Page created by Nathaniel Stephens
                                 Dialogo interreligioso

                                                        a cura di
                                      Riccardo Burigana

Aggiornamento 31/03/2021
Il presente elenco bibliografico si fonda sullo spolio delle riviste indicate in BDD-Bibliografica in
Bibliografica                                                     1
                                       Dialogo interreligioso

    Dialogo interreligioso BDD-DoAs

-   ABAD JULIÁN, El diálogo interreligioso, postulado de la razón y exigencia de la fe, in «Revista Aragonesa
    de Teología», 24 (2018), pp. 7-20
-   AIHIOKHAI SIMON MARY ASESE, Fostering interreligious encounters in pluralist societies: hospitality and
    friendship, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
-   AIHIOKHAI SIMON MARY ASESE, Social Justice and Rituals of Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Perspectives
    from African Religion and Roman Catholic Christianity, in «Journal of ecumenical studies», 55/2 (2020),
    pp. 229-257
-   AKINLOYE IDOWU A., Analysis of the Constitutionality, Practicability, and Enforceability of Tax Regulations
    Against Religious Organizations in Nigeria, in «Journal of Church and State», 62 (2020), pp. 690-712
-   ALDERDICE JOHN THOMAS, The Role of Religious Experience in Ecumenical and Inter-Faith Dialogue, in
    «Downside Review», 138 (2020), pp. 118-121
-   ANDRAOS MICHEL, Sfide teologiche e pastorali a lungo termine: una riflessione dal Canada, in «Concilium»,
    55/4 (2019), pp. 120-132
-   ANTON EMIL, Mission Impossible? Pope Benedict XVI and Interreligious Dialogue, in «Theological
    Studies», 78 (2017), pp. 879-904
-   ARIARAJAH S. WESLEY, The Challenge of Inter-faith Relations for the Christian Conference of Asia, in «The
    Ecumenical Review», 67 (2017), pp. 462-473
-   ARINZE FRANCIS, Interreligious Dialogue at the Service of Peace, in «Islamochristiana», 13 (1987), pp. 1-
-   AU CONNIE, Ecumenical and Inter-religious Engagement of Asian Pentecostals and Charismatics, in «The
    Ecumenical Review», 67 (2017), pp. 527-541
-   BALCOMBE SHERRY, Spiritualità delle popolazioni aborigene. Una testimonianza dall’Australia, in
    «Concilium», 55/4 (2019), pp. 27-32
-   BARA ADRIANA, Ecumenical Outreach and Interfaith Dialogue in Montreal, in «Journal of ecumenical
    studies», 55/2 (2020), pp. 150-155
-   BARTH HEINZ LOTHAR, Die areopagrede des heiligen Paulus: prototyhp des modernen interreligiösen Dialogs
    oder biblisches Zeugnis für die christliche Chrêsis?, in «Forum katholische Theologie», 34 (2018), pp.161-
-   BAYRAKDAR MEHMET, Religions and Tomorrow’s World, in «Islamochristiana», 25 (1999), pp. 1-16
-   BERGER JEFF, Religious Humanism and Interfaith Cooperation: A Tale of Two Congregations, in «Journal
    of Ecumenical Studies» 53 (2018), pp. 570-580
-   BONAIUTI RENZO, L’insegnamento religioso nella scuola tra confessionalità, multireligiosità, laicità, in
    «Vivens Homo», 14 (2003), pp. 95-121
-   BOTTA SERGIO, Da 'jongleurs' a sciamani. Appunti sull'assimilazione dell'alterità religiosa nel pensiero
    illuminista, in «Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento», 44/2 (2018), pp. 91-120
-   BREUL MARTIN, Ist Toleranz eine tugend im okumenischen und interreligiösen Dialog?, in «Theologie und
    Glaube», 109/2 (2019), pp. 85-102

                                Centro Studi per l’Ecumenismo in Italia
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                                        Dialogo interreligioso

-   BRODEUR PATRICE, Twenty-first Century Islamic Declarations on Interreligious Dialogue (2000-2020): An
    Interdisciplinary Analysis of their Collective Context, Production, and Reception, in «Islamochristiana», 46
    (2020), pp. 19-45
-   BYARUGABA GEORGE WILLIAM, Inter-religious Discourse on Climate Change: Roman Catholic and African
    Traditional Perspectives, in «The Ecumenical Review», 67 (2017), pp. 327-335
-   CANCELO GARÍA JOSÉ LUIS, Buscando el diálogo interreligioso, Burgos, Grupo Editorial Fonte, 2018
-   CASTILLO MORGA ALEJANDRO, Il progetto del Centro di arti e mestieri per i popoli originari del Messico, in
    «Concilium», 55/4 (2019), pp. 92-105
-   CEBALLOS LOEZA ATILIANO ALBERTO, La resistenza spirituale dei popoli oriundi, in «Concilium»,
    55/4 (2019), pp. 33-45
-   CHARFI ABDELMAJID, L’Islam et les religions non musulmanes: Quelques textes positifs (présentation), in
    «Islamochristiana», 3 (1977), pp. 39-40
-   CHIPANA QUISPE SOFÍA, La Bibbia nei processi andini di decolonizzazione e interculturalità, in
    «Concilium», 55/4 (2019), pp. 55-67
-   CLAMMER JOHN ROBERT, Dialogue through the Image. Asian Christian Art and Interreligious Discourses
    in Historical and Contemporary Asia, in «International Journal of Asian Christianity», 1 (2018), pp.
-   CLOONEY FRANCIS X., Learning Interreligiously: In the Text, in the World, Minneapolis (Mi), Fortress
    Press, 2018
-   DALLH MINLIB, Exploration in Mysticism and Religious Encounter: The Case of Charles de Foucauld (1858–
    1916), in «Downside Review», 138 (2020), pp. 133-142
-   DAY JOEL, Everyday Practices of Toleration: The Interfaith Foundations of Peace Accords in Sierra Leone, in
    «Politics and Religion», 14 (2021), pp. 54-82
-   DROLL ANNA M., Dreams and Visions as Welcoming Spaces for Interfaith Dialogue, in «Journal of
    Pentecostal Theology», 28 (2019), pp. 143-162
-   EVAN LONGHURST CHRISTOPHER, Interreligious Dialogue? Interfaith Relations? Or, Perhaps Some Other
    Term?, in «Journal of Ecumenical Studies», 55/1 (2020), pp. 117-124
-   FAHED ZIAD - DAOU ANNA MARIA, Interreligious Dialogue as a Gateway to the Sustainable Development
    Goals: A Lebanese Case Study, in «Journal of Ecumenical Studies», 56/1 (2021), pp. 24-54
-   FAHED ZIAD, Lebanon Models Interreligious Dialogue through the Feast of the Annunciation, in «Journal
    of Ecumenical Studies», 55/3 (2020), pp. 397-414
-   FARUQI ZIAUL HASAN, Chemins et moyens à prendre pour une entente et une réconciliation entre les religions,
    in «Islamochristiana», 6 (1980), pp. 11-18
-   FERLAN CLAUDIO, Cibo sacro. Questioni alimentari nella storia delle religioni, in «Annali dell’Istituto
    storico italo-germanico in Trento», 44/2 (2018), pp. 183-204
-   FITZGERALD MICHAEL L., Other Religions in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in «Islamochristiana»,
    19 (1993), pp. 29-41
-   FITZGERALD MICHAEL L., The Secretariat for the Non-Christians is Ten Years Old, in
    «Islamochristiana», 1 (1975), pp. 87-95
-   FITZGERALD MICHAEL L., Twenty-five Years of Dialogue: the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue,
    in «Islamochristiana», 15 (1989), pp. 109-120
-   GARCÍA RUIZ MÁXIMO, Espiritualidad y diálogo interreligioso, in «Diálogo ecuménico», 51 (2016), pp.

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                                       Dialogo interreligioso

-   GASPAR KARL M., Il caso della popolazione indigena di Bislig (Filippine), in «Concilium», 55/4 (2019),
    pp. 133-146
-   GÓMEZ CARLOS MIGUEL, El desafío de la verdad al diálogo interreligioso, in «Theologica Xaveriana»,
    44 (2018), p. 3
-   HANSJÖRG SCHMID, Interreligiöse Sozialethik Revisited. Dialog, Grundlagen, Perspektiven, in «Münchener
    Theologische Zeitschrift», 69 (2018), pp 180-192
-   HOWARD THOMAS ALBERT, “A Remarkable Gathering”: The Conference on Living Religions within the
    British Empire (1924) and Its Historical Significance, in «Journal of the American Academy of
    Religion», 86 (2018), pp. 126-157
-   HWANG KYUNG HOON, An ‘Enlightenment-centred’ Approach to Interreligious Dialogue. Centring on
    Cognitional Theories of Bernard Lonergan and Zen Master Chinul, in «International Journal of Asian
    Christianity», 2 (2019), pp. 147-174
-   IJAZ HELENE, Forty Years of Interfaith Experience in the Greater Toronto Area, in «Journal of ecumenical
    studies», 53 (2018), 2, pp. 183-200
-   ILIA DELIO, Teilhard de Chardin and World Religions, in «Journal of Ecumenical Studies», 54/3
    (2019), pp. 306-327
-   IRARRÁZAVAL DIEGO, Saperi autoctoni di rilevanza universale, in «Concilium», 55/4 (2019), pp. 147-
-   KHORCHIDE MOUHANAD, Wertepluralismus als eine (auch innerislamische) Herausforderung an das
    Zusammenleben der Muslime in einer religiös pluralen Gesellschaft, in «Münchener Theologische
    Zeitschrift», 69 (2018), pp. 151-166
-   KÖRNER FELIX, Teología interactiva. Cómo puede continuar el diálogo interreligioso, in «Proyección», 66
    (2019), pp. 399-404
-   KRATZ MAYS REBECCA, Reflections by Participants in the Study of the United States Institute on Religious
    Pluralism, in «Journal of Ecumenical Studies», 53 (2018), pp. 599-600
-   LADOUCEUR PAUL, Christian Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue: Convergences and Divergences, in
    «Journal of ecumenical studies», 55/2 (2020), pp. 167-189
-   LAFOND HARRY, Una visione Cree della Chiesa e la mia esperienza come cattolico Cree, in «Concilium»,
    55/4 (2019), pp. 68-76
-   LÓPEZ BAC ERNESTINA, L’“altare maya” come esperienza teologica e interreligiosa, in «Concilium», 55/4
    (2019), pp. 46-54
-   LUNDBERG MATTHEW D., Deception, Blinders, and the Truth: On Recognizing and Acknowledging Racism
    and Its Violence, in «Journal of ecumenical studies», 55 (2020), pp. 20-32
-   MAGESA LAURENTI, Guarire una Chiesa ferita in un continente ferito e modellare un cristianesimo africano
    del futuro, in «Concilium», 55/4 (2019), pp. 79-90
-   MALTE HAKEMANN JONATHAN SPANOS, Grenzen des Dialogs. Die Debatte um die Asylrelevanz von
    Folter in den 1980er Jahren zwischen juristischer Skepsis und protestantischem Engagement, in «Zeitschrift
    für evangelisches Kirchenrecht», 65 (2020), pp. 172-203
-   MARGHERI FILIPPO, Il rapporto tra le religioni e la salvezza dell’uomo in Nicola Cusano, in «Vivens
    Homo», 13 (2002), pp. 259-283
-   MARIA REY & TERRY REY, Religious Literacy and Medical Interpretation: Giving Meaning to Meaning in
    the Twenty-First-Century American Hospital, in «Journal of Ecumenical Studies», 54/3 (2019), pp. 299-

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                                        Dialogo interreligioso

-   MATABOSCH ANTONI, Características del diálogo interreligioso in «Diálogo ecuménico», 51 (2016), pp.
-   MERINO BEAS PATRICIO, El diálogo interreligioso impulsado por el Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano
    (CELAM), in «Veritas», 15 (2018), pp. 95-111
-   MÜCKL STEFAN, Religionsunterricht bikonfessionell, ökumenisch, multireligiös, in «Zeitschrift für
    evangelisches Kirchenrecht», 64 (2019), pp. 225-256
-   NAGLE JAMES MICHAEL, The Thinker and the Guide: A Conversation concerning Religious Disaffiliation
    from the Catholic Church, in «Journal of Ecumenical Studies», 54 (2019), pp. 328-351
-   PAUTZ CAROLYN RENÉE, Dancing at "the People's Beach": Spontaneous Dialogue in the New York Sands,
    in «Journal of Ecumenical Studies», 55/3 (2020), pp. 360-396
-   PIDEL AARON, Jerome Nadal’s Apologia for Interreligious Spiritual Exercises and its Contemporary
    Implications, in «Gregorianum», (2020), pp. 849-869
-   RIEGGER MANFRED, Interreligiöser Dialog im Angesicht von Heterogenität. Differenzhermeneutische
    Grundlegung und Perspektiven für religiöse Bildung, in «Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift», 69 (2018),
    pp. 218-240
-   RIPARELLI ENRICO, La teologia in dialogo con le culture e le religioni, in «Studia patavina», 62 (2015), pp.
-   RÖTTING MARTIN, Spiritualität als Navigation? Theologische Herausforderungen religiöser Suchbewegungen,
    in «Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift», 69 (2018), pp. 193-207
-   SANTAMARÍA DEL RÍO LUIS, El sectarismo de impronta cristiana en España (IV): grupos metafísicos y de
    sanación, in «Pastoral ecuménica», 37 (2020), pp. 87-104
-   SCHLABACH GERALD W., Christian Peace Theology and Nonviolence toward the Truth: Internal Critique
    amid Interfaith Dialogue, in «Journal of Ecumenical Studies», 53 (2018), pp. 541-569
-   SCHMIDT-LEUKEL PERRY, Eine fraktale Interpretation religiöser Vielfalt, in «Münchener Theologische
    Zeitschrift», 69 (2018), pp. 134-150
-   SIEBENROCK ROMAN A., „Suchet zuerst das Reich Gottes …“. Theologische Grundoptionen und pastorale
    Prinzipien der Katholischen Kirche im Dialog mit allen Menschen guten Willens, in «Münchener
    Theologische Zeitschrift», 69 (2018), pp. 113-133
-   SINGH DAVID EMMANUEL, Role of Religions in the Spread of COVID-19, in «Journal of ecumenical
    studies», 55/2 (2020), pp. 289-310
-   STANDAERT B., Il dialogo interreligioso. Presupposti biblici, teologici e spirituali, in «Vita Consacrata», 53
    (2017), pp. 74-86
-   STEEN-JOHNSEN TALE, A Social Capital Perspective on the Peace Work of Religious Women, in «Journal
    of Ecumenical Studies», 56/1 (2021), pp. 55-75
-   STEFANO MINIATI, Parola e amore. Il pensiero di Bonhoeffer e il dialogo tra le religioni, in «Vivens Homo»,
    16/2 (2005), pp. 313-327
-   SUESS PAULO - AGNALDO GOMES JOSÉ, La causa indigena come critica della “ragione coloniale”, in
    «Concilium», 55/4 (2019), pp. 106-118
-   TAMCKE MARTIN, Zur Situation der Christen im Nahen Osten, in «Münchener Theologische
    Zeitschrift», 69 (2018), pp. 208-217
-   TAN JONATHAN Y., Ecumenical and Inter-religious Contributions to Asian Liberation Theologies, in «The
    Ecumenical Review», 67 (2017), pp. 474-490
-   TATAY JAIME, L’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile e le religioni, in «La Civiltà Cattolica», 172/1
    (2021), pp. 105-117

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Bibliografica                                                       5
                                        Dialogo interreligioso

-   TSOMPANIDIS STYLIANOS - ZIAKA ANGELIKI, The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church and
    Interreligious Dialogue, in «The Ecumenical Review», 72 (2020), pp. 370-384
-   VERMANDER BENOÎT, Rituale o ritualismo? Lo spirito del confucianesimo, in «La Civiltà Cattolica»,
    171/3 (2020), pp. 471-480
-   VIGURI AXPE MIGUEL RAMÓN, El diálogo ciencias-humanidades como presupuesto para un diálogo
    interreligioso orientado a la resolución de problemas globales y complejos, in «Lumen», 65 (2016), pp. 153-162
-   VOGT MARKUS, Theologie des interreligiösen Dialogs. Einführung und Verortung, in «Münchener
    Theologische Zeitschrift», 69 (2018), pp. 97-112
-   WATERS MARK, Civic Engagement as an Avenue to Interreligious Cooperation in Religiously Diverse
    Communities, in «Journal of Ecumenical Studies», 53 (2018), pp. 407-420
-   WEYEL BIRGIT, Christian communities in the face of immigration. Interreligious pastoral care among
    immigrants, in «Salesianum», 81 (2019), pp. 216-232
-   ZINSMEISTER STEFAN - KARAKAYA ERDOĞAN, Islambezogene Themen in interreligiösen
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- BASSOUMBOUL ÉTIENNE-NOËL, The Notion of Discernment among the Traditional Religions/African
   Cultures, in For an Interreligious Discernment, pp. 95-114
- BERTALOT VALDO, Religioni in dialogo. Nota sullo stato del dialogo interreligioso, in «Colloquia
   Mediterranea», 1/2 (2011), pp. 63-68
- BONESSO ANDREA, Alle radici di Nostra aetate. «I vota» sul dialogo interreligioso nella Fase antepreparatoria
   del Concilio Vaticano II, in «Colloquia Mediterranea», 2 (2012), pp. 91-107
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   University Press, 2021
- MBAYA HENRY, Resistance to Anglican Missionary (UMCA) Activities in Southern Malawi in 1861, in
   «Exchange», 46 (2017), pp. 264–284
- MOULIN DANIEL, Tolstoy, Universalism and the World Religions , in «The Journal of Ecclesiastical
   History», 68 (2017), pp. 570-587
- NGUYEN THAO, The Vision of Asian Women for Interreligious Dialogue, in «Mission Studies», 35 (2018),
   pp. 412-430
- RÄSÄNEN ANTTI AND HELANDER EILA, Missionaries as Communicators of Foreign Cultures, in
   «Exchange», 46 (2017), pp. 285–305
- RIZZI GIOVANNI – BELLIA GIUSEPPE, Rediscovering a “Difficult” Task?, in For an Interreligious
   Discernment, pp. 27 – 94
- RIZZI GIOVANNI, For an Interreligious Discernment of Our Time, in For an Interreligious Discernment, pp.
- RIZZI GIOVANNI, Preface, in For an Interreligious Discernment, pp. 5-8
- SABETTA GAETANO, The Journey of Asian Christianities as Missio inter gentes, in For an Interreligious
   Discernment, pp. 115-186
- VUKIC NEVEN, The Russian Orthodox Church and Interreligious Dialogue, in «Exchange», 46 (2017),
   pp. 157–179

                                 Centro Studi per l’Ecumenismo in Italia
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