Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ...

Page created by Wesley Floyd
Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ...
Parish STAFF

    28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103
 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax:
Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ...
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of
                 Mass Schedule                                                         the Universe
Saturday, November 20: Vigil Mass                                                     November 21, 2021
5:00pm: Elizabeth Montgomery, John Zgombic,                                Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the
        Jessie & Charles Chanchi, Alberto Russo.                           Dead and ruler of the Kings of the earth. Revelation 1:5
Sunday, November 21: Thirty-Fourth Sunday in                               CHRIST, THE KING
Ordinary Time                                                                  The selection from the book of
7:45am: Cesare Gaviglia & Joesph Sclafani.                                 Daniel presented in today’s first
9:00am: Angela Garofalo, Celestino Bastiani,                               reading was part of an attempt to
        Giordano Vlacich, Gloria Burgo                                     weave a vision of ultimate success
        Rosa Badalamente & Luigi Davi,                                     for the Jews under persecution.
10:30am:Amada Leon & Flavio Mendez, Javier Lucero.                         Exactly whom the author had in
12:00pm: Maria Frankovic.                                                  mind when he refers to “one like a
Monday, November 22: Last Week in Ordinary Time                            Son of Man” is hotly disputed by
12:00pm: Rose DeLuca.                                                      scholars today.
Tuesday, November 23:
8:00am:Branca & Pisano Families.                                           The fact is, we simply do not know if the author meant
Wednesday, November 24:                                                    anyone in particular or if this is a collective, figurative
12:00pm: Assunta & RaFFaele Mastrogiacomo,                                 image of Israel’s triumph. What we do know is that the
         Collin’s Family, Dean Mackey.                                     early Christian community seized upon this passage and
Thursday, November 25: Thanksgiving Day                                    recognized it as a messianic prophecy, a foretelling of the
9:00am: People of the Parish.                                              ultimate triumph of Jesus as the Christ of God. The
Friday, November 26:                                                       Lectionary’s juxtaposition of this text with today’s Gospel
9:00am: Bolivar Ramos.                                                     narrative of Jesus before Pilate is a wonderful example of
Saturday, November 27: Blessed Virgin Mary                                 how the liturgy “layers” passages with new meaning by
8:00am: Gianfranco Goglia.                                                 inserting them in a particular context.
5:00pm: Jody Xubert, Maria & Anna Stankievicz,
        Denise Hernandez, Pietro Tiseo.                                        The celebration of Christ the King allows us to hear
Sunday, November 28: First Sunday of Advent                                these passages with a new depth of meaning in light of
                                                                           our contemporary understanding of how, in Jesus and his
7:45am: Maria & Peter A. Gaviglia.                                         resurrection and ascension, we have seen the fulfillment
9:00am: Anthony Hung Phan, Giordano Vlacich,                               of Daniel’s vision of ultimate deliverance. The veiled
         Maria Dellapolla, Calogero Lomanto,                               admission of Jesus before Pilate that he did indeed have
         Joseph Casamassa.                                                 a kingdom “not here” takes on new meaning against the
10:30am: Eneyda Alonso, Javier Lucero,                                     cosmic vision of Daniel, who allows us to glimpse the
         Angel Rodriguez & Telesfora Flores.                               “Ancient One” on his heavenly throne.
12:00pm: Dorothy Green & Mary Swift.                                       *******************************************************
************************************************************************   READINGS FOR THE WEEK
                                                                           Monday:     Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4
Sanctuary Lamp                                                             Tuesday:    Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11
For the week of November 22-26 will                                        Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67;
burn in memory of Freidrich & Eileen                                                   Lk 21:12-19
Sinn. As requested by Allyson &                                            Thursday: Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lk 21:20-28
                                                                           Thanksgiving Day, Suggested: Sir 50:22-24;
Steven La Preta                                                                        Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19
                                                                           Friday:     Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33
Sanctuary Lamp                                                             Saturday: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36
For the weekend of November 27-28                                          Sunday:     Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14;
                                                                                       1 Thes 3:12 — 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
will burn in memory of Joseph                                              Sunday:     Dn 7:13-14; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Rv 1:5-8;
Cassamassa.                                                                            Jn 18:33b-37
As requested by Joe & Mayra DiRico

                                                                                            The Sick and the Homebound
  WEEKLY CONTRIBUTIONS: Nov. 13 & 14 2021                                             Dorothy Groat, Adrian Zhumi, Jadira Ocampo,
First Collection: $4,537.00                                                             Maria Carmen Rosa, Gloria Meyo, Sandra
Second Collection : $2,587.00                                                                  Umlauf, and Carla Molina
(Christmas Mass Rememberance)                                                    Those Who Have Entered into Eternal Life
TOTAL: $7,124.00                                                                 Carole Lombardi, John G. Dempsey,
Thank you for your generosity.                                                    Joseph Hillery & Lucille Marra
Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ...
2022 Mass Book Opening                                                              Message From The Pastor
                 The Mass Book for 2022 is open to                         Recently, Yvonne a parishioner gave me a
                 the public, from 9:30am 3:30p.m.                          belated birthday gift. It is called “LET GOD LOVE
                 Mass reservations should be made in                       YOU.” The poem reads. Be silent. Be still. Alone.
                 person not email or phone during the                      Empty. Before your God. Ask nothing. Be silent. Be still.
                 month of November. The offering for                       Let your God look upon you. That is all. He knows. He
                 a Mass will be $15.00, during the                         understands. He loves you with an enormous love. He
                                                                           only wants to look upon you with His love. Quiet. Still.
week and $25.00 on the weekends. We ask that you
                                                                           Be. Let your God love you. As we begin Advent next
have your names, and dates prepared on a sheet of                          Sunday, let us be still and let our God love us. Blessed
paper when you come to book a mass. Masses are                             Feast of Christ the King!
booked on a first come/first serve basis
        Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults                             In Christ,
If you are an adult who is not baptized, baptized non-                     Father Vincent
Catholic or baptized Catholic who is seeking to
complete initiation into the Catholic Church through
the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist you
are invited to "COME & SEE."
RCIA is the process for you.                                               Ushers Needed:
If you have been married civilly, but not yet in the                       We need 6 Permanent Ushers to serve at the 12 noon
Catholic Church and are interested to receive the                          Mass every Sunday, If you are willing to serve as an
Sacrament of Matrimony. Please call the Parish office                      usher please call the parish office.
to get more information. 718-278-1611                                                                       ******
************************************************************************   Eucharist Ministers Needed:
              Parish Giving Tree                                           If you are interested in serving at St. Joseph’s Parish as
                    Beginning the weekend of                               an Eucharist Minister, please contact: The parish office:
                    November 27-28, the Parish                             718-278-1611 or email to:
                    Giving Tree will again be trimmed
                                                                           The parish of St, Joseph is looking for
                    with ornaments specifying gifts for                    a DJ that can volunteer his services
                    local charitable organizations. This                   during our parish festivities.
                    year the Sisters of Life, and parish                   If you are interested, please contact our church office at
                    families in need will benefit.                         78-278-1611.
If you or someone you know is in need, please contact                      ************************************************************************
the parish office. Be sure to take advantage of after-                              Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Thanksgiving Day sales!                                                    The Divine Mercy Prayer Group, will meet on Mondays
************************************************************************   starting November 1st, after the 12:00 Noon Mass.
                                                                           Monday in prayer and become part of The Divine Mercy
                                                                           Prayer Group.

       The goal at St. Joseph’s Church is $50,048.                           YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO
                                                                            ATTEND A SPECIAL THANKSGIVING
   As of November 8, 202; 103 families have pledged
     $45,311.00 The ACA has received $44,222.31                                      DAY LITURGY
Once we exceed our goal, we will then receive 100% of                                       November 25, 2021
all funds raised above this figure directly back to                                             9:00 a.m.
our parish, Please consider making a pledge to our
Dioceses. Thank you for your cooperation!
************************************************************************   On this day we all unite together to thank God
Masses in Honor of St. Joseph                                              for His many Blessings.
Join us for our last 2 consecutive Wednesday Masses in
honor of Saint Joseph at 7:30 p.m., here in our church.
Nov. 23 (Tuesday) and Dec. 1,
November 23rd Deacon Phil Franco (Tuesday)
December 1st Rev. James Kuroly
St. Joseph End year Mass
Please join us for the Closing of the Year of Saint Joseph                 We also invite you to please donate non perishable
December 4, 2021 Mass at 11:00 am with Bishop Chappetto.                   food for our St. Joseph Food Pantry.
Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ...
Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ...
Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ...
Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ...
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del
            21 de noviembre de 2021
Gracia y paz a ustedes, de parte de Jesucristo, el testigo
fiel, el primogénito de los muertos, el soberano de los
reyes de la tierra.                      — Apocalipsis 1:5
     La selección del libro de Daniel para la primera lectura
de hoy forma parte de un intento de tejer una visión del
éxito final de los judíos perseguidos. Exactamente qué tenía
el autor en mente cuando se refiere a “uno semejante a un
Hijo de hombre” es muy disputado por los eruditos de hoy.
El hecho es que, simplemente, no sabemos si el autor quiso
decir a alguien en particular o si se trata de una imagen
colectiva, figurativa del triunfo de Israel. Lo que sí sabemos             The office will be closed Thursday November 25 and
es que la primera comunidad cristiana se apoderó de este                   Friday November 26 in observance of Thanksgiving.
pasaje y lo reconoció como una profecía mesiánica, un                      *******************************************************
anuncio de la victoria final de Jesús como el Cristo de Dios.
El contraste que hace el leccionario de este texto con la
narrativa del Evangelio de hoy de Jesús ante Pilato es un                  Thanksgiving Prayer
maravilloso ejemplo de cómo la liturgia da a ciertos pasajes                                          Dear Lord,
nuevas “capas” de significado mediante la inserción en un                             As we gather together around this table
contexto particular.                                                                    laden with your plentiful gifts to us,
     La celebración de Cristo Rey nos permite escuchar                                  we thank You for always providing
estos pasajes con una nueva profundidad de significado a                                          what we really need
la luz de nuestra comprensión contemporánea de cómo,                                     and for sometimes granting wishes
en Jesús y su Resurrección y Ascensión, hemos visto el                                     for things we don't really need.
cumplimiento de la visión de Daniel de la liberación                                    Today, let us be especially thankful
final. La admisión velada de Jesús ante Pilato que,                                    for each other--for family and friends
efectivamente, él tenía un reino pero “no aquí” toma un                              who enrich our lives in wonderful ways,
nuevo significado con la visión cósmica de Daniel                                   even when they present us with challenges.
sirviendo de fondo, que nos permite vislumbrar al                                              Let us join together now
“Anciano” en su trono celestial.                                                            in peaceful, loving fellowship
************************************************************************                     to celebrate Your love for us
LA VERDADERA GRATITUD                                                                    and our love for each other. Amen.
    Recordemos que así, como lo mucho que se nos ha
dado, mucho se espera de nosotros y que el verdadero
agradecimiento viene del corazón y se expresa con la
boca, además se muestra con las obras. —Theodore Roosevelt
    Un corazón agradecido no es sólo la virtud más
grande, sino el padre de todas las otras virtudes. —Cicerón

Apertura del libro de Misas del 2022
El Libro de Misas para 2022 abierto al público de 9:30
a.m. a 3:30 p.m. Si desea reservar una misa para una
intención especial, o para un difunto debe reservarla
ahora No se aceptará reservaciones por correo
electrónico o teléfono durante el mes de noviembre.
La ofrenda para una misa será de $15.00, durante la
semana y $25.00 los fines de semana.
Venta de comida y Boletos para una Rifa
El Grupo Guadalupano tendrá su venta de comida el
próximo domingo 28 de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. También
les invitamos para que contribuyan con la compra de
boletos para la rifa que se llevara a cabo el 5 de
Diciembre el 2001.
Primer premio $500, canastas de víveres y muchos
premios mas. Todos los fondos a recaudarse servirán
para la festividad del día de la Viren de Guadalupe. Les
agradecemos por su contribución.
Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ...

St. Joseph #453100


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Wednesday by noon

Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ... Parish STAFF - OFFICE of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611 Fax: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church | ...
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