Bulletin - Sept. 16 2018 for WEB_.pub (Read-Only) - St Anthony's Parish
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St. Anthony Church 123 Hilldale Road Thunder Bay, ON P7G 1H6 Ph: 768-1878 Fax: 768-9366 Email: admin@stanthonysparish.ca www.stanthonysparish.ca St. Anthony’s Parish is a Catholic Faith community rich in cultural diversity with a strong flavor of identity. Our mission is to foster a strong spir- itual growth of life and faith in our fami- lies, community and society by sharing the gift of our time, treasures and tal- ents. We hope to do this with a Spirit of Christian generosity that brings us closer to the blessing of unity, peace and reconciliation. Like St. Anthony called to love and to serve - we try our best in following Christ on the road of this world using God-given gifts for his glory and for the good of our brothers and sisters. ****************************** Pastor Fr. Luigi Filippini Deacon Rev. Dave Cattani Rev. Pasquale Coccimiglio Office Admin Mary Stefanile Custodian Raffaele Stefanile ****************************** Rite Christian Initiation Adults — R.C.I.A. Call the office at 768-1878 St. Anthony Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am-12 noon 1:00pm- 4:00pm Church Groups & Ministries - Contact the office at 768-1878 Funerals Contact the office Altar Servers Sandra Coccimiglio Hospitality Ministry John Marrelli Communion to the Sick Contact the office Music Ministry Laura Daniele Children’s Liturgy Sandi Krasowski Ministers of the Word Louis Romito Pastoral Council Rory Cava Knights of Columbus Vic Augruso Eucharistic Ministers Helen Iorianni Catholic Women’s League Virginia Butorac Financial Council Tom Mihaljevic Holy Name Society Tom Mihaljevic Baptism Preparation Leah Nadin Seniors Maria Floreancig Youth Ministry Pasquale & Sandra Coccimiglio For Daily & Weekend Mass Intentions see inside SATURDAY: 5:00 PM (English) SUNDAY: 9:00 AM (Italian - English) & 11:00 AM (English) Registration: Parish Census Forms at Church entrance or call the Office. Baptism: Parish Membership & Baptism class required. Please contact the Office. Marriage: Parish Membership & Preparation required. Contact Office 6 months in advance. Reconciliation - Confession: Saturday 4:00pm & 30 min. before each Daily Mass or on request. Anointing of the sick: Every First Friday of the Month during the Mass & on request. Church & Hall at one level: Wheelchair Access & Washroom Facilities available. Hall: 768-9368
XXIVSunday in Ordinary Time Sept. 16/18 BISHOP’S DIOCESAN I will walk before the lord, in the land of the living. MINISTRY CAMPAIGN In the presentation of the life and min- Our goal this year is $29, 000.00, istry of Jesus found in the Gospel of to date we have reached 8% Mark, the deeds of Jesus have shown This campaign will run from Jesus to be the Son of God. Yet many, including Jesus’ disciples, have not yet September until mid December. realized his identity. In today’s Gospel, Cheques can be made out to Jesus asks the disciples for a field re- St. Anthony’s Church port by asking what others say about All donations are tax– deductible. him. He then turns the question direct- A letter with a pamphlet and pledge ly to the disciples and asks what they believe. Peter speaks for all of them card will be available in the church when he announces that they believe Jesus to be the lobby. Please pick up your assigned Christ. The word Christ is the Greek translation of the He- envelope in our Lobby. brew word for Messiah, which means “the anointed one.” Thank you for your continued generosity. At the time of Jesus, the image of the Messiah was laden May God bless us all on our journey with popular expectations, most of which looked for a polit- ical leader who would free the Jewish people from Roman as a community of believers. occupation. Jesus refers to himself instead as the Son of If you do not find your envelope in our lobby Man, a term derived from the Jewish Scriptures, found in or are a new donor, please contact the office. the Book of Daniel. Son of Man is best understood to mean “human being.” CHOIR HELP: The choir is looking for some- one who can put the overheads on the pro- CHANGE IN OUR DIOCESE: The Scalabrini jector during the Saturday Mass at 5:00pm. Fathers are leaving their ministry in our dio- If you are a high school student, you can use cese on October 15 after many years of faithful this time toward your Volunteer Hours. No service. We thank Fr. Maurizio for his ministry experience needed. Contact Laura Daniele and wish him the very best in his future. Fr. or anyone in the choir. Dan Lapolla, C.S. will still be with us while as- sisting Fr. Mahoney with the Italian Community YOUTH CHOIR: Do you sing or play an in- at St. Dominic’s Parish. strument? Come & join our Youth Choir. Next practice is Thursday, September 27 from HOLY NAME SOCIETY MEETING: Sunday, 7:30pm-8:30pm. Ages 7 & up. For more info September 16th following the 9:00am Mass. contact alanavalente87@gmail.com Elections will be held. FUNERAL ENGLISH CHOIR PRACTICE: YOUTH GROUP: meeting Sunday, September Monday, October 1 at 9:30am. 23 from 7:00pm-8:30pm in the church meeting room. All Youth Gr. 7 and up are welcome. 11:00AM MASS CHOIR: practice Monday, R.C.I.A PROGRAM: The Rite of Christian Initi- October 1 at 7:00pm ation Program for Adults is for those who have never been baptized or belong to another faith. ST. ANTHONY’S C.W.L. Two Bit Auction For more info call Fr. Luigi at the rectory. Sun., Oct. 14 from 2-4pm. Tickets $5 or $6 _____________________________________________ at the door, also available at the Rectory. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THE GREEK For more info call 768-1878. Donations may WORD “Kyrie eleison”? be dropped off at the office. Only NEW Originally the word “Kyrie” was probably ad- ITEMS, please. Thank you. dressed to God, not necessarily to Christ, and “eleison” was a general cry for mercy, not a Thank you Parishioners & visiting friends specific appeal for forgiveness. It was even for your continued generosity & support. recommended that the Kyrie be eliminated at God Bless! Masses in which the Gloria would be sung” The Kyrie is omitted only when the third option of the Penitential Act is used.
MASS INTENTIONS September 17 - 23, 2018 XXIV Domenica del Tempo Ordinario / B Monday, September 17 9:00am English Non fate mai a nessuno la do- All Parishioners Pastor manda “la gente cosa dice di Dorothy Furioso S. Brophy me?” Domanda pericolosissima In honour of St. Anthony & St. Rita E. Bonazza per almeno tre motivi. Primo: perché solo Dio ci conosce vera- Tuesday, September 18 7:00pm Italian mente fino in fondo, gli altri ve- Giacinto & Lidia Berardi son M. Berardi dono solo un'apparenza, ma non Maria & Emilio Costanzo Rosa & Clara sanno praticamente quasi niente Franco Longo, Defunti Frappa & Leonello Biasiol Figli & Nipoti Maria & Emilio Gerdevic & Antonio & Angelina Costantino Friend di noi. Secondo perché questa domanda può procedere da un Wednesday, September 19 7:00pm English sottile orgoglio che va in cerca di Phyllis Bisignano R. Furioso riconoscimenti e apprezzamenti e terzo perché vi potrebbe capitare Vincenzo & Angela Clasadonte Son di... aver bisogno di un cavallo come accade nella storiella che se- Danny, Eugenio, Rosina, Giacinto & Lidia Berardi, Peter Tucci & Sisina Serravalle J. & C. Berardi gue. • La verità e il cavallo - C'era una volta uno sceicco arabo Thursday, September 20 7:00pm Italian che chiamò uno dei suoi consiglieri per chiedergli cosa si diceva di Rosina & Bruno Caruso sorella Bruna lui nel paese. Il consigliere disse :” Sissignore, ma cosa preferite Adelaide Zussino Delfina & Family sapere: la verità o una risposta che vi piaccia”. “La verità, la veri- Giuseppe Rizzo Wife & Family tà!!!” rispose lo sceicco . “Ebbene ve la dirò signore se promettete di darmi in cambio il premio che vi chiederò”. “Chiedi quel che vuoi Friday, September 21 7:00pm English e te lo darò perché la verità non ha prezzo”. “Mi basta un premio Maria Nardi F. Donato molto piccolo, disse allora il consigliere, datemi un cavallo per fug- Deceased of Nicola D’Alessio I. D’Angelo gire, non appena avrò finito di dirvi la verità”. Salvatore Sanzo Wife & Family Luigi DiBiagio Lori & Angelo & Fam. COMMUNITY EVENTS Antonietta Gallo † Ferruccio Bitonte Family M. Bitonte-Ceci CATHOLIC PASTORAL Saturday, September 22 5:00pm CENTRE “OPEN HOUSE”: Jose Cabral Maria & Family Thurs., Sept. 20, 7:00pm-9:00pm (1222 Reaume St.— Antonella Felice M. Bitonte Raffaele Mauro P. & M. Buso behind the police station). Visit the Ministry Offices. Giovanni Niccoli L. & E. Caruso Staff will be available to answer any questions regard- Francesca Stefanile Russo V. & R. Larizza ing the ministries that are supported by the Diocese of Rosina Bossio Niccoli Family Luigi & Emilia Francella Family Thunder Bay. The Chapel will be open for anyone Maria Bennardo Ciddio V. & A. Augruso wishing to stop in. Browse through the selection of Laurina Tropea B. & E. Melchiorre books, gifts & religious articles. Bishop Colli will be Maria Nardi DiGregorio Family Giuseppe Pienig Gina & Family available to bless any articles towards which a dona- Gayle Hudson Family tion is made. Enter a draw for 2 door prizes. Coffee & Dennis Menean Wife & Family sweets will be available for your enjoyment! Sunday, September 23 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am LIFE IN THE SPIRIT PRAYER NIGHT: The Kitchitwa Defunti Righetti & Maccadanza R. & M. Maccadanza Francesca DiSimone E. Serravalle Kateri is hosting a prayer night every Wednesday Antonio Berti G. Paladino & Family evening at 7:00pm in their boardroom. Join a night of In onore di S. Padre Pio E. Rucchetto prayer, music and worship, based on the Life in the Sam Bruzzese & Jean Ann LaBelle Family 60th Wedding Anniversary Blessing of Gennaro & Filomena Biancospino Spirit. For more info call Grace Esquega at 285-8598. 11:00am GRIEF SUPPORT SESSION: open to all & free. For Peter & Lucia Sandri Gina Giovanni Malench Family those who are grieving, support as we look into the Manuel Jose Family grief process, the meaning, and offer healing through Frank Tropea R. & S. Tassone In honour of St. Padre Pio G. & G. Magisano understanding & support. Tues., Sept. 25, 5:00pm- Giuseppantonio Rosso Rosina 7:00pm at Brodie Street Public Library. Refreshments Adelina & Ilidio DaSilva E. & M. Novo will be served. RSVP by calling 807-708-7683. Spon- Emilio & Marietta Pucci & Deceased Family M. & A. Berardi sored by Jenkens Funeral Home & Arbor Memorial. EXPERIENCE TAIZE’: An Ecumenical service of prayer, song, silence and contemplation. Prayer Ser- vices will be held the third Friday of the month (beginning in October) at 7:00pm. All events at Corpus Christi Parish. For more information email taizet- bay@gmail.com or visit on Facebook: Taize’ Thunder † Let us pray for Eugenio Serravalle who recently passed away. Bay.
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