pastoral care need arises for you or a family member during the time

that I am away, there are pastors who have agreed to step in for non-scheduled pastoral care needs like

prayer requests, hospital visits or surgeries, or other concerns that may arise. I am grateful to Rev. Mark

Breland (Pastor at Lititz Moravian Church) and Michael Evans for their willingness to fill in in this way. A

third pastor will also be available, TBD. Each week the primary and secondary person to reach out to will

be listed with their contact information in the bulletin, and an email will be sent also. When in doubt

contact Donna, who can direct you to the right person.

I covet your prayers during this time. I am so grateful for this opportunity and am hopeful that the time

away does as Betsy said allow me to return to do more “effective quality leadership” at Lancaster

Moravian Church, Moravian Center Adult Day, and the broader Lancaster community.

As always it is a blessing to serve you and to serve with you!

Love and Blessings!

Pastor Mandy
Conversations That Matter

Lent is often thought of as a time during which we begrudgingly forgo a
handful of pleasures, such as giving up soda, coffee, or sweets. This
Lenten and Easter season, however, I invite you to approach it as an
opportunity -- an opportunity to let go of excuses for failings and
shortcomings; to stop hanging on to our inflated sense of self and
goodness; and to ask God to show us what we really look like. To do this
takes faith in the good news that Jesus Christ overcame sin through his
suffering, death, and resurrection. It also takes courage, vulnerability,
and community.

Continuing through Pentecost (6/5/22), please join us Sunday mornings
at 9:00 AM on the third floor of LMC as we share in “Conversations That
Matter,” – conversations intended to explore the scriptures, delve into
our questions and doubts, and thereby deepen our faith and enrich our
lives as we journey with Jesus. The topics will be informed by (but not
limited to) a resource entitled, “Suffering and Glory: Meditations for Holy
Week and Easter” published by Christianity Today International. Please
feel free to bring your coffee or other beverage and pull up a chair.
Looking forward to getting together.

                                          Phil Woffindin

Dear Church Family,
A specfial thank you for the cards, well
wishes and prayers during my hip
replacement and recovery.
I truly felt the love.

Arlene Hibner
Moravian Women will be meeting on Thursday May 5th at 1PM on Zoom. We
will be continuing our study of Philippeans by Max Lucado. This months
lesson is on "Eternal Focus" and looks at Philippeans 3:12-21. After his
conversion on the road to Damascus, Paul's driving passion was to press on
toward the goal that he had been called to. That goal was to know Christ and
make him known to the world.
  Please join us for an afternoon of fellowship and the knowledge of God's
word.                Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7276959529
                                meeting ID # 7276959529
Nancy Sturgis

                                                " EXCITING NEWS"

                           Lancaster Moravian Church Bazaar Christmas in July
                                     Saturday, July 16,2022 9am-1pm

      Bazaar Friends,

      Time to clean out closets...Please save all gently used holiday decorations for July
   16th bazaar. Please coordinate with Susan Schulze .

      We need to continue to fill volunteer positions. If you can spare a few hours
   please let me know where you would like to help.

    Our next Zoom meeting will be Thurs., May 5, 2022 at 2 PM following Moravian
   Women. If you can't attend please call, text,or email me with ideas, and questions.

     This will be an AWSOME BIZAARE BAZAAR!! Exciting.

     Thank you,

     Susie Evans
     (717) 471-6049

            NUMBER IS: 50003.
          DUE TO STORAGE SPACE LIMITATIONS,                        May 26th Book Club meeting
        IF YOU ARE ABLE TO DONATE DIRECTLY TO                             at 2 PM on Zoom

   We received $64.44 from Community Aid for the           Go on a powerful journey of forgiveness and
   4th quarter of 2021                                     healing with The Light Through the Leaves, a
                                                           transcendent novel of love, loss, and self-
                                                           discovery by the Wall Street Journal bestselling
                                                           author of Where the Forest Meets the Stars.

                                                                            meeting ID # 7276959529
                                                              INCOME & EXPENSES
                                                                               MARCH              YTD
                                                    Operating Income    9,952    $ 26,927
                                                    Operating Expense $ 18,853   $ 48,210
 Hedda, Stephen, Elaine, Charlene,
        Jan, Kate H., Marla
Cindy Campbell, Charlotte Howell,
Elaine Sturgis, Annetta M.

                                                               To take advantage of online giving you may
                                                                        access the following links:
                                                             Lancaster Moravian Church

                                                             Moravian Center Adult Day
Saturday, May 21st at 9 AM.
Come prepared for the weather,
and meet outside the church

                                                                     meeting ID # 7276959529
       none to report                                                                    UNIFIED BOARD
                                                                                         Wayne Kautz
                                                                                         Fay Hill
                                                                                         Jan Stein
                                                                                         Priscilla Weidman
                                                                                         Joe Schulter
                                                                                         Susie Evans
                                                                                         Charlie Graybill
                                                                                         Dave Herber (Associate)
                                                                                    Rev. Mandy Mastros — Pastor
                                                                                 Donna Schilke - Admin Asst./Editor
                                                                                       Terry Gott - Bookkeeper

                                                                               Office Hours at Moravian Center
                                                                                 Office is open: M-F, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM

                                                                                      Pastor’s office hours:
   MAY BIRTHDAYS                                                                    Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
                                                                                  ~ other times by appointment ~
 Eddie Graybill    May 9th
 Janis Easton      May 13th                                                       Articles and items appearing in the
                                                                              newsletter are due by the second Monday of
 Mandy Mastros     May 18th                                                    every month. Material & comments should
                                                                                   be submitted to the church office.

                                      Lancaster Moravian Church
                                     227 N. Queen St, Lancaster PA, 17603
                                       Pastor Mandy M. Mastros, LSW
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